2014. 9: Summary and Conclusion Created by James on 4/28/2019 7:44:52 AM 9: Summary and Conclusion
Summary and Conclusion
Wrapping up the topic of marriage
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9: Summary and Conclusion
In reading this you may ask "so what". Others have said to me "let's just get on with preaching the Gospel and winning souls and avoid controversy", others argue that this is divisive. Friend, Jesus never avoided controversy, He never avoided division where the division resulted from those who would stand on falsehood and heresy.
Consider further the real impact and implications of the heresy of monogamy:
a. Millions, nay billions of souls who cannot accept that Jesus Christ is the Messiah because they know that the Torah (Jews) or Tawratt (Moslems) permits a man to have more than one wife and that Yahweh never changes.
b. Millions, if not billions of souls of other beliefs whose stable communities in which multiple marriage had been practised from the beginning, have rejected the Gospel on this one point or been torn apart by missionaries preaching the heresy of monogamy in the name of Jesus Christ. There are heart rending stories of people giving their lives to Christ and being told to put away all but their first wife.
c. Millions of others who have turned away from Jesus Christ when confronted with the hypocrisy of so-called Christians who tell them that if they have married more than one woman before conversion they can keep her but once they have converted they cannot marry more.
d. Hundreds of thousands if not millions of modern day western business executives and Government leaders throughout the world, including the current president of the United States, not to mention ordinary men, who have been pilloried and persecuted for having mistresses or affairs when clearly they have been created with the capacity to love and provide for more than one wife and clearly have the desire to do just that. How can we expect such people to accept that Jesus Christ is Lord if we lay such an incredible burden on them?
e. Millions of Christians who are unwittingly adulterers and adulteresses because they have been permitted to divorce or because they do not realize the marriage covenant is cut with a virgin and believe that it is issued by a priest or pastor in the name of God.
f. Millions of abortions as a result of men not supporting so-called "unmarried mothers". Surely from this reading book you will see that is a contradiction in terms. These are men who have abandoned their wives and thus left their unborn children to die. This is surely an extension of the sacrifices of children to Molech that scripture speaks so harshly against and is an abomination in the sight of God.
g. Millions of Christian women desperately seeking mature Christian husbands and not finding them and marrying out of the faith or inadvertedly becoming harlots.
h. Millions of missionaries, pastors, teachers, home cell leaders, etc, etc who will come before the judgment seat of Christ and discover that they have taught heresies, caused many to stumble and reject Christ or face a part in the second death and may find themselves with a part in the second death!
i. Millions of Christians in poverty or ill health with unanswered prayers because of ungodly one flesh bonds resulting in divided houses or because of sin resulting from these false doctrines.
No doubt there are other impacts. Today I challenge you to sleep peacefully at night if you choose to ignore what is written here. In fact, my prayer must be that you will not sleep peacefully again until you have committed to God the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ to do all taht you can to spread the word about these truths!
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