2019.05.E.3.1. Critical Considerations with Regard to the History of Mankind on Earth Today Created by James on 5/26/2019 12:34:23 PM Critical Considerations with Regard to the History of Mankind on Earth Today
- Yah Created ALL of this to Give Himself Friends
Yah created the Universe, the Solar System, the Earth, Plants, Animals and Human Beings in an evolutionary (exploratory and experiment) process that culminated in the Creation of Human Beings just over 6,000 years ago.
- Hillel Rebelled Before Adam Was Created
Shortly before Yah created Adam, Hillel, one of the three most senor Messengers {Angels} rebelled and was cast down to Earth with billions of his followers.
- Hillel First Challenged Yah to a Contest
Before being cast out Hillel challenged Yah to a Contest to prove that in 7,000 years he would seduce mankind such that after the 7,000 years there would NOT be a single believer in right standing on Earth and that in that case, Hillel, now Satan (the Adversary / Accuser), will rule on Earth for Eternity.
- Satan Beguiled Lilith and then Chavah {
Following the creation of Adam and Lilith Satan beguiled Lilith into following him.Yah then created Chavah {Eve} miraculously from Adams Rib.Chavah was then beguiled to eat the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and she beguiled Adam to eat too.They thus became subject to Satan.
- Humankind Then Degenerated
Humankind then proceeded to degenerate spiritually until after roughly 1,500 years only one man, Noah and his son Shem, and their wives were wholeheartedly serving Yah.
- Noah Prayed for Judgment Bringing an Ice Comet
Noah was grieved by the evil in mankind and prayed for Judgment.Yah destroyed the Earth by bringing an Ice Comet to collide with Earth and totally flooding it and destroying the surface.Noah, his three sons and their wives survived in a specially constructed wooden ship.Noah was the first turnaround Spokesman of Yah {Prophet}.
- The Three Sons of Noah Gave Rise to the Three Main People Groups
The three sons of Noah gave rise to three people groups:
- The Shemites – Europe, Middle East and Russia;
- The Japhetite’s – far East Asians;
- and the Hammites – the Africans
These each had very different spiritual pedigrees:
- The Shemites have generally been more faithful to Yah and the three mainstream Monotheistic religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam flow from them;
- The Japhethites have generally worshipped idols and men (the Emperor);
- The Hammites have generally worshipped the Ancestors in the form of Ancestor Spirits (Demons) – this has resulted in massive degradation of society and people.
The Earth is still divided this way today.
- Following Noah Mankind AGAIN Fell Away
Following on from Noah the people again fell away, there was a major Turning Around initiated by Abraham and reinforced by Moshe {Moses} and David (Dawid).
- Yahooshua Was Conceived Miraculously and Lived and Died Without Sin
Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ} was born through miraculous conception by a virgin just over 2,000 years ago and lived a life without sin.He died a terrible death without sinning and was instantly resurrected ushering in a further major Turning Around that gave rise to Christianity.
- Mohammed Ushered in Another Turning Around
Mohammed lived about 600 years after Yahooshua and ushered in a further Turning Around that gave rise to Islam.
- Martin Luther Gave Rise to Another Turning Around
Martin Luther died in 1546 AD and gave rise to another Turning Around that gave rise to Protestant Christianity and which has led to the advancement and prosperity of the present generation.
- A New Turning Around Commenced on 3 May 2003
A new Turning Around commenced on 3 May 2003 when Satan was sentenced to 1,000 years in the Pit (Abyss) and Command and Control on Earth passed to the Junta of Seven Demonic Masterminds who now rule on behalf of Satan.It is hoped that this Turning Around will endure for the balance of the present millennium and pave the way for the return of Yahooshua and Yah’s victory in the Contest.
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