2019.04.95 The Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah in December 2015 Created by James on 5/10/2019 6:02:51 AM This page presents startling statistics regarding the level of belief and unbelief on the Earth in the current age, specifically on 25th December 2015
The Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah in December 2015
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2018.03.03 The Demographics of Unbelief
In a number of previous articles I have looked at the demographics of believers, clearly there is a corresponding but reverse demographic, that of unbelievers and that is discussed here:
To frame this discussion please see the diagram below which comes from my new book “The Almighty Creator Desires a DEEP PERSONAL relationship with YOU!”

The diagram depicts relationship with the Almighty Creator as being analogous to climbing to the top of a very rugged and hard to scale mountain.
The statistics were given to me by the Almighty on 25 December 2015 and while the details have changed slightly the basic numbers remain valid for the purpose of this email.
So, let us consider the demographics of unbelief, the reverse of the numbers above.
In so doing I reiterate what I have said before, most unbelievers and Atheists are GOOD people but that is NOT the point, the point is that they do NOT have a relationship with the Almighty and since that is the SOLE reason we exist, they are totally irrelevant UNLESS they change their stance.
I must stress that this entire existence is a TEST to see who will qualify to sit in Heaven with the Almighty Creator – any who fail the test were intended in the original plan to be utterly destroyed in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone – please understand that the Almighty is NOT soft or sentimental about unbelievers, as far as He is concerned they should either be converted or are an irrelevant nuisance.
I will discuss the diagram from bottom left to top right:
About 22.7 Outright Servants of Satan
These are people who are actively opposing the Almighty. The extreme case of this category ARE very evil people who practice Witchcraft, Human Sacrifice, etc and who ACTIVELY acknowledge and serve Satan as mighty one {god}. If Yah the eternally self-existing {God, The LORD} had His way, He would immediately destroy all these people but He is constrained by the Rules of Engagement relating to His Contest with Satan so He has to endure them. The extreme Satanists WILL assert from deep personal experience that Satan exists and some of them will even have spoken to Satan and had physical encounters such that they KNOW that Satan is real.
About 6.8 billion plus Outright Unbelievers
These are people who do NOT believe in the Almighty Creator, includes all other religions, those who worship nothing (albeit that in truth their non-worship constitutes worship of Satan), those who worship idols like their car, their wife, their football club, the Buddha, etc and those who worship Demons (Ancestor Spirits) – they are ALL totally useless to the Almighty AND to Satan.
About 100 million Believing Unbelievers
These are people in all mainstream traditional religious dispensations, Christianity, Islam and Judaism – this is a ripe hunting ground for Atheist Evangelists because these people have ZERO tangible experience of the Almighty, they follow others who are, themselves, academic and powerless and they have probably been brought up in their religion. These are NOT believers and converting them to Atheism PROVES NOTHING. While a certain number might convert to true faith IF they received the right message, the vast majority are useless to Yah.
About 20 million Unbelieving Believers
These are people who at some moment in time had a momentary experience of the reality of the Almighty such that a change in spiritual state took place and they were allowed into the body of believers – some call this “born again” – many are the products of mainstream Christian Evangelism. Beyond that initial experience these people have continued as they did before they believed and they are totally useless to the Almighty. When they die they will be banished to the Outer Darkness, the trash heap of Heaven, reserved for those who never truly believed in the Creator.
About 2 million Foolish Virgins
These are believers who have at some level believed and come to a state of belief but have NOT gone further. Many committed believers in Traditional Churches / Mosques / Synagogue’s etc fall into this category. They have NOT invited the Spirit of the Almighty to indwell them and they are therefore weak and powerless in the battle for the most part although a few ARE effective. Yah would like all of these to come to be filled with His Spirit but, while they are in this condition they are almost useless to Him for the most part and He therefore pays little attention to them.
About 500,000 Adulterous Wives.
These are believers who at some level have been filled with the Spirit of the Almighty but who are in serious error through worshipping Jesus, the Bible, Mohammed, the Quran, the Torah, Moses, etc. With the correct message they could be fairly easily converted to become more effective believers but, because of their error they are largely powerless and ineffective. They are a source of major irritation to Yah because His Spirit is in them.
About 200,000 Wise Stewards
These people are at the entry level of what I would term “True Believers” – they have a settled assurance of the reality of the Creator, they have a significant infilling with His Spirit, they are able to defend their faith at some level although they are still in a lot of error. Most of these people, if confronted by a passionate unbeliever would simply walk away and decline to engage. These people will NOT be easily converted to Atheism but they are also NOT strong in terms of their ability to resist the arguments of Unbeliever Evangelists. Yah would deeply like to help these people to draw MUCH closer to Him.
About 5,000 Good and Faithful Servants
These are people who ACTIVELY know that the Almighty Exists, are materially filled with His Spirit and have had many and varied experiences that the Almighty is real. However, they are still firmly attached to the works of man in the form of the Bible, the Quran, the Torah, etc as well as the Church, Mosque and Synagogue and therefore are weak when it comes to debating Unbeliever Evangelists such that they too will largely walk away because they do not have the knowledge to debate with them. For example, most of these people will believe that the Universe, Earth and Mankind were all created in seven 24-hour periods and that Evolution is false and will be unable to refute the arguments of the Unbelievers. Yah would deeply like to draw these people much closer to Him but, right now, as people die off there are virtually NO new joiners at this level.
20 Overcomers on 25 December 2015
As at 25 December 2015 there were 20 people who would have qualified for a throne as an Overcomer in Heaven for Eternity. These people are strong believers, they have much experience of the Almighty and most would probably be willing to die rather than renounce their faith. However, they are still in a lot of error and would find it difficult to refute the arguments of passionate unbelievers. Yah would like them to clean up their acts, get rid of their error and progress to becoming Friends. The people in this category change quite regularly, some are constant but in recent years there have been a number who have joined and others who have dropped out. It is a demanding position and the Satanic and Demonic opposition is great.
1 Friend
As at 25 December 2015 there was only one person in the category of Friend, that is someone who the Almighty treats as a confidante and discusses strategy and tactics with. That person was reasonably close to Father but NOT as close as he could have been. Since then he has slipped further away although he remains reasonably close. As of last year there are now two in this category. These persons also have deep experience of the Almighty and would rather die than renounce their faith. Note that for them death has NO fear, they look forward to dying so that they can be with Father in Heaven.
The Bottom Line?
The Bottom Line is that there are around 205,021 people on planet Earth who will NOT be converted by passionate Atheist Evangelists, ALL the rest – around 7 billion will be relatively easily converted.
If YOU desire to become a Good and Faithful Servant, or an Overcomer or a Friend, there is a lot of material on the End Time Issues Website at https://www.End-Time-Issue-Ministries.org to help with this.
To understand what YOU can do to become a lot closer to Father:
Please read the article “The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU” – pray the prayers and take the actions outlined in that article. See http://end-time-issueministries.org/Home/CreatorDesiresDeepRelationship.aspx.html
MOST IMPORTANT -- Read the article “Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator”. There are a large number of prayers, processes and actions that are presented here – systematically read the article and step by step apply what you find there. In particular, go on several sets of seven three day fasts at weekly intervals with clearly focussed prayer as outlined in the document. http://end-time-issueministries.org/Home/7ComponentsinGrowingClosetoYah.aspx.html
It will potentially take you several years of applying all that is specified in these documents to start reaching your full potential and full anointing wherever you are in your life right now.
May Yah, The Almighty Creator, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish.
Warm regards and blessings,

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