2001.10.1.07 The Spirit Is Moving On The Earth: Report On Visit To The Synagogue Church Of All Nations, Lagos, Nigeria Created by James3 on 7/25/2019 8:17:58 PM The Spirit Is Moving On The Earth: Report On Visit To The Synagogue Church Of All Nations, Lagos, Nigeria
ABSTRACT: This article reports on the visit of the writer to The Synagogue Church of All Nations, Lagos, Nigeria, the ministry of T B Joshua, anointed prophet of Yahweh.
A number of spiritual observations in terms of the manifest power of the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh, numerous healings, dramatic deliverance of witches and wizards and powerful conversion are reported. The deep relationship of the prophet of Yahweh with his Heavenly Father, the deep revelation of the authority of the true believer, the level of Holy Spirit guidance and the overall presence of the Spirit of Yahweh are noted.
A number of insights were gained by the writer and these are summarised. They include a total focus on Yahshua and the future and a rigorous commitment to not comparing ministries. It is noted that we are ALL called to be son's of Yahweh, to do the works that Yahshua did and greater works, that the anointing of the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh IS the power of Yahweh available to mankind and that dramatic conversion associated with deliverance, healing, confession of sins and immersion in the Set Apart Holy Spirit are vital to an effective walk as a believer.
It is noted that Yahweh works where, when and how it suits Him and we must fit in and that His time is always the right time. The importance of the Word and Gifts of Yahweh being free is stressed and the need to recognize the anointing as an extremely precious gift is noted.
It is observed that those who visit Lagos with the wrong heart attitude may, at best experience nothing but at worst may sin grievously and open the door wide to Satan to attack them. Only those with eyes to see what the Spirit would show them will see what there is to see. We are all called to walk as Yahshua walked and those who visit Lagos must expect that Yahweh will expect much of them.
AUTHOR: Dr James Robertson
PUBLISHED BY: ETI : End Time Issue Ministries
LIST: 1A1: Teaching
PUBLISHER: Dr James Robertson
DOCUMENT TYPE: Spiritual Report
ISSUE DATE: 18 October 2001
PRIMARY SUBJECT: The Current Move of the Set Apart Holy Spirit in Lagos, Nigeria
Secondary Subject: The accountability of believers to walk as Yahshua walked
KEY WORDS / KEY PHRASES: anointing, Lagos, Nigeria, T B Joshua, Holy Spirit, Spirit of Yahweh, spirit led
KEY VERSE OF SCRIPTURE: Romans 8:13-17 states "13 For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of Yahweh, these are sons of Yahweh. 15 For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father." 16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of Yahweh, 17 and if children, then heirs-- heirs of Yahweh and joint heirs with Messiah, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together." (NKJ adjusted)
PREVIOUS ARTICLES IN SERIES: 1A1.01.03.02; 1A1.01.03.13
DECLARATION: I James Alexander Robertson hereby testify before Almighty Yahweh that i have prayed over this document and that i am satisfied that the overall message is Scripturally correct and in accordance with the Word AND Will of Yahweh at this time. It is my understanding, by the Spirit, that this document is about 87% as Yahweh would have it.
I acknowledge and accept that i will be judged for any false statements made by me knowingly or unknowingly and ask Father Yahweh now in the Name of Yahshua Messiah Adonai that should there be any such errors He judge me in this life that i may come to repentance and not be judged in the life to come.
PRAYER: Father, in the Name of Yahshua Messiah, if there is anything in this document that is not according to Your Word or Your perfect will please prevent it taking root in the heart of the reader and let all that IS according to Your Word and Your Will take deep root in the hearts of all who read it.
This article should be read in context with the series of articles following the events in the United States of America on 11 September 2001 (the World Trade Centre attacks, etc) and the series of articles relating to the withdrawing of the Grace restraining Satan and the commencement of Great Tribulation and judgment on the earth on the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles on 9 October 2001.
It is important to note that, as a counter point to the massive outpouring of evil on the earth, there will be a massive outpouring of the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh for those who are willing to pay the price of personal sacrifice to receive it. This will take place in order that those who choose to lay down their lives for Messiah can overcome to the end of the Great Tribulation and reign victorious in the coming millennium.
As mentioned in several recent articles, the writer visited the Synagogue Church of All Nations in Lagos, Nigeria, the ministry of T.B. Joshua, apostle and prophet of Yahweh from 25 September to 5 October 2001.
The previous article 1A1.01.10.05 "Lagos, Nigeria - Manger of the Anointing for the Seventh Millennium" (15 October 2001) reported the prophetic significance of the ministry in Lagos.
This article reports the writers personal observations and findings. The ministry concerned ministers using the names Jesus Christ, God and the LORD but the report has been written using the Hebraic terms which have been adopted as standard on the End Time Issues list.
The following spiritual observations were made:
1) The power of the Set Apart Holy Spirit is flowing through the anointed prophet of Yahweh at a level that is comparable to that reported in Scripture to have flowed through Yahshua the anointed One.
2) Healing is common place ranging from people rising out of wheelchairs and walking (two personally observed, one was running the next day), through cancers, HIV / AIDS, paralysis healed, limbs mangled in accidents restored, healing of barrenness, delivery of overdue babies without human intervention, etc. Many are healed without the anointed prophet speaking a word.
3) Demons of killing, stealing and destruction are cast out regularly. Witches, wizards and other demon possessed individuals are arrested by the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh and brought to a saving knowledge of Yahshua Messiah.
4) New converts are CONVERTED, they are brought to intense confrontation with their sin by the power of the Set Apart Holy Spirit, sometimes together with prophetic word. Public confession of sin occurs frequently and is frequently accompanied by dramatic deliverance from demons under the power of the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh. Conversion is also frequently accompanied by healing. Converts are clearly instructed in terms of John 5:14 and John 8:11 to go and "sin no more". Strong emphasis is placed on holiness (set apartness) and seeking to become like Yahshua. Simple visual inspection confirms that people have been converted - their whole facial expression is changed, there is peace and joy manifest in their faces!
5) The change in demeanour and appearance of people in terms of obviously improved physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of those healed, those delivered and those converted is pronounced and remarkable. They have clearly had an encounter with the Living Elohim through the power of His Set Apart Holy Spirit and ministry in the Name of Yahshua Messiah.
6) The anointed prophet of Yahweh walks in an intensely close relationship with his Heavenly Father through the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh and clearly demonstrates the fruit of the Spirit set out in Galatians 5:22-23 love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. This same Spirit is evident in the workers in the ministry.
7) There is clear revelation of the authority of the Believer who is truly led by the Spirit of Yahweh as a son of Yahweh (Romans 8:14) and the authority in and through the Name of Yahshua Messiah and the anointing of the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh.
8) The prophet and his staff are clearly led by the Spirit of Yahweh and meetings and day to day operation run with a frequently non-verbal level of communication and coordination by the Spirit which is inspiring.
9) The presence of the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh on the entire property and particularly over the altar in the assembly hall itself is so intense that visitors do not get tired, there are no unpleasant odours and there is an intense peace that permeates the entire fabric of the ministry.
10) People who are not led by the Spirit or are not aware of the manner in which the Spirit moves have enormous difficulty understanding what is going on. Such people may find mass deliverance with demons being cast out and hundreds if not thousands being healed and delivered simultaneously, frequently with intense physical manifestation, very disconcerting.
Those who ARE sensitive to the Spirit are immensely blessed.
Having witnessed this ministry first hand, the writer has absolute certainty that what is reported in the Scriptures from Matthew onwards IS REAL and operating in Lagos today.
Prophetically, the writer has been told by the Father that it is His desire that ALL His children should walk in the power and authority that is evidenced through T.B. Joshua and in EVEN GREATER POWER and that as this becomes manifest around the world we WILL see the fulfilment of Revelation 20:4 "reigned with the anointing of the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh for a thousand years".
The writer was told by the Father that ALL believers should seek to walk in comparable relationship with Him. This requires that they make the sacrifices to set themselves apart and be executed with the anointing in terms of Galatians 2:20 and other Scriptures referred to in recent articles.
The writer learned a number of important lessons while in Lagos, many of these were from observation and discussion with fellow pilgrims but most were synthesised and integrated at the leading of the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh. In other words, while some of the following principles ARE expressly taught and applied by T.B. Joshua, that which follows does NOT purport to present what he teaches or applies per sè but to provide the writers OWN synthesis of what seemed important to him:
"Yahshua never talked about His past" is an established saying in this ministry. The message, as i received it through interaction with various people is simply that "i" do not matter, where "i" came from and who "i" am is irrelevant, it is where i am going with Yahweh and Yahshua and the Set Apart Holy Spirit that is relevant and it is only Yahweh, Yahshua and the Kingdom of Yahweh who warrant discussion.
T.B. Joshua expressed this also in terms of "if you look behind you your past will destroy you" using the example of an aircraft to make the point that if the pilot of an aircraft tries to fly looking behind him he will crash. This is a widely stated management principle but one that i saw in the context of the faith in a totally new light.
IF we all focus on Yahshua as the way and on where Yahweh is leading us by His Spirit and NEVER look behind us to discuss where we have come from, who we think we are, what our qualifications are, what ministry we "belong to", what denomination we "belong to" and focus ONLY on where we are going, what Yahweh is doing, etc, then one of the major factors giving rise to division in the Body of Believers will instantly disappear!
This principle was touched on in part in article 1A1.01.08.11 "The Evangelism Iceberg in 2001: Strategic Objectives Of The Kingdom Of Yahweh" (21 August, 2001) but took on a whole new dimension of reality for the writer during and after this visit. We must stop lifting ourselves and our ministries up and LIFT UP YAHSHUA (John 12:32 ""And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself."" (NKJ)
Another message that came out of a particular conversation was a rigorous commitment to NEVER compare this ministry with any other, whether favourably or unfavourably. It was stated to me, "THEY ARE ALL PART OF THE BODY, we MUST NOT judge them! If we do we hurt the Body!"
Again, this principle has been touched on in a few messages on the End Time Issues list, particularly 1A1.01.02.12 "Seek Truth Not Error" (24 February, 2001) but i saw it in a whole new light after my visit to Lagos.
Most of us have been raised in an environment which constantly compares and competes and we take that with us into our walk as believers. We must not compare or compete, we must simply seek to draw closer to Yahweh and Yahshua and to be lead increasingly by the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh and to be executed with Messiah (Galatians 2:20) daily.
Yahshua is THE ONLY BENCHMARK of relevance. We must seek to become like Him. The extent to which others are or are not like Yahshua is only relevant if it serves to encourage US to become more like Yahshua. NO OTHER GOAL is worth attaining.
Again, if this principle is applied all division MUST GO. Once we realise that we are nothing without the Set Apart Holy Spirit and that we are nowhere near like Yahshua, then the error or wrong conduct of those on either side of us on the battlefield MUST pale into insignificance relative to our own inadequacy relative to our glorious Saviour!
Romans 8:13-17 states "13 For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of Yahweh, these are sons of Yahweh. 15 For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father." 16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of Yahweh, 17 and if children, then heirs-- heirs of Yahweh and joint heirs with Messiah, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together." (NKJ adjusted)
The writer has been actively to be led by the Spirit of Yahweh every second of every day since 1995 but in Lagos i saw a depth of revelation of this Scripture which was on a far higher plane.
IF we will choose to be LED BY THE SPIRIT OF YAHWEH -- this is not an axiomatic consequence of believing in Yahshua Messiah as Adonai, it is a daily act of the will to seek the guidance of Yahweh and to do what He tells one and to follow His guidance and leading in EVERYTHING one does -- THEN WE WILL BECOME SON'S OF YAHWEH in the full sense of the expression.
Our Heavenly Father desires us to be so close to Him that we see what He sees, hear what He hears, feel what He feels, speak what He speaks and do what He does.
not partly,
not approximately
He wants us to walk in the same and even GREATER authority and power than Yahshua did because Yahshua now sits at the right hand of the Father! In John 14:12 Yahshua states ""Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father." (NKJ)
A statement reported to the writer by another pilgrim who had visited several times and which this person attributed to the prophet of Yahweh in Lagos amounts to simply saying that "if one believes in Yahshua one will do the works that Yahshua did"! Expressed in other terms, "if you are not doing the works that Yahshua did, how can you claim to be a believer?"
This echoes the message that Yahweh gave to the writer to preach at an assembly in Pretoria last year. Basically, the Father said "the word 'Christian' is supposed to signify someone who is 'Christ like', if people cannot see Yahshua in you in your words and deeds, how can you claim to be a 'Christian'?"
Perhaps the most dramatic revelation the writer gained out of this visit was the revelation that ALL OF US are expected by the Father to DO THE WORKS THAT YAHSHUA DID AND EVEN GREATER WORKS!
I am totally convinced that if we DO NOT ASPIRE to this and do all that is required to come to this place, by faith, we will be judged to have been unprofitable servants and foolish virgins. We have the One who created the heavens and the earth dwelling in us, but we keep Him bound in a cage of doubt, unbelief and religious false humility instead of permitting Him to take over our lives and live His life through us!
I don't know how to get there, but He does! That is all that matters, if we will step out by faith, He WILL take us to the place He wants us to be. In subsequent articles it is hoped to share a variety of revelations and principles that have been received in recent months regarding this subject.
The anointing is the manifest power of the Set Apart Holy Spirit of the Living Elohim RESIDENT IN THE BODY of each and every believer. The magnitude of the anointing on each believer is a function of how set apart (holy and sanctified) the believer is, how much time they spend in the Word of Yahweh, how much time they spend in prayer seeking the face of Yahweh and numerous other factors, BUT it IS available to each one of us.
In Lagos i witnessed and experienced the Power of Yahweh through His anointed prophet at an intensity and level of utilitarian application unlike anything i have ever seen or experienced or read about elsewhere.
T.B. Joshua ministers in the Power of the Set Apart Holy Spirit with a level of dexterity that surely equals that of the most qualified medical surgeons. I personally stood immediately next to a man whose hand had been totally mutilated in some accident and was totally deformed. As i watched, the man of Yahweh ministered the Power of the Set Apart Holy Spirit to the deformed hand without making physical contact, moving his own hand in complex motions as he prayed over the hand. As i watched the bones in the mutilated hand rearranged themselves. I don't know if there were creative miracles taking place, it looked like it, but it also looked like numerous dislocated joints were being systematically pulled into shape. It was an amazing experience to watch a completely deformed hand progressively restructure to something close to complete normality in the space of perhaps five minutes WITHOUT any physical contact whatsoever except possibly one momentary touch with a finger tip!!
We had the opportunity to hear the testimonies of a number of people healed at previous meetings but were not there long enough to follow through specific cases. We were, however, able to watch video footage of numerous healing miracles, gross external cancer growths, burn wounds, festering infections, a still born baby brought to life two hours after being born dead, etc, etc all healed when modern medicine said it was impossible.
For readers in Johannesburg, we have copies of a few videos of healings which you are welcome to contact us to see, we also have a few copies of documents with photographs and reports. There are also photographs of some healings on the web site of The Synagogue Church of All Nations which is at www.themaninthesynagogue.org.
The impact of the manifest Power of the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh causing people to fall over, generally away from the person through whom the Power of the Spirit is flowing, is relatively common place, however, in Lagos i witnessed people being drawn up and out of their seats, spun round and ministered to physically for healing in other ways by the Holy Spirit while the anointed prophet of Yahweh was sometimes standing more than ten feet away from them. Led entirely by the Spirit of Yahweh, the prophet sometimes ministers for several minutes to one individual and at other times will walk past a whole row of people without stopping, declaring at the end of the row that all are healed. Many return subsequently with medical certificates to confirm this.
At another meeting, i witnessed the anointed man of Yahweh walking down the aisles in the assembly hall with a wave of power flowing out from him like the bow wave of a ship as people were pushed sideways in their seats by the manifest Power of the Living Elohim as he walked. This took place at a "newcomers service", a meeting at which thousands of people who had visited the assembly for the first time in the previous week received ministry. This powerful manifestation of the Spirit of Yahweh provided a tangible demonstration of the presence of the Living Elohim for many who perhaps a week earlier had no knowledge of Yahweh at all.
I have seen the Power of Yahweh active on many occassions and read reports of amjor moves, but i have never seen the Power of Yahweh ministered so effectively, so precisely and so compassionately as i witnessed it in Lagos! At the same time, i saw that ALL WHO BELIEVE ARE CALLED TO WALK IN THIS POWER AND AUTHORITY! Not necessarily for healing and miracles but in every sphere of human endeavour for the sake of making this world the place of peace, beauty and tranquillity that Yahweh intends it to be!
In witnessing and experiencing the ministry in Lagos, it became critically apparent that for any believer to experience true conversion to the faith, they need to be brought to a place of no compromise confrontation with sin, afforded the opportunity for heart felt repentance, IMMEDIATELY be delivered from all demons that are oppressing them, be healed and immediately be flooded with a significant immersion in the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh in a manner which leaves them with absolute assurance that Yahweh is real and that He has truly touched their lives.
Such a conversion lays a solid foundation for people to grow from strength to strength in Messiah (the anointing) and their relationship with Yahweh and Yahshua!
Another aspect of the ministry that struck me on the first night was a team of people in overalls with gloves and buckets with identity badges saying "Sanitation Department". In every major meeting the prophet of Yahweh offered a mass prayer for the Set Apart Holy Spirit to heal and deliver all members of the congregation, indicated at 120,000 on the night we arrived. As the Spirit moves through the assembly, demons manifest and flee, since many demons gain entry or reside in the mucous membranes and since some illnesses such as cancers, etc are associated with demons, numerous people find themselves releasing physical body wastes as the demons are driven out and the diseases healed. People struggle to the aisles and are helped to open spaces where they can vomit out or excrete the physical manifestations of cancers, tuberculosis, etc.
This is the raw power of the Spirit of the Living Elohim working to set His people free without regard for decorum, social nicety, respectability or decor! BUT, thousands are healed and delivered and converted in every meeting without any personal ministry whatsoever and the earth floor is extremely practical! The sanitation department follow up with buckets of sand, spades and disinfectant!!
As i witnessed these dramatic evidences of deliverance and wrestled to cast my "civilised" mental objections aside, i realised that in all probability Yahshua ministered in much the same way. We read in the Gospels of masses of people healed, of demons screaming at His appearing, etc but we somehow tend to think of it within the confines of the urban respectability with which so many of us have grown up. Yahweh DOES NOT consider our urban respectability important when He wants to touch and heal His people!
Because the anointed prophet of Yahweh is led by the Spirit, the ebb and flow of meetings is entirely at Yahweh's direction.
We arrived in Lagos about 22h00 at night. The meeting had started with the sick being admitted that morning at about 06h45 and the meeting had been on the go all day. On the way from the airport we found ourselves in a traffic jam that must have stretched half way from the airport to the church AND IT WAS GOING TO THE CHURCH! We were told by other pilgrims that it was estimated that there were one hundred and twenty thousand people on the premises and packing the streets around the open sided assembly structure that night! The prophet only started praying for the sick about 23h00 as the Spirit led and the meeting continued to about 06h00 the following morning - a twenty four hour church service! And this is commonplace!
The presence of the Spirit of Yahweh on the entire property is so awesome that we were not even tired!
This experience confirmed the writer's own experience in being led by the Spirit. Yahweh knows when the right time is to minister, if we seek to be led by His Spirit we must be willing to move when He moves and stand when He stands. If that results in an unconventional time table that is HIS prerogative.
Over several years the Spirit of Yahweh has been dealing with the writer concerning all material relating to the Word and gifts of Yahweh being free, to be financed by Yahweh as He sees fit. This includes not taking offerings where congregants are handed a bowl or bag and asked to contribute.
International visitors to The Synagogue Church of All Nations in Lagos must make their own arrangements to get there, but once they get there, provided they have made prior arrangements and travel with a group, they will be accommodated in dormitories on the church premises and fed for the entire duration of their stay at no cost. Organized groups encourage group members to take a selection of foodstuffs with them and clearly visitors should make whatever financial contribution in the form of tithes or offerings as they feel led to make. We were at no time asked for any financial contribution.
Testimonies abound of local people who come to the church in desperation for healing and who leave healed, delivered, converted and often fed and clothed and with a cash contribution to help them start a new life.
All of this is done entirely by faith with no appeals for financial contributions.
In one meeting, T B Joshua likened the anointing on his life to a precious and fragile egg that had to be protected at all costs.
This witnessed strongly with the writer who has twice experienced major visitations by Yahweh both of which were accompanied by massive infillings of the anointing. However, through ignorance and permitting attacks to generate hurt, etc this anointing was allowed to drain away completely.
In subsequent conversation with the Father the day after T B Joshua made the above remark, the writer came to see the body of a believer as a sort of balloon.
If one seeks to be filled and to draw closer to Yahweh and to set oneself apart from the world and one spends considerable time in the Word of Yahweh, in prayer and in praise and worship, this balloon will progressively be filled with the anointing of the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh that the believer will become an anointed one.
Eventually, if one draws close to Yahweh constantly and sanctifies oneself sufficiently, the anointing will start to overflow out of the body of the believer and they will then be walking IN the anointing (in Christ) and will not just have the anointing in them (Christ in us). Then rivers of living water are TRULY flowing out of the belly of the believer. If, in this process the believer strenuously exerts their FAITH to be executed (impaled / crucified) with Messiah (the anointing of the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh) they will come to a place where the physical body is no longer materially alive and it is the life of Yahweh in them which sustains them. At this point the metaphor of the "egg" in a fragile "egg shell" becomes applicable. At this level of anointing and maturity, if the anointing is damaged the egg will be destroyed - the physical body of the believer will no longer be capable of life without the life of the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh indwelling the believer in full measure!
As the balloon fills, unclean living, loose or idle talk, hurt, bitterness, unforgiveness, etc create holes like pinpricks or larger in the balloon. Just "rubbing shoulders" with the world, watching worldly TV, reading newspapers, secular magazines and books, visiting secular entertainment, etc all will drain the life of Yahweh out of the balloon. This is what Yahweh is referring to in 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 "14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 15 And what accord has the anointing of the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? 16 And what agreement has the temple of Elohim with idols? For you are the temple of the living Elohim. As Elohim has said: "I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their Elohim, and they shall be My people." 17 Therefore "Come out from among them and be separate, says Yahweh. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you." 18 "I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says Yahweh Almighty."" (NKJ adjusted)
If a believer has joined themselves sexually to an unbeliever or was joined before salvation and has not been fully delivered and set free of the one flesh bonds, then those one flesh bonds act like sewer pipes draining the life of Yahweh out of that believer, this is what 1 Corinthians 6:16-20 is referring to "16 Or do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot is one body with her? For "the two," He says, "shall become one flesh." 17 But he who is joined to Yahweh is one spirit with Him. 18 Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. 19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh who is in you, whom you have from Elohim, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify Elohim in your body and in your spirit, which are Elohim's." (NKJ adjusted)
This aspect was covered in detail in article 1A1.01.02.11 "The Wrath of Yahweh for the Church : The Judgement for Adultery Part 1" (22 February, 2001). As discussed in that same article, a spouse who joins themselves to the world or who even permits fear, lust, anger, bitterness, doubt or unbelief to take hold of them in any material fashion will also act as a drain allowing the anointing to drain out of the entire house of husband and wives. Such conduct by the wife of an anointed man can cripple the anointing in minutes.
The need for believers ONLY to marry those whom Yahweh appoints and to seek for the entire house to draw close to Yahweh in order to be able to minister effectively takes on a whole new dimension when viewed in this light. Significantly, Proverb 14:1 reports "The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands." (NKJ) A woman who fears Yahweh will build her husband's house by submitting to him in everything, reverencing him, cheseding (loving) him and desiring him according to Scripture. Until the correct order in marriage is restored, particularly in the homes of "Western Christians" the vast majority will experience great difficulty in walking in the power of the anointing.
The writer observed truly ANOINTED people in Lagos. Not just the prophet but his staff and many in the congregation. It was apparent that THESE PEOPLE WERE DIFFERENT! They ARE ANOINTED ONES (Christians / Messianics) AND THEY DO BELIEVE!
It is TOO EASY to pray a simple prayer and then read the Bible and impute all the verses that apply to believers to ourselves. YES we ARE entitled to do that by faith! But there is a world of difference between claiming by faith that "i am impaled with Messiah" (put to death with the anointing) and that "it is no longer i that live but Messiah (the anointing) that lives in me" (Galatians 2:20) and ACTUALLY BEING IN THIS PLACE.
That means, when He tells us to do something, we do it. When He tells us to change our habits, etc, we do it. It means we read His Word daily, spend time in His presence daily, cut out secular entertainment, idle gossip, etc, etc.
To say "i have the mind of Messiah {Christ}" (1 Corinthians 2:16) unless we are fully "impaled {crucified} with Messiah {Christ}" (Galatians 2:20) is gross presumption - we MAY claim it by faith but we should not presume to express ourselves in that vein just because we have read it and claimed it! We must constantly evaluate ourselves against that faith objective and accurately discern the areas of our lives that are NOT YET CONFORMED to the image of Yahshua!
Sadly, there are some people who do not receive what there is to receive and some who do not see what there is to be seen. 1 Corinthians 2:13-16 states "13 These things we also speak, not in words which man's wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of Elohim, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15 But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one. 16 For "who has known the mind of Yahweh that he may instruct Him?" But we have the mind of the anointing of the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh." (NKJ adjusted)
Others visit with a wrong heart attitude, determined to prove that Yahweh will not touch them or refusing to confront the realities of their pride, sin, etc. Such people will easily present distorted and completely wrong reports or return without expected healing or even worse. The writer observed one man repeatedly called to repentance by the Spirit of Yahweh for sin committed after a major encounter with Yahweh years earlier who refused to repent. On leaving to return home this man lost his soul and was taken over by a demon from the family called "The Beast". This has nothing to do with the ministry in Lagos, this man was shown great Grace in being permitted to go to Lagos since he was greatly loved by the Father and was called to a great work. However, in this age, once such grace is disregarded, there is NO further place for repentance (Hebrews 6:4-8, Hebrews 10:26-31, etc).
Those who are open and seek to receive all there is to receive will come back abundantly blessed and filled to overflowing with the rich spiritual treasures of the Kingdom of Yahweh.
At the same time, it is important to recognize that once one has been in a location of such awesome Holiness (set apartness) and anointing and been so abundantly touched by Yahweh, when one leaves to return to the outside world one WILL be confronted by the level of evil in the world on a new plane. Not all may realise this and not all will necessarily notice or experience this manifestation of evil but it IS there. On boarding the aircraft to return to South Africa the writer was so intensely aware of the level of evil in the world that it was necessary to entirely withdraw from the surroundings during the journey in order to prevent the level of unease becoming a source of harm to the anointing. This was noticeable to the writer because of the intense infilling of the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh that he received.
However, ALL who visit Lagos should be aware of the massive spiritual contrast, which has become even greater since the events of 9 October outlined in article 1A1.01.10.03 "The Grace Which Restrained Satan Has Been Removed (2 Thessalonians 2:7)" (12 October 2001) and elaborated on in subsequent articles. This is an important factor in why some who experience healing or deliverance while in Lagos do not retain their healing or deliverance on their return. If one returns from Lagos and deals with a slack hand, continues to have fellowship with the world, fails to spend time in the Word of Yahweh and in His presence daily, one opens oneself WIDE for Satan and his cohorts to take one apart. This ministry is NOT for sightseers, it is for those who are serious about their relationship with Yahweh!
We each have a choice in serving Yahweh, whether to go all the way and seek all there is to serving Him or to limit our willingness to give to Him and thereby limit the extent to which we can receive from Him. Tragically, as a global mass of people, very few even know that the Elohim who has put Himself so dramatically on display in Lagos exists, even fewer truly believe in His awesome power and even fewer aspire to walk in that which Yahshua purchased on the stake at Golgotha.
The question we all have to ask ourselves is:
"if i believe the Bible is true, why am i not doing the same works that Yahshua did?"
Whatever we answer to that question, IF we truly aspire to serve Yahweh with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and to hear those words "well done thou good and faithful servant" at the end of our lives, we must surely claim by faith that we should walk in the full measure of the anointing that Yahweh has appointed for us in whatever He has called us to do.
This does not mean that we should all go out performing notable miracles of healing and power, but it DOES mean that in whatever we do the wisdom and anointing of the Living Elohim should be clearly evident to those around us that, like Daniel, it may be said of us "Then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king gave thought to setting him over the whole realm." (NKJ Daniel 6:3))
We have the opportunity to do GREAT EXPLOITS FOR YAHWEH IN THIS AGE and therefore to be found to be PROFITABLE SERVANTS!
Should you decide that you would like to experience the power of Yahweh first hand, or should you require healing, there are contact details on the web site at:
and the ministry can be emailed at:
However it is preferable to make contact with a person who is organizing a formal group pilgrimage led by someone who has been there before and knows the routines, etc. Those in South Africa could contact Linda Gradwell at mlgrad@qwest.co.za who regularly arranges groups.
It is not advisable to arrive unannounced, the assembly is extremely large and there are generally a substantial number of visitors. It is therefore likely to be problematic for staff to provide assistance to a person arriving on their own. Going as part of a group with an experienced tour leader will ensure that one participates to the fullest extent possible and therefore gains the greatest possible spiritual benefit.
A word of caution on a prophetic note.
What Yahweh is doing through His anointed servant in Lagos is of IMMENSE spiritual significance in this age, as set out in the message 1A1.01.10.05 "Lagos, Nigeria - Manger of the Anointing for the Seventh Millennium" (15 October 2001).
Let those who recognize that there is no oil in their lamps go to Lagos for fresh oil (Matthew 25:1-13) and let those who need healing go for healing.
BUT recognize that each of us will be called to account on the Day of Judgment for what we do with the gifts and talents that we receive in this life (Matthew 25:14-30). The anointing that Yahweh is pouring out in Lagos is A PEARL OF GREAT PRICE (Matthew 13:45-46 "45 "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, 46 "who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it." (NKJ)
Those who avail themselves of the opportunity to travel to Lagos and then go and hide this treasure in the ground will eventually be confronted with Matthew 25:30 "'And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'" (NKJ).
For anyone who is truly serious about serving Yahweh in this age, i truly believe that at least one visit to sit under the anointing there is absolutely essential. Yahweh willing, i hope to return shortly. There is much to learn and much to be gained to assist us in what we are called to do!
It is hoped that this article has challenged readers to aspire to a level of anointing and relationship with Yahweh and the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh that is exceedingly, abundantly beyond anything they have previously asked or imagined (Ephesians 3:20).

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