2001.12.D.06 Re Special Holiday Wishes Created by James3 on 7/28/2019 1:59:04 PM Re Special Holiday Wishes
This morning i received a lovely email with a beautiful message for the present holiday season and a link to a custom greeting card.
I followed the link to a beautifully presented electronic card with candles, christmas tree and a lovely message.
Sadly the essence of the content and the message reflects the level to which Satan has deceived us today such that virtually all that we have been accustomed to doing and saying at this time has at best no relevance to Yahweh and at worst has Satanic and demonic roots.
I felt that i should reply, Yahweh's people perish for lack of knowledge Hosea 4:6 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; because you have forgotten the law of your Mighty One, I also will forget your children." (NKJ, Names adjusted)
The reply follows in the hope that it will assist others to recognize the challenges of this season and to turn to observing Yahweh's true feasts, etc.
It is important to mention that i have been aware of these things for several years but had been reluctant to part company with "tradition".
Last year we had a Christmas tree and subsequently discovered that several of the ornaments, one Father Christmas troll in particular, was demon infested and realized that every year that the christmas tree was out we had strife in our family!
Subsequently i prayed about it and Yahweh said to me, VERY CLEARLY:
"How would you like it if YOUR family insisted on celebrating your birthday on the birthday of your WORST ENEMY instead of on your real birthday?"
This really sobered me up and challenged me to depart totally from these pagan feasts, etc.
It was similar to Yahweh's reply to me when i asked Him about using "Yahweh" instead of "Lord" (which is the correct anglicization of Baal the pagan Phonecian deity), Yahweh said to me:
"How would you like it if your wife insisted on calling you by the name of your worst enemy?"
Brethren, these are sobering statements made by our loving Heavenly Father and i urge all of you at this time to consider what you should do in the year ahead.
Warm regards and blessings
Further information from another ministry follows the forward below.
Dear ........
Visited your card, thank you it IS beautiful!
Sadly it also reflects the numerous ways Satan has deceived us over the centuries.
Yahshua was born on the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles (9 October this year).
25 December is the birth day of the "sun god" and numerous other Satanic pagan deities, specifically the sun god because it is just after the winter solstice and the sun appears to "die" in the Northern hemisphere until now and then appears to be "reborn"!
The "christmas tree" is an Asherah pole (the symbol of pagan worship condemned repeatedly in Scripture) and most of the other symbols the way we use them have satanic symbolism.
The gifts under the tree are symbolic of the sacrifices formerly placed under the Asherah / groves / etc in Bible times.
Even "Saint Nicklaus" / "Santa Claus" / whatever spelling, relates to "Old Nick" - one of Satan's names, used particularly by Satanists as a familiar name!
Therefore Yahweh and the angels WEEP on 25 December because of the deception of Yahweh's people and the massive demonic bondage they bring themselves under through adopting all these satanic practices, proclaiming Yahshua's birth on a day which cannot possibly be his birthday, etc.
This is why Yahweh is calling us all to return to His feasts, etc. We should do the things we are accustomed to doing at "Christmas" at Tabernacles - that should be the time for rejoicing, giving of gifts, taking time for families to be together, etc. -- obviously without the pagan accessories :)
In the same way, the "New Year" that the world will celebrate next week has no significance to Yahweh, His New Year is just before Passover as appointed in Torah.
Forgive me for putting a damper on the festivities but Yahweh's people perish for lack of knowledge and felt that i should share this.
Warm regards and blessings
This item was received from a ministry in India.
I have not checked the information but felt that it was useful additional background to that above:
Bro. Isaac E. Kusuma B.Sc.,B.Th.,PGDCA.,
M A L I K I P U R A M - 5 3 3 2 5 3
E.G.Dt. AP. India.
Phone : 00918862-25098
E-Mail: aotleindia@rediffmail.com
Sub:- Who was born on December 25th?
If you are a true follower of Yahshua the Messiah,you know very well that Yahshua was not born on December25th;and at the same time you know very well that Yahshua was born on Ethanim 15th at the time of the Feast of Tabernacles as per scripture evidences. Then why these Bible prophesing christians claim that their saviour was born on December 25? Is there any proof for that? or from where this custom has come into existance? what for all these people are running after?
Let us see now.
Christmas the word came from two Latin words.Masse-Christa it means Christoes mass (The festival of Sun God) who was this Sun God? Tammuz was the Sun God according to history. There are others too.
1.Mithras was known as the Sun Deity. His birthday, "Natalis solis invicti" means Birthday of the invisible sun it came on December 25th.
2.In Egypt, Osiris,the sun god, the sun/husband of Isis was born on December 25th.
3.The birth day of Adonis,the sun god of Syria was born on December 25th.
4. The sun god of ancient Persia was celebrated on December 25th.
5. Tree worship was also celebrated on December 25th.
If you go back to Encyclopedie, historical books, and other archeological survey, you can easily find this custom is from pagans only. Christmas is not named in the Bible. Messiah never commanded us to do this pagan festival. Apostles ignored it,and they never asked us to do this. Birthday celebrations are dubious. Through out the Bible there may be two or three occasions the birthday events had taken place: at that time of birthdays violent deaths had been occured.
1. Genesis 40:20-23 Pharaoh hanged the chief baker.
2. Mark 6:17-29 John the baptist beheaded.
3. Mathews 2:16-18 children were smitten by Herod.
4. Daniel 5:1-9 on seeing the writing on the wall, king perplexed
5. Job 1:4 Job's sons were slaughtered at their birthdays.
The Bible says,we should not follow the heathen customs, and at the same time we are not supposed to do according to our will and wish. "For Which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of Yahweh " Luke 16:15
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end there of are the ways of death. Proverbs 14:12
Christmas is a man-made doctire, man-made custom. Bible never agrees to follow or serve this man-made theories. This nasty custom was introduced by Libarius in 354 AD to all the christian churches. Julius1 was another introducer to this tradition.
Nimrod was the originator of all Pagan worship. Genesis 0:8-12; he was called "Mighty hunter before Yahweh."He was the son of Cush and the first constructor of cities. He was in fact a rival to Yahweh.
When he died, his followers represented him as a tree that had been cut down. A serpent circled the dead stump of the tree and on the christmas day the people were told that a new shoot had miracuously appeared out of the dead stump. The death of their mighty warrior of Nimrod and his reappearence each Year became the beginning of a new solar cycle. The Babylonian ruler of this Nimrod supplanted Yahweh's worship. It was the worship of Nimrod, along with that of his wife mother Semiramis, Semiramis claimed that Nimrod was reincarnated in her son Tammuz, who was born after Nimrod's death. In such a way the tree worship had come into existence. Semiramis was also called the queen of heaven, Jer 7:17-19 we can read about Tammuz in Ezekiel 8:14; Jermiah condemned the tree worship, Jer 10:1-10. So many pagan things,pagan customs and pagan festivals Israelites observed at the time of thier ignorance. Every useless thing got a root of history, and derivation from paganism.
Christmas candles and cakes are from pagan origin, they came from their ancestroy which symbolizes the sun.
Santa Claus was a dutch man, his name was Nicholas, used to called by the people saint Nicolas, In Dutch they pronounce saunt Niclaus; finally called Santa Clause. Do you know the mening of Nick/Nike? St.Nick is the short form of Saint Nicolas. Nick is the appelative of Satan. Nike is also the same.
Christmas Tree custom had come from Germans. Bonifus was the first maker of christmas tree.
Greeting card first made by John Calcur Hopely in 1843;
Carols came from Greek background.
Christmas star is also from pagan origin.
All these things are from pagan background. There is no proof from the Bible, then why we have to follow this pagan tradition?
You may ask then when was Messiah Born? Very simple. Messiah was born on Ethanim 15th at the time of Feast of Tabernacles.
He died on Nisan/Abib 14th. From Nisan to Ethanim there are 6 months gap. Messiah was on the earth for Thirty three and half years. Three and half years He preached the Gospel and finished His work. So,from His death to birth there must be exactly 6 months gap. That falls on September-October. Never on December 25th; Please ask us "The date of birth of Yahshua the Messiah" pamplet for full details
Reasons why we won't observe this christmas.
1. It is not Biblical.
2. Messiah never commanded to do that.
3. Apostles never observed.
4. Messiah was not born on that day.
5. It is a man-made festival with pagan origin.
6. We know when He was born.(Ethanim 15th)
7. We know the correct teaching.
Finally, what is not of truth it is of devil. We are here not to partake in the devilish activities, but to follow the truth. If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Jn 8:31,32.
You may ask me then when was Yahshua born? It is very simple.
Sub:- The Date of Birth of Yahshua Messiah
Dear loving Friends in Yahshua ha Meshiach,
Greetings from our Heavenly Father.
All most all the christians do think that Yahshua was born on December 25th, in fact it is not true but a tradition.
If you search the scriptures, you can get clear cut evidences for the date of birth of Yahshua.
Zecharia, a certain priest was doing his duty according to the class of "ABIJAH" at that time angel came and told about the birth of John the Baptist. We can find the class of "ABIJAH" by comparing 1.Cronocles 24:7-18 with Luke 1:5.
King David divided the priests into 24 classes. In that "ABIJAH" class comes under 8th, That means the fourth Month of Tammuz from 16th to 29th he had to work in the temple. In this very particular time the angel came and told everything to Zechariah. After his duty he went home on the same day his wife Elisabeth's wonb was opened. She hid herself for 5 Months, Luke 1:23-25.When Elisabeth is running six Month the angel Gabriel came to Virgin Mary and told about the birth of Yahshua. Luke 1:26-38.
So, you see the diffrence between John the Baptist and our Saviour Yahshua ha Meshiach.
1. 5th Month Av
30 days
2. 6th Month Elul
29 days
3. 7th Month Ethanim
30 days
4. 8th Month Bul
29 days
5. 9th Month Kislev
30 days
6. 10th Month Tebeth
29 days
1. 10th Month Tebeth
29 days
7. 11th Month Sebet
30 days
2. 11th Month Sebat
30 days
8. 12th Month Adar
29 days
3. 12th Month Adar
29 days
9. 1st Month Nisan
30 days
4. 1st Month Nisan
30 days
10. 2nd Month Zif
14th day
5. 2nd Month Zif
29 days
6. 3rd Month Sivan
30 days
7. 4th Month Tammuz
29 days
8. 5th Month Av
30 days
9. 6th Month Elul
29 days
10. 7th Month Ethanim
15th day
John the Baptist was born on 2nd Month Zif 14th
Yahshua Messiah was born on 7th Month Ethanim 15th.
Shall we turn the table to see clearly?
Then 1st Chronicles 24:7-18
01. Jehoiarib
1-15 Nisan
02. Jedaiab
16-30 (Mar/Apr)
03. Harim
1-15 Zif.....On 14th John the Baptist was born.
04. Seorim
16-29 (Apr/May)
05. Malchijah
1-15 Sivan
06. Mijamin
16-30 (May/June)
07. Hakkoz
1-15 Tammuz
16-29 (June/July) Angel apperead to Zecharis here.
09. Jeshua
1-15 Av..... Elisabeth's womb opened (1st Month)
10. She caniah
16-30 (July/Aug)
11. Eliashib
1-15 Elul
12. Jakim
16-29 (Aug/Sept)
13. Huppah
1-15 Ethanim....On 15th Yahshua Messiah was born.
14. Jeshebeab
16-30 (Sept/Oct)
15. Bilgah
1-15 Bul
16. Immer
16-29 (Oct/Nov)
17. Hezir
1-15 Kislev
18. Aphses
16-30 (Nov/Dec)
19. Pethahiah
1-15 Tebet.... Mary's womb opened (1st Month)
20. Jehezekel
16-29 (Dec/Jan)
21. Jachin
1-15 Sebat
22. Gamul
16-30 (Jan/Feb)
23. Delaih
1-15 Adar
24. Maaziah
16-30 (Feb/Mar)
Yahshua Messiah's birth day comes or falls on in the Months of September or October. How these people are telling lies that He was born on December 25th? Where is the proof for their teaching?
If you want to know then who was born on December 25th?
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" Who was born on December 25th? "
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Search the truth, the truth shall make you free.
Your's in His service
Bro. Isaac E. Kusuma
Yahweh bless thee, and keep thee:
Yahweh make His face shine upon thee,
and be gracious unto thee: Yahweh lift up
His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
Numbers 6:24-26
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