2001.10.1.16 Prophetic Context To Current Tribulation Prisons, Apostate Church, Street Church Created by James3 on 7/27/2019 2:44:55 PM Prophetic Context To Current Tribulation Prisons, Apostate Church, Street Church
by Various Prophets
ABSTRACT: This article presents three prophetic messages received from the Anzac prophetic list on 22 October. These provide specific confirmation of certain statements made on the ETI list in recent weeks and additional insight of what Yahweh is saying.
The first message relates to those in prison and other rejects of society being regarded by Yahweh as precious jewels in His Kingdom because of their spiritual sensitivity and the zeal with which they will serve Him once converted.
The second message relates to the role of Satan within the church and the failure of ordained "men of God" to preach the full, unadulterated Word of Yahweh. Yahweh is seeking for men who will stand for the full truth of His Word. This word was given in the 1970's and Yahweh indicates that the failure of believers to embrace the entire truth of His Word is a major factor behind the judgment and Tribulation that has now come upon believers in particular and the world in general.
The third message relates to Yahweh taking His people out of formal assemblies into city-wide congregations that meet as the Spirit leads. In the commentary it is noted that the advent of the family of demons called "The Beast" which is rapidly infiltrating the church and taking over many who have fallen into Satan's trap of touching Yahweh's anointed and continuing to preach false doctrines even when afforded the opportunity to correct, means that the fulfilment of this prophecy will only be visible to those with eyes to see.
These three messages together continue to develop the extreme gravity of the situation facing the world and the body of believers in this hour. Readers are cautioned NOT to speak against any person who has ever been anointed by Yahweh, no matter how apostate they become. Judgment belongs to Yahweh and He will judge those who touch those He has anointed, even if they are apostate. If Yahweh chooses to rebuke such a man He will do so through His prophets who will speak directly to the man concerned, not on web sites, newspapers, journals or other public media.
WRITERS: Bill Yount, unknown, Andrew Strom, commentary by Dr James Robertson
PUBLISHED BY: ETI : End Time Issue Ministries
LIST: 1A1: Teaching
PUBLISHER: Dr James Robertson
DOCUMENT TYPE: Prophecies and commentary
ISSUE DATE: 22 October 2001
PRIMARY SUBJECT: Prophecies regarding the church and the age
Secondary Subject: Judgment of the church is imminent
KEY WORDS / KEY PHRASES: judgment, prisons, street churches, fall of the formal church, apostasy, missions, revival
KEY VERSE OF SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 25:32‑38 "32 Thus says Yahweh of hosts: "Behold, disaster shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the farthest parts of the earth. 33 "And at that day the slain of Yahweh shall be from one end of the earth even to the other end of the earth. They shall not be lamented, or gathered, or buried; they shall become refuse on the ground. 34 "Wail, shepherds, and cry! Roll about in the ashes, you leaders of the flock! For the days of your slaughter and your dispersions are fulfilled; you shall fall like a precious vessel. 35 And the shepherds will have no way to flee, nor the leaders of the flock to escape. 36 A voice of the cry of the shepherds, and a wailing of the leaders to the flock will be heard. For Yahweh has plundered their pasture, 37 And the peaceful dwellings are cut down because of the fierce anger of Yahweh 38 He has left His lair like the lion; for their land is desolate because of the fierceness of the Oppressor, and because of His fierce anger."" (NKJ adjusted)
SUPPORTING ARTICLES: Many that have been posted on the list
PREVIOUS ARTICLES IN SERIES: Most articles in September and October 2001
COPYRIGHT: All copyright in articles published by ETI is waived. The Word of Yahweh is a free gift and readers are encouraged to distribute these materials as widely as they feel led. Readers are free to make use of extracts and partial quotations as they see fit and are asked only to consider their accountability on the Day of Judgement if they do so.
DECLARATION: I James Alexander Robertson hereby testify before Almighty Yahweh that i have prayed over this document and that i am satisfied that the message is largely Scripturally correct and in accordance with the Word AND Will of Yahweh at this time. It is my understanding, by the Spirit, that the core documents are 80% as Yahweh would have then and the heart of the messages are accurate. I declare that the statements i have placed in quotations in the portions written by me and attributed to Yahweh are a verbatim transcript of what was said to me.
Insofar as the bulk of this article makes use of documents from other sources, the publication of this information does not constitute endorsement of those ministries by ETI or endorsement of ETI by those ministries. The articles have been included as received barring minor formatting. Insofar as certain nomenclature and other statements in these articles does not accord with that applied at ETI, readers are encouraged to discern for themselves what is correct in the sight of Yahweh.
I acknowledge and accept that i will be judged for any false statements made by me knowingly or unknowingly and ask Father Yahweh now in the Name of Yahshua Messiah Adonai that should there be any such errors He judge me in this life that i may come to repentance and not be judged in the life to come.
PRAYER: Father, in the Name of Yahshua Messiah, if there is anything in this document that is not according to Your Word or Your perfect will please prevent it taking root in the heart of the reader and let all that IS according to Your Word and Your Will take deep root in the hearts of all who read it.
These three prophetic messages are back issues received today (22 October 2001) from the ANZAC Prophetic List after i subscribed to it a few days ago.
They were received in this sequence and i was impressed to combine them in one article. They provide some confirmatory context to what has been published in recent weeks.
The first article stresses that many of the most spiritually sensitive people are in prisons. Yahweh showed the writer in 1995 that many of the most spiritually sensitive women in the world are in prostitution or witchcraft as a consequence of the wrong doctrines of the church.
The second article expresses Yahweh's view of the apostate church in harsh terms. The dream was apparently given in the 1970's, in other words about thirty years ago. The church has failed to correct the numerous wrongs in doctrine. It has failed to restore the true Names Yahweh and Yahshua, failed to reinstate the seventh day (Saturday) Sabbath and failed to teach the stake instead of the cross. It has failed to teach the truth that it is Yahweh's perfect will for more than one woman to marry the same man and that Isaiah 4:1 indicates there will be seven times more women than men in the body of true believers in this age. This insistence on propagating what Yahweh refers to as "the abominable heresy of enforced monogamy" has resulted in wholesale fornication, divorce, abortion, unscriptural "age of consent" laws and hundreds millions of devastated and hurt women and billions of souls in hell.
These and the failure to correct the many other terrible falsehoods that have been preached in the name of "Jesus Christ" regarding abolition of Torah, cheap grace, etc despite graphic prophecies such as that contained below, have now brought about a situation where the harsh judgments prophesied on the ETI list in recent weeks must now be effected by Yahweh. Very few of those in formal ecclesiastical positions will survive, very few of those who regard themselves as strong believers will survive. The vast majority have read prophecies like these as applying to others and not recognized that THEY are the objects of the prophecies.
The third prophecy speaks of a break down of formal organized brick and mortar churches in favour of a "street church". This has been taking place for many years on a low key basis. It may become more visible in time but the level of tribulation and the enormous increase in false prophets and false ministers operating under the anointing of the demonic family known as "The Beast" preaching a false "Christ" under a demonic anointing and performing counterfeit miracles will largely mask this move. The "church" will appear to be alive and well and prospering and yet hundreds of millions of souls will be following Satan to hell through these "ministries".
Even "the elect" will be hard pressed not to be deceived Mark 13:22 ""For false christs and false prophets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." (NKJ)
It is important to note that we are each called to discern, FOR OURSELVES but NOT to judge and not to publicise. We must ask Yahweh to guide us, to open our eyes, to open the doors He wants open that no one can close and close the doors He wants closed that no one can open, bring the people He wants into our lives and take those He does not want out, etc. Then, we must quietly go our own way and serve Him doing ONLY what we are called to do.
NO ONE is called by Yahweh to publicly attack any other man or woman, to broadcast or publish in any shape or form articles seeking to demonstrate the apostasy of any person or in any other way undertake any sort of "witch hunt", "Beast hunt" or "anti-Christ hunt". These things are SPIRITUAL, they are to be spiritually discerned and spiritually warred against! Remember that even though he had been anointed king of Israel and Saul had been publicly rejected, David NEVER spoke against Saul, David ALWAYS honoured Saul and fled from him rather than confront him and kill him. Even AFTER Saul's death, after Saul had consulted a medium and been utterly rejected by Yahweh, David STILL referred to Saul as "Yahweh's anointed" and EVEN IN DEATH David honoured his enemy!
We are required to do the same. David was "a man after Yahweh's own heart" 1 Samuel 13:14 and Acts 13:22 and we MUST emulate him if we are to be men after Yahweh's own heart! That means that we NEVER speak against any man or woman who has EVER been called by Yahweh, even if ONLY FOR ONE HOUR!
This article should be read in context with the series of articles following the events in the United States of America on 11 September 2001 (the World Trade Centre attacks, etc) and the series of articles relating to the withdrawing of the Grace restraining Satan and the commencement of Great Tribulation and judgment on the earth on the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles on 9 October 2001.
It provides further confirmation of current spiritual events.
from the ANZAC Prophetic List
by Bill Yount
It was late and I was tired, wanting to go to sleep, but God wanted to talk; It was about midnight, but it dawned on me that God does not sleep.
His question made me restless. "Bill, where on earth does man keep his most priceless treasures and valuables?" I said, "Lord, usually these treasures like gold, silver, diamonds and precious jewels are kept locked up somewhere out of sight with usually guards and security to keep them under lock and key." God spoke. "Like man, My most valuable treasures on earth are also locked up."
I then saw Jesus standing in front of seemingly thousands of prisons and jails.
The Lord said, "These have almost been destroyed by the enemy, but these ones have the greatest potential to be used and to bring forth glory to my name. Tell MY people, I am going this hour to the prisons to activate the gifts and callings that lie dormant in these lives that were given before the foundation of the earth. Out from these walls will come forth an Army of spiritual giants who will have power to literally kick down the gates of Hell and overcome satanic powers that are holding many of My own people bound in My own house.
Tell my people that great treasure is behind these walls in these forgotten vessels. My people must come forth and touch these ones, for a mighty anointing will be unleashed upon these for future victory in My kingdom. THEY MUST BE RESTORED." I then saw the Lord step up to the prison doors with a key. One key fit every lock and the gates began to open. I then heard and saw great explosions which sounded like dynamite going off behind the walls. It sounded like all-out spiritual warfare. Jesus turned and said, "Tell My people to go in now and pick up the spoil and rescue these." Jesus then began walking in and touching inmates who were thronging Him. Many being touched instantly began to have a golden glow come over them. God spoke to me, "THERE'S THE GOLD!" Others had a silver glow around them. God said, "THERE'S THE SILVER!"
Like slow motion they began to grow into what appeared to be giant knights in armor-like warriors. They had on the entire armor of God and every piece was solid and pure gold! Even golden shields! When I saw the golden shields, I heard God say to these warriors: "Now go and take what Satan has taught you and use it against him. Go and pull down the strongholds coming against MY church." The spiritual giants then started stepping over the prison walls with no one to resist them, and they went immediately to the very front line of the battle with the enemy. I saw them walk right past the church and big-name ministers known for their power with God were surpassed by the giant warriors like David going after Goliath! They crossed the enemy's line and started delivering many of God's people from the clutches of Satan while demons trembled and fled out of sight at their presence.
No one, not even the church, seemed to know who these spiritual giants were or where they came from. All you could see was the armor, the golden armor of God, from head to foot, and the shields of gold were there. The shields were restored to God's House and there was great victory and rejoicing. I also saw silver, precious treasures, and vessels being brought in. Beneath the gold and silver were the people that nobody knew: REJECTS OF SOCIETY, STREET PEOPLE, THE OUTCASTS, THE POOR and the DESPISED. These were the treasures that were missing from His House.
In closing the Lord said, "If my people want to know where they are needed, tell them they are needed in the STREETS, the HOSPITALS, the MISSIONS, and PRISONS. When they come there they will find Me and the next move of my Spirit and they will be judged by My Word in Matthew 25:42. "For I was hungry and you gave me no meat: I was thirsty and you gave me no drink: I was a stranger and you took me not in: naked and you clothes me not: Sick and in prison and you visited me not."
To join or leave the List email prophetic@revival.gen.nz
WEBSITES: Dreams and Visions Supersite:
New Zealand Revival Bulletin http://crash.ihug.co.nz/~revival
>>> JAR: Yahweh says concerning this message that this is vital BUT that His people have been less than diligent in this. He says further that "it is frequently the "denominations" and groups that most mainstream "Christians" despise and label as "cults" that have been most faithful in this and will receive the greatest rewards in heaven."<<<
(Author unknown - 1970's).
This is the vision / revelation. I was in the midst of a great meeting hall (a church), and the walls and ceilings were covered with jewels and ornaments, and the windows were made of colored glass (a typical cathedral or church). The hall was full of people, some rich, some poor, some sick and crippled, mute and blind; but all had chains on and were hand-cuffed, and no one was free, (a picture of todays church, they are in church but they are not free).
In front of the meeting hall was a large platform, with a pulpit on one side and a large cage on the other, with a huge green serpent in it; and hanging over where the speaker would stand, was a great sword suspended by two strings horizontally; and on the platform were several ministers, 8 or 10, clothed in clerical robes, sitting one behind the other, one seated just a little above the other.
The assembly looked upon these men and they looked upon the church. There was silence for a while, until a thundering voice sounded from the pulpit, as if it came directly from God, saying, "Who will declare the whole counsel of God?" And the first clergyman arose with a Bible in his hand, and when he did, the old green serpent uncoiled and stretched out hissing against the man with sparkling eyes and protruding fangs; and the man of God, falsely so-called, sank back into his seat and placed his Bible under the chair. And when the serpent stretched up his head and touched the sword, he said to that man, Anyone who obeys the voice of God, I will kill with this sword. And for a little while, there was silence again.
And then the Voice sounded from the pulpit again, "Who will declare the whole counsel of God?" And then the second man in clerical robes arose as if he would step forward, and again the serpent uncoiled against him, and he tumbled back with fear and sat down and placed his Bible under his chair (hiding the Word). The serpent again touched the sword, and with the same remark said, I will kill you, if you obey the voice of God.
And for the third time the Voice from the pulpit thundered, and a third man arose and sat down like the two before him. And again and again the Voice sounded until each of the clergyman had had an opportunity to resist the serpent, but fear overcame them all, like the first three had been overcome. And the serpent smiled with his evil smile.
And then the Voice sounded again from the pulpit saying, "Oh if there were a man, Oh if there were a man; Oh if there were a man who would declare the whole counsel of God, that these chained men might be set free! is there not one man?" Then a man of little stature (meaning he was nothing in the sight of the world), ascended the platform and stood under the sword, and he lifted up his eyes toward heaven and said, "Into Thy hands O God, I commit my spirit".
Then he opened the Bible and read. He didn't add anything to It, and he didn't take anything from It; he read the Word, and spoke as a man having authority. And when he had finished, the old serpent stretched up to the edge of the sword and cut off one of the strings holding the sword in place, and the sword swung down and missed him and passed over his head; because he was a man of "little stature"; and the weight of the sword made the other string to break, and the sword swung back and pierced the hearts of those clergymen who were lined up and nailed them to the wall. And a great scream of despair sounded from the pulpit; but an even greater cry of joy sounded from the assembly, for every man's chains were loosed and they were set free! (By the word they were set free).
When this vision had vanished, I saw another vision of the Savior in a cloud, just above my head. He spoke saying, "Hear my son the meaning of these things. The meeting hall which you saw is the secularized church, having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof. They are all covered with the jewels of the joys of this world, and there is no end to their silver and gold.
The people which you saw, are those for whom I died, but My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; they have eyes, but they do not see; they have ears, but they cannot hear. They are truly in bondage and must be set free!
The platform in which you saw, on which the clergymen were sitting; the platform is the preconceived ideas, having their origins from the pit of hell.
The pulpit is the throne of God; and the serpent, old Lucufer himself. The sword which you saw, is the Word of God; and the strings on which it was hanging, mean the power of the Word to give life or the power of the Word to take life. Life was given to the man of little stature and life taken from the clergymen that did not preach My Word! The clergymen that you saw, are men (& women) from every church who pretend to know Me, but they teach My people things which are not written in the Book of life; and their pride and their presumption, and their worldly spirit force them to obey Satan, who is a liar and the father of lies; and each of the clergymen try and exceed the other in elegance, in extensive writings, argumentation and the like; but they only consider the" letter" of the Word, and leave out the "spirit" of the Word.
And the day will come and now is at hand, when they shall all perish, just like these. After having considered this horrible scene, the Lord spoke again with these words, Do you remember My words in the prophecy of Jeremiah chapter 23, as well as My words in the prophecy of Ezekiel chapter 34?" Jesus said, "Read it". And I opened my Bible and read, "Woe unto the shepherds that destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture, saith the LORD." (Jer.23:1) "In the prophets I have see a horrible thing, they committ adultery and they walk in falsehood: (a perversion of the Word of God), and strenghthen the hands of evil doers." (Jer.23:14).
Jesus said, "At the end of days you shall understand this. Woe to the shepherds that feed themselves, should not the shepherds feed the flock!" (Ezek.34:2). "The weak you have not strengthened, nor have you healed the sick, you've not bound up that which was broken, and neither have you sought that which was lost; but with harshness and with rigor have you ruled over them". (Ezek.34:4). "I will destroy the fat and the strong shepherds; and I will feed them with judgement". (Ezek34:16). "Then He said to me, That these false shepherds shall in no wise escape when the sword falls upon them. But My sheep must be warned, they must be set free!"
And again He said, "Do you remember My words in the prophecy of Jeremiah in the latter part of chapter 25? Read it!" And I read these words, "And the slain if the LORD shall be in that day from one end of the earth, even to the other end of the earth:" (Jer.25:33). "Howl ye shepherds, for the day of your slaughter is come!" (Jer.25:34).
Then He said to me, "These days shall come quickly, the shepherds shall howl, yea, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth; but when the sword has fallen it will be to late forever. The man whom you saw who was of little stature, is every man and woman who will humble himself or herself, and be obedient even to the death of the cross, putting his or hers trust in God, and going forward declaring the whole counsel of God! Oh, if I could find such a man, can you tell Me where there is one? With such a man I could shake heaven and earth, saith the LORD. End".
>>> JAR: Yahweh says concerning this message (given in the 1970's) that this and messages like it form the basis of the terrible judgment that is coming upon the "church" and particularly those who take the title "Pastor", "Reverend", etc contrary to His Word. He says, "verily the fire of my wrath toward these hateful shepherds who are not shepherds at all but professional hucksters who tout My Word for gain, is kindled regarding all the damnable heresies that they have persisted in enforcing on My people".
Refer previous articles on the ETI list and further articles which will, Yahweh willing, follow shortly for an overview of the heresies to which this prophesy refers. Many of these issues have been canvassed on the ETI list and others will be dealt with shortly. The series on "Yahweh's Wrath for The Church" Why Judgment is Coming On the Church Today" is particularly relevant. It is these same heresies that are responsible for the "Dark Beam over the Dome of The Rock" reported recently. <<<
by Andrew Strom
We have already looked at the vision of the Bride leaving Christendom forever. Here are some further visions of the 'street-church' Revival that is now so near.
For the past fifteen years or more, all over the world God has been warning His people of the great "shaking" and Reformation that are about to come upon His church. In 1982, for instance, in a very powerful visitation, one well-known American intercessor / leader was clearly spoken to by God: "I am going to change the understanding and expression of Christianity IN THE EARTH in one generation".
As we have seen in the vision of the Bride, she was seen leaving 'Christendom' (and all that goes with it) forever - leaving behind the 'church system' as we know it. From this and many other visions and prophecies, etc, in New Zealand, it has become obvious to us that IN ORDER TO BE PART OF THE NEW MOVE OF GOD IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO COMPLETELY LEAVE TODAY'S CHURCH SYSTEM (- but only when God says). This is not "rebellion". What God has shown us in this regard actually has a tremendous amount of historic precedent, both in Scripture and in church history (Luther, Wesley, Booth, etc).
Of course, those with a vested interest in maintaining the present church hierarchies and systems will be violently opposed to such an idea. Many reformers faced enormous opposition from the established church leadership of their day for precisely this reason. This is why true Reformation and Revival are often the most controversial and the most persecuted spiritual events of their time.
Something that God has made very clear to us in NZ is that the coming Revival is to be a "street-based" (or `open-air' based) move of God. Today we have a "meetings and buildings" oriented church, a church that is hidden away in `boxes' from the eyes of the world. But, like the early church (where they met daily in the huge open-air temple courtyard - probably the most public place in all Jerusalem), and also like the mighty Wesley and Salvation Army Revivals, the coming move of God is to be truly street-based. (There will also, like the early church, be gatherings of the saints from "house to house" - Acts 2:41-47).
God is also going to use this Reformation and Revival to smash down the institutional walls that separate the Christians. Jesus has never stopped desiring that there be only "one" undivided body. Today, however, just amongst the Pentecostal / Charismatic Christians alone there are so many separate "labels", groups and denominations that it is almost impossible to count them all. Many of them seem to operate almost like competing corporations, selling a similar "product" under different labels. It's ridiculous! And the whole church system today is set up in such a way that it just ensures that these divisions continue. These are `structural' divisions that have been virtually set in concrete - "institutionalised" divisions that are simply accepted and perpetuated by each new generation of Christians.
God is going to smash down these `walls' in this Revival. How? By bringing His people out from underneath all these "labels"! In one very significant vision several years ago, a NZ prophet saw God firing "flaming arrows" into the churches. These flaming arrows were `on-fire' ministries, speaking the word of God. However, the Pastors were rushing around trying to damp down the flames! God then sent a "mighty wind" to fan the flames, and suddenly the doors of the churches burst open and all the people flooded out onto the streets to become one huge throng. I believe that this is an exact picture of what is about to take place, and in many ways it also illustrates the whole concept of "Reformation" rather well.
Another local intercessor was also shown a vision relating to this several years ago, while deep in prayer. The first thing she saw was church buildings of every kind - stained glass, steeples, plain and modern, etc. This part of the vision was in black and white. The churches all looked abandoned - like a ghost town, with birds nesting in them and doors and windows askew, etc. And in each church, the intercessor saw a huge old curtain or `veil' that was in absolute tatters.
The second part of the vision was all in colour. She saw hundreds of Christians outdoors (with guitars, etc) fellowshipping together in the open air. She knew that these Christians had abandoned their church buildings and `divisions', and were now fellowshipping freely out-of-doors. When she asked God what the huge tattered curtain in each of the abandoned churches represented, she was told that when Jesus was crucified, the veil/curtain in the temple was rent, thus allowing the people free access to the `holy of holies'. However, the churches had raised up this veil once again. But now these structures had been abandoned, thus allowing the common people free access to God's holy-of-holies once more. What an astounding vision!
One of the best examples I know of a truly "street-based" Revival movement was the early Salvation Army (1860's to the 1890's). In those days, the Salvationists were largely a bunch of `on-fire', praying zealots, given to holding open-air street meetings in which their brass bands would crash away raucously and their preachers would exhort the people to repentance under a mighty anointing. Their motto was, "Go for souls, and go for the worst!" Many early Salvationists were arrested, and there were often full-scale riots involving huge mobs, etc. The newspapers were full of it. The Salvationists were both controversial and notorious. And thousands upon thousands of people were converted. Within days of the first tiny contingent of Salvationists arriving in New Zealand, the following cable-gram was despatched to General Booth in England: "Dunedin, Auckland blazing. Christchurch shortly. Reinforce sharp." There can be no doubt that God desires a loving, militant "street-level" Church today. After all, isn't that what the early church was all about? I believe that it will become common for incredible signs, wonders and miracles to be performed on the streets as a result of this coming Revival. In fact, I believe that we are about to see a demonstration of God's glory in the area of the miraculous that will be even more powerful than the book of Acts.
Enormous love, enormous boldness and `joy unspeakable' will be just some of the characteristics of this Revival. And everything will be bathed in prayer. In fact this Revival is going to be BUILT on prayer. As Charles Finney said, "Revival comes from heaven when heroic souls enter the conflict determined to win or die... `The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force.'" There is no substitute for faith-filled, Spirit-fired "agonizing" prayer. Only those who are prepared and praying will be involved in this Revival from the beginning. As history shows, great blessing can only ever fall when the people of God learn to seek His face with all their heart.
>>> JAR: The Father says that this has been happening for years but the impetus will become more pronounced. However, we must be aware that many of the buildings are being taken over by the beast and a false "Christ" will be preached under a false anointing with false signs and wonders and many will be deceived. "This is part of the consequence of the withdrawal of Grace on 9 October 2001, there is NO MORE Grace to keep people from being decieved, they must discern the truth themselves, they must cease to turn to men as teachers and make themselves utterly dependent on My Spirit", saith Yahweh. <<<
This report provides further confirmation of what is happening in the World and particularly the "church" and Body of believers today and it is hoped that readers will take action to strengthen their faith and grow closer to Yahweh that they may overcome in the perilous times in which we live. All should earnestly and urgently turn to Yahweh to guide them to remove all false doctrine from their lives.

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