2014.01.79 Articles to 2009 (6005) Created by James on 5/8/2019 9:39:09 AM Articles to 2009 (6005)
Articles published on the ETI List from Passover 2000 to the Day of Atonement 2009
The section contains a collection of in excess of 600 articles written between 2000 and 2008 during which time I was undergoing a major learning process, accordingly, articles that I believed were accurate at the time they were written I have subsequently come to understand contain errors, sometimes material errors
Generally accuracy improves over the period but estimates of accuracy in some of the document relate to what was POSSIBLE at that time with the knowledge that I had
They REMAIN on the website because Yah says that each person must learn to sift truth from error by turning to Him and it is NOT for me to go back and censor or edit what I wrote in trust and belief at the time. Also He says that there ARE many articles of value in the collection so, if you do NOT find an answer to some question in the main articles section at http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles.aspx you may find something here.
I encourage you to search for articles FIRST in the newer collection BEFORE you spend time here.
These articles are listed in publication reference with the oldest listed first:

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