2014.01.92 The TRAP to prevent you achieving the goal of deep personal relationship with the Creator -- Jesus, the Bible, the Church and Pastors and other people Created by James on 5/9/2019 3:11:06 PM The TRAP to prevent you achieving the goal of deep personal relationship with the Creator -- Jesus, the Bible, the Church and Pastors and other people
The TRAP to prevent you achieving the goal of deep personal relationship with the Creator -- the Bible, the Church and Pastors and other people
Once you have recognized that the TRUE GOAL OF LIFE is a deep personal relationship with the Creator and that it is SIN NOT to believe, there are a number of traps you can fall into that will keep you from a deep personal relationship with the Creator, these are:
1. Jesus -- Yahooshua was a man anointed {Christ} with the Spirit of Yah -- it was Yah, by His Spirit THROUGH the man Yahooshua who performed the miracles and raised Yahooshua from the dead. Yahooshua became the first born from the dead and therefore King of all HUMAN Kings and Lord of all HUMAN Lords as a consequence of his sinless life. The prevalent beliefs about Jesus are false and lead to people worshipping Satan
2. The Bible -- the bible is a tiny little book that contains some fragments of information about the history of a few people who have believed and it contains a few fragments of important information -- however, it is ONLY a book compiled by human beings, ALL of whom are fallible and have error -- various claims are made for the bible all of which are false -- it is simply a book, no more and no less, worship of the book and placing major reliance on the book and seeking a relationship with the book will distract you and KEEP you from a deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator who has said that He "hates" the Bible because it keeps people from a deep personal relationship with Him
Furthermore the Bible contains errors and much of what is taught as being "bible based" is false and contrary to the will of the Creator
3. The Church -- the church is run by people who make their living out of claiming to represent the Almighty -- He does NOT need this, He wants a deep personal relationship with each one of us and does NOT want us spending hours and hours at church and having relationship with the church when we should be seeking deep personal relationship DIRECTLY with Him. Furthermore, most of what the church teaches is false and the church distracts us from seeking deep personal relationships with the Almighty
4. Pastors / Priests / religious professionals -- although some of these people DO have some level of relationship with the Almighty, ALL those who are relying on their ministry for income are at some level corrupt and holding the Almighty's servants in bondage -- Yah has referred to these people as "prison warders"
5. Liberal intellectualism -- a huge amount of the rationalization and explanation about things such as creation versus evolution, the existence of the Creator, etc rely on ignorant intellectualism that is NOT based on relationship with the Almighty and is therefore false
The CORRECT answer is to get on your knees, fast and pray simple prayers such as "Father, James Robertson says you exist, please help me to find you and know you in the way that he describes" and then listen and look and constantly seek Him -- there is much on this website to help you
By all means ask other human beings for guidance in seeking the Creator but the moment that they start giving orders or dictating approach, or start relying on the bible or the church or asking you for tithes and offerings, walk away -- the Almighty wants a deep PERSONAL relationship with you and anything or anyone who gets in the way of that should be avoided
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