2019.05.E.01.Section 1: Where are YOU Going? Created by James on 5/26/2019 12:10:36 PM
This section starts with some statements made by the Almighty some years ago relating to the subject of where people will end up at the end of their lives. It then presents critical reasons why someone who does NOT believe, should believe and critical actions they can take when they do come to Belief. The section then presents critical reasons why one should seek to become a Friend of the Almighty and then addresses critical elements of cleansing that they should take in order to draw closer.
Section 1: Where are YOU Going?
This section starts with some statements made by the Almighty some years ago relating to the subject of where people will end up at the end of their lives. It then presents critical reasons why someone who does NOT believe, should believe and critical actions they can take when they do come to Belief. The section then presents critical reasons why one should seek to become a Friend of the Almighty and then addresses critical elements of cleansing that they should take in order to draw closer. Finally the section presents the demographics of Belief on Earth in the present age.
Section 1: Where are YOU Going?. 14
1.1. The Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, says: "It is time to choose -- will you be my Friend, or my foe? -- there is NO middle ground!". 14
1.2. Why YOU Should Believe in the Almighty Creator. 15
1.3. Critical Actions on First Belief. 16
1.4. Why YOU Should Seek to Become a Friend of the Almighty Creator. 17
1.5. Critical Elements of Cleansing. 19
1.6. Critical Considerations with Regard to the Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah on Earth Today 20
Yah says further:
"Ultimately THE AIM of this entire experiment is to find those who will make the sacrifices necessary to become My FRIENDS -- NOTHING is more important"
"A friend is one who is concerned about the well-being of the one they call friend and desires to treat that person as they would be treated -- HOW do you choose to treat Me?"
"True friendship is about what you can GIVE -- NOT what you can GET! -- what are YOU prepared to give Me (Yah)?"
"A true friend seeks to know ALL truth about the one whom they call friend AND to help others to know that truth -- Do YOU know the truth about me? Do YOU care?"
"In this age I (Yah) am MASSIVELY CONSTRAINED by the 'Rules of Engagement' in terms of what I can say and do EXCEPT through those true friends and true servants who will do the necessary work to KNOW my will AND proclaim it AND action it"
"There is NO greater love than that a man should lay down his life for his friend! -- Will YOU lay down your life for Me?"
"Technically a martyr is one who lays down their life for Me, NOT necessarily in physical death but also by sacrificing their comfort and well being in favour of doing MY will -- will you do ALL that it takes to serve Me and love Me as your friend, NO MATTER what it costs you? -- Will you be a martyr for Me by your way of living?"
"My true friends take time to spend quality time with Me daily and communicate with Me and consult Me constantly"
"Why Believe?
"Because if you do NOT you WILL find that when you die you are forced to serve and worship Satan for ever or at least until the day the winner of the 'The Contest' is adjudicated"
"Realize that serving Satan after you die could be a really HORRIBLE experience, particularly IF you regard yourself as a GOOD person!"
"Imagine what it will be like as an ancestor spirit (demon) knowing the truth about the lies you believed and watching your loved ones making the same mistakes and believing the same lies that you believed and being unable to do anything about it!"
"Imagine what it will be like when you discover that you are irrevocably locked into the same dispensation that is behind the most barbaric and savage cultures on earth"
"IF you are a 'GOOD' person: when you die you may find yourself secretly hoping that Satan WILL lose 'The Contest' so that you can be cast into the Lake of Fire and utterly consumed in a moment of torment and terror, rather than being a participant in the progressive degradation of the human race into utter depravity, barbarism and perversion! -- and yet you will be POWERLESS to do anything about it!"
"The consequences of dying without a PROFOUND realization of my (Yah's) existence AND a DEEP life changing decision to serve Me is too ghastly to contemplate IF you take the trouble to REALLY understand the truth about the world you live in!"
"Imagine what it will be like to be a demon (ancestor spirit) riding on your favourite grandchild and watching them participate in the same empty rituals and mouthing the same meaningless platitudes that you practised during your life and being UNABLE to warn them of the terrible destiny that they are locking themselves into!"
If you do not believe that the Almighty Creator exists I would like to present you with the following Critical Factors to consider as to WHY you should believe:
- Created to be Companions and Friends
This entire Universe was created so that the Almighty Creator might have companions, confidante’s, Friends – people who believed in Him and did things with Him.If you are NOT such a person you are missing your life goal.
- Engineered Creative Complexity
The visible Engineering complexity of us as Human Beings, everything we can see, touch and feel tells us there had to be a highly intelligent, highly creative Engineering Being to create all this -- it cannot just have happened. Examination of anything around you will confirm this.
- Sexual Reproduction Requires a Creator
We are sexual beings. Sexual reproduction in all higher forms of plant and animal life requires the male and female to be perfectly formed before they can reproduce and not die out -- proves a highly skilled Creator.
- Huge Rewards for Loyal Service
There are HUGE rewards in the afterlife in terms of esteem and authority for those who truly serve the Creator in this life. YOU have the opportunity to be part of this. Are you aware of this? Are you going for it?
- Satan the god of THIS World is a Harsh Task Master
Satan, the Adversary, the God of THIS World is engaged in a Contest with the Almighty to turn ALL Human Beings against the Almighty Creator. Satan is responsible for the mess this world is in today and for all the evil, the wars, the disease, etc. Why serve him? That is the inevitable consequence of NOT believing in the Almighty Creator. As an unbeliever you will serve Satan more fully after you die and will find existence very harsh and very unpleasant.
- Are you striving to be your best for nothing?
You are no doubt striving to do your best in this life without knowing the outcome. If you realized that the outcome COULD be extremely beneficial and pleasant IF you truly serve the Creator I suggest you would view things differently. Today is your opportunity to start going for that goal.
- Death as an Ancestor Spirit
The HARSH reality is that WHEN you die as an unbeliever you will NOT enter Heaven. You will be told you have been lied to and will continue existence as a Demon or Ancestor Sprit with NO ability to move around under your own motive power. You will potentially be stranded underground where your corpse rots in your grave for the rest of the millennium. Surely that is NOT your goal for your life?
I strongly recommend that you choose to believe in the Almighty Creator, whose true name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” by praying as follows “Father Yah, Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and all that is in it, I now realize that you MUST exist and I choose to believe that you exist. I ask you to come to live in me now, fill me with your Spirit and guide me in drawing close to you. I am told I can serve you. I want to serve you but I do NOT know how to do that. Help me to find people and material who can help me.”
If you have prayed this prayer please visit the rest of the website and read the contents of the menu item “Seven Components of Drawing Close” near the bottom of the menu or contact me on New.Belief@ETI-Ministries.org
The following critical actions should be taken by any person who first comes to belief, this will lay a foundation for a powerful life in relationship with the Almighty Creator. Refer to the “Article Seven Components in Growing Close to Yah” – page references below are to this article which is available on the main Website. These same procedures can be applied at any time, however they are particularly effective when applied immediately after a person comes to Belief.
- Seven Days of Grace
There are seven days of Grace from the moment of First Belief during which there is EXTREME Grace for forgiveness, healing, deliverance and learning. Wherever possible a new Believer should be supported to apply all the processes and components below during this period. This opportunity will never be given to that person.
- Immediately Seek Anointing
Immediately pray for infilling with the Spirit of Yah and pray daily thereafter for infilling – this is the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah.
- Seven Day Water-Only Fast
Immediately embark on a Seven Day Water-Only Fast – page 25 to 27.
- Worship Daily
Worship daily using the songs starting on page 43.
- Shave the Entire Body Except the Head and Eyebrows
Shave the entire body except the head and eyebrows on the 1st, 7th and 8th day after coming to belief.Pay particular attention to symbolically shaving Tattoos and Piercings – page 31.
- Full Body Anointing with the Blood of the Covenant
Full Body Anointing with the Blood of the Covenant (Red Wine or Red Grape Juiced prayed over to symbolically represent the Blood of the Covenant) on the 1st, 7th and 8th day after coming to belief.
- Full Body Anointing with the Oil of the Spirit
Full Body Anointing with the Oil of the Spirit (Olive Oil prayed over to symbolically represent the Anointing of the Spirit of the Creator) on the 1st, 7th and 8th day after coming to belief.
- Full Body Triple Immersion
Full Body Triple Immersion on the 1st, 7th and 8th days after coming to belief, see page 32.
- Spiritual Audit
Undertake a comprehensive Spiritual Audit and pray appropriate prayers – page 41.
- Reading Anointed Books and Praying
Spend the rest of the week reading Anointed books and praying appropriatedly – see list of Recommended Reading.
- Receive Ministry and Counsel
Receive Ministry and Counsel from Anointed Believers IF they are available and do whatever else you find to do.
Did you know that it is possible to become a FRIEND of the Almighty Creator? Did you know that THIS is your purpose on Earth? Here are a few points to help you assess how you want to live the rest of your life:
- Entire Creation is to Create Friends
This entire Creation exists so that the Almighty Creator can have companions, confidantes, Friends to talk to, to learn with and to do things together. If you do NOT realize this then you are missing out on the only REAL goal for your life!
- Heaven is a Place of Great Splendour
Heaven is a place of great splendour and those who qualify as Friends receive great esteem, splendour and authority. Do YOU understand the Ranks in Heaven and have a life goal to achieve this?
- “Friend” is the Highest Rank in Heaven
“Friend” is the highest rank in Heaven. Did you know that? Do YOU aspire to that highest rank? Or are you just wandering through life with NO clear purpose?
- “Overcomers” Still Get to Sit on Thrones
The next rank in Heaven is “Overcomer” – one who has overcome sin and the Trials and Tribulations of this life in order to sit on a High Throne below the Friends. Do you AT LEAST aspire to that?
- “Good and Faithful Servants” at Least Receive Reasonable Esteem and Authority
If you do not qualify to be an Overcomer, you will NOT qualify for a Throne but at least perhaps you could become a “Good and Faithful Servant”. One who has served the Almighty significantly. You will have to stand but at least you will be esteemed and have some authority.
- There are Lower Ranks if your Aspirations are Lower
If you are NOT in line to be a Good and Faithful Servant perhaps you qualify as a “Wise Steward”? or an “Adulterous Wife”? Or perhaps only a “Foolish Virgin”. At least you will still be in the Body of Heaven, albeit it fairly far out.
- There is a TRASH HEAP in Heaven, are YOU Headed There?
Heaven ALSO has a Trash Heap, a dark, cold, lonely place where those who at some level believed but then chose to ignore the Creator will be ignored by Him for Eternity. There will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth! Is THAT where you are headed?
Where do YOU stand?
I suspect NOT very far up that ranking because, in this age, very FEW people are anywhere significant on that ranking.
YOU have a choice today – go ALL OUT to serve the Almighty Creator whose TRUE NAME is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” or continue to potter along in mediocrity only to be BITTERLY DISAPPOINTED when you die!
I strongly recommend that you choose to go ALL OUT to Serve Father Yah, starting today. Pray “Father, I have just realized that my relationship with you is NOT where I would like it to be and is characterized by luke-warmness and mediocrity in the things that really matter. I choose this day to serve you wholeheartedly and I ask you to forgive me and help me to do what I need to do in order to become your Friend (or to Overcome, or to become a Good and Faithful Servant, or a Wise Steward, etc depending on your aspirations)”. There is much more you should pray – see below.
If you have prayed this prayer please visit the Website and read the contents of the menu item “Seven Components of Drawing Close” near the bottom of the menu and also in Volume 1 of the Book Set or contact me on Newly.Commited.Believer@ETI-Ministries.org
Refer to the article “Seven Components in Growing Close to Yah” on the Website for detailed information.
- Do at Any Time
These processes can be followed at ANY time and can be done more than once as appropriate.
- Rehearse the Covenant Regularly
Rehearse the Covenant {“Communion”} regularly and apply the Blood of the Covenant (the Red Grape Juice or Red Wine) to your forehead, back of neck, right thumb and right big toe.
- Full Cleansing Process
Same process as for a New Believer – fast (7 days or 7 x 3 days water-only), shave the body, full body anoint with the Blood (the Red Grape Juice or Red Wine prayed over to represent the Blood of the Covenant), full body anoint with the Oil of the Spirit (Olive Oil prayed over to represent the Anointing Oil of the Spirit of Yah) and Triple full body immersion.Refer the abovementioned article for the details.
- Sanctify your Dwelling
Clean out your dwelling of any and all defiled artefacts, artefacts with Satanic or Demonic connotations.Where appropriate destroy with fire.
- Spiritual Audit
Detailed Spiritual Audit – cycle through your life repeatedly year by year noting down all that comes to remembrance -- record ALL sin that comes to remembrance, wrongs you did to others, wrongs others did to you, etc.Contact people as necessary, make restitution, make right.Heartfelt confession and repentance -- turning around.
- Cleanse Yourself
Cleansing of Self.Bind all Satanic and Demonic Entities in the name of Yahooshua {Jesus} that are “in, on or around” you that do NOT have a legal right to be there.Ask Father in the name of Yahooshua to send His Mighty Warring Messengers {Angels} to bind, cast out and send where He wants to go all the Satanic and Demonic Entities named.Ask Father what is giving legal rights to Demons and for inspiration to know the legal right and how to cut it off.
- Constant Worship, Prayer, etc
Constantly worship, pray, study in order to learn more and clean up as led whenever it seems appropriate.There is a huge amount on the Website.
- Ongoing Process
This is an ongoing, iterative process that should be repeated at intervals over several years.
This cleansing process is VITAL if one is to really draw close to the Almighty Creator and come to hear Him clearly
The image on the covers of the Book Set and presented below represents the continuum between deep / ALL evil which is Satan on the bottom left to ALL good and ALL truth which is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator, which is at the top on the extreme right.
The jagged steep mountain symbolizes how difficult it is to draw close to Father Yah in the present age and how easy it is to fall from any level through pride, self-righteousness and other sin and error.
This collection of writings and, indeed, all of my writings are about how to move from some position on this curve to the position on the top right which is occupied by people close to Father Yah. The designation “Friend” is the highest status that any human being can aspire to in this life and is what we were ALL created to achieve.
The components of the curve are as follows (statistics are as at 25 December 2015) for ALL religious groups worldwide:
- Believers at Some Level – about 22.7 million made up of:
a. Friends (1) – high throne – put Father Yah first in their lives and serve Him faithfully. This is tragic, we should ALL be here.
b. Overcomers (20) – throne – have overcome sin and the temptations of this world at some material level.
c. Good and Faithful Servants (~5,000) – significant measure of faithful service.
d. Wise Stewards (~200,000) – some measure of faithful service.
e. Adulterous Wives (~500,000) – some level of infilling of the Spirit of the Almighty but continue in deep error and unbelief includes many who worship Yahooshua {Jesus}.
f. Foolish Virgins (~2 million) – believe but no infilling of the Spirit of the Almighty.
g. Outer Darkness (the majority -- ~20 million) – at some level once believed sufficiently to qualify for Heaven but nothing beyond that. They ignore Father Yah in this life and, accordingly, He will ignore them in Heaven for Eternity. The product of useless “Evangelization” without sustained follow-up.
2. Believing Unbelievers -- about 100 million – think they believe but so full of error they do not actually believe in the Almighty. Many who believe Jesus is God are here.
3. Outright Unbelievers -- about 6.8 billion plus, the bulk of the population of the Earth – no awareness of any significance of the existence of the Almighty.
4. Outright Servants of Satan -- about 22.7 million – at some level consciously serving Satan in roughly analogous groupings and counts to those serving the Creator.
It is my hope that by reading this webpage and by visiting the rest of the website you will be challenged to seek to move your life to the top right of the curve and become Father’s Friend and qualify for a High Throne in Heaven for Eternity.
This webpage is accompanied by the entire Website and by twelve collections of my writings in pdf format and also soon to be in Bound Books – these documents are available electronically off the Website or you can email me – I hope to make them available on Amazon as well. See https://www.eti-ministries.org/compilation-of-most-writings
For more information refer to the articles “The Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah on Earth Today” and “Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah elaboration” in Volume 1. Also on the Website.

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