2019.04.04 Why YOU Should Believe in the Almighty Creator Created by James on 5/1/2019 8:40:17 AM A discussion of why YOU should believe in the Almighty Creator. This article provides a bullet point summary of the key things that any person who does not believe should consider in order to arrive at a decision to believe in the existence of the Almighty Creator.
2019.04.04 Why YOU Should Believe in the Almighty Creator
If you do not believe that the Almighty Creator exists I would like to present you with the following Critical Factors to consider as to WHY you should believe:
- Created to be Companions and Friends
This entire Universe was created so that the Almighty Creator might have companions, confidante’s, Friends – people who believed in Him and did things with Him.If you are NOT such a person you are missing your life goal.
- Engineered Creative Complexity
The visible Engineering complexity of us as Human Beings, everything we can see, touch and feel tells us there has to be a highly intelligent, highly creative Engineering Being to create all this -- it cannot just have happened. Examination of anything around you will confirm this.
- Sexual Reproduction Requires a Creator
We are sexual beings. Sexual reproduction in all higher forms of plant and animal life requires the male and female to be perfectly formed before they can reproduce and not die out -- proves a highly skilled Creator.
- Huge Rewards for Loyal Service
There are HUGE rewards in the afterlife in terms of esteem and authority for those who truly serve the Creator in this life. YOU have the opportunity to be part of this. Are you aware of this? Are you going for it?
- Satan the god of THIS World is a Harsh Task Master
Satan, the Adversary, the God of THIS World is engaged in a Contest with the Almighty to turn ALL Human Beings against the Almighty Creator. Satan is responsible for the mess this world is in today and for all the evil, the wars, the disease, etc. Why serve him? That is the inevitable consequence of NOT believing in the Almighty Creator. As an unbeliever you will serve Satan more fully after you die and will find existence very harsh and very unpleasant.
- Are you striving to be your best for nothing?
You are no doubt striving to do your best in this life without knowing the outcome. If you realized that the outcome COULD be extremely beneficial and pleasant IF you truly serve the Creator I suggest you would view things differently. Today is your opportunity to start going for that goal.
- Death as an Ancestor Spirit
The HARSH reality is that WHEN you die as an unbeliever you will NOT enter Heaven. You will be told you have been lied to and will continue existence as a Demon or Ancestor Sprit with NO ability to move around under your own motive power. You will potentially be stranded underground where your corpse rots in your grave for the rest of the millennium. Surely that is NOT your goal for your life?
I strongly recommend that you choose to believe in the Almighty Creator, whose true name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” by praying as follows “Father Yah, Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and all that is in it, I now realize that you MUST exist and I choose to believe that you exist. I ask you to come to live in me now, fill me with your Spirit and guide me in drawing close to you. I am told I can serve you. I want to serve you but I do NOT know how to do that. Help me to find people and material who can help me.”
If you have prayed this prayer please visit my website at www.ETI-Ministries.org and read the contents of the menu item “Seven Components of Drawing Close” near the bottom of the menu or contact me on New.Belief@ETI-Ministries.org or phone me on +44 776 862 2875 or Skype at James.RobertsonETI
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
Published: 22 April 2019

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