2019.03.01 Worship is Making Love to Father Created by James on 5/1/2019 7:48:20 AM This article stresses the importance of Worship and that Worship is a way of expressing our love to Father Yah and is therefore a critical component in drawing close to Father.
2019.03.01 Worship is Making Love to Father
Radio Broadcast by James Robertson on W4CY Radio every Friday at 7 pm UK time
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!
The Creator has said, "Why would I want someone to spend eternity with me when they do not believe I exist?" If you do not believe, you might ask yourself why you think you are going to end up in Heaven, which is where the Almighty lives if you don’t believe that He exists?
He has also said to believers, "Why would I want someone to be close to Me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great authority, if they do not have a Deep Personal Relationship with Me and have not proven to Me that they can be trusted?" Again, as a believer, think about it. Why should you expect to sit on a throne if you have not actively sought to qualify to sit on a throne in this life?
Today we are going to speak about worship. The Creator has said, "Worship relies on the right attitude and appropriate words with anointed music." So, that's what we are going to talk about today.
An outline of today's broadcast, we are going to talk about worship as making love to Father. We will talk about worship as your constant practice. We will discuss the fact that the anointing increases dramatically when you worship for a longer duration. We will look at some word substitutions that are necessary with most of the worship songs that are available. We will talk about flowing with the words and the anointing.
We will do this in the context of my personal collection of worship songs which is available on my website at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org, behind the Home Tab in the top left-hand corner of the Menu ‑ Recommended Worship. And we will conclude with the observation that a Friend worships at every possible opportunity, and I would really draw your attention to the fact that the fundamental objective of this programme is to seek people who want to become Friends of the Almighty.
By way of introduction, who am I? I have spent the last 25 years actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty after a dramatic experience in 1993, when He spoke to me audibly and I knew at that moment with absolute certainty that He existed and was real. I also realised very quickly that my life was a mess and that my intellect had got me into that mess, and that I needed to change dramatically if I was to have any standing with Him.
What I have to share with you today is the culmination of the seeking over the last 25 years. I am sharing it in the hope that you can learn from me and you too can draw close to Him.
What is End Time Issue Ministries? It is my Ministry, the organizational mechanism that I use for delivering my message through Internet publishing. We have a number of email lists, which you are welcome to join; details later. We have this Radio Show. We have a big website, and we are now in the process of producing physical books with a lot of my teachings.
This programme, 'The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You', is oriented to contacting people who want to draw close to the Almighty and helping them to draw close to Him.
You can look at the website that I have just mentioned, www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org, for more information, and you can email me at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org, if you want to contact me for more information or ministry and counselling.
Questions from Last Week's Programme
Some questions from last week's programme.
"How do you know if there is a Higher Power?" Easy for me. He spoke to me audibly in 1993 as clearly as you can hear me speaking now. I have had numerous other supernatural experiences with Him over the last 25 years, such that I know with utter certainty that He exists. I have had numerous prayers answered. I hear Him speak to me quite clearly. I know He is there, and I know that the whole creation and everything around us evidences that He is there.
"Who do we sit before in judgement in the afterlife?" Well, we sit before the Almighty in judgement in the afterlife. So, when you die you are judged by the Almighty based on the record of your life and that determines where you spend eternity.
Next question, "So is there a do it over, where you get sent back to the living and have to try to get it right?" Yes, there is. It is possible to ask to be sent back if you get before the throne and realise that you have really messed up and you want to come back and try and do better second time around. You can ask to be sent back and you will be sent back. This is commonly called reincarnation and it is entirely possible. I think it is very difficult to do. My own view is, get it right first time. This life is difficult enough without coming back a second time. But certainly, I know somebody who has come back and who knows others who have come back, so it is absolutely possible.
The challenge is that you forget pretty much all that you learnt in the first life. So, you’ve got to start off from almost base zero, not quite base zero, second time around. I am certainly aiming not to come back.
"Does anyone answer directly to Satan?" Absolutely. There is a whole army of Satanists, Satan's servants, people who are actively and intensely serving Satan, who answer directly to Satan and to his Demonic masterminds. They communicate just as clearly with the Satanic realm as strong believers communicate with the Almighty, and probably even more so in the current age.
"Are you saying that people can pray for destruction?" I mentioned in the last programme that on an occasion I prayed for the Almighty to return curses and people had died. That is not a prayer to pray if you are still in sin. It is not a prayer to pray if you are not in right standing. It is not a prayer to pray recklessly. If you are not in right standing and you pray recklessly, you are asking for a lot of trouble. That could come back and hit you very hard because the people that you are praying against will have authority, because you have sin, so I need to add, if you really know that Father is willing to answer that prayer. I pray fairly regularly on the basis that it keeps the Satan's servants at bay and keeps them from cursing me too much.
Worship is Making Love to Father
So, tonight's topic is 'Worship is Making Love to Father.' The worship of our Almighty Father in Heaven is a vital component of drawing close to Him. It is not possible to draw close to Him without worship. If you are determined to draw close to Father, I encourage you to worship daily, to listen to worship music wherever you can, including having it playing in the background at home, in your car, and at every other possible opportunity. How you go about this, and to what extent you follow my counsel is between you and Father and relates to you crafting your relationship with Him uniquely as He leads you and you allow Him to lead you and are obedient to His leading.
There is no one-size-fits-all form of worship. Worship, as I said at the beginning, as Father has said, is the heart attitude. It is about coming to Father because you love Him deeply and telling Him how much you love Him, asking Him to help you, to change you, to mould you, to be the person He wants you to be.
There are a lot of worship songs out there that are inappropriate, and I will talk about that a bit later. And I have come to a point where there are not many that I regard as suitable. So, worship is making love to Father. It is drawing close to him, giving Him your undivided attention and if you really go for it, He will pour out His Spirit on you and fill you more and more so that you draw closer and closer to Him.
You should commence worshipping from the day you choose to draw close to Him. It is important to understand that Father wants you to come to Him as pure as possible. Yes, He will meet you where He finds you, but it is difficult for Him to allow you really close to Him when you are crawling with Demons full of bitterness and resentment, surrounded by Satanic artefacts and stolen goods, confused with massive error and deception, and generally far from where He would like you to be. Read the article 'Steven Steps in Growing Close to Yah,' which is referenced at the end of this talk, for guidance on cleansing yourself so that you come to Father in pure worship and pure love making as soon as possible and make your worship as pleasing to Him as possible.
Think of it as the bride bathing and donning a pure white wedding dress! I used the metaphor of making love very consciously and very intentionally. There is a passage in Ephesians which draws the parallel to the anointing of the Spirit of the Almighty, with the verse in Genesis which refers to, a man shall leave his mother and father and cleave, cut into his woman, wife, and the two shall become one flesh. In the same way, as we worship Father, as we invite Him to bring His Set Apart Spirit, Qodesh Spirit, you would know perhaps as “Holy Spirit” into us so that we get more filled with His Spirit in the same way that in a marriage as man and woman make love, more and more of the man's spirit flows into the woman, and they become more and more united, closer and closer. So, I would really encourage you to see worship as a deep form of lovemaking to father and I do not mean that in a crass, carnal way.
The Challenge – Corrupt Teachings and Thinking
There is a great challenge in all of this, and that is the corrupt teachings and thinking of the present age. Most of the worship songs available worship Jesus at some level. Those that do not worship Jesus worship God and the Lord, and most have words that are trite or meaningless. There is a song 'Jesus do You know how much I love You.' It has got a very catchy tune and sung with gusto in many assemblies. I wonder if you have any idea how offensive those words 'Jesus do You know how much I love You' are to Father Yah? Firstly, praise has been given to a human being, which is gross sin. Secondly, the name used is pagan and derived from Zeus and relates to one of the highest levels of Demonic Masterminds on Earth. And thirdly, if the worship is actually directed at Father Yah, He knows much better than we do, how much we love Him. And I would stress that a key measure of our love is our obedience to His Commandments.
So, singing the song evidences that you do not love Him enough to clean up your act. You may say to me, “but I have always worshipped in the name of Jesus and I have had dramatic experiences”. That may be so. However, in May 2003, there was a dramatic change. Satan was brought before the Court of Heaven. The charges against him for his sins against humanity were read out, and a sentence of 1,000 years in The Pit or The Abyss was awarded against him, and he was cast into The Pit. Revelation 20 foretells that that will happen. So, since 2003 Satan has been in The Pit. In order for that judgement to be granted, the Grace for the use of the wrong names like Jesus, God and the Lord was withdrawn, and the result is that whereas you could use Jesus with impunity before that date, from that date onwards there is no more grace, there is no more mercy. You need to use the correct names, otherwise you are engaged in Satanic worship.
Continuing on the theme of corrupt teachings and thinking, it is important to know that two people can sing the same song in the same congregation, at the same time, and one can be worshipping Yah, because of a deep connection, and the other can be worshipping a Demonic Mastermind called Jesus. In the context of worshipping Jesus, as I was preparing the material on which this talk is based, Father said to me, "For me, a believer worshipping Jesus or Yahooshua is equivalent to your wife having loud and passionate sex with your son in your presence!" He said further "A believer singing to 'God' or 'The Lord' is equivalent to your wife crying out the name of your worst enemy as she climaxes in lovemaking with you!"
Sadly, while most songs are not as massively offensive as the offensive 'Jesus do You know how much l love You?' example, the vast majority are doctrinally inaccurate to the point of being hurtful and offensive, or presumptuous, or plain irritatingly stupid from Father’s perspective. You may be offended by my reference to the sexual analogy, but that is what Father has given me. I stress that worship is about making love to Father. Do not go and sing, worship Father or pretend to worship Father and then worship Jesus. Do not call Him God, when His name is Yahweh or Yah the Eternally Self-Existing. Do not call Him The Lord when His name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, or Yahweh, or Yahooeh. It is really important folks, that we clean up our acts and worship Him correctly.
Worship as your Constant Practice
I want to talk now a bit about worship as your constant practice. The Almighty says, "Worship relies on the right heart attitude and appropriate words with anointed music." We said that at the beginning.
The word ‘anointed’ is a technical term relating to the presence of the Set-Apart Spirit, the Qodesh Spirit, the Holy Spirit of the Almighty in, and on a believer, or on the words of a song, the writing in a document, etc. Father Yah is everywhere in His Universal Spirit and as we draw close to Him. The presence of his Set-Apart Spirit, His Holy Spirit grows more intense around us and on the work that we do, the songs we sing, the words we write, whatever. In preparing the above-mentioned collection of worship songs to make available as an extension of the document that this talk is based on, I went through each song and removed references to Jesus and removed applause and wolf-whistles. Wolf-whistles during worship are triggered by Demons and applause during worship is entirely inappropriate. Both are jarring for Father.
A few days after I had removed these items from these songs and been exclusively using them for daily worship, Father said to me, "It is interesting to notice how much I have been holding Myself back in listening to these songs in order to protect Myself from the hurt I feel when people direct worship due to Me to Yahooshua. Thank you for removing those words." Folks, I cannot stress this enough, the wrong words, the wrong sentiment, the wrong principles just grieve and hurt Father Yah so much. If you, at any level are pretending or claiming to love Him, please stop using those words.
Continuing on worship as your constant practice, if you are serious about your relationship with Father Yah, the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, it is vital to understand that worship is now a non-negotiable part of your daily life. You worship Yah through direct acts of worship, taking time apart in a quiet place, removing yourself from distractions and actively singing to Father, either with your own words if you are musically inclined, or singing along with songs like those that I use of which there are copies available for download of my website. You also worship Yah through everything you do in your life or lifestyle that is pleasing to Him. On a broader front you are worshipping by discontinuing all behaviours, habits, traditions, rituals, etc. that are not pleasing to Him. That can require significant adjustment and at the most basic level relates to the TV that you watch, the radio that you listen to, what entertainment you partake of, what you read, and all sources of information, who you socialise with, etc. If you take this really seriously, you will soon find that there is very little other than basic documentaries and similar programs that you are able to watch on TV.
I reached a point many years ago where having asked Father to let me know His heart and experience His feelings, I found myself sitting in theatre performances and watching movies where I would feel His anger or His grief, or other feelings of what was being portrayed to the point now where I have not been to the theatre or movies for many years, and only watch a very limited range of documentaries on TV for a short space of time. It is entirely up to you. He does not demand that you do not do these things. It is entirely related to you exercising your free will. Understand only that you have the entire say of whether you draw close to Him or go away from Him.
What I am writing here, I am writing for those who have made a serious decision to serve the Almighty.
For the rest, what I have to say will not make sense.
Taking the above points further, worship can, and should include the following, and considering what I have to say it is important to understand that one worships with one's spirit, not one's intellect. I have been playing some of my collection of songs almost daily in some cases for about 23 years, and I am not conscious of knowing the words even though some I have listened to thousands of times. Worship is something you do with your heart, not your intellect. The role of your intellect in worship is to get out of the way so your spirit can connect with your Father in Heaven.
Following are some specific measures that I recommend. Play worship music in your home all the time that you are awake. Play your choice of songs. I play those listed on the website on repeat constantly throughout my home. Pray "Father I ask You to make my home Your home, I choose to make my home a safe haven for You from the tumult and sin of the world and I choose to play music to soothe You in my home whether I am at home or not." I have been doing this for around 18 years. I have loud speakers throughout my home and even if I go away for a lengthy period, I leave the music playing so that Father has a set-apart, in other words, sanctified place where He can rest. Sing along with these songs whenever you think of it, either in your heart, or out loud.
Play worship music in your car, instead of listening to the radio, the news, etc. Play the same songs or different songs as those in your home, as you are inclined. I use the same collection, because I really have concluded that they are the only songs worth singing! If you are alone in the car you can sing aloud at the top of your voice without inhibitions! If you travel on public transport, or walk a lot, or even when you go to the shops, load the songs of your choice on your mobile phone and play the songs through earphones and, where you think of it, sing along.
Note that it does not matter if you are thinking of other things and doing other things, just have the songs playing quietly in the background. Father is always there, and your spirit will always hear and sing along even though you are not conscious of it. If you take this to the full extent in your work situation as one in which you sit alone working for significant periods of time, you can listen to worship music in the background with earphones while doing your work.
Conversely, if you listen to other music, etc., you will take on whatever comes to you through those sources, which will generally not help you to get close to Father.
I can't stress this enough, be worship-minded. Do whatever you can to worship. When I wake in the morning, I set the alarm with the first alarm and a second alarm 15 minutes later. When the first alarm goes off, I turn on the worship music and I lie thinking about the day, and listening to the worship songs, and singing along with it in my heart. When I get out of bed I have the music playing all the time. When I go down to breakfast, I have the music with headphones. When I get in the car, I have the music in the car. When I get to the office, I walk around with headphones on my mobile phone listening to the music and even when I am not able to listen, I have the worship songs playing so that Father can listen to them.
The more you worship Father in every possible way, the closer you will become to Him, and the easier you will find it to serve Him. You will also find that provided you are praying for His guidance, you can get by with very little input in the way of news, etc. He is able to ensure that you receive important information if you have the emunah (faith / trust and belief) to trust Him for that level of guidance. Remember, He wants to be part of everything that you do, provided of course that you are not engaging in sinful activities.
If you download the songs on the website, you will find that they contain wrong words, specifically 'God,' 'The Lord,' and 'the Lamb.' There simply are almost no songs that are free of these errors. Pray and ask Father to forgive you for playing songs with wrong words and when you sing them, substitute the right words that are given in the text that follows.
Note that at times Father may ask you to leave the same song playing for an entire day because it soothes Him and because it will strengthen you in whatever way He intends, either through the words or the anointing of the song or both. Remember that if you want to draw close to Father being filled with His Spirit that is 'anointed' is absolutely key.
The Anointing Increases Dramatically When You Worship For A Longer Duration
To move on, I want to discuss the fact that the anointing increases dramatically when you worship for a longer duration. Having worshipped for an hour at a time for many years, Father impressed on me some years ago to worship for an hour and a half whenever possible, and subsequently for two hours, I found that the intensity with which the anointing flows increases significantly with this increased duration. It is much stronger in the last hour. It is so that for the first half hour at least one is frequently distracted and thinking of things that need doing. It is advisable to have a pad or notepaper at hand so that you can jot down headlines as they come up while you are worshipping. The goal is to free your mind up to focus on Yah, by writing short notes to clear your mind. If you do not make notes, the same thoughts will tend to roll around in your head indefinitely, getting in the way of your worship. So, writing these things down is a way of getting clear.
Note that these thoughts as you are worshiping are frequently at the leading of Yah, as you draw close to Him, so there may be great wisdom and guidance in the notes so go forward in faith, trusting that He is guiding you and trusting to lead you, and give you inspiration as you worship. In my experience it is only towards the end of the first hour that I come into a place of close connection with Father, and therefore a stronger flow of His Spirit.
I can't stress enough; the key objective of true worship is to be filled and filled again with Father's Spirit. In the same way that in a marriage, the objective of regular lovemaking is an act of, in a sense, an act of worship between man and woman, and as they worship and make love and have sexual orgasm, the spirit of the one flows to the other, and the strength of the relationship and the bond between them grows stronger and stronger. Metaphorically, it is exactly the same with Father.
Accordingly, I encourage you to seek to worship for two hours or even longer whenever you can. If you can only manage half an hour, or an hour right now, that is fine. It really is up to you to craft your relationship in a way that works for you realizing that your decisions will impact where you get to in your relationship with Father. It is no different to progressing in a corporate setting. If you desire a promotion, you need to be diligent and good at your job. It is the same with Father. If you desire a promotion, you need to be diligent and good at serving Him.
I also encourage you to consider taking on a discipline of worshiping every day at the start of the day. It is my constant experience that when one exercises this discipline that the day and the week go more smoothly because I am more in tune with my Father in Heaven.
First prize is to be able to set aside half an hour or an hour of full-blown worship music playing. Stand, walk around, sing along. If you really do not have the energy to get up early enough to do that and you have a demanding job that requires you to get to work early, you may compromise on that. Particularly in the early days of drawing to get close to Him, I advise against that. You need to worship daily. I worship all the time. I sit at my desk with earphones and I walk. If I am walking around, if I am talking to staff members, if I am in the shops, I take the earphone out of my ears just long enough to have the conversation, then put them back in. I am sure people who watch me think I am crazy. It does not matter. Father values that.
My Collection of Worship Songs
I have referred previously to my collection of worship songs. Over the last 25 years I have narrowed my choice of worship songs down to a collection of about 16 songs, plus another 5 or so that I listen to sometimes. Many of these I have been using almost exclusively for the best part of the period, because the vast majority are songs in my substantial collection of over 50 CDs are simply not suitable or not effective. A few new songs have been added in recent years, but overall the collection has remained largely static. Every now and again I come across a new singer or a new album and hope to find something to add to my core collection, but generally I am disappointed and return to the core set.
And even then, the language in that core set is all with regard to 'God,' 'The Lord' and there are some references to Jesus which are inappropriate, but at least the bulk of the words are appropriate and have value in terms of helping one to draw closer to Father and not cause Him undue grief and hurt through their use – redirect references to Jesus to Yah or Yahweh. There is a huge need for an anointed worship group to record songs with the correct names and correct lyrics, but I have yet to meet anyone who cares enough to do anything about that situation.
As I mentioned, I have got a big collection of worship and praise and worship compact discs. Over the years, I have progressively eliminated more and more. Most of them have catchy tunes. Most of them are sung with gusto. Most of them we enjoy singing, but when you get down to tin tacks, either the words are completely meaningless like 'Jesus do You know how much I love You' or they are doctrinally false and wrong. There are not a lot of worship songs that are actually pleasing to Father.
The result is that as I mentioned a moment ago, over the years I have built up a very small collection of songs which have really appropriate words and / or which are relatively highly anointed. I am not saying there are no others out there, but I am saying I have not found them, or been led to them despite looking. And even these songs contain error at some level as mentioned before. Certain key words are not correct, but I do not have the musical prowess or technical skills to do much about it. I substitute these words with the words that are listed below at all times to such an extent that I make the substitutions without thinking and hardly hear the wrong words. Father has indicated to me that He understands my constraint and is greatly pleased by my discipline of substituting the right words. I encourage you to adopt the same discipline.
I do not think I could have the relationship I have with Yah were it not for constantly listening to and singing along with this small collection of highly inspired and anointed songs. Accordingly, I commend these songs to you and encourage you to follow the links, download the songs and record them onto whatever medium will allow you to play them, at every possible opportunity. If you want a set from me on CD or memory stick by post, please email me and I will supply as funds permit.
It is so important to have songs that are pleasing to Father. It is futile singing songs just because they sound right, when they have no spiritual meaning and they have no substance when the words are nonsense. You need to be selective in what you listen to. I would go so far as to encourage you to progressively distance yourself from almost all other music except that which is truly anointed worship such as the collection that I am referring to.
Remember that on the day of your judgment, immediately following your death, you must give account for every single thought, word and deed, including what you listened to and how you fed your spirit. I have confidence that this collection of songs will stand you in good stead on that day, and that day is The Day your entire life should focus on; how you will be judged, the unrepented sin that you will suffer torment for, the level of your obedience, and your relationship with Father that will determine whether you find yourself as a worker of iniquity in the Outer Darkness, a foolish virgin, a wise virgin, a wise steward, a good and faithful servant, an overcomer or a Friend – remember that it is a progression as you climb the mountain to draw close to Yah.
Remember too that there are many vacancies for positions of high esteem, authority. Contrast, this with the over 100 billion who have served Satan and the congestion around the positions of high office in the Satanic kingdom. The high offices in the Satanic realm were taken over or occupied over 6000 years ago when men first started to fall into error, or maybe not 6000 but close to 6000 years ago. It is up to you to choose where you will be for eternity. That is a very long time to live with the consequence of bad choices now! Especially choices like, I do not have time to worship Yah and draw close to Him, or I prefer a more eclectic selection of music and I do not have time to sing the same songs time and again.
Remember that the ultimate sin is not to have a relationship with your Creator! On the website I list the words of my collection of songs with adjustments and, where I do not give the words, I give commentary. In the list there are links to download the songs individually and also as a WinZip compressed zip file at the end of the list.
If, for some reason the download links do not work, use the Google search engine to search for 'Lyrics' and the first line or two of the words of the song and you will almost certainly find a range of versions to download from YouTube or elsewhere. Be selective in which version you download. Pray and ask Father to guide you. Some versions are much more anointed than others.
So, you may find yourself downloading some songs, listen to them, worship with them. In my experience, I have found that if I download a collection of 5, 10, 15, 20 songs and start worshipping with them, progressively I find that there is no substance to those songs at a spiritual level, while I worship. And so progressively I delete more and more of the songs from the collection until ultimately, I may whittle it down to one or two songs. In many cases I may discard the collection completely. You need to be selective, you need to be discerning, and you need to exercise discretion. You need to ask Father to help you. You need to exercise judgement of what is suitable worship and not suitable worship. The more you sing the right songs and the more you listen to the right songs, the more you will get close to Father. It is really, really important. I can't stress it enough.
Word Substitutions
I touched on a few minutes ago the subject of word substitutions. I am going to give you a selection of word substitutions that are recommended relative to the songs that are on the website. Firstly, Jesus. The songs that are on the website you will find that all references to Jesus have been removed. It is highly offensive to Father to worship Jesus or Yahooshua or sing to Him or about Him. Jesus is a pagan (Satanic) name and is now the name of a Demonic Mastermind who receives all worship directed to Jesus, and gains power and authority every time he is worshipped. This demon was known as Zeus in previous millennia. The true name of the prophet from Nazareth was 'Yahooshua' meaning 'Yah is Salvation.' Please go to the website and listen to the previous editions where I spoke at length on who Yahooshua is really, and the fact that Yahooshua is not God.
God is the next word that is a problem. 'God' is the name of a pagan deity, the accurate translation of the word generally translated 'God' is 'Mighty One,' 'mighty one' for other mighty ones like Satan or 'Almighty', depending on context, but these words generally do not fit the music. Substitute with 'Yah,' the true essential name of the Almighty or 'El' Hebrew meaning 'my beloved Mighty One' as best fits with the music.
'The LORD is an accurate translation of the pagan (Satanic) name 'Baal' and is an abomination in the sight and ears of the Almighty. The Hebrew word translated 'The LORD’ is generally 'Yahooeh' (frequently inaccurately transliterated as 'Yahweh'). Substitute for 'The LORD' and 'Lord' with 'Yahooeh' or 'Yahweh' or 'Yah' as fits best with the music.
The above three substitutions are non-negotiable if you are serious about serving our Almighty Father in Heaven.
The following words are commonly used but have pagan origins and one should substitute for Hebrew words that are more accurate. They cause Father distress when they are used although not to nearly the same extent as God, The LORD and Jesus. In your early days of seeking to draw close to Him, you may ignore the words that follow, but if you are serious about drawing really close, I counsel you to make the substitutions that are set out following this.
Holy: The Hebrew word commonly translated 'holy' is 'qodesh.' This word can generally be substituted without difficulty. Holy is a meaningless English word.
Glory: The Hebrew word commonly translated 'glory' is frequently 'kabad.' This word can generally be substituted without difficulty. In some cases, 'esteem' works better.
Lamb: The reference to 'the Lamb' is a reference to Yahooshua (Jesus) and should be avoided, substitute with 'Yahooeh' for only Yahooeh – meaning 'Yah the eternally self-existing' the name of the Almighty Creator, is worthy of worship.
Again, I can't stress enough, the words ‘God’, ‘the LORD,’ and ‘Jesus’ are offensive to Father. Songs that worship or praise Jesus or the Lamb are offensive to Father. Songs that do not actively and directly focus attention on Father are meaningless and useless. The vast majority of songs that are sung in Churches, Mosques, and Synagogues and in meetings of believers, are meaningless and useless at best, and offensive to Father and sin at worse. Can you imagine what it would be like to spend your life singing worship songs and come before the throne and hear that you have been blaspheming, that you are guilty of serious sins, and are going to be punished intensely in Hell for years for the wrong worship that you offered? It is time to clean up your act.
Flow with the Words and the Anointing
Moving on, I am going to talk about how to flow with the words and the Anointing. The words of some of these songs are very clear and direct, for example 'soften my heart Yah.' Others make considerable use of metaphor as a way of describing the extremely multifaceted nature of the Almighty Creator, and how He relates to and interacts with us. Some are powerful prayers like the one I have just mentioned 'soften my heart Yah.' You may find that the wording of some of these songs does not work for you initially, but if you are truly seeking to draw close to Him, I encourage you to let the anointing on the songs flow into you by simply listening if you feel awkward about the words initially. At the same time, if you enter into worship with the right heart attitude, you may find some of these songs touching and moving you deeply for reasons you cannot explain in which case just flow with the songs, weep, shout, laugh, etc., as seems appropriate at that moment. The Spirit Realm is far more complex than we realize and far more sophisticated.
I cannot stress enough, worship is a spirit thing. It is not a head thing. It is not an intellect thing. Yes, you may use your intellect to filter what you are worshipping, what you are singing to selective songs, but try not to do that. Focus on getting Father to lead you. In the prayers that we discussed in the last broadcast, there was a lot of talk about being led by faith, praying to father to lead you by His Spirit every second of every day in every possible way. Pray those prayers daily, sing these songs daily.
Worship – Summing Up
So, to sum up, worship is making love to Father. You should worship as your constant continuous daily practice. The anointing increases dramatically when you worship for a longer duration. If you want to get closer to Father, if you want to be more Anointed, if you want to walk more in the power of His Spirit, you need to worship. Make the word substitutions that I have given you and there are others on the website. You do not want to be using the wrong words. The fact that the songs use the wrong words is unfortunate, regrettable, but you need to make the substitutions. Initially it is a bit difficult but soon you will get used to them. So, you might have to have a printout of the document that is on the website for the first round.
Flow with the words and with the Anointing. I strongly recommend the collection of songs that are on the website. Go to www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org, and you will find behind the Home Tab in the top left of the website menu, a document called 'Recommended Worship', and off that document are links to download all of the songs. There are about 23 songs there available to download, and a zip file to download the whole lot of them.
Remember that a Friend worships at every possible opportunity. I cannot stress this enough. If you aspire to be an overcomer, if you aspire to becoming a Friend of the Almighty, you need to worship at every possible opportunity. Do the things that I have talked about. Have the songs playing constantly in your home, constantly in your car, constantly on your mobile when you are in the shops or at work, listen to the songs and sing along in your heart.
Four Key Documents
On the website, you will find four key documents.
'The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You’, is all about this subject matter of this Programme. It is about a 16-page document.
'Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator,' which is perhaps the most important document of the lot, and how to get close to the Almighty, how to clean up your act about 70 pages, prayers to pray, rituals to apply, processes to apply, and just generally things to do to clean up your life.
The third document, 'The Creators Name - Yah the Eternally Self Existing' ‑ how can you really get close to Father and be His Friend if you do not know His name and you do not understand how His name is interwoven into the history of anointed believers.
'Where will you Spend Eternity?' A detailed analysis of what is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity. Written many years ago, but I strongly recommend it. All of these are available at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org behind the homepage on the Menu Tab in the top left-hand corner of the Menu.
There are books of teachings available and I also have a mailing list. Email me at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org to be put on the mailing list. Visit the website and click on the Worship Tab for more information about worship, and as I said, behind the Home Tab for the document Recommended Worship and the downloads.
So, in closing, thank you so much for listening. I hope you found value in what I had to say. Please send me your questions on the W4CY webpage. I will answer them next week.
Please email me to join the mailing list at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org. I am busy compiling a collection of my writings which will be published in book form, both e-books and physical books. Email me if you would like to obtain a copy. The first volume is complete. It is the most important writings including those just listed and I hope to have these printed by around March in the coming year. I hope to connect with you again next week when we will more deeply explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
As we end this session, I really want to stress that the whole reason that you exist and that I exist, is to be a Friend of the Almighty. If you want your life to prove really valuable at the time that you die, if you want to be recognised and rewarded at the time you die, there is no higher accolade than to be called the Friend of the Almighty. You can become His Friend in this life, you can adjust your lifestyle in order to draw close to Him, you can adjust your lifestyle in order to qualify to become a Friend. It will take time.
I believe that if you apply the teachings in the document 'Seven Components in Drawing Close to The Almighty' that I spoke about a moment ago, it will take you a minimum of about two years to come to a place where you are really close and that will require serious effort and serious energy on an ongoing basis. I honestly believe that it would be worth your while.
I sincerely encourage you to take a decision today to do this.
Thank you so much.
Have a blessed day and a blessed weekend and I hope your life changes today. Amen.
James Robertson
07 December 2018

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