2001.05.1.02 Living Faith Versus Dead Dogma Created by James3 on 7/11/2019 9:30:41 PM Living Faith Versus Dead Dogma
COPYRIGHT (c) by L Tyler, 01/14/01
Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
This article, by Ron Tyler, contrasts living faith with dead faith by referring to the lives of a number of Believers who have lived in recent centuries.
In particular, by citing the life of George Mueller who faithfully recorded in ten volumes every instance of miraculous answer to prayer throughout his ministry, as well as the reports of many others, the article demonstrates that living faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is valid and viable in this age.
Any believer reading this article will be challenged to ask themselves whether they are living by faith or living by the ways of the world.
faith, miracles, living faith, dead faith, dogma, statistical evidence, testimonies.
The article sets out to contrast living faith with dead dogma by stating that living faith is “characterised by abundant and supernatural Life, newness, new creations and compassionately cherishing Loving in deed and in Truth”.
It is suggested that living faith is faith that is accompanied by miraculously supported works and suggests that there is ample empirical proof of this in the recent past.
The author attests briefly to miracles in his own life and then reports the record of one George Mueller of the faith orphanages of Bristol England who from 1835 kept a meticulous record of God’s miraculous provision in his life in answer to prayer. This was founded on the experience of Franke who adopted a rigorous discipline not to solicit funds, advertise needs, or conduct fund raisers. Franke determined to depend solely on Jesus for not only his own provision and care, but also for the provision and care of the orphans in his care. When he needed something, instead of asking people, he prayed to the Father in Jesus name and he received not only enough for himself but also for his orphans.
George Mueller’s experience is recorded in a ten volume book with details of every need, the prayer that was prayed and the miraculous answer that was received. It is reported that the statistical probability of this provision taking place by chance, luck or circumstances exceeds one in one hundred billion.
Further details are provided of the lives of many other recent Saints and reference is provided to sources for books, etc on these testimonies.
Suggested prayer is offered and the attributes of those who subscribe to dogma and not living faith are discussed.
We commend this article to you to assist to build your faith.
COPYRIGHT (c) by L. Tyler, 01/14/01
For unedited and free distribution oldservant8@yahoo.com
oldeservant@excite.com PO Box 734, El Centro, CA 92244, USA
Living faith in a living God who is Creator, in He Who is Life, in He Who is compassionately cherishing Love, in a faith-Being who is alive powerfully, creatively, compassionately and full of cherishing Love; such living faith is manifested supernaturally, is regenerating, is creative and is a miracle among humans.
Dead dogma is just that, dead. It has no more power, life, or creativity than that which Jesus has allowed Satan and His demons to have. It does not supernaturally lift its believers above their own abilities, thoughts and weaknesses for compassionately cherishing Love, Truth, Enlightenment and Everlasting Life. The living dead recognize the living dead and understand them and their dead dogma. The living dead believe that living dead is normal, the human lot in life.
Living faith is characterized by abundant and supernatural Life, newness, new creations, and compassionately cherishing Loving in deed and in Truth. Living faith is evidenced by a life characterized as above the natural abilities or natural inclinations of those who have it for compassionately cherishing Love. Living faith loves supernaturally, turns the cheek, endures persecution, overcomes evil with good, visits the poor, clothes the homeless, bears other's burdens -- joyfully with thanksgiving. The living dead see those of living and loving faith and wonder to themselves, "What are they so happy about? What's wrong with them that they don't see there is nothing exceptional to live for? Why are they so stupid as to believe in real love, in a living Jesus of Bethlehem?"
The dead dogma of those of the synagogue of Caiaphas, Annanias, Korah, hardened necks, the stiff necked, the proud actors, the stubborn, the rebellious, the uncircumcised of heart, prophet killers, Messiah Jesus rejectors, Apostle Paul rejectors; such dead dogma is better at killing than life renewing, hating than Loving, and faulting than edifying.
For those who have been renewed in Jesus and have seen the dead life of the dead dogmaticals, there is no question that JESUS IS ALIVE IN HEAVEN AND IN US. But words are not enough because the Life one has from Living Faith in Jesus as Lord and Saviour is full of power, the miraculous, the supernatural. I have experienced so many miraculous and supernatural events in my own life with Jesus that He is as or more real to me than my own body. But how can you explain that to the dead dogmatics who having ears, hear not, having eyes, see not, having uncircumcised hearts, believe not?
The exciting thing is that there is empirical proof that Jesus rose from the dead and is working His will among His children. As usual it is not easily available or so plain that it hits you in the face as irrefutable, because God has chosen that it is by the foolishness of preaching the Word that people are to come to know Him. He appears to want people to come to Him because of His cherishing Love, liberating Truth, regenerating Enlightenment and everlasting Life with Him; rather than wanting them to come to Him out of fear or because of His supernatural power. I could testify of the miracles He has done for me, the numerous times He saved my life, when He drove my car for me in traffic when I couldn't, but one of His servants, at the 20th century dawning of the modern scientific age, chose to set out to prove empirically that Jesus is alive and well on the planet Earth much better than I ever could.
His name was George Mueller of the faith orphanages of Bristol England. A mentally disciplined teutonic student from Germany, Jesus saved Him, cleaned up his act and charged him with the care of thousands of Bristol's orphans. George had been challenged to trust in God instead of people for the supplying of his needs by the life and practice of Franke in the operation of his orphanages in 1727. Franke had determined not to solicit funds, advertise needs, or conduct fund raisers. Franke determined to depend solely on Jesus for not only his own provision and care, but also for the provision and care of the orphans in his care. When he needed something, instead of asking people he prayed to the Father in Jesus name and he received not only enough for himself but also for his orphans.
It was 1835 and George had already experienced Jesus' miraculous provision in answer to prayer alone as he pastored in local chapels. He had determined that if Jesus could take care of him, a very poor man; if he could care for children in an orphanage as he felt Jesus leading; if He would give him the strength and courage to ask no person but God in Jesus' Name for anything -- to ask only Him for the money needed for the children, the staff, his wife and he; then indeed he would be able to prove by the specific answers to specific prayers that Jesus is alive and well on planet Earth, hearing and answering prayers today as He promised He would.
He determined to keep a careful record of each and every need, the prayer about that need, and the miraculous answer to prayer that met that need. Before he finished he had completed what is now available as a ten volume record of need, prayer and miraculous provision. The newspapers of the time are still available on microfiche at the public libraries for those who want to confirm that there was no human record of George soliciting funds from people, taking offerings, having fund raisers and advertising needs. George, his wife and his helpers with the orphans never lived affluently or sumptuously, but were rather Spartan in their living standards, yet over 20 million dollars passed through their hands in provision for themselves and the tens of thousands of orphans who passed through their homes.
So where is the empirical evidence that Jesus is alive and well and answering prayers today? If you take just one of those ten volumes and feed all the variables into the computer using the math science of statistics and probabilities to determine what the probabilities of that provision taking place merely by chance, luck, or circumstance, you would come up with a figure exceeding one in one hundred billion. That miraculous provision scientifically can not be attributed to luck, chance and circumstance. Such proof that it was impossible to explain what happened with George by mere luck and chance is still difficult to accept by the unbelievers and the skeptical, but it is a marvellous scientific confirmation of what we who have tasted Jesus already know -------- HE IS RISEN, RULING AND SOON TO COME AGAIN AND SET UP HIS KINGDOM ON EARTH AS HE PROMISED HE WOULD!!!!!!
Brethren, we have a cloud of such witnesses about us, enough to embolden the faith of the most feeble among us, the doubting Thomases. There is a veritable Hall of Fame of believers who have similarly experienced Jesus' miraculous answers to their specific prayers in a way that defies all of the odds, is virtually impossible in human terms, and demonstrates anew that HE IS RISEN, RULING AND SOON TO COME AGAIN!!!
Read the biographies and autobiographies of Hudson Taylor (England and China 1890's) who was led by Jesus to go to Jesus alone in prayer for his needs, the needs of his missionaries, the needs of his missions,and the needs of the Chinese converts. No fund raisers allowed, no advertising of needs, and no bleeding heart appeals were allowed or employed. If God provided for a work or worker, that was His blessing on the work or the worker. If God didn't provide for a work or worker, that was God closing the door to that work. Yet tens of millions of dollars and hundreds of workers flowed through the ministry until the Communists deported them.
Read the biographies and autobiographies of Amy Carmichael (Ireland and India 1900), who went to India to serve her King and there was led to live, eat and dress as the people of India to whom she ministered; led to make no appeals for support or workers, solicited no funds, permitted no fund raisers; but made her needs and the needs of those with her known only to her Father and her immediate prayer partners and staff. For decades she was able to maintain an up to date hospital and outpatient clinic, offer free medical care and hospitalization to those who came to Dohnavur for help, maintain a senior village for five hundred dependent adults and over a thousand orphans. The ministry continues to day, long after her promotion to Heaven.
Read the biographies and autobiographies of Prince Kaboo of the Kru's of Monrovia Africa (aka "Samuel Morris" Africa and USA 1900) who was miraculously saved from a death by torture at the hands of enemies and animals, was miraculously led through the jungle for days as he fled, and miraculously led to the home of some Christians where Jesus saved him and gave him a whole new life. His life is full of bold faith and miracles of people and provision.
Read the biographies and autobiographies of Sadhu Sundar Singh (India 1920) who fought with demons in spiritual warfare, whose daily provision was an unceasing string of miracles, whose miraculous encounters with wild animals was legendary and who supernaturally experienced Lord Jesus in a life style and ministry right out of Matthew 10.
Read the biographies and autobiographies of Corrie Ten Boom (Europe 1940's) and of Esther Ahn Kim (Ahn Ei Sook of Korea, 1940's). Kim's awesome and amazing "If I Perish" was made into a film by the Japanese government as an act of penance after the war . Corrie's books and movie speak the same miraculous living and overcoming faith. Kim's tortured sufferings were so horrible that I became physically ill from reading it, yet she was miraculously preserved and delivered through that which would have surely killed me and most others. Starved, emaciated, and debilitated she was empowered to do supernatural things I can't imagine myself doing. These small, weak and not apparently extraordinary little women, Corrie and Kim, were provided with their equivalent of manna and quail, the blindness of their enemies in their face as with Elijah and Elisha -- all with a supernatural holy boldness, with praise and thanksgiving in sufferings that touch me to the core of my being.
Read the biography / autobiography of Rabi R Maharaj (THE DEATH OF A GURU, England, Trinidad, India 1980's), and see how this Hindu guru went from experiencing the supernatural side of darkness, demons, miraculous occurrences, and demonic power; to experiencing the supernatural side of Jesus in his life, in his spiritual warfare against the demons he knew, and his spiritual warfare for his loved ones. The world is quick to believe in spirit guides, spirits of the dead, but slow to believe the Word that these are evil spirits who are in warfare against Jesus and His host of angels for the souls and minds of humans.
Read the biography / autobiography of Brother Andrew (Europe and USSR 1960's), of Catherine Marshall (USA 1970's), of Harold Morris (USA 1980's), of Becky Tirabassi (USA 1990's), of Gladys Alward (England and China, 1920's), of John Hyde (England and India, 1920), of Smith Wigglesworth (England 1910's), of David Wilkerson's Teen Challenge (Cross and the Switchblade, Nick Cruz's Run Baby Run, now in the USA), of the life changing ministries known as Pacific Gardens Mission (Unshackled), Turning Point, New Creations and Victory Outreach. This doesn't even include all the charity ministries through Christian hospitals, clinics, the poor, the hungry, orphans and widows.
The dead faith of those of the synagogue of Caiaphas, Annanias, Korah, hardened necks, the stiff necked, the proud actors, the stubborn, the rebellious, the uncircumcised of heart, prophet killers, Messiah Jesus rejectors, Apostle Paul rejectors is better at killing than life renewing, hating than Loving, and faulting than edifying -- these have no such Hebrews 11 Hall of Fame, no such 2000 years testimony of miraculous and supernatural provision and care for the poor, the needy, for the orphan, for the widow, for the sick and for the dying. Their faith is dead, a proud and arrogant mind and ego game.
The dead faith of those of the synagogue of Caiaphas, Annanias, Korah, hardened necks, the stiff necked, the proud actors, the stubborn, the rebellious, the uncircumcised of heart, prophet killers, Messiah Jesus rejectors, Apostle Paul rejectors has, never had and never will have, a proven track record over hundreds of years encompassing tens of thousands of recorded testimonies of people who have been supernaturally renewed in and by Jesus and His Spirit from addiction (to drugs like heroin, cocaine, speed, meth, marijuana, angel dust etc), from lives of crime and violence, from self abusive life styles like suicide attempts and crippling depression and mental illness----- all with a documented success rate of over 80% (who remain changed), something which no secular agency can claim for such a diversity of destructive life styles.
Acts 14:3: "Therefore they stayed a long time, speaking boldly in the Lord, who bore witness to the word of His grace, giving miracles and wonders to be done by their hands." Revelation 12:10 "And I heard a great voice saying in Heaven, Now has come the salvation and power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of His Christ. For the accuser of our brothers is cast down, who accused them before our God day and night. 11 And THEY OVERCAME HIM BECAUSE OF the BLOOD OF THE LAMB, and BECAUSE OF THE WORD of their TESTIMONY. And they did not love their soul to the death."
"Holy Father, I praise You for the wonder that You are. God, I thank You for showing and proving Your Love for me by revealing Yourself as Jesus Christ of Bethlehem. I accept Jesus as my refuge, strength and very present help in the trouble of this world, in the trouble of male - female relationships in this world today.
"Holy Father, I acknowledge my own personal inadequacy for the trials of this world.
"Merciful God, I acknowledge that apart from You I am a part of the problem of this world, not a part of the remedy for this world.
"Holy Father, I agree with You that apart from Jesus I can do no good thing of eternal merit. I give my body, soul, strength and mind to You as Jesus enables me.
"I accept only Jesus as my King, my Saviour, my Director, my Shepherd and my daily Deliverer.
"Holy Father, I ask Jesus to come into me and live in me and work in me to become Your child, and to become what You want me to be, whatever that may be.
"Father, I acknowledge my total daily need of You and my total dependence on You to live well, safely and successfully.
"Thank You for being my Father, my Shepherd, my Counsellor, my Companion and my Comforter.
"Please keep me safe in Your hand, and in Your loving embrace.
Most of these biographies, autobiographies, and books are available from:
** the Christian Literature Crusade, P.O. Box 1449, Fort Washington, PA 19034;
** the Moody Press of Chicago; Dimension Books of Bethany Fellowship, 6820 Auto Club Road, Minneapolis, MI 55438;
** Barbour & Company, Inc., P.O.Box 719, Uhrichsville, Ohio 44683 (http://www.barbourbooks.com);
** Open Doors With Brother Andrew, P.O. Box 27001, Santa Ana, CA 92799; Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon 97402
** chrbook.com/" Christian Book Distributors
** havenofhope.org/bookstore/" Books for pro Christian Counsellor, Bibles
** netins.net/showcase/livingvine/revelation.html" Church BookStore<Christian Recovery Ministries
** nsonline.com/resources/" Relationship Web Links & Book Resources<
** sowerbible.com/devotionals.cfm" Devotionals; Christian books
May the Peace and Love of Jesus fill you and your lives,
Ron Tyler
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/6916/MFil e_Index99.txt
What does God say about the Jews and Israelites of the synagogue of Caiaphas, Annanias, Korah, hardened necks, the stiff necked, the proud actors, the stubborn, the rebellious, the uncircumcised of heart, prophet killers, Messiah Jesus rejectors, and Apostle Paul rejectors?
Exodus 32:9 "And the LORD said to Moses, I have seen this people, and behold, it [is] a stiff-necked people."
Deuteronomy 30:6 "And the LORD your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your seed, to love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, so that you may live."
Romans 2:25 "For circumcision truly profits if you keep [the] Law, but if you are a transgressor of the Law, circumcision becomes uncircumcision. For he is not a Jew who [is one] outwardly, nor [is] circumcision that outwardly in flesh; 29 but he [is] a Jew who [is one] inwardly, and circumcision [is] of the heart; in spirit and not in letter; whose praise [is] not from men, but from God."
Deuteronomy 31:27 "For I know your rebellion and your stiff neck. Behold, while I am still alive with you today, you have been rebellious against the LORD. And how much more after my death?"
Numbers 12:1 "And Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Cushite woman whom he had taken. For he had taken a Cushite woman."
Numbers 16:1 "Now Korah, the son of Izhar, the son of Kohath, the son of Levi, took both Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, and On, the son of Peleth, sons of Reuben; 2 even they rose up before Moses . . . 3 And they gathered themselves against Moses and against Aaron, and said to them, [You take] too much upon you, since all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among them. Why then do you lift yourselves up above the congregation of the LORD? ....... 12 And Moses sent to call Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab. And they said, We will not come up."
Psalm 106:16 "And they were jealous of Moses in the camp, [and] Aaron the saint of the LORD."
Psalm 78:8 "and might not be like their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation, a generation [that] did not set their heart aright, and whose spirit was not faithful with God."
Nehemiah 9:16 "But they and our fathers acted proudly and hardened their necks, and did not listen to Your commandments."
Jeremiah 6:10 "To whom shall I speak, and give warning, that they may hear? Behold, their ears [are] not circumcised, and they cannot listen. Behold, the word of the LORD is to them a reproach; they have no delight in it."
Zechariah 7:11 "But they refused to listen, and gave a stubborn shoulder, and made heavy their ears from hearing. 12 And they made their hearts adamant from hearing the law and the words which the LORD of hosts has sent through His Spirit, by the former prophets. And great wrath came from the LORD of hosts."
Acts 7:39 "to whom our fathers would not be obedient, but thrust [him] away and turned back again to Egypt in their hearts,"
Acts 7:51 "O stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit. As your fathers [did], so you do."
Jesus keeps His covenant with the Jewish and Israelite remnant who are faithful to Him and who have rejected the synagogue of Caiaphas, Annanias, Korah, hardened necks, the stiff necked, the proud actors, the stubborn, the rebellious, the uncircumcised of heart, prophet killers, Messiah Jesus rejectors, and Apostle Paul rejectors.
But what of the synagogue of Caiaphas, Annanias, Korah, hardened necks, the stiff necked, the proud actors, the stubborn, the rebellious, the uncircumcised of heart, prophet killers, Messiah Jesus rejectors, and Apostle Paul rejectors? They have broken the covenant of Exodus 19, 20; Deuteronomy 5; and Ezekiel 16 and they have on their heads all the holocaust curses of God described on Deuteronomy 27, 28 and 31.
"Holy Father, please enlighten and convict these dead children of Israel of their sins, Your just judgment of their sins, and Your righteousness which requires such judgment. Please draw them to you with the granting of repentance to the acknowledging of and submission to Your Love, Truth, Light and Life in Jesus Christ.
"Even so, come Lord Jesus."

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