2002.01.D.23 Simple Explanation why we should NOT call Yah God Created by James3 on 8/8/2019 7:25:44 PM Simple Explanation why we should NOT call Yah God
In response to the message 1AD.02.01.06 "Re: I'm concerned about you", the following was received:
after reading that person's comment, i have been holding the similar view. because i am a linguist, i am not sure if it is a must to call our lord, yahweh. most people feel comfortable with the term, 'God'. they know WHO they are talking about and praying to. in most religious communities, they know and pray to the one and only God. is it wrong?
>>> ...... balance omitted <<<
On reflection the essence of this persons question and some other points they raised distilled to something like 'i don't understand your point and particularly i don't understand why it's important, please give me a SIMPLE explanation'.
I will endeavour to offer a simple explanation as concise bullet points below. Essentially all of these points HAVE been made previously but they are embedded in a large number of detailed articles so, what follows will endeavour to go to the opposite extreme and be as concise and to the point as possible.
1) God is the name of a German pagan deity - i.e. a Satanic demonic principality.
2) Lord is an accurate translation of "Baal" a Phoenician pagan deity - i.e. a Satanic demonic principality.
3) Yahweh HAS extended grace to those who call on Him using these names BECAUSE of the wholesale deception of those who translated the Bible originally and because in those days virtually no one had access to the truth.
4) Today there are millions of believers who have access to the truth and the truth is even presented in the introductions to many Bibles.
6) The seven years of "Tribulation" that start the seventh (last) millennium of Creation started at Tabernacles in 1996.
7) The three and a half years of "Great Tribulation" began at Passover 2000.
8) All the Grace that was restraining Satan from attacking those who call on the wrong names, do not observe the truth Sabbath, etc, etc was withdrawn on the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles 2001 (9 October 2001).
9) All forces of evil were released to operate without restraint on 31 October 2001 (Halloween, Satan's great day) and the principalities called "God", etc became fully operative on that day.
10) Those who now pray to or through "God" or "Lord" or "Hashem" or "Elohim" or "Adonai" or "Jesus" and other names which are NOT Yah, Yahweh and Yahshua are praying to Satanic principalities and will find their prayers answered increasingly by demons, thus "God bless America" will result in a Satanic curse on America.
11) Yahweh indicated at the end of August 2001 that only 1% of the people on earth (61 million people) at that time would inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh if judged at that time. The rest would burn in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone for eternity. The vast majority of "believers" will NOT inherit the Kingdom as a consequence of false doctrines, failure to use the true Names, failure to observe the Sabbath, adultery and fornication resulting from wrong doctrines regarding marriage, divorce, virginity, etc.
12) Yahweh has indicated that currently ONLY 10% of all the people who directly or indirectly receive the postings on the ETI list, if judged today, will inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh - 90% of those who are currently receiving ETI postings and who are sincere believers who presumably BELIEVE they will spend eternity in heaven will have a nasty shock on the Day of Judgment unless they change their beliefs and conduct!
This statistic affects YOU!
Please hear me, the situation is FAR WORSE than we realise!
13) Yahweh has indicated that ONLY 1% of those on the ETI list will overcome and sit on high thrones for eternity, the other 9% who will go to heaven will largely find themselves in the outer darkness as foolish virgins reserved for those who ONLY JUST MAKE IT!
Since there are between 100 and 200 people who directly and indirectly receive postings from the ETI list, this means that between 10 and 20 people will make it to heaven if judged today and either 1 or 2 will overcome and sit on a high throne, the balance of between 90 and 180 people will find themselves in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone UNLESS they repent and turn to serve Yahweh with ALL their heart, mind, soul and strength!
I BEG ALL OF YOU - i know many of you as friends through correspondence and other contact, far more of the people on this list will make it to heaven that the average sample of believers worldwide, however, i was stunned when Yahweh gave me these statistics - 90% of YOU -- the people that i have regular contact with will not make it to heaven if judged today.
According to Yahweh YOU have a 90% probability of finding yourself in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone if you were judged today!
If you are not observing the true Sabbath (sunset Friday to sunset Saturday), i urge you to start this week even if you have to resign your job!
If you are still using the words God, Lord, Jesus, Adonai, HaShem, i urge you to stop immediately.
If you are not observing Passover, Pentecost, the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles, i urge you to do so from this year onward.
If you are still observing Easter and Christmas, reading star signs, etc, i urge you to stop immediately.
If you are a woman who lost her virginity to a man who is not your current "husband" (whether you currently have a "husband" or not), i urge you to earnestly seek Yahweh to find out what you should do to end your adultery - we can offer tapes, teachings and counsel on this.
If you are a man "married" to such a woman i urge you likewise to urgently seek Yahweh to find out what you should do, we can assist.
If you are a man who took the virginity of one or more women who are not living with you as your wives, i urge you to earnestly seek Yahweh to find out what you should do, we can assist.
If you insist on associating your religion with a label other than "a believer in Yahweh through the covenant sacrifice of Yahshua" and, instead, associate yourself with ANY denominational label, you are guilty of idolatry and need to repent. Worship where you choose but do NOT apply the label of the place where you worship to bring division in the body.
If you are transgressing ANY of the ten commandments it is time to stop.
If you are speaking out against any of Yahweh's anointed servants, in other words, ANY person who professes to serve Yahweh or Yahshua, or who professed that way at any time in their lives, STOP it.
If you are expressing judgments of others, whoever they may be, STOP before you are judged with the same standard!
If there is ANY unrepented sin in your life, deal with it. If it requires that you make restitution (making right), DO IT!
If you are not giving the first 10% GROSS of your income to the work of Yahweh as He leads and / or not giving generously in offerings over and above the tenth, start today! Malachi says we will be cursed if we do not give the tenth to Yahweh.
If you are not battling financially at this time it is likely that you have compromised with Satan to a point where you have received the "Mark of the Beast", examine your life RIGOROUSLY and correct whatever you may be doing wrong - if you sell out to Satan, Satan will make sure you prosper but it is not worth it in exchange for eternity in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone.
There are numerous articles published on the ETI list in the last two years which deal with most of these issues, there are also a series of tapes on a number of these subjects available from us.
We are also available to counsel by email, telephonically or face to face if you need more specific guidance or prophetic utterance.
I urge each one of you to examine your lives as NEVER BEFORE!
Scripture indicates that before the Great Tribulation is over one third of the entire population of the earth will have LOST ALL HOPE OF SALVATION!!
Yahweh says that this will include THE VAST MAJORITY OF BELIEVERS ON EARTH TODAY!!
May Yahweh convict you and challenge you to go ALL OUT for Him in the days ahead!
Warm regards and blessings

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