2019.02.01.Overcoming Sin Created by James on 4/28/2019 1:16:51 PM It IS possible to overcome sin and this article examines how this can be accomplished.
Radio Broadcast by James Robertson -- Radio www.w4cy.com every Friday at 7 pm UK time
Good day! The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You.
If you are an unbeliever, the Creator has said, "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with Me when they do not believe I exist?"
There is a lot of misunderstanding and wrong thinking about that. People don't seem to really believe, but they seem to expect they are going to spend Eternity in Heaven, particularly when they are praying after somebody has died. You need to be clear, that unless you have come to a Deep Personal understanding of the reality of the Creator in this life, you will not be spending Eternity in Heaven or at the most, you will be spending it in a very uncomfortable part of Heaven. If you are a believer, the Almighty has said, "Why would I want someone to be close to Me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great authority if they do not have a deep personal relationship with Me and have not proven to Me that they can be trusted?" So, I say to you as a believer, what are you doing to prove to the Almighty that you can be trusted? What are you doing to have a Deep Personal Relationship with Him? And this show will help you to get there.
Overcoming Sin – you cannot be a Friend without this
Tonight's topic is 'overcoming sin' and you certainly can't be a Friend of the Creator until you have overcome sin. Let's talk a little bit about the agenda for tonight's programme. We are going to talk about the reward for overcoming and possibly earning a Throne in Heaven, near Yahooshua, the One you may know as Jesus. We will talk a bit about the Ranks and the Kingdom of Heaven and ask where you are going. We will talk about the greatest miracle in the life of Yahooshua, the one commonly called Jesus, whose life was without a single sin. We will then look at the Commandments so that we know what sin is, and we will talk about seeking truth and not error. There is a large tendency for people to look for the faults in other people rather than to look for the truth that they have, that the other person lacks. And we will talk about judgement in this life, and how judgement in this life works.
So, by a way of introduction, who am I? My name is James Robertson. I have a PhD in Civil Engineering. I trained as an Engineer, practiced as an Engineer for a number of years, spent 25 years as a management consultant in IT, and for the last few years I have been the Chief Operating Officer of a small group of companies of a global headcount of about 120 people. Twenty-five years ago, I had an experience with the Almighty who spoke to me audibly and as clearly as you can hear me now, and from outside me in a way, that turned my life around. At that moment, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that He was real and I also knew instinctively that my life was a huge mess and that I got into that mess by following my own understanding. I was led back to Him through a business associate who was a strong believer and came to realize that it was possible to have a relationship with Him and grow close to Him. So, I spent the next 25 years seeking to do that. I have been at a point for about the last 17 or 18 years where I have been walking fairly closely with Him and hearing Him fairly clearly.
What is End Time Issue Ministries? It's a Ministry that I run on a part-time basis, my hobby, if you like, afterhours, evenings, weekends. It's a vehicle whereby I deliver my message through Internet publishing, mailing lists, websites, YouTube site, and now I am busy with physical books. This programme, 'The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You,' is to make people aware of the fact that it is possible for you, whoever you are, no matter what the colour of your skin, no matter what your race, no matter where you come from, no matter what language you speak, no matter how your life has been up to this moment, it is possible for you to have a Deep Personal Relationship with the Almighty Creator. You can look at my website www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org for more information.
Questions from last week's program
Some questions from last week's programme. The last programme I spoke about the Bible, so the question was "Is it just a book of stories that religions used to control people?" Now, the answer to that is yes and no. No, in the sense that it is really a book of stories or historical accounts of things that actually did happen and people who were real. So even the most extreme stories like Daniel in the Lion's Den, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the Fiery Furnace, Moses parting the Red Sea, things like that, Noah and the Flood, are all absolutely accurately reported in the Bible, and they are true. There is a problem where the English translations of the Bible are not particularly accurate. There are a lot of religious words that have been used that are actually grossly inaccurate with the result that a lot of people misunderstand the Bible. So, when I say yes, it is used by religions to control people, in the broad sense, religion is a manifestation of Satanic interference in the human realm, the corruption of belief and so the Satanic forces, the Demonic forces have caused the translations to be corrupt. They have caused different groups of people to learn different truths and take on different errors, compete with each other, fight with each other and criticize each other. In that sense, the Bible is the source of great division and misunderstanding because it is not the manual that some people make it out to be.
Next question, "How is it that Satan seems to be more in control?" Well, Satan really is in control, or the Satanic and Demonic forces are in control because Adam gave them control. I have discussed this in quite a lot of detail in the second programme of the series.
"Am I a prophet?" Well, the question is are you a Prophet? Yes, I am a Prophet, but Prophet is a meaningless word. I am a Spokesman of the Almighty. I listen to Him and I report what I hear, and I write what I hear.
"Does your family understand what you've studied?" Sadly no. I've had various people in my life who have at some level understood what I was teaching, but no one has got to a point where they fully understand what I'm teaching. I lost my children through a brutal divorce shortly after I started really walking closely with the Almighty. And so they have had very little impact from what I have studied.
The last question is "Wait, you are not talking about yourself in this?" Well, no, I'm not talking about myself in this. I do mention my experience from time to time, but fundamentally this is about what you can do in your life based on what I have learnt.
Repeated from last week. Bible Versions Worth Reading – on Amazon
I want to repeat from last week, I had feedback which indicated that I went over the Bible versions too quickly. There are a number of Bible versions that, if you are going to read the Bible, I would recommend that you read. They are all available on Amazon.
There is the King James Bible which is one of the earliest English translations. It's a very useful early translation that is less prone to the doctrinal errors in translation that corrupt many later translations.
The Amplified Bible, published by Zondervan is an inspired translation with Amplification that makes the richer underlying language more visible. It's probably the best translation if you are only going to read the Bible once or reading it for the first time.
Then the Scriptures by the Institute of Scripture Research is the first choice in my book, but it's heavy going the first time you read it because of a number of Hebraic English words, possibly a bit overdone in places. If you find the words and if you don't know the Bible reasonably well, it won't make a lot of sense to you, so probably not the first Bible to read.
Then the Living Torah and its associated volumes of the Jewish Bible by Aryeh Kaplan, the so-called Old Testament. It's good if you want to study deeper and get in more in touch with the Hebrew or Jewish roots of belief in the Almighty.
An end note - there are numerous translations that are toxically dangerous Spiritually, so you need to be quite careful about what you read. To recap, the King James Bible is widely available. The Amplified Bible by Zondervan is available on Amazon. The Scriptures by the Institute of Scripture Research is on Amazon and the Scriptures and the Living Torah by Aryeh Kaplan, also on Amazon. I hope that you will be impressed to get hold of at least one or two of these and start reading them. I would recommend the Amplified as a starting point.
The Reward for Overcoming – 7 Promises
There is a reward for overcoming and there are seven promises. We read in Revelation 3:21, "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me on My Throne, even as I also overcame, and I set down with My Father on His Throne." Have you realised that it is possible for you to overcome and sit on a Throne in Heaven for Eternity? It really is. What are you doing to reach this goal? Frankly, I'm guessing probably not really much. You might want to re-examine your priorities in this life. This radio programme and my website are about helping people to achieve the goal of becoming an overcomer. It lies within the reach of all people once they have come to a place of belief. Fundamentally overcoming is about overcoming sin and overcoming the temptations in the wrong things in this life.
Overcoming in Revelation
References to overcoming in the book of Revelation refer to the Tree of Life, which is accounted to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Tee of Life is what gives you Eternal Life. So if you overcome, you will be given the Tree of Life. You will not be hurt by the second death. If you do not overcome sin, you will spend time in Hell where you will be tormented. If you overcome, you will not be hurt by the second death, by time in Hell.
You will receive hidden manna, a white stone, and a new name. The white stone speaks of being found free of sin and free of guilt, guilt-less.
You will be given power over the nations, a lot of authority and the Morning Star. In other words, you will have great power and authority in Heaven, which I touched on earlier regarding sitting on a Throne. You will be given a white stone, garments, and your name will be written in the Book of Life. Again, speaking of purity and Eternal Life, you will be esteemed, and you will not be blotted out and cast into the Lake of Fire to be utterly destroyed. You will be a pillar in the Temple of Yah, the Temple of the Almighty. In other words, somebody that He can rely on, and you will sit on a Throne for Eternity and rule, remembering that a Throne is a judgement seat and a position of rulership. Would you like these benefits at the end of your life? I certainly would and I encourage you, wherever you are now, to make up your mind to go for this all out.
Ranks in the Kingdom of Yah – see the Cover to the Program
I have mentioned before in previous programmes, there are ranks in the Kingdom of Yah and the Kingdom of the Almighty. They are set out on the cover to the programme at www.w4cy.com if you look on the website. I am going to give you the demographics as they were given to me on December 25, 2015. The counts are at that date. Mostly the numbers of believers have decreased since then, but I will give you the details now. So, there are some positive ranks. A Friend qualifies for the highest Thrones. At the time that these statistics were recorded there was only one Friend. There are now two, and it's my goal to significantly increase this number by encouraging people, including you to seek to become a Friend.
There were about 20 overcomers who qualify to sit on Thrones and we have heard what the requirements are to be an overcomer, although many of the overcomers have still got a lot of sin and error and have not fully overcome
Then Good and Faithful Servants of the order, of 5000 people who are really close to Father but still have a way to go and then finally, wise Stewards, there are about 200,000 of those.
These are the positive ranks, the ranks of people who are going to be welcomed into Heaven by the Almighty. Then there are some negative ranks. There are the adulterous Wives. There are about 500,000 of them, mainly charismatic Christians who are filled with the Spirit of the Almighty, but are worshipping other gods, specifically worshipping Jesus and worshipping the book, or the Bible.
The foolish virgins of the order of about 2 million, many in traditional religious establishments in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. They have not been filled with the Spirit of the Almighty. Some of them believe that that is the Old Testament or it's passed away and not available, so they don't pray the prayers and they don’t get filled with the Spirit.
Then the outer darkness, by far the majority of people who are going to Heaven, are about 20 million in this generation, many who went to Church a few times and sort of believed. They paid no attention to their Creator in this life, so He will disregard them for Eternity. The outer darkness is very black, cold, lonely and very unpleasant. You really don’t want to end up there. In fact, you don’t want to be amongst any of the negative ranks. You want to make it to the positive ranks.
Then, the unbelievers who are not part of the Kingdom, they are believing unbelievers. There are about 100 million of those. Most of the formal religious groupings most of them are not true believers. They believe at some level or they believe in the Bible or whatever, but they have never reached a point of deep belief that the Almighty exists, such that they have crossed over from darkness into light.
Then, there are about another 22.7 million serving Satan actively, their ranks comparable to those above for the Kingdom. The high ranks were taken by the Demonic masterminds before the flood and they rule on behalf of Satan, and they mastermind all the attacks and everything that is going on in the world today that is evil. If you are a believer who is fairly close to the Almighty, the Demonic masterminds may be taking a personal interest in trying to contain you or destroy you. And then there are outright unbelievers, basically the balance of the world's population, about 7.1 billion people.
There are a lot who believe in Jesus which does not help them. The greatest miracle that Yahooshua performed was that he lived life without a single sin. It's not reported directly and it's one of the weaknesses of the Bible. There is a lot of really important information that is not available in the Bible. Yahooshua specifically said that He is now the most powerful Created Being in the Universe. So many people get irate about the so-called Jews killing Jesus and so forth, and killing their God, and it's really not true – he came to die that way.
Yahooshua’s Greatest Miracle ‑ Life Without Sin
If Yahooshua had not died the way He did and He knew that if He had lived without sin, He would achieve the highest rank possible in the Kingdom for Eternity. He therefore became the most powerful created Being in the universe. So, it's important to realise that life without sin is extremely powerful. So Yahooshua's greatest miracle was a life without sin. He was conceived of a pure virgin, so there were no bloodline curses and no Demons. Miriam, His mother, not Mary, was one of very few eligible women at that time. So, time was running out for Yahooshua to come. Yahooshua came about as a creative miracle, a Human Being, He came about as a creative miracle based on human ovum, a miracle less extreme than the creation of Adam. He was without sin in order to have authority on Earth.
He grew up without sin, even debating with the elders in the Temple without sinning. He was challenged by Satan in the wilderness without sinning. He lived as a highly Anointed emissary, Apostle, Spokesman, prophet for 3-1/2 years without sinning. He repeatedly provoked the Priests and others to call for His death and He did that without sinning. He was tortured and died a horrendous and tormented death also without sinning. So, death had no place for Him and He was instantly resurrected and was awarded the highest Throne possible for His achievement of living without sin, and at no time bowing beneath Satan, submitting to Satan, thus he did not allow Satan to have mastery over him through sin and error. You can earn a high Throne by choosing to live the rest of your life without sin and doing all that is required.
To Overcome Sin you must Know what it is
To overcome sin, you must know what sin is. If you do not know what sin is, you cannot overcome it. Very few people today really know the true definition of sin and the major categories set up by it. The teaching of formalised religion in all three major religions is at a material level corrupt. The result is that virtually all believers on Earth today will be found guilty of major sin and when they die, they will spend a considerable amount of time in Hell, a place of correction of unrepented sin. There is going to be a situation when the vast majority of believers come before the judgement seat, expecting to be rewarded and are instead told that they had major sin and that they are going to spend a considerable amount of time in Hell and the Pastor and the Imam and the Rabbi will be subject to a much harsher judgement because they lead people into error when they had access to the books, etc., that would have allowed them to be free of error.
The Ten “Words” (Commandments) give the headline definition of sin
How do we understand sin? Well, the Ten Commandments or the “Ten Words” as they are referred to in Hebrew give the headline, ‘definition of sin’. In the context of the Ten Commandments, it's important to understand that they were spoken audibly to millions by the Almighty at Mount Sinai during the Exodus from Egypt. Nothing is more important. Think about it. Millions of people saw the judgements on Egypt. They trekked through the wilderness, they saw the Red Sea part in front of them, they went through on dry land, they saw the sea close over the Egyptian with the corpses floating in the sea, the debris washing ashore. And then they came to this mountain. The Almighty came down on the mountain and spoke to them and gave them the Ten Words or the Ten Commandments. It's important to realize that the Ten Commandments in Hebrew are Ten Words, so when we find Bible verses refer to the Word of the Almighty or the Word of God, they are actually referring to the Commandments. In Ephesians where it says that the Word is the sword of the Spirit. It is referring to the Ten Commandments.
View all the Commandments like a sharp two-edged sword dividing between truth and error. You need to understand the Commandments, you need to know the Commandments, you need to apply the Commandments in their pure form. The Commandments were written in stone by the Hand of the Almighty, they have never changed. You need to understand that. They are not going to change no matter what you believe or what you do. They were collectively summarized by Yahooshua as “love Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, your Almighty one, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength”. If you do that there is no room left to love Yahooshua as done by so many people. And you cannot become a Friend unless you keep all of the Ten Commandments all of the time and repent quickly if you do slip.
The Ten Commandments
The first four of the Ten Commandments really deal with loving the Almighty, loving Yah.
The first Commandment, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing is one Mighty One. You shall have no other Mighty One. There are other mighty ones, but you are not to worship them, you are not to put them before Yah, you are not to put them at the same level as Yah and you certainly cannot say that they are Yah. Jesus is not the Almighty. He is not Yah. And if you call Him Yahooshua already, He is also not the Almighty's name. Yahooshua is not Yah. They are two distinct separate Beings. Not Christ. Christ is, as explained in previous programmes, an inaccurate English word which does not reflect Anointing ,which is what it refers to in the translation.
It's certainly not an alternative name for Jesus and Christ is not God. Christ is not the Almighty. The Anointing of the Spirit of the Almighty on Yahooshua is The Almighty. By the same token, it's not Messiah, it's not Muhammad, it's not Moses. No Human Being is to be put on the same rank as the Almighty. You should not worship anyone except Yah. No idols, not the Bible, so in last week's lesson the Bible is not the living Word of God without error, the same significant error. It's used for reference. It contains a lot of useful historical account. That's where it stops. Not crucifixes, the cross is a Pagan Demonic symbol, and anyway you should not be wearing the crucifixes or crosses, or any symbol, or fish on your car or whatever.
You should not worship your car, you should not worship your spouse. The Third Commandment, "Do not take the name of Yah, the Eternally Self-Existing in vain." That means that since the name of the Almighty is Yah or Yahooeh, you should not have a Yahoo.com group email address. If you do, you need to get rid of it. Germans use Jahwohl which is a corruption of Yah, Afrikaners use ja for yes. Those are all blasphemous names. Blasphemy is to take the name of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing in vain.
Remember the Sabbath is seventh day and keep it set apart with the seven main Sabbath. So the seventh day is the last day of the week and up until recently most calendars showed Saturday as clearly being the last day. It has always been Saturday and it's never changed. Seven main high Sabbaths are Passover, Pentecost, Feast of Tabernacles.
Love your neighbour as yourself.
Honour thy Father and thy Mother. It includes do not curse them.
Do not kill, including do not perform abortion, do not use abortive contraceptives, do not support abortion. Abortive contraceptives are a tough one. There are both medication and devices that cause the fertilized egg to abort, which is murder.
Do not commit adultery. Sex with a Woman who has had sex with another Man is adultery, unless she is properly divorced. More than one woman may covenant with the same man. It's important to know that. Men who want to do it can do it, if you don’t want to do it, only have sex with one partner.
Do not steal. That includes taking tithes and offering if the old ministry is not entirely free of sin and there are pretty few that are free of error. This also includes winning business by lying and so forth. I can't stress the tithes and offerings more. There are believers who are in financial difficulty because they are giving a portion of their money to corrupt ministries. Whether they are Christian, whether they are Muslim, whether they are Jewish, if you are giving your money to a corrupt ministry, your finances will be corrupt. And there are virtually no ministries on Earth today that are free of sin.
Do not bare false witness, do not lie, includes false teachings, includes false testimony. Much of what Bible schools teach are wrong and some are outright lies.
Do not covet or lust, much in the way people respond to advertising our society encourages covetousness.
Error – Seek Truth
Let's talk about error. I want to stress the point that you should seek truth. The world is full of error. The Church, the Synagogue, the Mosque – they are full of error. Error results in sin. If you are to overcome, you must also overcome error. You cannot be a Friend of the Almighty if you are not striving to live above error, as well as living free of sin.
There is a fundamental principle. Seek truth and not error. Most people, when they meet somebody, they immediately spot something that they don't agree with and the next thing you know they are not talking to them, or they are cutting ties with them. The fact of the matter is, folks, that pretty much everybody on this Planet right now has got a hang of a lot of error, and probably not a lot of truth and a lot of what they think is truth, is in fact error. This is certainly true of most committed believers. The unbelievers probably don't worry so much about most of these things. That is probably less of an issue there. I would recommend that you pray regularly and by that, I mean daily. "Father lead me into all truth by Your Spirit."
Pray also "Father, please show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it." Listen, be observant and sensitive and course correct instantly. It's really important with these prayers to know that this is not a matter of praying them once, and it's going to be effective for the rest of your life. You are fighting a battle against the Forces of Darkness which are constantly coming against you. You need to keep praying. You need to keep talking to the Almighty about this. You need to keep listening, you need to keep correcting, you need to go on fasts.
One document that I will refer to at the end of this presentation, will talk to you about the types of fasts that you should undertake. If you want to get into truth and not error, it's going to take you years. You are going to have to be serious about it, you are going to have to really pray. If you are really serious, pray regularly. "Father judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve You more perfectly." He is merciful. He will not judge you more harshly than you can bear. It may be catastrophic and painful. On two occasions I have ruptured teeth with agonising misery for several days on both occasions. I had a couple of small car accidents and other things go wrong. But it's far better to have those judgements and correct your sin and correct your error than to go through life with them and then find yourself before the judgement seat being rejected as one who is full of sin.
Watch constantly for signs of guidance. Pray "Father, please lead me by Your Spirit every second of every day. Father, please teach me to be sensitive to the leading of Your Spirit and to be obedient to the leading of Your Spirit." There is much more that you can pray in the documents I mention at the end of this, giving you a lot of information. There is a lot on the website, a huge amount.
Judgment in THIS life
Looking at judgement in this life, very few believers are aware they will be judged when they die. If they are, they think things are going to go very nicely, and they are all going to be very happy and they think that Jesus died so that they didn’t have to go into any sort of pain. The fact of the matter is that Yahooshua died a terrible and agonizing death to make a way for us to repent of our sin. If we fail to avail ourselves of this sacrifice, we will pay a terrible and agonizing price in Hell commensurate with our sin.
I encourage you to regularly rehearse the covenant, take the bread and wine or communion, if you will, and remember that true repentance involves a turning away from sin that you have repented of. In other words, stop doing it. Some people think that they can just say sorry and carry on, lie again and do these things. Repentance means you get a realisation that this is going to send you to Hell and you turn around and you stop doing whatever it is. You ask Father to help you if it's an addiction or whatever that you are battling with. Turn to him, work at it, and keep working at it until you break it. You cannot be a Friend of Yah unless you really tackle sin. Get on and overcome it.
Judgment in this life -- YAHOOSHUA ushered in a NEW Covenant
It's important to recognise that Yahooshua ushered in a new covenant. Matthew 26:26, "While they were eating, Yahooshua took bread, and when He had given thanks, He broke it and gave it to His Disciples, saying, 'Take and eat; this is My Body.'" You should pray "Father, as we partake of this bread, we pray that we partake in all that it represents."
Matthew 26:27, "And He (Yahooshua) took the cup, be it wine or red grape juice, gave it to them saying, 'Drink from it, all of you. This is My Blood of the new covenant, which is shed for you, for many, for the remission of sin." You should pray, "Father, as we partake of this cup, we pray that we partake in all that it represents to You. And that we walk in the fullness of the covenant. We ask You to forgive us all that we have done that we should not have done, and all that we have not done we should have done. And that You bring to our remembrance all that we need to confess and repent."
You should do this regularly. Some people do it daily. This is very powerful no matter what you have done wrong. Then you can also pray in this specific case, if you have done something. If you realise that you have lied to somebody, pray, "Father, in the name of Yahooshua I realise that I have just lied to so and so and I ask You to forgive me." Pray in the name of Yahooshua, ask for forgiveness and preferably take bread and wine. You need to go and apologize to the person you have lied to. You can't just repent of lying and do nothing about it. Father expects you to go to them and say, "I am terribly sorry, I need to admit that I lied to you."
If you have stolen something, you need to give it back, and you may need to give it back multiple times. If it’s money and you are not able to give it back, and you have spent it, well then you may have to take some time earning money to repay. You need to be clear about cleaning up the lie. The covenant of Yahooshua provides you the way to do that.
Looking again at judgement in this life, it's important to understand that the Almighty sits on a Throne, the judgement seat. People use the word Throne without realising that a Throne is a judgment seat. Read Job, chapter 1 and 2 to get an idea of what's that all about. Yahooshua is our Advocate who pleads for mitigation of sentence. 1 John, chapter 2 verse 1, "My little children, these things I write unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Yahooshua the anointed of Yah, Jesus Christ, the righteous." So, if you sin, Yahooshua will represent you in court. But if you are a mature believer, there is very little grace for sin. Note that the emphasis of that verse is 'that ye sin not.' Do not sin. Many believers today will tell you it's not possible to live a life without sin. If you want to be close to Father, you have to get to a point where you are free of sin and you need to get to a level where He is going to welcome you to Heaven.
Then Satan and his servants bring the charges, Revelation 12:10, "The accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before the Almighty day and night." So, Satan, the Demonic masterminds, Satan's senior cohorts, Messengers {Angels}, bring charges before the Throne of Heaven day and night relating to believers. It's important to understand that if you are a committed believer, the Satanic forces will constantly seek ways to bring charges against you to destroy you. So, you’d better get free of sin or else you will have constant problems. Disease, accidents, lack of finance, strife, etc. Nothing can go wrong in the life of a believer unless there is sin in their lives. So, if you have any of those diseases, accidents, lack of finance, strife, realize there is sin in your life, if you are a believer, Father wants you to prosper and be in health but it's your sin that's getting in the way. It's your sin that's causing lack. If you want to prosper as a believer, you need to deal with your sin.
Grace Withdrawn for Diverse Sin and Error on May 3, 2003
It's important to recognize that the grace for sin and error was withdrawn on the May 3, 2003, when Satan was cast into the Abyss or Pit. Revelation 20, "And I saw an Angel coming down out of Heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the Dragon, that ancient Serpent, who is the Devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years and threw him into the Abyss and locked and sealed it over him to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be set free for a short time”. For this to happen all the grace that has been extended up to that point for errors such as worship of the Bible, worship of Jesus, the wrong names, etc., had to be withdrawn. We now operate under a completely new dispensation where there is no grace for error. And that took place on May 3, 2003.
How Judgment in this life works
How does judgement in this life work? Every Human Being has a guardian Messenger that reports their life story in a book, but may subject to appropriate prayers, be able to save them. I have had a car go off the road, called out to Father for deliverance. Angels held the car and stopped it from rolling down the slope.
The moment a person comes to belief the Satanic forces are permitted to allocate a Satanic Messenger, or an Angel to watch over them to try and lead them into sin, to bring ancestor Spirits or Demons to sit on them to record sin and report that sin to higher echelons, so that charges can be brought in the Court of Heaven. So, the more you are trying to serve the Father, the more energetically the Forces of Darkness will watch for your every slip. There can be more than one Messenger, but there is one Messenger that has a legal right, Satanic messenger that has a legal right to watch out what you are doing and try and trip you up and there is nothing you can do to get rid of that messenger.
All you can do is live a life where they have no hold over you, where they have no legal right to attack you. The same with Demons. You cannot have Demons if you are free of sin. Once you are free of sin, you can get rid of all the Demons. They lose their legal right to be there. Once a judgement is obtained in the Court of Heaven, the Demons and Satanic Messengers are assigned to give effect to the sentence. Sometimes Yah may also play a role. If you are a believer, He will ask for judgement. So, Yah made Satan aware of the fact that Job had sinned and that resulted in Job losing everything including his health. The only thing he didn’t lose was his life.
Overcoming Sin
So to recap, we have been looking at overcoming sin. The reward for overcoming is a Throne in Heaven. Folks, I can't stress that enough. There is a huge opportunity. There are so few people today serving Father, but if you really decide to go for it, you can very quickly progress in the Kingdom of Heaven and you can come to a place where you are a Friend, and come to a place where you hear Him clearly and come to a place where He talks to you constantly. You can come to a place where you are having a Spiritual impact. It's a powerful place to be. If you do that at the end of your life and if you can keep it up throughout your life, you will sit on a high Throne for Eternity with great splendour, with great glory, with great authority, with great power, not as much as Yahooshua has, but you can get close to Him if you are really, really diligent in this life. We looked at the ranks in the Kingdom of Heaven and asked, where are you going? We looked at the greatest miracle that Yahooshua effectively lived a life without sin. I can't stress this enough. There is no magic about Yahooshua. There is a range of legal Spiritual Court of Heaven, legal specifics that enabled Him to do what He did. Those are available to you. He said that when he died and went to Heaven, we will be able to do greater works than he did.
We looked at the Commandments so that we know what sin is. We talked about truth and error and seek truth, not error. We looked at judgement in this life, and how that works. If you don't understand why things are going wrong in your life, you won't be able to fix it. And really, really you need to do this. You start getting serious about asking questions, why are you lacking, why are you ill, why you are having accidents, etc.
Four Key Documents
So, I would like to commend to you four key documents off the website. There is an article called 'The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You.' That is about a 16-page article. It covers a lot of the basic principles.
There is a document that I have referred to several times in this talk, 'Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator.' It’s really, really important. It’s about 70 pages, a manual for drawing close to the Almighty, the prayers, the rituals, so much to help you get closer to Him. It may take you several years, but if you get that document and items, start reading it and applying it, you will progressively get closer to Him and eventually you will get to be a Friend. Obviously, you need to look at the other teachings on the website and listen to these teachings, etc.
The next article is 'The Creator's name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.' It's important to understand fully what the Creator's name is and how that reflects in the history of mankind.
Where will you spend Eternity? What is required in order to sit on a high Throne for Eternity? It's important to read that and apply it. All of this is available at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org. Behind the Home Menu tab you will find these four articles.
There are books of teachings and there is a mailing list. Email me at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org. Visit the website and click on the 'Seek Truth' tab, the 'Commandments' tab, the 'Hell' tab, the 'Judgement in this Life' tab. There is much more on the website that will help you to come to a place of living without sin.
So, to close, thank you for listening. Please send me your questions on the www.W4CY.com webpage. I will answer them next week. Please email me to join the mailing list. I am compiling a collection of my writings. Email me if you would like to obtain a copy. The first volume is the most important writings including those just listed and I hope to have that in print within a couple of months. I hope to connect with you again next week when we will more deeply explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
At the end of the day, I cannot stress enough, it doesn't matter who you are, what you are, what your skin colour is, what your race is, what your heritage is or what your religion is. Whatever it is that people use to put you down, differentiate you, prejudice you, discriminate against you or reject you, it doesn't matter.
What the Almighty is looking for is people who will make the sacrifices and do the work that we have been talking about as well as all the other things to get close to Him. You can do that. You can do that, starting right now. You don't need any other Human Being to help you. If you want help, the articles that I have just referred to will help you do that. I'm available to help you. The website has got about 700 pages of writings. There are numerous articles in the articles database. You can find pretty much all you need to answer your questions and become a Friend, starting now.
James Robertson
16 November 2018

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