2019.05.E.3.2. Critical Considerations with Regard to Creation Created by James on 5/26/2019 12:52:26 PM Critical Considerations with Regard to Creation
- Engineering Precision of ALL Around Us
The precision Engineering of every facet of the Universe, the plants and animals and human beings speak of a Precise, Engineering Creative Agency.
- Sexual Reproduction ONLY Works When Fully Complete Else the Species Dies Out
The fact that sexual reproduction occurs in all higher plant and animal forms and requires that the male and female are perfectly formed at the outset else the species would die out immediately -- proves a Creative Agency.
- Precision of DNA
The precision of DNA and the way DNA strands are carried in the male and female gametes and merge perfectly together to form a new plant, animal or human, clearly speaks of a Creative Agency.
- Where Did the Creator Come From?
The challenge with believing in Creation lies in the question “where did the Creator come from?”By faith and DEEP personal experience I can say that He has always existed and is real.
- Belief in Nature
Belief in “Nature” and other agencies as being responsible for the Universe, Plants, Animals and Humans ascribes Creative ability and intelligence to “Nature” which ultimately faces the same problem of “where did “Nature” come from?”.
- Existence of Spirits
Widespread belief in Sprits and experience of Spirits evidences that Spirits exist.This speaks to the existence of the Creator as a Spiritual Being.I testify from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE that Spirits Exist.
- People who have had DIRECT EXPERIENCE
I myself and many others have direct spiritual and physical experience of this Creator who calls Himself “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” at a level that we have total certainty that He exists and created everything.
Intense intellectual consideration of the world around us must lead to a conclusion that there IS a higher power, a Creative Agency. It is then up to you to decide whether to seek a deep personal relationship with Him or ignore Him. Be aware that if you do not serve the Creator by default you serve the Spirit being that tells you that the Creator does not exist – it is a binary choice – you either believe in the Creator or you serve Satan.

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