2019.04.05 Why YOU Should Seek to Become a Friend of the Almighty Creator Created by James on 5/1/2019 8:46:22 AM This article lists the key reasons why any individual should choose to become a Friend of the Almighty Creator.
2019.04.05 Why YOU Should Seek to Become a Friend of the Almighty Creator
Did you know that it is possible to become a FRIEND of the Almighty Creator? Did you know that THIS is your purpose on Earth? Here are a few points to help you assess how you want to live the rest of your life:
- Entire Creation is to Create Friends
This entire Creation exists so that the Almighty Creator can have companions, confidantes, Friends to talk to, to learn with and to do things together. If you do NOT realize this then you are missing out on the only REAL goal for your life!
- Heaven is a Place of Great Splendour
Heaven is a place of great splendour and those who qualify as Friends receive great esteem, splendour and authority. Do YOU understand the Ranks in Heaven and have a life goal to achieve this?
- “Friend” is the Highest Rank in Heaven
“Friend” is the highest rank in Heaven. Did you know that? Do YOU aspire to that highest rank? Or are you just wandering through life with NO clear purpose?
- “Overcomers” Still Get to Sit on Thrones
The next rank in Heaven is “Overcomer” – one who has overcome sin and the Trials and Tribulations of this life in order to sit on a High Throne below the Friends. Do you AT LEAST aspire to that?
- “Good and Faithful Servants” at Least Receive Reasonable Esteem and Authority
If you do not qualify to be an Overcomer, you will NOT qualify for a Throne but at least perhaps you could become a “Good and Faithful Servant”. One who has served the Almighty significantly. You will have to stand but at least you will be esteemed and have some authority.
- There are Lower Ranks if your Aspirations are Lower
If you are NOT in line to be a Good and Faithful Servant perhaps you quality as a “Wise Steward”? or an “Adulterous Wife”? Or perhaps only a “Foolish Virgin”. At least you will still be in the Body of Heaven, albeit it fairly far out.
- There is a TRASH HEAP in Heaven, are YOU Headed There?
Heaven ALSO has a Trash Heap, a dark, cold, lonely place where those who at some level believed but then chose to ignore the Creator will be ignored by Him for Eternity. There will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth! Is THAT where you are headed?
Where do YOU stand?
I suspect NOT very far up that ranking because, in this age, very FEW people are anywhere significant on that ranking.
YOU have a choice today – go ALL OUT to serve the Almighty Creator whose TRUE NAME is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” or continue to potter along in mediocrity only to be BITTERLY DISAPPOINTED when you die!
I strongly recommend that you choose to go ALL OUT to Serve Father Yah, starting today. Pray “Father, I have just realized that my relationship with you is NOT where I would like it to be and is characterized by luke-warmness and mediocrity in the things that really matter. I choose this day to serve you wholeheartedly and I ask you to forgive me and help me to do what I need to do in order to become your Friend (or to Overcome, or to become a Good and Faithful Servant, or a Wise Steward, etc depending on your aspirations)”. There is much more you should pray – see below.
If you have prayed this prayer please visit my website at www.ETI-Ministries.org and read the contents of the menu item “Seven Components of Drawing Close” near the bottom of the menu or contact me on Newly.Commited.Believer@ETI-Ministries.org or phone me on +44 776 862 2875 or Skype at James.RobertsonETI
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
Published: 26 April 2019

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