2001.10.1.14 An Important Update: Responding To The Tribulation That Is Upon Us Created by James3 on 7/27/2019 2:23:37 PM An Important Update: Responding To The Tribulation That Is Upon Us
ABSTRACT: As increasing revelation concerning the full magnitude of the Great Tribulation that is now upon us is being given to the writer, together with increasing revelation as to how to respond and overcome in this age, we are faced with capacity constraints.
Accordingly some articles will be published with less rigorous quality control and presentation formatting with a view to communicating as much as possible of what is given to us. This article serves to overview the situation and critical issues as we see them at present with a view to previewing some of what we understand Yahweh to require to be published on this list in the days ahead.
The full horror of what is happening in the spirit realm is reviewed and the terrible pain that the Father is experiencing as those He loves are plucked from His hand because of their sin is expressed. It is suggested that deep chesed {love} for Yahweh may be the only way that many will escape destruction. It is stressed that Matthew 24:21-22 indicates that this is a time like no other before or after and that ignorance of Torah (the commandments of Yahweh) is no excuse.
Satan's dual objectives of keeping any man from being in a position to give the command to send him to the Pit and at the same time seeking to destroy as many believers as possible is noted. Increasing confirmation that massive destruction is coming upon the USA and Western Europe, a word of a million fires and thousands of atomic explosions is noted. Yahweh is calling His true followers to "come out" physically from certain nations unless He specifically tells them to remain. He is calling all to His Holy mountains, which are places of relatively great presence of Yahweh around the world.
This season is the season of travail prior to the birth of the sons of Yahweh referred to in Romans 8:18‑25. To become these sons and do greater works than Yahshua did requires intense personal relationship with Yahweh, as a son and friend, intense chesed for Yahweh, intense sanctification (set apartness), intense revelation of the Word, intense revelation of the authority of the believer, great faith and the required anointing of the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh. Believers must learn to walk in the authority of the believer and in the anointing, in a manner that is comparable to operating a major piece of earth moving machinery, a ship or an aircraft. Those who come to the required place will be able to physically move mountains if that is what Yahweh requires of them.
At this time the entire body of believers are trapped in heresy and error and this has greatly disempowered the body.
The major differences between the interpretation of Bible prophecy offered by the writer and most other interpretations is briefly explained in terms of understanding that such prophecy is intended to guide a limited number of prophets and intercessors to bring Yahweh's will into being and then to confirm that this has happened AFTER the event. Readers are advised to go direct to Yahweh for confirmation of all matters of importance raised on this list.
AUTHOR: Dr James Robertson
PUBLISHED BY: ETI : End Time Issue Ministries
LIST: 1A1: Teaching
PUBLISHER: Dr James Robertson
DOCUMENT TYPE: Prophetic interpretation
ISSUE DATE: 22 October 2001
PRIMARY SUBJECT: Important issues in the current tribulation
Secondary Subject: Overview of forthcoming articles
KEY WORDS / KEY PHRASES: judgment, Great Tribulation, anointing, sons of Yahweh, kings, destruction, USA, atomic explosions, chesed, love
KEY VERSE OF SCRIPTURE: Romans 8:18-19 "18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of Elohim." (NKJ adjusted)
SUPPORTING ARTICLES: Many that have been posted on the list
PREVIOUS ARTICLES IN SERIES: No specific article, most articles in October 2001
DECLARATION: I James Alexander Robertson hereby testify before Almighty Yahweh that i have prayed over this document and that i am satisfied that the message is Scripturally correct and in accordance with the Word AND Will of Yahweh at this time. It is my understanding, by the Spirit, that this document is 78% as Yahweh would have it. I declare that those statements in quotations attributed to Yahweh are a verbatim transcript of what was said to me.
I acknowledge and accept that i will be judged for any false statements made by me knowingly or unknowingly and ask Father Yahweh now in the Name of Yahshua Messiah Adonai that should there be any such errors He judge me in this life that i may come to repentance and not be judged in the life to come.
PRAYER: Father, in the Name of Yahshua Messiah, if there is anything in this document that is not according to Your Word or Your perfect will please prevent it taking root in the heart of the reader and let all that IS according to Your Word and Your Will take deep root in the hearts of all who read it.
This article should be read in context with the series of articles following the events in the United States of America on 11 September 2001 (the World Trade Centre attacks, etc) and the series of articles relating to the withdrawing of the Grace restraining Satan and the commencement of Great Tribulation and judgment on the earth on the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles on 9 October 2001.
It provides further confirmation of the extent of the darkness that is come upon the earth.
This message is intended as a short overall statement of direction for the End Time Issues list in light of the events since 9 October 2001, the commencement of THE Great Tribulation.
This message is offered as a reasonably informal note to those on the list in contrast with the relatively formal publishing style which has become customary and follows the last few mails in this style.
In the last few days the writer has been inundated with revelation and also received a number of messages which have confirmed the situation in greater detail. The writer has also been permitted to experience first hand the gut wrenching grief that the Father is experiencing as He sees more and more of those He loves falling away and wrenched out of His heart by Satan bringing valid charges in the Court of Heaven for which there is no more grace! I cannot begin to describe the horror and the anguish that He experiences every time ONE of us is ripped from His hand and His heart and Satan triumphantly proclaims for all to hear "that defense is FORBIDDEN!" He permitted me to experience this on Saturday night and i cannot begin to describe it.
I also cannot describe the lengths that the Father and Yahshua go to in seeking for some unrecognized merit or blessing that can be mobilised to provide one more opportunity for repentance and deliverance to those in this situation. He truly desires that ALL men should be saved but the level of lawlessness (Torahlessness) which is iniquity, the level of false doctrine, the level of complacency and presumption. The level of gross sinfulness in the body of believers today is making it exceptionally difficult for Him to find any basis whatsoever to avoid handing down the sentences that Satan is demanding in the Court of Heaven.
At the moment it appears that chesed {love} is the ONLY basis available for clemency and relaxation of judgment, for 1 Peter 4:8 states "And above all things have fervent chesed {love} for one another, for "chesed {love} will cover a multitude of sins.""
(NKJ) also Proverbs 10:12. But this is not the soft, easy going carnal "love" more correctly "lust" that we so readily subscribe to, this is the totally committed, totally passionate, all giving, unselfish love [chesed] which took Yahshua to the stake and kept Him there even when He had done NO WRONG and could have cried out at any moment to the angels to take Him down! Such great chesed {love} will over-rule the legal interpretation of the Torah in certain instances and explains the paradox of some of the forbidden marriages presented in the article yesterday, particularly Abraham and Sarah, Boaz and Ruth and Amram and Jochebed (the parents of Moses, Aaron and Miriam) where a great commitment to the service of Yahweh and to one another in an environment where such commitment was rare resulted in Yahweh relaxing the restrictions on marriage to close relatives or forbidden families. In the case of David and Bathsheba, deep and sincere repentance coupled with deep chesed for Yahweh and one another caused Yahweh to favour that marriage above all of David's other wives!
The volume of revelation and important material is such that i am faced with either not communicating a number of items that i feel are really important or on cutting back on the publishing time cycle by reducing the level of document quality assurance and refinement and publishing on a somewhat "quick and dirty" basis. I feel impressed to follow the latter route, Yahweh willing only for a few days. For this reason it is expected that there will be far fewer Scripture references and scripture extracts and may be a few more grammatical, typographical and other errors. Please concentrate on the heart of the message.
We are earnestly praying for someone to join the ministry who has the talents in writing, etc who can take care of the final document preparation and publishing while i focus on generating content. Your prayers in this regard would be most welcome.
In this message i would like to give an informal overview of the things which, Yahweh willing, will be published later today and in the days ahead, in order to give readers some appreciation for how complex the current change in the Spiritual situation is, how MASSIVELY challenging it is for EVERY ONE OF US and some of the issues which represent the essence of these challenges.
While appreciating that readers are under serious time constraints, please make every effort to read the messages that are coming off this list and to forward them to as many people as possible. Matthew 24:21-22 states "21 "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22 "And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened."" (NKJ) That which is NOW UPON US has never before been and shall never be again! Please accept that we are all judged according to the information available to us, it is therefore really important that you read and act on what you read and pass on as Yahweh requires of you.
Our entire experiential precedent of our walk as believers, the entire experiential precedent of believers from Adam to today, DOES NOT EQUIP US for what is now upon the earth.
In the time of Moses, the people of Israel were spared the worst of the plagues, today, apart from those who truly sanctify themselves and set themselves apart in the shadow of Yahweh's wings, ALL believers will be touched and MOST will find that their faith and their consecration is so weak that they will be destroyed. Even those who are strong in their faith and their relationship with Yahweh will find themselves under massive attack and, if they enquire will find that their lives are grossly contaminated with sin in the area of false doctrine and heresy that they have believed in complete sincerity, sometimes for all their lives. Widows and other single women and women married to unbelievers are in a particularly vulnerable position. Women married to unbelievers are urged to petition Yahweh urgently for salvation of their husbands or deliverance from their marriages and marriage to a man committed to serving Yahweh. Those who are single should petition urgently for a mature husband in Yahweh and recognize that such a man must, of necessity in terms of Isaiah 4:1 be already married. Men and women in the faith who are married must confront their prejudice and open their hearts to take single women into the full covenant of righteous marriage as a matter of urgency.
The worldly dictum "ignorance of the Law is no excuse" has become a reality in the Body of Believers and particularly amongst those who still regard themselves as "Christians" and have not taken to using the true Names of Yahweh and Yahshua. Satan is currently examining the lives of everyone who has EVER called on the Name of Yahshua OR Jesus and is compiling lists of EVERY single error in every one of our lives!
Satan is formulating his plan of campaign with two objectives:
1) Keep every man on earth today from coming to a place of set apartness, holiness and sanctification and revelation of truth in order to be able to issue the command to the angel who must cast Satan into the Pit for a thousand years.
2) Destroy as many believers as possible, BOTH strong and weak, his primary focus will be on those who are strong and committed but, right now, with grace withdrawn, he is going to take out the weak as well in case they become strong.
In the Spirit i see the increase of evil attack climbing almost vertically. I continue to see visions of massive destruction, both physically and spiritually -- particularly in the United States and Europe. I hear the Father saying urgently to all of His people "come out of her my people" (Revelation 18:4). To those in the United States and Europe i understand this to be a physical coming out - i understand Him to be saying that UNLESS you know that you know that you know that Yahweh wants you to remain in these Nations, you should physically flee to the mountains! I also understand that this is NOT the physical mountains of the earth but the spiritual mountains, those places where the presence of Yahweh is VERY strong, i see two mountains at present but am aware that there are many more which will be shown to those who seek. By far the largest mountain is in Lagos, Nigeria, as reported recently. Another mountain, much smaller, is in Randburg, northwest of Johannesburg, South Africa, the so-called "Bible belt of South Africa" where the writer is resident.
There are also many valleys of massive destruction, New York City is a canyon of doom and despair as reported recently. The destruction there will be swift and sure and will cause the entire world to gasp as she is destroyed in ONE HOUR as foretold on 11 September when the final warning was given to the USA. Yet the message was not heard, instead, those who have murdered millions of unborn infants have turned their technology to the murder of innocent women and children in Afghanistan, the judgment that is about to be poured out on the Nations that perpetrate these acts will be terrible to behold!
This morning as i stepped out into our garden for a moment i heard bird song of clarity and diversity that we seldom hear in this part of the world, a Robin and others sang in perfect harmony such as i have seldom heard anywhere and the sounds of the city and traffic were hardly audible, it reminded me of some of the most beautiful English country sounds that i have ever heard. The Word of Yahweh came to me "soon the birds will be silent in mourning, soon the dust of a million fires will cloud the skies that the sun will not be seen for many days". The situation after Krakatoa came to mind and i understood this referred to the aerial fallout from thousands of atomic explosions!
I understood that Africa was the safest continent and that South Africa, by virtue of the massive forgiveness and reconciliation that has followed the change of Government, is spiritually the SAFEST NATION ON EARTH!
This was seen in the context of a message received yesterday which demonstrates clearly the scriptural basis for the judgment that is coming on first and foremost the United States of America as "Babylon the Great" according to Revelation 18 and also on much of the Western World. It was also seen in the context of the message on the black beam on the Dome of the Rock. There are a series of messages in course of preparation regarding the interpretation of this vision and the prophetic word that accompanied it. The message is gut wrenching and paradigm rattling - it confronts the very core of what the majority who call themselves "Christian" have grown up believing and been told in virtually every assembly in virtually every denomination in virtually every nation of the world. It is a message for those who Chesed {Love} Yahweh so much that it does not matter how much their paradigm is confronted they WILL STAND WITH HIM and change as He requires it.
This morning i received a series of messages from the Anzac prophetic list, some of which confirm aspects of what has been posted in recent weeks, some extend and some appear to contradict to a point. Massive revival is foretold but also massive judgment on the "church". It is vital to understand that massive outpouring of evil and massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit to those who see what is happening and run to the mountains of Yahweh and drink deep of that which ONLY HE CAN OFFER, go hand in hand. It is hoped that the messages in recent weeks HAVE made this juxtaposition visible even though for the next two years the destruction will be far more visible than the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The whole world is entering the travail of the birth pangs of the sons of Elohim (sons of God = sons of Yahweh) on the earth to bring to fruition the work begun by Yahshua two thousand years ago. Romans 8:18-25
"18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of Elohim. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; 21 because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of Elohim. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. 23 Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body. 24 For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees? 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance." (NKJ)
The birth will be bloody and painful and accompanied with great cries of anguish. But once the child which is the anointed sons of Yahweh who will reign on earth for the next thousand years has been delivered, we will progressively see the light of the world shine forth around the globe. But even this will, for many centuries, be accompanied by great opposition until the child that was born in 1997, the anointing for the millennium and those who are to carry it, grow to full maturity in Yahweh and His Holy Spirit and are able to rule AND reign with consummate authority, power in the chesed {love} of Yahweh and great faith in Yahweh and His anointing.
These men and women must walk in the full power of the Spirit, just as Yahshua did and they must perform GREATER works than Yahshua did because He sits at the Right Hand of the Father.
To do this, they require a TOTAL revelation of Yahweh, Yahshua and the Set Apart Holy Spirit AND the Anointing of the Set Apart Holy Spirit. This requires the following critical components - 1) relationship, 2) revelation, 3) chesed for Yahweh, 4) revelation of the Word of Yahweh, 5) authority, 6) faith and 7) anointing:
1) Intense deep relationship with Yahweh AND the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh. Yahweh will speak to them face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.
2) Intense revelation of the chesed {love} of Yahweh and INTENSE no holds barred passionate love for Yahweh as Father and Saviour. This requires a recognition of those things which most move the Father's heart, the poor, the homeless, those who have been utterly persecuted by Satan, the widows and orphans, those believing women in abusing marriages to unbelievers as a consequence of the heresy of enforced monogamy, those who are in prison, the prostitutes, the drug addicts, etc. UNLESS one develops a passion for the unsightly and unclean people whose state simply reflects the extent to which Satan hates them, one cannot begin to chesed as Yahweh chesed's!
To help the writer understand this, this morning the Father said to me, "if you would understand my chesed, you must understand it in the context of a man who truly passionately cheseds {loves} his wife -- loving every single part of her body, even the parts which are regarded as unclean. This is how I love the body of believers AND those who have yet to be granted the opportunity to believe. I passionately love every one of them, even those who are regarded by the world as unclean, defiled and beyond redemption. For even as the most private part of a woman's body, when washed, perfumed and aroused with desire for her husband is a thing of great beauty to a man who is sensitive to such things, so the homeless, the prisoners, the defiled, desolate and destitute, are of great beauty to me when they are cleansed and perfumed by the anointing of my Set Apart Holy Spirit and then present themselves to me in totally abandoned worship!"
3) Intense sanctification (set apartness / holiness), cleansing of all spiritual and emotional hurts, life shocks, hardening of the heart, deliverance from all demons, cleansing by immersion and anointing for removal of all demonic residues, cutting off of curses, renouncing all wrong and idle words, critical examination of all sin in one's life accompanied with sincere and full repentance and turning around.
4) Intense revelation of the Word and Kingdom of Yahweh accompanied with forsaking all doctrines of men and doctrines of demons.
5) Intense revelation of the authority of the believer and specifically the authority that Yahshua regained for mankind through His death and resurrection and which He gave to US as well as intense revelation of what it means to be a son of Yahweh and a clear cut decision to walk in that revelation.
6) Great faith which is a consequence of the previous points. This faith will ONLY work if it is underpinned by GREAT CHESED {love} for Yahweh.
7) The anointing of the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh that is required to get the job done. This requires a MASSIVE infilling of the Set Apart Holy Spirit and ongoing maintenance and protection of the anointing through a life of holiness (set apartness) and total commitment to Yahweh. With this, a revelation of the anointing of the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh as counsellor, comforter, friend, helper and servant (as in a senior steward of the house such as Eliazer the servant of Abraham) in support of the believer in the office of priest and king to Yahweh AND how to operate in and through the anointing.
There are enormous challenges inherent in what is written above and the writer is still earnestly seeking greater understanding of what has already been revealed. More detailed articles on this subject will, Yahweh willing, follow shortly.
In understanding all these things, the massive extent to which Satan has trapped the entire body of believers in error and heresy has to be confronted together with recognition of the formidable diversity of issues that have disempowered the body of believers and made virtually all of us prisoners of Satan to some extent because we have believed his lies. Yahweh willing there are various articles in course of preparation and envisaged that will discuss these factors in more detail.
In terms of walking in the full authority of believers, as set out above, Yahweh has shown this to me as being like driving a massive piece of earth moving machinery, or truck or car. The power that drives things is the chesed {love} of Yahweh. Yahweh IS chesed {love} and love is greater than all things. Faith operates by chesed {love}, without chesed, faith is powerless!
Faith is the "clutch" which releases the power of chesed into the machinery of the anointing. Like the clutch on a car, the clutch of faith must be released smoothly and the accelerator of chesed must be depressed smoothly and to the appropriate level and then held in order to mobilise the anointing in the service of Yahweh activated by the wholly submitted WILL of the believer. If there is clutch "judder" in faith, in other words double mindedness or doubt and unbelief or tension, fear, anxiety, strife, etc, faith will not work. If there is no chesed or if the believer is self centred instead of centred on Yahweh, there will be no power, it will be like the petrol tank is empty!
The Set Apart Holy Spirit is given to us to counsel us, advise us, teach us and to assist us by driving the immensely powerful "machine" which is the anointing. In a sense, the Set Apart Holy Spirit is the captain of the anointing in the same way that a captain directs a ship - the directions for the ship are given to the Believer by Yahweh, the believer then gives directions to the Holy Spirit who then directs the anointing to operate in execution of the instructions.
This metaphor is incomplete and not fully understood but it is clear to the writer that once one grasps in practice what the Spirit of Yahweh is speaking about here and put's it into practice, then MOUNTAINS WILL BE MOVED!
Yahweh willing, there will be more on this in the days ahead.
There is much else in process which, Yahweh willing, will be published shortly.
A number of people have commented that the interpretation of end time events given on this list is drastically different from that heard elsewhere. The answer to this is firstly that Bible prophecy is NOT given for fortune telling, it is given to establish the legal basis for Yahweh to act in the earth. If Satan knew the interpretation of Bible prophecy beforehand he would wreak so much havoc in the earth that no believers would survive. Yahweh conceals the correct interpretation through metaphor, simile, deliberate apparent parallels that are not parallels and apparent contradictions that only resolve themselves at the last possible minute.
Thus the fulfillment of Bible prophecy will ONLY be revealed ahead of time to a prophet or prophets IF necessary for Yahweh to accomplish His purpose and then only at the LAST POSSIBLE minute and even then in veiled form. It is only AFTER the prophecy is fulfilled that it becomes relevant for others to understand the interpretation. It is hoped to write further on the subject of interpretation of Bible prophecy in due course.
By way of example, an intercessor half way round the world was impressed by the Spirit to intercede for the writer and many other things in groanings of the spirit that could not be comprehended for a period of three weeks before the Great Day of Tabernacles and was independently led to grieve and to stand in the gap for the writer when the writer felt he was facing death on the Day. We only discovered this a few days later and the writer only knew a day later what exactly had happened. This is important since it is possible that we were the ONLY two people who knew beforehand that something of this magnitude was going to happen and then we did not know exactly what it was. Yahweh only needed two witnesses to pray in perfect harmony by His Spirit for His will to be accomplished! He did not even need us to know what it was about beforehand, only that we would be obedient! This is VITAL to understanding the interpretation of Bible Prophecy and ALSO to refuting the numerous arguments that Satan is likely to offer regarding why this interpretation cannot be valid.
Finally, the function of the writer is as a watchman, to hear what Yahweh says and to communicate it. Those who receive these communications are accountable to Yahweh for what they do with them. Insofar as we ALL have the Set Apart Holy Spirit within us and we are commanded to call NO MAN teacher, all who have concerns regarding the correctness of what is reported on this list are encouraged to go directly to Yahweh. Intellectual debate will seldom if ever resolve matters of a prophetic nature.
It is hoped that this assists in further defining the direction that things are going and will serve the purpose of placing documents that follow in the days ahead in a more congruent context.
This report provides further confirmation of what is happening in the World today and it is hoped that readers will take action to strengthen their faith and grow closer to Yahweh that they may overcome in the perilous times in which we live.

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