2019.05.E.2.2. Critical Considerations with Regard to Core Belief {Doctrine} Created by James on 5/25/2019 10:11:03 PM Critical Considerations with Regard to Core Belief {Doctrine}
- Yah is One – Worship NO Other
Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {The LORD} is ONE. You shall have NO other Mighty One’s besides Him and Him ALONE shall you serve and worship. Do NOT worship Yahooshua {Jesus} or make Yahooshua equal with Yah.
- Yah Created Humans to be His Friends
Yah created human kind to be His Friends, companions and confidantes and He desires this today.If you achieve anything less in this life you will have fallen short of your calling.
- Yahooshua Lived Without Sinning
Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ} lived without sinning once and died a terrible death to usher in a NEW Covenant and forgiveness for sin. Because of the absence of sin he was instantly resurrected and is seated at the Right Hand of the Father WAITING for his enemies to be made his footstool. He is 100% human.
- Satan Has Ruled on Earth Through Human Beings Since Adam Sinned
Satan rebelled and was banished to Earth with his followers at the time of the Creation of mankind. Satan has ruled on Earth through human beings from the time that Adam submitted to him.Satan is currently in the Pit for 1,000 years and the Earth is ruled by a Junta of Seven Demonic Masterminds.If Satan wins the contest by bringing every human being into submission Satan will Rule on Earth for Eternity and Yahooshua will NOT return.
- It is up to the Servants of Yah to Defeat Satan
It is up to the Servants of Yah to defeat the Forces of Darkness (Satanic and Demonic Realm) and prepare a way for Yahooshua to return by living above sin and systematically banishing the servants of Satan.There are specific prayers that can be prayed in order to do this.
- The Set-Apart Spirit of the Almighty is Given to Believers for Victory
The Set-Apart Spirit of the Almighty is given to indwell believers by invitation and lead them into all truth and victory over Satan.This is subject to each believer praying appropriate prayers, undertaking appropriate fasts and submitting fully to Yah so that He can Live and Rule through Anointed Believers.
- Yah Intended Marriage to be Heaven on Earth
Yah intended marriage to be Heaven on Earth and gave marriage to understand how He desires us to live in relationship with one another and with Him – see https://www.eti-ministries.org/heaven-on-earth-in-marriage

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