2019.05.E.2.6. Critical Considerations with Regard to The Bible Created by James on 5/26/2019 9:09:25 AM Critical Considerations with Regard to The Bible
- Bible from Greek Biblios
The Bible (from Biblios, Greek for Book) IS a valuable record of how various human beings anointed with the Spirit of the Almighty have conducted themselves on Earth.We CAN learn from those examples in the correct context.
- Few Passages of Inspired Wisdom and Principles
The Bible contains various passages of inspired wisdom and principles but these are limited to a very small proportion of the book.
- Compilation of Fragments
The Bible in all modern forms is a compilation of text fragments from diverse sources that survived the Babylonian exile in the case of the Old Testament and survived Roman and Jewish persecution in the case of the New Testament.
- Does NOT Claim to be “The Word of Yah”
Nowhere does the Bible claim to be inspired, “The Word of God” or anything similar to this.
- Huge Amounts of Other Writing of EQUAL or GREATER Importance
There have been huge amounts written by Anointed believers throughout the ages that are more inspired and more anointed than most of the Bible and by putting the Bible on a pedestal these writings have been grievously discounted.
- Yah is in the Bible Because People Insist on Finding Him there
People find Yah in the Bible because they go to the Bible having been told they will find Him there and so they exercise Emunah {Faith}, (Trust and Belief)} and force Yah to show up against His will.You will find Yah in ANY book that you fervently expect to find Him in!Do NOT do it”
- Bible is the GREATEST IDOL
Yah says that the Bible is “The Greatest Idol on Earth today”, that it is a “little book” and that He “hates” it because of the many people who worship it with “Bible Studies”, “Bible Schools”, “Bible Churches, etcetera instead of developing deep personal relationships with Him.
- Stuck in a 2,000 Year Time Warp
Excessive unwarranted esteem for the Bible causes people to get stuck in a 2,000 year old time warp that prevents them from achieving a deep relationship with the Almighty and from understanding the present age.
- Huge Number of Unbelievers and Nominal Believers
The Bible is responsible for huge numbers of people being unbelievers or at a level where they never get beyond the basics.
The Bible is worth reading once or twice but beyond that move on. There is a huge amount in my books and on my website that is inspired at various levels. Note also that the Quran and the Torah should likewise be read once or twice at most and then the multiplicity of other sources should be read.

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