2019.05.E.4.3. Critical Considerations with Regard to Worship Created by James on 5/26/2019 1:27:19 PM Critical Considerations with Regard to Worship
- Worship is Making Love to Father
Worship is making love to Father and should be your constant practice at every possible opportunity, in your car, on public transport, at work, at home.Have recordings on your mobile phone and listen with a headset when necessary.Dedicated, focussed worship at least one session of at least two hours once a week on the Sabbath as a minimum.
- Do NOT Use Pagan Names
Do NOT use Pagan names like “God” and “The LORD”.Use “Yah”, “Yahooeh”, “Yahweh”, “El”, “Almighty”, etc.More information on the Website.Substitute words when necessary.
- Do NOT Worship Jesus or Yahooshua or Messiah
Do NOT Worship Jesus or Yahooshua or Messiah or sing about him, he should NOT be mentioned in your worship of the Creator and we are Commanded to ONLY Worship Yah.Substitute words when necessary.See the article on “Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator” on the Website main menu.Songs on the Website have had references to Jesus removed.
- Sing Songs of Adoration
Sing songs of adoration, intimate songs where you tell Him how much you Love Him, esteem Him, reverence Him, desire to be close to Him.
- Sing Songs of Praise
Sing songs of Praise where you extravagantly declare your love, commitment and esteem for Him.
- Seek Fresh Infilling with the Spirit of Yah
Seek fresh infilling with His Spirit by singings songs that speak of this such as “Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit you are Welcome in this Place”. Seek the Fire of His Spirit.
- Seek His Guidance and Cleansing
Seek His guidance and cleansing with songs such as “purify my heart”, sung as a prayer.
- Music Without Words is Meaningless
Music without words is meaningless and should be avoided.The words MUST have deep meaning or else the song or music is of NO value to your walk as an Anointed Believer.
- Play Worship Songs Non-Stop
Play worship songs non-stop in your home even when you are not at home.Play them on low volume or through a headset when you are sleeping so that He is blessed even if you are not listening.Make yourself a Temple to Yah.

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