2014. Abraham Created by James on 5/1/2019 12:25:04 PM Abraham
Yah promised Abraham that his seed would equal the number of the stars of the heavens without number -- that promise has been kept through the preferential descent of children of Abraham -- because the children of Abraham are more blessed than other peoples when they engage in battle they tend to win, when they engage in commerce or farming they tend to prosper
Such that as they have travelled and impregnated local women, although the paternity of those children has NOT been recorded in the countries of birth they have grown and prospered because, in heaven, they are recorded as sons of Abraham and so they survive war and illness while others of the local tribe have died out
This has continued to the present age to the point where Yah says that almost every human being on the planet is a blood line descendant of Abraham both visibly and not visibly such that not only have the European people who are descended from Israel but the Asian people whose appearance and culture is descended from Japeth and the Hammite people whose appearance and culture is descended from Ham are also children of Abraham
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