2001.02.1. 06. An Interesting Confirmation Created by James3 on 7/4/2019 8:45:05 PM An Interesting Confirmation
Several extracts from books by Ellen G White have been forwarded to me by John Paige in Australia.
One I received today, the other two weeks ago.
Chapter 33, "Riding into Jerusalem" from the book Spirit of Prophecy, the first attachment, received two weeks ago but only read today, provides an interesting confirmation of what was written yesterday regarding Bible Prophecy.
The chapter provides a vivid description of Jesus' triumphal entry to Jerusalem and ties it in to fulfillment of prophecy.
Here again, we see that the triumphal entry that Jesus made to Jerusalem was NOT the entry that was expected but it WAS the entry the prophets saw!!
Truly, we must ask Yahweh to open our spiritual eyes and ears to discern what is REALLY happening today. The description of the Chief Priests and Pharisees blindness to the fulfillment of prophecy that is graphically portayed in this account is CHILLING and a salutary warning to all of us!
The second document contains a concise injunction that we must seek to honour the Word of God, reinforcing the messages of recent weeks. Holiness and sanctification means that we seek to draw close to God and keep ALL His commandments. Not as a work of the flesh or legalism but as an act of LOVE, OBEDIENCE AND FAITH!
May Yahweh bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you in the Name of the Lord Yahshua Messiah of Nazareth.
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