2001.12.D.01. Some Useful Prayers Created by James3 on 7/28/2019 1:24:44 PM Some Useful Prayers
ABSTRACT: We have received a number of enquiries regarding hearing from Yahweh and being led by the Spirit of Yahweh. This article lists a number of prayers which the writer has found effective in assisting his walk with Yahweh.
WRITER: Dr James Robertson
PUBLISHED BY: ETI : End Time Issue Ministries
LIST: 1A1: Teaching and Prophecy
PUBLISHER: Dr James Robertson
ISSUE DATE: 3 December 2001
PRIMARY SUBJECT: Suggested prayers
Secondary Subject:
KEY VERSE OF SCRIPTURE: Philippians 4:6‑7 "6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to Yahweh; 7 and the peace of Yahweh, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through the Anointing of The Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh that was upon Yahshua."
COPYRIGHT: All copyright in articles published by ETI is waived. The Word of Yahweh is a free gift and readers are encouraged to distribute these materials as widely as they feel led. Readers are free to make use of extracts and partial quotations as they see fit and are asked only to consider their accountability on the Day of Judgement if they do so.
DECLARATION: I James Alexander Robertson hereby testify before Almighty Yahweh that i have prayed over this document and that i am satisfied that the message is Scripturally correct and in accordance with the Word AND Will of Yahweh at this time. It is my understanding, by the Spirit, that this document is 99% as Yahweh would have it (this rating relates to overall content, NOT to fine typographic or grammatical detail).
I acknowledge and accept that i will be judged for any false statements made by me knowingly or unknowingly and ask Father Yahweh now in the Name of Yahshua Messiah Adonai that should there be any such errors He judge me in this life that i may come to repentance and not be judged in the life to come.
PRAYER: Father, in the Name of Yahshua Messiah, if there is anything in this document that is not according to Your Word or Your perfect will please prevent it taking root in the heart of the reader and let all that IS according to Your Word and Your Will take deep root in the hearts of all who read it.
This article stems directly from various enquiries regarding hearing from Yahweh and being led by Yahweh.
It contains a collection of prayers which the writer has found helpful and which ALL readers are encourage to pray IF they desire to survive the current tribulation.
I have recently been asked by several people on the list about hearing from Yahweh and related matters.
Increasing numbers of people are also finding themselves coming under much more intense attack from the enemy and are not sure how to respond.
A critical component of hearing from Yahweh and being led by Yahweh is to pray appropriate prayers. In the writers' experience there are a relatively limited number of very simple prayers which will have a profound impact on one's life if prayed sincerely on a regular basis.
Quite a large number of specific prayers are contained in the document 1A1.01.04.12 "Demonic Activity Associated With Artifacts and In Dwellings" (23 April, 2001). Other more general prayers relating to the Spirit Led life are contained in an appendix to 1A1.01.03.07 "Poverty in The Church of Yahshua Messiah" (11 March, 2001). This document lists some of those prayers and others that are not in either of those documents. This is NOT a consolidated list that replaces the specialist prayers contained in the other documents and readers are encouraged to obtain copies of the other documents as well.
Following are a selection of prayers which are either not contained in the above or which it seems appropriate to offer in a concise document for use by those who are serious about serving Yahweh in this age.
These prayers must ALL be prayed sincerely and in faith HUMBLY EXPECTING them to be answered and with a willing heart to accept ALL the consequences of any prayer you pray, no matter how hard it may be.
Select ONLY those prayers which seem appropriate to your situation at any particular time. Do not neglect prayers that are in Scripture, such as the pattern prayer (" prayer").
"Father, in the Name of Yahshua i thank You for Your love, Your mercy and Your grace and i ask you to help me live my life in a way that is pleasing to you and brings joy to you and your Kingdom. Teach me to chesed {love} You with ALL my heart, ALL my mind, ALL my soul and ALL my strength"
It is vital that our focus in life is to PLEASE our Heavenly Father, nothing that follows is relevant if that which is prayed above is not our focus and our motive.
"Father, i come to You in the Name of Yahshua and i ask You to help me to become like Yahshua."
"Father, i come to You in the Name of Yahshua and i ask You to teach me to serve Your people the way that You want me to serve them."
This is best prayed in the context of a gathering, even just within one's home, where each person washes the feet of the person next to them. In such cases pray:
"Father, we recall that on the night that he was betrayed, Yahshua took a basin of water and a towel and removed his outer garment and washed his disciples feet and commanded us to do likewise. We come to You in the Name of Yahshua and we ask that, as we wash one another's feet, that You will teach us to serve Your people in a manner that is pleasing to You."
"Father, i come to You in the Name of Yahshua, i recognize that in my carnal nature there is no good thing and that my carnal mind is enmity with the things of Yahweh. I ask You to put my flesh to death by Your Set Apart Holy Spirit in order that it is no longer i that live but Your Set Apart Holy Spirit that dwells in me and that the life that i live i live by faith in the Son of Yahweh who loved me and died for me." (Galatians 2:20)
This should be prayed regularly but can be particularly effective if prayed in conjunction with triple immersion in water for (1) repentance from sin, (2) cleansing of defilement of sin and (3) put to death with the anointing of the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh.
"Father, i come to You in the Name of Yahshua and i ask that You will teach me to be led by Your Spirit every micro-second of every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year for the rest of my life that i may truly become your son / daughter".
"Father, i ask You to lead me every second of this day, in the Name of Yahshua.
I ask You to bring the people that You want into my life and take the people that You don't want in my life out, in the Name of Yahshua.
I ask You to open the doors that You want opened in my life that no man or spirit can close and to close the doors that You want closed in my life that no man or spirit can open.
I ask You to bring in the communications that You want me to receive and to keep out the communications that You do not want me to receive.
In the Name of Yahshua."
When one first starts praying the above prayer, EXPECT dramatic changes in one's life.
If someone arranges meetings with you and does not get there, pray, reschedule and if it happens again then accept that Yahweh has answered your prayer and does not want the meeting to take place. If you phone someone and they are not there and they do not return your call, pray, phone once more and if they still do not reply, accept that Yahweh has answered your prayer and does not want you to speak to that person. If you email someone with a specific request for a reply and they don't reply, pray, email again and if they don't reply accept that Yahweh has answered your prayer and does not want you to communicate with them, either generally or on that particular subject. It does not matter if it is a hundred million dollar deal or a social engagement, IF it looks like Yahweh is closing the door, then let it close and trust Him to reopen it if you have missed it.
If a staff member or family member starts playing up and wanting to leave or making wild accusations or you discover something that has been going on behind your back, accept that Yahweh has answered your prayer and let them go. In the first year after i started praying these prayers Yahweh took half my staff and my wife out of my life and each time He showed me major problems that were going on behind my back!
If someone phones for an appointment, or arrives unannounced or emails you, then walk by faith that Yahweh has PERMITTED that request for an appointment or that person to arrive or that email to arrive and respond ON THE BASIS that Yahweh has permitted it and pray to Him for guidance. DO NOT block the person or the email - You prayed for Yahweh to do that so IF they got in touch with you, then Yahweh permitted it and you reject Him if you reject them. Ask Him to show you why and do what you find to do!
Once you have asked Yahweh to take those He does not want He will NEVER tell you to take them out - He will permit situations to occur which reveal the problem but the person will clearly show why they need to go and will usually take themselves out. In some cases He may tell YOU to leave if it is not practical for the other person to leave - but provided you constantly ask His guidance, ask for signs, tell Him when you are not sure, etc He will make it clear and He will make it easy! PROVIDED you accept that His way is "he who seeks to save his life will lose it and he who loses his life for my sake will gain eternal life". In other words, the things the world tells you to fight for - let them go!
NOTE - the fact that Yahweh takes someone out of your life does NOT necessarily represent a judgment against them - do not conclude that you are right with Yahweh and they are wrong - it could be just as well be a case that you are in error in a certain area and are going to cause them to stumble or simply that it is not appropriate for the two of you to be in contact at that time because Yahweh has other plans for one or both of you. Just let Him lead and DO NOT JUDGE OTHERS!
"Father, i ask You to guide me so that i hear only what You would have me hear, see only what You would have me see, think only what You would have me think, speak only that which You would have me speak and do only that which You would have me do.
I ask You to guide me so that i do not spend a cent, think a thought, speak a word or do anything that is not according to your perfect will.
In the Name of Yahshua."
If one prays this, be sensitive to the still quiet voice of the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh within and be obedient to His leading.
"Father, i come to You in the Name of Yahshua and i ask that if there is anything that i am not able to hear You in, i ask You to speak to me through other believers, through books, articles, emails, videos, audio tapes, TV, radio, magazines, newspapers, or any other medium You choose. I ask You to speak to me by Your Set Apart Holy apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers or through ANY other person who You may choose to send across my path."
If one prays this be willing to listen to beggars on street corners, little children, secular sources or ANY other person or source that Yahweh may send to you.
"Father, i ask You to judge me severely and correct me harshly that i may serve You more perfectly, in the Name of Yahshua."
If one prays this then do so because you recognize that you are not competent to judge yourself (which is the truth) and accept that some of the judgments may be hard - however, IF you are truly concerned about serving Yahweh this is one of the most important prayers you can pray. It is FAR BETTER to be judged and suffer loss in this life and occupy a high throne for eternity than to live a comfortable life and on the Day of Judgment to be found to be an unprofitable servant cast into outer darkness with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth or even worse, to be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone for eternity.
Note that if one prays this regularly one cannot afford the luxury of wrong doctrine and you should expect Yahweh to progressively confront you with doctrinal error over many years, current church teaching is currently so corrupt that the level of error is ENORMOUS.
"Father, i come to You in the Name of Yahshua and i ask You to show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it."
"Father, it is my desire to overcome to the end and to hear those words 'well done thou good and faithful servant' on the Day of Judgment. I ask You in the Name of Yahshua to lead me and guide me, bend me, break me and mend me as necessary in order that i may hear those words and bring joy to You and Your people in Heaven on that day! I ask this in the Name of Yahshua."
In cases where you are unclear what to do:
"Father, i confess that i am not fully informed as how to deal with this situation and i therefore ask You for GRACE in The Name of Yahshua to protect me from my ignorance and for revelation to remove my ignorance."
THEN you must urgently seek the knowledge that you lack in order to deal with the situation being particularly aware that there is not much grace available in the current age (last two years of the Great Tribulation through to Tabernacles 2003).
Based on the prayer of Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4:10 "And Jabez called on the Mighty One of Israel saying, "Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!" So Yahweh granted him what he requested." (NKJ adjusted), the following is an EXTREMELY powerful prayer PROVIDED you are serious about serving Yahweh.
"Father, in the Name of Yahshua, i ask You to bless me indeed, exceedingly abundantly beyond all that i can ask or imagine.
I ask You to enlarge my territory in RELATIONSHIP with You exceedingly abundantly beyond all that i can ask or imagine.
I ask You to enlarge my territory in CHESED {covenant love} for You and Your people and Your creation exceedingly abundantly beyond all that i can ask or imagine.
I ask You to enlarge my territory in HUMILITY exceedingly abundantly beyond all that i can ask or imagine and to humble me in any and every area of my life where my thoughts, my words or my conduct are not entirely pleasing to You.
I ask You to enlarge my territory in REVELATION OF YOU AND YOUR WORD exceedingly abundantly beyond all that i can ask or imagine.
I ask You to enlarge my territory in HOLINESS AND SANCTIFICATION (SET APARTNESS) UNTO YOU exceedingly abundantly beyond all that i can ask or imagine.
I ask You to enlarge my territory in FAITH exceedingly abundantly beyond all that i can ask or imagine.
I ask You to enlarge my territory in AUTHORITY IN YOU AND YOUR ANOINTING exceedingly abundantly beyond all that i can ask or imagine.
I ask You to enlarge my territory in WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING exceedingly abundantly beyond all that i can ask or imagine.
I ask You to enlarge my territory in ANOINTING OF YOUR SET APART HOLY SPIRIT exceedingly abundantly beyond all that i can ask or imagine.
I ask You to transform me into the image of Yahshua for the calling that you have on my life.
I ask that Your hand will be with me and that you will guide and protect me in all things.
I ask that You will keep me from evil and keep evil far from me.
I ask that You will keep me from causing others pain.
In the Name of Yahshua"
If you pray this regularly in faith, expect your life to change dramatically.
Note that these prayers are USELESS if you have unconfessed SIN, knowingly or unknowingly in your life in an area of attack - for example, if you have stolen goods in your possession -- even 'borrowed' items that should have been returned long ago, Satan will use this to attack you and prayers for protection will be powerless in that area. We have various articles dealing with this subject.
"Father, I ask You in the Name of Yahshua to cover myself and all my family and near relatives ..... name each one ..... with the Blood of Yahshua from the top of our heads to the soles of our feet."
"Father, i ask You in the Name of Yahshua to cover every room in this house, the walls, the floors, the ceilings, the roof/s, the windows, the doors, the window frames, the door posts and the lintels with the Blood of Yahshua and to cover the entire property, our car / s and all that we own with the Blood of Yahshua."
"Father, i thank You that Your Word says that Your angels encamp around those who reverence {fear} You to protect them. I ask You to teach me and all my house to reverence You and i ask that Your angels encamp around me to protect me / us / my family / my home / my business / etc, and deliver us in the Name of Yahshua."
"Father, i thank You that Your Word says that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and i claim that promise now in the Name of Yahshua."
"Father, i thank You that Your Word says that every tongue that rises against us in judgment shall be refuted and i claim that promise now in the Name of Yahshua."
This will only work IF you are not speaking out or writing words of unrighteous judgment, etc against others - as you sow, so shall you reap. This includes sarcasm, judgmental jokes, "pulling legs", etc. Judge not lest you are also judged, by the judgment you meet out so shall you be judged.
Put on the whole armour of Yahweh (Ephesians 6:10-18), i suggest that the first time you pray this, and periodically thereafter, you actually make the motion of putting on / taking up / touching a large belt, shoes, breastplate, helmet, shield and sword and the same with each of the other items - this helps you to get a vision of what is happening spiritually and is an important prophetic symbolic action which Satan and his demons WILL understand:
"Father, I come to You in the name of Yahshua, put on the full armour of Yahweh."
I put on now the Belt of Truth (enact putting on the belt), the Surefooted Shoes of the Gospel of Peace (enact putting on the shoes), the Breastplate of Righteousness (enact); the Helmet of Salvation (enact)."
I take up the Shield of Faith with which I can quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one (take the shield on your left forearm - it is a large rectangular shield which covers you from head to toe in front)."
I take the Sword of the Spirit which is Your Word (take your Bible in your right hand and hold it up - see it as a large, two edged sword)."
I ask You Holy Spirit to help me to pray at all times in the Spirit without ceasing."
"I thank You Father that I now have on the full Armour of Yahweh and I ask You, in the Name of Yahshua, to guide me to maintain and develop this armour and to learn how to use it."
Notice that there is NO protection for your back - this is why we should go out two by two and why every woman should have a husband and every man at least one wife (preferably even numbers -- husband plus one, three, five or seven wives so that they are always paired when they go out into the world).
If you have never received the Immersion {Baptism} of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, this would be a good time to seek that gift as soon as possible - in principle it does require the laying on of hands but if you are in a situation where that is not possible it can be imparted without the laying on of hands. Note that the immersion is like jumping in a swimming pool, you can do it often, it is quite separate to the initial infilling of the Set Apart Holy Spirit that takes place when one first comes to Salvation - pray:
"Father, i come to You in the Name of Yahshua and i ask You now to immerse me in Your Set Apart Holy Spirit, i ask You to fill me and to give me the gift of speaking in other tongues as Your Holy Spirit gives me utterance."
If you then find that your mouth wants to utter what seem like unformed and strange sounds, just release your vocal chords and mouth BY FAITH for Yahweh to speak through you.
For those who have experienced the immersion of the Holy Spirit and have received the gift of tongues, then pray:
"Father, I ask You in the name of Yahshua, to guide me and teach me to pray at all times in the Spirit without ceasing."
Note that once one has received the gift of Tongues, one can pray under one's breath in tongues at any time, even when riding a bus, standing in line in a large group of people or when alone, doing housework, washing dishes, etc. With some practice and effort one can pray in the Spirit even when reading or writing.
Pray in tongues as frequently as possible - refer the article 1A1.01.04.04 "Proactive Intercession" for more guidance on this subject.
A few comments: The armour relates to the various truths, if you do not have a revelation that Yahshua the anointed one IS your righteousness and that you are called to seek to live a righteous life, the breastplate will not be effective - your ignorance, doubt and unbelief will prevent it being effective. The same applies to the other components. Please note, i am not saying that you need to be spotless to receive the armour, far from it, only that you must have a basic revelation of the scriptural truth to which the armour relates before you can use it effectively, in other words, pray for revelation and read your Bible daily!
Similarly, if you do not have a revelation of faith, and constantly speak doubt and unbelief over your life, the shield will not be effective in your life.
By the same token, if you do not read your Bible regularly (as in daily) and systematically from Genesis to Revelation on a regular basis, I would suggest at least once a year, together with some Psalms and Proverbs daily and the books from Matthew to Revelation several times a year, your spirit will be weak and malnourished and you will not have the scriptures you require to stand on in every situation engrafted in your heart. NB, you do not need to remember them, the Holy Spirit will bring them to your remembrance FROM your heart, but if you never read your Bible there is not much for the Spirit to work with. If you have not been reading regularly, repent, ask for Grace and start reading diligently.
You also do not need to understand what you are reading and you should read ALL of it, even the genealogies and the fulfilled sacrifices, etc of Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and Exodus.
The Word is Spirit and it is Life - it feeds your spirit, even if you are tired and cannot concentrate - this is not a carnal "remember the book" thing, it is a SPIRITUAL thing. The WORST THING YOU CAN DO IS TO READ THE BIBLE WITH YOUR HEAD - it is almost better not to read the Bible at all than to read it and try and memorise it! It is ABSOLUTELY USELESS to you in your head, it MUST be in your heart!
Once you have received the initial IMMERSION in the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh as distinct from making a decision to accept Yahweh as Mighty One {God} through the covenant of Yahshua [The Salvation of Yahweh], you are at liberty to ask to be filled progressively with the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh on an ongoing basis.
To do this one should preferably enter into praise and worship whole heartedly and as one comes into the presence of Yahweh one can pray:
"Father, i ask You to fill me with Your Set Apart Holy Spirit, that rivers of living water flow from my belly, i ask You to fill me with the fire of Your spirit to burn out the dross, the chaff and the leaven in me, i ask You to fill me with the oil of Your Spirit, the Oil of Joy for gladness to heal me and deliver me and to empower me to serve You faithfully to the end. Come Holy Spirit, fill me afresh this day, in the Name of Yahshua."
This can be prayed privately during one's quiet time but is more effective and more appropriate during worship. It should be prayed regularly. Ask to be filled to OVERFLOWING and seek to draw closer to Yahweh daily. It is ONLY once we are filled to overflowing with the Set Apart Holy Spirit of Yahweh that we truly become ANOINTED BELIEVERS {Christians} who do works equal to or greater than the works that Yahshua did and for whom the full potential and promises of Scripture become REAL and active in full measure.
When praying this prayer or variations of it, one may experience physical manifestations such as feeling heat, shaking, etc. Sometimes this may give rise to demonic manifestation as the demons are discomforted by the increased presence of the Set Apart Spirit of Yahweh in one's body. In such cases the demons should be bound and cast out, refer other articles for information on deliverance and the demonic.
There are various prayers that can be prayed rehearsing the covenant:
Repentance of sin:
"Father, i confess that i have sinned by .......... (specify the sin), i confess this as sin and i repent and turn around. Your Words says that IF we confess our sin You are faithful and just to forgive our sin and now, by faith in the Salvation that was purchased by Yahshua through his sacrifice at Golgotha, i ask You to forgive my sin and i ask You to give me the grace to go and sin no more, in the Name of Yahshua and to guide me to bear fruits worthy of repentance."
Particularly in the case of significant sin it is well to immerse oneself in water as a physical prophetic sign of repentance and for cleansing of all spiritual defilement resulting from the sin. Pray:
"Father, as i go under the water i ask You to wash away my sin and to wash away all defilement resulting from my sin, in the Name of Yahshua."
This can be done in an ordinary domestic bath or swimming pool.
Specific prayers relating to the covenant:
"Father, i thank You that by the Sacrifice of Yahshua and by faith in the Name of Yahshua, the Salvation of Yahweh, i have a covenant with You Father and that in terms of this covenant
i walk in supernatural protection,
that by the stripes of Yahshua i was healed, i am healed and i walk in divine health,
that by this covenant all my needs are met according to Your riches in Glory in the anointing of Your Set Apart Holy Spirit as it was upon Yahshua,
that i have the mind of the anointing of Your Set Apart Holy Spirit,
that i can do ALL things through the anointing of Your Set Apart Holy Spirit who strengthens me,
that the Joy of Yahweh is my strength,
that i have the peace of Yahweh that passes all understanding,
that you make a way where there is no way,
that i am filled with Your Set Apart Holy Spirit,
that You grant to me wisdom and understanding,
that the fruits of the Spirit which are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are manifest in me,
that You renew my strength as the eagles,
that You grant to me rest and peaceful sleep,
that i am prophet, priest and king to my house - my wives, children and employees (men only),
that i have a personal relationship with You
and that by Your Set Apart Holy Spirit you are my counsellor, comforter, friend and helper."
There are many other aspects of the covenant which can also be claimed in prayer as one is led by the Set Apart Holy Spirit indwelling one.
If confronted with a situation you don't know how to deal with, pray:
"Father i ask You to give me utterance in prayer by Your Set Apart Holy Spirit to pray exactly what is required in order to obtain the solution to this problem, in the Name of Yahshua."
"Father, I ask you in the name of Yahshua to bring people across my path who can advise me or assist me or who have the anointing to deal with this problem."
Be prepared for people to come across your path in unusual ways and to meet people that you might not necessarily immediately understand or might not otherwise accept. It does not matter whether you like them or not or even whether you agree with what they say, receive them as messengers of Yahweh and receive whatever He has for you through them. Do NOT sin by rejecting or judging them! If you do that, you reject Him!
These prayers are intended for people who are serious about serving Yahweh. Some of these prayers are dangerous to pray IF you have not decided to make a serious commitment and are not prepared to go all the way.
Yahweh's burden is easy and His yoke is light IF one chooses to serve Him with ALL ones heart, mind, soul and strength and there is great joy and prosperity in serving Yahweh IF one goes all the way and is prepared to RESIST Satan and to set oneself apart to Yahweh by separating oneself from unrighteous and worldly conduct.
To pray, for example, "Father, judge me severely and correct me harshly" and then go out and get drunk with "the boys" could well result in premature death! Yahweh requires us to set ourselves apart, not to come out of the world but NOT to get involved in unnecessary worldly activities.
I encourage ALL readers to make this decision and to pray ALL these prayers over time, there is NO BETTER life and the eternal consequences of this course of action are incalculably better than any other course of action. Rather forsake the ways of this world and spend eternity on a high throne with Yahshua and the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth than pursue some short term carnal pleasures and find oneself excluded from the Kingdom on the Day of Judgment.
Clearly, all these prayers must be prayed in faith without doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea (James 1:6).
After any prayer, give thanks BY FAITH that you have the answer and that you have been heard. All the prayers suggested in this document are according to the Word and Will of Yahweh and, therefore, He has promised that He will hear us and will grant our petition PROVIDED we pray in faith. However, if one prays in fear OR presumption He will not necessarily answer one. One must come humbly and with faith! If one has sin that Yahweh has been speaking to one about for a while and one has not dealt with it, then deal with it first - Satan knows all about our undealt with sin - long before we do much of the time.
As one proceeds, constantly praise Yahweh's Holy name and give thanks, for He is worthy of praise and worthy of honour and He deserves our praise and thanksgiving with a Joyful heart!
With many of these prayers, after one has prayed them ONCE in FAITH, then one must EXPECT that they are being answered. Sometimes the answer may take days, weeks, months or years to be answered. A seemingly simple one line prayer to make one an over comer requires a response every day for the rest of ones life and one is well advised to give thanks daily for the answer to that prayer, whether one can see it or not, until the answer is fully manifest. Partly since Yahweh tells us to bring Him in remembrance of His Word but more importantly since if we cease giving thanks for the answer to such prayers Satan may come and steal the faith away from us or cause us to do things that clash with that which we are believing for or we may forget what we are believing for so that we do not recognize it when it starts to come and end up resisting or obstructing it.
Apart from anything else, IF one is really walking by faith one SHOULD give thanks regularly since one KNOWS the answer is on it's way - that is plain good manners!
To do this, pray basically the SAME prayer replacing "Father i ask" with "Father i thank you".
I hope that the above prayers assist you in your walk with Yahweh as they have assisted me.

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