2019.05.E.04.Section 4: Spiritual Principles Created by James on 5/26/2019 1:04:44 PM This section discusses a number of Spiritual Principles including Sabbath Observance, Prayer, Worship, issues in This Life, seeking Truth and NOT Error and Judgment in THIS life.
Section 4: Spiritual Principles
This section discusses a number of Spiritual Principles including Sabbath Observance, Prayer, Worship, issues in This Life, seeking Truth and NOT Error and Judgment in THIS life.
4.1. Critical Considerations with Regard to Sabbath Observance
- Saturday
Yah’s Sabbath is the Seventh Day of the Week, which is Saturday. It is NOT Sunday and doing the things below on Sunday counts for nothing with Yah. This is about what you do on Saturday.
- No Servile Work
No servile or secular work is permitted.This is NOT a day for “odd jobs”, cleaning the house or anything else you can reasonably do on another day.
- Worship
I recommend that one should actively worship for a minimum of two hours on the Sabbath.
- Day of Rest
Fundamentally this is a day of REST.It is acceptable to sleep or relax and take things easy.
- Acceptable to Minister
It is acceptable to Minister on Yah’s behalf.I work on my Ministry on the Sabbath as service to others on behalf of Yah.
- Only Simple Food Preparation
Elaborate meals, etc are NOT the intention only simple meals with most preparation done the day before are acceptable.
- Acceptable to Buy Meals
It is acceptable to go to a Restaurant or to buy take-aways – this is preferable to preparing meals yourself, certainly in terms of the main meal of the day.
- NO Secular Entertainment
This is NOT the day to engage in Secular Entertainment be it Sport, Radio, TV, Newspapers, Magazines, Hobbies, etc.This is a day to be devoted to Yah.If you have a problem with this you need to understand that you are NOT going to qualify for a High Throne for Eternity.The points in this section relate to people who have made a high-quality decision to serve Yah NO MATTER what the cost!
- More so on High Sabbaths
The same applies at a more extreme level on the High Sabbaths of the Almighty being Passover (Pesach), Pentecost (Shavuot), the Day of Trumpets (Yom Teruah), the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) and the First and Eighth Days of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). The Day of Atonement is a total, water-only, one day fast from sunset to sunset.
Following are headline principles with regard to Prayer, there is much on Prayer on the Website.
- Prayer On Your Knees is Best
On your knees is the best way to pray, initially at least.We hear best on our knees because we humble ourselves that way.Also the best way to hear.As you mature not as necessary.
- Prayers are Petition to the Court of Heaven
Prayer is Petition to the Court of Heaven – do NOT dictate, do NOT prescribe, do NOT tell Father what to do, ASK Him for Guidance, give Him permission to intervene in your life.
- Prayers Can Take Time to Answer or Not at All
Prayers may take time to answer and if foolish or presumptuous may not be answered at all or may be answered by the Satanic and Demonic Realm.That said, pray in Emunah {Faith} without doubting and if you pray in accordance with these guidelines you have a basis to expect answers.
- Prayers Seeking Revelation
Pray prayers seeking revelation of deception, seeking truth, “judge me severely”, etc – seeking Wisdom and Understanding are all absolutely critical!
- Directional Prayers
Pray Directional Prayers seeking guidance – bring people in and out of your life, open and close doors, hear only, see only, think only, speak only, write and covenant only, walk only as led by the Spirit of Yah. Hear or discern and be obedient. Ask to become a Wise Steward, a Good and Faithful Servant, an Overcomer, a Friend.
- Defensive Prayers
Pray Defensive Prayers such as “thank you that your Messengers {Angels} encamp around me to protect me, that no weapon formed against me shall prosper”, etc.
- Prayers with Fasting
Fasting coupled with effective prayer is particularly powerful.I strongly recommend 7 or 9 x three-day water only fasts at weekly intervals as a way of cleaning up your life, sorting out your beliefs, etc.
- Example Prayers
There are many example prayers in the “Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator” on the Website (near the bottom of the menu and also behind the Home page).
- Take Prayer Seriously
Prayer is something to be taken very seriously, it will frame and define whether you progress with Yah or not!
- Pray In Tongues
It is possible to pray in an unknown language. Ask Father to give this to you when you undertake a triple immersion or when praying generally. The gift may take time to receive so keep asking until you get it – you will find that you suddenly start praying in a language you do not understand.
- Pray in the Spirit at All Times Without Ceasing
It is possible for your spirit to pray at all times without ceasing. Ask Father for this gift, you may be able to hear yourself praying this way or you may not. Claim this gift whenever you pray regarding the Full Armour of Yah – see the pages on Prayer.
- Worship is Making Love to Father
Worship is making love to Father and should be your constant practice at every possible opportunity, in your car, on public transport, at work, at home.Have recordings on your mobile phone and listen with a headset when necessary.Dedicated, focussed worship at least one session of at least two hours once a week on the Sabbath as a minimum.
- Do NOT Use Pagan Names
Do NOT use Pagan names like “God” and “The LORD”.Use “Yah”, “Yahooeh”, “Yahweh”, “El”, “Almighty”, etc.More information on the Website.Substitute words when necessary.
- Do NOT Worship Jesus or Yahooshua or Messiah
Do NOT Worship Jesus or Yahooshua or Messiah or sing about him, he should NOT be mentioned in your worship of the Creator and we are Commanded to ONLY Worship Yah.Substitute words when necessary.See the article on “Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator” on the Website main menu.Songs on the Website have had references to Jesus removed.
- Sing Songs of Adoration
Sing songs of adoration, intimate songs where you tell Him how much you Love Him, esteem Him, reverence Him, desire to be close to Him.
- Sing Songs of Praise
Sing songs of Praise where you extravagantly declare your love, commitment and esteem for Him.
- Seek Fresh Infilling with the Spirit of Yah
Seek fresh infilling with His Spirit by singings songs that speak of this such as “Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit you are Welcome in this Place”. Seek the Fire of His Spirit.
- Seek His Guidance and Cleansing
Seek His guidance and cleansing with songs such as “purify my heart”, sung as a prayer.
- Music Without Words is Meaningless
Music without words is meaningless and should be avoided.The words MUST have deep meaning or else the song or music is of NO value to your walk as an Anointed Believer.
- Play Worship Songs Non-Stop
Play worship songs non-stop in your home even when you are not at home.Play them on low volume or through a headset when you are sleeping so that He is blessed even if you are not listening.Make yourself a Temple to Yah.
- Yah Desires to be Involved in EVERY Area of Life
Yah desires to be involved in EVERY area of our lives, our Ministry, our Commercial Endeavours / Work, our Relationships, etc.Once we are filled with His Spirit He is willing to guide us in every facet and He DEEPLY desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with each one of us.
- Every Believer has a Responsibility to Advance the Kingdom of Yah
Every Believer has a responsibility to Yah to devote a portion of their everyday lives to advancing the interests of Yah on Earth.Yah will help us to do this.
- Every Believer has a Responsibility to Grow in Relationship with Yah
Every Believer has a responsibility to Yah to devote a portion of their everyday lives to worship, prayer, fasting and generally advancing their relationship with Yah.Yah will help us to do this.
- We have Employment to Enable us to Financially Support the Above
We have employment, whether as employees or business owners in order to enable us to financially support ourselves in order that we can perform (2) and (3).Yah will help us to do this.
- Yah Desires Men and Women to be In Covenant
Yah desires for all Believing Men to be in a Covenant Relationship with one or more Believing women and for as many Believing Women as possible to be in Covenant with a Believing man recognizing that they are seven times as many Believing women as Believing men on Earth today so that the vast majority of Believing women must remain without a man.Women may covenant with other women.
- The Fundamental Objective of Believers is to Lead Others to Deep Relationship with Yah
The Fundamental Objective of every Believer on Earth today is to:
- Have a DEEP personal relationship with Yah;
- Live victoriously above sin and thereby gain authority over the Satanic and Demonic Realm and bring them into subjection to Yah and Yahooshua;
- Spread the word that Yah wants a DEEP Personal Relationship with EVERY human being alive today.
- Long Term Compliance Leads to Financial Wellbeing
IF we do ALL the above we will ultimately reach a point where WE are able to prosper and enjoy the material benefits of Life on Earth WITHOUT getting distracted and corrupted by them.
Refer to the article “Seek Truth NOT Error” on the Website menu.
- 6,000 Years Learning ALL Error and Wickedness
Mankind has spent six thousand years learning all there is to learn about evil and error such that this is the most evil generation that has ever lived.We have “good” masquerading as a false surrogate for obedience and commitment to Yah.
- Only One Human with Zero Sin and Zero Error
There has only ever been ONE human being who has never sinned and who had zero error, that is Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ} who lived and died 2,000 years ago.
- Only One Being with ALL Sin and ALL Error
There is only one being with ALL Error and ALL Sin, that is Satan.All the rest of those who follow him have some limited level of truth.
- Do NOT be Surprised by Sin and Error
So, since ALL Human Beings have error there is no reason to be surprised when you encounter it.Seek the Truth amongst the error, learn what there is to learn and then move on to meet others with truth you lack.
- Focus on Truth
In living life focus on truth, do NOT focus on error.It is easy to get offended and thus side-tracked by the error or sin or whatever one PERCEIVES to be error and sin and completely lose sight of the good and truth that a person has.
- Do NOT Talk About or Publish About Error
Do NOT talk or publish about error.Talk and publish about truths.If you encounter error or sin in someone do NOT trumpet it around and draw attention to it.
- The ETI Website Seeks to Comply with the Above
The End Time Issue Ministries Website at www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org seeks to operate according to these principles and I believe that much of the content is truth although there is certainly error in some of the older articles in particular. There may be error in recent articles that I do not know is error.
Refer to the article “Judgment in THIS Life” on the Website main menu.
- An Integral Part of Life as a Believer
Judgment in THIS Life is an integral part of being an Anointed Believer in this life. If you sin you WILL be judged, whether in this life or the life to come. The Biblical history of humans on Earth is full of accounts of Judgment in this Life. It is vital to understand this.
- Either Your Doing or Judgment
If things go wrong in your life it is either a consequence of your own failings, foolishness, recklessness, laziness, etc OR it is a consequence of Judgment.
- Satanic and Demonic Seek Who the MAY Devour
The Satanic and Demonic Realm seek who they MAY devour.We have to do something such that they can get PERMISSION to attack us.They cannot touch us without first getting permission from Yah in the Court of Heaven.
- Yahooshua is our Advocate
Yahooshua is our Advocate because there IS a Court and we need someone to argue in our defense.Yahooshua operates primarily in defense of young Believers asking for Mercy and Grace and mitigation of sentence.If you are mature there is very little Yahooshua can do to help you.
- The Satanic are the Prosecutors (Accusers)
The Satanic Realm are the Prosecutors (Accusers).They find evidence of sin and report this up the line to the Accusers in the Court of Heaven who seek a Judgment against the offending human being.
- The Satanic and Demonic Mostly Execute Sentence
The Satanic and Demonic Realm most often carry out the sentence causing accidents, bringing illness, etc.Yah and His servants may, however, deliver Judgment directly on occasion.
- The Satanic and Demonic Tempt and Trick
The Satanic and Demonic Realm also temp us and trick us into error and sin by lying to us, bringing other humans with error into our lives and any number of other devices to lead us into error and sin.
- Refer Job and Ahab as Case Studies
The story of Job in the Bible (Job chapters 1 to 3) gives a clear example of the process.Ahab in 1 Kings 22:19-24 is another clear example.
- It is Up to YOU to Resist and Overcome
It is up to YOU to resist sin and temptation, get rid of error and live a life about sin and therefore free of Judgment.

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