2001.10.D.02 Why Do You Say That The LORD Means Baal Created by James3 on 7/27/2019 3:19:35 PM Why Do You Say That The LORD Means Baal
23 October 2001
In response to an article forwarded to someone recently the following question was received:
"I need to know why you say that "Lord" means "Baal". I understand "Lord" means "Adonai", but this is heavy to digest. I have read your documents about the towers. Please get back to me. I need to know solid proof that the English word "Lord" means Baal."
It seems likely that others have also asked this question.
It is a vital answer to understanding why it is so critical for all who truly chesed {love} Yahweh their Elohim with all their heart, mind, soul and strength to start using the Names Yahweh and Yahshua and the technical terms Elohim or Mighty One and Messiah or Anointed One instead of the terms "the LORD", "Jesus", "God" and "Christ" respectively.
It is hoped to post further articles which address these topics in the near future.
The urgency of this message is strengthened by what the Father said to me this morning.
He said to me
"my heart is breaking, i love them so much but they won't turn from that which is destroying them and i can do no more to help them"
moments later as i wept freely, He said to me,
"I don't understand why they find it so difficult to cease calling me by the name of my worst enemy and why they will not call me by the Name that I have always given them"!
Brothers and sisters, such things ought not to be.
I urge you all to read what follows and IF YOU LOVE YAHWEH, stop calling Him "the LORD" and "God"!
Warm regards and blessings
Greetings ...
Thank you for your mail.
I am busy with a fairly detailed article which, amongst other things addresses the many facets of "Lord" in some detail - i hope to publish this shortly, as Yahweh leads. There are other articles in the pipeline which, Yahweh willing will address other ramifications of this subject.
I have added you to our mailing list so that you will get it once it is available. If you would like more information about this ministry please let me know.
In the interim, a short reply which i hope will meet your needs:
This subject must be discussed in the context of Hosea 2:16-17 16 "And it shall be, in that day," says Yahweh {the LORD}, "That you will call Me 'My Husband,' and no longer call Me 'My Master,' 17 For I will take from her mouth the names of the Baals, and they shall be remembered by their name no more." (NKJ adjusted)
The word "Baal" here is a direct anglicisation of the Hebrew word:
"Strong 1168 Ba` al (bah'-al);
"the same as 1167; Baal, a Phoenician deity: -Baal, (plural) Baalim."
"Brown Driver Briggs 1168 Ba` al-
Baal = "lord"; as a proper noun, masculine:
1) the supreme male divinity of the Phoenicians or Canaanites
2) a Reubenite
3) the son of Jehiel and the grandfather of Saul proper noun, location:
4) a town of Simeon, probably identical to Baalath-beer"
"Strong 1167 ba` al (bah'-al);
from 1166; a master; hence, a husband, or (figuratively) owner (often used with another noun in modifications of this latter sense):
KJV-- + archer, + babbler, + bird, captain, chief man, + confederate, + have to do, + dreamer, those to whom it is due, + furious, those that are given to it, great, + hairy, he that hath it, have, + horseman, husband, lord, man, + married, master, person, + sworn, they of."
"Brown Driver Briggs 1167 ba` al- an owner, a husband, a lord
a) an owner
b) a husband
c) citizens, inhabitants
d) rulers, lords
e) (noun of relationship used to characterize, that is, master of dreams)
f) lord (used of foreign gods)"
This contrasts with the word translated above as "the LORD", which in Hebrew is YHWH.
"Brown Driver Briggs 3068 Yehovah-
Jehovah (Yahweh) "the existing One"; the proper name of the one true God; unpronounced except with the vowel pointings of 0136"
Note that there is no basis for Yehovah - the most correct anglicisation is
Following is a note on this aspect:
"Yahweh is the proper name for our God and occurs 6,828 times in the Old Testament. Vines states:
"LORD : The divine name YHWH appears only in the Bible. Its precise meaning is much debated. God chose it as His personal name by which He related specifically to His chosen or covenant people." (from Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, (Copyright (C) 1985, Thomas Nelson Publishers)
By way of analogy, my proper name is "James" and i have the designation of "husband" to my wife, it would not be indicative of a meaningful marriage relationship if my wife were to constantly refer to me as "husband" rather than "James". In the same way, it is not indicative of a meaningful relationship with our God to refer to Him as "Lord" rather than "Yahweh" when He has given us His name to use and uses it throughout scripture.
For more information refer to the book "The Sacred Name" published by Qadesh La Yahweh Press, available on the Internet at:
There are many other web sites where you will find information on this aspect.
The critical aspect is that YHWH is not capable of being translated, it can, at best, be anglicized as Yahweh. "the LORD" has absolutely no meaningful correlation with Yahweh any way one looks at it.
On the other hand, baal is given by the translators TWO Strong's numbers, one (1168) where it is translated "Baal" - which is simply an anglicisation, and (1167) one where it is translated as something else (see list above).
Over and above this, we have variations of Adonai, etc ALSO translated "lord" or "Lord" and the term "Master" applied to Yahshua, also translated "Lord" in many English translations.
Thus, we end up with the word "lord" which is an accurate translation of "baal" being applied in cases where baal is used, in cases where Adonai and derivatives are use -- all of which are legitimate (but can be confusing) AND for Yahweh where there is absolutely no conceivable basis for it's use.
To compound it, the word "baal" is simply anglicised and treated as a proper name while Yahweh is converted to "the LORD" thereby effectively promoting "baal" and demoting "Yahweh".
Taken together with the multiple words translated "lord" in the "New Testament" we find complete confusion amongst most believers where the word "lord" is used as to whether it refers to Yahweh, Yahshua or someone else with the effect that Scriptures which actually refer to Yahweh are mistakenly applied to Yahshua and vice versa!
It is an extremely complex subject and one which i do not have full answers to at this time, but i hope that this assists you?
Please feel free to ask further questions :)
Warm regards and blessings

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