2001.08.1.10 The Wrath Of Yahweh For The Church Today The Judgment For Adultery: Part 2 Created by James3 on 7/12/2019 10:57:30 AM The Wrath Of Yahweh For The Church Today The Judgment For Adultery: Part 2
ABSTRACT: This article continues the theme of the two previous articles on the Wrath of Yahweh for the Church which were posted in January and February.
It deals specifically with certain aspects of marriage doctrine which Yahweh describes as a doctrine of demons and "heresy of the worst kind" and which Yahweh has shown are responsible for keeping millions of souls out of the Kingdom and for condemning millions more to a part in the lake of fire and brimstone.
The article summarizes key points from the previous two articles and then presents and overview of the key issues.
AUTHOR: Dr James Robertson
PUBLISHED BY: ETI : End Time Issue Ministries LIST: 1A1: Teaching PUBLISHER: James Robertson
DOCUMENT TYPE: Transcript of teaching ISSUE DATE: 16 August 2001
PRIMARY SUBJECT: Judgment Secondary Subject: Adultery
KEY WORDS / KEY PHRASES: judgment, adultery, wrath, lake of fire and brimstone, second death, fornication, virginity, marriage, polygamy
KEY VERSE OF SCRIPTURE: 1 Timothy 4:1‑3 "1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, 3 forbidding to marry," (NKJ)
SUPPORTING ARTICLES: 1A1.01.01.06; 1A1.01.01.07; 1A1.01.02.01; 1A1.01.02.04; 1A1.01.02.12; 1A1.01.03.06; 1A1.01.03.12; 1A1.01.05.04; 1A1.01.05.05; 1A1.01.08.07; 1A1.01.08.08; 1A1.01.08.09
PREVIOUS ARTICLES IN SERIES: 1A1.01.01; 1A1.01.02.11
DECLARATION: I James Alexander Robertson hereby testify before Almighty Yahweh (The Lord) that the original message, of which this is a transcript and this transcript were substantially give to me by Yahweh in my capacity as an apostle. I testify that all statements of significance are from Yahweh and that all information of a historical nature has been adequately verified by leading of the Spirit of Yahweh in terms of broad significance, not of finer details. It is my firm conviction that the content of this article is at least 90% as Yahweh would have it.
I acknowledge and accept that i will be judged for any false statements made by me knowingly or unknowingly and ask Father Yahweh now in the Name of Yahshua Messiah Adonai (the Lord Jesus Christ) that should there be any such errors He judge me in this life that i may come to repentance and not be judged in the life to come.
PRAYER: Father, in the Name of Yahshua Messiah, if there is anything in this document that is not according to your perfect will please prevent it taking root in the heart of the reader.
The reality of judgment in this life, as previously presented is summarized together with the key aspects of the first message on the judgment for adultery.
The conclusions from these teachings are extended to demonstrate clearly that there is massive heresy in the teachings of the church today which is keeping millions of people from saving faith in Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) and condemning millions more to a part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone which is the Second Death, in terms of Revelation 21:8.
The level of difficulty around this particular subject is exceptionally high, accordingly, in order to avoid people rejecting the subject hastily without considering it in it's proper context, no summary of the content is provided. Readers are asked to consider the entire article systematically as it almost certainly has a dramatic impact, either on their own lives or of people they know.
Transcript of message recorded at
"A Church Without Walls",
Randpark Ridge, Johannesburg,
on Saturday 13 January 2001
editorial refinement of the transcript
The message contained in this document is extremely challenging and i urge you to read no further if you have not read the two preceding messages transcribed from the recordings made at Foundation For Living Church in Pretoria North on 31 December 2000 and 7 January 2001.
Transcripts of those messages, and copies of the original recordings, are available from this ministry and create the necessary context dealing with "The Wrath of Yahweh (God) for the Church Today - Why Judgment is Coming on the Church Today" and particularly the "Wrath of Yahweh and the Judgment for Adultery". If you have not read or listened to those two messages you could seriously misunderstand what is being communicated in this message. So i would appeal to you, if you have not read those two messages or listened to the tapes, please do so before going further.
If you don't have those tapes or messages, please email us at james@end-time-issues.org.za or phone ++27-83-251-6644. Further contact details at the end of this document. Please get hold of those preceding messages before reading this message.
Before reading further i ask you to pray the following prayer OUT LOUD now:
"Father i come to You in the Name of Yahshua (Jesus) and i ask for Your wisdom and Your guidance in receiving this teaching.
"In the Name of Yahshua i bind any spirit that would seek to interfere with the receiving of this message. In the Name of Yahshua i command You to go down and be silent, i stop your ears and stop your mouth until this message is complete, in the Name of Yahshua Messiah.
"I ask You Father, in the Name of Yahshua, to send Your mighty warring angels to bind and silence any spirit that would seek to hinder my receiving of this message.
"I ask Father that You will open my heart and the eyes of my spirit as i read in order to see clearly what You want me to receive in this message and that You will close my eyes and close my heart to anything that is not of You.
"I ask Father that everything that is in this message that is of You will find deep root in my heart and that if there be anything which is not according to Your perfect will and Your Word, that You will by Your Spirit, blow it away and that it will find no root in my heart.
"I ask You Father to cover me with the Blood of Yahshua from the top of my head to the souls of my feet, i ask You to cover my family members and the entire environment where i am reading this message with the Blood of Yahshua.
"I ask this in the Name of Yahshua Messiah, Amen."
The two messages which precede this message were preached at Foundation For Living Church in Pretoria North, Republic of South Africa, on 31 December 2000 and 7 January 2001. This message was preached at A Church Without Walls, Randpark Ridge on Saturday 13 January 2001. The latter part of the recording was faulty and was re-recorded from the original notes on 16 August 2001. This
transcript was prepared on 16 August 2001 and some editorial changes were made by the author.
The message on 31 December 2000 was "The Wrath of Yahweh (God) for the Church: Why Judgment is Coming on The Church Today" and in that message we saw very clearly that Tribulation was upon the World and we reviewed the Judgment process. Last weeks message was "The Judgment for Adultery", a continuation of the previous message. In that message we went into some depth as to what Yahweh says about marriage and adultery in the Word of Yahweh.
Today's message is intended as a recap on what was preached at FFL and to close off this three part set of teachings on the current judgment, bearing in mind that about a year ago (1999 / 2000) we did produce a set of ten tapes on "Judgment in This Life" which go into some detail on many aspects of the subject of judgment.
Before i carry on with the teaching today, i would like to recap some of the points out of last weeks teaching as i'm continuing today with the subject of "The Judgment For Adultery".
We saw in the last teaching that it is vital that we know the terror of Yahweh for we must all appear before the Judgment seat of Messiah (Christ). We saw that the Seventh Commandment says that "you shall not commit adultery" and i made the assertion that this Commandment is being broken in such a way as to send more souls to hell than possibly any other of the Ten Commandments, bearing in mind that on 31 December i was impressed of the Spirit of Yahweh to say that judgment was coming on the church because the church was materially breaking every one of the Ten Commandments.
Today we sit with a situation where over two thirds of all marriages in the Body of Messiah (Christ) are ending in "divorce" (putting away) and some reports indicate that the level of divorce in the Body of Messiah is in fact higher than the level of divorce in the world. So we see that Satan is wreaking great havoc and, as we saw last week in the teaching on the Judgment for Adultery, the Judgment for Adultery is that adulterers will not inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh and that adulterers will have their part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone which is the Second Death. There is some uncertainty what this passage says. There does appear to be an indication and it seems to be supported by the visions of Rick Joyner reported in the book "The Final Quest" that under certain circumstances a Believer may be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone for a season to pay the penalty for their sin and may then spend the rest of eternity in heaven. But on the other hand, we saw very clearly that Proverbs 7:27 says that adultery is the way to hell.
I cited the example of two specific cases we have become aware of. Of a man who having married a woman who was divorced in the sight of the church but not in the sight of Yahweh, died within six months. The Word of Yahweh being that he was in adultery. Another man went bankrupt in six months. So we saw that judgment was already coming upon the church where they were committing adultery, particularly those who were mature enough and knowledgeable enough.
But i say to you today, by the Spirit of Yahweh, "the Judgment for Adultery is about to become very, very harsh, and very severe in the Body of Messiah". I reiterate the point that was made on 31 December, it is not necessarily that we are going to see large numbers of people physically dead. But we ARE going to see people in lack, we are going to see people in ill-health and we are going to see people falling away and losing their salvation if they do not deal with adultery in their lives.
We looked at the definition of adultery and saw that adultery was essentially the act of sexual intercourse with another man's wife. We saw further that adultery is used in certain instances to describe unfaithfulness and we saw that the word fornication or porneia, which is the Greek translation of the word used by Yahshua in Matthew 19:9, refers to a spiritual state which can be likened to treachery. So we saw that adultery is not just the physical sexual act of adultery, it can also be porneia, the spiritual fornication, the spiritual unfaithfulness, of a wife to her husband or of a man towards Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ).
We have to understand this goes into the realms of submission and rebellion as well and we saw that in last weeks teaching. That rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, that rebellion is the opposite of submission, that a wife who refuses to submit to her husband in everything according to the Scriptures finds herself moving into an area of witchcraft. By moving into an area of witchcraft, she is moving away from Yahweh, she is moving into porneia and in the extreme case, based on our own case histories that we have shared out of our ministry, that can lead to people losing their salvation.
We also saw that it is definitely possible in Hebrews 6, Hebrews 10 and Matthew 12 for a person to lose their salvation on a basis that there is absolutely no redemption, there is no coming back to Yahweh. Their spirit becomes completely dead to Yahweh with no hope of Salvation because they have impaled (crucified) again the Son of Yahweh and put Him to an open shame. And, so, we need to understand that people who persist in adultery in this generation, be it physical sexual adultery, or be it spiritual porneia, unfaithfulness, treachery, rebellion on the part of a wife or lack of submission will find themselves losing their salvation.
We saw on 31 December that Yahweh was saying that there would be massive spiritual carnage in the next few years given that Revelation is speaking of a spiritual state, not just a physical state and that billions of people will die, a third of the worlds population will die spiritually without hope of redemption and that a large proportion of the church will fall away. There will be a great falling away, it will be spiritual. There may be physical manifestations for those who want to see, but we've seen also that we have been in great tribulation for some years now and people are misguided, they are looking for physical tribulation.
We went on and we discussed "what is marriage", "what is a wife" and we saw very clearly that marriage was sexual intercourse with a woman who was a virgin. We saw that there were certain criteria in terms of which a man could marry a widow and we inferred from certain experiential precedent that Yahweh will, under certain circumstances, release a woman who is divorced to remarry. But we saw very clearly that the basis for divorce is spiritual death on the part of the husband for a woman to get divorced from her husband, on the part of the woman for a man to get divorced from his wife. It is persistent porneia leading to a state of finality an irreversible state of spiritual death.
It is not somebody who backslides, it is not somebody who is unsaved and is not coming to salvation, it is a person who has made a commitment, who has accepted Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) as Lord and Saviour and then backslides into persistent wilful sin, into porneia, into rebellion to a point where they have had ample opportunity to repent and THEN they lose their salvation. At that point it is very clear that Yahweh (God) will permit a woman to divorce her husband or a husband to divorce his wife. Prior to reaching that state, there is no Scriptural basis for such release.
There are indications that where a woman lost her virginity prior to coming to salvation, under certain circumstances Yahweh will extend grace and release her to remarry but we saw in some detail the case of the woman who was seduced at the age of 16 under hypnosis who in her forties was told by Yahweh that she was married to that man and she had absolutely no recollection of what had happened until the Holy Spirit revealed it to her in a series of visions. So we have no robust basis to say that a woman who has lost her virginity to a man who is still alive is free to remarry unless the Spirit of Yahweh very clearly shows that is the case. We saw also that a woman who marries foolishly an unbelieving man is probably required to lay down her life for his salvation either until her death or his death, again, unless he comes to a place where he is an absolutely unrepentant sinner with no further prospect of salvation.
All other women, who in the world's terms, remarry, are committing adultery, and the men who marry them are committing adultery and the judgment for adultery will apply.
We saw that the Word of Yahweh defined a virgin as a being a girl who had just come to puberty and we saw clearly that the Word of Yahweh showed that was the age that Yahweh intended girls to marry at. We saw that about a third of all girls in the world today are reportedly losing their virginity by their fourteenth birthday and that consequently we needed to reassess what it is exactly that we impose on young girls in terms of age of marriage and so forth.
We went in some length into understanding the marriage covenant, we saw from Hebrews 9:18 that a covenant requires the shedding of blood. We saw from Genesis 15:4-21 and from Jeremiah 34:18 that the cutting of a covenant involved the shedding of blood and the passing of the parties making the covenant through the blood of the animal that had been slain. We saw that the covenant was defined as resulting in a situation in which the parties to the covenant could not live without one another and that the malediction or the curse of a Scriptural covenant is death. That is why death is mandated in the case of adultery and even if we don't experience physical death today in the case of adultery, it gives rise to spiritual death if not repented which finally becomes the basis of divorce.
We saw also that the root words of covenant and split respectively in the Hebrew -- berith and bathar are closely related. We saw that split speaks of breaking into parts longitudinally with the grain or plane of cleavage and we tied that through to Genesis 2:24 in the King James where we read that "a man shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh". So we saw that the covenant act of marriage in a Godly union is the physical act of intercourse between a man and a virgin with the shedding of blood and that no other verbal or other action is required for a marriage covenant to come into place.
We saw that the word marriage can, in fact, be replaced in Scripture with the phrase "sexual intercourse with a virgin". Marriage to a widow is a very special situation and marriage to a divorced woman (a woman who is not a virgin and the man who took her virginity is still alive) is only permissible where Yahweh has clearly shown that to be permitted.
We also saw that there is no explicit guidance in Scripture to determine whether a divorced woman is free to remarry. The implication of that in a Pharisaic / Talmudic sense is "don't marry a divorced woman" but we know from personal experience that there are instances where Yahweh does extend grace and that under certain circumstances, led by the Spirit of Yahweh, it is permissible to marry a divorced woman (woman who is not a virgin and not a widow). In practice, if this were not so, today virtually no women would be able to marry!
We also saw that the red heart, the Valentines day heart, the symbol of "love" (lust) is in fact symbolic of woman's most holy organ and that it is an abomination that it is used in the way it is and that it contains a whole lot of subliminal erotic messages which are highly undesirable in the Body of Messiah.
We also examined the one flesh bond. We saw that it was a very solid, spiritual tie, which ties a man and a woman together, and we saw from that, that a woman who is joined to more than one man who is joined to more than one woman who is not living with him finds themselves tied into a network which extends to every Satanist, witch, warlock and harlot on the planet. Which is an abomination in the sight of Yahweh.
We saw that incest results in the one flesh bond short circuiting the blood-line and is also an abomination in the sight of Yahweh. By the same token, homosexuality results in a one flesh bond between men and thus between blood-lines, which is an abomination.
This is at the root of adultery, where the one flesh bond passes through a woman from one man to another man where the woman has had sexual intercourse with more than one man.
We saw that the Word of Yahweh was very clear in Ephesians 2:22-24, "wives submit to your own husbands in everything". 1 Peter 3:1, "wives likewise be submissive to your own husbands" referring to 1 Peter 2 where Yahshua (Jesus) is reported as being submitted in totality to those people who tortured and executed Him. "When He was reviled He did not revile in return, when He suffered He did not threaten but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously". So we saw that a wife is required to submit to her husband in everything, irrespective of whether he is righteous or not.
We saw that was a major reason why a Yahweh fearing woman should not marry an unbeliever or even an immature believer who had not reached a level of sanctification and holiness where he could adequately, in a Yahweh fearing fashion, care for his wife. Otherwise she could find herself forced into all sorts of things. We saw again that this does not constitute a basis for divorce. So a woman who has married foolishly must bear the consequences of her mistake for the rest of her life unless she receives mercy from Yahweh.
We saw in 1 Samuel 15:23 that rebellion, which is the opposite of submission, is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry in the context of Saul, Samuel speaking "Because you have rejected the Word of Yahweh, He has also rejected you from being king". We see that a rebellious wife is, in fact guilty of a form of witchcraft, a form of rebellion that can ultimately lead to her losing her salvation. It can lead to a state of porneia, it can lead to a situation in which divorce is permitted in the Word of Yahweh.
We saw that the Word of Yahweh is quite clear that a woman's desire, in Genesis 3:16 SHALL be for her husband and we saw that Deuteronomy 21:15-17 provides for a wife to be unloved and that therefore there is no basis for a woman to claim that she wants divorce on the basis that she is unloved or does not have desire any longer for her husband. We saw that virtually all the reasons accepted in the world and in the church today for "divorce" are not acceptable before the throne of Yahweh. Consequently, the vast majority of people who have divorced in the church in the current age are living in adultery and will be judged accordingly.
This is why it is so vital that this message is preached to the four corners of the world and that this truth is shared by those who have read this message. I must stress that, having read this message, you must understand that Ezekial 3 and Ezekial 33 make it very clear that you are responsible for this truth and for imparting this truth to others. We cannot take a truth like this and remain silent about it, otherwise the blood of those who die and go to hell will be on our hands and we will face a very harsh judgment.
We saw Proverbs 14:1 saying that "a wise woman builds her house and a foolish woman pulls her house down with her hands". Proverbs 12:4 "an excellent wife is the crown of her husband but she who causes shame is like rottenness in his bones". Proverbs 25:24 "it is better to dwell in the corner of a housetop than in a house with shared with a contentious woman". The Amplified also says "fault finding". Reinforced in Proverbs 21:19 and 21:9.
We also looked at the other aspect of 1 Peter 3:7, "husbands likewise dwell with them," that is their wives, "with understanding giving honour to the wife as the weaker vessel and being heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers may not be hindered". We stressed that "a house divided against itself will fall", Luke 11:17. That a wife who get's into contention with her husband is pulling down her husband's house, she is creating a spiritual state which feels like rottenness in his bones and that it does not matter how seriously out of line a husband is, a wife does not have the spiritual authority to bring him into line, whether it is by passive or active resistance, whether it is arguing with him, whether it is reviling him, whether it is threatening him, whether it is cajoling him. She does not have that authority, she is required by the Word of Yahweh to submit to him in everything.
We read in 1 Peter 3 that if she submits, by her humble submission she may win her husband over but that is the only way that a wife who has a husband who is out of line can actively win her husband over, by complete and total positive, proactive, submission.
We saw also that Yahweh is the Head of Messiah and Messiah is the head of the husband and the husband is the head of the wife and the wife is in a sense the head of the children. We saw that there was a spiritual mirror situation there. We saw that if her husband was out of line or she thought he was out of line, a wife had the opportunity to go to Yahweh in prayer and ask Him to deal with her husband. By the same token, the husband does not have any Scriptural authority to discipline a wayward wife, all He can do is go to Yahweh and ask Yahweh to discipline His wife.
Under certain circumstances he can hand his wife over to Satan that she may learn to submit and be disciplined. We saw also that if a wife was not in submission to her husband and was conducting herself towards her husband in an unsatisfactory fashion it was quite possible that her behaviour was mirroring the husband's behaviour towards Messiah.
We need to understand that one of the major reasons marriages today are such a mess is that the majority of men's relationships with Yahshua Messiah Adonai (The Lord Jesus Christ) and Yahweh is also a mess.
By the same token, the relationship between the children and their father is a mirror of the relationship between the father and Father Yahweh (God the Father) and therefore we must infer that the reason that the majority of children's conduct today is so far from what we would desire is in large measure because the relationship between men and Father Yahweh is in such a mess. There is so much rebellion, there is so much false teaching, there is so much wrong conduct.
By the same token, we saw that the conduct of the children towards their mother could be a mirror of the mother's conduct towards her husband. Therefore, again, we needed to understand that if we get the hierarchy of our relationships right, and deal with the things that are wrong, in the husband's case his relationship with Father Yahweh and with Messiah. In the wife's case,
with her husband and so forth, that many problems in the world today would come right.
Having understood that, we also need to understand that, based on those principles, where a husband is not in full submission to Messiah or to Father Yahweh, he should not expect his wife to be in full submission to him or his children to be in full submission to him. If they are not and he divorces his wife because she is not in submission to him and he is not in submission to Yahweh, then he should not be surprised if he receives a very harsh judgment and on the Day of Judgment finds that he is in adultery.
So we need to understand, Yahweh created marriage to work and there is no basis in Scripture for people to just get "divorced" in the manner that they are doing today.
I would now like, having finished the recap of what was taught last week, and hopefully made it very, very clear that there is a diversity of behaviour within the context of marriage which is totally and completely unacceptable in the sight of Yahweh. And hopefully sensitised readers of this message to the fact that there is a HARSH JUDGMENT, and i DO mean a harsh judgment, as in wholesale losing of salvation, falling away in great measure, coming on the Body of Believers in the days ahead. I'm not talking years away, i'm talking the year 2001, the year 2002, the year 2003.
It is very clear to me by the Spirit of Yahweh that the next three years are going to be absolutely critical for those who would seek to find themselves as overcomers on the Day of Judgment.
In the teaching on 31 December 2001 on the Wrath of Yahweh for the Body (Church), i touched in some detail on Isaiah 4. We saw that Isaiah 4 clearly spoke of this age. We saw that Isaiah 4 spoke of the spirit of burning and the spirit of judgment, it spoke of the remnant coming out of the church. The next three years are going to see us go through a period of that refining. The spirit of judgment and the spirit of burning is now upon the church, the Body of Yahshua Messiah. It will come upon the world in due course.
We see the physical manifestation of this and a confirmation of this in the physical realm in terms of the abominations on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, in terms of the war in Israel which broke out at Yom Kippur last year in fulfillment of prophecy with the entire world ranked against Israel. We see the prospect of full-scale war as a possibility there, but whether that happens in the natural, spiritually the entire world has arraigned itself, through the United Nations, against Israel. We must see the fulfillment of that prophecy. We must see the spiritual death that will result from that. We must see the evidence of that in our own lives and the lives around us and we must fear with a Holy Terror the Judgment Seat of Messiah.
We also saw that Isaiah 4:1, at the beginning of those six verses of Isaiah 4, gives us a startling principle in terms of what most people who call themselves by the name of "Christ" believe today. In the King James Version, Isaiah 4:1 says "In that day, seven women shall take hold of one man saying we shall eat our own bread and wear our own apparel only let us be called by thy name to take away our reproach." We saw, as i said, led by the Spirit of Yahweh, i was impressed to look at Isaiah 4:1 in The Living Bible which is not a translation i normally refer to. It makes it very clear what is being said there at that time, and that time is the time we are in today. It is the end of the age, it is speaking of the remnant that comes through the tribulation. It is speaking about those who are refined by the spirit of burning and the spirit of judgment. It is talking about those who are true Believers: "At that time, so few men will be left alive that seven women will fight over each of them and say, let us all marry you. We will furnish our own food and clothing, only let us be called by your name so that we won't be mocked as old maids".
We saw that based on that we could reasonably infer that there would be seven times as many women as men in the Body of the remnant, those who would endure to the end. That six out of seven men will die spiritually and that this creates enormous challenges today.
It means that any woman who is thinking of getting married today must be extremely cautious to seek the guidance of the Spirit of Yahweh before she marries. It means that any man who calls himself by the name of Messiah (Christ) in this age must be extremely conscious of the possibility and the high probability that he could lose his salvation before this age is out and therefore that he should be extremely diligent in seeking to draw near to Yahweh in this age and setting aside all the cares of the world that may be distracting him and tearing him away from serving Yahweh.
The key point that comes out of all of this, and it is an absolutely critical point, it is an immensely challenging point and therefore, before i bring it out, i need to refer you to Matthew 12 verses 31 and 32 "Therefore i say to you every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of man, it will be forgiven him but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come." Blaspheming the Holy Spirit, is a very quick way for any human being to lose their salvation. I have witnessed it on several occasions. It is a terrible sight.
We must understand this, and understand the context of Matthew 12 -- it relates to the situation where the Pharisees were saying that Yahshua was casting out demons by Beelzebub, the prince of demons. In other words, they were attributing what was being done by the anointing of the Holy Spirit to Satan and Yahshua warned them that by attributing the workings of the Holy Spirit to Satan, they were blaspheming the Holy Spirit and were in danger of losing their salvation for ever.
So i must adjure you, with what i am about to say, please, i appreciate it is highly controversial, i appreciate it is extremely difficult in terms of what virtually all of us have been taught in the years to date, but do NOT respond to what i have to say now by saying that it is of Satan.
I declare to you today by the Spirit of the Living Elohim, before the throne of Yahweh that what i am about to say to you is of Yahweh. It is of Yahweh Adonai (the Lord GOD) Himself, it is dealing with perhaps the most deeply seated heresy in the Body of Messiah today. It is a heresy that is so firmly entrenched that virtually nobody in the Body of Messiah is willing to accept it as heresy. It is so entrenched that virtually nobody in the Body of Messiah is willing to confront it head-on, but i say to you today, by the Spirit of Yahweh, it IS heresy!
Therefore, for you to declare that what follows is of Satan may well place you in the position of blaspheming the Holy Spirit.
So i ask you, to read carefully what follows and then to pray and ask Father Yahweh to confirm it.
I can supply many, many references, hundreds of Scriptures, in order to support what follows. I can supply you with a book of over three hundred pages to support what follows, i can supply you with an entire set of teaching tapes which will support what follows.
But, i implore you, if you fear Yahweh and you fear His judgment, read attentively that which follows and rather remain silent than condemn it violently!
The critical conclusion out of Isaiah 4:1 is that six out of seven men will die spiritually and since spiritual death is the only grounds for divorce, then six out of seven women in Zion will be without husbands in this age.
If you have eyes to see you will already see a significant number of believing women who have been divorced out of horrible marriages. Men who have abused them in a variety of ways, sexually, emotionally, spiritually. Women who have had years of torment, who finally, after seeking with all their hearts to get their marriages healed, have been taken out of the marriage by the Father.
If you look around, you will also find numerous believing women desperate for a mature, believing husband, a man who truly puts Yahweh first in his life. You will find that those women are seeking and not finding. Many of them have been lured into exploitive sexual relationships with men who have no intention of taking responsibility for them, men who are not believers and even men who are believers who have been either sucked in by the desperation of these women or who have callously exploited their desperate need for intimacy.
The net effect is that many of these women have, in the sight of Yahweh, become whore's because they could not find a mature believing man who was willing to extend his covering to them and take the woman under his wing.
As i say, this is epidemic, it is visible wherever i travel in the Body and it is a source of great distress to the Father and to Messiah and Yahshua. It is sending countless souls to hell and it is causing massive torment.
In considering your response to this, please take note of the following:
First of all, seven is the number of perfection and completion. Seven women to one man in the Body of True Believers in the age, is NOT an accident, it is an intentional design of the Father.
Seven is the number of covenant, the number of completion, the number of perfection -- there are seven days in the week, there are seven days of creation, there are seven lamps on the Menorah, there are seven Spirits of Yahweh in Revelation, there are seven churches in Revelation. Wherever we find seven in Scripture we must understand it represents completion, covenant, fulfillment, holiness whereas 6 represents the number of man. If Isaiah 4:1 said 6 and not 7, that would be a completely different matter.
Therefore, there is something in this that we do not understand if we take a superficial view on what i have just said.
Recognize also that from what was taught in-depth in the previous teaching, it is apparent that since a woman has a hymen, which is a membrane, which is the physical representation of her virginity and since that hymen can only be ruptured once giving rise to one flow of blood and therefore one marriage covenant. A woman can only marry once. A woman can only give her virginity once and therefore the act of taking a woman's virginity is therefore, as we have seen, THE ACT of marriage. There can be no question that this is the way that Yahweh created woman from the outset.
On the other hand, man does not have any corresponding "seal of virginity". A man can take the virginity of more than one woman and there is no physical indicator that he has already lost his so-called "virginity". Since virginity, or the taking of virginity, IS the act of marriage it is apparent that one man can marry more than one woman. It is also apparent that Yahweh created mankind this way BEFORE the so-called fall, the time when Adam and Havah (Eve) ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
This is absolutely vital. The majority in the church today would have us believe that somehow, when Yahshua died, He changed the Torah to permit a man to have only one wife. However, we can read in 1 Timothy and in Titus which indicate that bishops, deacons and elders should be the husband of one wife. By extension there is clearly no restriction on the mass of the Body of Believers who do not fall into those three offices.
At the same time, if you consider these passages in the context of Torah, in the context of the books of Moses, in the context of all the Tanakh, the pre-Messianic Scriptures up to Malachi, you will understand that it is not possible that Father Yahweh could say that people in positions of leadership in the Body of Believers should be limited to one wife. If you study out the Greek, you will discover that the word translated "one" in Timothy and Titus is in fact the word "mia" which is translated "first" in many other passages of Scripture. Remember also that these Scriptures were originally written in Aramaic, NOT Greek. Clearly, what these passages are in fact saying is that elders, overseers, deacons in the Body should be the husband of their "first" wife. In other words, they should not have put away the woman that they first married.
Remember that "putting away" is NOT divorce. Putting away is sending a woman away for no Scriptural reason. Divorce is separating from a woman who has died spiritually. It is the same as widowhood. If you pray into it further, you will discover that, in fact, what the Father is saying, is that it is not possible for a man to adequately lead the flock, UNLESS he has successfully married and managed a household with AT LEAST one wife. In fact, prayerful consideration of those three passages of Scripture will indicate to you that, in fact, what the Father will say to you is that those men should be married to AT LEAST one wife!
If you consider further, in Matthew 25, the parable of the ten virgins, the five wise virgins and the five foolish virgins, Yahshua is speaking very clearly there of the end of the age. He is speaking of His return for the Bride of Messiah, the Body of overcomers, the Body of Believers, the remnant - the same group of people that are referred to in Isaiah 4. There Yahshua Himself speaks of ten virgins waiting for the bridegroom. If you pray into it, if you study the Jewish traditions of the time, you will understand that there was only one reason why ten virgins would wait for a bridegroom, and that was to MARRY him. So Yahshua Himself saw fit to preach a parable of a man who not only was going to take ten wives, but was going to marry ten women and consummate marriage with ten women on the same night!
It is vital that we recognize that Yahweh has never, ever, anywhere in Scripture suggested that it is sin for more than one woman to marry the same man. In fact, from Isaiah 4:1 we have to recognize that since seven is the number of perfection, completion, covenant, fulfillment, that Yahweh regards it as perfect for a man to marry seven women!
Once you understand this, you will understand the extent to which the church has perverted Scripture in the area of marriage.
When i first started praying into the area of divorce in the Body of Believers in 1995, the first passages that Yahweh took me to were the passages in 1 Timothy and Titus that i have just referred to. He said to me that clearly if it was necessary for there to be a verse to limit the number of wives that certain leaders could marry there obviously was no limit on how many wives the rest of the Believers could marry. He took me at the same time to Exodus 21:10 which says that if a man marries a second wife he will not diminish the food, clothing or marriage rights of the first wife. There we have it explicitly! We have read previously that in Deuteronomy there is a reference to a case of where a man has two wives, one loved and the other unloved. There are literally hundreds of other scriptures relating to men with more than one wife - David, Abraham, Elkanah, Gideon, Moses, most, if not all of the kings of Israel and Judah, and most, if not all of the judges of Israel, etc, etc.
If you go back and consider the teaching on the one flesh bond you will realise that multiple one flesh bonds with women who are not related to the man and all of whom were virgins at the time of marriage and who have only had intercourse with their husband is an orderly hierarchical relationship. Whether there is one wife, or two or three or four or five or six or seven wives it does not matter, there is an orderly one-to-many hierarchy which is something that we are familiar with in all areas of management, in all areas of organization and throughout Scripture where we read of captains of tens, captains of hundreds, captains of thousands and so forth.
Yahweh is THE Elohim (God) of order and He intended there to be order in marriage. If you understand what was taught in the previous teaching, you will see that a wife underpins her husband. You will also see, if you look at the diagram of the one flesh bond in the monogamous situation that a one-on-one relationship is inherently unstable whereas a one-to-two or one-to-three relationship or greater provides the man with the spiritual underpinning that is necessary for him to concentrate on the business of the family.
If you research this further, you will discover that in psychometric profiling, a technique of personality profiling that is widely used in commerce and industry, there are eight major personality styles, most or all of which are required for a well balanced corporate operation. Consequently, a family with a husband and seven wives who have been carefully selected by Yahweh, can and should represent most or all eight major personality styles, therefore ensuring a fully balanced portfolio of personality and competence within a family to conduct the business of the family.
If you take this further and consider Proverbs 31, you will see that the Proverbs 31 wife is a woman of substance, a woman of competence. A woman who conducts the business of her family leaving her husband free to involve himself in the business of state, the business of his community and other such matters. It will become apparent that, in the case of a man of some substance, one wife is unable to fill all the roles that are described for the Proverbs 31 wife in that passage of Scripture.
In considering what has just been said, and in seeking to discuss it with numerous Believers over the years, i have encountered all sorts of rationalizations and arguments as to why what has just been said is incorrect.
One of the arguments is that Genesis 2:24 says that "a man shall leave his mother and father and shall cleave unto his wife and the two shall become one flesh" and they say "it says two not three" but that is not what it says at all. It says one plus one equals one - THAT is an arithmetic anomaly but is perfectly clear when you consider what the one flesh bond is really about. In other words two become one, once two have become one, they are ONE!
The algebra is quite straightforward. If you write it down:
1 + 1 = 1
Since 1 + 1 = 1 you can then substitute (1 + 1) for 1 and you can then say:
1 + (1 + 1) = 1
1 + (1 + (1 + 1)) = 1
and so forth.
Once a woman is joined to her husband, she becomes one with him. Her spirit becomes totally joined to his, they are no longer two in the sight of Yahweh but ONE. Therefore, if there is one wife or ten wives, Yahweh still sees ONE - that is the house of John or the house of Joe, whatever the case may be. That is why Scripture only refers to the man and not to the man and all his wives in many, many instances, because when Yahweh speaks to the man ipso facto, He speaks to the wives as well because they are one with the man.
Many people would suggest that a man marrying more than one woman "is not Yahweh's best" is the phrase i've heard repeatedly. Reference is made to the first reference to more than one wife occurring in the blood line of Cain who slew Abel his brother, the son of Adam and Havah (Eve) and therefore they infer that somehow it was the "corrupt line of Cain" that instituted this perceived "aberration".
But let us continue -- 2 Samuel 12 verses 7 to 9 which relates to the point in time where, after David had committed adultery with Bathsheba and arranged for her husband to be killed, (David was probably between fifty and sixty years old at this time) the prophet Nathan is sent to David by Yahweh and we read as follows "7 Then Nathan said to David, "You are the man! Thus says Yahweh Adonai (the LORD God) of Israel: 'I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered you from the hand of Saul. 8 'I [Yahweh] gave you your master's house and your master's wives into your keeping, and gave you the house of Israel and Judah. And if that had been too little, I also would have given you much more! 9 'Why have you despised the commandment of Yahweh (the LORD), to do evil in His sight? You have killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword; you have taken his wife to be your wife, and have killed him with the sword of the people of Ammon." (NKJ with Sacred Names added)
The first thing to recognize here is that Yahweh, speaking through His prophet, says "I gave you your master's wives" wives PLURAL.
The second thing to note is that at the time Saul died, David had already married Michal, Saul's daughter, he had already married Abigail and another woman at the very least and, depending on how you work it out, David had several more wives at the time that Yahweh says that He gave Saul's wives to David. But at the absolute very least, David had three wives before Yahweh gave him Saul's wives PLURAL.
Surely, if it is "not Yahweh's best" He would not have given David Saul's wives?
Recognize also that at the time this happened, depending on how you read the Scriptures, David had approximately ten wives and ten concubines at the time of his sin with Bathsheba.
Bathsheba was therefore David's twenty-first wife! Three times seven. Yet when Yahweh sends Nathan to David He rebukes him for his adultery with another man's wife, He rebukes him for murder, but in referring to the adultery He refers to taking Uriah's wife to be David's wife and no mention is made of the fact that David already had twenty wives. So we must conclude that Yahweh did not have a problem with David having twenty one wives, Yahweh had a problem with David having sex with the wife of another man and Yahweh had a problem with David having that man killed.
Then, we need to recognize that, beyond this, Yahweh says it is "right in His sight" for a man to have more than one wife! Consider 1 Kings 15:5 where it says "because David did what was right in the eyes of Yahweh (the LORD), and had not turned aside from anything that He commanded him all the days of his life, except in the matter of Uriah the Hittite." (NKJ)
Therefore since Yahweh did not rebuke David for having more than one wife at the time Yahweh rebuked David regarding Uriah and since in the same passage Yahweh made it quite clear that He had given David Saul's wives, then, when Yahweh says that David did what was right in the sight of Yahweh and had not turned aside from ANYTHING that Yahweh commanded him ALL the days of his life except in the matter of Uriah the Hittite, it means JUST THAT.
In other words, Yahweh says IT IS RIGHT in His sight for David to have married Abigail and the other woman after marrying Michal. It was right in the sight of Yahweh for David to take more wives when he became king in Hebron. It was right in the sight of Yahweh for David to marry Saul's wives. It was right in the sight of Yahweh for David to take his concubines.
The ONLY thing David did wrong of significance, that Yahweh considers worthy of mention, all the days of David's life, related to having intercourse with the wife of Uriah the Hittite which is breaking the Commandment with regard to adultery and having Uriah put to death which is breaking the Commandment with regard to murder. Apart from that, Yahweh says in 1 Kings 15:5 David did what was right in the sight of Yahweh ALL the days of David's life.
If we read further in Acts 13 verses 22 and 23, reporting a statement made a THOUSAND YEARS AFTER David lived "22 "And when He [Yahweh] had removed him [Saul], He raised up for them David as king, to whom also He gave testimony and said, 'I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will.' 23 "From this man's seed, according to the promise, Yahweh (God) raised up for Israel a Savior-- Yahshua (Jesus)--" (NKJ)
So, a thousand years AFTER David's death, Yahweh sees fit to re-state the statement that He made in the beginning when David was anointed as King over Israel, some decade or more before he actually became King "David a man after Yahweh's own heart" - no other man in Scripture receives this accolade! Clearly, a thousand years after David's death, Yahweh STILL regards David as a man after Yahweh's own heart!
Therefore, since David was a man after Yahweh's own heart, we dare not suggest that David was wrong to have more than one wife. On the contrary, we MUST conclude that it is YAHWEH'S OWN HEART for a man to have more than one wife. After all, His only Son is going to marry millions at the "wedding supper of the Lamb".
If we take that a step further, we have seen that Isaiah 4:1 clearly shows that in the Body of True Believers in this age there will be seven times more women than men in the Body and seven is the number of perfection and fulfillment and covenant and completion, it IS Yahweh's OWN HEART for a man who is a true Believer, who truly loves Yahweh, who desires to do that which is pleasing to Yahweh in everything, to have seven wives!
As long as the Body of Believers refuses to take ownership of this principle, millions of souls will be lost!
Serial polygamy is rife in the Body. The judgment for adultery is being poured out even as i speak. Unless we turn from our wicked ways and repent, and forsake the heresy of enforced monogamy, which in 1 Timothy chapter 4 verses one to three Yahweh refers to as a "doctrine of demons .... forbidding to marry" and which Yahweh has described to me on several occasions as "HERESY OF THE WORST KIND", those who do not turn, will be judged severely and pay an awful price on the Day of Judgment.
The Word says that those who are first shall be last and those who are last shall be first. Certainly, many who have gone ahead and continued to propagate the heresy of enforced monogamy have a terrible responsibility to turn from their iniquity = lawlessness = Torah-lessness.
In considering this further, it is vital to understand that the reality of what Torah says concerning marriage is CLEARLY known by the vast majority of Jews and Muslims. In a number of conversations that i have had, arranged by the Father with knowledgeable Jews and Muslims, it has become apparent to me that a fundamental reason why Jews and Muslims do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah is because Christians insist on saying that he introduced enforced monogamy and these people know clearly that Torah permits a man to have more than one wife and Yahweh never changes! Therefore this one doctrine ALONE is a significant factor in keeping people out of the Kingdom of Yahweh!
Furthermore, the hypocrisy that goes with it, in countries where plural marriage is the norm, is breathtaking! In Malawi, for example, sincere "pastors" will permit a Muslim with four wives to convert and accept Yahshua as Messiah and keep his four wives but if a Muslim with only one wife accepts Yahshua as Messiah they refuse him permission to take more wives! As a consequence, many men come to a place of a decision, accept in principle that Yahshua is Messiah but then say "excuse me, since you won't allow me to take additional wives once i've converted, first i must go and take my full complement of wives and then i will come back". Inevitably, few, if any of them ever do come back and, as a result, those souls are lost as a result of this hypocrisy.
In other cases, there are reports in Africa in particular, in Asia, in Polynesia of Missionaries forcing new converts with more than one wife to cast out their second and subsequent wives, causing massive heartache and abandoning those women, in some cases literally to the wolves in cultures which do not understand and are incapable of taking care of a single woman since it is unheard of for there to be such a thing as a single adult woman unless she is a harlot or some other transgressor who has been cast out by her husband. It is only in the Western world, steeped in enforced monogamy, that this situation of abandoned unmarried adult women is considered acceptable.
It is also important to understand that the most superficial consideration of history will reveal that enforced monogamy was first instituted in Rome round about the time of Yahshua. It reached horrific refinement in the time of the Emperor Caligula where serial polygamy as we know it today - monogamous marriage followed by divorce for trumped up reasons was highly refined. Even simple consideration of societies in which enforced monogamy has been practiced in the last two thousand years, and it is important to note that it has ONLY been practiced in the last two thousand years, it was unheard of before about two thousand years ago, will show that it has always been accompanied with divorce, high levels of prostitution, fornication, adultery, murder, intrigue, abortion and sexually transmitted diseases. Enforced monogamy is truly a root of much evil in the world today and has been for two thousand years because it creates fundamentally unstable social settings.
Census data for the United States projected to the year 2001, indicates approximately 10% more women than men in the population of the United States and if one takes account of a realistic expectation that generally women prefer to marry a man who is of the order of five years older and men prefer to marry a woman who is of the order of five years younger than them, you will find that this gives an effective 19% surplus of women in the United States in the year 2001. Note that careful reading of Scripture indicates that an age difference of at least seven years is probably Yahweh's intention with women marrying at puberty (twelve and a half) and men at majority (twenty).
These surplus women are left without hope of a husband except if they can steal a husband from another woman resulting in competition, jealousy and heartache, bitterness and rivalry. Failing that, they are forced to resort to being a mistress in some sort of second rate situation or they resort to prostitution, whether in a formal remunerated fashion or just sexual licence with any man they can get to satisfy their hunger for intimacy. Or they withdraw into seclusion and heartache wondering what is wrong with them when they cannot find a suitable husband. Others end up married to men who are totally unsuitable as husbands, men who come home blind drunk, who beat their wives, subject them to verbal and other abuse and who generally make the lives of their wives hell on earth.
Enforced monogamy is one of the most heartless, callous, vicious and evil practices known to mankind and introduced by Satan in the past 2000 years.
I am not speaking here of people who voluntarily choose to practice a monogamous life style, i am speaking here of people who insist on prohibiting a woman who needs a husband from marrying the man of HER choice and force her to either marry a man who is completely unsuitable, who is carnal and inconsiderate and abusive or else they force her into a state of singleness and often whoredom.
At the same time, the selfishness of women who have a husband and are not prepared to share him with a sister in Messiah who is in need is startling. Women who profess to love the Saviour suddenly turn into callous, competitive, covetous vixens who will not tolerate the suggestion that their husband, who seemingly they regard as some sort of "trophy" should possibly extend his covering to a sister in the faith who is desperate for a husband. I cannot number the men who in discussion have admitted that these principles are Scriptural but have immediately responded by saying "my wife will kill me if she hears me say that". Experience indicates that this is not necessarily hyperbole, i know of one woman who literally beat her husband with a frying pan and another who beat her husband with a rolling pin and tried to stab her husband with a carving knife because she THOUGHT he was considering the possibility!
I urge you, in considering what is said here, to take careful note of the obvious sociological impact of enforced monogamy. It is easily verified by anyone who chooses to look.
Some key facts -- history records that monogamy was first legislated in Rome in the Roman Church as a formal doctrine by the Emperor Justinian in about 615 AD. SIX HUNDRED YEARS AFTER the church would have us believe that Yahshua changed the Torah to introduce enforced monogamy is the first time that monogamy was formally legislated in the church. Prior to that, it was a legislative institution in Rome and the Roman Empire but in the church it was only introduced in about 615 AD - after the Sabbath and been legislated from Saturday to the day of the Sun and after many other perversions of Torah had been legislated.
Taking it further we find in about 925 AD, and this is a fact which is openly recorded in Jewish literature, in Jewish translations of the Torah, Jewish books on marriage, it is known to most Jews who have any interest in the things of Yahweh. In approximately 925 AD, Rabbeneu Gershom, the Chief Rabbi of Europe, legislated enforced monogamy on the Jewish people and prohibited a man from having more than one wife. He introduced a thousand year ban and that thousand year ban was formally renewed early in the twentieth century, about 1925. That is a documented fact known to most Jews.
Why did he legislate it?
Simply -- the persecution of Jews by the Roman "christian church " for having more than one wife had become so severe that as a matter of self protection, Yahweh fearing Jews were obliged to legislate enforced monogamy and do so today for fear of persecution. Yet, even today, "behind the scenes", reports indicate that some and perhaps many Jewish men have "mistresses" with the knowledge and consent of their wives!
Enforced monogamy and all that comes with it is appalling and it is time that those who fear Yahweh and love His truth stand up and oppose this most vile heresy that defiles the Name of our Saviour and keeps millions, perhaps billions, from accepting salvation and condemns millions, if not billions of others to eternal or at best significant torment in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone for their adultery.
In considering what i have just said, recognize that in order to give effect to this false doctrine that Scripture prohibits a man from having more than one wife, it is necessary to discard the truth about virginity. You cannot recognize the taking of virginity as being the act of cutting the marriage covenant if a man can take the virginity of more than one woman, which is a physically incontrovertible fact, and then reconcile that with a doctrine which says that Yahweh intended a man to have only one wife. The two cannot be reconciled so the church had to throw out the relevance of virginity and the marriage covenant cut in the virgin flesh of the woman and institute a pagan marriage ceremony based on Roman pagan practice, which has absolutely nothing to do with anything that you can find anywhere in Scripture and which in fact brings a curse on the "marriage" AND the person who officiates in the office of pagan priest. And has to make use of a pagan symbol of slavery, a "wedding ring" a plain ring, which is a ring of bondage, to symbolize marriage because there is no other way of "knowing" whether a woman is free to marry or not! Furthermore, the "marriage" has no legal standing before the throne of Yahweh, it is what takes place in the marriage bed that determines whether it is marriage or adultery.
With church introduced pagan ecclesiastical marriage, virginity is discarded and the sacredness of marriage is turned upside down. Thereafter, "divorce" (putting away) comes into play and with that adultery becomes the norm. So the hearts of people grow hard and they turn away from the Father and the Son to serving the idol of false marriage doctrines and the demon of enforced monogamy, which is controlled by the Jezebel principality.
I urge you, please consider carefully and re-evaluate what you believe.
It is also important to understand that Scripture permits and provides for EVERY woman to marry and there is no restriction on who she may marry, except that she must marry a believer.
There is no basis for a man to refuse a woman who needs a covering and approaches him for one unless Yahweh clearly tells him not to. We see this in the case of Ruth and Boaz where Ruth went to Boaz and asked for his covering and Boaz commended her for coming to him as a more mature man, presumably with several wives, and asking for his covering. In fact we find that the person who refused to marry Ruth is not viewed favourably in Scripture. It is regarded as not good for a man who is approached by a woman eligible to marry and needing a covering, to refuse her!
To return for a moment to the question of does Yahweh REALLY, really view marriage of more than one woman to the same man as right, let me just refer you to the number of scriptures which say that David did right in the sight of Yahweh in addition to those already quoted:
1 Kings 11:33 "`because they have forsaken Me, and worshiped Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, Chemosh the god of the Moabites, and Milcom the god of the people of Ammon, and have not walked in My ways to do what is right in My eyes and keep My statutes and My judgments, as did his father David." (NKJ)
1 Kings 11:38 "`Then it shall be, if you heed all that I command you, walk in My ways, and do what is right in My sight, to keep My statutes and My commandments, as My servant David did, then I will be with you and build for you an enduring house, as I built for David, and will give Israel to you. (NKJ)
1 Kings 14:8 ""and tore the kingdom away from the house of David, and gave it to you; and yet you have not been as My servant David, who kept My commandments and who followed Me with all his heart, to do only what was right in My eyes;" (NKJ)
1 Kings 15:11 "Asa did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, as did his father David." (NKJ)
2 Kings 14:3 "And he did what was right in the sight of the LORD, yet not like his father David; he did everything as his father Joash had done." (NKJ)
2 Kings 16:2 "Ahaz was twenty years old when he became king, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem; and he did not do what was right in the sight of the LORD his God, as his father David had done." (NKJ)
2 Kings 18:3 "And he did what was right in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his father David had done." (NKJ)
2 Kings 22:2 "And he did what was right in the sight of the LORD, and walked in all the ways of his father David; he did not turn aside to the right hand or to the left." (NKJ)
2 Chronicles 28:1 "Ahaz was twenty years old when he became king, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem; and he did not do what was right in the sight of the LORD, as his father David had done." (NKJ)
2 Chronicles 29:2 "And he did what was right in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his father David had done." (NKJ)
2 Chronicles 34:2 "And he did what was right in the sight of the LORD, and walked in the ways of his father David; he did not turn aside to the right hand or to the left." (NKJ)
A further eleven verses which state that David did right in the sight of Yahweh! David IS THE BENCHMARK!
Going back to Exodus 21:10, cited earlier ""If he takes another wife, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, and her marriage rights." (NKJ) This is absolutely necessary in terms of understanding Isaiah 4:1 which relaxes the requirement for the man not to diminish the food and clothing of the first wife by providing for the subsequent wives to say that they will supply their own food and their own clothing.
So, Isaiah 4:1 relaxes the constraints of Exodus 21:10 making it possible for a man in this age to take as many wives as necessary provided those wives do not expect the man to diminish the food and clothing and marriage rights of the first wife since those women will take responsibility for their own food and clothing. We see today that this is perfectly possible since virtually every woman who is single is her own breadwinner and her own provider who has her own transport and accommodation and for her to join an existing household and pool financial resources will not represent an economic burden on that family, in fact it could result in greater disposal income becoming available!
So, in closing -- Yahweh has said that in the end of the age there will be seven times more women than men in the Body of True Believers, all of those women are entitled to a mature believing husband. Yahweh has clearly said that it is His perfect will for a man to marry more than one woman, in fact He has said that it is HIS OWN HEART. On the other hand, the heresy of enforced monogamy is costing the souls of millions and possibly billions who are unable to accept Yahshua Messiah as Adonai because they know with absolute certainty that there is no way that enforced monogamy is from the Creator. Millions of others, who because of false doctrines regarding adultery and regarding virginity are committing adultery unknowingly and unwittingly and are destined NOT to inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh and to have a part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone which is the Second Death, unless these truths are re-established.
Understand also that what is taught about adultery and the suggestion that adultery is a man having intercourse with another woman if that woman is not married, is also heresy. If the woman is a virgin he marries her, if she is not a virgin she is already married to someone else and then he is committing adultery against that other man. It is as simple as that. But, in order to accommodate the heresy of enforced monogamy the Word of Yahweh has been made of no effect through the doctrines of men.
It is hoped that this article has been helpful.
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