2019.05.03 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator Part 4 – Prayer Continued Created by James on 5/25/2019 8:14:33 PM This Broadcast continued a fairly detailed discussion into the subject of prayer and what is required in order to pray effectively. Various examples of prayers I have found effective are presented.
2019.05.03 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator Part 4 – Prayer Continued
This Broadcast continued a fairly detailed discussion into the subject of prayer and what is required in order to pray effectively. Various examples of prayers I have found effective are presented.
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You!
If you do not believe at this stage, the Almighty has said regarding unBelievers, "Why would I want someone to spend eternity with me when they do not believe I exist?" Important point to consider if you have never believed. I hope that you will listen to this programme and at the end you will see that there are good reasons to believe.
If you are a believer and you do not have much of a relationship with the Almighty, the Almighty has said, "Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority if they do not have a Deep Personal Relationship with me, and have not proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?" Again, please think about it. This series is about how to come to a Deep Personal Relationship with our Almighty Father, our Creator.
Tonight we are we are continuing our discussion on "Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator." We are continuing with Part 4 of the series, Component 2, Prayer, the final part on prayer.
In considering this, I refer you back to what the Almighty has said to me regarding all of this. "I created human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together. My greatest grief is that almost no person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!" Father is lonely. There is a huge opportunity for you to reach out to Him today and draw close to Him.
Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator -- Overview
An overview of tonight's programme, we are going to look at prayer.
We will talk a little bit about correcting doctrinal errors and associated curses.
We will talk about "The LORD" is a blasphemous name, “God” is a blasphemous name and prayers to pray and correcting that.
Jesus’, correct name is Yahooshua, how to correct that.
Yahooshua was only a human prophet and it is sin to worship him and make him equal to the Almighty. Again, prayer to pray there. Christ refers to the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah not to Jesus and what to pray there.
There are far more women than men amongst the Body of True Believers – praying for a husband may be futile. Some other prayers you can pray there.
What to do if you have excessive sex drive.
We will talk about the full armour of the Almighty and we will talk about the mountain of the Almighty.
We will talk about bringing the Almighty joy. We will talk about inviting Him to be part of our lives in every possible sense. We will talk about hearing Him and we will talk about cutting off curses and we will talk a little bit about other prayers.
In all of this, we will talk about prayers that you can pray in the context of each of those points in order to clean up your life.
A bit of introduction, who am I? My name is Dr James Robertson. I have a PhD in civil engineering. I have been a management consultant in the IT space on the strategic level for 25 years and currently the Chief Operating Officer of a group of small companies. I have been serving the Almighty energetically for 26 years after He spoke to me audibly as clearly as you can hear me now in 1993, almost exactly 26 years ago.
I realised then that my intellect and other people's teachings had got me into the mess I was in and I committed to getting to know Him after He spoke to me, and what I am sharing with you tonight is the culmination of all of that learning.
What is End Time Issue Ministries? It is the organisational vehicle that I use for delivering my message. We host a number of websites. We publish articles by email to various lists on a regular basis. We present this Radio Show and hopefully within a month or two there will be a collection of physical books with a lot of my teachings.
What is this programme? Well, as the name suggests, it is about the fact that the Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You.
You can look at my website www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org for more information.
Questions from Last Week's Programme
Some questions from last week's programme:
"Does everyone go to hell before heaven?" Sadly the answer to that right now is pretty much everybody is going to spend some time in Hell before they get to Heaven. It takes some strenuous cleaning out to make sure that you do not end up in Hell, which is the place of correction where you pay the price for your sin if you are a believer.
Hell is irrelevant if you are an unbeliever. This programme and this session on Seven Components of Drawing Close is about what you need to do in order to get to a place that you do not end up in Hell before you get to Heaven.
Next question: "The prayer of one man will work for all men?" The prayers that I have given you so far will work for pretty much anybody, but as I have said before, you need to craft your own journey, you need to craft your own relationship. Each one of us is unique and individual. There is no recipe. I can give you a lot of guidance based on my own experience, but at the end of the day, you have to pick and choose from what I teach, decide what will work with you, get on your knees, fast, pray, do whatever you need to do in order to get to a place where you are close to Father and you may well go down a very different road to the one that I went down and that is fine. You are unique.
"When do we learn to listen?" It is a progressive process. I found that because Father had spoken to me audibly in 1993, I always expected to hear from Him. So I heard Him from fairly early on not constantly like I do now but certainly intermittently and I believe that is the case for everyone -- that if you start making the effort to hear Him, you will hear Him. Just at the beginning there is a lot of other noise, so it may take a while before you really are sure that you are hearing Him. It took me quite a few years to get to a place where I could hear Him really, really clearly and that sort of comes and goes, depending on how Anointed I am, how close I am to Him, how much else is going on in my life.
"How long does it take to change and learn?" It took me eight years from the time He spoke to me in 1993 to the time that He called me “Friend”, but I was pretty much learning as I went and I did not really understand that being a Friend was possible when I started. With all the information that I present in this programme, that is on the website, I believe that it is possible for somebody who really goes for it to get close to Father to a point of being His Friend within about two years.
Some feedback from the last broadcast: Somebody said to me that the Bible is valuable. That may be so but the issue is that it is not the “Word of God”, and it is not “without error”. The problem is that people put so much store in the Bible that they discount all the other hundreds, if not thousands of other books written by Anointed Believers through the ages and particularly in the recent past that are devalued by this belief. The Bible is no more Anointed, no more inspired than any number of books that you can go and buy in your local religious bookshop, be you a Christian, Muslim or Jewish. So just do not put the Bible on a pedestal, that is the point.
There was also feedback: "Giving thanks for meals blesses those who worked to provide the food." That is so. It is very difficult to say this, but the reality is that Yah is not interested in blessing unBelievers on a generic one-size-fits-all basis as this prayer dictates. It is telling Him how He should interact with the huge number of people who do not believe He exists and do not care for Him at all. You are putting something on Him, which is really quite onerous and quite unpleasant for Him. You need to think about what you pray. Do not just tell Father to do things. He will do many things because of your faith, but not the things He wants to do.
Body of the Message
Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator
So we are looking at “Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator”.
It is vital in considering this to understand how corrupt this world is and how much the Forces of Darkness, the Satanic and Demonic realm are in control of the Earth. If one is ignorant of this, one cannot hope to really walk in victory in this life. Please go back to the early broadcasts where I explained the Contest and the fall of man, etc.
Father is not being difficult, the things that I am teaching about in this programme sound onerous and awkward and difficult. It is not because that is the way it is, it is because of the mess the world is in and that is what is required for us to clean up our acts.
This series of programmes seeks to address in detail the measures that one can take to overcome the corrupt state of the environment in which we are forced to operate. It is vital that you give the Almighty permission to work in your life, and to teach you. Otherwise you will remain in massive error and be defeated at the end of your life.
Component 2: Prayer continued. Correcting Doctrinal Errors and Associated Curses
So we are resuming now with Component 2 of the Seven Components. We are going to wrap up on prayer tonight. The first few prayers deal with correcting doctrinal errors and associated curses. It is so important to understand you cannot just believe what you feel like believing. If you are using the wrong words, if you are using the wrong names, if you are doing wrong things, the Forces of Darkness will come after you. They will take your apart or you will be completely disempowered and ineffective.
In order to become close to the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self Existing, one needs to get one's facts straight. That involves ceasing the use of incorrect words and names as discussed in previous broadcasts. The use of incorrect pagan, i.e. blasphemous names, brings curses and judgement, particularly from the time that Satan was sent to the pit for 1,000 years in 2003. So it is important to repent the wrong usage and cut off the curses. One cannot get really close to Father Yah if one uses the wrong names, especially when those names have Satanic and Demonic connotations. One needs to confess the wrong names and words, repent of using them, turn around and cease using them and take on board the correct names and words in order to draw close. One also needs to pray to cut off the resulting curses and get rid of the associated Demons.
When I first became aware of the fact that the Almighty's name was Yahweh or Yah the Eternally Self Existing and not “The LORD”, and I said to Him "Is this important?" And He said to me, "James, how would you like it if your family called you by the name of your worst enemy?" And that summed it up to me. That has framed my thinking about the use of names and words ever since. Why would I want my wife to call me by the name of somebody who hates me? Folks, please hear me, these things are so important and they are actually so small to change if you really get it.
"The LORD" is a blasphemous name
So the first example – “The LORD”, Lord being typically capitalised, is a blasphemous name. The names “The LORD” and “God” are both incorrect and blasphemous and their use flows directly from the incorrect use of the Bible. The name "The LORD" is an inaccurate representation of the Hebrew phrase "Yahooeh" or less accurately "Yahweh," which means “Yah the Eternally Self Existing” and which occurs over 6,000 times in the source Hebrew of the so-called Old Testament.
The LORD is actually an accurate translation of the Hebrew word Baal, which is retained in the majority of Bible translations. So we see that the Father's name is translated with something that is completely inaccurate and a name for Satan and the name of a servant of Satan is accurately retained. It is shocking. It is horrible for Him. Baal is one of the Demonic Masterminds that rules on Earth originally reporting directly to Satan before Satan went to the Pit.
To refer to the Almighty as The LORD is a great insult. It is only through His long-suffering and mercy that He has answered prayer in that name at all. This use of Lord is also confused with the use of Lord in reference to Yahooshua (Jesus) as a contributing factor to the confusion regarding the identity of Yahooshua as I have discussed in previous broadcasts.
If you are guilty of calling the Almighty "The LORD" or "Lord" instead of using His true name, “Yah”, then pray as follows: "Father, I confess that I have called you 'The LORD' mistakenly believing that this was a valid name for you, I now realize that this is sin and repent and ask you to forgive me." And then you need to make a real effort to stop using that word.
"God" is a blasphemous name
God is also a blasphemous name. "God" is generally a translation of the Hebrew word "Elohym" meaning "Mighty One" or "mighty one" or "Almighty" depending on context. "God" is derived from a Pagan, that is a Satanic, name and should also be avoided. If you are guilty of the sin of calling the Almighty "God" pray "Father, I confess that I have called you 'God' mistakenly believing that this was a valid name for you. I now realize that this is sin and repent and ask you to forgive me." Folks, I cannot stress this enough, it so grievously hurts Him. He is so loving, He is so kind, He is so gentle and we abuse Him through using these wrong names.
Jesus’ correct name is Yahooshua
Then, the one that we know as “Jesus”, his correct name is Yahooshua, which means “Yah is Salvation”. So another factor that gets in the way of people's relationship with the Almighty Creator is the worship of Jesus and making Jesus equal to the Creator, coupled to the wrong name Jesus instead of Yahooshua. The man commonly referred to as Jesus was born to Hebrew parents in Israel and given a Hebrew name by the Hebrew Mighty One. Jesus is an inaccurate Anglicisation of "Ieosus" which is Greek for "blessed of Zeus" and which is derived from "Zeus," the name of the dominant Demonic Satanic Principality in Greece at the time of Yahooshua. Prayerful research reveals that the true name of this man was "Yahooshua" meaning "Yah is salvation" and frequently inaccurately translated as "Joshua" or "Yeshua" meaning Salvation.
Jesus is a blasphemous name. If you are guilty of this sin pray "Father, I confess that I have called Yahooshua 'Jesus' mistakenly believing that this was a valid name for him, I now realize that this is sin and repent and ask you to forgive me." It is an insult to Yahooshua given all that he did for us and it is an insult to the Almighty and it leads to all sorts of confusion.
Yahooshua was ONLY a human prophet and it is sin to worship him and make him equal to Yah
It is also important to recognise Yahooshua was only a human prophet and it is sin to worship him and make him equal to Yah. Yahooshua was a human being Anointed with the Spirit of the Almighty, which is called Christ, Christ being an English word that is used to represent the Anointing or the Spirit of the Almighty, and that Anointing which enabled Yahooshua to heal the sick, raise the dead, and speak on behalf of the Almighty. It is that same Anointing, which allows Anointed Believers today to Prophesy to heal people, raise the dead and so forth.
It was only possible for Yahooshua to achieve his purpose by being entirely human and he was resurrected as a simple legal requirement because he had lived a life without sin and death therefore had no legal claim to him. So touching on the question at the beginning about whether people go to Hell and so forth. If you clean up your life as I am recommending in this programme and deal with all your sin; and the only one who can tell you if you have dealt with all your sin is the Father; and that means you pray prayers like "Judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve You more perfectly," "Show me the level of my present deception," "Lead me into all truth by Your Spirit," and so forth. If you do that and you die with no sin, you too will not go to death and Hell, you will go straight to Heaven.
It is that simple. Just live a life without sin. It may be not quite as simple as I just made it sound, but if you really take to heart what I am teaching you here, it is totally possible. Yahooshua said we would do greater works than he did and it is entirely possible for any human being to aspire to do greater works than Yahooshua including living above sin and going directly to Heaven.
It is gross sin to make Yahooshua equal to Yah and breaks the First Commandment. If you are guilty of this sin pray "Father, I confess that I have made Yahooshua equal to You and worshipped him, I now realize that this is sin and repent and ask You to forgive me."
"Christ" refers to "Anointed with the Spirit of Yah," not Jesus
People think that Christ is synonymous with Jesus, that Jesus is “the Christ”, and that if you talk about Christ, you are talking about Jesus, but it is not so. The English word "Christ" is a translation of various Greek words all of which relate to the Anointing of the Spirit of the Almighty Creator on a human being.
Sometimes this refers to Yahooshua as in "the Anointed one" (Christ) but it can be applied equally to any other Anointed Believer – I am legitimately "James Christ." If you are an Anointed Believer, you are legitimately whatever your name is Christ. You are a Christ, you are an Anointed one. Christ is in fact a meaningless English word as a consequence of translation errors.
There are instances where Christ refers to Yahooshua, the Anointed spokesman or Prophet of Yah, but not always by any stretch of imagination. It is a sin to equate "Christ" with "Jesus" or "Yahooshua" as a universal principle and thereby to equate Yahooshua with the Almighty. Remember that Christ is talking about the Spirit of the Almighty. It is not talking about the human being.
If you are guilty of this sin pray "Father, I confess that I have equated 'Christ' with 'Jesus' and made Yahooshua equal to you and worshipped him. I now realize that this is sin and repent and ask you to forgive me."
I just want to stress that in these prayers that I am giving you, when I say repent, that means you make a quality decision that what you are doing is wrong and you turn around and stop doing it. It is no good just saying, "Oh, goodness gracious Father I am sorry. I do not believe that Jesus is God anymore." And then you carry on talking about him so he is the Almighty and all these other things that we have talked about using the wrong names, etc. If you are going to repent, it must be a heartfelt. We spoke about decisions of quality a few weeks ago. This must be a decision of quality too. Part of growing with Father is to make quality decisions and stick to them.
Far more women than men amongst the Body of True Believers – praying for a husband may be futile
Going in a slightly different direction, but also dealing with errors that are strongly fed by the Bible, there are far more women than men amongst the Body of True Believers today. About seven times as many ‑ praying for a husband may therefore be futile. So this is about prayers that may not get answered or may only get answered after years.
In this age, there are seven times as many believing women as men. The exact ratio varies from community to community, but overall the ratio is around 7:1. I have seen congregations of highly Anointed Believers where the ratio has got as high as 10:1 and I have seen congregations of very religious autocratic domineering conventional traditional churches where the ratio is close to 1:1.
Spiritually sensitive women do not want to be around congregations that are not spiritually sensitive. They do not want to be around men who are not spiritually sensitive. One of the things that really grieves Father is the extent to which the women who love Him, who are Anointed by Him, struggle to find husbands and run around and end up frequently with men that they should not be with. This statistic means that most Believing women will not find a Believing husband and it is sin to join the temple of the Spirit of Yah to an unbeliever, therefore such women are counselled to remain single unless Father clearly leads them to an available Believing man. Many of these women are desperately seeking a man and praying for a suitable man. Father advises that He cannot fulfil the vast majority of these prayers and advises single women to choose to remain single unless He clearly provides a suitable man.
It is also so that as a consequence many believing women have joined themselves to unbelieving men who will never come to belief. This is sin in the sight of the Almighty and He desires such women to divorce and remain single. If you are guilty of this sin pray "Father I recognize that I have committed the sin of joining myself to an unbeliever who shows no signs of coming to belief. I confess this sin, repent and choose to turn around and ask you to guide me in ending this unrighteous union." It is exactly the same prayer that applies if you are a man and you are joined to a woman who is an unbeliever.
Single women who hear this are counselled to choose to remain single and ask Father to be their husband, protector and provider. It is advisable also to ask Father to remove your desire for sex and your desire for children or at least moderate these. You can pray something like "Father I choose to remain single and I ask you to be my husband, my protector and my provider. I ask you to remove my sexual urge and to remove my desire for children." There is more information about this issue of Seven times as many women as men in the body of two Believers on the website. There is a menu item that deals specifically with this.
Excessive Sex Drive
We touched a moment ago on excessive sex drive. If you are a man and are not sexually satisfied within your covenant union or marriage, you are entitled to enter into covenant with more women. Note that if you have sexually consummated with a virgin or truly divorced woman you are "married" in the sight of Yah.
In practice in this society it is improbable that you will manage to maintain relationships with more than one woman successfully and openly. The women simply cannot handle it. Accordingly it is advisable to ask Father to reduce your sexual urge to that which works in your relationship. Pray something like "Father I ask you to reduce my sex drive to a level that is appropriate to my circumstances." You can also pray this if you are single and do not intend to marry. If you are a woman and not sexually satisfied, you can pray the same prayer. Note that Father intends us to have extremely enjoyable no holds barred passionate sex within our covenant relationships. The church is full of lies about enjoying sex.
So one of the things that we sit with is that a lot of religious people have a very narrow view of sex and a very puritanical view of sex, something that you do with the lights off in missionary position, no foreplay or anything like that, just "Boom bang, thank you mam." That is not the way Father intended it to be. What happens is that people get into a relationship with somebody, often an unbeliever, where the sex is really good and then they leave their marriages. The sex should be really good in your marriage, and it is up to you to learn what is involved in making love, passionately, gently, tenderly, in a caring way. It is particularly important for men to not use women but to love them as the fairer sex as the ones who are more gentle and more delicate and just to love them, it is so important, I cannot stress it enough.
The Full Armour of Yah
Going in a different direction, the “Full Armour of Yah”. Another powerful prayer relates to the Full Armour of Yah. This is metaphoric. Each component of the armour relates to a specific discipline that you need to take on board in order to be able to serve Father better. It is therefore wise to pray regularly to be taught to walk in the full armour of Yah. As you pray, visualize an old style Roman soldier with his armour, shield, sword, etc., and seek understanding of the metaphor. Pray, "Father, I desire to walk in Your Full Armour, please teach me to wear your Full Armour and apply it effectively every day. Help me to wear the belt of truth, the sure footed shoes of the good news of peace, the helmet of Salvation, the breast plate of Righteousness, the shield of Emunah (faith / trust and belief), the Mantle of Humility and the sword of the Spirit which is your Commandments. Help me to stand firm and anchor myself with your Commandments and to pray in the Spirit at all times without ceasing."
The Mantle of Humility is not contained in Ephesians where this prayer basically is based on, but it is absolutely critical. Read the books, 'The Final Quest' and 'The Call' by Rick Joyner to understand just how vital the Mantle of Humility is. The Commandments are effectively the Word of Yah. So there is a little-known reality that in Hebrew, the Ten Commandments are referred to as the Ten Words. So when we speak of the Word of Yah, we are talking about the Ten Commandments, not the whole Bible, the Ten Commandments which are in the Bible.
Notice that there is no armour for the back in the event that you advance towards the enemy in pride or turn your back and run in fear. In both cases unless you have someone else covering your back you will be taken out. We are intended to work together and cover each other’s backs, at the very least at the level of husband and wife.
The Mountain
Another metaphor ‑ The Mountain. Father uses the metaphor of a mountain to depict what is required to draw close to Him. Consider a very high, a very steep mountain with limited toe holds and finger holds. We are required to climb this mountain to draw close to Father if we are truly committed to serving Him and overcoming to the end. Pray, "Father I desire to climb to the top of Your Set-Apart (Holy) Mountain, show me the toe holds and the finger holds and help me to anchor myself firmly with Your Commandments."
The toe holds and the finger holds are truths. As one climbs, one climbs by learning new truths. Lower down on the mountain the truths are broad and relatively widely known. As one climbs, the truths are more obscure and less widely known and it becomes easier to slip. We must keep our eyes on Father and ensure that we adhere to His Commandments so that the Forces of Darkness cannot dislodge us from our position on the mountain, which is their ongoing objective. They do not want anyone to reach the top of the Mountain, which is inherent with a decision to seek a deep personal relationship with Father.
Read the book 'The Final Quest' by Rick Joyner for a graphic description of climbing the mountain. It is available on Amazon. Note that there are elements of the account that I view differently so, as with all things, seek Truth and discard Error.
This is so important. In order to get close to Father, we need to seek ALL truth, we need to let go of error, wherever it is, whatever it is. Sin and error have no place in an Anointed committed Believer. This is a whole learning process, you have got the website that you can refer to where you will find answers to a huge number of questions, things that I had to deal with in my climb up the mountain.
Bringing Father Joy
Inherent in a decision to seek a deep personal relationship with Father Yah and particularly a decision to seek to become His Friend, it is a necessary requirement that you should seek to bring Him joy every day. This is not as difficult as it sounds. Right now Father is surrounded by indifference and is almost totally ignored by those who claim to be close to Him, while those actively seeking to please Him are so full of error and confused that their attempts to bring Him joy in fact bring Him nothing but grief!
You will bring Him joy by deciding to actively serve Him, by praying the prayers that are presented here and doing what flows from praying those prayers, by cleansing yourself as set out in sections to follow, by worshipping as discussed previously, by making the daily sacrifices that are necessary to make the time to serve Him day by day and by doing the tasks that He gives you day by day.
Such an important prayer: "Father help me to bring you joy every day." And as I said a moment ago, it is not that difficult. Calling Him by His right name that in its own right, when you start doing that, that will give Him joy. Decide to live without sin. Deal with sin in your life. Every time you pray one of the prayers that I have shared with you in the last few minutes, you will bring Him joy that you are seeking to get closer to Him. It is so much easier than it appears than religious people would make it sound. You can bring Him great joy simply by being His messenger to look someone deeply in the eye who at some level is seeking to serve Him and telling them that He desires a much deeper relationship with them, plus anything else that He may give you for them.
There is so much confusion and so much error. Most Believers do not understand that He is looking for a relationship with them, and they think that they are so far removed that it is not possible. I have said several times in this programme, it does not matter who you are right now, what your race, what your inheritance, what your level of education, what your financial status, what sort of job you have, how old you are, what your gender, you can choose today to become a Friend of the Almighty and He will welcome you with open arms.
You can bring Him joy by getting up and going to work and actively keeping all of His Commandments even when that causes you personal loss. You can bring Him great joy by choosing not to pursue promotion so that you have more time to devote to Him and His work. There are numerous other ways that you can bring Him joy. Pray "Father I ask you to help me to draw close to you and to bring you joy every day." Remember that "The Joy of Yah is your strength."
It is so important. He is lonely. He created us to be His friends and there is virtually not a Friend on the planet. I really urge you to please seriously consider making a decision to draw close to Him and seek to become His Friend. You will find it really rewarding.
Invite Father to be part of your life in every sense
I strongly encourage you to invite Father to be part of your life in every sense. Father desires to be an active part of every facet of your life provided that if you are NOT engaged in activities which are not pleasing to Him, He expects you to cease those activities even if it requires that you resign your job and find different work. Remember that Father Yah is "uncompromisingly righteous." If you are really serious about this, pray "Father, I desire you to be an active part of every aspect of my life. I commit to align my life with your will and to do your will and I ask you to take an active role as my partner in every aspect of my life." If you really take this to heart Father can help you in numerous ways.
Just an example of what I said a moment ago, first choose to seek a relationship with Father, then clean up your life. It does not go the other way around. Do not clean up your life so that you can seek a relationship with Father. Seek a relationship with Father first and then clean up your life. I will never forget, I was in London in 1995, and I went to visit a small struggling congregation in the middle of London and the pastor told me proudly that he got his youth together and they were going to go around all the telephone boxes, etc. in their part of London and tear down the advertisements for the prostitutes working in the area. That night I was praying and Father said to me very clearly "Go back and tell that man, I did not ask him to clean up the world. I asked him to save the world. Get them to believe in Me and then help them to find a different way of living. Do not take away their livelihood and expect them to come to Me the one who has taken away their livelihood." This is so important.
Hearing Father Yah
Inherent in the goal of this Broadcast, to draw close to Father Yah, is a requirement that you come to hear Him clearly. If you are to be His Friend, you need to be able to engage in clear dialogue with Him where you hear Him absolutely clearly and can discuss deep and complex matters with Him with ease. It is possible to get to a place where you can hear Him always with crystal clarity but it will take you years of training and cleansing to get there.
Father is largely constrained to speak to you Spirit to spirit and your spirit communicates with your conscious self via your brain. Your brain is a complex transponder that allows your spirit to control your body. This same transponder is receiving impulses from you, from Yah and from Demons and Messengers, both Yah’s Messengers and Satan’s Messengers, not to mention noise from the world around you and speech from other human beings, etc.
Discerning Yah’s still small voice amongst the cacophony of other sounds is an art and takes time. This is not to say that you will not hear Him from early on in your relationship with Him, it is to say that initially you will frequently most likely be unsure whether it really was Him or another voice, particularly when He says something that you do not think He would say. There are times He speaks loudly so that you are almost certain to hear Him but most of the time His voice is quiet. It is so important to train yourself to learn to hear Him. If you think He has spoken to you and told you to do something, just say "Father I think that was you, I am going to go and do it and I ask you to forgive me if I have missed it and help me to recover if I have." And in my experience, most of the time if you go out and do the things that you think He has said to you, you will find that you are on the mark. If you are constantly in doubt and unbelief, you are not going to get very far.
In many respects I cannot explain this to you, it is a journey of discovery that you must follow. Again, there is no recipe. It is up to you to open yourself to hear Him clearly and a significant part of this is to get rid of as many other voices as possible, specifically to get rid of the Demonic voices that are speaking to you. Refer to the section on cleansing later in this programme for a detailed series of procedures directed at getting rid of Demonic voices entirely.
What I can tell you with certainty is that regular fasting accompanied with appropriate prayer and worship is vital to getting closer to Father and to hearing Him more clearly. Pray, "Father, I ask you to lead me to a place of hearing you clearly all the time. Give me utterance that I may pray your will into existence in my life, lead me places where I can learn to hear you better, open the ears of my spirit to hear you more clearly, help me to quieten the other voices and noises that drown out your voice, help me to learn to discern your voice amongst all the other voices and noises, help me to come to a place of certainty in terms of hearing you."
Cut off Curses
We then come to cutting off curses. At the time you commit to Father there may be curses against you, as you advance with Father there will be new curses against you by servants of Satan. A vital way of responding to this form of attack is to ask Father to return those curses in the magnitude that He deems appropriate. Pray "Father I ask you to cut off all curses that have been spoken against me for which there is no legal basis. Where there are curses with a legal basis I ask you to show me what to do in order to cut off that legal basis. With regard to the illegal curses I ask you in your discretion to return those curses in the magnitude that you deem appropriate such that the persons cursing me will learn not to curse your servants. I ask you also to cut off all human sacrifices that have been made against me and to judge those who have made those sacrifices ever so severely." Not a prayer to pray on day one. You need to have done a fair job of cleaning up your life before you pray that prayer, particularly the bit about returning curses, but Father will guide you and Father will help you.
Note that if you have chosen to seek to become a Friend or even an Overcomer, Satan Servants, Witches, Warlocks, etc., will start to curse you and offer human sacrifices against you. Your strongest defence against these is to live a life above sin so that the curses and sacrifices cannot touch you. Note that abortion is a form of human sacrifice, so all that is required to offer a human sacrifice against you is for a Witch in an abortion clinic to dedicate the death of that foetus against you. For routine curses pray "Father I ask you to cut off all curses operating against me including curses that have passed down the blood-line and curses that have come into play as a consequence of the errors I have now dealt with."
Other Prayers
Let us talk momentarily about other prayers. There are many other prayers that are called for to deal with specific circumstances but those discussed so far deal with some of the most widely occurring issues. I dealt with some others in the programme on prayers a month or so ago and there are other important prayers on the website which I encourage you to pray. See the "Prayer" menu item a few lines from the top of the main menu. While some of the prayers offered in this Broadcast only need to be prayed once, others should be prayed regularly, some of them daily.
Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator -- Recap
So to recap, we have looked at correcting doctrinal errors and associated curses and the prayers to pray regarding those.
We have looked at recovering from using “The LORD”, which is a blasphemous name.
We have looked at recovering from using "God" and "Jesus."
We have looked at recovering from worshipping Yahooshua (Jesus).
We have looked at recovering from using the word "Christ" to be synonymous with Yahooshua (Jesus).
We have looked at the reality that there are far more women than men amongst the Body of True Believers and some prayers that you might pray there and that praying for a husband maybe futile.
We have looked at what to pray in the event of excessive sex drive.
We have looked at what to pray with regard to receiving the Full Armour of the Almighty.
We have talked about the Mountain and how to climb it.
We have talked about bringing Father joy.
We talked about inviting Father to be part of your life in every sense.
We have talked about hearing Father.
We have talked about cutting off curses.
We have looked a bit in terms of other prayers. There is a wealth of things that you can pray. As I say, some of them you might pray only once or for a short period, some of them you should pray daily. I have a collection of prayers, probably I do not know, I have not counted them, probably 20 or 30 different prayers that we pray on a daily basis or close to daily basis.
You need to keep praying. The Forces of Darkness are coming against you the whole time. Prayer strengthens your faith, it strengthens your belief and it constantly holds the Forces of Darkness at bay.
Wrapping Up
Five Key Documents – Main Menu Webpages
As I have discussed in previous programmes, there are a number of key documents, five in fact, which are now on the main menu webpages. We have just added them in the last few days.
So "The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You." It is near the bottom of the Menu.
To the right of that is "Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator" on the next tab.
"Recommended Worship" is on the next tab after that.
"The Creator's Name is Yah the Eternally Self Existing" is the third tab from the left at the top of the Menu.
"Where will you spend eternity, what is required in order to qualify to sit on a high throne for eternity?" It is also near the bottom of the Menu the next tab after "Recommended Worship."
So I have taken measures to make it easier for people to find these articles. They are still behind the Home Menu item as well if you want them there.
They are available at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org on the main Menu. Transcripts of all the teaching in this series are available on the website at the bottom on the Radio Page. Recordings of all the teachings, broadcasts so far are available on the www.RelationshipWithCreator.com Website. Click on “The Show” Menu option in the top right and then on “Podcast” and you will be able to download all the previous teachings.
Books constituting a compilation of all my writings published since 1998 will shortly be available at the bottom of the Menu at the “Compilation of all writings” page. I hope that will be there tomorrow.
I publish regular email articles. So email me at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org to be added to the list or to seek counsel or prayer or to give me feedback.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Visit the website and visit the homepage for more information on prayer.
So, in closing, thank you for listening.
Please send me your questions on the www.W4CY.com webpage. I will answer them at the next broadcast.
Please email me to join the mailing list.
If you decide to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know and we can connect by Skype, email, or telephone so that I can help you with your journey.
I hope to connect with you again next week when we will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
So in wrapping up, I really would encourage you, do not delay, do not procrastinate. Father is there, He is ready, He is willing. He wants to be your Friend. Take the first step right now. Just pray something like "Father, James says I can become your Friend, I choose to believe that and I ask you to guide me and give me wisdom and understanding and favour and help me to do all that is necessary to become your Friend. Show me what to read, show me what to pray."
Everything that is in this series is on the website, "Seven Components of Drawing Close" in the Menu item towards the bottom of the menu. Download it today, access it today, you can start drawing close today and as I say it is irrespective of race, colour, creed, etc.
If you do decide to do that, contact me, we can connect on Skype, email, or telephone.
I would love to help you draw close to Father.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Good night!
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
The Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, Desires for YOU to Become His Friend
Broadcast 12 April 2019 on www.W4CY.com Radio
Published 07 May 2019

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