2019.04.99 Seven Components in Growing Close to Yah Created by James on 5/15/2019 8:53:55 PM If one is to have a meaningful relationship with the Almighty Creator it is necessary to take a quality decision and drastic measures to change one’s life in order to come to a spiritual position where one can build a deep personal relationship with Him, this article describes seven steps that can be taken to achieve this level of relationship
Seven Components in Growing Close to Yah
If one is to have a meaningful relationship with the Almighty Creator it is necessary to take a quality decision and drastic measures to change one’s life in order to come to a spiritual position where one can build a deep personal relationship with Him, this article describes seven steps that can be taken to achieve this level of relationship
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Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator
The previous article stated that “The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU”.
This article addresses the measures you can take to draw close to the Almighty Creator, starting NOW! – these steps apply whether you have previously believed or whether you have now chosen to believe for the first time – the emphasis will vary depending on where you are coming from.
The seven steps are:
1. Decision
Decide that the Creator exists and decide to seek a deep personal relationship with Him or, IF you already believe He exists, chose to seek a much deeper personal relationship with Him;
2. Prayer
A range of prayers intended to enable you to get MUCH closer to the Creator and be led by Him in every possible way, prayers like “show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it” – prayers that are intended to enable you to walk directly with the Creator and NOT rely on other human beings;
3. Fasting
It is NOT possible to get really close to the Almighty without fasting, some basic guidelines on what to do and what to pray;
4. Cleansing
This earth is controlled by the Satanic realm and demons, when one first comes to the Almighty one is highly contaminated, this section discusses at length what is required to get to a place where you can draw close to the Almighty and hear Him clearly;
5. Worship
Worship is vital in drawing close to the Almighty, a selection of highly effective worship songs that will help you on your journey;
6. Research
You are unique, your needs are unique, the value you can add to the Creator is unique, you need to investigate Him and His Kingdom for yourself and work with Him to craft your unique position in His service;
7. Action
Having done all the above it is now time for you to step out with the Almighty Creator and start being of service to Him and developing that deep personal relationship that you have chosen to pursue.
Each of these steps are discussed in detail below. Growing close to the Almighty Creator is an iterative and progressive process of all of these points as you deal with your sin and come to a place of hearing Him more clearly and understanding Him and His goals for your life.
The article that follows is also available on my website at:
And can be downloaded in pdf format from:
The companion article, “The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU” is available at
and can be downloaded in pdf format from:
What follows is a series of measures that you can take in recognition of the harsh reality that virtually every human being on earth is in gross error and grossly corrupted and contaminated by the evil in this world and that, in order to draw close to our Father in Heaven we need to take extreme measures to move ourselves out of our current condition to a position where we can be truly close to Him and bring Him joy every day.
All the steps and the measures that follows are steps and measures that I have personally actively applied in my life over more than 21 years and which I testify DO work:
1. Decision
Fundamentally the first step that is required to draw close to the Almighty Creator whose true name is “Yah the eternally self-existing” is a QUALITY decision that He exists and, thereafter, a QUALITY decision to draw close to Him.
It is vital to understand that we are talking here of a profound and deep realization that this world and you, yourself, cannot exist without there being a Creator, that it is impossible for all around you to have come into existence without an intelligent creative agency. Once you have taken a deep decision that you know that you know that you know that He exists you can move on to choosing to draw close to Him.
Deep settled assurance that the Almighty exists
If at this point you do NOT have a deep and settled conviction of the reality of His existence then this is the first bridge for you to cross.
There are two elements to deciding that the Almighty Creator exists, one is a rational intellectual decision, the other is a deep settled assurance of the reality of His existence. The rational intellectual decision should be reasonably easy for any thinking person who calmly considers the massive complexity, creative genius and manufacturing precision of the Universe, the Earth, the Plant realm, the Animal realm and Human Beings coupled to an understanding of the level of engineering precision that was required to design and assemble all of this including the complimentary complexity required for the sexual reproduction that occurs throughout the more advanced elements of plants, animals and particularly human beings. That intellectual “Aha” may be all that you need to come to a deep conviction that the Almighty Creator exists.
IF, however, you have reached a level of intellectual agreement that there must have been a Creative agency but have NOT reached a settled assurance of His existence I would suggest that you ask Him to reveal Himself to you in a way that you are able to comprehend. Even if you DO have an intellectual “Aha” you may still want to reach a level of deep assurance of His existence.
In asking Him to reveal Himself to you it is vital to understand that He is restricted by the “Rules of Engagement” from doing anything that you have NOT formally authorized Him to do in your life.
Accordingly it is vital that in asking Father Yah to reveal Himself to you that you pray in a manner that opens the way for Him to move as He best sees fit to enable you to have confirmation of His reality. It is also vital to understand that He is offering you a huge reward for serving Him in this life. The ultimate prize is a position of great esteem, glory and authority in Heaven with Him for eternity.
As much as He IS lonely in this age because of the very small number of people who truly serve Him and seek to become His friends, He has stressed to me that He is NOT in any way desperate. In other words, He has NO need to prove to you that He exists. He firmly holds that you can validate His existence from the most elementary intelligent consideration of yourself and the world around you. Accordingly any form of “challenge” to Him to prove His existence will at best be met by silence and NO response and at worst will be given to demons and Satanic Messengers {angels} to answer.
An approach to reaching a decision
I suggest you adopt the following broad approach, remember always that He wants an individual relationship with YOU that meets YOU where YOU are and is tailored to YOUR knowledge, experience, character, etc – so there is NO recipe. What follows is a suggestion only, take whatever measures seem right to you at the time you decide you need to ask for confirmation and depending on the circumstances that pertain at that moment in time. Remember also that He hears ALL your thoughts and it is NOT necessary to speak out loud. In fact, as a general principle with regard to all major elements of interaction with Him it is PREFERABLE to speak to Him in your heart and your thoughts and NOT out loud where demons and fallen Satanic Messengers {angels} can hear you and intervene to counterfeit or mislead you.
Realize also that you should NOT dictate to Him HOW He should answer you, He is the Almighty Creator, it is NOT for us to dictate ANYTHING to Him. He has a very low tolerance for insolence in the light of his experience with the Adversary {Satan}.
I suggest you do something along the lines of the following: find a quiet place, get on your knees before Him, in other words humble yourself before Him (I find that on your knees or flat on your face before Him are the physical postures in which I hear Him most clearly) and pray something along the lines of “Father Yah, James says that you exist, I sort of get this from considering the world around me but I am struggling to overcome all my prejudices and deep seated beliefs held in my life to this point. I humbly ask you to reveal yourself to me in whatever way you choose, I ask you to give me a sign, to speak to me, to reveal your existence in ANY way that you deem appropriate and I ask you for the discernment and the wisdom to recognize you when you speak to me. Amen”
You could pray this standing on a bus or wherever you are at the moment the realization hits you that He MUST exist, there are NO limits on where and how you pray subject to the guidelines given above. He may answer you audibly, He may speak to you through another person, He may give you some sign that could NOT have come from anyone else but Him. Be aware that He is super-natural, He is ABOVE and BEYOND nature, so He is NOT constrained in the ways He can do things and therefore He may simply reveal Himself by doing something that could NOT happen under normal circumstances. In my case He revealed Himself to me by speaking audibly to me in an empty room and directing me to contact a friend who was a believer who told me what I needed to know – He did this in response to prayer by my father who was deeply concerned about my situation. This happened when I was nearly forty years old, about twenty seven years from the point at which I first believed at a very basic level.
It is NOT necessary for you to wait such a period. He desires to reveal Himself to YOU today, to start building a relationship with YOU today. He wants to start talking to you TODAY and to talk to you every day for the rest of your life if YOU are willing to listen and to do the hard work that is necessary to come to a point where YOU can hear Him in that way. If you cannot hear Him the problem is ALWAYS on your side. So it is ALWAYS possible to get to a place of hearing Him, even though this may require some hard decisions and actions at times.
One of the easiest ways to STOP hearing Him is to get into pride or rebellion both of which will prevent you from hearing Him and may cause Him to cease speaking to you until you humble yourself before Him. Remember, He is offering you a prize of great value and has NO need to beg you to receive it. YOU have to earn it and learning to hear Him is the FIRST step in that journey.
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