2002.01.D.05 Nazarenes And The Name Of Yahweh Created by James3 on 8/8/2019 12:31:19 PM Nazarenes And The Name Of Yahweh
In response to the article 1AD.02.01.01 "Sacred Name of God YHVH YHWH Yahveh Yahweh Yeshu" i received an article which sets out in some detail the extent to which the Name of Yahweh has been concealed AND the extent to which the prohibition on the use of the Name ties in to the basis of the charges against Yahshua.
It also confirms that there was VERY SUBSTANTIAL tampering with the Hebrew texts thousands of years ago to remove or conceal the Name of Yahweh.
The article is attached as an Adobe Acrobat pdf file.
Following is an extract from the writers reply to the person who forwarded the attached article.
It serves to highlight some of the issues that Yahweh is currently bringing to the writers attention and will, i hope, assist readers to better grasp the complexities associated with discerning the truth in some of the articles mailed earlier and those that will, Yahweh willing, follow in the days ahead.
Thanks ...
Confirms a number of points that i have been increasingly becoming aware of.
It seems that the documented scribal "adjustments" are only the "tip of the iceberg" and that there are MANY more than generally recognized!
I have increasingly being making a discipline of seeking to substitute "Mighty One/s" for "Elohim" / "God" and finding that about 80% of all cases make absolutely no sense at all if one inserts the true meaning of the word and that if one substitutes "Yahweh" it makes perfect sense.
Am also vaguely aware of nuances like "HaElohim" = "THE Mighty One" which also relate to Yahweh but are not made visible in any translation that i have read.
I also noticed a few weeks ago that in "The Scriptures" while there are NUMEROUS instances of "Elohim" which clearly MUST be Yahweh prior to Isaiah and Jeremiah, in Isaiah and Jeremiah there appear to be virtually NO instances.
In other words, the tampering with the manuscripts took place BEFORE the Babylonian exile whereas the story that i had read before then was that it happened afterwards.
I have also seen in recent days how this issue of "God" ACTUALLY meaning "Mighty One/s" and NOT being a "title" and certainly not being equivalent to Yahweh has given rise to massive misunderstanding AND doctrinal differences within the body.
There is an ENORMOUS challenge to restoring these truths!
It is hoped that this article will assist readers to more clearly grasp the magnitude of the fundamental issues facing the Body of Believers in this age as indicated by the SWOT analysis.
Warm regards and blessings

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