2019.04.102 Book Set -- Compilation of Most Writings Created by James on 5/15/2019 9:02:35 PM A collection of 11 Volumes in 13 books comprising all writings from the commencement of the End Time Issues Ministry to end of 2019
Book Set -- Compilation of Most Writings
Since 1998 I have written and published a considerable amount.
Most of this information is available on this website as individual webpages and articles.
I am now in the process of assembling all of these writings and publications into a collection of 11 Volumes in 13 books comprising all writings and publications from 1998 to the end of 2019.
These volumes are available for download here on this page and the associated child pages.
<<< PREVIOUS SECTION: Where will you Spend Eternity?
NEXT SECTION: Book Set -- Radio -- Summing Up the Message >>>
NEXT SUB-SECTION: Table of Contents of the Entire Book Set >>>
Related Pages:
Volume 0 -- Table of Contents of the Entire Book Set plus Most Recent Articles
Volume 1 – The Most Important Messages about the Matters of the Almighty Creator
Contents of the USB Memory Card and Audio CD in Support of the Book Set
Volume 2 – Relationship with Yah Series, Messages About the Matters of the Almighty Creator Written in 2015 through 2017 plus insights from Yah in 2014 and information about the writer
Volume 3 – Relationship with Yah Series Continued and Website Headers relating to the Matters of the Almighty Creator
Volume 4 – Articles Written between the Day of Atonement 2009 and the Day of Atonement 2014, Relationship with Yah, The Anointed Life, Commandments and Judgment, Yahooshua {Jesus}, The Bible
Volume 5 – Various Early eBooks written between 1998 and 2007
Volume 6 – Published from 2005 through to the Day of Atonement 2009
Volume 7 – Articles Published in 2003 and 2004
Volume 8 – Articles Published in 2002
Volume 9 – Articles Published in 2000 and 2001 -- This Volume Traces my Journey from Deeply Committed Charismatic Christian with Numerous Experiences of the Almighty to Deeply Committed Believer in the Almighty Creator
Volume 10 – Yah’s Plan for Healing Marriage – Heaven on Earth in Marriage
Copyright End Time Issue Ministries and Dr James Robertson © 1998 through 2019
You may copy and cite this book partially or in full.
We leave it to you to decide whether to acknowledge the source or not and whether you quote accurately or not. We are confident that the Almighty Creator will judge any use of this material and reward those deserving of reward and punish anyone deserving of punishment.
Why Seek A DEEP Personal Relationship With The Almighty Creator?
As you open this volume the immediate question that may cross your mind is “why should I seek a DEEP Personal Relationship with the Creator, IF there IS a Creator.”
There is much in this collection of books to answer that question but let me give you the short form here:
1. The Almighty Creator created Human Beings so that EVERY ONE OF US might have a DEEP Personal Relationship with Him.
2. He also created us with the intention that He might actively participate in our lives help us with our daily tasks, help us to invent new things and generally participate constructively in every facet of our lives.
3. We are surrounded by evidence that the Creator exists. The complexity of the Universe, the Earth, the Plants, the Animals and Human Beings ALL point to the existence of the Creator.
4. The fact that all moderately advanced life forms reproduce sexually, which requires that the male and female fit together and function perfectly for the species to reproduce evidences the existence of a Higher Creative Power.
5. We are intended to live forever. When your body dies you will either go to Heaven, where, depending on the works you have done on Earth, you will receive a rank ranging from a place in the Outer Darkness with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth through to an extremely high throne with great power, authority and splendour, it is your choice.
6. If you fail to believe, which is the ultimate sin, when your body dies you will become a disembodied Ancestor Spirit or Demon with a status in the Satanic realm associated with the evil you have perpetrated in this life. In general this will not be a particularly nice existence. At the end of this age, IF the Almighty loses His Contest with Satan you will remain on Earth with no motive power, not a pleasant state of affairs. If Satan loses, you will be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone where, in a moment of terror and torment, you will be utterly destroyed.
It is up to you, I have great certainty that the RIGHT way to live one’s life is to serve the Almighty faithfully and qualify to sit on a High Throne for Eternity. This series of books contains much information geared to assisting you to do this.
I encourage you right now to take a quality decision to serve the Almighty faithfully to the end!
Why Read These Books?
This volume is part of a collection of thirteen books comprising roughly 7,000 pages and well over 1,000 articles that address a huge diversity of issues relating to seeking to draw close to the Almighty. These books include:
- Commentary on the current state of the Earth and mankind.
- Commentary on the direction in which mankind is going and what must still happen.
- Commentary on how things got to be the way they are today.
- Corrections to widely held errors and statement of important truths.
- Principles with regard to drawing close to the Almighty.
- Diverse other topics associated with the subject of developing a DEEP Personal Relationship with the Almighty Creator.
These volumes present in considerable detail my learnings from March 1993 to February 2019 including the outcome of years of prayer, fasting, separation and seeking. I believe that the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing has said that this collection of writings is important and valuable and, accordingly, on that basis, I commend them to you for your consideration and reading.
Much of what is presented in the books is also present on the website at www.ETI-Ministries.org
Overview of this Volume
This volume contains what I consider to be the four most important documents I have ever written in my journey of building my relationship with our Father in Heaven. I understand Him to say that He regards them as the four most important documents on the planet today from His point of view.
Our Father in Heaven, Yah the eternally self-existing, created mankind to be His Friends and to do things with Him and learn with Him. Today virtually no-one on Earth knows this and a minute number of people are actually seeking to come to the point where they hear Father Yah tell them that they are His Friend. In fact, it is my understanding that, at the time of writing, 30 September 2017, there are only TWO people on Earth who Yah has actively named as being His Friends.
This document is intended to make YOU aware that Father Yah wants YOU to be His Friend AND to explain to you HOW to achieve this position in YOUR relationship with Him. IF you succeed in becoming His Friend and remain His Friend throughout your life you WILL qualify for a very high throne and a position of great esteem and responsibility for eternity. It is entirely up to YOU and within YOUR grasp to achieve this position.
The four core documents in this set are:
- The Almighty Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU!
This document sets the scene and explains the context and the call to become Yah’s Friend. Read this first.
- Seven Steps to Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator
This document sets out in great detail most of the measures I have taken, the fasts I have been on, many of the prayers I have prayed and most of the worship songs I have sung hundreds of times in order to progress to the point where Father has called me “Friend”. These same measures have enabled me to retain this position since 2001 to time of writing in September 2017 and, I believe, IF I diligently apply them for the rest of my life, will enable me to leave this life and graduate to a position of high esteem and authority in Heaven on a High Throne. I pray that YOU will aspire to achieve comparable status and to climb the mountain of Yah HIGHER than I have climbed.
There are many other prayers I have prayed and much conversation I have had with Father but this document sets out what I currently understand to be the essential measures. I know one person who has put many of these measures into practice who a short while ago, to my great joy, was pronounced by Father Yah to be His Friend. I commend this document to you for YOUR EARNEST attention!
- Where will YOU Spend Eternity?
This document, recently revised, was written many years ago as the best expression of how I understand things to be. In particular it provides a detailed analysis of what it takes to qualify for a High Throne and comments on life style adjustments that will be necessary in order to qualify for a High Throne. Read this once you have deeply immersed yourself in the first two books.
- The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the Bible
An in-depth analysis of the true names of the Almighty in the Hebrew texts of what we know as “The Bible” today. This is extremely important to understanding Father – His true name, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, means a huge amount to Him because it is so little used and so abused today. I commend this to you as important context to understanding the matters of Father Yah.
The first two documents were written around the Day of Atonement in 2014 at a time when I was operating under a very intense anointing and was the closest to Father that I have ever been and was hearing Him the clearest I have ever heard Him. I commend them to you as inspired and anointed works.
The rest of this volume contains supporting articles which address associated topics including an overview of the History of our present society as given to me by Yah as well as a detailed exposition of the evidence of a Global Flood that exists all around us. Various other supporting articles are also included.
Companion Volumes
This volume is the first in a set which comprises eleven volumes and thirteen books comprising all writings of significance since the start of this ministry.
Volume 0:
Tables of Contents of all the Volumes in the set together with a set of teachings from the Radio Programme that commenced in October 2018 as well as other recent teachings that were written after the first volumes were finalized.
Volume 1:
Volume 1 contains what I consider to be the most important writings I have originated and includes a CD of Recommended Worship Songs plus a Memory Card containing all articles I have written plus books, audio teachings, videos and the website.
Volume 2:
All writings between the Day of Atonement 2014 and July 2018. These writings consolidate what I had learned and reported up to 2014 and represents a more mature view of those learnings. There is also a large collection of direct quotes given to me by the Almighty in 2014, I strongly recommend that you read this after reading Volume 1.
Volume 3:
All the Website Header Articles written in 2014 plus recent articles not included in Volumes 1 and 2. The Website Headers cover a very large diversity of topics – about 700 short to medium length articles. This volume is well worth reading in terms of getting answers to many questions.
Volume 4:
All articles published between the Day of Atonement 2009 and the Day of Atonement 2014. These articles cover a period where my understanding of diverse topics was maturing, particularly adjusting to the Bible NOT being “The Word of God” and Yahooshua {Jesus} NOT being the Almighty in the flesh. Many other topics are addressed.
Volume 5:
A collection of eBooks never formally published on a range of topics, written between 1998 and 2000 with one written between 2004 and 2007. Most of these contain words and doctrine that I have since come to understand to be incorrect, however in all cases there is much in the core message that is relevant and sound.
Volume 6 to 9:
Many of the articles published from around Passover 2000 to the Day of Atonement 2009. These articles trace my journey from being a deeply committed Charismatic Christian with numerous spiritual experiences and believing that the Bible was “The Word of God” and that Jesus (Yahooshua) was the Almighty in the flesh to recognizing that both of these beliefs were false.
I also came to deeply understand that Islam and Judaism are belief sets that are EQUALLY valid to the Almighty and that Christianity is NOT the defining belief set. I now adhere to a set of beliefs that are effectively an interpolation between Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
These articles also trace the Prophetic shifts in the spiritual dispensation during this period including Satan being sentenced to 1,000 years in the Pit in 2003 and the shifts that have followed.
Volume 6
Writings in 2005 through to the Day of Atonement 2009. During this period I concentrated on secular activities at the expense of the Ministry and much of what I posted took the form of articles from other sources. During this period I was in a relationship that was also not supportive of the Ministry. This was also a period of consolidation with regard to my revised understanding of key principles as outlined above.
Volume 7
Writings in 2003 and 2004. A time of some personal turmoil and struggle. Also consolidating what I had learned in the years before this. In May 2003 I convened the Court of Heaven to Judge Satan and sentence him to the Pit for 1,000 years.
Volume 8
Writings in 2002. A period of intense learning and consolidation.
Volume 9
Writings in 2000 and 2001. A period of intense learning. During this period I was learning a lot about the errors of the Christian faith and correcting my learning in those areas. I was also developing my understanding of the way that spiritual affairs operate. This was all preparation for sending Satan to the Pit in May 2003.
Volume 10:
Transcripts of a series of over 50 audio teachings on Marriage and the Almighty’s plan for Marriage to be “Heaven on Earth” recorded in the second part of 2000. Also well as a series of prophetic messages that provide the lead-in to what is happening in the Spirit realm today. The teachings are also available as audio tracks on two CD’s accompanying the book.
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