2002.04.D.01 Prophecy Of Coming Judgment Created by James3 on 8/9/2019 9:16:15 AM Prophecy Of Coming Judgment
Following is a prophecy of coming judgment which i received this morning.
It confirms much of what has been reported previously.
I continue to see signs of judgment building on the earth but also signs that much of the judgment is taking place in the spirit realm rather than in the physical realm.
In recent months i have become increasingly aware of the Ten Commandments as the basis of coming judgment and that the AMark of the Beast@ is simply failure to keep ALL TEN of the commandments in our thoughts (in the forehead) and in our contracts (in the right hand).
In this context am constantly seeing more and more clearly that the way we have been brought up to view Yah=s way of doing things is fundamentally flawed and that most of what we consider to be acceptable and righteous is indeed Aas filthy rags@ before the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, Yah the eternally self existent.
(Names Adjusted)
Message given to AVassula@ on the 7th February 2002:
"Citadel of Mine, I have called you in order to announce My Return. I have called you to reveal My unfathomable Mercy to all My children who still sit in apathy and their own world of indifference towards My persistent calls to repentance. My calls have not been heard. The world is creeping now even deeper in the mire of sin and in the shadow of death. My seed is dead for lack of irrigation. Many of my shepherds have failed Me drawing with them millions of souls in the abyss and into perdition. Can anyone say: "We have not been warned; we have not seen any celestial sign?" And they continue to live for themselves...
AThis generation has become dead to My Word and prefers to live for Satan who gives them everything that is opposing My Law of Love. Liberty and freedom they call it but in reality they are captives of the Evil one. Each man is now equipped for war; darkness is overruling the world; their hearts that are vile and dwelled by all sorts of evil spirits are only motivated towards the Prince of Darkness.
AI have given you all, time and occasions to rid yourselves of wickedness and godlessness and reflect on My Graciousness in these times of Mercy. I have ceaselessly by royal command displayed in the sky for you, prodigious prodigies to revive your faith, but so many of you, especially in the United States, after having been encouraged to step into the path of virtues that lead to Me and into Eternal Life, have turned against Me and against My envoys who are the carrier of My Word, and with contempt rejected Me. Both high and low alike have set their teeth to destroy this Work.
AMy Imperial Reign is at your very doors, but are you ready to receive Me? With largesse and with royal prodigality I laid out a banquet of spiritual food to revive your spirit. When I was there, (Yah means in the USA) waiting for you to feed you by My Own Hand to save you from death, you refused to come forward. Considering therefore your reluctance to a true metanoia and that you have shown hostility instead towards My warnings, what former scenes of wailing took place are nothing in comparison to the sorrowful mornings that lie ahead of you, sorrowful mornings that will be drawn by your own hand. Your nation governs in complete opposition to all My Law of Love which differ by your outlandish system of laws. Laws that commit the most heinous crimes to the point of endangering not only the earth but the stability as well of the whole cosmos.
AI have, so many times, yielded My Sceptre even to the non-existent beings; today with grief I see from above how your designs will turn against yourselves. The world already is tasting the fruits of its own course provoking nature to rebel with convulsions, drawing upon you natural disasters, choking itself with your own scheming. I had beckoned you for years now but very few only took notice. This purification that is now like a scourge upon you, generation, will draw many towards Me and those who spurned My warnings will return to Me in their distress.
AThen, when all these things will have taken place, when every being who non-existed will come to existing, I will set the earth on fire and free from the scourge.
AWhen Yah speaks, his Voice quakes the earth. My Reign will soon be with you because My divine visitation is at hand, and all who have been called to testify openly to every inhabitant of this earth will not be suppressed any longer since the people will be like a thirsty ground yearning for the dew of My Words; and they will testify the works of the Supreme Mighty One whom they had not met before nor seen with the eye of their soul.
AEntreat heaven that this time of purification does not go hard on you as on Sodom and Gommorah.
AMy Body will be renewed."
We strongly encourage all to turn to Yah the Eternally Self Existent Mighty One (Yahweh / {the LORD}) with all of heart, mind, soul and strength.
It seems possible that the physical tablets of stone with the Ten Commandments will be revealed soon. Their location is known and it is simply a matter of a person with the necessary anointing, calling and sanctification and the favour of Yah to go in and bring them out for the world to see in order that FULL judgment may follow.
I urge you, if you are NOT experiencing the refining fire of the Spirit of Yah in your life on a regular basis, it is time to be concerned that you are not close enough to His Spirit to experience His Chastening. Millions are falling away and the remnant is becoming smaller and smaller.
There is no more time for us:
1) to dally with the world=s way of doing things and failing to love Yah our Mighty One with all our heart, mind, soul and strength.
2) to put our denominations above our faith in Yah and our service to Him there is no time for us live in ignorance of the true role of Yahshua and who he actually is and who he is not and to worship images, icons, crosses and the like
3) to play games with the true Names of Yah and Yahshua
4) to fail to keep the true Sabbath (Saturday) and the feasts, fasts and festivals of Yah (Passover, Tabernacles, Pentecost, Atonement, etc) on the correct days and dates and times
5) to fail to honour our parents
6) to fail to keep the commandments of Yah with regard to the death penalty for murder and to keep permitting murder of unborn infants
7) to fail to recognize that the act of sexual intercourse with a virgin IS the ACT of marriage and that men who have taken the virginity of more than one woman are accountable for all of them
8) to stop condoning theft, whether of taxes, petty items, gross tax fraud or any other form, including demanding tithes and offerings of congregants.
9) to stop bearing false witness and lying and particularly do away with all false doctrines of demons and men and return to the pure truth of the Word and Spirit of Yah
10) to stop coveting and lusting whether sexually, over motor vehicles, sport heroes, furniture, houses, lands, etc
If one transgresses in ANY of the above then one is MARKED BY the BEAST (Satan) and will have a part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone which is the Second Death.
If life is going well today and one is NOT being refined then one MUST ask oneself whether one is transgressing one or more of these ten commandments and is thereby MARKED as being of no significant threat to Satan.
Yah willing, i hope to write more on this subject shortly, in the interim, i appeal to all who read this to pray for sanctification and to pray to Yah
Ajudge me severely and correct me harshly that i may serve You more perfectly@
Warm regards and blessings

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