2019.05.E.1.5. Critical Elements of Cleansing Created by James on 5/25/2019 9:32:10 PM Critical Elements of Cleansing
Refer to the article “Seven Components in Growing Close to Yah” on the Website for detailed information.
- Do at Any Time
These processes can be followed at ANY time and can be done more than once as appropriate.
- Rehearse the Covenant Regularly
Rehearse the Covenant {“Communion”} regularly and apply the Blood of the Covenant (the Red Grape Juice or Red Wine) to your forehead, back of neck, right thumb and right big toe.
- Full Cleansing Process
Same process as for a New Believer – fast (7 days or 7 x 3 days water-only), shave the body, full body anoint with the Blood (the Red Grape Juice or Red Wine prayed over to represent the Blood of the Covenant), full body anoint with the Oil of the Spirit (Olive Oil prayed over to represent the Anointing Oil of the Spirit of Yah) and Triple full body immersion.Refer the abovementioned article for the details.
- Sanctify your Dwelling
Clean out your dwelling of any and all defiled artefacts, artefacts with Satanic or Demonic connotations.Where appropriate destroy with fire.
- Spiritual Audit
Detailed Spiritual Audit – cycle through your life repeatedly year by year noting down all that comes to remembrance -- record ALL sin that comes to remembrance, wrongs you did to others, wrongs others did to you, etc.Contact people as necessary, make restitution, make right.Heartfelt confession and repentance -- turning around.
- Cleanse Yourself
Cleansing of Self.Bind all Satanic and Demonic Entities in the name of Yahooshua {Jesus} that are “in, on or around” you that do NOT have a legal right to be there.Ask Father in the name of Yahooshua to send His Mighty Warring Messengers {Angels} to bind, cast out and send where He wants to go all the Satanic and Demonic Entities named.Ask Father what is giving legal rights to Demons and for inspiration to know the legal right and how to cut it off.
- Constant Worship, Prayer, etc
Constantly worship, pray, study in order to learn more and clean up as led whenever it seems appropriate.There is a huge amount on the Website.
- Ongoing Process
This is an ongoing, iterative process that should be repeated at intervals over several years.
This cleansing process is VITAL if one is to really draw close to the Almighty Creator and come to hear Him clearly

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