2019.05.E.4.4. Critical Considerations with Regard to This Life Created by James on 5/26/2019 1:34:47 PM Critical Considerations with Regard to This Life
- Yah Desires to be Involved in EVERY Area of Life
Yah desires to be involved in EVERY area of our lives, our Ministry, our Commercial Endeavours / Work, our Relationships, etc.Once we are filled with His Spirit He is willing to guide us in every facet and He DEEPLY desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with each one of us.
- Every Believer has a Responsibility to Advance the Kingdom of Yah
Every Believer has a responsibility to Yah to devote a portion of their everyday lives to advancing the interests of Yah on Earth.Yah will help us to do this.
- Every Believer has a Responsibility to Grow in Relationship with Yah
Every Believer has a responsibility to Yah to devote a portion of their everyday lives to worship, prayer, fasting and generally advancing their relationship with Yah.Yah will help us to do this.
- We have Employment to Enable us to Financially Support the Above
We have employment, whether as employees or business owners in order to enable us to financially support ourselves in order that we can perform (2) and (3).Yah will help us to do this.
- Yah Desires Men and Women to be In Covenant
Yah desires for all Believing Men to be in a Covenant Relationship with one or more Believing women and for as many Believing Women as possible to be in Covenant with a Believing man recognizing that they are seven times as many Believing women as Believing men on Earth today so that the vast majority of Believing women must remain without a man.Women may covenant with other women.
- The Fundamental Objective of Believers is to Lead Others to Deep Relationship with Yah
The Fundamental Objective of every Believer on Earth today is to:
- Have a DEEP personal relationship with Yah;
- Live victoriously above sin and thereby gain authority over the Satanic and Demonic Realm and bring them into subjection to Yah and Yahooshua;
- Spread the word that Yah wants a DEEP Personal Relationship with EVERY human being alive today.
- Long Term Compliance Leads to Financial Wellbeing
IF we do ALL the above we will ultimately reach a point where WE are able to prosper and enjoy the material benefits of Life on Earth WITHOUT getting distracted and corrupted by them.
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