2019.05.E.02 Section 2: Core Teachings {Doctrine} Created by James on 5/25/2019 9:58:22 PM This section looks at Core Teachings or Doctrine that are important to understanding the matters of the Kingdom of the Almighty. The section starts with an analysis of what I personally believe and then looks at critical considerations with regard to Core Belief. It then examines critical aspects of the Contest, the Rules of Engagement and Turning around. The realites with regard to Yahooshua {Jesus} are then examined in more detail together with the realities relating to the Bible. The Ten
Section 2: Core Teachings {Doctrine}
his section looks at Core Teachings or Doctrine that are important to understanding the matters of the Kingdom of the Almighty.The section starts with an analysis of what I personally believe and then looks at critical considerations with regard to Core Belief.It then examines critical aspects of the Contest, the Rules of Engagement and Turning around.The realites with regard to Yahooshua {Jesus} are then examined in more detail together with the realities relating to the Bible.The Ten Commandments as fundamental guiding principles are also summarized
- Created to Worship and be Friends
We were created to worship and be Friends with the Almighty Creator whose true Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” and it is gross sin to worship any other being (e.g. Yahooshua {Jesus}) or object (e.g. the Bible).
- Cycles of Falling Away
There have been a number of cycles of mankind falling away from the Almighty which have each been turned around by a significant “Turnaround Prophet”, most notably Noah, Abraham Moshe {Moses}, David, Yahooshua {Jesus}, Mohammed and Martin Luther.
- Satan Rebelled and Tricked Adam to Give Control
At the time that mankind was Created, Hillel, a Messenger {Angel}, the Light Bearer, rebelled and challenged the Almighty to a “Contest” to prove that humans would NOT serve the Almighty at the end of 7,000 years. Satan, the Adversary / Accuser as he is now known successfully tricked Adam and has ruled on Earth ever since. Hence the mess the world is in.
- 3003 Must Be At Least ONE Human Being Free of Sin
It is a requirement of the Contest that at the end of the 7,000 years of man on Earth there must be at least ONE human being free of sin and serving Yah or else Yahooshua will NOT return and Satan will rule on Earth for Eternity will all those who follow him.
- Satan in the Pit for 1,000 Years
Satan was sentenced to 1,000 years in the Pit (Abyss) on 3 May 2003 and the Earth is currently ruled by 7 Demonic Masterminds assisted by the Spirits of over 100 Billion deceased unbelievers (Ancestor Spirits / Demons) and billions of Messengers.
- Yahooshua {
Jesus} Lived and Died Without Sin and Has Authority
Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah {aka Jesus} lived a life without sin and died a terrible death in order that every individual believer would have a simple and sure way to receive forgiveness from sin and have authority over the Satanic and Demonic Realm.
- Global Hydraulic and Tectonic Event Approximately 4,500 Years Ago Reshaped the Earth
Approximately 4,500 years ago the Earth was judged at the request of Noah and struck by an Ice Comet that struck the Earth, knocked it off its axis and orbit and flooded the Earth drowning all but eight people comprising a man called Noah, his wife, three sons and their wives who survived in a ship Noah built.
- Son’s of Noah Gave Rise to Three People Groups
The son’s of Noah gave birth to three people groups, the Shemite Group (Europe, the Middle East, Russian, Asian Indian, etc), the Japhethite’s (Far East Asia) and the Hamites (Africa).The Shemites have, on balance been most loyal in at some level serving Yah, the Japhethite’s primarily worship Idols and living Human beings and the Hammites primarily worship Ancestor Spirits – Demons.
- Three Monotheistic Religions Stem from Shem
The three major monotheistic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam all attempt to worship Yah with limited success.Today all are corrupt and deficient and are leading people astray.Yah would have true believers remove themselves from organized religion.
The full ambit of what I believe is presented in great detail on the Website and in the collection of books available on the site see https://www.eti-ministries.org/compilation-of-most-writings
- Yah is One – Worship NO Other
Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {The LORD} is ONE. You shall have NO other Mighty One’s besides Him and Him ALONE shall you serve and worship. Do NOT worship Yahooshua {Jesus} or make Yahooshua equal with Yah.
- Yah Created Humans to be His Friends
Yah created human kind to be His Friends, companions and confidantes and He desires this today.If you achieve anything less in this life you will have fallen short of your calling.
- Yahooshua Lived Without Sinning
Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ} lived without sinning once and died a terrible death to usher in a NEW Covenant and forgiveness for sin. Because of the absence of sin he was instantly resurrected and is seated at the Right Hand of the Father WAITING for his enemies to be made his footstool. He is 100% human.
- Satan Has Ruled on Earth Through Human Beings Since Adam Sinned
Satan rebelled and was banished to Earth with his followers at the time of the Creation of mankind. Satan has ruled on Earth through human beings from the time that Adam submitted to him.Satan is currently in the Pit for 1,000 years and the Earth is ruled by a Junta of Seven Demonic Masterminds.If Satan wins the contest by bringing every human being into submission Satan will Rule on Earth for Eternity and Yahooshua will NOT return.
- It is up to the Servants of Yah to Defeat Satan
It is up to the Servants of Yah to defeat the Forces of Darkness (Satanic and Demonic Realm) and prepare a way for Yahooshua to return by living above sin and systematically banishing the servants of Satan.There are specific prayers that can be prayed in order to do this.
- The Set-Apart Spirit of the Almighty is Given to Believers for Victory
The Set-Apart Spirit of the Almighty is given to indwell believers by invitation and lead them into all truth and victory over Satan.This is subject to each believer praying appropriate prayers, undertaking appropriate fasts and submitting fully to Yah so that He can Live and Rule through Anointed Believers.
- Yah Intended Marriage to be Heaven on Earth
Yah intended marriage to be Heaven on Earth and gave marriage to understand how He desires us to live in relationship with one another and with Him – seehttps://www.eti-ministries.org/heaven-on-earth-in-marriage
- Hillel Rebelled before the Creation of Adam
At the time that Yah was about to Create Adam, Hillel the Light Bearer, one of the three most senior Messengers {Angels} in Heaven, rebelled and when he was about to be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone to be utterly destroyed, he challenged Yah to a Contest.
- The Contest -- 7,000 Years to Deny the Creator
The objective of the Contest was that, IF after 7,000 years of man on Earth there was at least one human being free of sin and in right standing with Yah to call for Yahooshua to return, Satan, now the Adversary and Accuser, would be cast into the Lake of Fire with all of his followers. If NOT Satan would rule on Earth for Eternity.
- Time of Yahooshua – Yah Still Confident
In the time of Yahooshua Yah was still confident He would win The Contest but today there is only one human being in right standing and victory is very uncertain.Will YOU choose to become another such person?
- New Turning Around Has Started
At this stage a Turning Around started on 3 May 2003 and the question is whether this can be sustained and expanded for the next nearly 1,000 years.
- End of the Millennium Only One Human in Right Standing
On 3 May 2003, the end of the Sixth Millennium, there was only one human being in right standing, that is free of sin, and that person brought the charges against Satan in the Court of Heaven and had Satan sentenced to The Pit (Abyss) for 1,000 years.Seven Demonic Masterminds now rule on Earth in Satan’s place.
- Rules of Engagement Forbid Direct Action
The Rules of Engagement of The Contest forbid either side from acting directly.They are required to act through live human beings.Humans rule on Earth and have total control but are dominated by the Satanic and Demonic Realm.THIS is the REAL Conspiracy on Earth.
- No Direct Communication of Unknown Information
Neither Yah and His Associates NOR Satan and his associates can communicate new information to human beings without first being give authority by the human concerned.It has turned out that human beings are very susceptible to believing the lies of the Satanic Realm.Human beings ARE permitted to disclose (preach / teach) new information on an unsolicited basis.Will you choose to become one who shares the truth?
- His name is Yahooshua
His name is “Yahooshua” meaning “Yah is Salvation” and NOT “Jesus”.Yahooshua is also translated “Joshua” and was a common Hebrew name in that age.It is sin to call him “Jesus”.The Grace for the use of “Jesus” was completely withdrawn in May 2003.
- King of Human Kings
Yahooshua IS King of ALL Human Kings and Lord of ALL Human Lords and is the most powerful created being in the Universe because he died a terrible death without sinning once.
- Waiting for His Enemies to be Made His Footstool
Yahooshua is seated at the Right Hand of the Father WAITING for his enemies to be made his footstool.Believers alive today have to do this.
- 100% Human
Yahooshua was and is 100% human, the result of a creative miracle that was less dramatic than the miracle of the creation of Adam from nothing and the miracle of the creation of Chavah {Eve} from Adam’s Rib.
- Gross Sin to Make Him Equal to Yah
It is gross sin to make Yahooshua equal to the Almighty or to worship him in any way or make him “God” or similar.
- Authority Over the Satanic and Demonic Realm
Yahooshua was given authority over the Satanic and Demonic Realm but he delegated that authority to those human beings alive on Earth who serve Yah and it is up to us to exercise that authority by praying in his name with regard to certain specific issues.All other prayer should be made directly to the Almighty.
- An “Old Testament” Prophet
Yahooshua lived on Earth as an “Old Testament” Prophet through relationship with the Almighty Creator and such a relationship is available to every one of us today.It is mandatory for a true believer.
- NOT “The Way”
Yahooshua is NOT in some miraculous way “The way” to the Father.His life is the example, the WAY to the Father – how he did things.We can do greater works than Yahooshua.
- Numerous False Beliefs
There are numerous false beliefs about Yahooshua that totally corrupt what people believe about him and deny the real benefits of what he accomplished.
- Forgiveness Through Yahooshua’ s Covenant
We receive forgiveness from sin by rehearsing the Covenant cut by Yahooshua with Bread and Wine on a regular basis.
Yahooshua IS worthy of GREAT Esteem and is extremely powerful but he is NOT Yah and should be accorded the status of a great servant and Friend of Yah, nothing more.
The correct interpretation and application of each of the so-called "Ten Commandments" is discussed in the pages relating to the Commandments.
The MOST IMPORTANT COMMANDMENT is "love Yah the Eternally Self-Existing{God, The LORD}, your Mighty One {God}, with ALL your heart, with ALL your soul, with ALL your mind and with ALL your strength”
NOTHING is more important than this – if you do NOT believe in Yah you are NOT on the playing field and if your belief in Yah is superficial you are of NO consequence in the Kingdom of Yah and will be ignored for Eternity.
Sadly, almost no one on Earth really understands this Commandment let alone actively seeks to comply with it, there is much on the website to help you IF you choose to go this route -- see particularly the pages on Relationship with Yah and THE Goal see also the prayers on the Prayers page.
Beyond this, false teachings have resulted in a situation where all Ten of the so-called "Ten Commandments", the Ten Laws (Ten Words in Hebrew) confirmed and reiterated by the Creator on the Mountain in the Sinai Desert in Saudi Arabia to Moshe {Moses} and the children of Yisrael {Israel} are made of no effect
- Yah is One
Yah the Eternally Self-Existing is ONE Mighty One you shall have NO other mighty ones beside Him -- broken through the worship of the Bible, Jesus, Mohammed, etc.
- No Idols
No idols -- broken again with the Bible, the Pastor, the Imam, the Rabbi, the Church, the Mosque, the Synagogue, the Cross, the car, the house, the wife, the husband, the mistress, etc -- anything or anyone that comes between you and service to the Creator.Belief that the Bible the Word of God is the BIGGEST source of people breaking this Commandment.
- Name of Yah NOT in Vain
Do NOT take the Name of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing in vain -- broken because almost no one knows His Name, many say "Ja" or "Jah" for yes, have "Yahoo" email addresses, use false names, etc.The Transliterations “Yahweh” and “Yahooeh” are valid although less accurate than “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”.
- Keep Sabbaths
Keep Sabbaths -- relates to the seventh day of the week which is Saturday and the high Sabbaths of the Almighty being Passover (Pesach), Pentecost (Shavuot), the Day of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) and the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot).The Christian world largely observes the Sabbath as Sunday, the day of the Sun, an abomination in the sight of the Almighty, and totally ignores the high Sabbaths preferring instead to observe the Sabbaths of Satan, Christmas, Halloween, Easter, etc -- see "Satanic Feasts" at https://www.eti-ministries.org/prayer for more information.
- Honor Parents
Honor parents -- few people today show their parents the honor and respect due them, in particular most parents are abandoned and left to live alone in their old age with occasional visits by their children when they should be nurtured in the body of their families.
- NO Murder
NO murder -- the Christian world largely accepts abortion which is outright murder as well as contraceptive methods that cause the fertilized egg NOT to implant, also a form of abortion and murder.In addition the death penalty for murder has largely been abolished despite it being a clear instruction of the Almighty that murderers should be put to death – supporting this abomination is also sin.All of these wrong practices break this Commandment.
- NO Adultery
NO adultery – Adultery is a sexual tie between a man and a forbidden woman, that is a woman who already has a one-flesh tie with another living man.Lies about Church marriage (meaningless), loss of understanding of the Virgin's Covenant, etc means that almost all people today are breaking this Commandment.Sex between men is adultery and cuts across blood lines and is therefore forbidden.
- NO Stealing
NO stealing -- much of the conduct of the world involves some level of deceit and misrepresentation in commerce -- this is stealing -- in particular the church lies wholesale about the Almighty, the Bible, the future of people AND takes tithes and offerings that yoke the people who give into the error and dishonesty of those they give to.Frequently churches elicit donations with messages about Tithes and giving to "the House of God" that are totally off the mark and that their gross sin and error disqualifies them from -- this too is stealing.
- No False Witness and NO Lying
NO false witness or lying -- the church lies constantly about the Almighty and His ways, they dress the ways of Satan and his Masterminds up to look attractive and sell them as the ways of the Almighty in unknowing ignorance because they fail to SEEK TRUTH.
- NO Lusting or Covenanting
NO lusting or coveting -- most advertising works on the basis of stimulating covetousness, pornography and much advertising stimulates lust, etc.
IF you choose to draw close to the Almighty you will need to deal with your sin in ALL the above areas.
- Bible from Greek Biblios
The Bible (from Biblios, Greek for Book) IS a valuable record of how various human beings anointed with the Spirit of the Almighty have conducted themselves on Earth.We CAN learn from those examples in the correct context.
- Few Passages of Inspired Wisdom and Principles
The Bible contains various passages of inspired wisdom and principles but these are limited to a very small proportion of the book.
- Compilation of Fragments
The Bible in all modern forms is a compilation of text fragments from diverse sources that survived the Babylonian exile in the case of the Old Testament and survived Roman and Jewish persecution in the case of the New Testament.
- Does NOT Claim to be “The Word of Yah”
Nowhere does the Bible claim to be inspired, “The Word of God” or anything similar to this.
- Huge Amounts of Other Writing of EQUAL or GREATER Importance
There have been huge amounts written by Anointed believers throughout the ages that are more inspired and more anointed than most of the Bible and by putting the Bible on a pedestal these writings have been grievously discounted.
- Yah is in the Bible Because People Insist on Finding Him there
People find Yah in the Bible because they go to the Bible having been told they will find Him there and so they exercise Emunah {Faith}, (Trust and Belief)} and force Yah to show up against His will.You will find Yah in ANY book that you fervently expect to find Him in!Do NOT do it”
- Bible is the GREATEST IDOL
Yah says that the Bible is “The Greatest Idol on Earth today”, that it is a “little book” and that He “hates” it because of the many people who worship it with “Bible Studies”, “Bible Schools”, “Bible Churches, etcetera instead of developing deep personal relationships with Him.
- Stuck in a 2,000 Year Time Warp
Excessive unwarranted esteem for the Bible causes people to get stuck in a 2,000 year old time warp that prevents them from achieving a deep relationship with the Almighty and from understanding the present age.
- Huge Number of Unbelievers and Unbelievers
The Bible is responsible for huge numbers of people being unbelievers or nominal believes at a level where they never get beyond the basics.
The Bible is worth reading once or twice but beyond that move on. There is a huge amount in my books and on my website that is inspired at various levels. Note also that the Quran and the Torah should likewise be read once or twice at most and then the multiplicity of other sources should be read.
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