2019.05.E.2.4. Critical Considerations with Regard to Yahooshua {Jesus} Created by James on 5/25/2019 10:27:24 PM Critical Considerations with Regard to Yahooshua {Jesus}
- His name is Yahooshua
His name is “Yahooshua” meaning “Yah is Salvation” and NOT “Jesus”.Yahooshua is also translated “Joshua” and was a common Hebrew name in that age.It is sin to call him “Jesus”.The Grace for the use of “Jesus” was completely withdrawn in May 2003.
- King of Human Kings
Yahooshua IS King of ALL Human Kings and Lord of ALL Human Lords and is the most powerful created being in the Universe because he died a terrible death without sinning once.
- Waiting for His Enemies to be Made His Footstool
Yahooshua is seated at the Right Hand of the Father WAITING for his enemies to be made his footstool.Believers alive today have to do this.
- 100% Human
Yahooshua was and is 100% human, the result of a creative miracle that was less dramatic than the miracle of the creation of Adam from nothing and the miracle of the creation of Chavah {Eve} from Adam’s Rib.
- Gross Sin to Make Him Equal to Yah
It is gross sin to make Yahooshua equal to the Almighty or to worship him in any way or make him “God” or similar.
- Authority Over the Satanic and Demonic Realm
Yahooshua was given authority over the Satanic and Demonic Realm but he delegated that authority to those human beings alive on Earth who serve Yah and it is up to us to exercise that authority by praying in his name with regard to certain specific issues.All other prayer should be made directly to the Almighty.
- An “Old Testament” Prophet
Yahooshua lived on Earth as an “Old Testament” Prophet through relationship with the Almighty Creator and such a relationship is available to every one of us today.It is mandatory for a true believer.
- NOT “The Way”
Yahooshua is NOT in some miraculous way “The way” to the Father.His life is the example, the WAY to the Father – how he did things.We can do greater works than Yahooshua.
- Numerous False Beliefs
There are numerous false beliefs about Yahooshua that totally corrupt what people believe about him and deny the real benefits of what he accomplished.
- Forgiveness Through Yahooshua’ s Covenant
We receive forgiveness from sin by rehearsing the Covenant cut by Yahooshua with Bread and Wine on a regular basis.
Yahooshua IS worthy of GREAT Esteem and is extremely powerful but he is NOT Yah and should be accorded the status of a great servant and Friend of Yah, nothing more.

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