2019.03.02 Worship is Making Love to Father – Part 2 Created by James on 5/1/2019 7:51:31 AM This article stresses the importance of Worship and that Worship is a way of expressing our love to Father Yah and is therefore a critical component in drawing close to Father.
2019.03.02 Worship is Making Love to Father – Part 2
Radio Broadcast by James Robertson on W4CY Radio every Friday at 7 pm UK time
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!
To counter that, the Creator has said, "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with Me when they do not believe I exist?" So, if you do not believe in the Creator, you need to ask yourself what it is that you expect to happen at the end of your life.
Conversely, if you are a believer, Father has said, "Why would I want someone to be close to Me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great authority if they do not have a Deep Personal Relationship with Me and have not proven to Me that they can be trusted?" So, if you are a believer, and you do not have a deep personal relationship with Father, and you do not have a high level of conviction that you are destined for a High Throne, then I would suggest that this programme is for you.
Today's topic is Worship; again, an extension of the last broadcast. About Worship, the Creator has said, "Worship relies on the right heart attitude and appropriate words with anointed music." To outline this broadcast.
I’ll do a recap of a few key points. I am going to share some examples of what I term 'Recommended Worship Songs' with you, and explain why those words are important, and why I think you should be singing them. In wrapping up, the songs that I am going to talk about today, are available for download on my website at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org. If you hover your mouse over the Home tab in the top left-hand corner of the Menu, you will find that there is a tab called 'Recommended Worship'. If you click on that you will find the songs available to listen to there, or to download.
Insofar as this programme is about becoming a Friend of the Almighty, about having a deep personal relationship with the Almighty, I would stress to you that a Friend worships at every possible opportunity.
So, by way of introduction, who am I?
My name is James Robertson. I have spent the last 25 plus years actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty after He spoke to me audibly in 1993, when I was considering killing myself. Given that He spoke to me then, it never occurred to me that He would not speak to me again and so I have spent the ensuing 25 years speaking to Him and having Him speak to me. I also realised at that time that my life was spiritually a mess, and that I was going in the wrong direction. I would have been rejected by the Almighty if I had died then. So I turned around, repented, and committed myself to seeking to know Him and that, I have done. This programme is about sharing some of what I have learnt, in the hope that you can actively seek to draw close to Him, and do so faster than I did, and deeper than I did in the time it took me.
What is End Time Issue Ministries? It is my part-time Ministry that I operate in addition to my day job. It is the vehicle I use for delivering my message. It is involved in Internet Publishing. We send out emails. If you would like to be on the email list, just email me at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org, and I will add you to the mailing list. We have got the Websites, this Radio Programme, and shortly we will have some physical books. If you are interested in any of that, please email me.
This programme is 'The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You' or, to put it in other terms, 'The Creator Desires Friends’. Unless you have actively heard the Almighty say to you that you are His Friend, which is pretty unlikely because there are not many, I would encourage you to seek to develop a Deep Relationship with Him. You can go as deep as you are willing in terms of the effort and the sacrifice.
You will need to read, pray, fast, and above all, you will need to worship. This programme tonight is about sharing some thoughts around how you worship deeply and how you draw close to Father and get filled with His Spirit. So again, the website is www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org, for more information.
Questions from last week's Programme
Some questions from last week's Programme, "How do we know what is the right thing to follow and worship?" Well, you can listen to people like myself, or you can get on your knees and ask Father and do the hard work, do the fasting, do the praying until you feel confident that you are being led by His Spirit. I believe that what I have to share with you is inspired by Him, is valid and is valuable. So, you can follow my example if you want to.
Next question, "Seems we are doing things wrong and we have been taught the wrong way to do things. How are we to know what is right?" I guess it is a bit like the previous question. Yes, a lot of wrong things have been taught and a lot of what has been taught is the wrong way of doing things. How are you to know what is right? Again, turn to Father; I believe that what I have to offer is right, but I guess that pretty much anybody who is out there, sending out emails or publishing websites or whatever, is convinced that what they have to say is right. So really, fast, pray, and ask for signs, and do whatever you need to do. Do not rely on any other human being, including myself. Rely on building a relationship with Father. You can learn from me, but you need to dip into what I have to offer you and decide what is truth, and if there is error, just ignore it.
Next question, "Are things just lost in translation with all these teachings?" A huge amount HAS been lost in translation with a lot of these teachings and you will see that I pick up on those on quite a regular basis.
"Are you saying we are worshipping a false god?" Yes, I am saying that the Grace for the wrong names like God, Jesus, the Lord, etc., was withdrawn in 2003, and if you are now worshipping Jesus or worshipping God or worshipping the Lord, you are worshipping Demonic and Satanic beings.
Question, "How do we follow our spirit?" It takes time and practice. Again, fast, pray, study. You will find much to guide you in my writings on my website, etc. But it is a lonely journey. If you decide to really do this, look at the documents that I am going to talk about at the end of this presentation and download them from the website, or email me for them, and put them into practice.
Next question, "What is so wrong with music on the radio?" Well, it depends how you define wrong. Fundamentally, most of the music on the radio, there is nothing really wrong with it, except that it really does not say very much. What you have got to address is what you feed your spirit with. If you are listening to meaningless songs which do not have anything to do with Father, they are not going to help you to draw close to Him. If you want to draw close to Him, listen to music, listen to songs that help you draw close to Him. And generally speaking, those need to be songs with words. Listening to music without words does not feed you, does not strengthen you in the way that the songs that I am going to talk about in the next few minutes do.
Next question, "Does it matter what time of the day you worship?" No, not at all. Worship whenever you can; worship all the time effectively. I wake up in the morning, I try and turn on my worship songs, I get out of bed, I shower, I put my mobile phone in my pocket with earphones, and I listen to worship songs as I go downstairs, as I eat breakfast, as I brush my teeth, as I walk to my car. When I get in my car, I start the car with worship music playing there. If I was catching a bus, I would listen with earphones. All day at work, I have the earphones hung around my shoulders. If I have a couple of moments to spare, I stick the ear bud in my ear and listen to whatever is playing at that time. And I allow the songs to play anywhere as worship to Father. So, actually the right time of day to worship is all day, every day.
Worship Recap
A bit of a recap, worship is making love to Father. Worship should be your constant practice as I said a moment ago. The anointing increases dramatically when you worship for a longer duration. The anointing is the infilling of the Spirit of the Almighty on your flesh. The more you worship, the stronger that will become. There are some word substitutions I will talk about in a moment. There are a lot of words, or certainly a number of keywords, that are corrupt and should be avoided. In general flow with the words and the anointing, as I said before. My collection of songs is at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org, Recommended Worship behind the Home tab in the top left of the Website. And remember, a Friend worships at every possible opportunity.
Word substitutions
The following word substitutions are recommended relative to the songs that are on the website:
Jesus: You should not be talking about Jesus in worship. Jesus is a Prophet, a created human being. We should not worship him.
God: Pagan name -- use Mighty One, El, Almighty.
The Lord: Pagan name, Yahweh or Yahooeh, or Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, or just Yah as it best fits in music.
As far as I am concerned, those three substitutions are non-negotiable if you are serious about serving our Father in Heaven.
Other words that are commonly used in worship that should be avoided:
Holy: The Hebrew word is Qodesh. I strongly recommend that you substitute Holy with Qodesh.
Glory: Actually, Kabad or Esteem substitute with that.
Lamb: Reference to the Lamb is the reference to Yahooshua and it should be avoided in worship. Substitute Yahooeh for only Yahooeh meaning Yah the Eternally Self-Existing is worthy of worship.
HalleluYah Yahooeh Almighty Reigns
So, I am going to go through some songs starting here, HalleluYah Yahooeh Almighty Reigns or HalleluYah, the Lord God Almighty reigns. It is an extremely powerful song, once the errors in wording are corrected. The version below is particularly highly-anointed, and is strongly recommended as the one on the website. Sung with the appropriate word adjustments, this will help you to draw close to Father more than any other single song I know of if you are an English speaker. I believe that there are songs in other languages, some of which are more powerful.
So, the song runs HalleluYah. Remember that HalleluYah, the last syllable of HalleluYah is Yah, the true fundamental name of the Almighty.
HalleluYah, for Yah, El Almighty reigns.
The normal wording of that is for the Lord God Almighty reigns.
Substitute Yah for Lord, and El for God, Yah El the Almighty reigns.
Continues, HalleluYah, Qodesh, Qodesh are You Yah El Almighty, Worthy is Yahooeh, Worthy is Yahooeh, substituting Yahooeh for the Lamb.
HalleluYah means praise Yah. So, you cannot get more fundamental in your prayers than saying HalleluYah, and that is not Alleluia as some people spell it or any of the other mispronunciation.
It is H-A-L-L-E-L-U-Y-A-H, HalleluYah.
Song continues:
For Yah El Almighty reigns.
Qodesh are You Yah El Almighty
Worthy is Yahooeh
Worthy is Yahooeh
The song continues, I strongly recommend it and as I said, you can download this off the website and start singing along with it. I have been singing this song for years. I never grow tired of it. I worship in my spirit rather than in my intellect. I listen to these songs day in and day out. They never grow tired for me because I am not worshipping them with my intellect, I am not worshipping them with my flesh. I am worshipping them in my spirit.
Some people say, you just listen to anointed music. Certainly, that may work for some, does not work for me. To me it is really important to be continuously singing powerful words, words that have meaning, words that are going to help you draw closer to Father.
This is the Air I Breathe
There is another song, 'This is the Air I Breathe.' It is a very effective worship song which stresses our need for Father and focuses us on drawing close to Him. The 'air' that is referred to here is a metaphor for the Spirit of the Almighty flowing into us and on us. Fundamentally, as I said before, worship is making love to Father. So, in the same way that when a man and a woman make love, the spirit of the man flows into the woman. When we worship and make love to the Almighty, His Spirit flows into us. So, the more you worship, the longer you worship, the more you will experience His Spirit flowing into you, provided of course that you are singing appropriate songs with appropriate words. If you are singing songs like 'Jesus, do you know how much I love you,' which is insulting and blasphemous and not worship at all, then do not expect to have anything happen. You may be in an anointed environment when somebody sings a song like that, you may have some experience of the presence of the Almighty, but that is despite the song, not because of the song.
Song goes:
"This is the air I breathe
Your Qodesh Spirit Dwelling in me."
Your Holy Spirit dwelling in me. Qodesh meaning set apart, separated.
"This is my daily bread
Your very word spoken to me."
And “the Word” there is not the Bible. It is audible words spoken to you by Father in your spirit. You may need to get on your face on the ground, or at least on your knees in order to hear those words. If you fast enough, pray enough and read enough anointed literature, you will get to a place where you hear Him speak to you clearly and audibly, if you are really willing to make the effort to do that. Song continues:
"And I am desperate for you
And I am lost without you."
Now, if this is the first time that you have started singing this sort of song, you are probably not going to get that. If you have been doing this as long as I have, then there is a real desperation. If you feel that you have done something that has caused you to separate from Father, there is a real desperation to get back to Him. One is really lost without Him because one is reliant on His spirit in you to guide you, to give you utterance, to give you wisdom in your work, to give you favour with the people you encounter in your work and in everything that you do. Without His Spirit in you, you really achieve nothing much.
So, it behoves you to be desperate to draw close to Him. I think you may find with this song 'This is the air that I breathe', that initially you are going to feel quite awkward because you cannot really relate to it. There is a principle that you declare what you believe is possible, and if you sing these songs enough and if you engage with the words, believe the words and really just immerse yourself in the music and the words, you will get to a place where His Spirit is the air that you breathe, where His Words are your daily bread, where you really are desperate for Him and you may say, "Why on Earth would I want to do something that makes me desperate for Him?" That is a difficult one to answer. I kind of got there just because I decided to really get into serving Him and I certainly would not have it any other way today. You can take my word for it and climb into it and fast, pray, read, worship and here I am not talking about trivia; I am talking about spending a couple of hours a day focused on serving Him, learning about Him, reading about Him, and His ways, worshipping and praying.
When I first started to serve Father, I used to spend an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening praying. I would get up at 5 in the morning and I spend an hour on my knees in the morning and an hour on my knees in the evening. I spent another hour reading the Bible or reading anointed books, morning and evening. Then I would listen to worship music and anointed teachings in the car wherever I was driving. You can do that and that will serve you well.
Exalt Yahooeh our El
Next song, 'Exalt Yahooeh our El.' Yahooeh, being the more accurate transliteration of the Hebrew phrase Yahweh, generally transliterated as Yahweh, means Yah the Eternally Self-Existing. El, our beloved Mighty One. El means beloved Mighty One. It is a contraction of Elohim, which means Almighty or Mighty One, depending on context. This song has some important words in order to position yourself in the right attitude towards the Almighty with word substitutions that I have applied here. So, the song goes:
Exalt Yahooeh our El {the Lord our God}
(Exalt Yahooeh our El)
And worship at His feet
(And worship at His feet)
Exalt Yahooeh our El
(Exalt Yahooeh our El)
And worship at His feet
(And worship at His feet)
Important principle there in terms of attitude, do not exalt yourself relative to Father. See yourself at His feet. See how great He is, how powerful He is, how insignificant we are. Song continues:
For He, (for He)
Is Qodesh {holy}
The song continues pretty much in the same vein. Humble yourself. Humility is one of the great pieces of armour of defence, a spiritual defence that is available to a believer. Humility is not something you can buy; humility is something that is, in a way, almost hammered into you. If you pray the right prayers and the sort of prayers that I am thinking of there are, "Father judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve You more perfectly. Father”, “I ask You to discipline me any time that I let pride enter my life.” “Father, I ask You to humble me any time that I become proud.” “Father help me to wear the mantle of humility." The mantle of humility is not much spoken about. Get the books, 'The Final Quest' and 'The Call' by Rick Joyner, for a fairly detailed discussion of the Mantle of Humility and its importance. There is also, if you look at the website, on the top left-hand corner again, you will find 'Where will you spend Eternity,' an e-Book, and you can download that, or you can read it online which will explain a lot about the Mantle of Humility. If you go about halfway down the Menu, there is a button called 'Eternity.' If you hover over that you will find copies of 'The Final Quest' and 'The Call' available there to read online or to download. Or you can purchase them on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Final-Quest-Rick-Joyner/dp/192937190X/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=The+Final+Quest&qid=1552235743&s=gateway&sr=8-1 and https://www.amazon.com/Call-Rick-Joyner/dp/1929371896/ref=sr_1_1?crid=LLAXJ3QUUYNW&keywords=the+call+rick+joyner&qid=1552235796&s=gateway&sprefix=The+Call+Rick+%2Caps%2C222&sr=8-1
In the Stillness of this Hour
Next song, 'In the Stillness of this Hour,' the song goes:
In the stillness of this hour
I worship You Yahooeh {my Lord}
Crying Qodesh {Holy} is Yahooeh on high
In the quiet of my heart
I sing this song of praise
Crying Qodesh is Yahooeh on high
This is an example of real lovemaking to Father, really crying out to Him, telling Him how important He is. If you are listening to these songs and you are singing along with these words, you can always detour and put your own words in. Just let these words lead you into prayer. Let these words lead you into sharing with Him whatever is on your heart. You are making love to Him, you are really drawing close to Him. This is not a command performance. It is you reaching out to Him in an intimate very personal way. Song continues:
And for all my days
I bow down before You
Giving kabad {glory} and esteem{honour}
To Your Name
And for all of my life
Let me{I will} worship and adore You
Crying Qodesh is Yahooeh on high
So, notice 'I bow down before You.' Humble yourself before Him. He is Almighty. He is the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. He is King of everything. He is King of Yahooshua, and Yahooshua is king of all human kings and all human lords, and Lord of all human lords. Give him kabad, glory and esteem and honour. The song traditionally says “for all of my life I will worship and adore You”. I have to say to you that it is extremely presumptuous. You have absolutely no control of whether you will worship and adore Him for the rest of your life. So, when I sing this song, I prefer to pray in my heart and ask Father to help me to overcome to the end that I may indeed worship Him all my days. And then glory and honour, as I said, have pagan connotations.
So, the song again:
In the stillness of this hour
I worship You Yahooeh
Crying Qodesh is Yahooeh on high
In the quiet of my heart
I sing this song of praise
Crying Qodesh is Yahooeh on high
And for all my days
I bow down before you
Giving kabad and esteem
To Your Name
And for all of my life
Let me worship and adore You
Crying Qodesh is Yahooeh on high
Draw Me Close to You
Another important song, 'Draw Me Close to You,' an important cry to our Father to help us draw close to Him. Note that He is not obliged to draw us close to Him. We are required to draw close to Him if we desire His rewards. He is not going to do anything to get you to draw close to Him unless you ask Him to help you draw close to Him. Pray a simple prayer like, 'Father help me to draw close to You always,' but the important thing is that you sing this song and the others that we are looking at and others like them, whenever you possibly can. If, throughout the day when you get in your car, before you get on your mobile, while you are reversing out of the garage or out of your parking place, you hear the song 'Father help me to draw close to you' or whatever the song is that you are listening to, it is going to strengthen you spiritually.
If you are listening to the news or you are listening to some hip-hop or whatever modern music is called these days, it is not going to help you. You may enjoy it, it may have a nice beat, it may have catchy lyrics, but so what? You are not going to be able to listen to that rubbish in Heaven. You want to be close to Father for Eternity, not some outlier place in Heaven where you can hardly see His throne and where you have no authority, you have no power, you have no glory, and you look back and say, "You know what, my life was a real waste of time." What a pity! You’ve got Eternity to regret the fact that you did not draw close to Father in this life. So, I really commend to you that you do whatever you need to do to draw close to Him and stay close to Him. That means you sing songs like this.
Your Eye is on the Sparrow
Next song, 'Your Eye is on the Sparrow.' This is important in terms of realising that Father does see all that we do and that He is concerned about us and interested in us. The song goes:
Your eye is on the sparrow
And Your hand, it comforts me
From the ends of the Earth to the depth of my heart
Let Your mercy and strength be seen
You call me to Your purpose
For Your kabad, may You draw all men
As Your love and grace demand
It is really important to understand, appreciate and value that Father is the comforter, Father is the counsellor, He can be your Friend if you really wanted Him to be. He can guide you. He can open the doors he wants opened in your life and close the doors he wants closed in your life. He can bring the people He wants in your life in and take the people He does not want in your life out, but you have to pray the prayers. You have to say to Him, "Father open and close doors. Father, bring the people in and take the people out." It is so important to give Him permission to move in your life. Many of these worship songs do in some way give Him permission to move in your life. So, I strongly recommend that you sing these songs on a daily basis.
The song continues:
"Let me run to You." The normal wording is I will run to You. Again, how do you know that you will run to Him? You can desire to run to Him, you can ask Him to help you to run to Him, but to make a categoric statement that you will run to him, I do not think so.
To Your words of truth
Not by might, not by power
But by the Spirit of Yah
Let me run the race
Till I see Your face
Oh, let me live in the kabad {glory} of Your grace
The original song contains the phrase as Angels understand which I have removed from the version on the website. The word ‘Angel’ should actually be translated Messenger. It does not fit the music and secondly, the error are second-order and are not in the interests of fitting the music. However, Father says Angels do not understand, and for that reason the phrase has been removed from the version for download. In other words, it’s important to understand Angels are spirit beings created to serve Yah and serve mankind. They have a level of intellect and level of reasoning. They do not have the emotions and a lot of the mental powers, etc., that human beings have. So, exalting Angels and making out that Angels are greater than us, or more powerful than us, is a serious mistake. So rather just go with the version of the song where I have taken that phrase out.
"Let me run the race, 'Till I see Your face." Again, let me run the race rather than "Yes, I will run the race." You do not know, and you cannot guarantee it. Ask Him to help you. So much of serving Father effectively is asking Him to help you. Do not try and figure it out yourself. You are not going to get it right. That is why so many people who have been powerful at some stage in their life have become weak, ineffective and full of sin because they have relied on their own strength. Do not rely on your own strength.
Purify my Heart
Next song, "Purify my Heart." This is a very important song in terms of seeking to be purified from sin and to be set apart to serve the Almighty. Note that we are unable to purify ourselves without Father's help. We do need to pray the appropriate prayers and undertake all the necessary measures that are discussed elsewhere in the messages on Prayer, and we need to have Father's help to do this in a manner that is effective and pleasing to Him. Song goes:
Purify my heart
Let me be as gold and precious silver
Purify my heart
Let me be as gold, pure gold
Refiner's fire, my heart's one desire
Is to be qodesh
Set apart for You, Yah
I choose to be qodesh
Set apart for You, my Master
Ready to do Your will
The metaphor of gold and silver is powerful. Both require very high temperatures to refine and purify them and get all the impurities out. You can pray for Father to pour out the fire of His spirit on you to burn up the dross and burn up the chaff. You want to be cleansed of your sin. You want to be Set Apart to His service. You want, as the second verse says, "Set apart for You Yah." Qodesh, or Holy, means Set-Apart, separated from the world. Song continues:
Purify my heart
Cleanse me from within and make me Qodesh
Purify my heart
Cleanse me from my sin, deep within
Very, very powerful words. If you are going to live a life without sin and living a life without sin is what is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity. When Father speaks of overcomers, He is speaking of people who have overcome sin. When He speaks of Friends, He is speaking of overcomers who have gone the extra mile and become very close to Him. I cannot stress this enough. Purify my heart, cleanse me from within and make me qodesh, purify my heart, cleanse me from my sin, deep within. It will take years of praying this prayer and singing this song to really get cleansed of your sin. It will require significant effort to get free of your sin. This is the hard work of this life, to live a life without sin. That is why Yahooshua Jesus was resurrected because He lived for 33-1/2 years with zero sin. He did not sin once, even when He died that terrible death.
That is why He was resurrected, that is why He is King of human Kings and Lord of human Lords; not because of some magic power on his part, but because of obedience and living without sin. One of the ways to get to that position is to sing songs like this one.
Set-Apart Spirit You are Welcome in This Place
Next song, "Set-Apart Spirit You are Welcome in This Place." You may notice Holy Spirit, You are welcome in this place. It is a very important song and prayer to ask the Set Apart, in other words, Holy Spirit of Yah, the Creator, to dwell in your house and in your body. Note that the opening to this song available for download is a prophetic, in other words, an inspired metaphor message from the Almighty. The song goes:
Qodesh Spirit Thou art welcome in this place
Qodesh Spirit Thou art welcome in this place
Omnipotent Father of Mercy and Grace
Thou art welcome in this place
If you are confused about the so-called Holy Spirit, the Qodesh Spirit; the Qodesh Spirit is Father. It is the portion of Father's Spirit that He pours into you as a believer if you ask Him to fill you with His Spirit. It is analogous to the portion of the man's spirit that He pours into the woman when he makes love to her. Father is omnipotent, yet He comes to dwell in anyone who truly believes and who invites Him to dwell. Continuing:
For in Thy presence there is healing divine
No other power can save Yah, but Thine
Qodesh Spirit Thou art welcome in this place
Thou art welcome in this place
Very, very powerful song. At times I have left this on my Hi-Fi playing on repeat throughout the day, and sometimes even throughout the night on a low volume. I have the worship songs playing on my mobile phone 24 x 7. I go to bed, turn the volume down on my earphones, and have the worship songs play through the night. So, they are being sung on my behalf and they are being sung to Father. It creates a pleasant environment for Him and it strengthens me as well. The song continues:
For in Thy presence there is healing divine
No other power can save Yah, but Thine
Qodesh Spirit Thou art welcome in this place
Thou art welcome in this place
Qodesh Spirit Thou art welcome in this place
Qodesh Spirit Thou art welcome in this place
Omnipotent Father of Mercy and Grace
Thou art welcome in this place
I cannot stress it enough, powerful words, words that will change your life over time. Words that will bring you into Father's presence, words that strengthen your relationship with Him. It is so important to understand that the first and foremost the reason that you exist is to worship Father and have a deep personal relationship with Him. If you are not doing that, you have lost the plot, you have missed the purpose of being on Earth and you are wasting your time. I am not being ugly to you. I am just telling you the way it is. You were created to be Father's Friend. The only reason this whole Planet exists, the whole Universe exists, everything that you see around you exists, you and your friends and your family exist, is to be Friends to Yah. If you are not His Friend, by the time you die, you are going to get a nasty shock when you get to Heaven, if you get to Heaven at all.
So, to recap, we revisited a few principles. We looked at some examples of recommended worship and discussed the wording and the meaning of those words, and how you would apply them. And I cannot recommend that enough, to be singing songs like these. I have a collection of about 50 or 100 praise and worship CDs, Gospel Songs, etc. I have a collection of about 22 songs that I listen to every day, all day, 24 x 7. That is how few of this total collection of songs that I have that have really useful meaningful worship. The rest of them have got nice lyrics, they are attractive, they sound nice, they have got catchy tunes, but they have got no substance to them. The collection on the website is available for you to download. They have got powerful words. They will help you draw closer to Father, a critical part of serving Father.
You can get to that collection of songs at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org. Behind the Home tab in the top left-hand corner of the menu, if you hover your mouse there, you will see a page called 'Recommended Worship.' You can download the document and there are links in that webpage to download individual songs or listen to the songs online. Alternatively, you can download a zip file with all of the songs and put them on a memory stick and play them on your Hi-Fi or load them on to your mobile phone, etc. Remember that a Friend worships at every possible opportunity.
Four Key Documents
On the website in the location I have just spoken to you about, you will find four key documents. I hold them to be the most important documents that I have ever written. The first one is entitled, 'The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You.' The second is 'Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator.' This is about a 70-page document. It contains a whole variety of prayers, processes, guidelines, things to do, things to pray, and things to put into practice in your life. It’s a huge amount of information in terms of how to draw close to Father. Read it, apply it, and put it into practice. You probably need to read it several times.
Next one, 'The Creator's Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.' Understand how the name Yah permeates the history of believers and permeates the Bible.
The next one that I have mentioned earlier, 'Where will you Spend Eternity?' What is required in order to sit on a High Throne for Eternity? A deep analysis that I undertook based on the books ‑ 'The Final Quest' and 'The Call', about 10-15 years ago and a lot of other materials in terms of living that sort of life; also, quite a weighty document. Available at the website www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org behind the homepage on the Menu in the top left-hand corner.
And then, there are books of teachings, etc., that are available, and you can email me at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org. There is also a worship tab on the website with more information about worship, just go to that page.
So, in closing, thank you for listening. Please send me your questions on the W4CY webpage. I will answer them next week. Please email me to join the mailing list. I try and send out articles at least once a week. I haven’t quite been meeting that target in the last month or so with the holidays as I was travelling overseas for a while, but I have to get back to a routine of publishing an article at least once a week. I am busy compiling a collection of my writings. Email me if you would like to obtain a PDF or in time, I hope to be able to send you a physical bound set of documents. The first volume in that set is the most important writings including those just listed. That is available right now in PDF format. If you would like to email me, my email address is James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
I hope to connect with you again next week when we will more deeply explore how to become a Friend of the Creator. I hope if you have listened to most of this programme, and particularly if you have listened to a few of the previous programmes, that you are seriously considering what is required in order to become a Friend of the Almighty and that you are seriously considering becoming a Friend of the Almighty. I urge you to start the journey today. Download these songs, start singing them, and you will progress. It is really well worth it. Amen.
James Robertson
11 January 2019

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