2019.04.01 Deep Relationship with The Creator – Part 2 Created by James on 5/1/2019 8:08:58 AM This article continues the discussion of seeking a DEEP Personal Relationship with the Almighty Creator.
2019.04.01 Deep Relationship with The Creator – Part 2
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!
If you are an unbeliever, the Creator has said regarding people who do not believe, "Why would I want someone to spend eternity with me when they do not believe I exist?" You might like to think about that.
If you are a believer, the Almighty has said, "Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great authority if they do not have a Deep Personal Relationship with me, and have not proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?" If you are believer, I would really suggest you consider that. If you do not have a clear view of what the outcome would be of your life, then I sincerely hope you will find this programme helpful.
Tonight we are going to talk about the “Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You, Part Two”, and in that context, the Almighty has said "I created human beings, this Planet, and this Universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together. My greatest grief is that almost no person understands this, let alone seeks such a relationship with me."
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU -- Overview
An overview of today's programme: We are going to continue the discussion regarding proof of Creation from the last programme. We will look at sexual reproduction. We will draw the conclusion that there has to be a Creator. We will then look at what is in it for you if you believe and what is in it for you if you do not believe. And the context all of this is that a Friend earnestly, intentionally, and actively seeks relationship and cares deeply for their Friend. Can you say that of yourself regarding the Almighty right now?
By way of introduction, who am I? My name is Dr. James Robertson. I am a professional engineer by training. I am a management consultant for over 25 years and an executive in a small software company. I have spent 25 years actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty.
What is End Time Issue Ministries? It is the organisation that I use for delivering my message by way of Internet publishing, email lists, websites, this radio programme, and we are now in the process of hoping to produce physical books within another month or so.
What is this programme? called "The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You?" The focus of this programme is to help you to make a decision to draw close to Father and then to show you how to draw close to Him in a way that you will be rewarded at the end of your life.
See the website, www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org for more information.
You can email me at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org if you want to contact me.
Questions from Last Week's Programme
"When did you turn to the Almighty and why?" I have shared with you once or twice before on this programme, but it bears repeating. Twenty six years ago, my life was a mess. I had been in adulterous affair, seriously considering suicide, and the Almighty spoke to me audibly and told me to speak to a business associate of mine who was a believer who led me back to relationship with the Father. I realised then that my life was a mess and that I would have gone straight to Hell if I died at that point and I turned around and decided to really clean my life up and get to know the being that had spoken to me.
So that has been my journey for the last 26 years. It has been a bit up and down but generally I have managed to stay more or less on track and I strongly recommend that to anybody listening today.
"What made a difference since you started this study?" To answer that in a couple of pieces, I do not regard this as a study. Yes, it is a study in the sense that I have gathered huge amounts of information, I have written over 1000 articles, populated a large website, recorded a considerable number of audio teachings and so forth. I set out to get to know the Almighty and to know His truth because I realised that the teachings of men had led me into error.
So what has made a difference is that I have come to know Him deeply and intimately. I have had innumerable supernatural experiences with Him. He speaks to me clearly I speak to Him. He is an integral part of my life, and I would not have it any other way and I would commend that to anybody who is listening.
Next question, "How do we know if our actions will please the Almighty?" If you listen to this programme and visit my website, you will get a sense of what the things are that are pleasing to Him and those that are not pleasing. It is not that difficult. He is not actually massively demanding in the way that some people seem to think. It is just clean up your life, obey the Ten Commandments, put Him first in your life, seek to get close to Him, worship Him, praise Him, talk to Him, involve Him in your life. It is no more complicated than that.
Next question, "How can we know if we are having a good relationship with Him while we are here?" If you have a good relationship with Him you will know. You will speak to Him. He will speak to you. If you become His friend, he will tell you, and you are not His Friend until the day that He says to you, "You are my Friend." He is our friend any time as soon as we get into some sort of relationship with Him because that is the way He is. He wants to be friends with us. Getting to be a place where you are His Friend, where He calls you Friend. It is about cleaning up your life, fighting a battle with the ways of the world and coming to a place where you really are close to Him.
Next question, "How do we know if we are being guided correctly?" That is a bit the same as the previous two points, you will know you are being guided correctly when you are hearing Him, when He is guiding you. Generally you will know if what you have done is the right thing or not, and if you get on your knees every night, as I do and let Him speak to you and tell you how the day has gone, what His view is of the day, you cannot go far wrong. Then a further point coming from a previous broadcast by email, it says, “if Satan is in the bottom of this Pit, how can you receive reporting from anyone who are being locked up there?” Good question. I misscommunicated in that message; in actual fact, the control on Earth today rests with seven Demonic Masterminds. They used to report directly to Satan. When Satan entered the Pit, they took charge on Earth and between those seven Masterminds they rule on Earth, and they will rule until Satan is released from the Pit after a thousand years.
Body of Article
The Almighty Creator wants a deep personal relationship with YOU as His FRIEND and wants to REWARD you in the life to come!
Coming to today's programme, the Almighty Creator wants a Deep Personal Relationship with you as His Friend and He wants to reward you in the life to come. Please note that. This is not about what you can get in this life. If you get close to Father, if you get filled with His spirit, He will touch you. He will heal you. He will give you supernatural energy. He will give you supernatural wisdom. He will help you to prosper. He will help you in all sorts of ways. But that is not what you do it for. In the last century, there were massive moves with the Spirit, but they were all misdirected. They all got into what they could get from Father and not what they could give to Father.
In this context He has said, "I created human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together. My greatest grief is that almost no person understands this, let alone seek such a relationship with me." It is really sad. It fills me with grief at times. He is so lonely. He wants to be your Friend. You do not even know that He wants to be your friend, let alone, make the effort. But if you are starting to make the effort, I encourage you to email me, get in touch with me, and I will help you in whatever way I can.
Father goes on to say "The 'Rules of Engagement' between myself (Yah) and Satan prevent me telling you anything you do not know unless you ask me or do something to put yourself in a place to hear new information from me." If you have listened to the programme a few weeks ago on prayer, there are a whole lot of prayers which are directed at putting you in a position where Father can speak to you about anything and everything.
Father goes on to say "I (Yah) am limited in speaking to you by the mental barriers you have put in place with regard to what you believe I can say to you and by your vocabulary."
So if you have never heard Hebrew words like 'Yah' and 'Yahooshua' you will battle to hear it if he tries to tell you that that “Yah” is His correct name or that “Yahooshua” is the correct name for the man that you probably know as Jesus. So it means you have got to be willing to turn to books, you have got to be willing to turn to websites, YouTube, TV, radio, wherever you can get the information you need to shift your position and there is a lot on my website that will help you there.
I want to stress a point that I made a moment ago. The purpose of serving Yah is not for what He will give us in this life, but for what we will give Him in exchange for His rewards to us in the life to come. Are you willing to serve Him and be faithful and to commit your life to serving Him now, in the expectation that you will be rewarded at the end of your life? And the wisdom and the prosperity and the healing and all the rest of the benefits in this life? Are just an incidental bonus? It is not what you should be doing it for. You do it because you love Him. You do it because you want to please Him. You do it because you want Him to win the Contest.
Continuing Evidence of Creation -- Sexual Reproduction
So in the last programme, we started discussing evidence of Creation and we looked at the whole complexity of the Universe, the Solar System, planet Earth, the plants, the animals, human beings as evidence of a creative agency. I want to take that further. I want to suggest for your consideration that if you have doubts as to whether there is a Creator that sexual reproduction is categoric, comprehensive and conclusive evidence of the existence of a Creator. You are the product of sexual reproduction. You quite possibly engage in sexual intercourse fairly regularly and you quite possibly enjoy it. Every plant and animal on the planet that is of material sophistication reproduces sexually. There are male reproductive organs and female reproductive organs. There are male gametes or sperm, etc., and female gametes, ovum, etc. Without an interaction of varying complexity that involves intangible components including attraction and other psychological elements, there is no coupling and therefore no reproduction and therefore the species ceases to exist. As human beings, we find members of the opposite sex attractive at some level, sufficient to desire to have sex. We develop love, friendship, desire towards those we engage with. We feel fulfilled when our coupling results in pregnancy and more so when the child is born. Where did that come from? How did that happen in a random self-generating process from pieces of rock?
Sexual Reproduction
Most plants require an independent agency such as a bee or wind for reproduction. Without that agency there is no fertilisation and therefore no reproduction, and again the species would cease to exist. Please think carefully about these points. So we see that without sexual desire and reproduction humans would cease to exist. It is vital to recognise that in each case the reproductive process is very specific and precise and complex, and it must work fully for the species to continue in existence. Fundamentally, this requires a complex process that allows the DNA of the male to fuse with the DNA of the female to create the DNA of a whole child being that is an exact merge of the characteristics of both parents.
And above all, the DNA has to exist and the DNA has to match and be mapped together, otherwise no child comes into existence. None of this can develop in a random evolutionary manner. It requires that the male and female come into existence fully equipped to desire to breed, to be physically equipped to breed, to be genetically capable of producing an accurate and consistent replication of the parents generation after generation. This requires a highly intelligent, Creative, agency, a Creator to bring these components into existence fully formed.
Confronting the resulting questions – there HAS to be a Creator
So let us confront the resulting questions. There has to be a Creator. Yes, what I have just said confronts us with the question, "So where did this Creator come from?"
But we face a form of this question either way – if you believe all of this stuff, you and me, the plants and animals, the Planet, the Solar System, the Galaxies, the Universe all "just happened" over millions or billions of years in a self-energized manner with random generation of more and more complex entities you are still faced with the question of "where did all the raw materials come from?" And, you are faced with a level of intellectual sophistry which I have to say constitutes an extreme level of faith in the ability of inanimate materials to self-invent themselves and self-invent life and self-invent human beings with no engineering input, no designer, no manufacturer.
It is actually really, really remarkable that anyone can actually believe that to be honest. But if you actually drill down into the reality of the created universe, of the universe that exists, plants and animals, and sexual reproduction, etc., it becomes pretty much impossible if you are intellectually honest with yourself to suggest that there is no Creative agency. So the bottom line is, "Is there a Creator or did all of this just happen as a consequence of billions of unplanned, uncoordinated random events that all came together to give us what we have today?" This is discussed in much more detail in my eBook "What is the Origin and Purpose of man" which is available on the Website behind the "Creation" tab.
Notice that this Creator says that He has ALWAYS existed, His TRUE name is "Yah the Eternally Self-Existing,” not “God”, not “The LORD”, and not any other name. So “Yah” says He has always existed – can I explain that? No but I hold that it requires less faith to accept His existence than it takes to believe that inanimate materials self-assembled themselves to create you and I and then ceased creating.
So we are left with the dilemma – to believe in a Creator or to believe in intelligent inanimate materials – frankly I find the concept of a Creator more readily acceptable.
That is easy for me to say because I have detailed experience of His existence over a period of over 26 years from the day He spoke to me audibly, as clearly as I am speaking to you now. My marriage was a mess, I was in a dead end, I was desperately seeking answers to why I was there and where I was going and the Creator spoke to me and advised me to seek the counsel of a friend who knew Him. I did, realized I had been going in the wrong direction and took a very robust decision to serve Him.
And in that process, He spoke to me audibly as clearly as you can hear me now. So for me it is actually very simple. Once He spoke to me, I knew He existed, the rest of the debate became irrelevant then. I accept that you have not necessarily had the privilege of that experience, but I would really like to think that if you really apply your mind to what I have shared in the last few minutes and what I shared towards the end of last week's programme, you will reach the same conclusion.
Going back to my experience, in making that decision, I recognised that human beings had led me into error, and I could only rely on the one who had spoken to me. I also concluded that since I was an Engineer and highly skeptical of the existence of the Creator up to that point that He would not expect me to compromise my Engineering training or my intellect in order to believe in Him and serve Him. He has proven to me that this is a valid position and as a consequence, He has taught me a huge amount about himself and about the way things operate on the Earth. Much of this is presented on my website, https://www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org.
I leave it up to you to deliberate on what I have set out. Ultimately I have one piece of advice: If in this teaching I have at any level challenged you to question the possibility of the existence of the Creator then I challenge you to find a quiet place, get on your knees before Him, humble yourself and pray something like "Creator, this man James says that you exist and that you want a deep personal relationship with me, if this is so please reveal yourself to me in a way that I can comprehend and take on-board." Then see what happens. It may take some time for you to get into a place where you can receive the answer to that prayer, but be alert to what happens and my entire experience of working with Him for 26 years says that He will answer you provided you pray sincerely and not in arrogant defiance.
What is in it for YOU?
So, what is in it for you?
Why should you believe?
Why should you seek a relationship with the Almighty Creator?
Well, simply put, it is in your best interests for Eternity. For the next few minutes while you listen to this message, please put aside everything you have about Him, been taught about Him, believed about Him, and give me your undivided attention. Consider critically what I have to say because once you get it, it makes perfect sense and it cannot be any other way.
IF YOU believe
So IF you believe there is a hierarchy, a set of ranks in Heaven with rewards that are directly proportionate to how you and I live our lives. If you really serve the Almighty faithfully and become His Friend in this life, His agent and representative doing what He asks of you, you will qualify to sit on a High Throne with Him for Eternity. This is a position of great honour and esteem and great power in Heaven and you will have that status for Eternity. Now, I suggest for your consideration that that is something that is worth working towards. That is something that is worth laying down your life for. Something that is worth putting in a few hours every day.
On the other hand, if you at some level believe the Almighty exists, or did at some time in your life but you totally ignore Him apart from that, you will find yourself at the opposite extreme, a place called "The Outer Darkness" because it is pitch dark. It is also a cold and a lonely place. The Almighty refers to it as "the trash heap of Heaven." Here, because you ignored the Almighty all your life, He will ignore you for Eternity. You will have no contact with Him and you will have no access to the places of pleasure and privilege in Heaven. Not a nice place to be!
Now, I have come across some people who say "Well, that is gross, that is ugly. How can you serve some being that does that sort of thing?" Well, that is an interesting perspective, you know, should the Created being question the hand of the one that created them, but let us answer that. When Father set about this whole creative process, He did not allow for people to sort of believe and then do nothing. He had a progression of places in the throne room for people who performed at different levels, but then He got people who did not qualify to get into the throne room and all He had left was the Outer Darkness outside the throne room. So it was not some ugly vicious, vindictive thing. It was just He did not allow for people who just say I believe and then do nothing and one of the big evils of a lot of the modern churches today is that they have these crusades, they have these big services and people come to them and they respond to an alter call and they at some level believe and then they are left to their own devices and they never get any further, and they end up in the Outer Darkness. They think they are believers but they are absolutely useless. If you are in that place, then I suggest it is time for you to get out of that place.
If YOU believe – non performers
So we have a continuum, a range if you have at some level believed. So we have talked about the Outer Darkness where the workers of iniquity go. As described above, the Trash Heap of Heaven, totally disregarded, weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. Really ugly place to be, but you are in Heaven, you just crossed the threshold, but not where you want to be. Then the "Foolish Virgins," people who knew that the Almighty existed and served Him at some elementary level, but failed to do His will and most importantly, never invited Him to live in them and fill them with His spirit. Most pew warmer Church goers and Mosque goers and Synagogue goers and other types of meeting goers will end up there. Remember that He created you to have a Deep Personal Relationship with Him, not a relationship with your Church or your Mosque or your Synagogue or your Pastor or your Rabbi or your Imam or your Priest or your Bible or your Quran or whatever.
Why spend so much time on those things and have no time on Him? Stop and think about it. It does not make sense. The Forces of Darkness are laughing at you if you have been putting a whole lot of effort into those things. If you do not have a relationship with Father, if you have not made the effort to build the relationship with Father, how do you expect to have a decent place in Heaven for eternity? It just does not make sense.
Then we have the "Adulterous Wives," people who have been filled with Father's spirit at some level but who then worship Jesus, the Bible, the Church, the Pastor and they failed to worship Yah and have a relationship with Him. So if you are somebody who worships Jesus and / or worships the Bible or puts your Pastor on a pedestal and really do not know Yah, do not know Him personally, do not have a relationship with Him, then you are an Adulterous Wife. The name should tell you how Father views you. Not a good place to be. I certainly would not like to reach the end of my life and be told, "Well, okay, you did believe at some level, you did go to Church, you did do this, you did do that, so you make it into Heaven, but you are going to sit with the Adulterous Wives because you were unfaithful." Not something I would like to have happen to me.
If YOU believe – those who perform at some level
We then get to those who perform at some level in this life. So the first category is the "Wise Virgins," people who prepared themselves to serve the Almighty, received an infilling of His spirit, but not much more. They did something material to serve Him but they did not go far and did not commit deeply. Then, we get the "Wise Stewards," people who knew the Almighty existed and at some significant level used that knowledge wisely and responsibly.
Then we get to the "Good and Faithful Servants," people who really made an effort to serve the Almighty within the constraints of what they felt capable of doing and that brings us to the front of the throne room.
Then we get the "Overcomers," those who actively sought to serve the Almighty, to conquer sin in their lives, to actively do what they were called to do and in the process overcome all the obstacles. This is a place of high honour and power, the target to aim for if you are a high achiever, they sit on thrones, albeit the lower thrones. And then finally, the "Friends." This is first prize. This is what you are created to be ‑ a Friend of the Almighty, one who has dedicated their life to building relationship with the Almighty and doing His will on Earth in this life. They sit on High Thrones and have great authority and power.
I suggest for your consideration that if you can get a fix on this, read the book "The Final Quest" by Rick Joyner and although it has got quite a bit of error in it, it graphically describes Heaven and what I have just been talking about. It is worth going for folks. It does not matter who you are, what you are, what your nation is, what your tribe is, what your skin colour is, what your race is, what your level of education is, Father is looking for Friends. Will you step out today and choose to seek to become His Friend? It is going to take some hard work. It is going to take some dedication. It is going to take some effort. But it will be well worth it. I am sure of that.
If YOU believe
With each step in the above progression, you will receive greater esteem and honour, higher rank and greater authority and power in Heaven. Remember what I said earlier, Father said to me some years ago, "Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great authority if they do not have a Deep Personal Relationship with me and have not proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?" I would like to challenge you right now. Whatever your current relationship with the Almighty to lay it all aside and take a quality decision to seek to become His Friend for eternity. There is much on the website to help you and you are welcome to email me for guidance. I will do everything I possibly can to help anybody who makes this decision. James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org, please contact me.
Hell – the place of correction where you will pay the price of unconfessed sin
So we have talked about the levels of honour that are available to believers when they die. There is a catch. A place called Hell, the place of correction where you will pay the price of unconfessed sin. The man Yahooshua, you probably know him as Jesus died to provide a simple and easy-to-apply mechanism for repenting of sin. To the extent that you avail yourself of this mechanism simply by praying sincerely: "Father I confess that I have sinned" and describe what you have done. "I deeply repent. I choose to turn around and in the name of Yahooshua I ask you to forgive me." Your sins are immediately dealt with as you deal with them. But, insofar as Yahooshua died a terrible death to provide this simple means of deliverance from sin, you will pay a terrible price for all the sin that you fail to confess and repent of in this life. Think about it. He hung on a stake, not a across. He was flogged, died in excruciating pain. Why do you think you can hold on to your sin and not confess your sin and get off scot-free? If you go back to a number of the previous teachings on judgement in this life and so forth, you will find a lot more about repentance, restitution and so forth. So a bit more complex but fundamentally it is not difficult to get forgiveness of your sin. But if you do not avail yourself of Yahooshua's sacrifice, you are going to pay a horrible price in Hell.
Contrary to widespread belief, Hell is not a place for unbelievers. It is for believers. It is a place where believers will be tormented and tortured in direct proportion to the severity and duration of every unconfessed sin at the moment of death. Visit the pages on 'Hell' on my website for a number of detailed accounts and paintings of what this place is like.
If you are guilty of willful sin or blasphemy
If you are guilty of wilful sin or blasphemy, there is another dimension to this. If you are a believer and are guilty of repeated wilful sin, in other words, you keep doing something even though you know it is wrong and you confess and repent and do it again and again in a cavalier fashion, you will eventually reach a point where the Almighty says "Enough" and rejects you. If He repeatedly asks you to do something and you refuse, He will also eventually reject you. If you blaspheme the Set-Apart Holy Spirit of Yah, by calling him Satan or similar, He will also reject you. Do not say to somebody who is filled with the Spirit of Yah that they are being led by Satan. Do not go there. You could lose all hope of salvation. In this case, once you have been shown your sins, you will be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone where you will be utterly destroyed in a moment of torment and terror. Do not play games with sin. Do not play games with Yah. it is not worth it.
If you do NOT believe
Now if you do not believe, well, that is fine I hear you say, but I do not believe, then what? Well, it is fairly obvious, is it not? The Almighty has said of you, "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do not believe I exist?" It is not about good. It is about relationship. If you do not believe the Creator exists, you commit the ultimate sin, unbelief, and you fail to qualify to compete in the race. So if you do not believe, no matter how good you are, no matter how many good works you have performed, no matter how much you have given to charity or even the Church, you will not qualify to enter Heaven. It is that simple and that brutal.
Now again, you may say, this is pretty silly, that is not fair. How can that be? Well, the answer to that lies in the Contest. Father's original intention was that there would not be anybody who did not believe and if they did, they would just be rejected and cast into the Lake of Fire and disposed of as failed experiments.
He did not bargain on the mess we have today. So what will happen to you when you die as an unbeliever?
Well, it so happens that there really are Ancestor Spirits, also known as Demons. When you die, a Messenger or Angel will take you to the Gates of the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and explain to you that if the adversary Satan loses the contest, you will be cast into that fire and in a moment of torment and terror you will be utterly consumed by the fire and cease to exist. You will also be advised that should the Adversary, Satan, win the contest, you will remain on Earth for Eternity as an Ancestor Spirit or Demon and that your calling is now to help the Adversary to win.
You will also be shown Heaven, and it will be explained to you that by failing to believe you have failed to qualify to enter Heaven. It is likely that you will be extremely upset and angry or dismayed at this point. It will also be explained to you that in terms of the Rules of Engagement you are not permitted to inform those that you have left behind of their error and that you will suffer grievous punishment if you break this law. Certain other rules will be explained. You will also be advised that you now report to the Council of the Masterminds, the Demonic junta that rules the Earth in association with the Adversary Satan, who as I said earlier is currently in the Pit for 1000 years and that you will be brutally tortured if you step out of line. But if you promote the agenda of the Satanic realm, you will be rewarded with promotion and positions of greater power, authority, and evil, but keep in mind that the positions of high rank in the Satanic hierarchy have long since been filled and there are over 100 billion Demons on the planet today.
You will then be returned to your corpse. If you have died in a remote area, your spirit will remain at the place of death forever or until an agent of the Adversary collects you. Ancestor spirits are human spirits, they need a human body or animal to ride on, or a Messenger or an Angel to transport them. But there are not enough Messengers to go around, so they only transport Ancestor Spirits if commanded to do so and there is a lot of competition for that. If you do not have such transport, you risk being left in your coffin with your bones, or on the floor of the ocean or entombed in lava in the case of a volcano, etc. Not a nice prospect. You can spend a very, very long time in some very, very, very uncomfortable places if you die as an unbeliever.
If you die in a place of habitation, you may manage to transfer yourself onto a family member with they embrace your corpse, or a witch or other Satan servant in the Hospital, Mortuary, Crematorium who may collect you, take you into stock like cattle, send you on orientation programme and assign you to some human being to lead into deeper sin and error. You cannot see it but the Satanic and Demonic realm is a strongly organised, very harsh spirit environment. Many people have all sorts of theories about conspiracies. The real conspiracy is what the Seven Demonic Masterminds and the hundred billion Demons have in mind in order to defeat Yah in the Contest.
As with Heaven, there is a progression of rank associated with power and authority and prestige in the Satanic realm. See the tab "Where are you going" on the website for more information if it interests you, but quite frankly, I do not see why you would want to know about that. You do not want to be going there.
Frankly, if right now you are an unbeliever, I would encourage you as soon as this programme is over to get on your knees and pray the prayer that I gave you a few minutes ago. If you are thinking that maybe this is not such a bad deal, then I would suggest for your consideration that you should be aware that high-rank in the Kingdom of the Adversary is associated with gross evil, human sacrifice, drinking human blood, torture, etc. So if you regard yourself as a good person, expect to find that the place of unbelief is an uncomfortable place to spend eternity. Should Satan win the contest and right now he is winning hands down, then he will reign on Earth for Eternity and you will serve him on Earth for eternity. Expect to see the world degenerate into the worst excesses of the dark ages, Africa, primitive tribes, and you will have no option but to participate in whatever manner is dictated to you.
There is an added catch.
Should the Adversary win, the Almighty Creator Yah will withdraw totally from Earth, He will withdraw His Universal Spirit and all life will cease. So unless you have progressed to a sufficiently senior position in the hierarchy to have your own Messenger or Angel to transport you, you will be stuck in the location where the corpse of your host fell and you will stay there forever. Not an attractive prospect in my way of thinking.
You might even decide to tell humans the truth, despite the penalties that await you. Frankly, I think this is far worse than a lot of the other stories that have been concocted over the years. This is what it is really like. It is brutal. It is harsh. In the end, you can say, why did the Almighty do this? Father had no intention that this would happen, his plan was to take any rejects and cast them into the fire, the incinerator and get rid of them. And He was about to do that with Satan, when Satan challenged Him to the Contest and we have talked about that in previous programmes. Right now, the key thing is as a consequence of this we have this situation, not because Father set out to make it this way, but that is just the way things worked out.
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU -- Recap
So, to wrap up, recap. We have looked at continuing with regard to Proof of Creation and looked at sexual reproduction. We have concluded that there has to be a Creator. We have looked at what is in it for you if you believe and what is in it for you if you do not believe. I would stress again that a friend earnestly, intentionally, and actively seeks relationship and cares deeply for their friend. See the article behind the Home tab on the top left of the website Menu for more information.
Wrapping Up
Four Key Documents
I would like to refer you to four key documents on the website: "The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with you." It is a 16-page document which I am progressively presenting to you on this programme. We have gone through two-thirds of that document in the last two sessions and hopefully next week I will take you through the remainder of that document, but you can go and get the whole document on the website now, hover your mouse over the Home tab in the top left-hand corner of the website Menu and you will see a drop-down where you will find this and the other articles I am about to talk about.
The second article is "Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator." This is a 70-page e-book which is designed to help you from the moment that you pray the prayer that I gave you earlier and say “Father I want to become your Friend”, this will show you how to clean up your life, the prayers to pray, the worship songs to sing, the processes and rituals to go through to clean up your life and come to a place of close relationship. Clearly a book cannot tell you everything. I hope it will lay a foundation and help you to get there. Ultimately your journey will be your journey alone and Father will help you as soon as you start asking Him to help you.
The third article: "The Creator's Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing." As you grow in the things of the Almighty, if you want to understand the importance of the name of Yah and how it permeates the Bible and the history of mankind, you will find this article of interest.
The fourth article: "Where will you Spend Eternity? What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for eternity?" This builds on some of the things that I have talked about here and certainly is worth reading. It has a number of things in terms of process and prayer, which give you guidance as to how to live this life. All of this available at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org, behind the Home page Menu item in the top left-hand corner.
Books of teachings and regular email articles are available. I publish an email article generally at least once a week. Email me at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org to be put on the mailing list or to find out about other material and visit the website and visit the homepage for more information.
So in closing, thank you for listening. I hope you found this valuable. Please send me your questions on the W4CY webpage. I will answer them in my next broadcast.
Please email me at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org to join the mailing list.
I am compiling a collection of my writings. Email me if you would like to obtain a copy. The first volume contains my most important writings including those that have just been listed and quite a few others.
If you do decide to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know. We can connect by Skype and email so that I can help you with your journey. I would love to hear from you if in response to this programme, you have decided to draw close to Father.
I hope to connect with you again next week when we will more deeply explore how to become a Friend of the Creator and I say again, it does not matter who you are, it does not matter whether you are a sinner or a saint, it does not matter what you have been doing in your life up to this moment, it does not matter your race, your education, your age. If you right now take the quality decision to seek to become a Friend of the Creator, He will do everything possible to help you. You need to do the work, you need to get the articles, you need to do the reading, you need to do the praying, you need to do the fasting, you need to do the worshipping, but He will meet you and it will be worth it.
Good night.
Warm regard and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
Broadcast 08 March 2019
Published 07 April 2019

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