2002.01.D.19 The Living Torah Created by James3 on 8/8/2019 7:03:48 PM
The Living Torah
As a continuation of the postings relating to Scripture resources please find some information on "The Living Torah".
The writer purchased a physical copy of "The Living Torah" about five years ago and has read it repeatedly, it is an excellent and highly anointed Translation of the five books of Moses (Exodus to Deuteronomy) with a very useful commentary which helps to place many things in a proper context. I have recently discovered "The Living Torah" on-line and felt that others would benefit from reading it.
There are three further volumes in the set, titled "The Living Nacht" (the prophets, etc) but they are not available on-line to the best of my knowledge, they are, however, well worth reading.
Please find attached the home page for the Bible ORT web site which presents the full text of The Living Torah at: http://bible.ort.org/bible/start.htm
Warm regards and blessings

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