2001.04.1.14 Will a Man Rob God in Tithes and Offerings? Created by James3 on 7/11/2019 9:16:32 PM Will a Man Rob God in Tithes and Offerings?
From time to time in ministering to individuals who are in financial hardship we discover that they are not aware of the commandments of Scripture regarding tithing. If they are aware of the Scriptures regarding the tithe, many think that it is optional or that they cannot afford to tithe because they are in financial hardship. They do not realize that as long as they are believers and not tithing it is highly unlikely that they will ever get out of lack.
Recently, while interceding into a particular situation, the Word of Yahweh came to us to the effect that there was an issue relating to tithing in the situation. For some time i have felt impressed to write a document on tithing and it is now important to do this.
The following article addresses the principal aspects of tithes and offerings. There are many other teachings available on tithing from a diversity of ministries for those who want more information.
In considering what follows it is important to note that there are verses of scripture which speak of the tithe as an ongoing event as increase is experienced and there is also reference to every third year being a year of tithing. The indication in this case is that those who lived too far from Jerusalem to take the tithe up more regularly should lay it aside until they could travel to Jerusalem. At the same time there is reference to the tithe being given to the Levites, poor, widows, etc in the city where the person giving the tithe resided. In terms of the objective of this message these complexities are not considered relevant.
There is also reference to eating the tithe when it is brought to Jerusalem. But other verses indicate that the tithe was stored up in the storehouses at the Temple in Jerusalem, thereby indicating that while a portion of the tithe may have been eaten as an act of worship, the bulk was placed in storage to provide for the Priests, Levites, Temple workers, etc. A detailed reading of scripture also suggests that there may in fact be overlapping tithes and in fact that 10% is actually the minimum and that more is actually expected.
Over and above the tithe, numerous scriptures make reference to sacrifices, offerings and gifts.
Overall, after many years, we have come to understand by The Holy Spirit that 10% represents the absolute MINIMUM offering to Yahweh that we should give. In fact, we have come to recognize that 10% is barely an act of worship, it is an act of grudging giving and that those who truly love [hesed] Yahweh their God with all their heart, all their soul, all their mind and all their strength (Deuteronomy 6:5; Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27) will desire to give more knowing that 2 Corinthians 9:6 states "But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully." (NKJ) and also that 2 Corinthians 9:7 states "So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves [hesed] a cheerful giver." (NKJ)
Thus, in the simplest terms, tithing is an act of worship and joyful giving, as is the giving of offerings over and above the tithe, whether offerings to beggars, charities, ministries, ministers, friends in need or any other giving which one may be impressed by The Holy Spirit to perform.
Giving is fundamental to understanding the ways of Yahweh, after all, ""For God so loved [hesed] the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16 NKJ) Yahweh gave His ONLY Son to die the most terrible death, surely it is a little thing to give Him 10% of our income?
In case any readers are not familiar with the term "tithe", the tithe is simply the first tenth of ALL increase as in Deuteronomy 14:22 ""You shall truly tithe all the increase of your grain that the field produces year by year." (NKJ)
The bottom line is that the "tithe" is simply "the first 10% of all increase" which belongs to Yahweh and not something mystical.
An offering is anything given to Yahweh over and above the tithe or given for different reasons. For example Exodus 25:2 ""Speak to the children of Israel, that they bring Me an offering. From everyone who gives it willingly with his heart you shall take My offering." (NKJ)
In many cases the word "offering" and word "sacrifice" are used almost interchangeably, for example in Exodus 24:5 we read "Then he sent young men of the children of Israel, who offered burnt offerings and sacrificed peace offerings of oxen to the LORD." (NKJ) In other words, an offering requires a sacrifice, that is giving of something at our expense as an act of worship to Yahweh.
Scripture refers to a wide variety of specific offerings including "sin" offerings, "burnt" offerings, "heave" offerings, "wave" offerings, "grain" offerings, "drink" offerings, offerings of material and artefacts, "peace" offerings, "trespass" offerings, "whole burnt" offerings, "thank" offerings, "freewill" offerings, "vowed" offerings, "Passover" offerings, "wood" offerings.
The English word "offering" occurs over one thousand times in Scripture. In many cases it is used interchangeably with "sacrifice". There are verses which refer to "offering a sacrifice" and others which refer to people who "sacrifice offerings". The English word "sacrifice" occurs over 350 times in Scripture. Clearly the concept of "sacrifice" and "offering" are important in scripture.
Other verses of scripture relate the offering to the English word "gift" Numbers 18:29 states "'Of all your gifts you shall offer up every heave offering due to the LORD, from all the best of them, the consecrated part of them.'" (NKJ) Thus, in a simplistic sense we can see that an offering, a sacrifice and a gift are synonymous. This may be more so under the Messianic Covenant than under the Mosaic Covenant insofar as Yahshua fulfilled many of the formal sacrifices. However, the principle that we should give gifts to Yahweh remains valid and under the Messianic Covenant, a "new and better" Covenant, we should surely want to give MORE.
There are various Hebrew words translated "offering" and others translated "sacrifice" but in all cases the concept relates to something given willingly to Yahweh. The various words used to describe the types of offerings above relate in most cases to the motive for the gift, either in fulfillment of specific aspects of Torah or as a voluntary expression of love for Yahweh or thanks, etc.
Under the "Messianic" Covenant (New Covenant / Brit Hadasha) we find reference to "spiritual sacrifices" and to a sacrifice of "praise" and in Psalm 51:17 we read that "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart-- these, O God, You will not despise." (NKJ)
Overall the principle that seems to apply to offerings today is simply that on the one hand the animal sacrifices for sin, etc have been fulfilled by Yahshua's sacrifice on the Cross and are offered by faith when we confess our sins, repent, and turn around. BUT on the other hand the principle of freely giving of ourselves and of our increase as an act of love remains. This includes setting aside quality time to spend with Yahweh in praise and worship, in prayer and in reading His Word and in His presence but it most certainly extends to include gifts of material things and, in this age particularly finances both to the work of Yahweh AND to others.
It is vital to understand that the vast majority of offerings referred to in Scripture are OVER AND ABOVE THE TITHE. In other words Yahweh expects those who truly love [hesed] Him to GIVE FAR MORE THAN THE TITHE as an act of worship.
The subject of this message is "Will a man rob God -- tithes and offerings", this is derived from Malachi 3:8-9 "8 "Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, 'In what way have we robbed You?' In tithes and offerings. 9 You are cursed with a curse, for you have robbed Me, even this whole nation." (NKJ)
In this passage, Yahweh makes it abundantly clear that not to tithe is (1) robbing God and (2) carries a curse. Clearly, if one loves [hesed] Yahweh one will not want to rob Him or to be cursed by Him.
To better understand this it is instructive to consider the WHOLE of Malachi Chapter 3.
Malachi 3:1-18:
1 "Behold, I send My messenger, and he will prepare the way before Me. And the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple, even the Messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight. Behold, He is coming," says Yahweh (the LORD) of hosts.
2 "But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner's fire and like launderer's soap.
3 He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; he will purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer to Yahweh (the LORD) an offering in righteousness.
4 "Then the offering of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasant to Yahweh (the LORD), as in the days of old, as in former years.
5 And I will come near you for judgment; I will be a swift witness against sorcerers, against adulterers, against perjurers, against those who exploit wage earners and widows and orphans, and against those who turn away an alien-- because they do not fear Me," says Yahweh (the LORD) of hosts.
6 "For I am Yahweh (the LORD), I do not change; therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob.
7 Yet from the days of your fathers you have gone away from My ordinances and have not kept them. Return to Me, and I will return to you," says Yahweh (the LORD) of hosts. "But you said, 'In what way shall we return?'
8 "Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, 'In what way have we robbed You?' In tithes and offerings.
9 You are cursed with a curse, for you have robbed Me, even this whole nation.
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this," says Yahweh (the LORD) of hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.
11 "And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, so that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field," says Yahweh (the LORD) of hosts;
12 "And all nations will call you blessed, for you will be a delightful land," says Yahweh (the LORD) of hosts.
13 "Your words have been harsh against Me," says Yahweh (the LORD), "Yet you say, 'What have we spoken against You?'
14 You have said, 'It is useless to serve God; what profit is it that we have kept His ordinance, and that we have walked as mourners before Yahweh (the LORD) of hosts?
15 So now we call the proud blessed, for those who do wickedness are raised up; they even tempt God and go free.'"
16 Then those who feared Yahweh (the LORD) spoke to one another, and Yahweh (the LORD) listened and heard them; so a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear Yahweh (the LORD) and who meditate on His name.
17 "They shall be Mine," says Yahweh (the LORD) of hosts, "On the day that I make them My jewels. And I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him."
18 Then you shall again discern between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him." (NKJ)
Recognize that verse 1 speaks of the coming Messiah, Yahshua (Jesus) and recognize also that verses 2 to 5 and 17 and 18 speak of the end of the age when Judgment will come and those who overcome to the end will become jewels in the Kingdom of Yahweh. We must therefore accept that all in this chapter has relevance not only to the time of Malachi but ALSO to the time from the coming of Yahshua to the end of the age. In other words, it applies to us today.
On the positive side, verses 10 to 12 have a very positive message "10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this," says Yahweh (the LORD) of hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it. 11 "And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, so that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field," says Yahweh (the LORD) of hosts; 12 "And all nations will call you blessed, for you will be a delightful land," says Yahweh (the LORD) of hosts." (KJV)
Clearly, IF we are obedient in the tithe there will be GREAT blessings and also the devourer (Satan) will be rebuked. However, as indicated in the message "God's Wrath for the Church : Why Judgment is Coming on the Church Today", if there is unconfessed sin in our lives it will hinder Yahshua interceding for Yahweh to rebuke the devourer (Satan) for our sakes. Thus, tithing on it's own is not sufficient to guarantee blessings and financial provision, however, if there is no tithing, Yahweh will be prevented from pouring out blessings and we will come under a curse as a consequence of our failure to honour His Word.
Thus, as will all things in the Kingdom of Yahweh tithing is NOT a "quick fix". We must bring the tithe with the right heart attitude. We must sanctify ourselves and constantly seek to draw closer to Yahweh and deal with unconfessed sin in our lives. The tithe must be sown where He appoints and we must remove division from our families. God willing there will be a detailed teaching on marriage directed at eliminating a divided house and bringing heaven on earth in marriage shortly.
In considering the subject of tithing, it is first important to state that tithing is part of worship. Yahweh appointed the tithe in Leviticus 27:30 "'And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree, is Yahweh's (the LORD'S). It is holy to Yahweh (the LORD)." (NKJ). Leviticus 27:32 "'And concerning the tithe of the herd or the flock, of whatever passes under the rod, the tenth one shall be holy to Yahweh (Yahweh (the LORD))." (NKJ) Thus the tithe is holy to Yahweh1.
Regarding the holy and vowed things, including the tithe, Deuteronomy 12:26 states ""Only the holy things which you have, and your vowed offerings, you shall take and go to the place which Yahweh (the LORD) chooses." (NKJ), referring to the Temple in Jerusalem.
The tithe is holy, it is therefore SET ASIDE to Yahweh. To apply the tithe to any purpose other than as He appoints by His Holy Spirit is gross sin and will also bring a curse.
We must tithe with the right heart attitude as an act of loving worship, not treating it as some form of "bill" to be paid. We must bring take the tithe FIRST off of our increase and we must give thanks when we give the tithe, whether we place cash in an offering basket, execute an electronic funds transfer, write a cheque or give in some other way, we must bring our tithe reverently and thankfully to Yahweh in gratitude for His provision.
Numbers 18:29 states "'Of all your gifts you shall offer up every heave offering due to the LORD, from all the best of them, the consecrated part of them.'" (NKJ) Clearly we must bring THE BEST of what is available at any time.
However, we read in Leviticus 27:32-33 "32 'And concerning the tithe of the herd or the flock, of whatever passes under the rod, the tenth one shall be holy to the LORD. 33 'He shall not inquire whether it is good or bad, nor shall he exchange it; and if he exchanges it at all, then both it and the one exchanged for it shall be holy; it shall not be redeemed.'" (NKJ) In this case we are not to sort the flock on the basis of what we can see or understand, we are to trust The Holy Spirit to sort the flock so that Yahweh receives those animals that He has chosen. Thus, what we have at hand to give we must give but where, under other circumstances we know what is the best we must give that.
This principle applies particularly to our time and service. There will be times where we must give Yahweh whatever time we have at our disposal to serve Him AT THE TIME He asks it of us. BUT where ever possible we should give Him our BEST time. That is the time when we are most alert and competent, not the time at the end of the day when we are tired and our concentration is lagging. By implication, we should seek to come to a place where we devote our time daily as He directs with our employment, household activities, etc being directed by Him and NOT by us. This must be done by faith and requires a real commitment to being led by The Holy Spirit. This is the subject of a detailed teaching in it's own right.
Deuteronomy 14:24-25 states 24 ""But if the journey is too long for you, so that you are not able to carry the tithe, or if the place where Yahweh (the LORD) your God chooses to put His name is too far from you, when Yahweh (the LORD) your God has blessed you, 25 "then you shall exchange it for money, take the money in your hand, and go to the place which Yahweh (the LORD) your God chooses." (NKJ) Whatever we tithe can be converted to cash and the cash tithed. Therefore the tithe is not limited to agricultural produce.
Genesis 14:18-20 states 18 Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was the priest of God Most High. 19 And he blessed him and said: "Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth; 20 And blessed be God Most High, who has delivered your enemies into your hand." And he gave him a tithe of all." (NKJ)
Here we see that Abram tithed even before the fullness of his covenant with Yahweh and long before Moses was given the Torah. From this we can conclude that tithing is a fundamental part of our covenant relationship with Yahweh.
In Hebrews 7:2 we read "2 to whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all, first being translated "king of righteousness," and then also king of Salem, meaning "king of peace,"" (NKJ) and therefore, in light of the several references to the tithe in Hebrews 7, quoted in full in the appendix, it is apparent that tithing continues to apply after Yahshua.
Luke 18:12 states "12 'I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I possess.'" (NKJ) from which we again see that the tithe is of ALL WE POSSESS.
Luke 11:41-42, Yahshua speaking, 41 "But rather give alms of such things as you have; then indeed all things are clean to you. 42 "But woe to you Pharisees! For you tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass by justice and the love [hesed] of God. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone. (NKJ) Again we see that we should give from "such things" as we have. Whatever we have to give, be it agricultural produce, money, time or anything else, we must give as Yahweh leads us.
Deuteronomy 12:10-11 makes it clear that we are to give not only the tithe but also offerings 10 "But when you cross over the Jordan and dwell in the land which Yahweh (the LORD) your God is giving you to inherit, and He gives you rest from all your enemies round about, so that you dwell in safety, 11 "then there will be the place where Yahweh (the LORD) your God chooses to make His name abide. There you shall bring all that I command you: your burnt offerings, your sacrifices, your tithes, the heave offerings of your hand, and all your choice offerings which you vow to Yahweh (the LORD)." (NKJ) Thus the tithe (10%) is the absolute minimum that Yahweh expects of us we must ALSO give offerings.
Numbers 18:24 ""For the tithes of the children of Israel, which they offer up as a heave offering to Yahweh (the LORD), I have given to the Levites as an inheritance; therefore I have said to them, 'Among the children of Israel they shall have no inheritance.'"" (NKJ) makes it clear that the tithes are given to the Levites as an inheritance. The Levites were the people who ministered to Yahweh in the Temple and in the cities, they included the priests and the teachers and the judges as well as those who did the manual work in the Temple. In our own experience today, Yahweh has led us to give our tithes to a wide diversity of people, ranging from those in full time ministry, to major international ministries, to beggars and even to His servants who are in full time secular occupations but who are serving Him. However, in most cases we have been led to give to those in full time or near full time ministry although most frequently to those whose ministry does not put them in a position to regularly receive so-called "offerings" in a "church" service.
Ultimately the tithe and the offering belong to Yahweh and it is His prerogative through His Holy Spirit to direct us to sow as He desires. It is our responsibility to be obedient.
1 Timothy 5:17-18 states "17 Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine. 18 For the Scripture says, "You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain," and, "The laborer is worthy of his wages."" (NKJ) This clearly indicates that all those who labour in the work of Yahweh should benefit financially and in terms of sustenance from those who benefit from their ministry.
1 Corinthians 9:7-11 confirms this "7 Who ever goes to war at his own expense? Who plants a vineyard and does not eat of its fruit? Or who tends a flock and does not drink of the milk of the flock? 8 Do I say these things as a mere man? Or does not the law say the same also? 9 For it is written in the law of Moses, "You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain." Is it oxen God is concerned about? 10 Or does He say it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written, that he who plows should plow in hope, and he who threshes in hope should be partaker of his hope. 11 If we have sown spiritual things for you, is it a great thing if we reap your material things?" (NKJ) Clearly tithes and offerings should be given to those who are doing work that is producing spiritual growth in the person who is bringing the tithe. As in Paul's case where there was no formal ministry organization, building or structure. It is possible for Yahweh to lead people to tithe or give offerings to ministries other than brick and mortar ministries where those ministries are making a contribution in our lives. It constantly distresses us to see how those who are in prophetic ministries, including the ministry of deliverance and the ministry of intercession seldom are considered as potential recipients for tithes and offerings, simply because they do not have a formal "church" structure. We have seen a number fall because they could not support themselves even though they were expending great amounts of time ministering of their time and energy into the lives of others. It does not seem to occur to most of those receiving ministry from such people that those people also have needs.
In 2 Kings 4:42-44 we read of the first fruits being given to the prophets "38 And Elisha returned to Gilgal, and there was a famine in the land. Now the sons of the prophets were sitting before him; ......
42 Then a man came from Baal Shalisha, and brought the man of God bread of the firstfruits, twenty loaves of barley bread, and newly ripened grain in his knapsack. And he said, "Give it to the people, that they may eat."
43 But his servant said, "What? Shall I set this before one hundred men?" He said again, "Give it to the people, that they may eat; for thus says Yahweh (the LORD): 'They shall eat and have some left over.'"
44 So he set it before them; and they ate and had some left over, according to the word of Yahweh (the LORD)." (NKJ)
Thus prophets and other "unusual" or low visibility ministers, including intercessors, can also participate in the tithes and offerings.
In Nehemiah 13:10-12 we read "10 I also realized that the portions for the Levites had not been given them; for each of the Levites and the singers who did the work had gone back to his field. 11 So I contended with the rulers, and said, "Why is the house of God forsaken?" And I gathered them together and set them in their place. 12 Then all Judah brought the tithe of the grain and the new wine and the oil to the storehouse." (NKJ) This shows clearly that the service of Yahweh was being hindered because the people were not giving their tithes to those who were in the ministry. There are many diverse ministries today that are being hindered because people are not tithing. This is a major reason why those who do not tithe bring themselves under a curse.
Deuteronomy 26:13-14 states "13 "then you shall say before Yahweh (the LORD) your God: 'I have removed the holy tithe from my house, and also have given them to the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, according to all Your commandments which You have commanded me; I have not transgressed Your commandments, nor have I forgotten them. 14 'I have not eaten any of it when in mourning, nor have I removed any of it for any unclean use, nor given any of it for the dead. I have obeyed the voice of Yahweh (the LORD) my God, and have done according to all that You have commanded me." (NKJ). This clearly indicates that the tithe can be given to a stranger, the fatherless and the widow in addition to the Levites. Our own experience indicates that Yahweh may well command us to give tithes and offerings to people we would not expect Him to tell us to give to and, conversely, to instruct us NOT to give to some we might well expect to give to.
Numbers 18:26 states "26 "Speak thus to the Levites, and say to them: 'When you take from the children of Israel the tithes which I have given you from them as your inheritance, then you shall offer up a heave offering of it to Yahweh (the LORD), a tenth of the tithe." (NKJ) Clearly those receiving the tithe must in turn tithe. The same principles in terms of who the tithe is given to apply to these people. In other words, those in full time ministry must tithe to OTHER's.
We have increasingly found that where a believer own's a company or the company is owned by a group of believers or the primary shareholders are believers, that Yahweh expects the business to tithe on gross business revenue AS WELL as each believer tithing on their drawings, dividends and other income from the business. This is the same principle as those who receive a tithe then tithing on the tithe.
From the preceding passages it is apparent that the tithe is the FIRST TENTH of ALL INCREASE and must be IMMEDIATELY SET APART. Where there is no logistical reason to delay bringing the tithe, the tithe must be delivered immediately. The only acceptable reason for delay recorded in scripture was when the person bringing the tithe had to travel to Jerusalem to bring the tithe.
Today, with electronic fund transfers, etc there is no reason to delay bringing the tithe at all. The tithe should be given as the first banking transaction against the receipt of funds except where automatic stop orders, etc automatically go through the account first. Funds should NEVER be drawn for personal consumption expenditure before the tithe has been given, whether this involves the writing of a cheque which is subsequently placed in the offering at church at the weekend or whether it is an electronic funds transfer.
If for any reason the tithe is not brought at all or is delayed, then a 20% surcharge is payable to redeem the tithe that was not brought on time or not brought at all. In cases where someone has known to tithe and then failed to tithe, they are required to redeem all the tithe that they have stolen from Yahweh AND pay a 20% excess. If this is financially seemingly beyond their means they must pray and ask Yahweh to show them how to repay the arrears or to extend grace to them for the arrears.
Increasingly it seems to us that while grace may be extended to young believers who did not know about tithing or who were wrongly taught, mature believers who have had a revelation of the tithe and then been disobedient may be required to tithe the full arrears, even if it takes some time to make up the backlog. Once they have confessed their sin of stealing from Yahweh it is vital that they are disciplined with ALL tithes from then on.
Leviticus 27:31 states "'If a man wants at all to redeem any of his tithes, he shall add one-fifth to it." (NKJ)
Recognize that one should tithe, including arrears, out of reverence and love [hesed] for Yahweh and not out of legalistic compliance. In other words, IF one tithes in accordance with the SPIRIT of the Word of Yahweh and NOT the letter, then blessings can be expected, PROVIDED the other issues that can hinder blessings are attended to. If one tithes legalistically then there may also be no blessing.
We have already seen that an offering is a gift but it is also a sacrifice, something that requires the giver to go without, in other words something that represents a MATERIAL GIFT, not just surplus distributed out of largesse but a gift which cuts into luxuries and possibly even necessities so that the giver is intensely conscious of having given. A gift given out of surplus is NOT a sacrifice, it is simply a gift. One might say that a sacrifice is a "gift that hurts".
It requires us to push ourselves beyond the bounds of comfortable giving into the realms of discomfort and doing without. Under the Mosaic covenant, to offer an Ox was a massive sacrifice, it was equivalent to a farmer giving away one of his tractors. Even to sacrifice a sheep or goat was a material reduction in revenue capacity.
While animal sacrifices and offerings have been done away with by the sacrifice of Yahshua on the Cross at Calvary, the onus to GIVE TILL IT HURTS must surely remain with us and, in fact, be EVEN GREATER. Yahweh, through Yahshua has given on our behalf the most amazing and wonderful sacrifice that is possible. He has given His ONLY Son's lifeblood shed in the most horrible fashion through one of the most terrible forms of torture that man has ever devised, crucifixion. This was coupled with taking the immense burden of ALL THE SINS OF THE WORLD on Himself while on the cross that the sin sacrifices of the Torah might be fulfilled in Him. The burden was so great that medical analysis of the scriptures relating to His death indicate that Yahshua's heart physically ruptured from the intensity of the pressure He was under.
In Ephesians 5:1-2 we read "1 Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. 2 And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma." (NKJ) Once we understand this we should willingly and joyfully GIVE TILL IT HURTS.
1 Peter 2:4-5 "4 Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, 5 you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." (NKJ) Makes it clear that we are to offer up SPIRITUAL sacrifices.
Hebrews 13:15-16 "15 Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. 16 But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased." (NKJ) Makes it clear that we should offer up a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving but ALSO that we should offer sacrifices of doing good and sharing, that is giving. Loving our neighbour as ourselves is a comprehensive state of being which puts "self" as a low priority and seeks to do good to those around us. This includes financial giving but also giving of time, effort, resources, etc.
1 Corinthians 16:1-3 "1 Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given orders to the churches of Galatia, so you must do also: 2 On the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper, that there be no collections when I come. 3 And when I come, whomever you approve by your letters I will send to bear your gift to Jerusalem." (NKJ) Makes it clear that we should give FINANCIAL and material gifts under the New Covenant.
In Mark 12:29-34 we read "29 Jesus [Yahshua] answered him, "The first of all the commandments is: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 'And you shall hesed {love} the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.' This is the first commandment. 31 "And the second, like it, is this: 'You shall hesed {love} your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these." 32 So the scribe said to Him, "Well said, Teacher. You have spoken the truth, for there is one God, and there is no other but He.
33 "And to hesed {love} Him with all the heart, with all the understanding, with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to hesed {love} one's neighbor as oneself, is more than all the whole burnt offerings and sacrifices." 34 Now when Jesus saw that he answered wisely, He said to him, "You are not far from the kingdom of God." But after that no one dared question Him. (NKJ)
Here we see that to hesed {love} Yahweh totally is MORE than burnt offerings and sacrifices. In other words, we MUST offer our hesed {love} to Yahweh as an offering.
Hebrews 10:1-27
1 For the law, having a shadow of the good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with these same sacrifices, which they offer continually year by year, make those who approach perfect.
2 For then would they not have ceased to be offered? For the worshipers, once purified, would have had no more consciousness of sins.
3 But in those sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year.
4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins.
5 Therefore, when He came into the world, He said: "Sacrifice and offering You did not desire, but a body You have prepared for Me.
6 In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin you had no pleasure.
7 Then I said, 'Behold, I have come-- in the volume of the book it is written of Me-- to do Your will, O God.' "
8 Previously saying, "Sacrifice and offering, burnt offerings, and offerings for sin You did not desire, nor had pleasure in them" (which are offered according to the law),
9 then He said, "Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God." He takes away the first that He may establish the second.
10 By that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
11 And every priest stands ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins.
12 But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God,
13 from that time waiting till His enemies are made His footstool.
14 For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.
15 But the Holy Spirit also witnesses to us; for after He had said before,
16 "This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds I will write them,"
17 then He adds, "Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more."
18 Now where there is remission of these, there is no longer an offering for sin.
19 Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus,
20 by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh,
21 and having a High Priest over the house of God,
22 let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.
23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.
24 And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works,
25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.
26 For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,
27 but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries. (NKJ)
If we can draw any conclusion relative to the present subject from this passage it must surely be that while the slaughter of animals and partial or complete offering by fire is no longer required, Yahshua has given such a great sacrifice that we MUST GIVE all we can. BUT, we must also understand that while a legalistic interpretation of Torah (the Law) might lead us to conclude that one could keep on sinning and constantly offering up animal sacrifices, BECAUSE Yahshua has given so great a sacrifice, we must in turn MAKE A GREATER SACRIFICE. This must include a commitment to holiness and sanctification which must in turn include a deep readiness to constantly examine our hearts and be quick to repent and turn around from our sins. IF we do not do this, in time we WILL BE REJECTED, the more so because the sacrifice of Yahshua was so great.
While the focus of this message is on obedience to the Word of Yahweh as an act of love [hesed] for Him, it is important to note that Malachi 3:10 "Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this," says Yahweh (the LORD) of hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it." (KJV) makes it clear that there are considerable blessings associated with obedience in the tithe.
Proverbs 10:22 states "The blessing of Yahweh (the LORD) makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it." (NKJ) clearly the blessings referred to in Malachi, as reading of the subsequent verses in Malachi chapter 3 confirms, INCLUDE considerable financial blessings. Those who are blessed by Yahweh become rich.
This is apparent in the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel) and Joseph. This blessing is also apparent in the children of Israel when they came out of Egypt having "plundered the Egyptians". Exodus 12:35-36 records "35 Now the children of Israel had done according to the word of Moses, and they had asked from the Egyptians articles of silver, articles of gold, and clothing. 36 And Yahweh (the LORD) had given the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they granted them what they requested. Thus they plundered the Egyptians. (NKJ) BUT it is important to note that a large amount of this wealth was used to build the Ark of the Covenant, the Tabernacle and all the furniture and fittings for the Tabernacle in Exodus 25 onwards. In other words, the blessings of Yahweh are not just for our own comfort they are for worshipping Him.
We see the blessings of Yahweh in the lives of David, Solomon and other kings of Israel who served Yahweh faithfully and we see the blessings of Yahweh in the life of Yahshua who needed a treasurer to manage his finances and wore clothing of a quality that warranted the soldiers who crucified him casting lots for it.
Note also that Galatians 3:29 states "And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." (NKJ). Clearly the blessings of Abraham are part of the inheritance of his heirs and therefore financial blessings are available to those who, like Abraham, tithe.
Phillipians 4:15-19 reinforces this understanding "15 Now you Philippians know also that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church shared with me concerning giving and receiving but you only. 16 For even in Thessalonica you sent aid once and again for my necessities. 17 Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account. 18 Indeed I have all and abound. I am full, having received from Epaphroditus the things sent from you, a sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to God. 19 And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." (NKJ) There is a clear correlation between the Phillipians giving to Paul's ministry and his statement that Yahweh SHALL supply all their need according to HIS RICHES IN GLORY by Messiah Yahshua.
Proverbs 28:20 states "A faithful man will abound with blessings, but he who hastens to be rich will not go unpunished." (NKJ)
Deuteronomy 28:1-14 sets out the blessings of obedience in detail:
1 "Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of Yahweh (the LORD) your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that Yahweh (the LORD) your God will set you high above all nations of the earth.
2 "And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of Yahweh (the LORD) your God:
3 "Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country.
4 "Blessed shall be the fruit of your body, the produce of your ground and the increase of your herds, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flocks.
5 "Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl.
6 "Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out.
7 "Yahweh (the LORD) will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.
8 "Yahweh (the LORD) will command the blessing on you in your storehouses and in all to which you set your hand, and He will bless you in the land which Yahweh (the LORD) your God is giving you.
9 "Yahweh (the LORD) will establish you as a holy people to Himself, just as He has sworn to you, if you keep the commandments of Yahweh (the LORD) your God and walk in His ways.
10 "Then all peoples of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of Yahweh (the LORD), and they shall be afraid of you.
11 "And Yahweh (the LORD) will grant you plenty of goods, in the fruit of your body, in the increase of your livestock, and in the produce of your ground, in the land of which Yahweh (the LORD) swore to your fathers to give you.
12 "Yahweh (the LORD) will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.
13 "And Yahweh (the LORD) will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of Yahweh (the LORD) your God, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them.
14 "So you shall not turn aside from any of the words which I command you this day, to the right hand or to the left, to go after other gods to serve them.
The blessings of Yahweh are COMPREHENSIVE BUT require obedience.
It is important to note that 1 John 5:1-4 instructs us "1 Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves [hesed] Him who begot also loves [hesed] him who is begotten of Him. 2 By this we know that we love [hesed] the children of God, when we love [hesed] God and keep His commandments. 3 For this is the love [hesed] of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome. 4 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world-- our faith." (NKJ) Obedience may not be a "letter of the law" legal requirement under the Messianic Covenant introduced by Yahshua but it is definitely STILL a requirement for those who love [hesed] Yahshua and love [hesed] Yahweh and therefore, while we may seek to be obedient through the leading of The Holy Spirit and NOT through blind legalistic compliance without spiritual revelation, Yahweh still expects us to love [hesed] Him and therefore to obey Him.
We CANNOT say that we hesed {love} Yahweh and Yahshua and then refuse to tithe!
Many Believers in Adonai Yahshua Messiah (The Lord Jesus Christ) think that since Yahshua "became a curse for us" they are not subject to any penalty for sin. This opinion relates in part to Galatians 3:11-14 "11 But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for "the just shall live by faith." 12 Yet the law is not of faith, but "the man who does them shall live by them." 13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, "Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree"), 14 that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith." (NKJ)
Here we see that Yahshua became a curse "that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles". The blessings are therefore DEFINITELY available to us. However, in Hebrews 6:4-8 we are warned "4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, 5 and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, 6 if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame. 7 For the earth which drinks in the rain that often comes upon it, and bears herbs useful for those by whom it is cultivated, receives blessing from God; 8 but if it bears thorns and briars, it is rejected and near to being cursed, whose end is to be burned." (NKJ) Clearly those who continue in sin instead of turning to a life of seeking Yahweh and seeking, by His Holy Spirit and by faith to sanctify themselves will, in time through continuing to crucify the Son of God (Yahshua) come to a place where they are rejected and cursed.
This is confirmed in Hebrews 10:26-31 "26 For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries. 28 Anyone who has rejected Moses' law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29 Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace? 30 For we know Him who said, "Vengeance is Mine; I will repay," says the Lord. And again, "The Lord will judge His people." 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." (NKJ) It is absolutely certain that those who continue in sin will be FEARFULLY judged by Yahweh for their mistreatment of the grace purchased for us by the Blood of Yahshua Messiah on the Cross at Calvary.
We must therefore understand that if we walk in disobedience and fail to examine ourselves daily in the Word of Yahweh and fail to be quick to repent of our sins, at the VERY LEAST, the curses of the Torah WILL apply to us.
These curses are set out in Deuteronomy 28:15-68 in detail:
15 "But it shall come to pass, if you do not obey the voice of Yahweh (the LORD) your God, to observe carefully all His commandments and His statutes which I command you today, that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you:
16 "Cursed shall you be in the city, and cursed shall you be in the country.
17 "Cursed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl.
18 "Cursed shall be the fruit of your body and the produce of your land, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flocks.
19 "Cursed shall you be when you come in, and cursed shall you be when you go out.
20 "Yahweh (the LORD) will send on you cursing, confusion, and rebuke in all that you set your hand to do, until you are destroyed and until you perish quickly, because of the wickedness of your doings in which you have forsaken Me.
21 "Yahweh (the LORD) will make the plague cling to you until He has consumed you from the land which you are going to possess.
22 "Yahweh (the LORD) will strike you with consumption, with fever, with inflammation, with severe burning fever, with the sword, with scorching, and with mildew; they shall pursue you until you perish.
23 "And your heavens which are over your head shall be bronze, and the earth which is under you shall be iron.
24 "Yahweh (the LORD) will change the rain of your land to powder and dust; from the heaven it shall come down on you until you are destroyed.
25 "Yahweh (the LORD) will cause you to be defeated before your enemies; you shall go out one way against them and flee seven ways before them; and you shall become troublesome to all the kingdoms of the earth.
26 "Your carcasses shall be food for all the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and no one shall frighten them away.
27 "Yahweh (the LORD) will strike you with the boils of Egypt, with tumors, with the scab, and with the itch, from which you cannot be healed.
28 "Yahweh (the LORD) will strike you with madness and blindness and confusion of heart.
29 "And you shall grope at noonday, as a blind man gropes in darkness; you shall not prosper in your ways; you shall be only oppressed and plundered continually, and no one shall save you.
30 "You shall betroth a wife, but another man shall lie with her; you shall build a house, but you shall not dwell in it; you shall plant a vineyard, but shall not gather its grapes.
31 "Your ox shall be slaughtered before your eyes, but you shall not eat of it; your donkey shall be violently taken away from before you, and shall not be restored to you; your sheep shall be given to your enemies, and you shall have no one to rescue them.
32 "Your sons and your daughters shall be given to another people, and your eyes shall look and fail with longing for them all day long; and there shall be no strength in your hand.
33 "A nation whom you have not known shall eat the fruit of your land and the produce of your labor, and you shall be only oppressed and crushed continually.
34 "So you shall be driven mad because of the sight which your eyes see.
35 "Yahweh (the LORD) will strike you in the knees and on the legs with severe boils which cannot be healed, and from the sole of your foot to the top of your head.
36 "Yahweh (the LORD) will bring you and the king whom you set over you to a nation which neither you nor your fathers have known, and there you shall serve other gods-- wood and stone.
37 "And you shall become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword among all nations where Yahweh (the LORD) will drive you.
38 "You shall carry much seed out to the field and gather but little in, for the locust shall consume it.
39 "You shall plant vineyards and tend them, but you shall neither drink of the wine nor gather the grapes; for the worms shall eat them.
40 "You shall have olive trees throughout all your territory, but you shall not anoint yourself with the oil; for your olives shall drop off.
41 "You shall beget sons and daughters, but they shall not be yours; for they shall go into captivity.
42 "Locusts shall consume all your trees and the produce of your land.
43 "The alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall come down lower and lower.
44 "He shall lend to you, but you shall not lend to him; he shall be the head, and you shall be the tail.
45 "Moreover all these curses shall come upon you and pursue and overtake you, until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the voice of Yahweh (the LORD) your God, to keep His commandments and His statutes which He commanded you.
46 "And they shall be upon you for a sign and a wonder, and on your descendants forever.
47 "Because you did not serve Yahweh (the LORD) your God with joy and gladness of heart, for the abundance of everything,
48 "therefore you shall serve your enemies, whom Yahweh (the LORD) will send against you, in hunger, in thirst, in nakedness, and in need of everything; and He will put a yoke of iron on your neck until He has destroyed you.
49 "Yahweh (the LORD) will bring a nation against you from afar, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flies, a nation whose language you will not understand,
50 "a nation of fierce countenance, which does not respect the elderly nor show favor to the young.
51 "And they shall eat the increase of your livestock and the produce of your land, until you are destroyed; they shall not leave you grain or new wine or oil, or the increase of your cattle or the offspring of your flocks, until they have destroyed you.
52 "They shall besiege you at all your gates until your high and fortified walls, in which you trust, come down throughout all your land; and they shall besiege you at all your gates throughout all your land which Yahweh (the LORD) your God has given you.
53 "You shall eat the fruit of your own body, the flesh of your sons and your daughters whom Yahweh (the LORD) your God has given you, in the siege and desperate straits in which your enemy shall distress you.
54 "The sensitive and very refined man among you will be hostile toward his brother, toward the wife of his bosom, and toward the rest of his children whom he leaves behind,
55 "so that he will not give any of them the flesh of his children whom he will eat, because he has nothing left in the siege and desperate straits in which your enemy shall distress you at all your gates.
56 "The tender and delicate woman among you, who would not venture to set the sole of her foot on the ground because of her delicateness and sensitivity, will refuse to the husband of her bosom, and to her son and her daughter,
57 "her placenta which comes out from between her feet and her children whom she bears; for she will eat them secretly for lack of everything in the siege and desperate straits in which your enemy shall distress you at all your gates.
58 "If you do not carefully observe all the words of this law that are written in this book, that you may fear this glorious and awesome name, Yahweh (the LORD) YOUR GOD,
59 "then Yahweh (the LORD) will bring upon you and your descendants extraordinary plagues-- great and prolonged plagues-- and serious and prolonged sicknesses.
60 "Moreover He will bring back on you all the diseases of Egypt, of which you were afraid, and they shall cling to you.
61 "Also every sickness and every plague, which is not written in the book of this law, will Yahweh (the LORD) bring upon you until you are destroyed.
62 "You shall be left few in number, whereas you were as the stars of heaven in multitude, because you would not obey the voice of Yahweh (the LORD) your God.
63 "And it shall be, that just as Yahweh (the LORD) rejoiced over you to do you good and multiply you, so Yahweh (the LORD) will rejoice over you to destroy you and bring you to nothing; and you shall be plucked from off the land which you go to possess.
64 "Then Yahweh (the LORD) will scatter you among all peoples, from one end of the earth to the other, and there you shall serve other gods, which neither you nor your fathers have known-- wood and stone.
65 "And among those nations you shall find no rest, nor shall the sole of your foot have a resting place; but there Yahweh (the LORD) will give you a trembling heart, failing eyes, and anguish of soul.
66 "Your life shall hang in doubt before you; you shall fear day and night, and have no assurance of life.
67 "In the morning you shall say, 'Oh, that it were evening!' And at evening you shall say, 'Oh, that it were morning!' because of the fear which terrifies your heart, and because of the sight which your eyes see.
68 "And Yahweh (the LORD) will take you back to Egypt in ships, by the way of which I said to you, 'You shall never see it again.' And there you shall be offered for sale to your enemies as male and female slaves, but no one will buy you." (NKJ)
These curses are EXTREMELY comprehensive and therefore obedience to the tithe and to the Torah of Yahweh BY FAITH IN HIS SPIRIT is essential. It is VITAL to understand that the difference between Law and Grace in these matters is a HEART ATTITUDE by The Holy Spirit.
From consideration of the curses of disobedience, it is apparent that even if one is faithful in the tithe there are still factors that can inhibit believers from receiving the blessings of Yahweh. The teachings on "God's Wrath for the Church: Why Judgement is Coming on the Church Today" posted on 04 January 2001 and "God's Wrath for the Church: The Judgment for Adultery" posted on 22 February 2001 explain the basis of judgment in this life and identify some of the fundamental factors which give rise to financial lack, loss and illness in the Body of Believers.
The message "The Wages of Sin" reference ETI#2001.03.06, 11 March 2001 provides greater understanding. The message "Poverty in the Church", reference ETI#2001.03.07.1 & 2, 11 March 2001 provides a catalogue of factors which, in our experience, give rise to financial and other loss in the lives of Believers. Dealing with these factors is a critical component of responding to Yahweh's requirement that we sanctify ourselves and circumcise our hearts by dealing with sin in our lives.
God willing we will shortly publish a detailed teaching on how a divided marital house brings about financial lack and how to resolve this by moving towards "heaven on earth" in your existing marriage.
Over the years, as we have prayed over our tithes The Holy Spirit has repeatedly spoken to us concerning how we should allocate our tithes. One of the critical lessons that we have been taught is that it does no good to simply tithe where we want to tithe, we MUST tithe where Yahweh WANTS us to tithe.
We have also learned that for any particular person there is fruitful ground and unfruitful ground in which to sow the tithe. While Luke 8:4-8 does not specifically relate to tithing it DOES relate to a general principle in any aspect of commercial, agricultural AND spiritual endeavour "4 And when a great multitude had gathered, and they had come to Him [Yahshua] from every city, He spoke by a parable: 5 "A sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell by the wayside; and it was trampled down, and the birds of the air devoured it. 6 "Some fell on rock; and as soon as it sprang up, it withered away because it lacked moisture. 7 "And some fell among thorns, and the thorns sprang up with it and choked it. 8 "But others fell on good ground, sprang up, and yielded a crop a hundredfold." When He had said these things He cried, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"" (NKJ)
Thus it is possible to tithe into a "dead" ministry, that is a ministry that is entirely out of the will of Yahweh and doing it's "own thing". That ground is NOT fruitful and a person who tithes into that ministry will receive no blessing because they are NOT IN FACT GIVING TO Yahweh they are giving to a man, a ministry or an organization that claims to represent Yahweh. By extension, there are ministries that are extremely fruitful and where tithes and offerings sown will produce a hundredfold return and other ministries which will produce a lesser return.
HOWEVER, it is NOT for us to tithe according to expected return but according to the leading of The Holy Spirit whether a return can be expected or not and whether a substantial return can be expected or not. At the same time we MUST understand that it is extremely unwise to tithe WITHOUT prayer! We give to Yahweh NOT to man!
We have also been shown that a ministry that may be fruitful for one may not be fruitful for another. For example if one is called in a certain area and the ministry concerned does not recognize that calling or that area but is otherwise serving Yahweh faithfully within the limitations of their understanding of the Word of Yahweh, that ministry may yield a hundredfold return for those who share that understanding and that calling but may be barren for those who have a calling not recognized by that ministry or actively opposed by it. This can be particularly applicable to those called as apostles and prophets or called to restore difficult truths.
In all that has been discussed, understand that God looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7 tells us "7 But Yahweh (the LORD) said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have refused him. For Yahweh (the LORD) does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but Yahweh (the LORD) looks at the heart."" (NKJ)
We are not to tithe OR give in order to obtain financial blessings for the sake of having money. We are to tithe and give because we love [hesed] Yahweh and desire to please Him and show our love and appreciation for Him. He WILL KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!
Remember that 1 Timothy 6:6-14 tells us that the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil:
6 Now godliness with contentment is great gain.
7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
8 And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.
9 But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition.
10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
11 But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness.
12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
13 I urge you in the sight of God who gives life to all things, and before Christ Jesus who witnessed the good confession before Pontius Pilate,
14 that you keep this commandment without spot, blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ's appearing, (NKJ)
It does NOT say that "money is the root of all evil" as is often quoted, it says that "the love of money" is "A root of all kinds of evil". Money is a necessary mechanism for exchange in any society and is, effectively, a logistical convenience for the day to day conduct of life. However, once money or the things money can buy becomes the reason for our existence it becomes evil.
We all need abudant finances, even riches and wealth in order to do the work that Yahweh is calling us to do in this age. However, if the acquisition of that wealth becomes the driving force in our lives THEN it is evil. If we are seeking the blessings of Yahweh in order that we can do the work that He has called us to do and support the ministries of others that He has called, then our motives are right. But if we start to have difficulty giving money away and start hoarding it, then, like the manna hoarded in the wilderness, it will go bad.
The day we cannot give away our last dollar to a beggar then money has got us, we no longer have money. Our own experience of serving Yahweh is that He constantly challenges us to give more than we would like to but, in return, the more that we give more than is comfortable, the more there is to give.
We have encountered an excellent teaching on the subject "are you eating your seed?" It makes the point that if one is a farmer in lack and one has a small quantity of grain, one can either plant it in the ground or one can eat it. At the time, planting it in the ground looks like throwing it away and eating it seems more sensible. However, if one plants it one will reap a harvest which will provide many meals whereas if one eats it there will NEVER be another meal. Thus, when one has a shortage one should rather give finances away to a ministry that Yahweh shows one than to hold onto them and "eat" them. Such acts of faith open the door for Yahweh's provision.
Repeated reference has been made to giving "over and above" the tithe. By way of example, we have been repeatedly challenged by Yahweh in this area. Three years ago we were challenged to tithe on the income to our business and then again on our drawings. Since the business is a one man business working from home, this essentially amounts to a double tithe. The second tithe was used to finance the ministry that Yahweh has given us.
More recently we have been challenged to turn our priorities on their head and put the ministry first and regard the business as the "tent making" ministry of End Time Issue Ministries. We have been led to regard all income to the business as income to the ministry and then to pay ourselves out of the funds available from the ministry. With this, Yahweh challenged us to tithe 10% off the top of gross income to other ministries and then to allocate the balance 50:50 to the work of the ministry and our own domestic needs. In other words, tithe 10% and then apply 50% of the balance to the work of Yahweh, an effective 55% tithe plus offering. This is mentioned simply to give a perspective on comments about giving "over and above" the tithe.
It increasingly seems to us that Yahweh will challenge believers in this way. Remember that the issue is not about living in lack, it is an issue of living by faith in the absolute certainty that if we are obedient in our finances AND sanctify ourselves and walk by faith, Yahweh will increasingly prosper us as instruments for financing His work. But, if we amass wealth, luxuries, etc and do not contribute proportionately to the work of His Kingdom, then He cannot trust us with abundance and we should not be surprised to remain in lack or "just get by".
Again, by way of example, in 1993 the writer was impressed by The Holy Spirit to make a commitment to seek to come to a point where 90% of gross income would be devoted to the work of Yahweh. Slowly, as evidenced by the examples above, we are coming to that point. BUT what was not understood at the time that i prayed that prayer, was that it would involve a vision and a calling of the magnitude of what has been given to us. In the last few months, Yahweh has called us to an international work requiring massive financial outlay and operating costs to publish and distribute material electronically, provide distribution resources to other ministries and distribute teaching materials free of charge around the world to those who cannot afford to purchase them. At this point we increasingly see that giving even 90% of gross revenue will not be sufficient and that a much higher percentage is called for. Only because we have been walking in the tithe and the offering since 1993 can we today see this as a truly real future reality. The reality is that with a 99.9% contribution to His work we can still, by faith, envisage much greater abundance in our own lives than when we were only giving 10% plus some offerings. We serve a great God and He IS able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we can ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).
I encourage all readers to step out in faith and seek to hear what Yahweh is saying to them in the area of finances. Do this with a view to seeking also to come to a place where the financial blessings in your life are of such a magnitude that you too can see by faith a situation in which you will be able to contribute a large proportion of your income to the work of Yahweh. Not by way of massive sacrifice and poverty living but by coming to a place where the blessings of Abraham manifest in your life to a point where your surplus is such that you can GIVE the vast majority of your income to Yahweh's work and still have great abundance.
Accordingly, before bringing ANY TITHE IT IS VITAL TO PRAY AND SEEK THE GUIDANCE OF The Holy Spirit.
Be aware that He may lead you to tithe to different people, ministries, congregations, charities, etc from month to month and even from payment to payment and He may lead you to distribute any one tithe amount over several entities.
Seek to be obedient and avoid limiting Yahweh by adopting a religious formula approach to tithing, the guiding of His Spirit is the only opinion that counts. It is HIS money and we are simply stewards responsible for distributing the finances as He leads.
Note also that if Yahweh calls you to support a ministry on a regular basis and that ministry starts to get out of His will, He may instruct you to cease your support OR to raise the issue with the ministry OR BOTH.
Some time ago we were led to produce a document on "The Financial Stewardship of Believers" which addresses this topic in more detail. God willing it will be posted immediately after this message. The essence of this message is that Yahweh was saying to us that if we were to be responsible Stewards of His finances then, when we gave to a ministry we should have a degree of Godly concern as to what was done by that ministry. This relates not to an intrusive or offensive assertiveness but a prayerful concern that they walk according to the call of Yahweh on the ministry and draw closer to Him and not fall away. This concern should be manifested first in Spirit-led intercession and secondly, IF He leads, to expressions of concern to the leader of the ministry.
By the same token, those who receive tithes and offerings of Yahweh's finances should respect the fiduciary interest of those who give. Where a person who has been financially contributing to a ministry has a concern the leaders of the ministry should understand their obligation before Yahweh to give them a fair hearing and prayerfully consider any concerns that are expressed, particularly if they indicate that Yahweh has spoken to them. All too often leaders of assemblies seem to think that they are above accountability to those who give when it comes to how the ministry is run and for that matter, how finances are used, and fail to recognize the serious impact that their error or falling away will have spiritually on those who have financially supported their ministry for a considerable time.
In the vast majority of formal assemblies it is taken for granted that a begging bowl, begging basket or begging bag will be handed around as part of the meeting to collect "tithes and offerings". In most assemblies this is associated with a particular message to encourage people to give. The term "begging" is used here because that is what the Spirit of Yahweh has described this as to the writer.
It is important to understand that there is no scriptural basis for any form of regular action to obtain finances. People should be advised of the truths of scripture concerning tithes and offerings and occasional teachings offered as Yahweh leads. New converts should have the principles of tithes and offerings explained in the early stages of their pastoral care. Thereafter, the matter is between the individual believer and Yahweh.
The same applies to begging letters, that is letters which include a reply slip for a regular stop order and a pre-addressed envelope together with an article or letter encouraging people to contribute financially. Many of these letters are well intentioned and many are even scriptural, but they create a psychological guilt pressure which has the potential to cause people to give even if it is not Yahweh's will for them to give. Again, giving should be a free gift inspired by The Holy Spirit.
Unfortunately, because of the almost universal tendency of ministries to beg, those that do not beg frequently find themselves in serious lack because people seem to think that because a ministry does not beg it does not have need. This is seldom the case, any ministry that is in the will of Yahweh will find that it has far greater projects in planning or in progress than there are funds to finance. We should all give as The Holy Spirit leads and NOT in response to begging bowls, begging messages and begging letters.
This same phenomenon tends to go beyond being undesirable begging to something that i have heard called "beating the sheep", that is the preaching or writing of messages which create serious psychological and guilt pressure to give to that particular ministry at that particular time. In a significant number of cases, by asking members of the congregation to bring the "message" associated with the "offering" people start using ill-advised zeal and carnal, worldly sales tactics to improve the "take". We have heard a number of "offering" messages which are so manipulative that they are opening the door to spirits of witchcraft. Again, it cannot be stressed enough, GIVE AS The Holy Spirit LEADS! Not because of what someone has said!
There are a number of further passages of scripture in the appendix which relate to specific historical instances of adjustment in the Nation of Israel which involved tithing and also other verses which relate to tithing.
It is hoped that this article has provided a reasonably comprehensive discussion of the critical issues surrounding tithes and offerings and has addressed most of the issues that may be of interest.
Father, please cause all that is according to Your Word, Your Will and Your Spirit in this article to find deep root in the hearts of the readers and, should there be any leaven please blow it away by Your Spirit that it will find no root at all.
It is our prayer 17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ [Yahshua Messiah Adonai], the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, 18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, 19 and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power 20 which He worked in Christ [Messiah] when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. 22 And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, 23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all. (Ephesians 1:17-23 NKJ)
May Yahweh bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you. In the name of Adonai Yahshua Messiah (the Lord Jesus Christ), King of kings and Lord of lords. Amen.
Following are a few other scriptures relating to the tithe.
2 Chronicles 31:3-10
3 The king also appointed a portion of his possessions for the burnt offerings: for the morning and evening burnt offerings, the burnt offerings for the Sabbaths and the New Moons and the set feasts, as it is written in the Law of Yahweh (the LORD).
4 Moreover he commanded the people who dwelt in Jerusalem to contribute support for the priests and the Levites, that they might devote themselves to the Law of Yahweh (the LORD).
5 As soon as the commandment was circulated, the children of Israel brought in abundance the firstfruits of grain and wine, oil and honey, and of all the produce of the field; and they brought in abundantly the tithe of everything.
6 And the children of Israel and Judah, who dwelt in the cities of Judah, brought the tithe of oxen and sheep; also the tithe of holy things which were consecrated to Yahweh (the LORD) their God they laid in heaps.
7 In the third month they began laying them in heaps, and they finished in the seventh month.
8 And when Hezekiah and the leaders came and saw the heaps, they blessed Yahweh (the LORD) and His people Israel.
9 Then Hezekiah questioned the priests and the Levites concerning the heaps.
10 And Azariah the chief priest, from the house of Zadok, answered him and said, "Since the people began to bring the offerings into the house of Yahweh (the LORD), we have had enough to eat and have plenty left, for Yahweh (the LORD) has blessed His people; and what is left is this great abundance." (NKJ)
Nehemiah 10:32-39
32 Also we made ordinances for ourselves, to exact from ourselves yearly one-third of a shekel for the service of the house of our God:
33 for the showbread, for the regular grain offering, for the regular burnt offering of the Sabbaths, the New Moons, and the set feasts; for the holy things, for the sin offerings to make atonement for Israel, and all the work of the house of our God.
34 We cast lots among the priests, the Levites, and the people, for bringing the wood offering into the house of our God, according to our fathers' houses, at the appointed times year by year, to burn on the altar of Yahweh (the LORD) our God as it is written in the Law.
35 And we made ordinances to bring the firstfruits of our ground and the firstfruits of all fruit of all trees, year by year, to the house of Yahweh (the LORD);
36 to bring the firstborn of our sons and our cattle, as it is written in the Law, and the firstborn of our herds and our flocks, to the house of our God, to the priests who minister in the house of our God;
37 to bring the firstfruits of our dough, our offerings, the fruit from all kinds of trees, the new wine and oil, to the priests, to the storerooms of the house of our God; and to bring the tithes of our land to the Levites, for the Levites should receive the tithes in all our farming communities.
38 And the priest, the descendant of Aaron, shall be with the Levites when the Levites receive tithes; and the Levites shall bring up a tenth of the tithes to the house of our God, to the rooms of the storehouse.
39 For the children of Israel and the children of Levi shall bring the offering of the grain, of the new wine and the oil, to the storerooms where the articles of the sanctuary are, where the priests who minister and the gatekeepers and the singers are; and we will not neglect the house of our God. (NKJ)
Matthew 23:23-33
23 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone.
24 "Blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!
25 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and self-indulgence.
26 "Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also.
27 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness.
28 "Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
29 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you build the tombs of the prophets and adorn the monuments of the righteous,
30 "and say, 'If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.'
31 "Therefore you are witnesses against yourselves that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets.
32 "Fill up, then, the measure of your fathers' guilt.
33 "Serpents, brood of vipers! How can you escape the condemnation of hell? (NKJ)
Notice the harsh language used by Yahshua towards the Pharisees for the wrong heart attitude.
Hebrews 7:1-22
1 For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him,
2 to whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all, first being translated "king of righteousness," and then also king of Salem, meaning "king of peace,"
3 without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like the Son of God, remains a priest continually.
4 Now consider how great this man was, to whom even the patriarch Abraham gave a tenth of the spoils.
5 And indeed those who are of the sons of Levi, who receive the priesthood, have a commandment to receive tithes from the people according to the law, that is, from their brethren, though they have come from the loins of Abraham;
6 but he whose genealogy is not derived from them received tithes from Abraham and blessed him who had the promises.
7 Now beyond all contradiction the lesser is blessed by the better.
8 Here mortal men receive tithes, but there he receives them, of whom it is witnessed that he lives.
9 Even Levi, who receives tithes, paid tithes through Abraham, so to speak,
10 for he was still in the loins of his father when Melchizedek met him.
11 Therefore, if perfection were through the Levitical priesthood (for under it the people received the law), what further need was there that another priest should rise according to the order of Melchizedek, and not be called according to the order of Aaron?
12 For the priesthood being changed, of necessity there is also a change of the law.
13 For He of whom these things are spoken belongs to another tribe, from which no man has officiated at the altar.
14 For it is evident that our Lord arose from Judah, of which tribe Moses spoke nothing concerning priesthood.
15 And it is yet far more evident if, in the likeness of Melchizedek, there arises another priest
16 who has come, not according to the law of a fleshly commandment, but according to the power of an endless life.
17 For He testifies: "You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek."
18 For on the one hand there is an annulling of the former commandment because of its weakness and unprofitableness,
19 for the law made nothing perfect; on the other hand, there is the bringing in of a better hope, through which we draw near to God.
20 And inasmuch as He was not made priest without an oath
21 (for they have become priests without an oath, but He with an oath by Him who said to Him: "The Lord has sworn and will not relent, 'You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek' "),
22 by so much more Jesus has become a surety of a better covenant. (NKJ)
Clearly from this passage we see that tithes are still entirely valid under the Messianic Covenant (New Covenant / Brit Hadasha).
In recent years we have become increasingly aware that in certain instances the traditional English words applied to certain Scriptural concepts and also to the names of God do not adequately succeed in communicating the full depth of meaning contained in scripture. This is one of the factors behind the Amplified Bible.
In addressing this issue, we have progressively felt impressed to make use of the Anglicization of the Hebrew words or names in preference to the traditional English words and names in order to bring a more relevant understanding of the Scriptures and associated concepts. Some of the terms used in our documents are defined in this section for convenience.
Yahweh is the proper name for our God and occurs 6,828 times in the Old Testament. Vines states:
"LORD : The divine name YHWH appears only in the Bible. Its precise meaning is much debated. God chose it as His personal name by which He related specifically to His chosen or covenant people." (from Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, (Copyright (C) 1985, Thomas Nelson Publishers)
By way of analogy, my proper name is "James" and i have the designation of "husband" to my wife, it would not be indicative of a meaningful marriage relationship if my wife were to constantly refer to me as "husband" rather than "James". In the same way, it is not indicative of a meaningful relationship with our God to refer to Him as "Lord" rather than "Yahweh" when He has given us His name to use and uses it throughout scripture.
For more information refer to the book "The Sacred Name" published by Qadesh La Yahweh Press, available on the Internet at:
The Lord (Baal)
In contrast, the word "Baal" in English translations could more accurately be translated "lord" or "the lord". Thus by a quirk of the early translations, the word Baal which could easily be translated "the lord" is used to represent a pagan deity and the word Yahweh, which is not capable of translation, is translated The Lord. It therefore seems important that we progressively accustom ourselves to using the correct name for our God.
Yahshua and Messiah
By the same token, Jesus was a Jew and He spoke Aramaic or Hebrew, as evidenced by the various scriptures which quote his direct words, as in Matthew 27:46 “And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" that is, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"” (NKJ)
In His darkest hour, Jesus spoke His language and the Greek translators saw fit to preserve His words. “Jesus” and “Christ” are both Greek words which are a legacy of the intermediate translation from Aramaic to English.
Accordingly, in the absence of valid English words, it seems more respectful to use the Hebrew words which are, in a sense, also too deep to translate. Accordingly, the word "Yahshua" is used from time to time in this document, in place of "Jesus", and "Messiah" is used for "Christ". I am aware that there are disputes regarding the correct spelling and pronunciation of the words to use here but, at this time, after seeking God on the matter for about two years, these are the spellings and usages with which i feel comfortable. If you hold a different view on spellings and the like, i ask you at this time to give me the space for Yahweh, Himself, to correct me if correction is, indeed, needed. But, at the same time, please ask Him to speak to you directly concerning the spelling that you are accustomed to.
In particular, please note the commonality between YAHweh and YAHshua in terms of the use of “Yah” as the first part of both names.
The Hebrew phrase translated "Lord GOD" as distinct from "LORD God" and "the LORD" refers to Yahweh as Yahweh Adonai. In conventional English usage this could be rendered "THE LORD GOD". Yahweh Adonai is perhaps the deepest and most reverent form of address for our God.
Adonai is the term most directly equivalent to the English word "Lord" when applied to Yahweh as distinct to "Baal" as a general term for an earthly lord.
Consider 2 Samuel 7:22 ""Therefore You are great, O Yahweh Adonai (Lord GOD). For there is none like You, nor is there any God besides You, according to all that we have heard with our ears." (NKJ)
By the same token, Yahshua Messiah is Adonai, that is, Jesus Christ is Lord. Adonai carries much deeper spiritual reverence and significance than "Lord".
The five books of Moses (Genesis' Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy), more specifically the commandments given by Yahweh through Moses which govern the entire fundamental relationship of man with Yahweh. In broader terms Torah includes the full body of so called "Old Testament" but it is fundamentally the essence of the Laws of Yahweh that do not change and never will.
Recognize that insofar as the physical animal sacrifices and certain other aspects of Torah were FULFILLED by Yahshua Messiah, these Laws do not apply to us today in their PHYSICAL form although the spiritual laws and principles that they represent, REMAIN valid today.
Hesed / Agape / Love
There are two concepts in Scripture both translated "love" in most English translations. The one is carnal love the other is the covenant love of Yahweh. The Hebrew word for this is "hesed" and the Greek word is "agape". These words are translated "loving kindness" and "charity" in some translations.
However, the essence of the sense of this form of "love" is that which is depicted in 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 which is most effectively interpreted in the Amplified Bible (in the passage that follows "hesed {love}" has been inserted in place of "love".
1 If I [can] speak in the tongues of men and [even] of angels, but have not hesed {love} (that reasoning, intentional, spiritual, devotion such as is inspired by God's love for and in us), I am only a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 And if I have prophetic powers (...), and understand all the secret truths and mysteries and possess all knowledge, and if I have [sufficient] faith so that I can remove mountains, but have not hesed {love} (God's hesed {love} in me) I am nothing (a useless nobody). 3 Even if I dole out all that I have [to the poor in providing] food, and if I surrender my body to be burned or in order that I may glory, but have not hesed {love} (God's hesed {love} in me), I gain nothing. 4 Hesed {love} endures long and is patient and kind; hesed {love} never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily. 5 It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Hesed {love} (God's hesed {love} in us) does not insist on it's own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong]. 6 It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail. 7 Hesed {love} bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening]. 8 Hesed {love} never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end]. As for prophecy (...) it will be fulfilled and pass away; as for tongues, they will be destroyed and cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away [it will lose its value and be superseded by truth]. (AMP)
Clearly, Yahweh's hesed {love} is far beyond the carnal, selfish emotion that we call "love" in this age. It is also important to understand that Yahweh's hesed {love} is robust, can be severe and was strong enough to send His only Son to the Cross to die the most horrible death for OUR sins. Hesed {love} is selfless and without covetousness. Until we have a deep revelation of Yahweh's covenant hesed {love} as distinct from "love" as we use the word today we are not likely to truly understand Yahweh, Yahshua, Messiah, The Holy Spirit or His Word. A deep understanding hesed {love} and covenant is VITAL to interpreting the issues of the end of the age!

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