2019.03.04 The Commandments Created by James on 5/1/2019 7:58:55 AM This article gives an in-depth analysis of the Ten Commandments, how the vast majority of believers break most of the Commandments and what is required in order to comply and why it is important to comply.
2019.03.04 The Commandments
Radio Broadcast by James Robertson on www_W4CY_com Radio every Friday at 7 pm UK time
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!
If you are an unbeliever, the Creator has said, "Why would I want someone to spend eternity with me when they do not believe that I exist?"
On the other hand, if you are a believer, He has said, "Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great authority if they do not have a Deep Personal Relationship with me, and have not proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?"
Please consider both of those points seriously. The opportunity is there for you, no matter what you believe, no matter what race, no matter whether you are wealthy or poor, no matter what your gender, no matter what your age, the Almighty would like to have a Deep Personal Relationship with you. This series of programmes is about what you need to know in order to have such a relationship.
The Commandments
Today we are going to speak about the Commandments and in that context, the Almighty has said "My Commandments are the anchor for your Emunah or faith, your trust and belief. They are the measuring stick for all you do, think, and say and believe."
For today's programme, the topic is the Commandments. I will go through the main Commandments, number 1, Believe in Yah, then the Ten Commandments.
No Mighty One’s beside Yah, that is, you may know Yah as the Lord or God, both of those inaccurate and blasphemous names that are widely used for the Almighty, but they are wrong. If you are not sure why I say that, please listen to previous programmes.
No idols.
You should not take the name of Yah the Eternally Self Existing in vain. Yah the Eternally Self Existing is the correct translation of the Hebrew phrase Yahooeh or Yahweh that is generally translated as the Lord, which is completely mistaken.
Keep the Sabbaths including the High Sabbaths.
Honour your parents.
Do not murder.
Do not commit adultery.
No stealing.
No false witness or lying
and no lusting or coveting
and we will then have a discussion of what to do about what I am going to share with you.
And you may believe that you know all about the Ten Commandments, but I suggest that I am going to give you a deeper interpretation than you have probably heard before. You may be shocked to discover that in fact you are not keeping the Commandments as rigorously as you thought you were. I would point out that a Friend earnestly, intentionally, and actively keeps all of the Commandments. For more information on the Commandments, refer to the Commandments Menu item on the Menu on the website, which I will tell you about shortly.
Who am I?
My name is James Robertson. I have a PhD in Civil Engineering and I have spent 25 years actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty.
What is End Time Issue Ministries? It is my organisational vehicle for delivering my message via Internet Publishing, this Radio Programme, and soon to be physical books.
What is this programme about? The Creator desires a Deep Personal Relationship with you
That is the heart of my message today and has been at the heart of my message for some years now. See the website, www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org for more information.
Questions from Last Week's Programme
Some questions from last week's programme:
"How do we know if we are worthy?" Well, simply put we are really not worthy. Anybody alive in this world today is actually a mixed up, messed up specimen in terms of the way Father intended us to be when He created Adam. That does not alter the fact that He wants you, you personally, whatever your name is who is listening to me right now, He wants you to become His Friend. It does not matter where you have come from. It does not matter what you have believed up till now, He wants you to become His Friend. Not because you are worthy, but because He created you to be His Friend. You will prove your worth by taking everything that is taught on this programme and putting it into practice and coming to a place where on the Day of your Judgement, the day that you die, when you come before the Judgement Seat, He says to you, well done my Good and Faithful servant, my friend, come up higher.
Then you will know that you are worthy.
"How do we prove we are deserving of a place in heaven?" This is an extension of the previous point. The way you prove you are deserving of a place of Heaven is that you believe in the Almighty, then you are guaranteed a place in Heaven provided you do not blaspheme His name or do major unrepented sin that eventually tears you away from Him. That may only entitle you to a very dark, cold place in Heaven, but it will certainly get you into Heaven. Where you end up in Heaven is a matter of the different ranks that I have spoken about in previous programmes and I hope to speak about them in more detail in due course.
"How can we make our selves worthy of a relationship with the Almighty?" Again, it is not really about being worthy. It is about putting in the hard effort, the grit and determination to prove, not even to prove but in order to earn a high place in Heaven. Many people believe there is nothing you can do and that is just not true. The more you live a life without sin, the more you get close to Father in this life, the higher your rank will be in Heaven for Eternity. The less you do those things, the lower your rank for Eternity.
"Do we need an advocate to get into Heaven?" No. We do need an advocate to deal with our sin in this life, particularly as young believers and Yahooshua, the one you might know as Jesus, is that advocate. But to get into heaven, you just need to believe in the Almighty.
On October 7, 2014, the Almighty said to me that His Commandments are an anchor. He said, "My Commandments are the anchor for your Emunah (faith), your trust and belief. They are the measuring stick for all you do, think, say, believe. If you anchor yourself on my commandments you will not fall off the mountain. The minute you start to compromise relative to my commandments you will start to slip and slide down the mountain." This is a reference to the mountain of Yah, a metaphor that is used in some of my articles and comes from the book “The Final Quest” by Rick Joyner where he was shown the mountain in a series of visions and if you have not read that book, I recommend it for your reading. Available on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Final-Quest-Rick-Joyner/dp/192937190X
Father went on to say, "By 'Commandments' I refer not only to the so-called 'Ten Commandments' but also to my guiding principles and the ethos of serving me with integrity, grit, determination, character and fortitude. Do all that you know to do and then stand! And keep seeking deeper revelation. Every time that you slip, it is an indication of error or ignorance."
I say again, a Friend earnestly, intentionally and actively keeps ALL of the Commandments.
The GREAT Commandment -- Believe in Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty
So let us start with the Great Commandment ‑ believe in Yah the Eternally Self Existing, the Almighty.
Fundamentally nothing else is more important than whether you believe in Yah the Eternally Self Existing, the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and Earth or whether you do not believe. This is the one that most people call God or the Lord or Allah. His real name is Yah the Eternally Self Existing. If you do not believe He exists, there is really no point in keeping the Ten Commandments and living a good life. You are still not going to enter Heaven. The only requirement to enter Heaven is to believe that Yah exists and choose to serve Him.
Thereafter you have various destinations to choose from in Heaven, and I refer you to the previous messages. If you do not believe that the Almighty exists and you choose not to call on Him, then you are per definition, a servant of Satan, and you will end up as an Ancestor Spirit or Demon until the Day of Judgement and possibly forever after. There is huge mistaken understanding in the world today. People think that by living a good life, they will end up in Heaven.
A good friend of mine once said to me, “it is all about living a good life”. I am sorry to have to tell you this, but it is not the case. First, believe in the Almighty. That way you make it into Heaven. Then live a life that is pleasing to Him. Overcome sin. Do whatever is necessary to serve Him faithfully to the end. Live a life that is pleasing to Him. So again, live a life without sin. There is a reference in the Book of Revelation to Overcomers, those people who overcome sin, the reason that Yahooshua (Jesus) was resurrected was not because of some magic or some miracle, but simply because he had no sin and therefore death had no place for him. You can come to a place like Yahooshua where you live without sin. That is a key part of the goal, and to understand that you need to understand the commandments and you need to keep all ten of the Commandments or eleven of the commandments all the time.
Yah’s Commandments are NOT Burdensome
It is important to note that Yah's commandments are not burdensome. Virtually everything that is taught about the Commandments of Yah in this age is false or distorted. This programme seeks to set out the true interpretation of the Commandments and the implications of seeking to live life in accordance with them. Note particularly that Yah's Commandments are not burdensome if we love Yah and that if we love Yah, we will seek to keep His Commandments. To say one loves Yah but fail to make a real effort to keep His Commandments is fundamentally contradictory. Please note that the Commandments are only applicable to believers. If you do not believe in the Almighty Creator, it does not help to live a good life, and keep the Commandments. You are fundamentally serving Satan, because Satan's greatest goal is to prevent people believing in the Almighty. This unbelief is the greatest sin.
Recently I came across an individual who has got himself into a lot of trouble in the country where he lives preaching and campaigning against same-sex marriages. The thing that he seems to miss is that he is a believer and the people he is campaigning about are not believers. To the extent that the Almighty forbids men to have sexual intercourse with each other, he has a point. But if they do not believe, they are breaking the First Commandment and the rest of the Commandments are irrelevant. So what does it matter if they are committing adultery? That is all that male-male sex is, it is a form of adultery. As far as woman with woman is concerned, it is actually not forbidden, despite some strange teachings that suggest that it is.
Continuing on the point that Yah's Commandments are not burdensome, note also that when I speak about belief, I am speaking about a deep-seated revelation that the Almighty exists and not some flippant statement that “I know there is a God”. That is really important folks. Just sort of off-hand saying "Yes, of course there is a God" or "I know there is a God" or whatever is not going to cut it when the chips are down on the last day of your life when you have just died and you are up for Judgement. If you do not have a settled assurance that the Almighty exists, something that is switched on in your spirit, switched in the core of your being and you are not a believer then all of what I teach has really got no relevance to you. If you want to get to a place where you have a close relationship with the Almighty, you have to start out by believing that He exists.
So if you will have it, there is a fundamental Commandment that over-arches the Ten Commandments and that is "love Yah the Eternally Self-Existing your Mighty One with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul, and with all your strength." Furthermore, the Ten Commandments that are frequently referred to fall into two categories: chesed (love) Yah the Eternally Self-Existing with all your heart, mind, soul and strength which embraces the first four of the ten and "chesed (love) your neighbour as yourself" which embraces the remaining six Commandments. Chesed is the Hebrew word frequently translated as love, but it has distinctly different attributes to the soft flimsy, transitory love that so much of the world evinces today. Please note, it is really not that difficult to keep the Commandments and I hope you will see that as I speak about each of them in the next few minutes. Many of them are just quality decisions that you then walk out and stick to. A few of them are more difficult to work with, but with a bit of determination, a bit of gut strength and determination, it is totally possible to keep all the Commandments and to live a life that is pleasing to Him. It is not miraculous.
Commandment 1 -- Yah is ONE
Commandment #1, Yah is one. This is the most fundamental of all the Commandments and correctly translated it says “Yah the Eternally Self Existing is one Mighty One, you shall have no other Mighty One apart from Him”. The traditional translation "I am The LORD your God, etc., you shall have no other gods before me" is based on pagan, that is Satanic language and totally masks the fundamentals of the Commandment. The Lord is not the Almighty's name or designation or title, neither is God. This has resulted in teachings that Jesus is God, which are true in the sense that Yahooshua is a Mighty One, but Yahooshua is not the Almighty, Yah the Eternally Self Existing. Please refer to my previous broadcasts on this subject.
Worship of Jesus in any shape or form therefore breaks this Commandment and is therefore an abomination in the Sight of Yah. The concept of the Trinity is likewise pagan that is Satanic and an abomination. Worship Yah alone, worship the Almighty, the Creator. He created Yahooshua (Jesus). Jesus is not the Almighty in disguise.
Commandment 2 -- NO Idols
Commandment #2, no idols. Anything that receives focus on worship that distracts from Yah is an idol. The Demonic and Satanic realm have caused whatever they can think of to be worshipped and become idols. That includes your car, your house, your wife, your husband, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, anything material. In the early days, the idols were quite visible. Baal and so forth had statues in bronze where babies were offered up alive as burnt offerings. Today such crude actions would not be tolerated by all the “good” people who think they are serving God and not Satan, not realising that God is also a demonic power. Thus these demonic masterminds having lived as human beings have applied their minds to arrive at things that will trick human beings today.
The cross is another idol. The Bible is another idol. Saying that the Bible is the Word of God and having Bible studies and Bible schools and Bible this and Bible that, Bible-based teaching and particularly saying that the Bible is the Living Word of God and without error elevates the Bible to the status of an idol, which is totally unacceptable to the Almighty. The Bible is a useful reference work about the lives of a limited number of anointed believers over thousands of years. Read the Bible to learn about those believers and what they accomplished and to seek to accomplish similar things in your own life. That is it. It is a useful history book.
The Cross, also an idol. Wearing Crucifixes around your neck, having Crosses on your church, your car whatever is also idolatry. The Cross is actually a Satanic symbol of an ankh. Yahooshua died on a stake, a vertical piece of tree trunk with both hands together above his head, both feet together underneath him. Do not worship the Cross.
Commandment 3 -- Name Yah NOT in Vain
Commandment #3, do to not take the name of Yah in vain. Most people know this as "you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain." The problem is that the Almighty's name is actually Yah, which is widely reported as Yahooeh or less accurately Yahweh, which means “Yah the Eternally Self Existing”. So if you do not know the Almighty's true name, how do you avoid taking it in vain? Well, you do not and that is what has happened in the world today. The web portal and free email service of Yahoo.com breaks this Commandment. The Afrikaans word "Ja" for yes breaks this Commandment. The German word "Jah" from "Jawohl" for yes breaks this Commandment. A sound like "yah" for "yes" is common in colloquial English in most parts of the world and that is sin. I find people argue all sorts of things that is unreasonable, God would never be that way. It is not about what God would do or would not do. His Commandment is clear. Do not take the name of Yah in vain. Using Yah for some other purpose is taking His name in vain. It is that simple.
Commandment 4 -- Keep Yah's Sabbaths
Commandment #4, keep Yah's Sabbath. We are commanded to keep the Sabbath day, but there is confusion as to the day that is being referred to. Yah commands the seventh day, which is Saturday, yet the church says it is Sunday, and in recent times, many calendars are being changed to make Sunday the seventh day of the week, saying that the business week begins on Monday. There is plenty on the Internet if you want to go looking to prove that the Sabbath is Saturday.
Yah is clear that He has never changed the Sabbath but then there is an added complexity. Jewish tradition has the day beginning at sunset, yet Yah says that the day begins at sunrise, the new beginning. Stop and think about it. Why would you call something that begins at night, day? Surely day begins at daylight. Why would you go to sleep at the beginning of the day? You would work at the beginning of the day and rest at the end of the day. The day begins at sunrise.
Furthermore, there are a number of other Sabbaths appointed by Yah. Those are Passover, Pentecost, the Day of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and the first day and the eighth, or Great Day, of the Feast of Tabernacles. Yahooshua was born on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles. These Sabbaths contrast with the false Sabbaths of the Church being Christmas, Easter, New Year, Halloween or All Saints Day and Valentine's Day and so forth. So we have all sorts of false beliefs that just lead us into sin. So you can be religiously going to church every Sunday and not working on Sunday, not engaging in commerce on Sunday, and you are going to get to the end of your life and be judged and told that you broke the Commandment to keep the Sabbath. I think that could be a nasty shock in the same way that several of these other Commandments when you find out the truth about them, you will suddenly discover that inadvertently and unintentionally you are breaking them to a greater or lesser extent.
Chesed (love) your Neighbour as yourself
Those are the first four Commandments which are effectively summed up by “love Yah the Eternally Self Existing”. The next six are summarised as “love (chesed) your neighbour as yourself”. These last six of the Ten Commandments relate to how we treat other human beings. Basically, honour your parents, do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not lie or bear false witness, do not covet or lust. These are discussed next.
Commandment 5 -- Honour Parents
Commandment #5, honour your parents. We are commanded to honour our father and mother and it will go well with us. We are also told that if we curse our father or mother, we will die. This is not a sort of fluffy statement. It is not a verse that crept into the Bible inadvertently. It really is so that if you are a committed believer and you curse your father or your mother, you will start to die and eventually you will die. It is just a matter of how quickly. So if you have been cursing your parents and you find that you are ageing, maybe it is time to get on your knees and ask Father for forgiveness and go to your parents if they are still alive and ask them for forgiveness.
It is not honouring to our parents to ship them off to an old age home and visit them now and again and leave others to care for them. We should provide the best accommodation we can afford within our homes and should care for them personally. In addition, we should always show due respect to our parents and should respect their opinions and their views. In many cases, our parents are inadvertent contributors to this situation. My parents certainly took it upon themselves to buy a property in a retirement village and to move there. When I got married I moved out of the house and went to live with my new wife. There was no thought of bringing my new wife into my parents' home and then for us to care for them for the rest of their lives. In actual fact, that probably would not have worked very well, because my parents did not approve of my wife. So I got into a relationship with her against their will, something that cost me very dearly and I would have been better to have listened to my parents' counsel.
So honouring your parents includes not marrying a man or woman that our parents do not approve of. This is of course subject to the parents being believers as well. If you are a believer and your parents are unbelievers, and they want you to marry an unbeliever, then you have to say no. It is an absolute abomination for a believer to marry an unbeliever. It does not matter how much you love them, does not matter how you like them, does not matter how long you have known them. If they do not have a comparable relationship with Father to that which you have, run a mile, get away, do whatever you have to do to end that relationship, even if you are married. If you cannot bring that spouse to a place where they believe as well at a reasonable level, Father expects you to get divorced. He lives in you. He does not want his Spirit that is living in you joined to a person who is serving Satan. There is great confusion in the church that somehow if a believer is married to an unbeliever, the rules with regard to divorce, etc. are applied. No, they do not. If you are joined to an unbeliever and you came to belief recently, by all means work at bringing them to a conversion but in time if it does not happen, it is going to be time to get out. And if you inadvertently in error as a believer married an unbeliever years ago and it is not working, get out.
Parents should give guidance with regard to careers and with regard to life partners. In fact, once one understands the huge implications of marrying the wrong person one will understand why parents should actually choose our life partner for us. That assumes that the parents are walking closely with Father as well, a lot of these things do not work for people who are superficial and flippant believers. Parents should be actively involved in bringing up our children and we should be actively involved in the lives of our parents in all respects. It is still the ideal for the eldest son or at least one of the children to take over the family business.
Commandment 6 -- NO Murder
Commandment #6, no murder. We are commanded not to commit murder. Abortion is murder. This generation is perhaps the most murderous, vicious generation that has ever lived through the widespread practice of abortion. It is all very well to get into this thing of saying, "Well, we are going to ban late-term abortions." Certainly ban late-term abortions but you should ban all abortions. A life is created the instant that the male seed, the sperm joins with the female seed, the egg, the ovum to form the nucleus of a new being, anything that prevents that fertilised egg from implanting in the mother's womb is murder. So abortive contraception is murder. So if you have a loop or coil or one of these other things that is implanted in the uterus to prevent fertilised eggs from taking root, you need to get rid of it and you need to repent of however many murders it is that you have committed through that device. And anything you do to support abortion is breaking this Commandment. If you vote for abortion, if you encourage people to have abortion, you are a murderer. You are going to get a nasty shock on the day of your Judgement.
Permitting a murderer to live and then releasing them back into society so that they commit further murders is a form of murder. Negligently failing to apprehend a murderer so they commit more murders is murder. Failing to put to death a murderer in terms of Yah's explicit Commandment that if a person commits murder they are to be put to death by the Avenger of Blood breaks this Commandment. If you have voted for or you support the abolition of the death penalty, you are a murderer. Putting an avenger of Blood to Death is murder. Locking an avenger of blood away also breaks this Commandment.
Commandment 7 -- NO Adultery
Commandment #7, you shall not commit adultery. Adultery is sexual union resulting in spiritual ties that cut across or short-circuit bloodlines. In simple terms, adultery is sexual intercourse between two men, either directly or via a woman that both men couple with. Adultery is also treachery and covenant breaking. Sexual intercourse with a woman who is in sexual covenant with another man is adultery. The sexual covenant comes into existence when a man takes the virginity of a woman. It also comes into existence when a man ejaculates in the vagina of a woman for the first time. Thus there are two forms of sexual covenant, which generally occur together when virginity is taken. There are situations where Yah will permit divorce, but under those circumstances, specific prayers must be prayed in order to cut the spiritual ties before a new union is consummated, otherwise, that new union will also be adultery. Sexual intercourse with a woman who has betrothed to another man is also adultery. All forms of adultery carry the death penalty if not repented of before death.
Judgement for adultery in this life can be death. I have known of a situation of a woman who left her husband for various reasons, good reasons as it seemed at the time. He gave her a divorce. They thought that she was divorced, she joined herself to another man and a few weeks later she died an excruciatingly painful death because she had been judged for adultery. Note that repentance does not mean that you can continue the relationship. The woman must return to the man who she is in covenant with, except under very special circumstances.
The sin of adultery is probably the most difficult sin to unravel. Just about every person on the planet has had multiple sexual partners, maybe on a casual basis, maybe on the basis of some dating or whatever where they have broken up after a time. Very few people who get legally married today legally marry the woman whose virginity was taken or the man who took the woman's virginity. Result is that most people are in adultery and most people will face a really painful experience when they are judged. It is technically possible for a man to take the virginity of more than one woman, so it is technically possible, and we are created that way, for a man to be able to have more than one wife. The fact that in our society today we cannot cope with it for the most part, there are a few people who seem to make it work, but as a general principle, it is very, very difficult to make that work today. So I am not saying you should do it. I am saying that if you have taken the virginity of two or more women, then you have two or more wives and you better deal with it, unless something has happened that allows you to get clemency and allows you to get divorce from some of those women, and that is a whole discussion in its own right and possibly I will talk about that one of these days. There is a lot of wrong thinking about adultery.
Commandment 8 -- NO Stealing
Commandment #8: No stealing. We are commanded not to steal. The challenge is that today the lines have become blurred. There are lies when we are contracting and fraudulent contracts are stealing. Prosperity teaching which encourages congregants to give to the church or pastor or preacher is stealing if that person is teaching falsehood which applies in almost all cases and it is suspect in most other cases. I cannot stress this enough, we give blindly to ministries that are encouraging us and that we believe we are getting value from without any thought to where they stand with the Almighty. If they are actually serving Satan because of the lies that they are teaching and the error that they have, they may not be 100% serving Satan, but they are serving Satan at some material level, then do not give them your money. You are going to get yoked with that sin. You are going to get yoked with the error. Only give to somebody who is clearly close to Father, who is clearly teaching truth, and you need to check out what is truth in the context of what I am talking about today.
Outright theft is obviously stealing, but making it right is not just about repenting. We may be called on to make restitution to restore what we stole multiplied by anything from three to ten times. I once had an experience where I had “borrowed” on a permanent basis (euphemism) small items of limited value from the University were I had been doing research and at one stage I had a dream where I was shown that a disgruntled former employee was going to come and burgle my house and I prayed about it and the Almighty said to me, "I cannot protect you, I cannot protect your house because you have stolen goods in it. Take the goods back to where they came from." So I had to load those things up in my car, make an appointment at the University with one of the senior lecturers and go and return the items that I had stolen in full daylight in full view of everybody who happened to be walking past the building at the time.
Commandment 9 -- NO False Witness or Lying
Getting your life right with Father is not a simple matter. It needs to be done seriously. Commandment #9: No false witness or lying.
In considering this point, it is vital to understand that all liars will have a part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone. That relates to believers who lie. Yah is not interested in unbelievers. They are Satan's responsibility. Satan is the father of all liars. So the minute you start lying you are aligning yourself with Satan, you are becoming a servant of Satan. That is why Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden because of disobedience and rebellion and sin. It is sin that will keep you away from a close relationship with Father. It is vital to understand that the world we live in is full of lies, particularly when it comes to the matters of the Almighty and Satan. There are lies about creation, there are lies about the flood, there are lies just about everything. So much of what the world believes today is false.
The challenge in the area of belief in Yah is to discern the truth from the lies and perhaps the most difficult thing is to grasp it. Almost all the formal Christian church and actually the Jewish religion and the Muslim religion teaches is false as will be found if you study the material on my website and look particularly at the "Seek Truth" page to start.
Commandment 10 -- NO Coveting or Lusting
Commandment #10: No coveting or lusting. Coveting or lusting is an intense form of desire. It actually projects your spirit out towards the object of your lust in a way that if it is intense enough that it can be seen in the spirit realm and acted on by the Satanic forces. Coveting or lusting is a form of worship and it leads to wrong behaviour and is therefore forbidden. This includes lusting after the woman who is your secretary, lusting after the man who is your work partner or work associate, lusting after a particular car, lusting after a house that you cannot really afford. A lot of advertising and marketing material is designed to engender lust. It is designed to get us to spend money and do things that we cannot really justify because we just have to have that car, no matter how difficult it is. There is a difference between a sober assessment of what you can afford and what you want and lusting for something that you cannot afford.
So… what should YOU do?
So, what should you do? First of all, commit to taking the Commandments seriously. Pray, “Father help me to take your Commandments seriously”. You may say that is a very trite prayer, but it is a very important prayer. And pray other prayers around this subject. If you look on the website, you will find an area called "Important Prayers." Have a look at that, download those documents, there is a lot there that you can put into practice. Seek to deeply understand the Commandments. There are numerous pages on the website under the "Commandments" Menu -- items that discuss the Commandments and their full interpretation in detail. There is also much on the Internet in support of what is taught by me, particularly around the basics, but you do have to exercise discretion. There is a heck of a lot of wrong teaching on the Internet as well. One of the fundamental principles here is to “seek truth not error”. Sift through what you find. Ask Father to open your eyes to read only that which He wants you to read and your mind to receive only that which He wants you to receive. It is a process.
I cannot stress this enough, first of all, take a quality decision and study what is here, study the other articles on the Commandments pages on the website, pray about it. Ask for guidance. It is going to take you time to fully understand the Commandments. It is going to take you time to unravel the wrong behaviours and the wrong beliefs that you may have taken on board that are causing you to break the Commandments at a material level. Deeply examine your life from conception. Identify all significant sin and specifically confess and repent of each major incident. Refer to the article on "Seven Components in Growing Close to the Creator" that is referenced at the end of this broadcast. Simplistically, take a pad of paper, typically an A4 or letter sized pad and down the left-hand margin or the right-hand margin if you write from right to left, write every year since you were born and leave about five or six blank lines. So you are going to fill pretty much a whole pad with five or six blank lines for each year of your life. Then run through everything that happened in your life as best you can remember. So you might want to map out those years and say in this year I was born, this year I started at preschool, this year I went to primary school, this year I went to senior school, this year I went to university and this year I had my first job, in this year I did this, in this year I did that. And as you do that you will remember more and more about what happened in your life and then go through that in terms of people who did wrong to you, people you did wrong to, things you took that you should not have taken, so you might repeat this exercise with half a dozen pads over a period of months or years before you have fully cleaned up your life. Again, I refer you to the article.
In doing this, recalibrate your thinking and your lifestyle that you make whatever adjustments are necessary for you to live a life above sin. I cannot stress enough, above sin. You have got to overcome sin. If you really want to get to a place of high standing with Father, live a life above sin. A couple of the questions at the beginning of this programme where people are asking "What is it that I need to do to be worthy?" Well, if you want to be worthy, live a life above sin. Get rid of the sin in your life, every bit of sin in your life, even the things that are not clear. Remember that a Friend keeps all the Commandments all of the time and is swift to confess and repent whenever they slip. Confession is not enough. You must repent. A deep-seated heartfelt realisation of the wrong you have committed, the harm it has caused, the damage it has done to you, the pain it has caused your Father in Heaven – and then chose to turn around and go in the opposite direction. Every time you catch yourself sinning, you need to take a decision not to do that again. It may take you some time, maybe some years to break bad habits, particularly things like lying. It may take you time to unravel the consequences of your adulteries, but you need to do the hard yards. You need to do the hard work.
The Commandments -- Recap
So to recap, the Commandments, the first and greatest Commandment: Believe in Yah. Then the Ten Commandments: No Mighty One's beside Yah. No idols. Do not take the name of Yah the Eternally Self Existing in vain. Keep the Sabbaths including the High Sabbaths. Honour your parents. Do not commit murder. No adultery. No stealing. No false witness or lying. And no lusting or coveting. It is going to take you time to put all of that into practice fully and as I say, you may well find that if you study thoroughly what is on the website, then it is not as easy as it might first look. You may find that if you are a committed believer and you really thought you were living a life above sin, that there are a bunch of things that I have talked about tonight where you actually are in serious sin and that maybe why things are going wrong in your life as a believer. I spoke in the last message about Judgement in this Life. If you are breaking any of these Commandments you will be judged and these Commandments carry a price of death in due course.
I say again, “a Friend earnestly, intentionally, and actively keeps all the Commandments”. Again, there is no point in keeping these Commandments if you are not a believer. You can be as good as you like, but if you do not believe in Yah, the Almighty, the Creator, it is not going to work.
Four Key Documents
I would like to refer you to four key documents, which you can download off the website.
The first is "The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU."
The second is "Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator."
The third is "The Creator's Name is Yah the Eternally Self Existing."
The fourth is "Where will YOU Spend Eternity? -- What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for eternity?"
I believe these four articles are amongst the most important or in fact the most important that I have ever written. They contain information which is absolutely vital to understanding the Almighty. Go to www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org or email me at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org. Visit the website and click on the Commandments link for more information about the Commandments.
So, thank you for listening. Please send me your questions on the W4CY webpage. I will answer them next broadcast. Please email me to join the mailing list. I am compiling a collection of my writings, which will be published in hard copy and also in PDF format. Please email me if you would like to obtain a copy. That is James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org. The first volume is the most important writings including those that I have just listed. I hope to connect with you again next week when we will more deeply explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
In closing, I would say again, it does not matter where you are now, it does not matter what your race is, it does not matter whether you are rich or poor, you can become a Friend starting now.
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
Broadcast 01 February 2019
Published 23 March 2019

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