2002.01.D.26. Why we Should NOT Call Yah God Created by James3 on 8/8/2019 7:45:25 PM Why we Should NOT Call Yah God
The following was received in response to the article 1AD.02.01.23 "REALLY IMPORTANT : Please give me a SIMPLE explanation":
From: Yochanan Mascaro -- YochananMascaro@msn.com
Shalom Yaacov (James)
The simplest of reasons why the mere utterance or pronunciation of the "wrong" transliterated name (rather than at least an attempt to say the right name) for me is found at Shemot (Ex.) 23:13. There Yahweh is not speaking about the character of the deity on Whom one may be calling (i.e., such as saying that we know that we mean the One True Mighty One Yahweh but yet are saying "God"); for at Shemot (Ex.) 23:13 Yahweh is in fact speaking of what one actually utters or enunciates with one's lips and is not addressing the heart condition or issue. Thus, the phonetic sounds used to say one name vs. the other is what He is focusing upon. He says that we are not even to mention other mighty ones with our lips.
Until I was revealed this verse I too once believed that the name one actually spoke with one's lips mattered not so long as one meant/intended to invoke the "right" deity.
Having said this, please note that I firmly believe that under Acts 17:30 principles, one is not held accountable for by Yahweh for those matters about which we have not been given understanding or revelation for Yahweh winks at our prior ignorance. However, once known, He holds us to a higher standard. This also follows for pastors who presumably know more than the sheep and therefore "woe unto them" who lead their sheep astray according to Yermiyahu (Jer.).
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Following are the verses of Scripture cited:
Exodus 23:13 ""And in all that I have said to you, be circumspect and make no mention of the name of other mighty ones {gods}, nor let it be heard from your mouth." (NKJ, gods adjusted)
Notice the use of Strong's word 430, "Elohim" = "mighty ones", EXACTLY the same word used for Yahweh repeatedly - relates to the abuse of the language as touched on in previous articles and which will, Yahweh willing, be dealt with in more detail in subsequent articles.
Acts 17:30-31 ""Truly, these times of ignorance Yahweh overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, 31 "because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead."" (NKJ)
This contribution is really important in grasping WHY it is so absolutely VITAL that we cease and desist from using the wrong names in ANY shape or form!
Warm regards and blessings

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