2002.01.D.27 Re More concerns - Muhammed Prophet of Yah and Qur'an Inspired of Yah Created by James3 on 8/8/2019 7:48:00 PM Re More concerns - Muhammed Prophet of Yah and Qur'an Inspired of Yah
In response to the article 1AD.02.01.20 "Pseudepigrapha" the following was received:
Dear James
This paragraph worries me the most:
Furthermore, Yahweh has clearly stated to the author that Muhammed WAS a prophet of Yahweh and that the ORIGINAL Qur'an WAS inspired by Yahweh within the constraints of the covenant with Ishmael as distinct from the covenant with Israel. Therefore at about 600 AD we have the existence of another considerable body of inspired writing.
If Muhammed was a true 'prophet of Yahweh' his primary mission would have been to declare Jesus as Lord, or at least to point to salvation through grace and not through works. The end result of the Qur'an is not to point to Jesus as the Saviour, but to salvation through works.
What you are suggesting is heresy. The apostle Paul had one desire: to preach Christ and Him crucified. You are putting out a lot of stuff that is, at best, peripheral to Christ on the cross, and at worst, leading people into confusion, heresy and the doctrines of devils.
Furthermore, you close the door to the possibility of your own error by sugar-coating your opinion with the words: "Yahweh has clearly stated..." How can anyone argue with that?
Kind regards
Dear .......
Thank you for your concern.
I apologize for the staggered responses, we have a problem with our land-line at present so i have to go off-site to send and receive mail and am therefore only doing so every few days.
I DO understand your difficulty, Yahweh had to challenge me repeatedly over a number of years before i was able to write the passage you quote.
I hope that some of what was written in response to your previous concern will address some of the points you make.
To address the other points:
1) Have you read the Qur'an from cover to cover in a translation produced by a committed Arabic Muslim with an excellent command of English, NOT by a Western "Christian" whose experience of Arabic is academic or who has a negative point to prove?
AND NOT by a militant Muslim extremist who is rabid in his anti-Christian views who has a negative point to prove in the other direction?
There IS a difference! :)
In all sincerity,ignoring for a moment what Yahweh HAS said on the matter, i cannot conceive that any sincere open minded person can read a good translation of the Qur'an and conclude otherwise than that it is inspired by Yahweh. It is full of references to the wisdom, graciousness, mercifulness, off-forgiving nature of the Creator of the heavens and the earth.
It set's out an enormous number of principles that directly correlate with different parts of our protestant Scriptures.
It presents an extremely severe message on righteous living, set-apartness (holiness), charity, humility, tolerance, love, etc. These messages are CONSTANTLY interspersed with warnings of coming Judgment and GRAPHIC depiction of the torment awaiting those who transgress and are found wanting!
ALL messages that i cannot conceive that any sincere servant of Yahweh would question for a moment and CERTAINLY NOT messages that Satan would want broadcast.
YES, as mentioned in the article 1AD.02.01.21 "Islam and The Holy Qur'an" (14 January 2002), there ARE a few passages which seem a bit fanciful and which don't quite agree with our version of the early lives of Moses, Joseph, Yahshua, some of which Yahweh DOES say are folk tales. However there should really not be anything that should cause enormous difficulty and certainly not enough to reject the man who wrote the book as not being a servant of Yahweh. After all, our own Holy Book (bible = book in Greek) contains a number of folk tales that contradict one another as well - such as the two conflicting accounts of Judas Iscariot's death referred to some months ago.
And, YES there are a small number of short passages that ARE immensely challenging.
However SPEAKING NOW IN MY PERSONAL CAPACITY AS YOU HAVE REQUESTED, i cannot conceivably see any basis to class Muhammed and his followers as heretics. He is clearly a servant of Yahweh from what he writes, EVEN if there are a few things he writes that not all believers can agree with him on. HOWEVER, as we have seen in recent weeks, the VERY SAME issues that Muhammed disagrees with many of us on, there are MANY other seemingly sincere believers who are NOT Muslims who share the same view.
This is hardly a basis on which to reject 1.2 billion people!!!
The fact that Muhammed and the Qur'an DOES NOT have a full revelation of Yahshua DOES not make them heretics, it SIMPLY makes them believers who are struggling to do their best with the limited revelation that they have and therefore WE should go OUT OF OUR WAY to bring the truth that we have to them WITHOUT condemning them the way you come close to doing!!!
2) To return to your question, could you please clarify how, since Yahweh gave the promises of the anointed one and of His Spirit to Israel could Yahweh then bypass Israel and raise up a prophet from Ishmael to preach the covenant of Yahshua?
Bear in mind that all of Western Europe are descendants of the ten tribes of Israel who went into dispersion. Therefore, virtually all, if not all the evangelists, teachers and other men of Yahweh of recent generations have ALL been blood-line descendants of Israel. Refer previous postings on this topic.
Remember also that in the days of Muhammed the children of Ishmael were SHUNNED by Jew and "Christian" alike so there was a MAJOR difficulty in getting an Arab to hear certain aspects of Yahweh's message.
Also, we do not know for certain that all the major points that Muhammed taught are preserved in the current generally accepted version of the Qur'an. Just as we have recently seen that there HAS been scribal TAMPERING with the "Bible" and that there ARE books missing, how are we to know that it is not the same with the Qur'an? Therefore, how can one know for sure that Muhammed DID NOT have a greater revelation of Yahshua than is recorded in the current Qur'an?
Again, hardly a basis to declare a man and 1.2 billion people who follow his teachings a heretic and CERTAINLY NOT the basis for the start of a world war which is what is currently on the cards!
3) Remember also that Muhammed lived at a time when the "Christian church" was in such apostasy that they were converting people at the point of a sword and killing those who did not convert and were waging outright war against Jews and Arabs in some cases (refer the article 1A1.01.05.05 ""Christian" Persecution of The Jews" (10 May, 2001).
Furthermore, by the time of Muhammed the "Christians" had totally departed from many of the fundamental aspects of Yahweh's commandments AND of what Yahshua taught! They had changed the Sabbath to Sunday, abolished the Holy Days, replaced the stake or tree with a Satanic cross, legislated monogamy and departed from the doctrines of Yahweh and Yahshua in numerous other ways. They were also NOT preaching on the gifts of the Spirit, the anointing or any of the other wonderful blessings that we receive as a consequence of Yahshua's terrible sacrifice.
They were ALSO using pagan names almost exclusively with Yahshua substituted by "Jesus" and "the anointed one" and "the anointing" substituted by "Christ" and applied synonymously with "Jesus" thereby totally devaluing the full impact of the message.
There were numerous other heresies ENFORCED by the Roman church in those days, some of which will, Yahweh willing, be dealt with in the messages that follow.
4) If we do not recognize the truth about the MASSIVE failings of our forefathers in the faith we do not have the knowledge and repentance necessary to reach out to 1.2 billion Muslims who are currently trying to receive salvation by works BECAUSE WE HAVE FAILED to bring the Good News of the covenant of Yahshua to them humbly, penitently and with integrity but have insisted on judging them because they are trapped in critical ignorance because of the arrogant, racist and brutal intolerance of our forefathers in the faith -- WE will face a HARSH judgment!
5) Please refer the article 1A1.01.02.12 "Seek Truth Not Error" (24 February, 2001) for more on this subject and particularly on what Yahweh has to say about us looking for error in other groups, such as Jews and Muslims when there is so much error in the "Christian church".
If you bear with me through this series of messages to the overall conclusion it is my sincere hope that it will be evident where this IS going and that it has AT IT'S HEART THE OBJECTIVE OF CLEARLY AND UNAMBIGUOUSLY SPELLING OUT THE GOOD NEWS OF THE SALVATION OF YAHWEH THROUGH THE ATONING SACRIFICE OF YAHSHUA ON THE STAKE!! :) :)
WITHOUT all the mystical, heretical, erroneous mumbo jumbo that currently constitutes what we have been proud to call "Christianity" :) :)
Warm regards and blessings
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i urge all who read this to PRAYERFULLY consider the situation and to at least read ONE of the versions of the Qur'an for which links were posted the other day.
If you go into each chapter just long enough for it to download to your computer you will then be able to read it or print it off line, it is NOT necessary to remain on-line while you read the entire page.
Warm regards and blessings

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