2014.01.70.03 The Jews are Yisraelites and NOT Khazars Created by James on 5/8/2019 6:54:21 AM Jews, Yisraelites, Khazars, NOT Khazars
The Jews are Yisraelites and NOT Khazars
There are historical accounts of a group of people from Yisrael who migrated to a country in Asia and inter-bred with a race known as Khazars and forced them to convert to Judaism
There is a school of thought that says that as a consequence of this ALL Jews throughout the world are Khazars and NOT really Hebrews and should therefore be exterminated or hated or whatever
Simple consideration of logistics will indicate that since there were Hebrews / Israelites migrating all over the world this cannot possibly be true
In fact, all the people of Europe are descended from Hebrews from Israel, NOT all from Yahoodah and there are Yahoodites {Jews} all over the world who have migrated via diverse routes
The big challenge with those who believe the story about the Khazars is that they use this lie to drive vitriolic hatred of the Jews that was, in part, responsible for the killing of Jews in Germany in the run-up to World War II
There is NO basis to hate Jews or want to kill them other than that they are closer to Yah than most and keep His commandments better than most and therefore they are blessed and Satan hates them so those who hate the Jews are doing the work of Satan
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