2. Prayer
The previous section has introduced prayer and given some guidelines. The next step in moving to a deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator is to start praying the prayers that are necessary for Him to start moving in your life and guiding you.
On your knees -- the best way to hear
As a general rule the best position for prayer is on your knees before Father. This is also the best position to hear Him clearly. This position is a meaningful statement of humility towards the most powerful being in the entire Universe and it also helps you to get your mind right and hear more clearly. IF you make a quality decision to serve Him in response to these emails it is probable that you will spend MANY hours on your knees confessing your sins, asking questions, etc.
Note that you can pray ANY place, ANY time, in ANY position, your knees is simply a good place to be if you are REALLY seeking answers. Flat on your face on the floor can also be a good position if you really need to humble yourself.
As with ALL of these things it is up to YOU to craft the mix of postures, etc that you adopt as you develop your relationship with the Almighty.
Prayers are NOT necessarily answered instantly, or at all
While some prayers may be answered very soon after you pray them others take much longer to be answered. For example a prayer "Father I ask you to give me wisdom" should be prayed regularly and may take years before you become aware that you are wiser than you were before through learning experiences that have come your way since you first started praying that prayer.
Other times it can take months or years for Father to set-up the answer. I have had prayers and questions answered halfway across the world and it sometimes took a lot of organization to get me there.
Note that you should also be praying " Father let your will be done in my life " -- it is very easy to pray things that are NOT Father's will and either NOT receive a response OR have your foolish or presumptuous prayer answered by the Satanic realm.
Rules of Engagement restrict Father Yah
Remember that in terms of the Rules of Engagement Father Yah cannot DO anything in your life unless He has the consent of a human being and He cannot SAY anything to you that is outside the realms of what you believe without the consent of a human being, in both cases primarily yourself -- generally human beings have limited authority with regard to these matters for other human beings.
Show me the level of my present deception
Thus, if you believe that "the Bible is the living word of God and without error", Yah is constrained to operate within that belief and cannot tell you that you are mistaken UNLESS YOU give Him permission to operate outside the boundaries of what you currently know and believe by praying a prayer like "Father I ask you to show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it " -- and pray this regularly, I started praying this in around 1998 and still pray it regularly today. As a consequence I have received dramatic revelation of all sorts of errors in what I believed at the time I started praying this prayer. Note that it is NOT humanly possible to deal with the consequences of praying to be shown deception in one installment; Father is constrained by our limitations to teach us step by step as we are willing to learn and adjust. There is NO point in praying "show me the level of my present deception" UNLESS you are willing to course correct. And little point in praying it once, pray this daily IF you are serious.
Lead me into ALL truth by Your Spirit
Another important prayer in a similar vein is "Father I ask you to lead me into ALL truth by Your Spirit" -- this prayer will take years to be fully answered.
The End Time Issues Ministries website provides many answers
Note that answers to prayers such as these can take various forms and can take days, weeks, months, years or decades to be fulfilled. If Father had shown me the level of my deception all at once the first time I prayed the above prayers I do NOT know if I could have handled it and I certainly would NOT have known what to do with all the mountains of revelation that followed in the next four years in particular. Once you have prayed the above prayers you will find that my website, http://www.End-time-issue-Ministries.org contains answers to MANY questions that you may ask and this should assist you to fast track dealing with many of the more commonly occurring errors.
See the Table of Contents for a listing of over 700 webpages on diverse topics.
See the Article Categories page for a listing of the more than 300 articles written from 2009 onwards which address a diversity of topics, also listed in reverse sequence of publication on the Articles page.
See the Article Keyword Cloud for keywords on many of these articles as an alternative point of entry into the articles.
See the List of Articles prior to 2009 for over 600 articles written between 1999 and 2009 which address numerous issues that are NOT discussed elsewhere on the site.
Use the Google Site Search in the right hand side bar to search particular topics across the entire site. There is also an Article Search in the side bar.
The Important Insights page lists a significant number of important pieces of information that Father has shared with me recently.
Judgment in this life
A key reason why the above resources are important relates to a fundamental principle of serving the Almighty, Judgment in this life . The moment you choose to serve the Almighty the forces of darkness will focus attention on you with the intention of misleading you or, if possible, destroying you before you become a threat to them. One of the most effective tools available to them is Judgment in this life. Simply put the Almighty presides over the Court of Heaven, Satan and his cohorts appear in the Court as prosecutors and bring charges against living human beings, primarily believers. Yahooshua {Jesus} as advocate argues in defense and in mitigation of sentence by way of mercy and grace for young and inexperienced believers and the Almighty hands down sentences that are executed by the Satanic forces or by the messengers {angels} of Heaven.
This can range from a minor sentence like causing you to trip and fall through to a major sentence such as a serious illness, motor accident or, in extreme cases, death. The severity of the sentence is in direct proportion to the severity of your sin and your level of maturity.
A new believer is accorded considerable mercy and grace while a believer who has been walking with Father for decades will be judged most severely.
In many cases, particularly with mature believers, the Forces of Darkness will bide their time until a significant level of sin has accumulated so that they can obtain a severe sentence that they hope will neutralize or take out the believer concerned.
Judge me severely and correct me harshly
The simplest solution to this reality is to avoid sin, the problem is that the day one starts on this journey one is almost totally ignorant of what REAL sin is. Accordingly study and prayer, as above, are of paramount importance. Coupled to this possibly the most powerful prayer there is in terms of seeking to overcome is "Father I ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly ".
At first glance this may look like an extremely high risk prayer, it is NOT -- Father has a fundamental principle that He will NOT allow His children to be tested beyond what they can endure. I first prayed this prayer in around 1998 and have prayed it regularly for a number of years now. I have NEVER experienced a judgment that I have NOT been able to handle, recover from, learn from, course correct from and grow from. This prayer prevents the forces of darkness from controlling judgment in your life and place the control in the hands of our merciful and loving Heavenly Father. This also permits Him to judge us immediately so that we can deal with issues as they occur without them heaping up.
If you are serious about serving the Almighty I STRONGLY COMMEND "Father I ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly " as a daily prayer.
Bring the people you want into my life and take those that you do NOT want in my life out
One of the things that I learned early on in my intense walk with Father was that I was NOT a good judge of character and that there were people around me who were NOT helpful to me in my walk with Him. Accordingly, for the first time in 1995 I prayed "Father I ask you to bring the people you want into my life and take the people out of my life that you do NOT want in my life out " -- in the first year He removed one of my business partners, several of my staff, my wife and various other people. In each case as He took them out (in most cases they left without me doing anything) Father revealed hidden agenda's and spiritual issues that were getting in my way of serving Him.
When one prays prayers such as those presented so far one MUST be sensitive. You have asked Father to take charge in BIG areas, EXPECT Him to act on those prayers. So when a person starts acting up in strange ways and threatening to resign, LET THEM GO! If the strife in your marriage suddenly escalates to a point where you discover treachery then get divorced. And so on as things unfold.
These prayers frequently do NOT require that you audibly HEAR anything from Father, only that you discern that you are being led in a way that is an answer to what you have prayed. If you find yourself in a bookshop with time to spare, perceive there is probably a book there that Father wants you to read, turn to Him for guidance, go to whatever shelf attracts your attention, pick up whatever book catches your eye, open it wherever it opens and you may find the answer to a question. I have had this happen thousands of miles from home as the way that Father used to answer a particular question. I have even had Him do this in ways that have answered questions that I did NOT know existed and have been taught accordingly.
Once one prays these important directional prayers one opens the door for all sorts of developments in one's life.
If you miss it
At the same time, IF you are NOT willing to be sensitive and obedient do NOT pray the above prayers, you will bring judgment upon yourself if you pray these prayers and then FAIL to respond to the answers. Apart from anything else, Father will soon lose interest in answering your prayers. If, as you read this you realize that you are guilty of asking for guidance and then ignoring the guidance when it occurred, pray immediately "Father, I realize that I have ignored your guidance in ... situation, I repent and ask you to forgive me ". He is gracious and off forgiving and He WILL grant forgiveness for genuine repentance.
Note, however, that if you get into ongoing rebellion and disobedience you WILL eventually reach a point of total rejection from which there is NO recovery. Once you have crossed that line Father will cease to have anything to do with you, the forces of darkness will use you to serve whatever purpose serves them and at the end of your life you WILL be judged and sent to Hell for all your unconfessed sin and once you have paid the price for your unconfessed sin you WILL be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone where in a moment of torment and terror you WILL be utterly consumed and cease to exist.
Do NOT pray prayers like those suggested here if you are NOT serious.
Open doors and close doors
Another very effective directional prayer is "Father I ask you to open the doors in my life that you want opened and to close the doors that you want closed " -- this allows Father to direct you in diverse ways. Be prepared to change jobs, home, country, whatever Father deems appropriate to your best interests in His service.
Prayer for advancement
Assuming that you have read this far because you ARE serious about serving Father the next prayer to consider is "Father help me to become a wise virgin, a wise steward, a good and faithful servant and an overcomer to the end of my life, help me to become your friend for eternity ". If your ambitions do NOT go all the way to "friend" with the commitment and sacrifice that entails, then stop wherever you are comfortable stopping. Each of these categories is closer to Father in Heaven, carries greater prestige, rank and authority AND greater responsibility and accountability. AND greater opposition and challenges in this life. YOU decide how far you want to go.
The rank up from the "Workers of Iniquity", those in the outer darkness, is the "Foolish Virgins", those who know Father exists but do things THEIR way -- the vast majority of Church / Mosque / Synagogue going believers sit in this category -- they make NO real effort to know Father's will and to do it. In fact, MOST Pastors, Priests, Imams and Rabbis are in this category as well -- the number of people who are seeking at least enough of a relationship with Father to know His will and do it is VERY SMALL!
So, what about you?
Where are you going to aim for?
The "Wise Virgins" are those who at a basic level are prepared and seeking to do Father's will but they never get beyond the basics. They have NOT been filled with the Spirit of the Almighty, in other words they have NOT allowed Father in, they have an intellectual knowledge but NO spiritual connection.
The "Wise Stewards" are those who are starting to do something material for Father in accordance with HIS will NOT the teachings of the church or the Pastor, or the Imam or the Rabbi or whoever.
The "Good and Faithful Servants" are those who are going out of their way to serve Father, they are REALLY making an effort, they are obedient even unto death, they are really GOING FOR IT.
The "Overcomers" are those who have got to a place of overcoming sin in their lives, they are overcoming the obstacles that the forces of darkness are bringing against them, they are conquering and ruling with the Spirit of the Almighty within them.
The "Friends" are those whose relationship with Father is so close, who are so committed to Him that nothing else matters except pleasing Him, who are reigning over sin, who are confidantes and friends of the Almighty in the deepest possible sense. These people have made huge sacrifices over years, they have laid down their lives, they talk to Father constantly and engage in dialogue with Him. He tells them His plans and consults with them. He even defers to their judgment with regard to how specific assignments should be executed because, as He puts it "I do NOT live in your skin".
These are people who in the extreme examples include Noah, Abraham, Moshe {Moses}, Daniel, Yahooshua {Jesus}, Mohammed -- men and women whose prayers have brought judgment on the earth, parted seas and turned situations around. There have been many others but these are the most notable and the opportunity exists for YOU to become a Friend of the Almighty and seek to achieve the same level of standing and authority on earth TODAY!
Father desires this level of relationship with EVERY human being on earth, INCLUDING YOU!
Will YOU respond?
Will YOU go ALL OUT to serve Him, to please Him, to get to know Him?
To become His trusted advisor and confidante?
Someone to whom He confides His deepest desires and concerns, someone who is totally sold out to achieving Father's will on Earth and bringing Him JOY every day?
He STRONGLY desires this of YOU. Right now He is very lonely because there are almost NO people on earth at this level.
If you apply the principles contained in this document YOU can become His Friend IF you so choose and make the effort and sacrifices that are necessary to get there.
Other directional prayers:
- "lead me by Your Spirit every second of every day "
- "help me to accurately discern the leading of Your Spirit and be instantly obedient "
- "help me to see what you want me to see and nothing else "
- "help me to hear what you want me to hear and nothing else "
- "help me to think what you want me to think and nothing else "
- "help me to speak what you want me to speak and nothing else "
- "help me to write and contract (with my hand) what you want me to write and contract and nothing else "
- "help me to walk (go with my feet) where you want me to walk and nowhere else "
- "lead me in every possible way "
- " speak to me through whatever medium I am able to hear you through, books, magazines, newspapers, emails, radio, TV, recordings, websites or any other medium "
- "where necessary send people or messengers {angels} across my path to speak to me "
In all of the above it is up to you to be sensitive and discern that Yah is answering your prayers.
He will NOT steam roller you into anything or force your hand. If you do NOT want to listen or for some reason are unable to listen He will NOT force you -- it is up to YOU to be sensitive and obedient and seek clarification, confirmation and further guidance as you grow in relationship with Him.
Do NOT ask for Yah to send other people to you UNLESS you are willing to be obedient to what He says, failing this you will open yourself up to judgment. It is a major logistical exercise in most cases for Yah to arrange the life of another person to meet up with you -- when it happens be appropriately grateful to Yah and be attentive to what Yah has to say to you through that person.
As a spokesman {prophet} of Yah I am constantly disappointed by the extent to which people, when confronted with a spokesperson {prophet}, take what that person says lightly and frequently go out and do exactly the opposite of what Yah has said. I challenge you, having read this far, to take the message of this article to heart and NOT ignore Yah's message to you through me.
Bless me indeed, enlarge my territory
Another important prayer "Father I ask you to bless me indeed, enlarge my territory in relationship with you, in knowledge of you and your will and your ways and your kingdom, in the anointing of your Spirit, in emunah {faith, trust and belief}, health and in finances" -- you can change this prayer any way you want and remove finances or put finances first, it is up to you to determine what YOUR priorities are.
If you are in a covenant union with another with a one flesh bond, {marriage} you can add "harmony" to the above list of items to ask for.
If you are in such a union you can pray "Father, please teach us to walk in perfect harmony, to be perfectly aligned with your will and with one another ".
Wisdom, Understanding and Favor
As a daily prayer you can ask "Father I ask you to grant me wisdom, understanding and favor in ALL that I do". You might preface this by praying, " Father I thank you for this day, I thank you for your love, your mercy and your grace ".
IF you are in line with Father's will and living a life above sin the forces of darkness CANNOT TOUCH YOU!
This is really important. So many who believe at some level suffer loss because of sin in their lives and the resulting judgment to the extent that they think that loss is inevitable. I have encountered highly anointed ones who are unaware of the principles of Judgment in this Life and who regularly suffer loss and take it as part of the job. It is NOT, IF you are fully in Father's will, as best you are able at whatever stage in development you are today, Father will NOT permit the forces of darkness to touch you. You CAN be cast into the Lion's den or the fiery furnace and walk out unscathed.
Pray, "Father I thank you that your messengers {angels} encamp around me to protect me, that NO weapon formed against me shall prosper, that EVERY tongue that rises against me in unrighteous judgment WILL be refuted ". This prayer ONLY works if you are doing all you can to live above sin at the level of your current understanding so that Father has a legal basis to protect you.
Daily prayer
It is advisable to pray at least morning and evening in a formal way in addition to the prayers and conversation you engage in with Father throughout the day. We pray in the morning before breakfast and at night when we go to bed. Prayers should include most of the prayers listed here, as seems appropriate at any time, many should become part of your standard routine. I like to open along the lines of "Father we thank you for this day, we thank you for your love, your chesed {mercy, loving kindness} and chen {grace}. We ask you to help us draw closer to you, to live our lives in a way that is pleasing to you and to bring you joy every day. We ask you to help us to use this day wisely. In particular we ask for guidance with regard to ... etc ... Amen ".
Prayer in the name of Yahooshua {Jesus}
Note that prayer in the name of Yahooshua is ONLY relevant when you FIRST come to belief, when taking authority over the powers of darkness -- you are operating in the delegated authority of Yahooshua and in the EARLY stages of your relationship with Father when you are repenting of sin. Apart from these cases and particularly as you mature the name of Yahooshua is NOT relevant in prayer and is, in fact, offensive to Yah. In fact, Father has given me to clearly understand that He is thoroughly angry relating to inappropriate prayer "in the name of Jesus" or "in the name of Yahooshua" and, accordingly, you should avoid that usage unless you are VERY clear that it is appropriate. Yah answered prayer before Yahooshua and He answers prayer by those who do NOT believe in Yahooshua so there is NO need to pray in this name, whether the real name OR the pagan name.
Giving thanks for meals
The giving of thanks / saying grace before meals is a widely held custom but is in fact largely meaningless except in extreme cases. The food in front of you is a consequence of your own endeavours and there is therefore no basis to thank Father for it. If you are living in an advanced society with no risk of poisoning and little possibility of serious contamination there is also NO basis to bless the food or pray over it in any shape or form. IF Father has indeed provided miraculously, which very very seldom happens THEN it is appropriate to give thanks. IF you are in an environment where poisoning or contamination are real risks then pray specifically against those things. Apart from that Father has made it clear to me that such prayers are unnecessary and a source of irritation to Him.
The "Lord's Prayer"
Father has made it clear that the example prayer given by Yahooshua, while containing some good principles is simply a prayer by a man, recorded by a man in a book published by men and NOTHING more. So, while it is better than praying nothing Father is also thoroughly frustrated with people praying this prayer on a regular basis with NO engagement. He is interested in YOUR PRAYER TODAY, your needs, your wants so, while there is MUCH in this document that you SHOULD pray regularly it is up to YOU to craft a selection of prayers and wording of prayers that works for YOU.
Provision -- Most Prosperity teaching is NOT from Yah
There is GREAT error relating to the subject of provision and particularly with regard to finances, Father WILL give you the wisdom to get wealth and He will provide your needs through the anointing of His Spirit but YOU have to do the hard work, deal diligently, honorably, with wisdom and integrity. Get to work on time and put in a good days work, etc.
Remember that after Adam ate the fruit in the Garden that Father condemned us to live by the sweat of our brows, NOTHING has changed and any teaching that teaches to the contrary is NOT from Father.
For this reason tithing is NO LONGER RELEVANT because there is virtually no-one in a fit spiritual state to receive tithes. Yes, Father MAY request that you give of your finances to another believer on occasion but be VERY sure that it is Him that is asking you, failing that you become yoked to the error of the person to whom you give finances.
If you are currently in a Prosperity church and prospering and you start doing the things that are set out here expect your finances to dry up because the demons that have been prospering you will cease to favor you, almost all that it taught in the Prosperity churches is NOT from Yah!
As you draw closer to Father the level of opposition will increase and you will find it harder and harder to cope financially -- this is NOT because Father is unable to provide it is because the level of opposition to those who are truly seeking to serve Yah is huge -- the forces of darkness will do ALL they can to starve you out and you WILL have to work diligently and with extreme integrity in order to prosper. If you are in covenant with another, that is marriage, it is vital that you are perfectly aligned and in intense harmony because a divided house WILL fall.
Wisdom to get wealth
Father provides for us through teaching us things that enable us to earn good livings. He supplies all our needs through the anointing of His Sprit that is upon us BUT we have to live by the sweat of our brow because that is how it was ordained after Adam disobeyed the Creator.
Pray, "Father I ask you for the wisdom to get wealth by the anointing of Your Spirit upon me, I ask you to teach me what I need to know in order to make a reasonable living and still have time to serve you ".
Bible NOT "the living word of God and without error"
One of the greatest lies today is the lie about the Bible being "the living word of God and without error". The harsh reality is that Father hates the Bible and says that it is the "GREATEST IDOL ON EARTH TODAY " because it prevents people from drawing close to Him and GREATLY limits His ability to interact with them.
Yes, people DO have experiences of Yah through the Bible because that is the ONLY way they will allow Him to reach them BUT He truly wants a deep personal relationship with them in terms of which He can speak to them directly and in any way He chooses and through any book, website, etc that He chooses.
The Bible is such a problem because :
a. It is a "tiny book " in terms of the total engagement of the Creator with human beings and really focusses on about 2,000 years of history out of the over 6,000 years from creation;
b. Much of what it does cover, such as creation and the flood it deals with very superficially at a level that results in major error;
c. Most of the Bible is simple historical account, there is very little direct guidance and most of what there is is directed at specific groups of people;
d. Most so-called "Bible based teaching" is by extension and inference rather than based on what is actually present in the Bible;
e. People devote time they should be devoting to building their relationship with the Almighty Creator to Bible Reading, Bible Study, Bible School and Bible Church all of which detract from a deep personal relationship with the Creator;
f. Father has interacted with human beings in a huge diversity of ways over and above what is contained in the Bible and these ways are ignored;
g. The Bible contains some useful history and that is ALL.
Overall Father regards the Bible as a huge limiting factor in His relationship with us, accordingly IF you have worshipped the Bible I encourage you to pray "Father, I repent of worshipping the Bible and of allowing it to come between me and a living relationship with you, I ask you to forgive me and to help me to focus on you and NOT the Bible".
"The LORD" is a blasphemous name
The names "The LORD" and "God" are both incorrect and blasphemous and their use flows directly from the incorrect use of the Bible.
The name "The LORD" is an inaccurate representation of the Hebrew phrase "Yahooeh" or, less accurately, "Yahweh" which means "Yah the eternally self-existing" and which occurs over 6,000 times in the source Hebrew of the so-called "Old Testament". "The LORD" is actually an accurate translation of the Hebrew word "Baal" which is retained in the majority of Bible translations -- Baal is one of the demonic Masterminds that rules on earth reporting directly into Satan. To refer to the Almighty as "The LORD" is a great insult and it is only through His long suffering and mercy that He has answered prayers in that name at all.
This use of "lord" is also confused with the use of "lord" in reference to Yahooshua {Jesus} and is a contributing factor to the confusion regarding the identity of Yahooshua.
If you are guilty of calling the Almighty "The LORD" or "Lord" instead of using His true name, Yah, pray as follows "Father, I confess that I have called you 'Lord' mistakenly believing that this was a valid name for you, I now realize that this is sin and repent and ask you to forgive me ".
"God" is a blasphemous name
"God" is generally a translation of the Hebrew word "Elohym" meaning "Mighty One", "mighty one" or "Almighty" depending on context. "God" is derived from a German pagan, that is Satanic, name and should also be avoided.
If you are guilty of the sin of calling the Almighty "God" pray "Father, I confess that I have called you 'God' mistakenly believing that this was a valid name for you, I now realize that this is sin and repent and ask you to forgive me ".
Jesus' correct name is Yahooshua
Another major factor that gets in the way of people's relationship with the Almighty Creator is the worship of Jesus and making Jesus equal to the Creator coupled to the wrong name, "Jesus" instead of "Yahooshua".
The man commonly referred to as "Jesus" was born to Hebrew parents in Yisrael {Israel} and given a Hebrew name by the Hebrew Mighty One. "Jesus" is an inaccurate Anglicization of "Ieosus" which is Greek for "blessed of Zeus" and which is derived from "Zeus", the name of the dominant Demonic Principality in Greece at the time of Yahooshua. Prayerful research reveals that the true name of this man was "Yahooshua" meaning "Yah IS salvation" and frequently inaccurately translated as "Joshua".
Jesus is a blasphemous name, if you are guilty of this sin pray "Father, I confess that I have called Yahooshua 'Jesus' mistakenly believing that this was a valid name for him, I now realize that this is sin and repent and ask you to forgive me ".
Yahooshua was ONLY a human prophet and it is sin to worship him and make him equal to Yah
Yahooshua {Jesus} was a human being anointed with the Spirit of the Almighty {Christ} which enabled him to heal the sick, raise the dead and speak on behalf of the Almighty. It was ONLY possible for him to achieve his purposes by being entirely human and he was resurrected as a simple legal requirement because he had lived a life without sin and death therefore had NO legal claim to him.
It is gross sin to make Yahooshua equal to Yah and breaks the first Commandment, if you are guilty of this sin pray "Father, I confess that I have made Yahooshua equal to you and worshipped him, I now realize that this is sin and repent and ask you to forgive me ".
"Christ" refers to "anointed with the Spirit of Yah", NOT Jesus
The English word "Christ" is a translation of various Greek words all of which relate to the anointing of the Spirit of the Almighty Creator on a human being, sometimes this refers to Yahooshua but it can be applied equally to ANY other anointed believer.
There ARE instances where "Christ" refers to "Yahooshua the anointed spokesman {prophet} of Yah" but NOT always. It is a sin to equate "Christ" with "Jesus" or "Yahooshua" as a universal principle and thereby to equate Yahooshua with the Almighty. If you are guilty of this sin pray "Father, I confess that I have equated 'Christ' with 'Jesus' and made Yahooshua equal to you and worshipped him, I now realize that this is sin and repent and ask you to forgive me ".