2019.05.E.5.2. Seven Critical Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator Created by James on 5/26/2019 2:05:37 PM Seven Critical Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator
The Third Article above Relates to the Fact that “The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU”. This article addresses the measures you can take to draw close to the Almighty Creator, starting NOW! Read this as an introduction to the very detailed discussion at https://www.eti-ministries.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close
These steps apply whether you have previously believed or whether you have now chosen to believe for the first time – the emphasis will vary depending on where you are coming from.
The seven steps are:
1. Decision
Decide that the Creator exists and decide to seek a deep personal relationship with Him or, IF you already believe He exists, chose to seek a much DEEPER personal relationship with Him;
2. Prayer
Pray a range of prayers intended to enable you to get MUCH closer to the Creator and be led by Him in every possible way, prayers like “show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it” – prayers that are intended to enable you to walk directly with the Creator and NOT rely on other human beings;
3. Fasting
It is NOT possible to get really close to the Almighty without fasting, the detailed article contains basic guidelines on what to do and what to pray;
4. Cleansing
This earth is controlled by the Satanic Realm and Demons, when one first comes to the Almighty one is highly contaminated. The abovementioned article discusses at length what is required to get to a place where you can draw close to the Almighty and hear Him clearly;
5. Worship
Worship is vital in drawing close to the Almighty, a selection of highly effective worship songs that will help you on your journey is offered in the abovementioned article – see also https://www.eti-ministries.org/recommended-worship-songs;
6. Research
You are unique, your needs are unique, the value you can add to the Creator is unique, you need to investigate Him and His Kingdom for yourself and work with Him to craft your unique position in His service;
7. Action
Having done all the above it is now time for you to step out with the Almighty Creator and start being of service to Him and developing that deep personal relationship that you have chosen to pursue.
Each of these steps are discussed in detail in the abovementioned article. Growing close to the Almighty Creator is an iterative and progressive process of all of these points as you deal with your sin and come to a place of hearing Him more clearly and understanding Him and His goals for your life.

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