2001.09.1.04 Vital Spiritual Principles Required To Understand What Was Not Seen In The Attacks On The U.S.A. On Tuesday 11 September 2001 Created by James3 on 7/13/2019 3:17:50 PM Vital Spiritual Principles Required To Understand What Was Not Seen In The Attacks On The U.S.A. On Tuesday 11 September 2001
ABSTRACT: The events in the USA on 11 September 2001 in which four aircraft were hijacked, two flown into the World Trade Centre, one into the Pentagon and one crashed in open countryside have shaken the world.
This article examines some of the spiritual context of the current age in order to better understand what happened and, most importantly, how believers and world leaders SHOULD respond to the events. The spiritual state of the world is highlighted as a major factor pointing to the need for Believers to take active steps to restore truth in the Body and the world.
The spiritual deterioration of mankind over the six thousand years since creation is presented graphically to contextualise these events and that which is soon to follow. The continuum between good and evil is presented graphically to facilitate more clearly the dilemma's associated with rightly judging these events. The complexities of this judgment are presented in the context of what is seen and not seen and a graphical representation of the spiritual gulf between Islam and "Christianity" is presented. Some thoughts on Judgment are presented and the hierarchy and method of operation of Satan's kingdom are explained. It is noted that the demons that possessed the hijackers will have survived the explosions and transferred to rescue workers and others in the vicinity and will now fight on the "other side" to foment hatred and anger.
The need to chesed (love) our neighbours and enemies and believe the best of them is stressed.
AUTHOR: James Robertson
PUBLISHED BY: ETI : End Time Issue MinistriesLIST: 1A1: Teaching PUBLISHER: James Robertson
DOCUMENT TYPE: Technical Spiritual Analysis ISSUE DATE: 19 September 2001
PRIMARY SUBJECT: Technical Spiritual Principles Secondary Subject: Responding to disaster
KEY WORDS / KEY PHRASES: end of the age, Satan, demons, hijacking, World Trade Centre, Pentagon, New York, Washington, U.S.A., war, reign with Messiah, good versus evil, spiritual deterioration
KEY VERSE OF SCRIPTURE: Revelation 20:2‑3 "He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished. SUPPORTING ARTICLES: Most articles published to date.
PREVIOUS ARTICLES IN SERIES: 1A1.01.08.11, 1A1.01.09.02, 1A1.01.09.03
NEXT ARTICLE IN SERIES: A specific article on the spiritual interpretation of what happened behind the suicide hijackings in the United States of America will, Yahweh willing, follow shortly.
DECLARATION: I James Alexander Robertson hereby testify before Almighty Yahweh that i have prayed over this document and that i am satisfied that the message is in large measure Scripturally correct and in accordance with the Word AND Will of Yahweh at this time. It is my understanding, by the Spirit, that this document is about 90% as Yahweh would have it. HOWEVER, it i am also advised by the Spirit that the article is shallow in terms of deeper revelation in key areas and that, owing to side journeys taken in my own walk with Yahweh, only 50% of the depth that He would have had in this article is present. I acknowledge my sin in this area and ask readers to forgive me.
I acknowledge and accept that i will be judged for any false statements made by me knowingly or unknowingly and ask Father Yahweh now in the Name of Yahshua Messiah Adonai (the Lord Jesus Christ) that should there be any such errors He judge me in this life that i may come to repentance and not be judged in the life to come.
PRAYER: Father, in the Name of Yahshua Messiah, if there is anything in this document that is not according to Your Word or Your perfect will please prevent it taking root in the heart of the reader and let all that IS according to Your Word and Your Will take deep root in the hearts of all who read it.
A reasonably comprehensive assessment of the vital spiritual principles required to understand what was NOT seen in the attacks on the U.S.A. on Tuesday 11 September and therefore to understand how believers should respond to what WAS seen is presented.
There are enormous paradoxes associated with the events of 11 September in terms of the physical and spiritual realms. How these are to be communicated effectively to the world at large in a manner that will lead to appropriate and effective action represents an enormous challenge. The responsibility of Believers is SIGNIFICANT.
The need for all to chesed (love) their neighbour as themselves and chesed their enemies is a vital objective with ALL who died being viewed as neighbours BUT ALSO those on the other side of the "war" that has been declared. The need to recognize the truth regarding sin in the "Christian" world is a vital component of this.
The events of 11 September must be seen in the context of man's quest to learn all about evil which started in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Hawwah (Eve) ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. This resulted in an exponential explosion of evil on the earth with mankind now caught in a "tailspin" where the increase in evil in four years today is comparable to the increase in the first thousand years after creation. This is shown graphically as an exponential decay curve.
Yahweh is about to arrest this decay by raising up believers anointed with an anointing comparable to that of Yahshua who will take authority on earth. These believers will give the necessary commands for Satan to be cast into the Pit for a thousand years. In order to accomplish this objective, these men must be sanctified and set apart in the service of Yahweh and be cleansed of all sin and evil. Truth must be restored in their lives.
The events of 11 September are a physical manifestation of the intense war between the forces of Yahweh and Satan that is currently building in the spiritual realm. We must become aware of and actively take responsibility and authority in this battle.
These events are also evaluated in the context of a graphical continuum between good and evil which indicates that unless a person is actively drawing closer to Yahweh he will, by default, draw closer to Satan. It is also stressed that visible "good" is NOT a measure of how close a person is to Yahweh - hidden sin can draw a supposed "man of Yahweh" into a place where he will NOT inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh and yet will be seen by men to have been a "good man".
The reality that much of what Muslims find highly offensive about "Christianity" IS justified is noted in the context of "Jihad" and other so-called Muslim "excesses" being simply reaping of what "Christianity" has sown during nearly two thousand years of apostasy! While at the same time there IS serious error on the part of Islam AS WELL! Both parties are wrong and both are right!
It is noted that a "good man" can still be serving Satan if there are certain critical errors in his life and this is likened to a bald front tyre on a very expensive and otherwise completely roadworthy vehicle. It is also pointed out that it is frequently the small points which give rise to large failures.
Recognizing the rich diversity of gifts and callings in the Body of Believers is also an important key to resolving the apparent conflicts in the Body and the world today.
It is noted that the continuum between good and evil is far more complex than can be considered on a two dimensional graph and that it is better represented by a "sombrero" shaped three dimensional solid of rotation with multiple radii representing different truths. Various graphs are presented to highlight various principles. From this the need for holiness and sanctification (set apartness) unto Yahweh becomes increasingly clear.
The manner in which partial truth and partial error has given rise to the massive divide between Islam and Christianity is highlighted. The need to seek GOOD in our neighbours (and our enemies) as opposed to focusing on what is wrong, is identified as a vital requirement. "Believe the best of your neighbour at all times, just as you would have them believe the best of you" is suggested as an appropriate approach. We must seek Yahshua in others and NOT look for Satan in them.
The irony of the hatred between Muslims and Christians, both of whom claim to be serving Yahweh is highlighted as having a terrible impact on the world today. The need to respond in chesed (love) is stressed.
The reality that Yahweh's judgments are JUST and not to be feared if we are truly living according to His Word is stressed. It is also noted that Yahweh is ANGRY with those who claim to be believers and who have full access to His Word but that He is moved with deep compassion toward those who are in ignorance and being kept in ignorance by those who claim to have truth or to lead.
Believers need to cease looking for specks in the eyes of others and cleanse their own eyes of the plank's that are clouding their vision. This applies to BOTH sides of the current divide, both Christians AND Muslims!
An overview of the operation of the kingdom of Satan is provided setting out the roles of Satan, his angels, his demons and the people who are committed to serving him. It is stressed that much of the evil is driven by demons and that the level of demonisation of people on earth is very high. Until believers learn to war effectively in the spiritual realm, very little will change on earth.
It is noted that the people who hijacked the aircraft were almost certainly demon POSSESSED, in other words "illuminati" and that after their death the demons of hatred, murder, etc that possessed them will have transferred themselves to rescue workers and others around the crash sites and, thereafter, to people of great influence in the vicinities of the sites. Those demons will, even now, be fomenting hatred with a view to escalating the situation to all out war!
It is VITAL that we recognize that the REAL ENEMY is Satan and his evil hordes and NOT the human beings on BOTH sides who are used as Satan's pawns in the war for spiritual dominion over the earth.
The need for chesed (LOVE) is again stressed.
In conclusion, believers must seek to urgently remove the massive plank's of error from the eyes of the Body of Believers in Yahshua Messiah. We must own the sin's of our fathers in the faith and repent. We must learn to understand the spiritual realm and cease leaning to our understanding and the things that are seen and must learn to walk in love toward our neighbours AND our enemies.
Above all, we must learn to wage war effectively against Satan and his demons and fallen angels in the SPIRITUAL realm through prayer, intercession and the effective application of the whole armour of Yahweh.
If we will reach out in Yahweh's chesed (love) to ALL parties, we can be the catalyst for healing that Yahweh desires His people to be!
This article should be read as a progression from the two previous articles:
1A1.01.09.02 Are You REALLY Saved? (13 September 2001)
1A1.01.09.02 Satan Is Winning The Battle Hands Down : What Are YOU Going To Do About It? (14 September 2001)
As noted in the preamble to the article "Are You Really Saved?", an enormous number of previous articles on the End Time Issues list provide scriptural, spiritual and world affairs context to these events. Many of these articles are cited in the body of this article. The article "The End Time Calendar As We Currently See It" (reference 1A1.01.03.09, dated 15 March, 2001) also provides important context.
Back issues are available on request, simply email us listing the articles you require. We hope shortly to have consolidated back issues in monthly or quarterly volumes with table of contents, etc suitable for binding.
This article is one of a series directed at progressively building a clear understanding of the events of 11 September 2001 in the context of the spiritual war that is currently waging in the heavenlies for control of the earth.
The critical point is that, as indicated over some time, the scheduled date for Satan to be cast into the Bottomless Pit for a thousand years is fast approaching and, therefore, Satan is doing all he can to prevent this happening and, if he cannot prevent it, to take as many people down with him as possible.
Unless this is clearly understood, the events of 11 September will be misinterpreted and action will be taken which will play directly into Satan's hands!
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