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image2002.05.D.07 The Midnight Cry
Created by James3 on 8/10/2019 5:54:43 AM

The Midnight Cry

2002.05.D.07 The Midnight Cry

"Sound the Shofar in Zion and sound the alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the Land tremble: for the day of the Lord cometh, it is nigh at hand" (Joel 2:1)

“Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.  Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish.  Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them,  but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.  But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept.

And at midnight a cry was heard: "Behold, the bridegroom is coming,  go out to meet him!'  Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps.  And the foolish said to the wise, "Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.'  But the wise answered, saying, "No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.' 10And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut.

Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, "Lord, Lord, open to us!'  But he answered and said, "Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.'   Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming. (Matt. 25:1-13)”

“And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.  The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.  Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy.  But put on King Messiah YahShua, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts. (Rom. 13:11-13)”

The angel whom I saw standing on the sea and on the land raised up his hand to heaven and swore by Him who lives forever and ever, who created heaven and the things that are in it, the earth and the things that are in it, and the sea and the things that are in it, that there should be delay no longer,  but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, the mystery of YAHWEH would be finished, as He declared to His servants the prophets. (Rev. 10:5-7)”

But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.  The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us,  not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.  But the day of YAHWEH will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.  Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, (2 Peter 3:8-11)”

The End-Time Clock Moves Ahead

After the 9-11 attack on the United States the Endtime prophetic clock moved two minutes closer to midnight.  For some years it stood at 11:51, none minutes till midnight or the End.

With the result of global Islamic terrorism so visible and committed, students of Scriptural prophecy believes we have moved two minutes closer to the “Time of the End.”

Even non-believing secular humanists feel that we are rapidly approaching the final cataclysmic events at the end of mankind’s age.

For years Israel and its Arab neighbors have been locked into a war of survival.  Recently a severe “intifada” has been raging in the land of Israel.  And on September 11th it was brought to our shores.  Several of the militant Islamic fundamentalist factions have been evangelizing terror all over the globe.  This is called “jihad” a Holy War to convert or exterminate the infidel.  These Terror groups go by the names Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Force 17, Tanzim, Al Asqa Martyrs Brigade, Hezbollah, Fatah, PLO, Party of Allah, and the Democratic Front.  What Arafat is saying in English is the violence from these factions will stop when  Israel pulls back to the 1948 Green Line that runes in a north to south line 15miles from the Mediterranean Sea.  But in Arabic he says they intend to drive every Israeli into the sea.

Here is a timeline of the Arab aggression against Israel:

132: Bar Kokhba organized a revolt against Roman rule, but was killed in a battle in Bethar in Judean Hills. Subsequently the Romans decimated the Jewish community, renamed Jerusalem as Aelia Capitolina and

Judea as Palaestina to obliterate Jewish identification with the Land of Israel (the word Palestine, and the Arabic word Filastin originate from this Latin name).The remaining Jewish community moved to northern towns in the Galilee.

611: Mohammed begins receiving the Quran which is a revision of the Hebrew & Messianic Scriptures making the Arabs the focal point instead of Israel; ultimate replacement theology.

622 24-Sep: In the Hegira Muhammed left Mecca for Medina (aka Yathrib) with 75 followers. This event marked the beginning of the Islamic lunar calendar. The new faith was called "Islam," which means submission to Allah. Believers in Islam are called Muslims-- "Those who submit to Allah's will." In Medina Mohammad tried to unite the Jews and Arabs and initially faced Jerusalem to pray. The Jewish leaders did not accept Mohammad as a prophet and so Mohammad expelled from the city the Jews who opposed him. From then on he commanded the Muslims to face the Kaaba in Mecca when praying.

630: Mohammad raised an army of 10,000 killed all the Jews that did not leave Medina and took over Mecca. He immediately set out to destroy all the idols at Kaaba. The black stone remained embedded in the corner. The area around became the first mosque, or Muslim house of worship.

632: Muhammed, the founder of Islam and unifier of Arabia & killer of Arabian Jews, died. His companions compiled his words and deeds in a work called the Sunna. Here are contained the rules for Islam.  One of the last things he said was a prophecy. This prophecy in fact is documented in Mohammed's Book of Traditions which states the following: "The Day of Judgment shall not come to pass until a tribe of Muslims defeat a tribe of Jews".

When Mohammed was asked of the place this will take place he said: "In Jerusalem and the surrounding nations".

636-1099: Arab Dome of the Rock was built by Caliph Abd el-Malik on the grounds of the destroyed Jewish Temple so as to obliterate any memory of a Hebrew Temple.

644-656: The Quran is written years after Mohammed dies.

1095-1270: Catholic Crusades invade the Holy Land with motto: “Kill a Jew for Jesus!”  This is the birth of Terrorism.

1516-1918: Turkish Ottoman Empire under the reign of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent

1520-1566: The Turks rebuild the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem causing the population of the Jewish community in Jerusalem to increase.

1881: Economic and political instability and pogroms shake Eastern Europe. Some Jews go to Palestine but 2.5 million-move west, 2.0 million to the US by World War I.

1894-1906: Dreyfus Affair in France exposes deep anti-Semitism. Trial is covered by Viennese journalist Theodor Herzl.


The total population of Palestine is approximately 500,000. Of this population, around 47,000 are Jews, some of which are part of the indigenous population and the remainder of which represents small groups which had immigrated to Palestine for purely religious reasons.


Theodore Hertzl, founder of the Zionist movement, writes in Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State) that “the idea which I have developed in this pamphlet is a very old one: it is the restoration of the Jewish state.” Hertzl mentions Palestine and Argentina as possible sites.


The 1st Zionist Congress is held in Basle, Switzerland, and declares that the goal of Zionism is to “create for the Jewish people a home in Palestine secured by public law.” The Congress also decides to establish the World Zionist Organization (WZO).


Correspondences are exchanged between Sir Henry McMahon, the British High Commissioner in Egypt, and Sherif Hussain, the Emir of Mecca, in which the Sherif demands the “independence of Arab countries”, specifying in detail the boundaries of the territories under Ottoman rule, which clearly included Palestine. McMahon confirms that “Great Britain is prepared to recognize and support the independence of the Arabs in all the regions within the limits demanded by the Sherif of Mecca.”


Negotiations between Britain, France, Russia, and later Italy, lead to the secret Sikes-Picot Agreement on the allocation of Ottoman Arab territories to spheres of influence of the European Powers. Since sites sacred to the three world religions are located there, an international regime is initially envisaged for Palestine.


A declaration is issued by the British Foreign Secretary, Sir Arthur James Balfour, in a letter dated 2 November and addressed to Lord Rothchild, stating that “His Majesty’s Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.” The Declaration is approved by the Cabinet.

Dr. Chaim Weizmann, leader of the Zionist movement, is critical in influencing the drafting of the Balfour Declaration. He is successful in stirring up Zionist support by spreading the slogan “A land without people for a people without a land.”

Palestine was conquered by General Edmund Allenby and the British Army in 1917. Britain begins governing Palestine as an occupying Power with a de facto administration in the form of a military government in December.


The British government, in a special message to Sherif Hussain, states that ‘the Entente powers are determined that the Arab race shall be given full opportunity of once again forming a nation in the world . . . so far as Palestine is concerned, we are determined that no people shall be subject to another.”


Allied powers convene the Paris Peace Conference and decide to bring the territories ruled by the Ottoman Empire under the Mandate System introduced by the Covenant of the League of Nations, signed on 28 June as part of the Treaty of Versailles. Article 22 of the Covenant, which establishes the Mandate System, considers the Arab lands as class “A” mandates and states that: “Certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone. The wishes of these communities must be a principle consideration in the selection of the Mandatory.”

President Woodrow Wilson declares that “one of the fundamental principles to which the United States of America adheres is the consent of the governed.” This leads to the King-Crane Commission, whose jurisdiction includes Palestine. Its findings receive little attention and, in any case, become moot with the US decision to stay out of the League of Nations.


The San Remo Conference convenes on 25 April and the Allied Supreme Council decides, as a compromise, that Palestine, which under the Sikes-Picot agreement had been destined for international administration, will pass into British tutelage. The decision is taken without any heed to the requirements of article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations.

Soon after World War I ends, large-scale immigration of Jews from Europe starts under the aegis of the Balfour Declaration. This leads to anti-Jewish riots by Palestinians, just as the San Remo Conference finalizes the location of the Palestine mandate to be Great Britain.

Soon after World War I ends, large-scale immigration of Jews from Europe starts under the aegis of the Balfour Declaration. This leads to anti-Jewish riots by Palestinians, just as the San Remo Conference finalizes the location of the Palestine mandate to be Great Britain.


Within a year of Palestine’s coming under British civil administration, riots again break out, this time in Jaffa in May, resulting in 95 dead and 220 injured.


The British government issues a statement on 1 July referred to as the “Churchill Memorandum” which disclaims “wholly Jewish Palestine” or, to effect “the subordination of the Arab population, language or culture in Palestine” but at the same time makes it clear that the Balfour Declaration is not susceptible to change, which means a continued increase of the Jewish community through immigration.

The text of the mandate is approved by the League of Nations on 24 July. The mandate incorporates the Balfour Declaration and recognizes the “historic connection of the Jewish people with Palestine” as the grounds for reconstituting their national home in Palestine.

The Council of the League of Nations, on 16 September, passes a resolution effectively approving a separate administration for Transjordan. Palestine and Jordan were included in the same mandate but were treated as distinct territories.


The renunciation of Turkish claims over non-Turkish territories of the Ottoman Empire is formalized in the Treaty of Lausanne. The British mandate acquires jurisdiction de jure over Palestine.


Palestinian resentment against the denial of their inherent right of national self-determination, and against the colonization of their land by non-Palestinians, breaks out into violence in August, sparked by a dispute over the wall of “al-Buraq” (the Wailing Wall).

By the end of the decade, around 100,000 Jewish immigrants enter Palestine, reaching a peak in 1924-1926 and later declining.

Mohammed Abdel Rauf al Qudwa al Husseini was born in Cairo Egypt in 1929 of Egyptian parents. He adopted the name Yasser Arafat meaning 'Great Beheader' adding ABU AMAR after a companion of Muslim False Prophet, Mohammed   He is a practising Muslim, has performed the Haj to Mecca and wears a pendant engraved with a verse from the Quran.

“Let us consider Yassir Arafat, so carefully cleaned up by the West, particularly by the Clintons, from a well-documented Terrorist into a diplomat and world statesman. Yassir Arafat also claimed to be born in Jerusalem but was actually born in Cairo, August 29, 1929, named Mohammed Abdel Rahman al Qudwa al-Husseini. Nor as he has claimed, is he related to the late Grand Mufti of Jerusalem  (Amin al-Husseini) or Faisel Husseini or any other Husseini clan of Jersalem.  There are 4 Husseini clans in the Land of Israel, none related. The Grand Mufti spent World War II in Berlin, urging Hitler to bring his killing machine to kill the Palestinian Jews to cleanse the land of Jews for the Arab people and Islam.  Arafat learned from the Mufti about the politics of Arab nationalism in Palestine during that brief period. Clearly, Arafat desperately wanted to emulate the Grand Mufti and so invented his lineage, completing the fabrication.”  (Emanuel A. Winston, a Middle East analyst & commentator, September 2, 1999)


Great Britain issues a new statement of policy entitled the Passfield-White Paper on October 30. The paper asserts that “equal weight shall at all times be given to the obligations laid down with regard to the two sections of the population and to reconcile those two obligations where, inevitably, conflicting interests are involved.”


A letter (McDonald Letter) by the British Prime Minister addressed to Weizman makes it clear that Palestine would be governed in accordance with the Churchill Policy of 1922 and that restrictions by Lord Passfield on Jewish immigration and land transfers would not be applied.


Nazi persecution of Jews in Europe leads to a surge in the number of Jewish immigrants from Europe to Palestine.

Palestinians react to the huge influx of immigrants, with clashes erupting mainly in Jerusalem and Jaffa, resulting in considerable casualties, although not as heavy as those of 1929.


Palestinian resistance to foreign rule and foreign colonization breaks out into a major rebellion that virtually lasts until the outbreak of World War II.

In April, a new union of Palestinian political parties is formed- the Arab Higher Committee, headed by the Mufti of Jerusalem, Al Haj Amin Husseini. The Committee calls for a general strike to support Palestinian demands for the formation of a national government. The strike continues for six months, during which attacks on British troops and posts, as well as on Jewish settlements, take place.

The Jewish side conducts its own campaign of attacks and retaliation, the principle vehicle being the Haganah, a covert illegal para-military force formed during the early mandate years. Other Jewish military organizations are also active, such as the Irgun Tzeva’I Leumi and the “special night forces” (trained by a British officer).

At the same time, oppressive measures are escalated by the British. Large parts of the town of Jaffa are demolished, the Arab Higher Committee is proscribed and military courts are established, handing out 58 death sentences by the end of 1938.


A British Royal Commission is established to investigate the “disturbances” and it presents the Peel Report. It recognizes the justice of the demands by the Palestinian people for independence and acknowledges that, contrary to the previous official position, the “dual obligations” undertaken by the British government were not reconcilable. The Commission recommends, in Solomonian fashion, the partition of Palestine.

1936-1939 Arab Revolt led by Haj Amin Al-Husseini. Hundreds of Arabs and Jews killed. Husseini fled to Iraq and then to Nazi Germany.


The London Conference is held from February through March and develops into parallel but separate Anglo-Arab and Anglo-Jewish conferences, since the Arabs refuse to recognize the Jewish Agency. They insist on the inherent right of Palestinians to their independence while the Jews insist on achieving a Jewish state.

In May, the McDonald White Paper is issued, disclaiming any intention to create a Jewish state and rejecting Arab demands that Palestine become an independent Arab state. Instead, it envisages the termination of the mandate by 1949, with Palestine becoming an independent Arab state with a shared Palestinian-Jewish government. The paper also stipulates that immigration would end after another 75,000 immigrants were admitted over a period of five years, and that British government would strictly regulate the transfer of land.

Within the decade of the 1930’s, Palestine receives approximately 232,000 Jewish immigrants. The Jewish population in 1939 numbers over 445,000 out of a total population of about 1.5 million, nearly 30% as compared to the less than 10% twenty years earlier. Similarly, by 1939, Jewish land holdings had risen by four-times to almost 1.5 million dunums of the total area of 26 million dunums.


In February, the Palestine Authorities issues the land transfer regulations, dividing Palestine into 3 zones. In the largest of those zones, the transfer of land to a person who is not a Palestinian Arab is prohibited.

The Palestinian Rebellion, the Royal Commission’s report and the 1939 White Paper’s policies all combine to constitute a series of setbacks to the Zionist aim of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine. The general Zionist response includes illegal Jewish immigration, terrorism, and attempts to obtain support from the United States.


A small group of Zionist extremists (the Stern group) commits a series of politically motivated murders and robberies in the Tel Aviv area.

In May, the Jewish Agency executive meeting in New York makes public what is known as the Biltmore Program, the longstanding aim of which is the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine through unlimited immigration.


The British High Commissioner narrowly escapes death in an ambush outside of Jerusalem. Three months later, on 6 November, the British Minister of State in the Middle East is assassinated in Cairo. The two actions are committed by the Stern terrorist group.


Zionist pressure in the U.S. increases with the involvement of Congressmen, and President Harry Truman calls upon the British government to open up the gates of Palestine to an additional 100,000 homeless European Jews.


A 12-member Anglo-American Inquiry Committee begins its work in January for 3 months. The Committee rejects the idea of early independence for Palestine, whether partitioned or unified, and proposes instead that Palestine become a United Nations Trusteeship, pending which the mandate would continue. Among the immediate measures the committee recommends is the rescinding of the 1940 land transfer regulations and the immediate issuance of 100,000 immigration permits. However, the British government states that it cannot accept the recommendations immediately and instead would examine them further.

On 22 July, the campaign conducted by Zionist terrorist organizations reaches a new climax with the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. The explosion destroys a wing of the hotel housing the offices of the British government secretariat, as well as part of the military headquarters, and kills 86 people. In general, there is some evidence of involvement by the Jewish Agency in similar terrorist actions, including the engagement of the Haganah and the Palmach in carefully planned acts of sabotage and violence under the guise of the Jewish resistance movement.


UN Special Commission on Palestine recommends dividing Palestine into 2 states, one Jewish and one Arab


Britain withdraws from Palestine; Israel declares Independence; full-scale war erupts between Israel and its Arab neighbors, led by Transjordan, Egypt, Syria, and Iraq

Jan 1, 1952 - Seven armed terrorists attacked and killed a nineteen year-old girl in her home, in the neighborhood of Beit Yisrael, in Jerusalem.

Apr 14, 1953 - Terrorists tried for the first time to infiltrate Israel by sea, but were unsuccessful. One of the boats was intercepted and the other boat escaped.

June 7, 1953 - A youngster was killed and three others were wounded, in shooting attacks on residential areas in southern Jerusalem.

June 9, 1953 - Terrorists attacked a farming community near Lod, and killed one of the residents. The terrorists threw hand grenades and sprayed gunfire in all directions. On the same night, another group of terrorists attacked a house in the town of Hadera. This occurred a day after Israel and Jordan signed an agreement, with UN mediation, in which Jordan undertook to prevent terrorists from crossing into Israel from Jordanian territory.

June 10, 1953 - Terrorists infiltrating from Jordan destroyed a house in the farming village of Mishmar Ayalon.

June 11, 1953 - Terrorists attacked a young couple in their home in Kfar Hess, and shot them to death.

Sept 2, 1953 - Terrorists infiltrated from Jordan, and reached the neighborhood of Katamon, in the heart of Jerusalem. They threw hand grenades in all directions. Miraculously, no one was hurt.

Mar 17, 1954- Terrorists ambushed a bus traveling from Eilat to Tel Aviv, and opened fire at short range when the bus reached the area of Maale Akrabim in the northern Negev. In the initial ambush, the terrorists killed the driver and wounded most of the passengers. The terrorists then boarded the bus, and shot each passenger, one by one. Eleven passengers were murdered. Survivors recounted how the murderers spat on the bodies and abused them. The terrorists could clearly be traced back to the Jordanian border, some 20 km from the site of the terrorist attack.

Jan 2, 1955 - Terrorists killed two hikers in the Judean Desert.

Mar 24, 1955 - Terrorists threw hand grenades and opened fire on a crowd at a wedding in the farming community of Patish, in the Negev. A young woman was killed, and eighteen people were wounded in the attack.


Apr 7, 1956 - A resident of Ashkelon was killed in her home, when terrorists threw three hand grenades into her house.

Two members of Kibbutz Givat Chaim were killed, when terrorists opened fire on their car, on the road from Plugot Junction to Mishmar Hanegev.

There were further hand grenade and shooting attacks on homes and cars, in areas such as Nitzanim and Ketziot. One person was killed and three others wounded.

Apr 11, 1956 - Terrorists opened fire on a synagogue full of children and teenagers, in the farming community of Shafrir. Three children and a youth worker were killed on the spot, and five were wounded, including three seriously.

Apr 29, 1956 - Egyptians killed Roi Rotenberg, 21 years of age, from Nahal Oz.

Sept 12, 1956 - Terrorists killed three Druze guards at Ein Ofarim, in the Arava region.

Sept 23, 1956 - Terrorists opened fire from a Jordanian position, and killed four archaeologists, and wounded sixteen others, near Kibbutz Ramat Rachel.

Sept 24, 1956 - Terrorists killed a girl in the fields of the farming community of Aminadav, near Jerusalem.

Oct 4, 1956 - Five Israeli workers were killed in Sdom.

Oct 9, 1956 - Two workers were killed in an orchard of the youth village, Neve Hadassah, in the Sharon region.

Oct. 29, 1956 Suez Campaign. In retaliation for a series of escalating border raids as well as the closure of the straits of Tiran and Suez canal to Israeli shipping, and to prevent Egyptian use of newly acquired Soviet arms in a war, Israel invades the Sinai peninsula and occupies it for several months, with French and British backing. Israel withdraws after a UN peace keeping force is placed in Sinai, and US guarantees right of passage for Israeli shipping through the Straits of Tiran.  US condemns their allies and forces their retreat. UN force set up in Sinai Peninsula to prevent further attacks

Nov 8, 1956 - Terrorists opened fire on a train, attacked cars and blew up wells, in the North and Center of Israel. Six Israelis were wounded.

Feb 18, 1957 - Two civilians were killed by terrorist landmines, next to Nir Yitzhak, on the southern border of the Gaza Strip.

Mar 8, 1957 - A shepherd from Kibbutz Beit Govrin was killed by terrorists in a field near the Kibbutz.

Apr 16, 1957 - Terrorists infiltrated from Jordan, and killed two guards at Kibbutz Mesilot.

May 20, 1957 - A terrorist opened fire on a truck in the Arava region, killing a worker.

May 29, 1957 - A tractor driver was killed and two others wounded, when the vehicle struck a landmine, next to Kibbutz Kisufim.

June 23, 1957 - Israelis were wounded by landmines, close to the Gaza Strip.

Aug 23, 1957 - Two guards of the Israeli Mekorot water company were killed near Kibbutz Beit Govrin.

Dec 21, 1957 - A member of Kibbutz Gadot was killed in the Kibbutz fields.

Feb 11, 1958 - Terrorists killed a resident of Moshav Yanov who was on his way to Kfar Yona, in the Sharon area.

Apr 5, 1958 - Terrorists lying in ambush shot and killed two people near Tel Lachish.

Apr 22, 1958 - Jordanian soldiers shot and killed two fishermen near Aqaba.

May 26, 1958 - Four Israeli police officers were killed in a Jordanian attack on Mt. Scopus, in Jerusalem.

Nov 17, 1958 - Syrian terrorists killed the wife of the British air attaché in Israel, who was staying at the guesthouse of the Italian Convent on the Mt. of the Beatitudes.

Dec 3, 1958- A shepherd was killed at Kibbutz Gonen. In the artillery attack that followed, 31 civilians were wounded.

Jan 23, 1959 - A shepherd from Kibbutz Lehavot Habashan was killed.

Feb 1, 1959 - Three civilians were killed by a terrorist landmine near Moshav Zavdiel.

Apr 15, 1959 - A guard was killed at Kibbutz Ramat Rahel.

Apr 27, 1959 - Two hikers were shot at close range and killed near Massada.

Sept 6, 1959 - Bedouin terrorists killed a paratroop reconnaissance officer near Nitzana.

Sept 8, 1959 - Bedouins opened fire on an army bivouac in the Negev, killing an IDF officer, Captain Yair Peled.

Oct 3, 1959 - A shepherd from Kibbutz Heftziba was killed near Kibbutz Yad Hana.

Apr 26, 1960 - Terrorists killed a resident of Ashkelon south of the city.

Apr 12, 1962 - Terrorists fired on an Egged bus on the way to Eilat; one passenger was wounded.

Sept 30, 1962 - Two terrorists attacked an Egged bus on the way to Eilat. No one was wounded.

Jan 1, 1965 - Palestinian terrorists attempted to bomb the National Water Carrier. This was the first attack carried out by the PLO's Fatah faction.

May 31, 1965 - Jordanian Legionnaires fired on the neighborhood of Musrara in Jerusalem, killing two civilians and wounding four.

June 1, 1965 - Terrorists attack a house in Kibbutz Yiftach.

July 5, 1965 - A Fatah cell planted explosives at Mitzpe Massua, near Beit Guvrin; and on the railroad tracks to Jerusalem near Kafr Battir.

Aug 26, 1965 - A waterline was sabotaged at Kibbutz Manara, in the Upper Galilee.

Sept 29, 1965 - A terrorist was killed as he attempted to attack Moshav Amatzia.

Nov 7, 1965 - A Fatah cell that infiltrated from Jordan blew up a house in Moshav Givat Yeshayahu, south of Beit Shemesh. The house was destroyed, but the inhabitants were miraculously unhurt.

Apr 25, 1966 - Explosions placed by terrorists wounded two civilians and damaged three houses in Moshav Beit Yosef, in the Beit Shean Valley.

May 16, 1966 - Two Israelis were killed when their jeep hit a terrorist landmine, north of the Sea of Galilee and south of Almagor. Tracks led into Syria.

July 13, 1966 - Two soldiers and a civilian were killed near Almagor, when their truck struck a terrorist landmine.

July 14, 1966 - Terrorists attacked a house in Kfar Yuval, in the North.

July 19, 1966 - Terrorists infiltrated into Moshav Margaliot on the northern border and planted nine explosive charges.

Oct 27, 1966 - A civilian was wounded by an explosive charge on the railroad tracks to Jerusalem.


Egypt orders UN force out of Sinai; Israel invades as a "pre-emptive" strike and occupies Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula (from Egypt), Golan Heights (from Syria) and West Bank and East Jerusalem (from Jordan). UN Resolution 242 calls upon Israel to "withdraw from territories occupied in recent hostilities" and calls for peaceful coexistence between all states in the region.

1969: Arafat, Yasir, Palestinian terrorist commando and political leader.  Head of the guerrilla group Al Fatah, he became leader of the PALESTINE LIBERATION ORGANIZATION (PLO).   When taking the position he said, "This is my city ... This is where I was born." But he was not born in Jerusalem, not even - as some of his comrades claimed - in the Khan Younis refugee camp in Gaza, but in Cairo in 1929, the fifth of seven children of a Palestinian merchant called Abdul Raouf al-Qudwa al-Husseini who was killed fighting the Israelis 20 years later.


Oct. 6, Yom Kippur War (October War) In a surprise attack on the Jewish day of atonement, Egypt retook the Suez canal and a narrow zone on the other side. Syria reconquered the Golan Heights. Following massive US and Soviet resupplying of the sides, Israel succeeded in pushing back the Syrians and threatening Damascus. Ariel Sharon crossed the Suez Canal and cuts off the Egyptian Third Army. UN Resolution 338 reiterates 242.


Sadat visits Jerusalem, addresses Israeli Knesset.


Jimmy Carter mediates Camp David Accords between Egypt and Israel; Israel invades southern Lebanon.


Sadat signs peace treaty with Menachem Begin; Arab League kicks Egypt out of its organization


Israel annexes East Jerusalem.


Oct. 6,  Egyptian President Anwar Sadat is assassinated while on the reviewing stand of a victory parade,

Mubarak assumes presidency.


Israel completes withdrawal from Sinai. Israel launches full-scale invasion of Lebanon, bombs Beirut in attempt to force PLO out of Lebanon.

Summer,  Foundation of the Lebanese Shi’ite Hizbulla Islamist terror group.

Aug. 22,  PLO evacuation of Beirut.

Sept. 14,  Lebanese President Bashir Jemayeel assassinated by Syrian intelligence.

Sept. 16-17,  Lebanese Christian Phalange units, allowed by Israeli forces to enter the Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilla, massacre between 400 and 800 Palestinian civilians.


  • April: Beirut, U.S. Embassy Suicide car bomb 63 killed Radical Shiite Muslim group takes credit.
  • October: Beirut, U.S. Marine barracks Bomb 241 killed by the Lebanese Party of God faction.
  • December: Kuwait City, U.S. Embassy Suicide truck bomb Six killed; dozens injured 17 pro-Iranian terrorists convicted.


  • September: Beirut, U.S. embassy Suicide car bomb 16 killed Islamic Jihad claims responsibility.


  • June: TWA flight 847 Hijacking to Beirut One killed by the Lebanese Party of God faction.
  • October: Egyptian coast, Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro Hostage situation One crippled Jewish man ,killed Palestine Liberation Front take responsibility.
  • November: Egypt Air flight 648 Hijacking to Malta 60 killed by the Abu Nidal's Arab Revolutionary Command.


  • April: West Berlin night club a Bomb explodes, three killed, arrested are a Libyan diplomat, two Palestinians and two Germans.
  • Rome to Athens TWA flight Bomb Four killed by Mohammed Rashid, Palestinian terrorist, members of Iraqi backed May 15 organization.

1987: The Palestinian intifada (uprising) begins.

  • February: Southern Lebanon Kidnapping One U.S. Marine executed by the Lebanese Party of God.
  • November: Rabbi Miller goes to Israel speaks to Palestinian Christians is shocked at their anti-israelism.

1988: PLO recognizes Israel, renounces terrorism, accepts UN resolutions 242 and 338; US establishes limited dialogue with PLO.

Jan. 1988 Foundation of the Hamas Islamic Brotherhood. Hamas published their Charter in August 1988, based on the forged Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and advocating destruction of Israel.

Nov. 15, 1988 Palestine National Council of the PLO declare a Palestinian state in absentia, recognizing UN resolutions 181 and 242, and implicitly recognizing Israel.

December 1988: Lockerbie, Scotland, Pan Am flight 103 Bomb 270 killed by Libyan intelligence agents.


May 14, 1989: Israeli Peace Plan, calls for a negotiating process with the Palestinians very similar to the one actually implemented by the Oslo accords.

1990: US ends dialogue with PLO after Arafat failed to condemn an unsuccessful Palestinian attack against Israeli civilians.

Gulf War begins on the 9th of Av with Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait; Arafat sides with Iraq

1991: US-led coalition defeats Saddam’s army in February at Purim.

  • October 30: President George Bush Sr. opens the Madrid Conference with an initiative for a Middle East peace plan involving Israel's land. On the same day, an extremely rare storm forms off the coast of Nova Scotia. (It was eventually tagged "The Perfect Storm," and a book and movie were made about it.) Record setting 100-foot waves form at sea and pound the New England Coast, even causing heavy- damage to President Bush's home in Kennebunkport, Maine.

1992: Labor-led coalition government elected in Israel; Yitzhak Rabin is Prime Minister

  • August 23: The Madrid Conference moves to Washington DC and the peace talks resume, lasting four days. On that same day, Hurricane Andrew - the worst natural disaster ever to hit America - produces an estimated $30 billion in damage and leaves 180,000 homeless in Florida


  • January - August: Norway hosts series of secret talks between the PLO and the Israeli Government
  • Sept. 13, 1993 Oslo Declaration of Principles - Israel and PLO agree to mutual recognition, Yasser Arafat and PLO will be allowed to return to Gaza. PLO and Palestinian leadership renounce violence and use of terrorism, and agree to revise the PLO charter to remove chapters referring to destruction of Israel. Over the next, years, Israel withdraws from a small area (Area A) that is given to Palestinian sovereignty, a larger area (Area B) is given to Palestinian civil control only, while a third area of the West Bank and Gaza strip remains under total Israeli control. Israel does not dismantle any settlements, and the number of settlers and new settlements increases considerably.
  • September 14: Jordan and Israel sign statement of principles on peace
  • Sep 24 93 Yigal Vaknin was stabbed to death in an orchard near the trailer home where he lived near the village of Basra. A squad of the HAMAS' Iz a-Din al Kassam claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Oct 9 93 Dror Forer and Aran Bachar were murdered by terrorists in Wadi Kelt in the Judean Desert. The Popular Front and the Islamic Jihad 'Al-Aqsa Squads' each publicly claimed responsibility.
  • Oct 24 93 Two IDF soldiers, Staff Sgt. (res.) Ehud Rot, age 35, and Sgt. Ilan Levi, age 23, were killed by a HAMAS Iz a-Din al Kassam squad. The two entered a Subaru with Israeli license plates outside a Jewish settlement in the Gaza Strip, whose passengers were apparently terrorists disguised as Israelis. Following a brief struggle, the soldiers were shot at close range and killed. HAMAS publicly claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Oct 29 93 Chaim Mizrahi, resident of Beit-El, was kidnapped by three terrorists from a poultry farm near Ramallah. He was murdered and his body burned. Three Fatah members were convicted of the murder on July 27, 1994.
  • Nov 7 93 Efraim Ayubi of Kfar Darom, Rabbi Chaim Druckman's personal driver, was shot to death by terrorists near Hebron. HAMAS publicly claimed responsibility for the murder.
  • Nov 9 93 Salman 'Id el-Hawashla, age 38, an Israeli Bedouin of the Abu Rekaik tribe who was driving a car with Israeli plates, was killed by three armed men driving a truck hijacked from the Gaza municipality, in a deliberate head-on collision.
  • Nov 17 93 Sgt. 1st Cl. Chaim Darina, age 37, was stabbed by a Gazan terrorist while seated at the cafeteria at the Nahal Oz road block at the entrance to the Gaza Strip. The perpetrator was apprehended. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the murder.
  • Dec 1 93 Shalva Ozana, age 23, and Yitzhak Weinstock, age 19, were shot to death by terrorists from a moving vehicle, while parked on the side of the road to Ramallah because of engine trouble. Weinstock died of his wounds the following morning. Iz a-Din al Kassam claimed responsibility for the attack, stating that it was carried out in retaliation for the killing by Israeli forces of Imad Akel, a wanted HAMAS leader in Gaza.
  • Dec 5 93 David Mashrati, a reserve soldier, was shot and killed by a terrorist attempting to board a bus on route 641 at the Holon junction. The Islamic Jihad Shekaki group claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Dec 6 93 Mordechai Lapid and his son Shalom Lapid, age 19, were shot to death by terrorists near Hebron. HAMAS publicly claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • December 13: Target date passes for beginning of Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and Jericho.
  • Dec 22 93 Eliahu Levin and Meir Mendelovitch were killed by shots fired at their car from a passing vehicle in the Ramallah area. HAMAS claimed responsibility.
  • Dec 23 93 Anatoly Kolisnikov, an Ashdod resident employed as a relief watchman at a construction site there, was stabbed to death while on duty.
  • Dec 31 93 Chaim Weizman and David Bizi were found murdered in a Ramle apartment. ID cards of two Gaza residents were found in the apartment, together with a leaflet of the Popular Front 'Red Eagle' group, claiming responsibility for the murder.
  • Dec 24 93 Lieut.Col. Meir Mintz, commander of the IDF special forces in the Gaza area, was shot and killed by terrorists in an ambush on his jeep at the T-junction in Gaza. The HAMAS Iz a-Din al Kassam squads publicly claimed responsibility for the attack.


  • Jan 12 94 Moshe Becker of Rishon Le-Zion was stabbed to death by three Palestinian employees while working in his orchard. The Popular Front claimed responsibility for the murder.
  • Jan 14 94 Grigory Ivanov was stabbed to death by a terrorist in the industrial zone at the Erez junction, near the Gaza Strip. HAMAS claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • January 16: President Clinton meets with Syria's President Hafez el-Assad in Geneva. They talk about a peace agreement with Israel that includes giving up the Golan Heights. Less than 24 hours later, a powerful 6.9 earthquake rocks Southern California, This quake, centered in Northridge, is the second most destructive natural disaster to hit the United States, behind Hurricane Andrew,
  • Feb 9 94 Ilan Sudri, a taxi driver, was kidnapped and murdered while returning home from work. The Islamic Jihad Shekaki group sent a message to the news agencies claiming responsibility for the murder.
  • Islamic Jihad is a much smaller, less organized group of Islamist radicals with closer ties to Iran. Unlike Hamas, it has no network of schools, clinics, or mosques, and it focuses entirely on terrorism. Islamic Jihad’s founder, Fathi Shikaki, was killed by Israeli agents in 1995 in Malta, and its nominal leader, Ramadan Shallah, now lives in Damascus, Syria.
  • Feb 10 94 Naftali Sahar, a citrus grower, was murdered by blows to his head. His body was found in his orchard near Kibbutz Na'an.
  • Feb 13 94 Noam Cohen, age 28, member of the General Security Service, was shot and killed in an ambush on his car. Two of his colleagues who were also in the vehicle suffered moderate injuries. HAMAS claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • What is Hamas? Hamas is the Palestinians’ major Muslim fundamentalist movement. With an extensive social service network and a terrorist wing that plots suicide bombings in Israel, it is the main opposition to Yasir Arafat’s Palestinian Authority and a determined foe of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. In Arabic, the word “hamas” means zeal. But it’s also an Arabic acronym for “Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya,” or Islamic Resistance Movement.
  • Feb 17 94 Yuval Golan, stabbed on December 29, 1993 by a terrorist near Adarim in the Hebron area, died of his wounds.
  • Feb 19 94 Zipora Sasson, resident of Ariel and five months pregnant, was killed on the trans-Samaria highway in an ambush by shots fired at her car. The terrorists were members of HAMAS.
  • Feb 25 94 Sam Eisenstadt, age 80, was assaulted with an axe in the center of Kfar Saba. He died of his wounds shortly afterwards.
  • February 25: An American-born Jewish settler massacres 29 Palestinians praying at Haram al-Ibrahimi Mosque (Cave of the Patriarchs) in Hebron.
  • Mar 23 94 Victor Lashchiver, employed as a guard at the Income Tax offices in East Jerusalem, was shot and killed near Damascus Gate on his way to work. The Popular Front claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Mar 29 94 Yitzhak Rothenberg, age 70 of Petah Tikva, was attacked on a construction site by two residents of Khan Yunis by axe blows to the head. He died several days later of his wounds. The murderers, apprehended the next day, stated that they carried out the attack in order to clear themselves of suspected collaboration with the Israeli authorities.
  • Mar 31 94 Yosef Zandani, age 28 of Bnei Ayish, near Gedera, was found murdered in his apartment. Near the body was a leaflet of the DFLP "Red Star", explaining that the murder was carried out in revenge for the shooting of one of its members by an Israeli citizen. The Israeli acted in self-defense.
  • Apr 6 94 Asher Attia, 48, of Afula, bus driver; Vered Mordechai, 13, of Afula; Maya Elharar, 17, of Afula; Ilana Schreiber, 45, a teacher from Kibbutz Nir David; Meirav Ben-Moshe, 16, of Afula; Ayala Vahaba, 40, a teacher from Afula; and Fadiya Shalabi, 25, of Iksal were killed in a car-bomb attack on a bus in the center of Afula, northern Israel. HAMAS claimed responsibility for the attack. Ahuva Cohen Onalla, 37, wounded in the attack, died of her wounds on April 25.
  • Apr 7 94 Yishai Gadassi, age 32 of Kvutzat Yavne, was shot and killed at a hitchhiking post at the Ashdod junction by a member of HAMAS. The terrorist was killed by bystanders at the scene.
  • Apr 13 94 Rahamim Mazgauker, 34, of Hadera; David Moyal, 26 of Ramat Gan, an Egged mechanic; Daga Perda, 44, who immigrated from Ethiopia in 1991; Bilha Butin, 49, of Hadera; and Sgt. Ari Perlmutter, 19, of Ir Ovot in the Arava were killed in a suicide bombing attack on a bus in the central bus station of Hadera. HAMAS claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Apr 21 94 The body of officer cadet Shahar Simani, 20, of Ashkelon, was found stabbed to death near the roadside at the village of Beit Hanina, north of Jerusalem. He had been kidnapped while hitchhiking in the south.
  • May 4: Gaza-Jericho agreement signed in Cairo. “Palestinian Authority” (PA) is created with Arafat as its head. May 4, 1999 set as deadline for permanent resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
  • May 13: Israel hands over control of Jericho to PA/PLO.
  • May 17 94 Rafael Yairi (Klumfenbert), 36, of Kiryat Arba, and Margalit Ruth Shohat, 48, of Ma'ale Levona, were killed when their car was fired upon by terrorists in a passing car near Beit Haggai, south of Hebron.
  • May 18: Israel hands over control of Gaza to PA/PLO; Israeli troops remain around Jewish settlements
  • May 20 94 Staff Sgt. Moshe Bukra, 30, and Cpl. Erez Ben-Baruch, 24, were shot dead by HAMAS terrorists at a roadblock one kilometer south of the Erez checkpoint in the Gaza Strip.
  • July 1: Arafat arrives in Gaza.
  • Jul 7 94 Sarit Prigal, 17, was shot to death when terrorists opened fire from a passing car near the entrance to Kiryat Arba.
  • Jul 7 94 The body of Arye Frankenthal, 20, from Moshav Gimzo near Lod, who had left his base in the south the previous day, was found stabbed and shot near the Arab village of Kafr Akab, near Ramallah.
  • Jul 19 94 Lt. Guy Ovadia, 23, of Kibbutz Yotvata, was fatally wounded in an ambush near Rafiah. HAMAS took responsibility for the attack, saying it was "a response to the massacre at the Erez checkpoint".
  • July 25: Rabin and King Hussein sign Washington Declaration ending state of war between Israel and Jordan.
  • Jul 25 94 Border policeman Sgt.-Maj. Jacques Attias, 24, died of his wounds after being shot by Palestinian policemen during the riots at Erez checkpoint on July 17.
  • Aug 2 94 Yoram Sakuri, 30, of Kiryat Netafim in Samaria, died of stab wounds suffered when a terrorist broke into his home on July 1st.
  • August 14: Hamas gunman kills 1 Israeli and wounds 6 in Gaza. Ron Soval, 18, of Lehavim, north of Beersheba, was shot to death in an ambush near Kissufim junction in the Gaza Strip.
  • Aug 26 94 Shlomo Kapach, 22, of Holon and Gil Revah, 21, of Bat Yam, elevator technicians, were murdered at a Ramle building site. Israel has requested the extradition of the suspected killers from the Palestinian Authority.
  • August 29: Israel and the PLO sign the “Agreement on Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities” (Early Empowerment)
  • September 3: 200 released Palestinian prisoners clash with Palestinian police in Jericho.
  • Sep 4 94 Sgt. Victor Shichman, 24, was killed at the Morag junction in the southern Gaza Strip while on patrol, from shots fired from a vehicle bearing Palestinian license plates.
  • September 9: Paris meeting of donor countries canceled due to Israel-PLO disagreement on aid projects in East Jerusalem.
  • September 25: Rabin and Arafat meet to discuss elections and redeployment of Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).
  • Sep 94 Natasha Ivanov, 32, of Ashdod was strangled to death. In March 2001, a Palestinian arrested for being in Israel illegally, admitted to carrying out the murder in order to gain acceptance into a terrorist organization.
  • Oct 9 94 Ma'ayan Levy, 19, an off-duty soldier from Moshav Beit Zayit and Samir Mugrabi, 35, from Kafr Akab, in north Jerusalem, were killed in a terrorist attack in the Nahalat Shiva section of downtown Jerusalem. HAMAS claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • October 11: Israel suspends all negotiations with PLO after Hamas holds an IDF soldier hostage.
  • Oct 14 94 Cpl. Nahshon Wachsman, 20, who had been abducted by HAMAS, was murdered by his captors. Capt. Nir Poraz, 23, was killed in the course of the unsuccessful IDF rescue operation to obtain his release.
  • October 19: Hamas suicide bomber blows up bus in Tel Aviv, 23 killed, 48 wounded. In the suicide bombing attack on the No. 5 bus on Dizengoff Street in Tel-Aviv, 21 Israelis and one Dutch national were killed: Haviv Tishbi, 54, of Tel Aviv; Moshe Gardinger, 83, of Tel Aviv; Pnina Rapaport, 74, of Tel Aviv; Galit Rosen, 23, of Holon; Zippora Ariel, 64, of Tel Aviv; David Lida, 74, of Tel Aviv; Puah Yedgar, 56, of Givatayim; Dalia Ashkenazi, 62, of Tel; Aviv Esther Sharon, 21, of Lod; Ofra Ben-Naim, 33, of Lod; Tamar Karlibach-Sapir, 24, of Moshav Zafaria; Shira Meroz-Kot, 20, of Kibbutz Beit Hashita; Miriam Adaf, 54, of Sderot; Anat Rosen, 21, of Ra'anana; Salah Ovadia, 52, of Holon; Eliahu Wasserman, 66, of Bat Yam; Alexandra Sapirstein, 55, of Holon; Dr. Pierre Atlas, 56, of Kiryat Ono; Ella Volkov, 21, of Safed; Ayelet Langer-Alkobi, 26, of Kibbutz Yiron; Kochava Biton, 59, of Tel Aviv; Reinier Verbiest, 25, of the Netherlands.
  • October 26: Jordan and Israel sign peace treaty.
  • Nov 11 94 Capt. Yehazkel Sapir, 36, of Kfar Sava; Lt. Yotam Rahat, 31, of Tel-Aviv; and Capt. Elad Dror, 24, of Kibbutz Nachson were killed at the Netzarim junction in the Gaza Strip when a Palestinian riding a bicycle detonated explosives strapped to his body. Islamic Jihad said it carried out the attack to avenge the car bomb killing of Islamic Jihad leader Hani Abed on Nov 2.
  • November 18: 14 killed, 200 wounded when Palestinian police fire on 2,000 Hamas protesters in Gaza City.
  • Nov 19 94 Sgt.-Maj. Gil Dadon, 26, of Bat Yam, was killed at the army post at Netzarim junction by shots fired from a passing car. HAMAS claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Nov 27 94 Rabbi Amiran Olami, 34, of Otniel was killed near Beit Hagai 10 kms south of Hebron by shots fired from a passing car.
  • Nov 30 94 Sgt. Liat Gabai, 19, of Afula, was axed to death in the center of Afula.
  • December 9: Rabin, Peres, and Arafat receive Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo.


  • Jan 6 95 Ofra Felix, 20, of Beit El, a university student, was killed when terrorists opened fire on her car north of Beit El.
  • January 22: suicide bombing at Beit Lid Junction (bus stop) in Israel kills 22 Israelis; Islamic Jihad claims responsibility. Two consecutive bombs exploded at the Beit Lid junction near Netanya, killing 18 soldiers and one civilian. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack. The soldiers killed were: Lt. David Ben-Zino, 20, of Ashdod; Lt. Adi Rosen, 20, of Moshav Bitzaron; Lt. Yuval Tuvya, 22, of Jerusalem; Sgt.-Maj. Anan Kadur, 24, of Daliat al-Carmel; Staff-Sgt. Damian Rosovski, 20, of Kadima; Staff-Sgt. Yehiel Sharvit, 21, of Haifa; Staff-Sgt. Yaron Blum, 20, of Jerusalem; Sgt. Maya Kopstein, 19, of Jerusalem; Sgt. Daniel Tzikuashvili, 19, of Jerusalem; Sgt. Avi Salto, 19, of Rishon Lezion; Sgt. Rafael Mizrahi, 19, of Ramat Gan; Sgt. Eran Gueta, 20, of Ashkelon; Cpl. Soli Mizrahi, 18, of Ramat Ramat Gan; Cpl. David Hasson, 18, of Ashkelon; Cpl. Amir Hirschenson, 18, of Jerusalem; Cpl. Gilad Gaon, 18, of Herzliya; Cpl. Ilie Dagan, 18, of Kochav Yair; Cpl. Eitan Peretz, 18, of Nahariya; and Shabtai Mahpud, 34, of Moshav Tnuvot.
  • Lt. Eyal Levy, 20, of Ashdod, and Cpl. Yaniv Weiser, 18, of Givatayim, who were seriously wounded in the attacks, later died of their wounds.
  • Feb 6 95 Yevgeny Gromov, 32, of Ashkelon, a security guard, was killed when terrorists opened fire from a passing car on the Gaza bypass road between Jabalya and Gaza City, as he was escorting a gasoline truck to a Gaza Strip filling station.
  • Feb 13 95 Rafael Cohen, 35, of Jerusalem, a taxi driver, was fatally stabbed on the Jerusalem-Ma'aleh Adumim road.
  • February 16: Rabin and Arafat meet at Erez checkpoint to discuss interim agreement.
  • March 1995: Karachi, Pakistan, U.S. Consulate Murder Two American diplomats killed Possible retaliation for World Trade Center bombing conviction.
  • Mar 19 95 Nahum Hoss, 32, of Hebron and Yehuda Fartush, 41, of Kiryat Arba, were killed when terrorists fired on an Egged bus near the entrance to Hebron.
  • Mar 29 95 Police Insp. Nitzan Cohen, 22, of Jerusalem and Sgt.-Maj. Jamal Suwitat from Makr village in Western Galilee were killed when a Palestinian driver rammed his truck into their jeep in a convoy east of the Netzarim junction in Gaza.
  • Apr 9 95 Staff-Sgt. Yuval Regev, 20, of Holon; Staff-Sgt. Meir Scheinwald, 20, of Safed; Sgt. Itai Diener, 19, of Rishon Lezion; Sgt. Zvi Narbat, 19, of Rishon Lezion; Sgt. Netta Sufrin, 20, of Rishon Lezion; Cpl. Tal Nir, 19, of Kibbutz Miflasim; Sgt. Avraham Arditi, 19, of Jerusalem; and Alisa Flatow, 20, of the United States were killed when a bus was hit by an explosives-laden van near Kfar Darom in the Gaza Strip. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • May 16: Israel and PA talks on expanding self-rule are held in Tel Aviv.
  • May 31: PA-Israel talks in Cairo on expanding self-rule; discuss Palestinian elections and Israeli redeployment. Israel says East Jerusalem Palestinians can vote but must do so outside the city limits.
  • June 1: IDF sets November 1 date for start of its withdrawal from West Bank; PA wanted elections by September
  • June 17: PA rejects Israel redeployment deal that would divide West Bank into 3 zones.
  • July 1: Arafat and Peres meet at Erez in unsuccessful attempt to reach an agreement before July 1 deadline passes.
  • July 4: In Gaza, Arafat and Peres mark out principles for deal on West Bank self-rule.
  • Jul 18 95 Ohad Bachrach, 18, of Beit El, and Ori Shahor, 20, of Ra'anana, were killed while hiking in Wadi Kelt.
  • Jul 24 95 Moshe Shkedi, 75, of Ramat Gan; Rahel Tamari, 65, of Tel Aviv; Zviya Cohen, 62, of Tel Aviv; Zahava Oren, 60, of Tel Aviv; Nehama Lubowitz, 61, of Tel Aviv; and Mordechai Tovia, 37, of Tel Aviv were killed in a suicide bomb attack on a bus in Ramat Gan.
  • August 7: in Taba, Egypt, Arafat and Peres open round of talks on elections, redeployment and security.
  • August 11: In Taba, initial draft of “partial agreement,” on expansion of self-rule created.
  • August 21: A Palestinian detonates a bomb on a bus in Jerusalem killing himself and four others; Hamas claims responsibility. Rivka Cohen, 26, of Jerusalem; Hannah Naeh, 56, of Jerusalem; Joan Davenney, 46, of Connecticut; and Police Chief Superintendent Noam Eisenman, 35, of Jerusalem were killed in the suicide bombing of a Jerusalem bus.
  • August 27: Israel and the Palestinian Authority sign second stage of the “early empowerment agreement” (August 29, 1994) for West Bank.
  • Sep 5 95 Daniel Frei, 28, of Ma'aleh Michmash, was stabbed to death when a terrorist broke into his home at night.
  • September 16: Peres and Arafat meet in Taba to resolve deadlock over Hebron.
  • September 24: Agreement on Palestinian Interim self-rule reached at Taba.
  • September 28: The Oslo II (or Taba) accord is signed in Washington, D. C.
  • November 4: Yitzhak Rabin assassinated by Jewish extremist Yigal Amir; Shimon Peres becomes Prime Minister
  • November: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, U.S. military headquarters Bombed Seven killed by Four anti-royal Saudi Arabian dissidents, possible connections to Party of God,  an Iranian is beheaded in Saudi Arabia for the crime.

1996 .

  • 5 January, Yahya Ayyash, a leading member of the military wing of Hamas is assassinated by a rigged portable telephone in the Gaza Strip. It is believed that the Israeli security service "Shin Bet" was behind the killing.
  • Palestinians hold their first free democratic elections in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip on 20 January, voting for a President, as well as a 188-member Palestinian Legislative Council. Yasser Arafat is elected president by an overwhelming majority.
  • Jan 16 96 Sgt. Yaniv Shimel and Major Oz Tibon, both of Jerusalem, were killed when terrorists fired on their car on the Hebron-Jerusalem road.
  • Jan 30 96 Staff Sgt. Ehud Tal, 21, of Kibbutz Maoz Haim, was stabbed to death at the liaison office in an army camp south of Jenin.
  • 25 February, two suicide-bombers blow themselves up, killing 25 Israelis and injuring 77 others. One explosion takes place in West Jerusalem and the other in the southern town of Ashkelon. A statement is issued by the "Students of the Engineer" claiming responsibility. In the suicide bombing of bus No. 18 near the Central Bus Station in Jerusalem, 26 were killed (17 civilians and 9 soldiers).
  • The civilians: Daniel Biton, 42; Yitzhak Elbaz, 57, Boris Sharpolinsky, 64; Semion Trakashvili, 60; Yitzhak Yakhnis, 54; Peretz Gantz, 61; Anatoly and Jana Kushnirov, 36 and 37; Masuda Amar, 59; Swietlana Gelezniak, 32; Celine Zaguri, 19 - all of Jerusalem; Navon Shabo, 22, of Bnei Brak; Michael Yerigin, 16, of Kibbutz Maabarot; Matthew Eisenfeld, 25 and Sara Duker, 23, of the United States.
  • Wael Kawasmeh, 23, of East Jerusalem, and Ira Yitzhak Weinstein, 53, of Maaleh Adumim, later died of their wounds.
  • The soldiers: Sgt. Yonatan Barnea, 20; St-Sgt. Gavriel Krauss, 24; St.-Sgt. Gadi Shiloni, 22; Cpl. Moshe Reuven, 19; St.-Sgt. Maj. (res.) Arye Barashi, 39; Cpl. Iliya Nimotin, 19; Cpl. Merav Nahum, 19; Sgt. Sharon Hanuka, 19; Arik Gaby, 16 (student in pre-army boarding school) - all of Jerusalem.
  • HAMAS also claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Two more suicide bombings occur, one in an Israeli bus in Jerusalem on 3 March, killing 19 people and injuring ten others, and another on 4 March in Tel Aviv, which kills 14 people and injures 130 others, bringing the nine-day death toll to 61. An armed wing of Hamas claims responsibility for the bombings.
  • Sgt. Hofit Ayyash, 20, of Ashdod was killed in an explosion set off by a suicide bomber at a hitchhiking post outside Ashkelon. HAMAS claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Feb 26 96 Flora Yehiel, 28, of Kiryat Ata, was killed when a car was driven into a bus stop at the French Hill junction in Jerusalem. Mar 3 96 In a suicide bombing of bus No. 18 on Jaffa Road in Jerusalem, 19 were killed (16 civilians and 3 soldiers).
  • The civilians: Maya Birkan, 59; Naima Zargary, 66; Gavriel Shamashvili, 43; Shemtov Sheikh, 63; Anna Shingeloff, 36; Raya Daushvili, 55; George Yonan, 38 - all of Jerusalem; Sarina Angel, 45, of Beit Jalla; Gidi Taspanish, 23, a tourist from Ethiopia; Valerian Krasyon, 44, a tourist from Romania; Dominic Lunca, 29; Daniel Patenka, 33; Marian Grefan, 40; Mirze Gifa, 39; Dimitru Kokarascu, 43 - all Romanian workers.
  • Imar Ambrose, 51, of Romania, died on March
  • 9.
  • The soldiers: Sgt. Yoni Levy, 21, of Jerusalem; Sgt. Haim Amedi, 19, of Jerusalem; Senior NCO Uzi Cohen, 54, border policeman of Jerusalem.
  • Mar 4 96 Outside Dizengoff Center in Tel-Aviv, a suicide bomber detonated a 20-kilogram nail bomb, killing 13 (12 civilians and 1 soldier):
  • Bat-Hen Shahak, 15, of Tel Mond; Hadas Dror, 15, of Tel Mond; Kobi Zaharon, 13, of Tel Aviv; Inbar Atiya, 21, of Ramat-Efal; Dan Tversky, 58, of Tel Aviv; Dana Gutman, 14, of Moshav Mishmeret; Yovav Levy, 13, of Tel Aviv; Leah Mizrahi, 60, of Tel Aviv; Tali Gordon, 24, of Givatayim; Rahel Sela, 82, of Tel Aviv; Sylvia Bernstein, 73, of Hod Hasharon; Gail Belkin, 48, of Herzliya; St.-Sgt. Assaf Wachs, 21, of Holon.
  • 21 April, the Palestine National Council (PNC) holds its twenty-first session in Gaza City in Palestine for the first time since 1964, and decides by majority vote to "abrogate the provisions of the PLO Charter that are contrary to the exchanged letters between the PLO and the Government of Israel of 9 and 10 September 1993."
  • Peres calls early elections.
  • May: elections for Palestinian Legislative Council and for "Ra'ees" (President) of the Palestinian Authority; Arafat overwhelmingly elected "Ra'ees".
  • 1 May, Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian Authority, makes his first official visit to the U.S. and meets with President Bill Clinton at the White House.
  • May 14 96 David Baum, 17, a yeshiva high school student in Beit El, was killed when terrorists fired at students at a hitchhiking post at Beil El, near Ramallah.
  • 30 May, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu defeats the incumbent Shimon Peres by a slim margin in the, Israeli elections, receiving 50.3% of the vote against 49.6% for Mr. Peres. A right wing government is formed. Netanyahu promises a hard line towards future peace negotiations, and is less anxious to give up land than Peres and Rabin were. This promises to stall negotiations with Syria, who refuses to accept anything but the full return of the Golan, and the Palestinians who feel threatened by a return to Israeli settlement in the West Bank.
  • The Israeli government opens a tunnel near Al Haram Al-Sharif in the Old City in East Jerusalem on 24 September. Palestinians demonstrate against the Israeli action throughout the occupied Palestinian territory and in the ensuing days demonstrations continue and clashes take place between the Palestinian police and the Israeli soldiers, resulting in casualties on both sides. The Israeli army uses tanks and gun helicopters against both Palestinian police and civilians. The events result in the killing of 69 Palestinians, 15 Israeli soldiers and one Egyptian.
  • Peres calls early elections.
  • May: elections for Palestinian Legislative Council and for "Ra'ees" (President) of the Palestinian Authority; Arafat overwhelmingly elected "Ra'ees".
  • June: Israeli elections. Benjamin Netanyahu defeats Peres and is elected Prime Minister of a Likud-led, right-wing coalition government. Religious parties hold considerable power.
  • June: Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, Khobar Towers destroyed by Truck bomb, 19 U.S. airmen killed, Bin Ladin suspected
  • Jun 9 96 Yaron (26) and Efrat (25) Unger, of Kiryat Arba, were killed when terrorists fired on their car near Beit Shemesh. Jun 16 96 First-Sgt. Meir Alush, 40, an off-duty policeman, was shot and killed in a toy store in the village of Bidiya.
  • Jun 26 96 Staff Sgt. (Res.) Asher Berdugo, 22, of Kiryat Bialik; Sgt. Ashraf Shibli, 20, of Shibli; and Cpl. (Res.) Ya'acov Turgeman of Rishon Lezion were killed in an ambush along the Jordan River north of Jericho by terrorists who infiltrated from Jordan.
  • Jul 26 96 Uri Munk, 53, and his daughter-in-law, Rachel Munk, 24, of Moshav Mevo Betar, were killed in a drive-by shooting attack near Beit Shemesh. 30-year-old Ze'ev Munk, Rachel's husband, was critically wounded and died in the hospital the following week.
  • 28 September 1996, the Security Council adopts resolution 1073 (1996) in response to the opening of the tunnel. The resolution calls for the immediate cessation and reversal of all acts which resulted in the aggravation of the situation, and also calls for ensuring the safety and protection of the Palestinian people and for the timely implementation of the agreements reached.
  • Dec 11 96 Etta Tzur, 48, and her son Ephraim, 12, were killed when their car was shot at by terrorists near Surda, west of Beit El.


  • January:  The Palestine Authority and the government of Israel conclude the Protocol Concerning the Redeployment in Hebron on 17 January which is accompanied by a note from the US Secretary of State, leading to the withdrawal of Israeli forces from 80% of the city. On 19 January, President Arafat visits Hebron for the first time, where he is welcomed by 60,000 Palestinians.
  • February: The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics releases preliminary results of the 1997 Census of population, housing and establishments. The estimate of the total population in the Palestinian territory is approximately 2.9 million persons. Of these persons, 1,869,818 are in the West Bank, including the illegally annexed Jerusalem, and 1,020,813 are in the Gaza Strip. A direct count in East Jerusalem is forcefully prevented by the Israeli occupying authorities, but through a variety of means, an estimate of about 210,209 persons living in that area was reached.
  • March: The U.S. vetoes a Security Council draft resolution on Jerusalem, presented by the four European members of the Council, on 7 March. The resolution calls upon Israel to abandon its impending construction of a new settlement at Jabal Abu Ghneim, to the south of East Jerusalem. On 21 March, the U.S. again vetoes a Security Council resolution calling upon Israel to halt the construction at Jabal Abu Ghneim. That same day, in a Tel Aviv cafe, a suicide bomber kills himself and 3 Israelis.
  • March 1 to April: The combination of PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat touring America and Clinton rebuking Israel for not giving away her land for peace coincide with some of the worst tornadoes and flooding in US history. On the very day Arafat lands in America, powerful tornadoes devastate huge sections of the nation, ripping across Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Kentucky and Tennessee. Arafat's American tour also coincides with the flooding in the Dakotas. which result in the worst flooding of this century, in addition to weeks of major storms throughout the Midwest. ,4rafat finishes his tour and leaves .the US and the storms stop.
  • Mar 21 97 Michal Avrahami, 32, Yael Gilad, 32, and Anat Winter-Rosen, 32, were killed when a suicide bomber detonated a bomb on the terrace of a Tel Aviv cafe. 48 people were wounded.
  • Apr 10 97 The body of IDF Staff-Sgt. Sharon Edri, missing for seven months, was found buried near the West Bank village of Kfar Tzurif. Edri had been kidnapped and murdered by a Hamas terrorist cell in September 1996 while hitchhiking to his home in Moshav Zanoah.
  • Apr 25 97 Hagit Zavitzky, 23, of Kfar Adumim and Liat Kastiel, 23, of Holon were found stabbed to death in Wadi Kelt.
  • April 24th-25th:  The U.N. General Assembly, in reaction to the two U.S. vetoes, convenes for the first time in 15 years an Emergency Special Session (ESS) to consider “Illegal Israeli Actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the Rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory”. It overwhelmingly adopts resolution ES-10/2 condemning Israel’s construction at Jabal Abu Ghneim, demanding cessation of all illegal Israeli actions, recommending collective measures, and establishing mechanisms for follow-up.
  • May 7th:  The U.N. Committee against Torture in Geneva summons Israel for a hearing to face charges that it violates the International Convention against Torture. The committee criticizes Israel for being the sole nation to have codified and legalized the use of torture in interrogation.
  • June 5th: Marks the 30th anniversary of the June 1967 War and the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem. The United Nations holds a solemn meeting on 9 June, organized by the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, to commemorate the 30th year of the occupation.
  • July 15th:  The U.N. General Assembly reconvenes the 10th Emergency Special Session to consider the report of the Secretary-General on the actual in the occupied territory with regard to Jabal Abu Ghneim and to recommend the convening of a conference of the High Contracting Parties to the 4th Geneva Convention on measures to enforce the Convention in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem.
  • Jul 30 97 16 people were killed and 178 wounded in two consecutive suicide bombings in the Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem: Lev Desyatnik, 60, of Jerusalem; Regina Giber, 76, of Jerusalem; Valentina Kovalenko, 67, of Jerusalem; Shmuel Malka, 44, of Mevaseret Zion; David Nasco, 44, of Mevaseret Zion; Muhi A-din Othman, 33, of Abu Ghosh; Simha Fremd, 92, of Jerusalem; Grisha Paskhovitz, 15, of Jerusalem; Leah Stern, 50, of Jerusalem; Rachel Tejgatrio, 80, of Jerusalem; Liliya Zelezniak, 47, of Jerusalem; Shalom (Golan) Zevulun, 52, of Jerusalem; Mark Rabinowitz, 80, of Jerusalem.
  • Eli Adourian, 49, of Kfar Adumim, died of his wounds on August 11. Ilia Gazrach, 73, of Pisgat Ze'ev, died on August 29. Baruch Ostrovsky, 84, of Jerusalem died on October 3.
  • Sep 4 97 Five people were killed and 181 wounded in three suicide bombings on the Ben-Yehuda pedestrian mall in Jerusalem.
  • The victims: Yael Botwin, 14; Sivan Zarka, 14; Smadar Elhanan, 14; Rami Kozashvili, 20; and Eliahu Markowitz, 40 - all of Jerusalem.
  • November: Karachi, Pakistan Murder of American oil-company employees, Five killed, Possible revenge for U.S. conviction of Pakistani for murders of two CIA agents.
  • Nov 19 97 Gabriel Hirschberg, 26, was killed by automatic gunfire in the Old City of Jerusalem.


  • Jan 6 98 Yael Meivar, 25, died of gunshot wounds sustained in a terrorist attack on Dec 31, 1997 near the settlement of Alei Zahav in Samaria.
  • January 21st: NetanYahu meets with President Clinton at the White House and is coldly received. Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright refuse to have lunch with him. Shortly afterwards that day, the Monica Lewinsky scandal breaks into the mass media and begins to occupy a major portion of Clinton's time.
  • January 22: During a visit by President Yasser Arafat to Washington, D.C, President Clinton states, the following: “I also would like to take just a second to underline the principles of the peace process: mutual obligations and the concept of land for peace, so that Israelis can live in security, recognized by all their neighbors; and the Palestinians can realize their aspirations to live as a free people”.
  • Feb 11 98 David Ktorza, 40, of Jerusalem, was stabbed to death near his home.
  • March 23rd-25th:  The Secretary-General of the U.N., H.E. Kofi Annan, visits Gaza and the West Bank. The Secretary-General meets with President Arafat and with members of the PLC. He also visits a refugee camp and meets with Palestinian leaders in East Jerusalem.
  • May 6 98 Haim Kerman, 28, was stabbed to death in the Old City of Jerusalem.
  • May 28: Bin Laden, issued a fatwa calling on all Muslims to kill Americans where they can, when they can.   “Allah ordered us in this religion to purify Muslim land of all non-believers, and especially the Arabian,” Bin Ladin said.   The fatwa includes all that share or take part in killing of Muslims, assaulting holy places, or those who help the Jews occupy Muslim land.
  • July 7th: The General Assembly adopts resolution 52/250, entitled “Participation of Palestine in the work of the United Nations,” voting overwhelmingly to upgrade Palestine’s representation at the United Nations to a unique and unprecedented level, somewhere in between the other observers on the one hand and Member States on the other. The resolution conferred upon Palestine additional rights and privileges of participation that had traditionally been exclusive to Member States.
  • August: Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, U.S. embassies Simultaneous bombings 230 killed, thousands injured Possibly Osama bin Laden, Saudi financier.
  • Aug 5 98 Harel Bin-Nun, 18, and Shlomo Liebman, 24, were shot and killed in an ambush by terrorists while on patrol at the Yizhar settlement in Samaria.
  • Aug 20 98 Rabbi Shlomo Ra'anan, 63, was stabbed to death in the bedroom of his caravan in Hebron.
  • September: The latest Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics census indicates that Israel’s population has reached approximately 5.9 million. Of that number, 4.7 million are Jews, approximately 230,000 of whom live in settlements in the occupied territories, and nearly 1.0 million are Israeli Arabs. It also indicates that the population of settlers in the West Bank and Gaza rose by 3%.
  • September 28: Secretary of State Madeleine Albright works on the final details of an agreement in which Israel will give up 13 percent of Yesha (Judah and Samada). The same day Hurricane George slams into the Gulf Coast with 110 mph winds and gusts up to 175. The hurricane hits the coast and stalls. On September 28, Clinton meets with Arafat and NetanYahu at the White House to finalize the land deal. Later, Arafat addresses the United Nations about declaring an independent Palestinian state by May 1999, while Hurricane George pounds the Gulf Coast causing $1 billion in damage. At the exact time Arafat departs the US the storm begins to dissipate.
  • Oct 9 98 IDF soldier Michal Adato, 19, was stabbed to death at Moshav Tomer in the Jordan Valley.
  • Oct 14 98 Itamar Doron, 24, was shot to death near Moshav Ora, outside Jerusalem.
  • October 23rd: The Wye River Memorandum is signed by President Arafat and Prime Minister Netanyahu and witnessed by President Clinton and King Hussein during a ceremony at the White House. The Memorandum, reached after nearly 10 days of secluded meetings at the Wye Plantation Center in Maryland, provides steps for the long-overdue implementation of the interim agreements. The talks were only scheduled to last five days with the focus on Israel giving up 13 percent of Yesha. The talks are extended and conclude on October 23. On October 17, awesome rains and tornadoes hit southern Texas. The San Antonio area is deluged with rain. The rain and flooding in Texas continue until October 22 and then subside. The floods ravage 25 percent of Texas and leave over one billion dollars in damage. On October 21, Clinton declares this section of Texas a major disaster area.
  • Oct 26 98 Danny Vargas, 29, of Kiryat Arba was shot to death in Hebron.
  • Oct 29 98 Sergeant Alexey Neykov, 19, was killed when a terrorist drove an explosives-laden car into an Israeli army jeep escorting a bus with 40 elementary school students from the settlement of Kfar Darom in the Gaza Strip.
  • December 14th-16th:  U.S. President Bill Clinton visits Gaza and Bethlehem, becoming the first American president ever to visit any Palestinian territory and to deal directly with Palestinian leaders and institutions on their land. During the visit, the President makes many important statements, coming very close to recognizing the Palestinian right to self-determination. The president is accompanied by his family and by a large official delegation which includes the Secretary of State and the National Security Advisor. President Clinton addresses a meeting in Gaza which is attended by the Chairman Arafat, the speaker of the PNC, the speaker of the Palestinian Council, members of the PNC, the Central Council and the Palestinian Legislative Council, as well as by Palestinian heads of Ministries and other personalities .


  • Jan 13 99 Sergeant Yehoshua Gavriel, 25, of Ashdod, was killed when terrorists opened fire at the Othniel junction near Hebron.
  • May 3: This is the day that Yasser Arafat is scheduled to declare a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as the capital. The declaration is postponed to December 1999 at the request of President Clinton, whose letter to Arafat encourages him for his "aspirations for his own land." He also writes that the Palestinians have a right to "determine their own future on their own land," and that they deserve to "live free, today, tomorrow and forever." That same day, starting at 4:47pm CDT, the most powerful tornado storm system ever to hit the United States sweeps across Oklahoma and Kansas. The winds are clocked at 316 mph the fastest wind speed ever recorded.
  • Aug 7 99 The body of an Israeli, shot in the head, was found in a burned vehicle.
  • Aug 30 99 Yehiel Finfeter, 25, of Kiryat Motzkin, and Sharon Steinmetz, 21, of Haifa, were murdered while hiking in the Megiddo region.
  • September 22: Arafat meets with Clinton in Washington DC The day before and after the meeting, the market falls more than 200 points each day. This was the first time in history the market lost more than 200 points two days in a week. The market lost 534 points that week.
  • November 23: Arafat meets with Clinton in Washington, who is raising funds of the Palestinian state. That day the stock market fell 216 points.


  • February 15, 2000: “Like a coating of glaze over earthenware are fervent lips with an evil heart. A malicious man disguises himself with his lips, but in his heart he harbors deceit. Though his speech is charming, do not believe him, for seven abominations fill his heart. His malice may be concealed by deception, but his wickedness will be exposed in the assembly. (Proverbs 26:23-26)”

Pope John Paul II and Yassir Arafat recently signed an agreement that stated "unilateral decisions and actions altering the specific character and status of Jerusalem are morally and legally unacceptable."   The words are couched in diplomatic terms, but what they mean is that the Catholic Church and the PLO are insisting that Israel does not have the sovereign prerogative and jurisdiction to make any decisions regarding the fate of Jerusalem.

Arafat's spokesman Nabil Abu Rudaineh explained that the agreement means that "Jerusalem... cannot be ruled by Israel alone." The Vatican spokesman Joacqin Navarro-Valls said that the agreement "regulates the presence and activities of the Catholic Church on Palestinian Authority territory."

The Jerusalem Post published a picture of Arafat kissing the Pope's ring. The two persistent enemies of Israel, enemies of  Yahweh of Israel, are conspiring to take control of Jerusalem, presuming to declare what is "morally and legally acceptable" for Israel.

  • May 2000 Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon to international border is completed after many years of harassment by Hizbullah guerrillas. UN declares Israel is compliant with Resolution 425, but the Hizbullah continues to harass Israeli positions, kidnapping three Israeli soldiers later in the summer.
  • June 16, 2000: Arafat meets with President Clinton. The market fell 265 points on that day. 
  • Sept 27, 2000 - Sgt. David Biri, 19, of Jerusalem, was fatally wounded in a bombing near Netzarim in the Gaza Strip.
  • Sept. 28, 2000 Palestinians initiated riots after Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon visited the Temple Mount, which is also the location of the Haram as Sharif holy to Muslims. Violence escalated rapidly from rock throwing to machine gun and mortar fire, suicide bombings and lethal road ambushes, including some instigated by settlers against Palestinians. Israelis killed 15 Israeli Arabs in riots in September/October 2000, and over 500 Palestinians in retaliatory raids thereafter. Palestinians kill over 100 Israelis. Violence continues for over a year [to present - April 2002].
  • Sept 29, 2000 - Border Police Supt. Yossi Tabaja, 27, of Ramle was shot to death by his Palestinian counterpart on a joint patrol near Kalkilya.
  • OCTOBER 2000 – ISRAEL CONDEMNED BY UN, US ABSTAINS FROM VOTE (An abstention is just the same as a condemnation in this case); CLINTON TO VISIT ISRAEL TO TALK PEACE WITH ARAFAT AND BARAK; USS COLE BOMBED AND STOCK MARKET TAKES AMAJOR DIVE.  Clinton plans to visit region tomorrow.  
  • Oct 1, 2000 - Border Police Cpl. Yosef Madhat, 19, of Beit Jann, died of gunshot wounds sustained in a gun battle with Palestinians at Joseph's Tomb in Nablus.
  • Oct 2, 2000 - Wichlav Zalsevsky, 24, of Ashdod, was shot in the head in the village of Masha on the trans-Samaria highway. Sgt. Max Hazan, 20, of Dimona, died of gunshot injuries sustained near Beit Sahur.
  • Oct 8, 2000 - The bullet-riddled body of Hillel Lieberman, 36, of Elon Moreh was found at the southern entrance to Nablus.
  • October 11, 2000 - JERUSALEM Senior officials in the Prime Minister's Office reacted positively last night to reports that US President Bill Clinton is likely to come to the region as early as tomorrow to try to put an end to the violence and jump-start the peace negotiations. According to one official, the idea is for separate meetings in Israel and Gaza with Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat, followed by a tripartite meeting. The visit would come in place of a summit the US administration has been trying to organize over the last few days in Egypt. Bush approves US failure to veto UN resolution NEW YORK As the presidential candidates prepare to debate tonight, chances are greater than last week that the Texas Gov. George Bush and Vice President Al Gore will discuss the Middle East. Bush passed up an opportunity to criticize the Clinton administration for its failure to veto a UN Security Council resolution condemning Israel's use of "excessive force" against the Palestinians. Unlike Hillary Clinton, who used a Senate campaign debate on Sunday to express her disapproval, Bush expressed his approval of the vote.  "I think that the governor feels that the administration acted appropriately in abstaining in that vote," said Ken Lisaius, a spokesman for the Bush-Cheney campaign.

Here is what followed in America:

  • October 12 2000, Thursday, (13:50) Four US sailors die in explosion in Aden An explosion has killed four US sailors on an American destroyer that was fueling in Aden. Five others were injured and one sailor is missing. The explosion occurred when a rubber boat impacted into the ship that had come via the Red Sea on its way to the Persian Gulf. Dow closes down 380 points on rising Middle East tensions.  NEW YORK (AP) The Dow Jones industrial average plunged about 380 points Thursday while the Nasdaq composite index recorded its lowest close this year, as jittery investors reacted to the escalating violence in the Middle East. First Cpl. Yosef Avrahami and First Sgt. Vadim Novesche, 33, two reserve IDF soldiers, were lynched by a Palestinian mob at the police building in Ramallah.
  • Oct 19, 2000 - Rabbi Binyamin Herling, 64, of Kedumim, was killed when Fatah members and Palestinian security forces opened fire on a group of Israeli men, women, and children on a trip at Mount Ebal near Nablus.
  • Oct 28, 2000 - The body of Marik Gavrilov, 25, of Bnei Aysh was found inside his burned-out car, between the village of Bitunia and Ramallah.
  • Oct 30, 2000 - Eish-Kodesh Gilmor, 25, of Mevo Modi'in, was shot and killed while on duty as a security guard at the National Insurance Institute's East Jerusalem branch. Another guard was injured. Amos Machlouf, 30, of the Gilo neighborhood in Jerusalem, was found murdered in a ravine near Beit Jala.
  • Nov 1, 2000 - Lt. David-Hen Cohen, 21, of Karmiel and Sgt. Shlomo Adshina, 20, of Kibbutz Ze'elim were killed in a shooting incident in the Al-Hader area, near Bethlehem. Maj. (res.) Amir Zohar, 34, of Jerusalem was killed in the Nahal Elisha settlement in the Jordan Valley               while on active reserve duty.
  • Nov 2, 2000 - Ayelet Shahar Levy, 28, and Hanan Levy, 33, were killed in a car bomb explosion near the Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem. 10 people were injured in the blast. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Nov 8, 2000 - Noa Dahan, 25, of Moshav Mivtahim in the south, was shot to death while driving to her job at the Rafah border crossing in Gaza.
  • Nov 10, 2000 - Sgt. Shahar Vekret, 20, of Lod was fatally shot by a Palestinian sniper near Rachel's Tomb at the entrance to Bethlehem.
  • Nov 11, 2000 - Sgt. 1st Class Avner Shalom, 28, of Eilat, was killed in a shooting attack at the Gush Katif junction in the Gaza Strip.
  • Nov 13, 2000 - Sarah Leisha, 42, of Neveh Tzuf was killed by gunfire from a passing car while traveling near Ofra, north of Ramallah.
  • Cpl. Elad Wallenstein, 18, of Ashkelon, and Cpl. Amit Zanna, 19, of Netanya were killed by gunfire from a car passing the military bus carrying them near Ofra.
  • Nov 13, 2000 - Gabi Zaghouri, 36, of Netivot was killed by gunfire directed at the truck he was driving near the Kissufim junction in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.
  • Nov 18, 2000 - St.-Sgt. Baruch (Snir) Flum, 21, of Tel-Aviv was shot and killed by a senior Palestinian Preventive Security Service officer who infiltrated the Kfar Darom greenhouses in the Gaza Strip. St.-Sgt. Sharon Shitoubi, 21, of Ramle, wounded in the Palestinian shooting attack in Kfar Darom, died of his wounds on Nov 20. 
  • Nov 20, 2000 - Miriam Amitai, 35, and Gavriel Biton, 34, both of Kfar Darom, were killed when a roadside bomb exploded alongside a bus carrying children from Kfar Darom to school in Gush Katif. Nine others, including 5 children, were injured.
  • Nov 21, 2000 - Itamar Yefet, 18, of Netzer Hazani died from a gunshot wound to the head by Palestinian sniper fire at the Gush Katif junction.
  • Nov 22, 2000 - Shoshana Reis, 21, of Hadera, and Meir Bahrame, 35, of Givat Olga, were killed, and 60 wounded when a powerful car bomb was detonated alongside a passing bus on Hadera's main street, when the area was packed with shoppers and people driving home from work. 60 were wounded in the blast.
  • Nov 23, 2000 - Lt. Edward Matchnik, 21, of Beersheba, was killed in an explosion at the District Coordination Office near Gush Katif in the Gaza Strip. (The joint DCOs were established at the borders of Palestinian-ruled areas under the interim peace accords and were responsible for coordinating security and humanitarian cooperation.) Sgt. Samar Hussein, 19, of Hurfeish, was killed when Palestinian snipers opened fire at soldiers patrolling the border fence near the Erez crossing.
  • Nov 24, 2000 - Maj. Sharon Arameh, 25, of Ashkelon was killed by Palestinian sniper fire in fighting near Neve Dekalim in the Gaza Strip. Ariel Jeraffi, 40, of Petah Tikva, a civilian employed by the IDF, was killed by Palestinian fire as he traveled near Otzarin in the West Bank.
  • Dec 8, 2000 - Rina Didovsky, 39, a Beit Hagai school teacher on her way to work, and Eliyahu Ben-Ami, 41, of Otniel, the driver of the van, were killed when a car full of gunmen opened fire on the van near Kiryat Arba. Sgt. Tal Gordon, 19, was killed when gunmen in a passing car opened fire on an Egged bus traveling south from Tiberias to Jerusalem on the Jericho bypass road.
  • Dec 21, 2000 - Eliahu Cohen, 29, of Modi'in was shot and killed tonight by Palestinian terrorists waiting in ambush on the road between Givat Ze'ev and Beit Horon.
  • Dec 28, 2000 - Capt. Gad Marasha, 30, of Kiryat Arba and Border Police Sgt.-Maj. Yonatan Vermullen, 29, of Ben-Shemen, were killed when called to dismantle a road-side bomb near the Sufa crossing in the Gaza Strip. The bomb was dismantled, but another bomb exploded, killing both and injuring two other soldiers. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Dec 31, 2000 – Rabbi Binyamin Zeev Kahane, the son of the founder of the Kach Party the late Rabbi Meir Kahane ztl both men of whom I had met and had a great deal of respect, and his wife, Talia, were killed when Palestinian snipers opened fire while they were driving on the Ramallah bypass road. Five of their children, aged two months to 10 years, were injured.


  • Jan 14, 2001 - The bullet-ridden body of Ron Tzalah, 32, of Kfar Yam in Gush Katif, apparently killed on Sunday night (Jan 14), was found the following morning near the Kfar Yam hothouses.
  • Jan 17, 2001 - Ofir Rahum, 16, of Ashkelon, traveled to Jerusalem to meet a young woman with whom he had conducted a relationship over the Internet. She then drove him toward Ramallah. At a prearranged location, another vehicle drove up and three Palestinian gunmen inside shot Rahum more than 15 times. One terrorist drove off with Rahum's body and dumped it, while the others fled in the second vehicle.
  • Jan 23, 2001 - Motti Dayan, 27, and Etgar Zeituny, 34, cousins from Tel Aviv, were abducted from a restaurant in Tulkarem by masked Palestinian gunmen and executed.
  • Jan 25, 2001 - Akiva Pashkos, 45, of Jerusalem, was shot dead in a terror attack near the Atarot industrial zone north of Jerusalem.
  • Jan 29, 2001 - Arye Hershkowitz, 55, of Ofra, was killed by shots fired from a passing car near the Rama junction north of Jerusalem.
  • Feb 1, 2001 - Dr. Shmuel Gillis, 42, of Karmei Tzur, was killed by Palestinian gunmen who fired at his car near the Aroub refugee camp on the Jerusalem-Hebron highway.

Doron Zisserman, 38, of Einav, was shot and killed in his car by sniper fire near the entrance to Einav, east of Tulkarem. Fatah claimed responsibility for the attack.

Lior Attiah, 23, of Afula was shot to death by terrorists while traveling near Jenin.

  • Feb 5, 2001 - St.-Sgt. Rujayah Salameh, 23, was killed by sniper fire near Rafah.
  • Feb 11, 2001 - Tzachi Sasson, 35, of Kibbutz Rosh Tzurim in Gush Etzion, was shot and killed by Palestinian gunmen as he drove home from Jerusalem.
  • Feb 14, 2001 - Simcha Shitrit, 30, of Rishon Lezion; Staff-Sgt. Ofir Magidish, 20, of Kiryat Malachi; Sgt. David Iluz, 21, of Kiryat Malachi; Sgt. Julie Weiner, 21, of Jerusalem; Sgt. Rachel Levi, 19, of Ashkelon; Sgt. Kochava Polanski, 19, of Ashkelon; Cpl. Alexander Manevich, 18, of Ashkelon; and Cpl. Yasmin Karisi, 18, of Ashkelon were killed when a bus driven by a Palestinian terrorist plowed into a group of soldiers and civilians waiting at a bus stop near Holon, south of Tel-Aviv. In addition, 25 people were injured in the attack.
  • Feb 26, 2001 - The body of Mordechai Shefer, 55, of Kfar Sava, was found in an olive grove near Moshav Hagor. An autopsy revealed that he was murdered. Investigators suspect terrorist motives.
  • Mar 1, 2001 - Claude Knap, 29, of Tiberias was killed and 9 people injured when a terrorist detonated a bomb in a Tel Aviv to Tiberias service taxi at the Mei Ami junction in Wadi Ara.
  • Mar 4, 2001 - Naftali Dean, 85, of Tel Mond; his niece, Shlomit Ziv, 58, of Netanya; and Yevgenya Malchin, 70, of Netanya were killed in a suicide bombing in downtown Netanya; 60 people were injured. The Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

It is important to understand that for Palestinian terrorists, sacrificial violence against Israel has two categories of victims. One category, of course, is the "vile, infidel Jew." The other is the "glorious martyr" who kills the despised Jew (it is always the "Jew," never the Israeli) and who earns eternal glory by "dying for the sake of Allah." This "martyr" need not fear personal death in sacrificing himself as a suicide bomber. On the contrary, by choosing to "die" in this way he actually buys himself free, forever, from the penalty of dying. "Do not consider those who are slain in the cause of Allah, as dead," says the Koran. "They are living by their Lord."  "Strive for death, and you will receive life," believes the Palestinian terrorist who would sacrifice himself .

  • Mar 19, 2001 - Baruch Cohen, 59, of Efrat, was killed by shots fired at his car while driving to work in Jerusalem from his home in the Gush Etzion area. After being hit by bullets, he lost control of the car and collided with an oncoming truck.
  • Mar 26, 2001 - Shalhevet Pass, age 10 months, was killed by sniper fire at the entrance to the Avraham Avinu neighborhood in Hebron.
  • Mar 28, 2001 - Eliran Rosenberg-Zayat, 15, of Givat Shmuel and Naftali Lanzkorn, 13, of Petah Tikva were killed in a suicide bombing at the Mifgash Hashalom ("peace stop") gas station several hundred meters from an IDF roadblock near the entrance to Kalkilya, east of Kfar Saba. Four people were injured. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Apr 1, 2001 - Staff Sgt. Ya'akov Krenschel, 23, of Nahariya, an IDF reserve soldier, was killed in a firefight between army and Palestinian forces southeast of Nablus.

Dina Guetta, 42, of Haifa, was stabbed to death on Ha'atzmaut Street. Her murder was the initiation rite into a terrorist cell apprehended in July.

  • Apr 2, 2001 - Sgt. Danny Darai, 20, of Arad, was killed by a Palestinian sniper after completing guard duty at Rachel's Tomb at the entrance to Bethlehem.
  • Apr 21, 2001 - The mutilated body of Stanislav Sandomirsky, 38, of Beit Shemesh, was found in the trunk of his car near a village north of Ramallah late last night. Terrorist motives are suspected.
  • Apr 22, 2001 - Dr. Mario Goldin, 53, of Kfar Sava, was killed when a terrorist detonated a powerful bomb he was carrying near a group of people waiting at a bus stop on the corner of Weizman and Tchernichovsky streets. About 60 people were injured in the blast. Hamas claimed responsibility.
  • Apr 28, 2001 - Sgt. Shlomo Elmakias, 20, of Netanya, was killed and four women passengers wounded in a drive-by terrorist shooting attack on the Wadi Ara highway in the Galilee.

Simcha Ron, 60, of Nahariya, was found stabbed to death in Kfar Ba'aneh, near Carmiel in the Galilee. The terrorists responsible for the attack were apprehended in July.

  • May 1, 2001 - Assaf Hershkowitz, 30, of Ofra, was killed when his vehicle was fired upon and overturned at a junction between Ofra and Beit El.
  • May 8, 2001 - Arnaldo Agranionic, 48, was murdered by terrorists as he guarded the Binyamin Farm, a lonely outpost where he lived, on an isolated hilltop east of Itamar in Samaria.
  • May 9, 2001 - Yossi Ish-Ran, 14, and Kobi Mandell, 14, both of Tekoa, were found stoned to death in a cave about 200 meters from the small community south of Jerusalem where they lived.
  • May 10, 2001 - Constantin Straturula, 52, and Virgil Martinesc, 29, two Romanian citizens employed by   an Israeli contractor, were killed in a bomb attack while repairing a vandalized fence at the Kissufim Crossing into the Gaza District.
  • May 15, 2001 - Idit Mizrahi, 20, of Rimonim, was fatally shot in a terrorist ambush as she drove with her father and brother on the Alon Highway to attend a family wedding. Terrorists fired 30 bullets, 19 of which hit the family's car.
  • May 18, 2001 - Tirza Polonsky, 66, of Moshav Kfar Haim; Miriam Waxman, 51, of Hadera; David Yarkoni, 53, of Netanya; Yulia Tratiakova, 21, of Netanya; and Vladislav Sorokin, 34, of Netanya were killed in a suicide bombing at Hasharon Mall in the seaside city of Netanya, in which over 100 were wounded. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

Lt. Yair Nebenzahl, 22, of Neve Tzuf (Halamish), was killed and his mother seriously wounded, in a Palestinian roadside ambush north of Jerusalem.

  • May 20th, 2001 DEBKAfile’s Middle East sources, summing up the events of the last few days, warn that if the Arab world, led by Egypt and the Saudis, does not hurry up and launch a determined effort to arrest the deterioration in the Middle East, it will be increasingly difficult to halt the slide into a regional war. The new Arab League Secretary, former Egyptian foreign minister Amer Moussa, threw regional fuel on the local fire in his first appearance before the Arab League’s monitoring committee of nine foreign ministers in Cairo Saturday. “For years we talked about the peace process;” he said, “Now we’re back to the Arab-Israeli conflict.”

Such radical talk in the Arab League quickly filters down to the Arab street, translated in a flash to rallying cries for jihad and mass anti-Israel disturbances in Arab cities. Arab regimes, especially those of uncertain stability, face the hard options of taking their lead from the street or suppressing the outcry by force.

  • May 23, 2001 - Asher Iluz, 33, of Modi'in was killed outside Ariel en route to supervise a road paving in the area, when Palestinian gunmen opened fire in an ambush.
  • May 25, 2001 - The burnt body of Yosef Alfasi, 50, of Rishon Letzion, was discovered near the West Bank city of Tulkarem.
  • May 29, 2001 - Gilad Zar, 41, of Itamar, was shot dead in a terrorist ambush while driving in the West Bank between Kedumim and Yizhar. The Fatah Tanzim claimed responsibility for the attack.

Sarah Blaustein, 53, and Esther Alvan, 20, of Efrat, were killed in a drive-by shooting near Neve Daniel in the Gush Etzion bloc south of Jerusalem. The Fatah Tanzim claimed responsibility for the attack.

  • May 31, 2001 - Zvi Shelef, 63, of Mevo Dotan, was killed in a drive-by shooting attack in northern Samaria north of Tulkarem. He was shot in the head and died en route to hospital.
  • June 1, 2001 - Marina Berkovizki, 17, of Tel Aviv; Roman Dezanshvili, 21, of Bat Yam; Ilya Gutman, 19, of Bat Yam; Anya Kazachkov, 16, of Holon; Katherine Kastaniyada-Talkir, 15, of Ramat Gan; Aleksei Lupalu, 16, of the Ukraine; Mariana Medvedenko, 16, of Tel Aviv; Irina Nepomneschi, 16, of Bat Yam; Yelena Nelimov, 18, of Tel Aviv; Yulia Nelimov, 16, of Tel Aviv; Raisa Nimrovsky, 15, of Netanya; Pvt. Diez (Dani) Normanov, 21, of Tel Aviv; Simona Rodin, 18, of Holon; Ori Shahar, 32, of Ramat Gan; Liana Sakiyan, 16, of Tel Aviv; Maria Tagilchev, 14, of Netanya; and Irena Usdachi, 18, of Holon were killed when a suicide bomber blew himself outside a disco near Tel Aviv's Dolphinarium along the seafront promenade just before midnight on Friday. Sergei Pancheskov, 20, of the Ukraine; Yael-Yulia Sklianik, 15, of Holon; Jan Bloom, 25, of Ramat Gan; and Yevgenia Dorfman, 15, of Bat Yam died subsequently from their injuries. 120 people were wounded in the bombing.
  • June 5-11, 2001 On June 5, President George W. Bush sends CIA director George Tenet to Israel to try to broker a cease-fire between the Israelis and the Palestinians and to implement the Mitchell Report. Tenet wants Israel to stop building in the settlement areas. On Friday, June 8, the CIA director hosts talks between senior Israeli and Palestinian security officials, while Assistant Secretary of State William Bums meets Yasser Arafat. Exactly coinciding with these talks, on June 8.-9, one of the greatest rainfalls in the history of the United States occurs in eastern Texas. In a 24 hour period, over 28 inches of rain fell in the Houston area. The nightly news reported the flooding and the meetings in Israel together! Tropical Storm Allison formed within one day and dumped three feet of rain on the area between June 5 and 11. The destruction in Houston was catastrophic, with 28 counties being declared a federal disaster area.
  • June 11, 2001 - Yehuda Shoham, aged 5 months, of Shilo, died of injuries incurred in a fatal stoning on June 5. He was critically injured by a rock thrown at the family's car near Shilo in Samaria.
  • June 12, 2001 – Rev. Georgios Tsibouktzakis, 34, a Greek Orthodox monk from the St. George Monastery in Wadi Kelt in the Judean desert, was shot and killed while driving on the Jerusalem-Ma'ale Adumim road.
  • June 14, 2001 - Lt.Col. Yehuda Edri, 45, of Ma'ale Adumim was killed by a Palestinian informant for Israeli intelligence in a shooting attack on the Bethlehem bypass tunnel road connecting the Gush Etzion bloc with Jerusalem. One of his security guards was seriously injured.
  • June 16, 2001  The new Baghdad ploy surfaced on Saturday, when Iraq’s UN ambassador Mohammed al-Douri informed American NBC television of a $10,000 reward promised by Saddam Hussein to the Iraqi air-defense crewman who shoots down one of the US and British warplanes patrolling Iraq’s no-fly zones. This was official confirmation of a report carried in
  • June 18, 2001 - Dan Yehuda, 35, of Homesh was killed in a drive-by shooting attack between Homesh and Shavei Shomron, near Nablus. Alex Briskin, 17, was moderately injured.
  • June 20, 2001 - Ilya Krivitz, 62, of Homesh in Samaria was shot and killed at close range in an ambush late Wednesday afternoon in the nearby Palestinian town of Silat a-Dahar.
  • June 22, 2001 - Sgt. Aviv Iszak, 19, of Kfar Saba, and Sgt. Ofir Kit, 19, of Jerusalem, were killed in a suicide bombing near Dugit in the Gaza Strip as a jeep with yellow Israeli license plates, supposedly stuck in the sand, blew up as they approached.
  • June 26. Finalized Friday, June 29, 2001 President George W. Bush and Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon’s met, June 26 and an agreement was finalized Friday, June 29, with Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz, for which secretary of state Colin Powell flew to Paris especially, along with the European leaders, UK premier Tony Blair, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and French President Jacques Chirac.
  • The provisions of the secret agreement are:

Israel undertakes not to launch a full-scale offensive against the Palestinian Authority or bring about its collapse.

2. Israel promise to abide by its policy of military restraint in Palestinian-ruled areas

3. A large international observer force made up of up to 200 American monitors will function under a joint US-European command in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and borderlands between Palestinian areas and Israel, taking up position in the first half of September. Under discussion now is a decision to provide the monitors with weapons and APCs for effective combat versus terrorists. Construction and ground-clearing operations have been in progress in the border areas for some weeks to prepare localities for observer positions.

4. Israel will have a free hand to fend off external threats around its borders and farther afield – from the Hizballah, Syria, Iraq and Iran.

5. The US and European powers will back Israel up in such actions when coordinated in advance.

6. If the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat throws in the towel at some point, Israel and the Palestinians will go back to full security coordination, this time with the international observer force and its European element participating.

7. In that eventuality, the international observers will go into Palestinian Authority areas to monitor the collection of illegal weapons, such as mortars and Katyusha rockets.

8. Israel will restrict the type and quantities of weapons in the hands of settlers. The international observers will be allowed to enter Jewish settlements to verify adherence to those restrictions and ensure that settlers are not organizing for anti-Palestinian operations.

9. The US, the EU and Israel will jointly monitor the funds and economic aid flowing month by month to the Palestinian Authority. While no aid reaches the Palestinians officially from any of the three, an under-the-counter arrangement via Germany, authorized by the US and Israel, makes sufficient moneys available to keep the Palestinian Authority afloat.

  • June 28, 2001 - Ekaterina (Katya) Weintraub, 27, of Ganim in northern Samaria was killed and another woman injured late Thursday afternoon by shots fired at the two-car convoy on the Jenin bypass road.
  • July 2, 2001 - Aharon Obadyan, 41, of Zichron Ya'akov was shot and killed near Baka a-Sharkia, north of the West Bank city of Tulkarem and close to the 1967 Green Line border, after shopping at the local market.
  • July 2, 2001 - The body of Yair Har Sinai, 51, of Susiya in the Hebron hills, missing since Monday (July 2) was found early Tuesday morning shot in the head and chest.
  • July 4, 2001 - Eliahu Na'aman, 32, of Petah Tikva, was shot at point-blank range just inside the Green Line at Sueika, near Tulkarem.
  • July 9, 2001 - Capt. Shai Shalom Cohen, 22, of Pardes Hanna, was killed and another soldier was wounded when an explosive charge detonated beneath their jeep after leaving the Aduraim IDF base south of Hebron.
  • July 13, 2001 - Yehezkel (Hezi) Mualem, 49, father of four from Kiryat Arba, was shot and killed between Kiryat Arba and Hebron while protesting a shooting attack in the area the previous day.
  • July 14, 2001 - David Cohen, 28, of Betar Illit, died of injuries sustained in a drive-by shooting in Kiryat Arba on July 12.
  • July 16, 2001 - Cpl. Hanit Arami, 19, and St.Sgt. Avi Ben Harush, 20, both of Zichron Yaakov, were killed and 11 wounded - 3 seriously - when a bomb exploded in a suicide terrorist attack at a bus stop near the train station in Binyamina, halfway between Netanya and Haifa, at about 19:30 Monday evening. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • July 24, 2001 - The body of Yuri Gushchin, 18, of Jerusalem, brutally murdered, bearing stab and gunfire wounds, was found in Ramallah.
  • July 26, 2001 - Ronen Landau, 17, of Givat Ze'ev, was shot and killed by Palestinian terrorists while returning home from Jerusalem with his father.
  • 2 AUGUST 2001 – During the last week of July the US has been putting pressure on Israel to get back to a cease fire and start counting the 7 days of non-violence, and the US has condemned Israel for the rocket attack on Hamas operatives that killed 8 Palestinians.

Here is what followed in America: There have been raging fires in the western US, intense heat in the Midwest, major flooding in the states of Virginia and West Virginia, and Florida went from drought conditions to severe flooding due to a tropical storm that developed in the Gulf of Mexico.  In Chicago the intense heat wave was cooled by flooding rains.  On August 4th the tropical storm stalled in the Gulf then headed back towards Florida.  On August 6th it hit the panhandle with high winds and heavy rains and flooding.  This heavy amount over all of Florida and other southern states will help the misquote breed and further the spread of West Nile Virus.  The heat wave continues from them Rockies to the east coast.

Also – Britain condemned Israel for the same attack and just before midnight on August 2nd a big bomb went off in a busy area of London.  ““The explosion happened just before midnight on Thursday evening outside a branch of the Body Shop on Uxbridge Road, about 100 meters from the Tube and rail station.  Eyewitnesses said there was a "huge blast", flames of about 15ft and "smoke everywhere".   The scene is described as one of "complete devastation" with shop fronts blown out and "glass everywhere".   Police at the scene said there were "several" injuries but were unable to confirm numbers.””

  • From the Washington Post Foreign Service Saturday, August 4, 2001- “Blast in London Stokes Britons' Fear of Violence- IRA Splinter Group Blamed For Car Bomb Near Subway.   With Londoners on guard against terrorist bombs, the streets of Belfast smoldering through nightly riots and two alleged paramilitary soldiers arrested for murder, the troubles of Northern Ireland reminded Britons today of the bad old days before the 1998 Good Friday peace agreement.  Scotland Yard said the violent Irish nationalist group called the Real IRA was responsible for a large bomb that exploded near a subway station in the West London neighborhood of Ealing just before midnight Thursday. Hidden in a secondhand Saab, the 88-pound bomb injured seven people, two seriously, and left this city of 8 million fearful that killings might resume here.  Today the area around the station looked as if a ferocious hurricane had smashed through, bending metal and shattering every window in sight. Because Thursday night was a typical London summer evening -- gray, chilly and wet -- no one was outside when the bomb went off. Police called it extremely lucky that there were no deaths.”  A couple of days later the British Government retracted their condemnation of Israel.
  • Aug 5, 2001 - Tehiya Bloomberg, 40, of Karnei Shomron, mother of five and 5 months pregnant, was killed when Palestinian gunmen opened fire on the family vehicle between Alfei Menashe and Karnei Shomron. Three people were seriously wounded, including her husband, Shimon, and daughter, Tzippi, 14.
  • Aug 6, 2001 - Yitzhak Snir, 51, of Ra'anana, an Israeli diamond merchant, was shot dead in Amman, in the yard of the building where he kept a flat. His body was found the following morning.
  • Aug 7, 2001 - Wael Ghanem, 32, an Arab Israeli resident of Taibeh, was shot and killed by Palestinian assailants on the road near Kalkilya. Police believe he was murdered because of suspected collaboration with Israeli authorities.

Zohar Shurgi, 40, of Moshav Yafit in the Jordan Valley, was shot and killed by terrorists while driving home at night on the Trans-Samaria Highway.

  • Aug 9, 2001 - Giora Balash, 60, of Brazil; Zvika Golombek, 26, of Carmiel; Shoshana Yehudit Greenbaum, 31, of the U.S.; Tehila Maoz, 18, of Jerusalem; Frieda Mendelsohn, 62, of Jerusalem; Michal Raziel, 16, of Jerusalem; Malka Roth, 15, of Jerusalem; Mordechai Schijveschuurder, 43, of Neria; Tzira Schijveschuurder, 41, of Neria; Ra'aya Schijveschuurder, 14, of Neria; Avraham Yitzhak Schijveschuurder, 4, of Neria; Hemda Schijveschuurder, 2, of Neria; Lily Shimashvili, 33, of Jerusalem; Tamara Shimashvili, 8, of Jerusalem; and Yocheved Shoshan, 10, of Jerusalem were killed and about 130 injured in a suicide bombing at the Sbarro pizzeria on the corner of King George Street and Jaffa Road in the center of Jerusalem. Hamas and the Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

Aliza Malka, 17, a boarding student at Kibbutz Merav, was killed by terrorists in a drive-by shooting at the entrance to the kibbutz in the Gilboa region, west of Beit She'an. Three teenage girls who were with her in the car were injured, one seriously.

  • August 10, 2001 – Following the seizure of the Palestinian “Orient House”, “Abu Dis” and other institutions, the US State Department condemned these actions by Israel calling them a political escalation.

Here is what followed in America:

ABC NEWS:  Farmers crops in south Texas are dying due to drought and heat.  Grapefruit trees are dead and have to be cut down. The Rio Grand River is extremely low at the mouth of the river and no water is flowing into the gulf.

WORLD NET DAILY: California officials say Western states neared blackouts.

AP) .  SAN FRANCISCO -- California power managers say 65 million customers in 11 Western states and parts of Canada and Mexico were at risk of blackouts last week when several power suppliers failed to deliver electricity to the region as promised.

(AP) PORTOLA, Calif. - A magnitude-5.5 earthquake shook part of Northern California on Friday, authorities said.  There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage.

  • August 14, 2001 - The United States condemned Israel's predawn strike on police headquarters in Palestinian Authority-controlled Jenin.

Here is what followed in America:

WASHINGTON POST  D.C. Mops Up, Assesses Damage.   Mayor to Seek Disaster Area Status, Federal

Aid in Storms' Aftermath.   Yesterday, city officials and residents began assessing the damage of what amounted to a very localized natural disaster, after Saturday's thunderstorms overwhelmed some neighborhoods of the 69-square-mile capital but left Capitol Hill, Georgetown and other southern areas of the city disaster-free. About 1,160 households remained without power in the Washington area early last night, a Potomac Electric Power Co. spokesman said. In the District, 600 homes, the vast majority in Northwest, were without power. Gas and hot-water failures also were reported.

ABC NEWS:  400 WILD FIRES BURNING OUT OF CONTROL IN WEST.  With hundreds of wildfires raging across the arid American West, the Bush administration and a group of governors have announced a new strategy in battling the blazes: greater focus on prevention. This month, that approach has been particularly taxing.

In the West, the summer wildfire season has begun in earnest, with hundreds of lightning-ignited fires            burning in eight states, smoke shutting down part of Interstate 80 in the Sierras, and firefighters considering asking the military for help. Currently, more than 320,000 acres are burning out of control in the West, which has experienced some particularly dry weather this year. Overnight, lightning strikes ignited more than 400 new fires, many in Oregon and Washington, where at least two homes were destroyed and several others evacuated. Thunderstorms also recently set massive fires in Nevada. Two dozen homes along the California border are threatened. The fires out west continue to blaze out of control. Upgraded to a level 5 condition, the highest level. Fire conditions have never moved up to level 5 so fast in past history. Wildfires are burning in Oregon, Washington, California, Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, Oklahoma, Montana, Texas and Wyoming. Fires prompt Oregon emergency declaration.  SALEM, Oregon -- Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber declared a drought emergency for his state Thursday and mobilized 120 National Guard troops to help battle wildfires. The National Interagency Fire Information Center said Oregon and Washington, which are suffering dry conditions and winds ranging from 15 to 35 mph, continue to have the worst blazes of the 10 Western states with wildfires Thursday. Tech Woes - Nasdaq dropped to a four-month low Wednesday on negative news from tech bellwethers.

DOLLAR SLIDES vs YEN, EURO.  Despite an unchanged strong dollar policy, the greenback extended its vigorous drop on fears that a sickly domestic economy will diminish the allure of holding greenbacks.  European markets are off to a weaker start on heels of U.S., Japan losses. Tokyo's Nikkei sank two percent as worries over the U.S. economy send investors scurrying for the yen, which strengthened and hurt the shares of Japanese exporters.

  • AUGUST 17, 2001 - U.S. Troops to Help Battle Wildfires.  MONUMENT, Ore. — Marine and Army battalions have been called up to join more than 20,000 firefighters who are toiling in sweltering heat and rugged terrain as they try to stave off wildfires raging throughout the West.

NEW YORK (AP) Dow Ends Down 152; Nasdaq Drops 63 - — Profit warnings from Dell Computer and Gap, job cuts by Ford Motor, an appeals court decision against Microsoft and a sharp decline in sales of U.S. goods abroad all combined to pummel Wall Street Friday. The widespread losses were also spurred by a report that the U.S. trade deficit widened in June as sales of American-made goods to other countries declined by a larger amount than imports. The Commerce Department reported Friday that the trade imbalance increased by 3.3 percent to $29.4 billion in June, matching many analysts' expectations. That decline comes as the nation's manufacturers, including computer and auto makers, complain that the value of the dollar is too strong, making their goods expensive abroad.

  • AUGUST 18, 2001 - Bad forecast for Western firefighters.  BOISE, Idaho (CNN) -- Firefighters in Western states face a less-than-helpful weather forecast Saturday, which is expected to contribute to raging wildfires that have already burned thousands of acres of woodlands and forced evacuation of many areas.
  • AUGUST 20, 2001 - U.S. Backs Israel at U.N. Meeting.  UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The United States backed Israel's position during a special U.N. Security Council meeting Monday on the crisis in the Middle East, saying an Arab call for council action was unworkable and one-sided. The lack of support from the United States — a veto-wielding member of the council — made it unlikely that the draft resolution circulated by the Palestinians last week would go for a vote in the council.

Here is what followed in America: Cooler, wet weather may aid Western firefighters.  BOISE, Idaho  -- Firefighters in the western United States could get some help from wet weather as the week goes on, officials from the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) said Monday.   But meteorologists warned that strong winds could hamper efforts to battle blazes in California and Nevada.  Rick Ochoa, a fire meteorologist with the NIFC, said the center is keeping an eye on a storm system in the Gulf of Alaska that is expected to move into the Pacific Northwest and bring rain to many of the fire areas as early as Tuesday. New fires break out.  Ten new large fires were reported overnight into Monday, bringing to 40 the number of large fires ablaze, said NIFC officials. A large fire is defined as a fire burning uncontained and covering at least 100 acres. They said more than 450,000 acres are currently aflame across nine states, mostly in the West. The good news is that five large fires were contained Sunday.

NEW YORK (AP) Dow Ends Up 79; Nasdaq Rises 14 — The market got a slight lift today from bargain hunters who sought out stocks at cheaper prices despite little indication that business is getting better.

  • FOX NEWS – AUGUST 21  Weather Helps Fight Against Wildfires.  LEAVENWORTH, Wash.  — Fire engines streamed out of this mountain resort town as cool weather helped knock down a wildfire, the latest example of the progress being made against blazes that have charred nearly a half-million acres in the West. The National Weather Service said a strong weather system was moving from the Gulf of Alaska into Washington, bringing with it the possibility of record rainfall of an inch or more on the west side of the state on Tuesday. Showers could extend south into Oregon, where firefighters also are battling large blazes. Weaker winds and lower temperatures over the weekend allowed firefighters to fully contain four fires around Oregon. Firefighters still were working to contain wildfires scorching more than 105,720 acres across Oregon.
  • Aug 25, 2001 - Maj. Gil Oz, 30, of Kfar Sava; St.-Sgt. Kobi Nir, 21, of Kfar Sava; and Sgt. Tzahi Grabli, 19 of Holon were killed and seven soldiers wounded when two Palestinian terrorists infiltrated an IDF base in Gush Katif in the Gaza Strip at about 3:00 AM Saturday morning. The attackers, members of the PLO Fatah faction and of the Palestinian security forces, were killed by IDF soldiers. The Democratic Front claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Aug 25, 2001 - Sharon, 26, and Yaniv Ben-Shalom, 27, of Ofarim, were killed when Palestinian gunmen opened fire on their car as they were returning home on the Jerusalem-Modi'in on road Saturday night. Their children, aged one and two, were lightly wounded. Sharon's brother, Doron Sviri, 20, of Jerusalem was fatally wounded and died the following day.
  • Aug 26, 2001 - Dov Rosman, 58, of Netanya was killed in a shooting attack shortly before 17:00 on Sunday afternoon near the entrance to the village of Zaita, opposite Kibbutz Magal. Fatah claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • August 27, 2001 Iraq said its forces shot down an unmanned Predator plane in the Basra area, 560 kilometers (350 miles) south of Baghdad.
  • Aug 27, 2001 - Meir Lixenberg, 38, of Itamar, father of five, was shot and killed by Palestinian terrorists from a roadside ambush while traveling between the communities of Har Bracha and Itamar, south of Nablus.
  • AUGUST 28, 2001 – US tells Israel to pull out of Beit Jala.
  • AUGUST 29, 2001 (20:45) Powell assures Arafat US is pressuring Israel.
  • Aug 29, 2001 - Oleg Sotnikov, 35, of Ashdod, a truck driver employed by Dor Energy, was killed in a terrorist shooting attack outside the Palestinian village of Kutchin, west of Nablus.
  • WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Colin Powell called Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat today to assure him the United States was pressing Israel to withdraw from the West Bank town of Beit Jala. Powell also asked Arafat to help restore calm to the region. The call was made against the backdrop of accelerating State Department criticism of Israel for the way it has responded to Palestinian attacks, including incursions into areas turned over to the Palestinian Authority and assassination of suspected terrorists.
  • Here is what followed: Dow Ends Down 131; Nasdaq Falls 22.  NEW YORK (AP) — Investors sent stocks tumbling today for a third straight session on a government report showing the economy eked out only a slim gain in the second quarter, its weakest performance in eight years.  Fire Forces Calif. Town to Evacuate. 
  • WEAVERVILLE, Calif. (AP) — Flames burned through houses and businesses after a fast-moving wildfire forced officials to evacuate more than half of this former mining town of 3,550.
  • AUGUST 30, 2001 -(18:10) Bush reportedly mulls meeting Arafat at United Nations. US President George W. Bush is considering whether to meet Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat during the upcoming United Nations session in New York next month, according to The New York Times. The idea for the meeting came from Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States, who made the suggestion to National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, the Times reported. Bush is debating whether to deliver a speech next month in which he will express support for some Palestinian positions in order to dispel the impression that the US is giving one-sided support to Israel, Army Radio reported.
  • Here is what followed: Dow Ends Below 10,000; Nasdaq Falls.  NEW YORK (AP)— The Dow Jones industrial average fell below 10,000 today for the first time in more than four months on news of a consumer spending slowdown in July and a revenue warning from Sun Microsystems: The Dow, which had already fallen 332 points the first three days of this week, closed down 171.32 at 9,919.58.
  • (22:10) US closes two embassies in face of terrorist threats The United States today closed its embassies in Bulgaria and Romania to the public after receiving security threats apparently related to the situation in the Middle East. A State Department spokesman announced in Washington that the embassies are evaluating their security preparedness before reopening to the public, Israel Radio reported.
  • Aug 30, 2001 - Amos Tajouri, 60, of Modi'in, was shot in the head at point-blank range by a masked gunman in the Arab village of Na'alin, while dining at a restaurant owned by close friends.
  • Sept 6, 2001 - Lt. Erez Merhavi, 23, of Moshav Tarum was killed in an ambush shooting near Kibbutz Bahan, east of Hadera, while driving to a wedding. A female officer with him in the car was seriously injured. Fatah-Tanzim claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • SEPTEMBER 9, 2001 - JERUSALEM POST Bush-Arafat meeting likely this month.  WASHINGTON - Senior administration officials recommended to President George W. Bush on Friday at a White House meeting devoted to the Middle East that he meet with Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat at the UN. This is an idea Arab allies like Saudi Arabia have pushed and that has been bandied about as a possibility for weeks. Bush has so far denied Arafat an invitation to the White House. Another idea, according to diplomatic sources, is that Secretary of State Colin Powell could in his speech at the UN General Assembly indicate some type of US support for Palestinian statehood or at least reaffirm US support for Palestinian sovereignty. A statement of support for Palestinian statehood, long sought by Arafat, would certainly help silence Arab criticism. But sources briefed on the idea stressed that whether such a statement is integrated into the final text of Powell's remarks would depend on the outcome of cease-fire talks next week between Arafat and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, and whether Arafat shows a strong commitment to stopping violence and resuming security cooperation.
  • Sept 9, 2001 - Ya'akov Hatzav, 42, of Hamra in the Jordan Valley, the driver, and Sima Franko, 24, of Beit She'an, a kindergarten teacher, were killed in a shooting attack 300 meters south of the Adam Junction in the Jordan Valley. A minibus transporting teachers to the regional school was attacked by Palestinian terrorists.
  • Sept 9, 2001 - Dr. Yigal Goldstein, 47, of Jerusalem; Morel Derfler, 45, of Mevasseret Zion; and Sgt. Daniel Yifrah, 19, of Jerusalem were killed and some 90 injured, most lightly, in a suicide bombing near the Nahariya train station in northern Israel.
  • Sept 11, 2001 - Border Policemen Sgt. Tzachi David, 19, of Tel-Aviv, and St.-Sgt. Andrei Zledkin, 26, of Carmiel, were killed just after midnight when Palestinian gunmen opened fire on the Ivtan Border Police base near Kibbutz Bachan in central Israel. A Fatah group claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • September 11th:   Al Queda, a militant Saudi Arabian Palestinian Terrorist organization financed by Saudi Arabian business man and Mullah, Osama benLaden attacked and destroy the World Trade Center by having his operative fly planes into them.  The also try to attack the White House settling for the Pentagon.  Another plane is diverted into a Pennsylvanian cornfield.  The U.S. is shaken. Palestinians dance in the streets.  Initiates US war on terror. Israel and Palestinians agree to cease fire, but it is not implemented.
  • Sept 12, 2001 - Ruth Shua'i, 46, of Alfei Menashe, was traveling home around 19:30 PM when shots were fired from a passing vehicle near the village of Habla near Kalkilya. She sustained injuries to her head and stomach and died en route to Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba.
  • Sept 15, 2001 - Meir Weisshaus, 23, of Jerusalem, was fatally shot late Saturday night in a drive-by shooting on the Ramot-French Hill road in northern Jerusalem.
  • Sept 16, 2001 - Sgt. David Gordukal, 23, of Upper Nazareth, was killed in the exchange of fire on Saturday night in the south of Ramallah, during which five senior Palestinian terrorists were arrested and a number of Palestinian positions and a Force 17 camp were attacked.
  • Sept 20, 2001 - Sarit Amrani, 26, of Nokdim, was killed Thursday morning and her husband Shai was seriously wounded in a shooting attack near Tekoa, south of Bethlehem. The couple's three children who were traveling in the vehicle were not injured. Fatah claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Sept 24, 2001 - Salit Sheetrit, 28, of Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu was killed by gunfire shortly after 6:30 near Shadmot Mehola on the Jordan Valley road. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Oct 2, 2001 - Cpl. Liron Harpaz, 19, of Alei Sinai, and Assaf Yitzhaki, 20, of Lod, were killed when a Palestinian terrorist cell infiltrated the northern Gaza District community of Alei Sinai, opening fire on residents and hurling grenades into homes. 15 others were wounded in the attack.
  • Oct 4, 2001 - Sgt. Tali Ben-Armon, 19, an off-duty woman soldier from Pardesia, Haim Ben-Ezra, 76, of Givat Hamoreh, and Sergei Freidin, 20, of Afula were killed when a Palestinian terrorist, dressed as an Israeli paratrooper, opened fire on Israeli civilians waiting at the central bus station in Afula. 13 other Israelis were wounded in the attack. Fatah claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Oct 5, 2001 - Hananya Ben-Avraham, 46, of Elad was killed by Palestinian terrorists in a machine gun ambush near Avnei Hefetz in central Israel.
  • Oct 7, 2001 - Yair Mordechai, 43, of Kibbutz Sheluhot was killed when a Palestinian suicide terrorist detonated a large bomb strapped to his body near the entrance of the kibbutz in the Beit She'an Valley.
  • Oct 17, 2001 - Tourism Minister Rechavam Ze'evy, 75, was assassinated by two shots to the head outside his room at the Jerusalem Hyatt Hotel. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for the attack.  After Palestine National Authority refuses to take effective action, Israeli troops enter Palestinian areas in the West Bank
  • Oct 18, 2001 - Lior Kaufman, 30, of Ramat Sharon was killed and two injured, one seriously, by shots fired by terrorists at their jeep in the Judean desert, near the Mar Saba monastery.
  • Oct 28, 2001 - St.-Sgt. Yaniv Levy, 22, of Zichron Yaakov was killed by Palestinian terrorists in a drive-by machine-gun ambush near Kibbutz Metzer in northern Israel. The Tanzim wing of Arafat's Fatah faction claimed responsibility for the murder.
  • Oct 28, 2001 - Ayala Levy, 39, of Elyachin; Smadar Levy, 23, of Hadera; Lydia Marko, 63, of Givat Ada; and Sima Menachem, 30, of Zichron Yaakov were killed when two Palestinian terrorists, members of the Palestinian police, armed with assault rifles and expanding bullets, opened fire from a vehicle on Israeli pedestrians at a crowded bus-stop in downtown Hadera. About 40 were wounded, three critically. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Nov 2, 2001 - St.-Sgt. Raz Mintz, 19, of Kiryat Motzkin was killed by Palestinian gunmen 5:45 P.M. on Friday at an IDF roadblock at near Ofra, north of Ramallah. The Fatah-affiliated Al-Aksa Brigade claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Nov 4, 2001 - Shoshana Ben-Yishai, 16, of Betar Illit and Menashe (Meni) Regev, 14, of Jerusalem were killed when a Palestinian terrorist opened fire with a sub-machine gun shortly before 16:00 at a No. 25 Egged bus at the French Hill junction in northern Jerusalem. 45 people were injured in the attack.
  • Nov 6, 2001 - Capt. (Res.) Eyal Sela, 39, of Moshav Nir Banim, was shot dead in an ambush by three Palestinian terrorists on the southern Nablus bypass road.
  • Nov 9, 2001 - Hadas Abutbul, 39, of Mevo Dotan in northern Samaria was shot and killed by Palestinian terrorists on Friday afternoon as she drove from work in nearby Shaked.
  • Nov 11, 2001 - Aharon Ussishkin, 50, head of security at Moshav Kfar Hess, east of Netanya, was shot and killed at the entrance to the moshav on Sunday evening, after being summoned to investigate a suspicious person.
  • Nov 24, 2001 - St.-Sgt. Barak Madmon, 26, of Holon, an IDF reservist, was killed by a mortar shell that landed in the soccer field of Kfar Darom in Gush Katif, while on his way to take up guard duty. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Nov 27, 2001 - Noam Gozovsky, 23, of Moshav Ramat Zvi, and Michal Mor, 25, of Afula were killed when two Palestinian terrorists from the Jenin area opened fire with Kalashnikov assault rifles on a crowd of people near the central bus station in Afula. Police officers and a reserve soldier confronted them, killing the terrorists in the ensuing firefight. Another 50 people were injured, 10 of them moderately too seriously. Fatah and the Islamic Jihad claimed joint responsibility.
  • Nov 27, 2001 - Etty Fahima, 45, of Netzer Hazani was killed three others were injured when a Palestinian terrorist threw grenades and opened fire at a convoy on the road between the Kissufim crossing and Gush Katif in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday evening. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Nov 29, 2001 - 1st Sgt. Yaron Pikholtz, 20, of Ramat Gan, was killed and a second soldier was injured in a drive-by shooting incident on the Green Line, near the West Bank village of Baka el-Sharkiya.
  • Nov 29, 2001 - Inbal Weiss, 22, of Zichron Ya'akov; Yehiav Elshad, 28, of Tel-Aviv; and Samuel Milshevsky, 45, of Kfar Sava were killed and nine wounded in a suicide bombing on an Egged 823 bus en route from Nazereth to Tel Aviv near the city of Hadera. The Islamic Jihad and Fatah claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Dec 1, 2001 - Assaf Avitan, 15, of Jerusalem; Michael Moshe Dahan, 21, of Jerusalem; Israel Ya'akov Danino, 17, of Jerusalem; Yosef El-Ezra, 18, of Jerusalem; Sgt. Nir Haftzadi, 19, of Jerusalem; Yuri (Yoni) Korganov, 20, of Ma'alei Adumim; Golan Turgeman, 15, of Jerusalem; Guy Vaknin, 19, of Jerusalem; Adam Weinstein, 14, of Givon Hahadasha, and Moshe Yedid-Levy, 19, of Jerusalem were killed and about 180 injured - 17 seriously - when explosive devices were detonated by two suicide bombers close to 11:30 P.M. Saturday night on Ben Yehuda Street, the pedestrian mall in the center of Jerusalem. A car bomb exploded nearby 20 minutes later. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack. Ido Cohen, 17, of Jerusalem, fatally injured in the attack, died of his wounds on December 8.
  • Dec 2, 2001 - Prof. Baruch Singer, 51, of Gedera was killed when Palestinian gunmen opened fire on his car near the northern Gaza settlement of Elei Sinai. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Dec 2, 2001 - Tatiana Borovik, 23, of Haifa; Mara Fishman, 51, of Haifa; Ina Frenkel, 60, of Haifa; Riki Hadad, 30, of Yokne'am; Ronen Kahalon, 30, of Haifa; Samion Kalik, 64, of Haifa; Mark Khotimliansky, 75, of Haifa; Cecilia Kozamin, 76, of Haifa; Yelena Lomakin, 62, of Haifa; Rosaria Reyes, 42, of the Philippines; Yitzhak Ringel, 41, of Haifa; Rassim Safulin, 78, of Haifa; Leah Strick, 73, of Haifa; Faina Zabiogailu, 64, of Haifa; Mikhail Zaraisky, 71, of Haifa were killed and 40 injured in a suicide bombing on an Egged bus No. 16 in Haifa shortly after 12:00. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Dec 12, 2001 - Yair Amar, 13, of Emmanuel; Esther Avraham, 42, of Emmanuel; Border Police Chief Warrant Officer Yoel Bienenfeld, 35, of Moshav Tel Shahar; Moshe Gutman, 40, of Emmanuel; Avraham Nahman Nitzani, 17, of Betar Illit; Yirmiyahu Salem, 48, of Emmanuel; Israel Sternberg, 46, of Emmanuel; David Tzarfati, 38, of Ginot Shomron; Hananya Tzarfati, 32, of Kfar Saba; Ya'akov Tzarfati, 64, of Kfar Saba were killed when three terrorists attacked a No. 189 Dan bus and several passenger cars with a roadside bomb, anti-tank grenades, and light arms fire near the entrance to Emmanuel in Samaria at 18:00 P.M. About 30 others were injured. Both Fatah and Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Haim Chiprot, 52, of Emmanuel, injured in the attack, died of his wounds on March 25, 2002.
  • Dec 25, 2001 - Sgt. Michael Sitbon, 23, of Beit Shemesh, an IDF reserve soldier, was killed, and four other soldiers were injured, in a shooting attack Tuesday morning near the Jordanian border north of Beit She'an.


  • Jan 3, 2002 Israel captures boatload of illegal arms bound for Palestinian Authority as US envoy Anthony Zinni arrives to try to mediate a settlement.
  • January 5  Israel is outraged after it discovers a Palestinian ship loaded with 50 tonnes of arms - including anti-tank missiles and Russian-made Katyusha rockets - which Israel claimed had been sent by Iran. Yasser Arafat denies that the shipment was ordered by the Palestinian Authority.
  • Jan 9, 2002 - Maj. Ashraf Hawash, 28, of Beit Zarzir; Sgt.-Maj. Ibrahim Hamadieh, 23, of Rehaniya; Sgt.-Maj. Hana (Eli) Abu-Ghanem, 25, of Haifa; and St.-Sgt. Mofid Sawaid, 25, of Abu Snan, four IDF soldiers of the Bedouin desert patrol unit, were killed and two injured when two armed Palestinian terrorists from the southern Gaza Strip, carrying explosive belts, assault rifles, grenades, and dressed in Palestinian Authority police uniforms, infiltrated into Israel at 04:30 this morning and attacked an IDF post near Kerem Shalom. The terrorists, one a member of the Palestinian Authority's naval force, and the second a Hamas operative, were killed. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack. 
  • January 10  Israeli bulldozers destroy 32 homes in the Rafa Refugee Camp, the home of the two militants shot dead the day before following their attack on an Israeli army post.
  • Jan 14, 2002 - Sgt. Elad Abu-Gani, 19, of Tiberias, was killed and an officer sustained gunshot wounds in a terrorist ambush near Kuchin, between Nablus and Tulkarm. Fatah claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • January 15 Israel assassinates Read Al-Karmi, 28, a Palestinian leader in the al-Aqsa Brigades, who it accuses of involvement in 10 murders. The al-Aqsa Brigades take immediate revenge, shooting dead one Israeli near Nablus.

Avraham (Avi) Boaz, 71, of Ma'aleh Adumim, an American citizen, was kidnapped at a PA security checkpoint in Beit Jala. His bullet-riddled body was found in a car in Beit Sahur, in the Bethlehem area. The Fatah's Al-Aksa Brigade claimed responsibility for the murder.

Yoela Chen, 45, of Givat Ze'ev, was shot and killed by Palestinian terrorists near the gas station at the entrance to Givat Ze'ev shortly before 20:00. Her aunt who was with her in the car was injured. The Fatah's Al-Aksa Brigade claimed responsibility for the murder.

  • Jan 16, 2002 - Shahada Dadis, 30, an Arab resident of Beit Hanina in East Jerusalem, was killed in a drive-by terrorist shooting. He was found dead in a car bearing Israeli license plates south of Jenin in the West Bank.
  • Jan 17, 2002 - Edward Bakshayev, 48, of Or Akiva; Anatoly Bakshayev, 63, of Or Akiva; Aharon Ben Yisrael-Ellis, 32, of Ra'anana; Dina Binayev, 48, of Ashkelon; Boris Melikhov, 56, of Sderot; and Avi Yazdi, 25, of Hadera were killed and 35 injured, several seriously, when a terrorist burst into a bat mitzva reception in a banquet hall in Hadera shortly before 23:00, opening fire with an M-16 assault rifle. The Fatah Al-Aqsa Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

What are the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades?

The brigades are a group of West Bank militias affiliated with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's al Fatah faction and have been one of the driving forces behind the current Palestinian intifada (uprising). While the group initially vowed to target only Israeli soldiers and settlers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, in early 2002 it began a spree of terrorist attacks against civilians in Israeli cities. In March 2002, after a deadly Al Aqsa Brigades suicide bombing in Jerusalem, the State Department added the group to the U.S. list of foreign terrorist organizations. "Our group is an integral part of Fatah," Maslama Thabet, one of the group's leaders in the West Bank town of Tulkarm, told USA Today in March 2002. "We receive our instructions from Fatah. Our commander is Yasser Arafat himself." But another of the group's leaders, Naser Badawi, told the New York Times days later that while "we respect our leader," the decision "to carry out attacks remains with the Aqsa Brigades leadership." Badawi added that Arafat has never approached the group to ask it to stop its suicide bombings, which Arafat has publicly condemned. Palestinian officials have said that most of the group's members are on the payroll of the Palestinian Authority, often because they serve in both the brigades and in one of Arafat's 14 formal security services.

  • January 18 - In retaliation for the bat mitzvah attack, Israeli jets destroy the Palestinian Authority's main police headquarters in the West Bank town of TulKarem, killing one policeman and injuring 40 more.
  • January 21 - Israeli troops seize the West Bank town of TulKarem, imposing a curfew and conducting house-to-house searches for Palestinian fugitives. It is the first time since the uprising began that the Israelis have occupied an entire town.
  • Jan 22, 2002 - Sarah Hamburger, 79, and Svetlana Sandler, 56, both of Jerusalem, were killed and 40 were injured when a Palestinian terrorist opened fire with an M-16 assault rifle near a bus stop in downtown Jerusalem. The Fatah Al-Aqsa Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • January 24 - The Israeli army kills a senior Hamas commander, Bakr Hamdan, and two of his associates in a helicopter missile strike on his car. In another incident Israeli soldiers shot and killed two Palestinians who were trying to infiltrate a settlement in Gaza.
  • Someone blows up Elie Hobieka, a Lebanese warlord and a potential key witness in a Belgian war crimes case against the Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon, outside his house in Beirut.
  • Jan 27, 2002 - Pinhas Tokatli, 81, of Jerusalem was killed and over 150 people were wounded, four seriously, in a suicide bombing on Jaffa Road, in the center of Jerusalem, shortly before 12:30. The 20 year old female terrorist, identified as a Fatah member, was armed with more than 10 kilos of explosives.
  • January 29  Israeli tanks roll into a Palestinian-controlled village close to the West Bank town of Bethlehem, arresting three suspected militants, including one the army claims is a senior member of Islamic Jihad.
  • February 1  Ariel Sharon tells the Israeli newspaper Maariv that he regrets not having eliminated Yasir Arafat 20 years ago when he had the chance during the invasion of Lebanon. But he denies he has any plans to harm Arafat now.
  • February 4 Five Palestinian Guerillas are killed in Gaza, allegedly in an Israeli assassination.
  • February 5 A lynch mob of hundreds of angry Palestinians storm a courtroom and shoot dead three men convicted of the murder of Osama Qmeil, a Palestinian security official responsible for killing suspected Palestinian collaborators with Israel.
  • Feb 6, 2002 - Miri Ohana, 45, and her daughter Yael, 11, were murdered in their home when an armed terrorist infiltrated Moshav Hamra, halfway between Jericho and Beit She'an in the Jordan Valley on Wednesday evening, opening fire. IDF reserve soldier, St.-Sgt. Maj.(res.) Moshe Majos Meconen, 33, of Beit She'an, was also killed in the attack. The terrorist, who entered the Ohana home disguised in IDF uniform, was killed by IDF forces. Both Fatah and Hamas claimed responsibility.
  • Feb 8, 2002 - Moran Amit, 25, of Kibbutz Kfar Hanasi was stabbed to death by four Palestinians, aged 14 to 16, while strolling on the Sherover Promenade in Jerusalem's Armon Hanatziv neighborhood Friday afternoon.
  • Feb 9, 2002 - Atala Lipobsky, 78, of Ma'ale Ephraim was shot dead on Saturday night while driving on the Trans-Samaria Highway with her son. Palestinian gunmen opened fire on the car, apparently from an ambush, between Ariel and the Tapuah Junction.
  • Feb 10, 2002 - Lt. Keren Rothstein, 20, of Ashkelon and Cpl. Aya Malachi, 18, of Moshav Ein Habesor were killed in a drive-by terrorist shooting at the entrance to the IDF Southern Command base in Be'er Sheva. Four others were wounded, one critically. One of the terrorists was killed at the scene; the second, wearing an explosives belt, fled in the direction of a nearby school when he was shot and killed by a soldier and police officer. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • February 11 - Israel attacks Palestinian security headquarters in Gaza City in the second day of reprisals for an unprecedented Palestinian missile attack on southern Israel.
  • February 13   Israeli troops launch the as yet most extensive military operation in the Gaza Strip in 16 months of fighting, a midnight raid on three Palestinian towns and a refugee camp. Jack Straw visits the Middle East, saying that Yasser Arafat must take more responsibility in controlling acts of terrorism against Israel.
  • Feb 14, 2002 - St.-Sgt. Ron Lavie, 20, of Katzrin, St.-Sgt. Moshe Peled, 20, of Rehovot, and St.-Sgt. Asher Zaguri, 21, of Shlomi were killed and four soldiers injured when a powerful mine exploded under a IDF tank on the Karni-Netzarim road in the Gaza Strip Thursday night, following the detonation of a roadside bomb at a civilian convoy of cars and a bus.

The international court of justice rules that past and present government leaders cannot be tried for war crimes by a foreign state, ending the possibility that a Belgian court can try Ariel Sharon.

  • Feb 15, 2002 - St.-Sgt. Lee Nahman Akunis, 20, of Holon, was shot and killed by gunmen on Friday night at a roadblock north of Ramallah. The Fatah's Al-Aksa Brigade claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Feb 16, 2002 - Nehemia Amar, 15, and Keren Shatsky, 15, both of Ginot Shomron were killed and about 30 people were wounded, six seriously, when a suicide bomber blew himself up on Saturday night at a pizzeria in the shopping mall in Karnei Shomron in Samaria. Rachel Theler, 16, of Ginot Shomron died of her wounds on February 27. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Feb 18, 2002 - Policeman Ahmed Mazarib, 32, of the Bedouin village Beit Zarzir in the Galilee, was killed by a suicide bomber whom he had stopped for questioning on the Ma'ale Adumim-Jerusalem road. The terrorist succeeded in detonating the bomb in his car. The Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Feb 18, 2002 - Ahuva Amergi, 30, of Ganei Tal in Gush Katif was killed and a 60-year old man was injured when a Palestinian terrorist opened fire on her car. Maj. Mor Elraz, 25, of Kiryat Ata and St.-Sgt. Amir Mansouri, 21, of Kiryat Arba, who came to their assistance, were killed while trying to intercept the terrorist. The terrorist was killed when the explosives he was carrying were detonated. The Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Feb 19, 2002 - Lt. Moshe Eini, 21, of Petah Tikva; St.-Sgt. Benny Kikis, 20, of Carmiel; St.-Sgt. Mark Podolsky, 20, of Tel Aviv; St.-Sgt. Erez Turgeman, 20, of Jerusalem; St.-Sgt. Tamir Atsmi, 21, of Kiryat Ono; and St.-Sgt. Michael Oxsman, 21, of Haifa were killed being shot at close range and one wounded in a commando style attack at Ein Ariq near a roadblock west of Ramallah. Several terrorists opened fire at soldiers at the roadblock, including three off-duty soldiers inside a structure at the roadblock, killing them at point-blank range. The Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

Four Palestinian gunmen and three civilians were shot in suspected undercover operations by the Israeli army in the Balata refugee camp in the West Bank.

A gunman was shot dead in a firefight at an Israeli roadblock.

  • Feb 20 2002- Israel launched reprisal attacks on Palestinian Authority targets leaving 16 Palestinians dead for the killing of six Israeli soldiers last night.
  • February 22  Israeli troops pull out of positions in the Gaza Strip, but as tensions appear to ease a motorist is shot dead and details emerged of a foiled suicide bombing in the West Bank.

A poll conducted for the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, Israel's largest Hebrew daily, shows that 61% of Israelis are dissatisfied with Mr Sharon's performance.

Valery Ahmir, 59, of Beit Shemesh was killed by terrorists in a drive-by shooting on the Atarot-Givat Ze'ev road north of Jerusalem as he returned home from work. Fatah claimed responsibility for the attack.

  • February 24  Israel grants Yasser Arafat permission to travel in Ramallah.
  • Feb 25, 2002 - Avraham Fish, 65, and Aharon Gorov, 46, both of Nokdim, were killed in a terrorist shooting attack between Tekoa and Nokdim, south of Bethlehem. Fish's daughter, 9 months pregnant, was seriously injured but delivered a baby girl. The Fatah al-Aksa Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

Police officer 1st Sgt. Galit Arbiv, 21, of Nesher, died after being fatally shot, when a terrorist opened fire at a bus stop in the Neve Ya'akov residential neighborhood in northern Jerusalem. Eight others were injured, two seriously. The Fatah al-Aksa Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

A 15-year-old Palestinian girl, Noura Shalhoub,  weilding a knife is shot dead at an Israeli checkpoint near the West Bank town of Tulkarm. She wrote a suicide note: "I have decided by Allah's will to [attack] those arrogants at the damned checkpoint and kill them to teach them a lesson that they have no security on our land…. signed "the living martyr." A second note, addressed to her classmates, urged them to "bring up your children in the love of jihad" and to "pray that Allah will accept me as a martyr".

  • February 26  Israelis and Palestinians agree to resume peace talks as interest grows in a Saudi Peace Plan which would have Israel give up all the land gained in the 1967 war.  Pres. Bush gives cautious support.
  • Feb 27, 2002 - Gad Rejwan, 34, of Jerusalem, was shot and killed early Wednesday morning by one of his Palestinian employees in a factory in the Atarot industrial area, north of Jerusalem. Two Fatah groups issued a joint statement taking responsibility for the murder.

Europe's foreign policy chief, Javier Solana, meets Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia to explore the peace plan.

  • Feb 28, 2002 - IDF soldier St.-Sgt. Haim Bachar, 20, of Tel Aviv was killed during clashes with Palestinians in the Balata refugee camp near Nablus. IDF forces entered the camp to search for wanted terrorists.
  • February 28 - The Israeli army storms the Balata refugee camp, the biggest in the West Bank, strafing it from the air, a mountain top and other strategic positions. A simultaneous invasion of the Jenin refugee camp marks the most concerted effort by Ariel Sharon to crush Palestinian militants on their home terrain since the uprising began.
  • March 2002 Midst mounting violence, Saudi Prince Abdullah announces a peace plan, according to which Israel would withdraw from the occupied territories in return for Arab recognition.
  • Mar 1, 2002 - IDF soldier Sgt. Ya'acov Avni, 20, of Kiryat Ata was killed by Palestinian sniper fire in the Jenin refugee camp.
  • Mar 2, 2002 - The bullet-ridden body of Jerusalem police detective Chief-Supt. Moshe Dayan, 46, of Ma'aleh Adumim, was discovered next to his trail motorcycle, near the Mar Saba Monastery in the Judean Desert. Tanzim claimed responsibility for the attack.

Ten people were killed and over 50 were injured, 4 critically, in a suicide bombing at the end of Shabbat (19:15) on Saturday evening near a yeshiva in the ultra-Orthodox Beit Yisrael neighborhood in the center of Jerusalem where people had gathered for a bar-mitzva celebration. The terrorist detonated the bomb next to a group of women waiting with their baby carriages for their husbands to leave the nearby synagogue. The victims: Shlomo Nehmad (40), his wife Gafnit (32), and their daughters Shiraz (7) and Liran (3), of Rishon Lezion; Shaul Nehmad (15), of Rishon Lezion; Lidor Ilan (12) and his sister Oriah (18 months), of Rishon Lezion; Tzofia Ya'arit Eliyahu (23) and her son Ya'akov Avraham (7 months), of Jerusalem. Avi Hazan, 37, of Moshav Adora, died of his injuries on Monday morning (Mar 4). The Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade took responsibility for the attack.

  • Mar 3, 2002 - Ten Israelis - 7 soldiers and 3 civilians - were killed and 6 injured when a terrorist opened fire at an IDF roadblock near Ofra in Samaria: Capt. Ariel Hovav, 25, of Eli; Lt.(res.) David Damelin, 29, of Kibbutz Metzar; 1st Sgt.(res.) Rafael Levy, 42, of Rishon Lezion; Sgt.-Maj.(res.) Avraham Ezra, 38, of Kiryat Bialik; Sgt.-Maj.(res.) Eran Gad, 24, of Rishon Letzion; Sgt.-Maj.(res.) Yochai Porat, 26, of Kfar Sava; Sgt.-Maj.(res.) Kfir Weiss, 24, of Beit Shemesh; Sergei Butarov, 33, of Ariel; Vadim Balagula, 32, of Ariel; and Didi Yitzhak, 66, of Eli. The Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade claimed responsibility for the attack.

Sgt. Steven Koenigsburg, 19, of Hod Hasharon was killed and 4 soldiers injured when a Palestinian gunman opened fire near the Kissufim crossing in the Gaza Strip. The Islamic Jihad and Tanzim claimed responsibility for the attack.

  • March 4  Seventeen Palestinians, including five children, are killed in Ramallah as Israel steps up military pressure. Six Palestinians, including two children, die when a car belonging to a Hamas leader is hit. Fighting in the Jenin and Rafah refugee camps that claims 11 lives.
  • Mar 5, 2002 - Police officer FSM Salim Barakat, 33, of Yarka; Yosef Habi, 52, of Herzliya; and Eli Dahan, 53, of Lod were killed and over 30 people were wounded in Tel-Aviv when a Palestinian gunman armed with grenades, a knife and an M-16 assault rifle opened fire on the Seafood Market, an all-night restaurant and nightclub in a commercial district of Tel Aviv, where a group of women was attending a bachelorette party.  The Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade claimed responsibility for the attack.

Devorah Friedman, 45, of Efrat, was killed and her husband injured in shooting attack on the Bethlehem bypass "tunnel road", south of Jerusalem. The Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade claimed responsibility for the attack.

Maharatu Tagana, 85, of Upper Nazareth was killed and a large number of people injured, most lightly, when a suicide bomber exploded in an Egged No. 823 bus as it entered the Afula central bus station. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

  • Also today, a bomb went off in the yard of an Arab school, injuring seven students and a teacher. Israeli media said a previously unknown group of Jewish extremists admitted it carried out the attack.

Israeli helicopter gunships fired missiles at the Palestinian police headquarters in the West Bank town of Nablus and at a police station in Ramallah.

  • March 6 - Seven Palestinians are killed as Israel shells the Gaza Strip in one of the most intense assaults on the territory since the current intifada began.

1st Lt. Pinhas Cohen, 23, of Jerusalem, was killed overnight near the southern Gaza town of Khan Yunis, in the course of anti-terrorist activity. Cpl.(res.) Alexander Nastarenko, 37, of Netanya was killed when Palestinian gunmen crossed the border fence and ambushed an army jeep on the patrol road near Kibbutz Nir Oz.

  • Mar 7, 2002 - Arik Krogliak of Beit El, Tal Kurtzweil of Bnei Brak, Asher Marcus of Jerusalem, Eran Picard of Jerusalem, and Ariel Zana of Jerusalem, all aged 18, were killed and 23 people were injured, four seriously, when a Palestinian gunman penetrated the pre-military training academy in the Gush Katif settlement of Atzmona. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

A Palestinian suicide bomber blows himself up in a supermarket at the entrance to the Jewish settlement of Ariel in the West Bank, killing himself and wounding four bystanders. In Jerusalem, two civilians thwarted another bomb attack at a café.

  • Mar 8, 2002 - St.-Sgt. Edward Korol, 20, of Ashdod, was killed by a Palestinian sniper in Tulkarem.

Isreali troops kill 40 Palestinians in an assault on the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Earlier, a Palestinian militant had opened fire on a military academy in the Jewish settlement of Atzmona in the Gaza Strip, killing five teenage officer cadets and wounding another 24.

  • Mar 9, 2002 - Avia Malka, 9 months, of South Africa, and Israel Yihye, 27, of Bnei Brak were killed and about 50 people were injured, several seriously, when two Palestinians opened fire and threw grenades at cars and pedestrians in the coastal city of Netanya on Saturday evening, close to the city's boardwalk and hotels. The terrorists were killed by Israeli border police. The Fatah Al Aqsa Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

Limor Ben-Shoham, 27, of Jerusalem; Nir Borochov, 22, of Givat Ze'ev; Danit Dagan, 25, of Tel-Aviv; Livnat Dvash, 28, of Jerusalem; Tali Eliyahu, 26, of Jerusalem; Uri Felix, 25, of Givat Ze'ev; Dan Imani, 23, of Jerusalem; Natanel Kochavi, 31, of Kiryat Ata; Baruch Lerner, 29, of Eli; Orit Ozerov, 28, of Jerusalem; Avraham Haim Rahamim, 28, of Jerusalem were killed and 54 injured, 10 of them seriously, when a suicide bomber exploded at 22:30 PM Saturday night in a crowded cafe at the corner of Aza and Ben-Maimon streets in the Rehavia neighborhood in the center of Jerusalem. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

  • Mar 10, 2002 - St.-Sgt. Kobi Eichelboim, 21, of Givatayim died Sunday afternoon from wounds suffered in the morning when a Palestinian gunman disguised as a worker opened fire at the entrance to Netzarim in the Gaza Strip.

A Hamas member detonates a suicide bomb full of nails and metal screws in the crowded Moment Café in Jerusalem, killing 11 people and wounding more than 50, some seriously. Israel responds by destroying the Palestinian president's headquarters in crowded Gaza City.

Israeli tanks and troops storm a Palestinian refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, unleashing a ferocious firefight in which 17 Palestinian military are killed and more than 50 wounded.

  • Mar 12, 2002 - Eyal Lieberman, 42, of Tzoran was killed and another person was wounded in a shooting attack at the Kiryat Sefer checkpoint, east of Modi'in.

Yehudit Cohen, 33, of Shlomi; Ofer Kanarick, 44, of Moshav Betzet; Alexei Kotman, 29, of Kibbutz Beit Hashita; Lynne Livne, 49, and her daughter Atara, 15, of Kibbutz Hanita; and Lt. German Rozhkov, 25, of Kiryat Shmona were killed when two terrorists opened fire from an ambush on Israeli vehicles traveling between Shlomi and Kibbutz Metzuba near the northern border with Lebanon. Seven others were injured. Israeli forces killed the two gunmen, who were dressed in IDF uniforms, and carried out wide-scale searches for additional terrorists.

20,000 Israeli troops invade refugee camps in the Gaza Strip and reoccupy the West Bank town of Ramallah. At least 31 Palestinians were killed and hundreds more ordered out of their homes.

  • Mar 13, 002 - Lt. Gil Badihi, 21, of Nataf died of injuries suffered Wednesday morning in Ramallah. He was shot in the head by a Palestinian gunman as he stood next to his tank.

In Ramallah, Israeli machine gun fire claims the life of a 42-year-old Italian photographer, Raffaele Ciriello, 42. He is the first foreign journalist killed in the 18-month intifada.

  • Mar 14, 2002 US envoy Gen. Anthony Zinni arrives in Israel in the hopes of restarting the peace process after a week of unprecedented violence.

(Passover)  - St.-Sgt. Matan Biderman, 21, of Carmiel, St.-Sgt. Ala Hubeishi, 21, of Julis, and Sgt. Rotem Shani, 19, of Hod Hasharon were killed and two soldiers were injured early Thursday morning when a tank escorting a civilian convoy drove over a land mine exploded on the Karni-Netzarim road in the Gaza Strip. Terrorists hiding in a nearby mosque detonated the remote-controlled explosive charge beneath the armored vehicle. The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Fatah's al-Aksa Martyrs Brigade both claimed responsibility.

  • Mar 17, 2002 - Noa Auerbach, 18, of Kfar Sava was killed and 16 people were injured when a terrorist opened fire on passersby in the center of Kfar Sava. The gunman was shot and killed by police.

The US vice president, Dick Cheney arrives for talks with Ariel Sharon, and makes a qualified offer to meet later with Yasser Arafat. Meanwhile Mr Sharon makes a qualified offer to lift the travel ban on Mr Arafat

  • Mar 19, 2002 - 1st Lt. Tal Zemach, 20, of Kibbutz Hulda, was killed and three soldiers were injured when Palestinian terrorists opened fire on them in the Jordan Valley. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Mar 20, 2002 - Sgt. Michael Altfiro, 19, of Pardes Hanna; St.-Sgt. Shimon Edri, 20, of Pardes Hanna; SWO Meir Fahima, 40, of Hadera; Cpl. Aharon Revivo, 19, of Afula; Alon Goldenberg, 28, of Tel Aviv; Mogus Mahento, 75, of Holon; and Bella Schneider, 53, of Hadera were killed and about 30 people were wounded, several seriously, in a suicide bombing of an Egged bus No. 823 traveling from Tel Aviv to Nazareth at the Musmus junction on Highway 65 (Wadi Ara) near Afula. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Mar 21, 2002 - Gadi (34) and Tzipi (29) Shemesh, of Jerusalem and Yitzhak Cohen, 48, of Modi'in were killed and 86 people injured, 3 of them seriously, in a suicide bombing on King George Street in the center of Jerusalem. The terrorist detonated the bomb, packed with metal spikes and nails, in the center of a crowd of shoppers. The Fatah al-Aqsa Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.
  • Mar 24, 2002 - Esther Klieman, 23, of Neve Tzuf, was killed in a shooting attack northwest of Ramallah, while traveling to work in a reinforced Egged bus.

Avi Sabag, 24, of Otniel was killed in a terrorist shooting south of Hebron.

Pres. George Bush asks Israel to release Yasser Arafat from his confinement in Ramallah to allow him to attend the Arab League meeting.

  • Mar 26, 2002 - Major Cengiz Soytunc of Turkey and Catherine Berruex of Switzerland, members of the TIPH observer force in Hebron, were killed in an ambush shooting by a Palestinian gunman near Halhul.

Fearing he will not be let back into Israel Yasser Arafat announces he will not attend the Arab summit as Ariel Sharon makes new demands, including asking the US to sanction his permanent exile if there are further terrorist attacks while he is in Beirut.

  • Mar 27, 2002 – The Arab League summit opens amid wranglings and walkouts. The leaders of Egypt and Jordan are no-shows, and the Palestinian delegation walks out claiming that the Lebanese hosts are blocking Yasser Arafat from making his speech via a satellite link. Syria also pushes for the breaking of all relations with Israel. 

22 people were killed and 140 injured - 20 seriously - in a suicide bombing in the Park Hotel in the coastal city of Netanya, in the midst of the Passover holiday seder with 250 guests. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack. The victims: Shula Abramovitch, 63, of Holon; David Anichovitch, 70, of Netanya; Sgt.-Maj. Avraham Beckerman, 25, of Ashdod; Shimon Ben-Aroya, 42, of Netanya; Andre Fried, 47, of Netanya; Idit Fried, 47, of Netanya; Miriam Gutenzgan, 82, Ramat Gan; Ami Hamami, 44, of Netanya; Perla Hermele, 79, of Sweden; Dvora Karim, 73, of Netanya; Michael Karim, 78, of Netanya; Yehudit Korman, 70, of Ramat Hasharon; Marianne Lehmann Zaoui, 77, of Netanya; Lola Levkovitch, 85, of Jerusalem; Furuk Na'imi, 62, of Netanya; Eliahu Nakash, 85, of Tel-Aviv; Irit Rashel, 45, of Moshav Herev La'et; Yulia Talmi, 87, of Tel-Aviv; St.-Sgt. Sivan Vider, 20, of Bekaot; Ernest Weiss, 79, of Petah Tikva; Eva Weiss, 75, of Petah Tikva; Meir (George) Yakobovitch, 76, of Holon.

Hannah Rogen, 92, of Netanya; Zee'v Vider, 50, of Moshav Bekaot; Alter Britvich, 88, and his wife Frieda, 86, of Netanya died of their injuries on April 2-3.

Sarah Levy, 89, of Tel-Aviv died of her injuries on April 7.

  • Mar 28, 2002 – The Arab League summit comes to a final agreement: it promises Israel peace, security and normal relations in return for a full withdrawal for Arab lands occupied since 1967, the establishment of a Palestinian state with east Jerusalem as its capital and a "fair solution" for the 3.8 million Palestinian refugees. It is, however, a much tougher deal on Israel than the Crown Prince first proposed.

Rachel and David Gavish, 50, their son Avraham Gavish, 20, and Rachel's father Yitzhak Kanner, 83, were killed when a terrorist infiltrated the community of Elon Moreh in Samaria, entered their home and opened fire on its inhabitants. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

  • Mar 29, 2002 - Tuvia Wisner, 79, of Petah Tikva and Michael Orlinsky, 70, of Tel-Aviv were killed Friday morning, when a Palestinian terrorist infiltrated the Neztarim settlement in the Gaza Strip.

Lt. Boaz Pomerantz, 22, of Kiryat Shmona and St.-Sgt. Roman Shliapstein, 22, of Ma'ale Efraim were killed in the course of the IDF anti-terrorist action in Ramallah (Operation Defensive Shield).

Rachel Levy, 17, and Haim Smadar, 55, the security guard, both of Jerusalem, were killed and 28 people were injured, two seriously, when a female suicide bomber blew herself up in the Kiryat Yovel supermarket in Jerusalem. The Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

Israeli tanks and bulldozers attack Yasser Arafat's Ramallah compound, the Palestinian leader is confined to the basement and vows that he would rather die than surrender. It is first stage of what the Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon, says would be a " long complicated war that knows no borders".

  • Mar 30, 2002 - Border Policeman Sgt.-Maj. Constantine Danilov, 23, of Or Akiva was shot and killed in Baka al-Garbiyeh, during an exchange of fire with two Palestinians trying to cross into Israel to carry out a suicide attack. The Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility.

The US president, George Bush, urges Yasser Arafat – still under seige- to do more to clamp down on terrorism, but urges Israel to remember that a peaceful solution must be found to the crisis. The US also backs a UN security council resolution calling on Israel to withdraw from the Palestinian territories.

In Tel Aviv a sucide bomber strikes, killing himself and wounding more than 20 others.

The bodies of Arafat's elite terrorist group, Force 17, who appear to have been executed are carried out of a bank in Ramallah.

  • Mar 31, 2002 - 14 people were killed and over 40 injured in a suicide bombing in Haifa, in the Matza restaurant of the gas station near the Grand Canyon shopping mall. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

The victims: Suheil Adawi, 32, of Turan; Dov Chernevroda, 67, of Haifa; Shimon Koren, 55; his sons Ran, 18, and Gal, 15, of Haifa; Moshe Levin, 52, of Haifa; Danielle Manchell, 22, of Haifa; Orly Ofir, 16, of Haifa; Aviel Ron, 54; his son Ofer, 18, and daughter Anat, 21, of Haifa; Ya'akov Shani, 53, of Haifa; Adi Shiran, 17, of Haifa; Daniel Carlos Wegman, 50, of Haifa.

Carlos Yerushalmi, 52, of Karkur, died on April 1 of wounds sustained in the attack.

  • Apr 1, 2002 - Sgt.-Maj. Ofir Roth, 22, of Gan Yoshiya, an IDF reserve soldier, was killed at a roadblock near Jerusalem's Har Homa neighborhood by a Palestinian sniper firing from Beit Sahur, near Bethlehem.

Tomer Mordechai, 19, of Tel-Aviv, a policeman, was killed in Jerusalem, when a Palestinian suicide bomber driving toward the city center blew himself after being stopped at a roadblock. The Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

Tanks are put outside TulKarem & Bethlehem, Palestinian collaborators are lynched by militants and in an ominous sign, Iranian-backed Hizbullah guerrillas in Lebanon fired a Katyusha rocket into Israel. Yasser Arafat spends his fourth day under siege, with George Bush calling on him to do more to "denounce" terror.

Israeli warplanes, armour and infantry launch a huge attack on Bethlehem as Ariel Sharon pushes ahead with the second phase of his five-day long assault on Palestinian targets. Gunships fire missiles into a number of targets around Manger Square and the Church of the Nativity with witnesses describing desperate close quarter fighting in the old part of Bethlehem.

Israeli Armed and Engineering Units Face Resistance in Push Tuesday Night into Strongholds of al Aqsa Brigades Suicides of Jenin and Salfit – Four Palestinians Killed, 2 Israeli Soldiers Lightly Injured.

These Incursions into Fifth and Sixth West Bank Towns All But Complete Israeli Control of Palestinian West Bank Cities Ramallah, Qalqilya, Tulkarm and Bethlehem Taken Earlier.

  • Apr 3, 2002 (Last Day of the Feast of Unleaven Bread) - IDF reservist Maj. Moshe Gerstner, 29, of Rishon Lezion was killed in Jenin during anti-terrorist action (Operation Defensive Shield).

The attack on Bethlehem and siege of Ramallah continue as diplomatic tensions grow. The Vatican denounces the military operation on the West Bank and Egypt limits its ties with Israel. More rockets are fired into norhern Israel by Hizbollah fighters on the Lebanese border and Syria announces it is to deploy 20,000 troops in the country.

Hundreds of Armed Palestinians Holed up in Bethlehem’s Church of Nativity with Group of Priests and Nuns Keep up Fire Against Surrounding Israeli Tank Force.

Israeli Troops Bring Mediator to Negotiate End of Crisis Without Harm to Hostages and Ancient Shrine.

Latin Patriarch Sabah Claims Beleaguered Men Retreated to Church for Sanctuary, Have Laid Down Arms.

19:15 IT Wednesday: Large-Scale Israeli Special Force Units Massed in Bethlehem’s Manger Square Around Church of Nativity, They Encircle 200 Tanzim-Dahaisha Terror Activists Holed up Inside Holding Priests and Nuns Hostage.

Israeli Forces Enter Rajoub’s Command Center in Bitunya after Four-Day Siege, Capture 12 Wanted Terrorists, Including Hamas Terror Executive Selim Hijazi, Who Masterminded Jerusalem Pizzeria Massacre, and Quantity of Weapons.

Abayat Clansmen Who Ruled Bethlehem Area Under Command of Palestinian Security Chief Tirawi Flee to Judean Desert Caves, Pursued by Israeli Troops.

  • Apr 4, 2002 - Rachel Charhi, 36, of Bat-Yam, critically injured in a suicide bombing in a cafe on the corner of Allenby and Bialik streets in Tel-Aviv on March 30, died of her wounds. Some 30 others were injured in the attack. The Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility.

Border Police Supt. Patrick Pereg, 30, of Rosh Ha'ayin, head of operations in an undercover unit, was killed Thursday while attempting to arrest a wanted member of Fatah's al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade.

Sgt.-Maj.(res.) Einan Sharabi, 32, of Rehovot; Lt. Nissim Ben-David, 22, of Ashdod; and St.-Sgt. Gad Ezra, 23, of Bat-Yam were killed during the IDF anti-terrorist action in Jenin (Operation Defensive Shield).

The US president, George Bush, tells Mr Sharon to end West Bank occupation and blames Mr Arafat for failing to halt a wave of suicide bombings. There are fears of wider conflict as the army pushes on to Nablus, the Bethlehem standoff goes on and troops enter Hebron.

In Tuesday’s Battles in Bethlehem, 3 Israeli Troops Lightly Wounded, 7 Palestinians Reported Killed, 25 Surrender.

On Israel’s Northern Border, Hizballah Continues Shelling Israeli Positions Tuesday Night, Countered by Israeli Air Raids.

Two Suicide Attacks Thwarted Tuesday Night on West Bank- Baq’a al Garbiyeh Border and Central Negev.

Egypt Severs Relations with Israel – Excepting Diplomatic Ties.

Heavy Israeli Tank, Infantry and Engineering Forces Drive Into Seventh

  • Apr 5, 2002 - Sgt. Merom Fisher, 19, of Moshav Avigdor; Sgt. Ro'i Tal, 21, of Ma'alot; and Sgt. Oded Kornfein, 20, of Kibbutz Ha'on - were killed in exchanges of fire between IDF troops and Palestinian gunmen in Jenin (Operation Defensive Shield).

Against a backdrop of continuing gun battles in major West Bank towns, General Zinni, the US envoy, becomes the first international representative to meet Mr Arafat since he was confined to his Ramallah headquarters last week. West Bank residents are once more forced to stay indoors.

Iranian Leader Khamenei Calls for One-Month Oil Embargo Against Pro-Israeli Western Nations.

Six Senior Hamas Activists Killed in Fierce Day-Long Battle and Siege in West Bank Village of Tubas, East of Nablus

  • Apr 6: St.-Sgt.(res.) Nisan Avraham, 26, of Lod was killed and five other soldiers were injured early Saturday morning when two Palestinian gunmen opened fire and threw grenades at the entrance to Rafiah Yam in the Gaza Strip. The Palestinians, members of the Islamic Jihad, were killed.

Syria’s Main Missile and Chemical Weapons Facility at Homs Blown up in Mysterious Explosions on March 24. North Koreans Among Tens of Engineers and Technicians Killed in Underground Plant,

Factory Manufactured Scud-C and Scud-D, Liquid and Solid Fuels, Chemical Warheads, Oxidizers. Syrians Suspect Israeli Undercover Saboteurs Struck in Reprisal for Syrian Military Intelligence Aid in Terrorist Hit against Galilee Highway on March 12 - Or US Reprisal for Free al Qaeda Transit through Syria.

  • April 7: (10:30) Gaza Strip bombing foiled overnight
  • (13:50) Knesset approves IDF request for 31,000 reservists
  • (14:45) Pope denounces 'thirst for revenge' in fighting
  • (15:30) Belgian FM: EU should reconsider trade ties with Israel
  • (17:30) Hizbullah fires mortar shells at Har Dov area in north
  • (18:20) Battles continue in Jenin, Nablus. Fierce fighting in the Jenin refugee camp cost the lives of three soldiers over a weekend that also saw troops move into the Nablus casbah.
  • Nine Palestinians, including a local Fatah commander, died in Nablus today.
  • An IDF official says fighting in Jenin will end soon.

Jeremiah HaNavi comments in two places "Peace, peace!' When there is no peace. (Jer. 6:14 & 8:11)” 

The Hebrew text reads “molaS Nyaw molaS molaS.”  But as the Holy Scriptures says, “The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh (The Man of Peace) comes; and to Him shall be the obedience of the people. (Gen. 49:10)”

I was grieved when I heard our President give his “Enough Is Enough” speech Saturday 4/6/02.  If the US stays its anemic course being neither for nor against Israel and insist on Israeli capitulation in their struggle for survival against the PLO George W. Bush will be a one term president just like his father.

Realistically, there can be no peace in Israel until the hearts of  the people are changed at the coming of Messiah, Rebbe YahShua haMoshiach.  He will return the hearts of the people to true spiritual worship of Yahweh.

A Messianic prophecy was given to Isaiah ben Uzzi, “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder.  And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty Elohim,  Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Yahweh of hosts will perform this. (Isa. 9:6,7)”

Yet, the Commonwealth of Israel has yet the greatest future of any people. "Sing, O daughter of Zion; shout, O Israel - YAHWEH hath taken away thy judgments, he hath cast out thine enemy. The king of Israel, even YAHWEH is in the midst of thee. Thou shalt not see evil any more (Zeph. 3:14-15). Vs. 19-20: "Behold, at that time I will undo all that afflict thee, and I will save her that halteth, and gather her that was driven out; and I will get them praise and fame in every land where they have been put to shame...I will make you a name and a praise among all people of the earth, when I turn back your captivity before your eyes saith the Lord." Really a glorious future! "In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the Tzitzit of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that YAHWEH is with you" (Zech. 8:23).

In Ezek. 37 we have a picture of the dead hope of Israel revived. Vs. 12: "Thus saith YAHWEH Elohim; Behold, O my people, I will reopen your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel." (As a scattered and persecuted people Israel has been buried among the nations). Vs. 13: "And ye shall know that I am YAHWEH, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves." Vs. 14: "And shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land: then shall ye know that I YAHWEH have spoken it, and performed it, saith YAHWEH.

Ezekiel was then instructed to take two sticks and on one to write "For Judah, and for the children of Israel and his companions (converts)," and on the other, "For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim (the leading tribe of the 10 tribes), and for the house of Israel and his companions (converts)." He was then instructed to "join them one to another into one stick." What does this mean? The prophet leaves no doubt as to the meaning. In vs. 21, 22, we read, "Thus saith YAHWEH Elohim; Behold, I will take the children of Israel (12 tribes) from among the heathen (nations) whither they be gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land: and I will make them one nation (they were one nation - 12 tribes - when Sha’ul, David, and Solomon reigned over them) in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one king (Messiah) shall be king to them all; and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all." Vs. 24, "And David (meaning the Beloved or Messiah ben David) my servant shall be king over them, and they shall have one shepherd." Vs. 25, "And my servant David (Messiah) shall be their prince for ever." Vs. 26, "And I will set my Sanctuary (house of prayer for all nations - see Isa. 56 & Ezek. 48:8) in the midst of them for evermore." Vs. 28, "And the heathen (goyim or nations) shall know that I YAHWEH do Sanctify Israel, when my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore."

If we understand Scripture prophecy and if Talmudic timelines are correct, then we stand at the edge of the Seventh Hebrew Millennium, the Sabbath Millennium, or the Messianic Age. Yet several significant milestones must be passed before we can enter in to a time of peace as is recorded in Daniel, Revelation and Matthew 24.

State of Israel established in 1948

Jerusalem returns to Jewish control in 1967. Luke 21:24

G-dlessness in the last days - 2 Timothy 3:1-5,7

False Messiahs. Prelude to the First Seal - Matthew 24:5,11

Wars and Rumors of Wars. Prelude to the Second Seal - Matthew 24:6

Famines. Prelude to the Third Seal - Matthew 24:7

Pestilences - Matthew 24:7

Earthquakes - Matthew 24:7

Seven-year covenant Moshiach Naged returns Israel to a Torah based Society. Daniel 9:27

Moshiach Naged is revealed. 1st Seal - White Horseman 2 Thessalonians 2:3,6-7, Daniel 11:36 Revelation 6:1-2

Rebuilding of the Third Temple in Jerusalem -Daniel 9:27

Moshiach Naged makes the Golem-False Prophet is revealed. Revelation 13:11, Matthew 24:11

Miracles of the False Prophet cause deception amongst the people of the world. Revelation 11:13-14, Matthew 24:24

War - 2nd Seal - Revelation 6:3-4, Matthew 24:6

Mark of the Beast is required on all people to buy or sell. This signifies worship of the Beast. Revelation 11:16-18

Famine - 3rd Seal - Revelation 6:5-6, Matthew 24:7

Resurrection of the Beast/Moshiach Naged after a fatal wound. Revelation 11:12

Two witnesses of Yahweh prophesy against the Moshiach Naged causing drought and plagues to come upon the earth. Revelation 11:3-6

Persecutions of Diaspora Begins - Matthew 24:21-22, Revelation 13:5-7

Death - 4th Seal - One-fourth of the world's population are killed by the Moshiach Naged/Beast with the sword and with starvation. None can buy without taking the mark of the Beast. - Revelation 6:7-8

Martyrs cry out to the Lord. - 5th Seal - Revelation 6:9-11, 2 Timothy 3:12, Daniel 7:25

Signs in the Sky - 6th Seal - (Great Earthquake, Bloody Moon, Blackout of the Sun, Meteors falling, Mountains and Islands moving, Sky splits apart) Revelation 6:12-14, Matthew 24:29, Joel 2:30-31, 3:14-16

144,000 Tzaddikkim of the tribe of Israel are sealed - Revelation 7:2-4

Martyrs stand before Yahweh - Revelation 7:9-17

7th Seal - Trumpet Judgments of the Wrath of Yahweh - Revelation 8:1,6

1st Trumpet - Hail and Fire Destruction of all the grass and 1/3 of trees. Revelation 8:7

2nd Trumpet - Meteor falls into the Ocean destroying 1/3 of ships and sea life. Revelation 8:8-9

3rd Trumpet -Wormwood falls from the Heavens causing fresh water to become bitter. Revelation 8:10-11

4th Trumpet - Darkening of a third of the sun, moon, and stars. Revelation 8:12, Joel 3:13

5th Trumpet - Locusts from the Bottomless Pit and Blackout of the Sun #2. Revelation 9:1-10

6th Trumpet - Eastern army of 200,000,000 men kill 1/3 of mankind. Revelation 9:13-19

Death of the Two Witnesses. Revelation 11:7-10

Resurrection of the Two Witnesses on the Third day occurring in view of the World. Revelation 11:11-12

Earthquake strikes Jerusalem destroying 1/10 of the city - Revelation 11:13

7th Trumpet - Consists of seven Bowl Judgments of the Wrath of Yahweh.

1st Bowl - Sores on men with the Mark of the Beast. Revelation 16:2

2nd Bowl - All creatures in the sea die. Revelation 16:3

3rd Bowl - Rivers and springs become blood. Revelation 16:4

4th Bowl - Sun scorches the earth. Revelation 16:8-9

5th Bowl - Kingdom of the Antichrist/Beast becomes full of darkness. Revelation 16:10-11

6th Bowl - Euphrates river dries up allowing the Eastern army to move to Armageddon. Revelation 16:12

7th Bowl - Greatest earthquake ever, Spiritual Babylon and/or Rome is destroyed. Revelation 16:17-19,

Jeremiah 51:24,26

Gathering of the Moshiach Naged, kings and, armies of the world. Zechariah 14:2-5, Revelation 16:13-14,16, Revelation 19:19, Daniel 11:40-45

Final Conquest and Plundering of Jerusalem. Joel 3:2,12, Zechariah 14:2,3

Second Coming - Revelation 19:11, Zechariah 14:3-5

Beast and False Prophet thrown into the Lake of Fire. Revelation 19:20-21

Destruction of the armies by the Torah. Revelation 20:15,21, Zechariah 12:98, 14:2-5,12

To this we say, “O YAHWEH, be not far off; O my Strength, come quickly to help me. (Ps. 22:19)  Come quickly to help me, O Lord my Savior. (Ps. 38:12) …come quickly to me, O YAHWEH. You are my help and my deliverer; O YAHWEH, do not delay. (Ps. 70:5) Come quickly, all you nations from every side, and assemble there. Bring down your warriors, O YAHWEH! (Joel 3:11)”  “See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones (Jude 14)   After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. (1 Thess. 4:17)  For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not remain quiet, till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch.  The nations will see your righteousness, and all kings your glory; you will be called by a new name that the mouth of YAHWEH will bestow. You will be a crown of splendor in the YAHWEH's hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your Elohim. No longer will they call you Deserted, or name your land Desolate. But you will be called Hephzibah,  and your land Beulah .; for YAHWEH will take delight in you, and your land will be married. (Isa. 62:1-4)”



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anointed one        anointed ones        anointed one's        anointed ones have error        anointed ones have sin        anointed prophets        anointed songs        anointed with the Spirit of Yah        anointing        Anointing and Prayer does NOT Guarantee Infallibility        Anointing of the Set-Apart Spirit of Yah        Anointing of the Spirit of Yah        anointing upon Yahooshua        anointing with oil        anointing with red grape juice        anointing with the Blood of the Covenant        anointing with the Oil of the Spirit        Anointing with the Spirit of Yah        Anointing with Wine        Answer Him        Anthrax Vision for America        Antichrist -- those in Opposition to Christ        anxiety        Apartheid        apostacy        apostasy        Apostate Church        apostle        Apostle Peter versus Your Preacher        Apostles        Apostles were Laymen        apostolic        Apostolic Movement        apply the blood of the covenant        Appropriate Prayer is Essential        Appropriate Worship is Essential        Aramaic        Ararat        Archaeological Evidence of Two Dispersions        archaeological finds        Archaeology        Archeological Finds        Archeology        Argument from Incredulity        arguments about Shaul        Ark        Ark of the Covenant        armour of God        armour of Yah        Army        aroused female sexual organ        Arrarat        arrogance        arrogance of Christian ignorance        Artefacts        Article Categories        Article Keyword Cloud        Articles        Articles 2009 to 2014        Articles Emailed        Articles from 2009        Articles to 2009        as oft as you eat it        Asbury        Asbury Revival        Ascended Masters        Asherah pole        Ashotoroth        Ashteroth        Ashtoreth        Asia        Asians        Ask to be Led        ask Yah to judge you        Aspire to a High Throne        assembly        assistance        assisting clients to thrive through effective application of information technology        Assumption        Assumptions        Astronomical Observation        Astronomical Observations        Astronomy        Atheist        Atonement        atoning sacrifice of Yahooshua        atrociites        atrocities        Attacks on the USA        Attacks on USA        attitude        attributes        Audience        Aura        authority        authority in the Name of Yah        authority in the name of Yahooshua        authority of believers        authority of the believer        authority of Yahooshua        Authority over the Demonic        Authority over the Satanic        Authority over the Satanic and Demonic        Aviv        Aviv Barley        avoid        avoid strife        avoid tattoo's        Axis        Azusa Street        Azusa Street Revival        Baal        Babylon        Babylon / Iraq        Babylon Here Now        Bacchus        bad decisions        Bank Account        banning the Bible        Baptism        Baptism in the Holy Spirit        Bathsheba        battle        Battle Today        battles in the Spiritual Realm        be wary of Conspiracy Theories        beast        Beast.        beat        Beautiful One Liners        beauty        Become His Friend        becoming a Friend        Becoming the Bride He Wants        Bed is Undefiled        Before the Flood        Before they Call        Beg        Beggar on a High Throne        begging        behaviour        being as close as possible        Being Jesus        Being Yahooshua        belief        belief in covenant of Yahooshua        Belief in Creator        belief in the Creator        belief in Yah        Believe        Believe in Creator        Believe in the Almighty        Believe in the Creator        believe in Yah        believe lies and die        believe the best of all men        Believe you Receive        believer        believer alive to take authority        Believer preparing for Death        believers        believers are judged        Believers Authority        believers forcing Yah to do their will        Believers in Hell        Believers in Lack        Believers in Poverty        Believers killing Believers        Believers marginalized        Believers Only        Believers Resisting Death        believers should NOT use the word luck        believers who abdicate their intellect        believers who beg        Believing Men in Lack        believing the Almighty does not exist        Believing the Creator does NOT Exist        believing unbelievers        Believing Women        Belly Dancer        belt of truth        benefits of sexual lovemaking        Benny Hinn        Bereshith        Bereshith to Malaki        bestiality        betrayal        betrayed        betrothal        Beyth-Lechem House of Bread        Bibel        bible        Bible as a Trap        Bible as idol        bible but a pin prick of history        bible contains error        bible corrupt        Bible Greatest Idol        Bible has errors        Bible idolatry        Bible important history book        Bible is a pin prick in history        Bible is a reliable history book        bible is an idol        bible is greatest idol        bible is just a book        bible is less than 2% inspired        Bible is Miniscule Fragments of History        Bible is NOT the Living Word of God        Bible is NOT the Word of God        Bible is NOT the Word of the Almighty        Bible is NOT the Word of Yah        Bible is NOT the Word of Yahooeh        Bible is simply Book        Bible is the Greatest Idol        Bible means book        bible most pervasive idol on the planet        Bible NOT Holy Word of God        Bible NOT inspired        Bible NOT the Word of God        Bible NOT the Word of Yah        Bible NOT what claimed        Bible NOT Word of God        bible nothing about South Africa        Bible Prefaces        Bible School        Bible seriously incomplete        bible study        Bible Versions        Bible Versions Compared        Bible Word of God        Bible worship        Bible: ETI Bible Version        Biblical Archaeology        Biblical Finds        Biblical Sites        biblios        Big Bear and Little Horn        Bill Weise        birth control        Birth Date of Yahooshua        birth day of Jesus        birth day of Yahooshua        birth of Yahooshua        birthday        birthday of Jesus        birthday of the sun god        birthday of Yahooshua        bishops        Bitterness        Black Beam from Heaven        black witches        Blacks        blasphemous        blasphemous name        blasphemous names        blasphemy        Blessed for Relative Faithfullness        Blessed Is He Who Does Not Stumble On Account Of Me        Blessed of Zeus        blessing        Blessing of Thorns        blessings        Blessings of Last Turning Around Running Out        blood        blood covenant        blood is necessary for a Covenant        Blood is Thicker than Water -- About Covenants        blood line        blood lines        Blood Oaths        blood of the covenant        Blood of Yahooshua        blood on the Mercy Seat        Bloodline        bloody revolution        Boat        body        body of believers        body of writings nearly complete        Bond        bondage        book        Book of Revelation        Book Set        book worship is an abomination        book worship is foolish        books        books that contain error        Born Again        born of a virgin        Brad Cullen        bread        bread and wine        break a man        break commandments        break Ten Commandments        Breaking Commandments        breaking Ten Commandments        Breaking the Ten Commandments        breaking the third commandment        Breaking Third Commandment        breastplate of righteousness        Brexit        Brexit Referendum        Bride        Bride Face Judgment        Bride Ready for Wedding        Bridegroom        Bridge to Bring the Jews to Salvation        Brimstone        bring about a turning around        bring Daddy joy        bring Yah joy        Bringing Yah Joy        Britain        broadcast        broadcasts        Buddhist        building materials self assemble themselves        Building the Right House        Burn for Eternity Yes? or No?        burn for eternity?        burned at the stake        burned up and destroyed        burning of children        business        business information systems        buttress principle of marriage        Caesar        calendar        calender        call        call to YOU        Called to Reign with the Anointing of the Set-Apart Spirit        calling        Can the Deity be Anointed        Canaan        Canary in Europes Mine        cancer        candles        cannot explain where the Creator came from        cannot have relationship        Canon        canon is ludicrous        canon of scripture        Canyons        care        careful about selecting man        carefully select your worship songs        caring        carnage        Carol Orfer        cash        cast out of heaven        casting out demons        casual sex        Catastrophe Far Beyond Flood        catastrophic change        Catastrophic Hydraulic and Tectonic Event        Categories        Categories of Believers        Categories of Demons        Catholic        Catholic Church        Cause for Concern        Caveat        caveats        Celebration        Celibacy        Central America        Central American Indians        CH Spurgeon        Chag Sameach        Challenge        Challenge re Jesus versus Yahooshua        Challenge to Each One of Us        Challenging Answers        Challenging Passages from The Final Quest        Challenging Principle        Challenging Questions        change        change in life style        change in marriage        change to Sunday        change understanding of history        Change your life        change your mind        changed the World        Changes to the Bible        charges against Satan        Chariot Of Judgment For The Church        Chariots on Floor of the Sea        Charismatic        Chaste Virgin        Chavah        chemosh        chen        Chesed        chick flicks        Chief Operating Officer        Child Sacrifice        children        Children from Casual Sex        children NOT tested beyond what can endure        Children of Israel        children of Noah        Children of Yisrael        Children Playing with Fire        China        Chirstmas        choice        choice re Names.        choices        choices facing YOU        choose Yah or Jesus        Choosing a Marriage Partner        choosing to die        Chrismas        Christ        Christ Born at Tabernacles        Christ in Islam by Deedat        Christ is a blasphemous name        Christ is NOT a name of Jesus        Christ is NOT Jesus name        Christ is Pagan and wrong        Christ means Anointed NOT Jesus        Christ NOT Valid Name        Christian        Christian Church in gross error        Christian Demon        christian denominations        Christian error        Christian ignorance        Christian Internet Discussion        Christian Leaders        Christian Persecution of the Jews        Christian Religion        Christian videos        Christianity        Christianity fraudulent        Christianity HAS blessed the planet        Christianity important truths        Christianity is corrupt        Christianity IS Heretical        Christianity is the Harlot        christians        Christmas        Christmas Cursed        Christmas is an abomination        Christmas is Great Evil        Christmas is pagan        Christmas is the the Sun gods birthday        Christmas occult        Christmas origin and history        Christmas pagan        Christmas tree        Christos        Chronicles        church        Church Abuse        Church as a Trap        Church in gross errror        Church is corrupt        church judged        church lies        Church marriage        Church marriage meaningless        Church of England        Church of Jesus        Church of Jesus Christ        Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints        church put Yahooshua to death        Church rejected        Church today would banish Yahooshua        Civilisation        Civilization has degraded and then partially recovered        Civilization.        Claim needs met        clandestine sex        clarfication        classification schemes        clean up your life        cleaning up one’s life        Cleanse Yourself        cleansing        cleansing and deliverance        Cleansing Dwelling        Cleansing from Hardening of the Heart        cleansing processes and prayers.        cleansing rites        Cleansing Your Dwelling        cleave        Cleave is NOT Adhere        cleave means cut        cleft        cleft of the woman        clergy        clergy versus laity        Climate Change        Climax        climbing toward Yah        Clitoris        Close        close relationship with the Almighty        Close to the Almighty        closing the book        collapse        Collection of all writings        Colossians        Colour of a Person Tells NOTHING About Their Bloodline        Colton Burpo        combat in the heavenly realm        come alongside me        come out of her        come out of the church        comet        Coming Judgment        coming of Yahooshua        coming to belief        Coming Tribulation        Commandment        commandments        Commandments are the sword of truth        Commandments broken        Commandments given        Commandments in Stone        commandments irrelevant        Commandments irrelevant without relationship        Commandments of Yah        Commandments. Love Yah Exclusively        commentary        Commentary on Bible Prefacrs        Commerce        commitment        Committed Believer        Committed Believers        committee        Communication of Unknown Information        communion        Companion        Companionship        Compare Bible Versions        Compilation of Fragments        complexity        Complying with the Ten Commandments        Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty        Compromise        Computer Fear        Concern        Concern about G-D        Concerned About You        Conclusion        Conclusion Creation versus Evolution        Conclusion of marriage teachings        confessed sin        confession        Confidante        Confirmation        Confirmed        confrontation rejected person        Confucian        confusion with regard to the identity of Yahooshua        conquering sin in own life        consequence with Yah        considerateness        conspiracy        conspiracy theories        Conspiracy Theory        constant dialogue        Constantine        Constantly Worship        constrained to act through humans        constructive words        consummation        consummation covenant terms        Contact Us        contains error        contentious woman        Contents        Contest        contest between Yah and Satan        contest with Yah        context        continents separate        continuum        continuum between all good and all evil        continuum between good and evil        continuum between the error of Satan and the truth of Yah        continuum between truth and error        continuum between Yah and Satan        contraception        contract        contractual ties        controlled demolition        controlled randomness        Controversial        Conversation        Conversion Versus Decision        Coping with Sexual Need        Core Elements of Belief        Core Expanded        core expands        Core Heated Up        Core of the Earth        Core of the Earth is a nuclear reactor        Core of the Earth is Molten        Core Overheaded        core overheats        Core Radioactive        Core Teachings        Corinthians        Correct Determination of Passover        correct me harshly        correct words        Correcting Errors in the Bible        correction        correction of deception        corrupt book compiled by corrupt men        corrupted by compromising with pagans        Couldn’t Get Into It        counsel        count it all joy        counterfeit the Set Apart Spirit of Yah        Counting the Omer and the Wave-Sheaf Offering        Court of Heaven        covenant        covenant agreements        covenant animal        covenant between man and woman        covenant breaking        Covenant for You        covenant includes Death Penalty        Covenant is key        Covenant Love        Covenant Made Through Yahooshua        Covenant Meal        Covenant Meal.        covenant NO more        covenant NOT New Testament        Covenant of Yahooshua        covenant through Yahooshua        covenant with Satan        covenants        covering        covet        coveting        Covid        Covid Vaccine        Covid-19        Crater        created being        Created to be Friends        created to serve Yah        Created to Worship        creation        Creation in an Evolutionary Manner        Creation is to Create Friends        Creation NOT in 24 hour periods        Creation of Adam        creation versus evolution        Creation was to Create Friends        Creator        Creator always existed        Creator desires a DEEP personal relationship with YOU        creator desires deep relationship        Creator desires Friends        Creator Desires Relationship        Creator does NOT Exist -- Belief        Creator is One        Creator was lonely        Creators Name is Yah        Credentials        credits        Critical Actions on First Belief        critical caveats        Critical Considerations        Critical Considerations for Believers in Seeking to Serve the Almighty        Critical Doctrinal Factors        Critical Elements of Becoming a Friend        critical issues analysis of error        Critical Principles of Interpretation        critical questions        critical questions for believers        Critical Strategic Objectives for the USA and the World        critical success factors        critical success factors for life        critical success factors for marriage        cross        cross is a pagan symbol        crucifixion        Crucifixion of Yahooshua        crucifixion site        crust fractured        Crust of the Earth is Solid        crust opens up and continents separate        Cry        cunnilingus        Cup of Compromise        current age        current rulers        Current Tribulation        curse father        curse mother        curse of Canaan        curse of Canaan on African people        curse on African people        curse parents and die        curses        cursing        Curtail Secular Activities        Cut Into        cutting curses        cutting of ties        Cutting off Curses        cutting one-flesh bond        cutting sexual ties        cutting ties        Cycles of Falling Away        daddy        daddy joy        daddy Yah        Daddy Yah is lonely        dafd        daily life        daily prayers        Dark Side        darkness        Darling        Darwin        date of birth        date of birth of Yahooshua        Date of Passover        Date of Pesach        date of the Flood        Dates        dating the Flood. Errors in dating        Daughters of the Harlot        David        David J Meyer        David numbers Israel        Dawid        day        day begins at sunrise        Day Beings in the Morning        Day of Atonement        Day of Atonement 2009        Day of Atonement. Tabernacles        Day of Judgment        Day of Rest        Day of Tabernacles        Day of the Covenant        Day of the Sun        Day of Trumpets        Day Spring        Dayspring        Dead Dogma        Dead Men’s Secrets        Dead Mens Secrets        Dead Men's Secrets        Deadlock?        deaf and dumb        death        Death as a Believer        Death as an Ancestor Spirit        Death as an Unbeliever        Death Bed        death for breaking covenant        death of a committed believer        death of an unbeliever        death of Nominal Believers        death of unbelievers        death of Yahooshua        death of Yahooshua a miracle        Death Orchestrated        death penalty        death sentence        death to self        Death Welcome for Believers without Sin        death with Yahooshua        debits        deceived        decent        deception        deceptions        Decide who you will serve        decision        Decisions        declaration        Declaration of Jacobs Trouble        Deductions        Deedat        deeds        Deep experience of the Creator        Deep Personal Friendship with the Creator        deep personal relationship        deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator        deep relationship        Deep Relationship with Yah        default covenant terms        default marriage covenant terms        defensive prayers        defiled with women        Definition of Adultery        Definition of Covenant        Definition of Divorce        Definition of Faith        Definition of Marriage        degeneration of human beings        degeneration of Islam        degenerative evolution        degradation of all forms of life        Degradation of Mankind        deity        Deity of Jesus        Delaying Death        delegated authority        deliverance        democracy        demographics        Demographics of t        Demographics of the Kingdom        demographics of the Kingdom of Yah        Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah on Earth        Demographics of the Kingdom on Earth        demon        demon possessed        demon tales        demonic        Demonic Activity Associated with Artefacts and In Dwellings        demonic assignment        Demonic Dominion        Demonic Inspiration        Demonic Masterminds        Demonic Organization        demonic reaction to truth        demonically inspired bible versions        demonized        Demonized believers        demons        Demons are Spirits of Dead Unbelievers        demons are wrong        demons assigned to give effect to curses        demons cannot breed        demons in the church        demons released        Demons stranded in the Flood        Denomination        denominations        Derek Prince        descent into all error        design across boundaries        Design Against Failure        desires friends        Desolation        desperately seeking suitable men who do not exist        destination        Destination when you die        destiny        destroy Anointing        destruction        Destruction of Sinners        destructive words        detest        devices        dialogue        die        Difference        Different Approach        different cultures        different people groupls        different types of law        Different View of Heaven        different world view        difficulties        diligently seek        Dinosaurs        Direct Experience        direction        Direction of YOUR Life        Directional Prayer        directional prayers        disagree        disappointment of Yah        disaster        Disasters in the USA        disciples        disciples do NOT understand those they follow        discipline        discomfort        Discoveries        Discovery        discrepancies        discrete forms        Discretion        discussion of some of Satan's methods        disempower's Yah's people        disinformation about Satanic Realm        disobedience of Believers        Disparate Interpretations        Dispensation        dispensation has changed        Dispersions        disruption        distinction fell away        distress        Disturbing Vision        diverse trials        Diversity of Foods        divided house        divided house CANNOT stand        divided house WILL fall        dividing the house        Divine Appointments        Divine Energy        Divine Healing        Divine Health        Divine Order        Divine Prosperity        Divine Protection        division        divorce        Divorce and Adultery        divorce and remarriage        Divorce and Subsequent Remarriage        Divorce approved in the Court of Heaven        divorce because of monogamy        divorce BUT        divorce by believers        Divorce must be obtained in the Court of Heaven        Divorce of Unbeliever        divorce of unbelievers        divorce REALLY        divorced        Divorced several times        DNA        do not agree        do not fear death        do NOT feast        do NOT observe Christmas        do not participate in Christmas        Do NOT Touch Yahwehs Anointed        do NOT wish        do not worship the bible        do we Honor Yahweh by Referring to Him as Our God        Do we know what sin is?        Do you Receive the Manna Every Day?        Doctor of Engineering        doctrinal differences        Doctrinal Error        doctrinal errors        Doctrine        Document Presentation        doing the right things well        Domestic Animals        domination by women        Dominion        Dominion over the Forces of Darkness        dominions        Donald Trump        donations        Don't Know        Doug Ferguson        Download the Entire Website        Dr James A Robertson        drama        draw close to Yah        draw closer than I am        draw intensely close        Drawing Close        Drawing Close to the Almighty        Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator        drawing close to the Creator        drawing close to Yah        drawing closer to Yah        Dream about Pure and Corrupt Water        dreams        Drink        drink human blood        drinking human blood        drying of planet contributes to Global Warming        Dust        DVDs        Dwell on Earth        Dwelling        Dwellings        Early eBooks        Early Genealogies        Earnest Intercession        earning points        Earth        Earth a Sodden Mushy Mess        Earth deflected in orbit        Earth flooded        Earth knocked off axis        Earth knocked off circular orbit        Earth knocked off its axis        Earth Messed Up        Earth Tilt on Axis        earth tilted on its axis        earth totally submerged        Easter        Easter Cursed        Easter is a pagan feast        Easter is NOT Passover        Easter is Pagan        Easter is Unkosher        Easter Pagan        Easter Pagan (Satanic)        eat human flesh        eating human flesh        Eben Alexander        eBooks        editing audio        Effective Cleansing is Important        Egypt        eight years since coming to Belief        Eighth Day of Tabernacles        ejaculation in vagina        El        Elders        elect        electric current        Electronic Bible Resource for Free        Elements of Cleansing        Eli        Ellah        El-Muchraka        Elohim        Elohym        email        Emailed        Emanuel Swedenborg        Embedded Artefacts        Emissaries        emissary        emotional damage        emotions        Emunah        Emunah for Finances        Emunah in Yah        End        End of an Era        end of life        end of the age        End of the Millennium        End Time        End Time Calendar        End Time Issue Ministries        End Time Issue Ministries Bible version        End Time Issue Ministries Website        End Time Issue Projects        End Time Teaching        End Times        End To Terrible Days        End-of-Life Scenarios        endorsement        enemies        Enemies under Yahooshua’s feet        Enforced Monogamy        Enforced Monogamy is Heresy        engaged in a race        engagement        engagement Yah and Satan        Engineer        Engineered Creation        Engineered Evolution        engineering        Engineering Approach        engineering approach to matters of the Creator        Engineering Approach to the Almighty Creator        Engineering Precision Proves Creation        Engineering Principles        engineers design bridges NOT to fall down        England        English        English blessed        enjoy creation        Enlightened Perspective        entertainment        Entire Feast of Unleavened Bread is NOT a Sabbath        Ephesians        Ephraim        Equinox        Erosion Surface        ERP        ERP advisory        ERP troubleshooting        error        Error Crippling Mature Believers        Error in Organized Religion        error in prayer        error in Revelation        Error in the Bible        error in the church        errors        errors corrected        errors in the Bible        errors in the Chosen        errors in translation        errors of Christianity        errors of the Protestant Church        errors on the website        Essence of Belief        essence of issues bible        essence of issues relating to the Bible        Essence of Message        Essence of Seeking and Serving the Almighty        Essence of Sin        essence of the issues relating to the Bible        essential elements of relationship        essential inhibitors of belief        Essential Prayers        Essential Principles of Serving the Almighty        Essential Questions for Every Believer        established religious authorities        Esteem        eSword        E-Sword Free Bible Study Software        etc        eternal destiny        eternal fire        Eternal Life        eternal rewards        eternity        ETI        ETI Bible        ETI Bible Version        ETI Ministries        ETI Version        ETI Website        ETI Website Seeks to Comply        Eucharist        Europe        Europeans        Evan Roberts        Evangelism        Evangelism Iceberg        Eve        Everyone        evidence        Evidence of Creation        Evidence of Creation and Genesis        Evidence of Creation in Physical Environment        Evidence of Massive Hydraulic Flood Action        Evidence of the Anointing        evidence of vaccine side effects        evil        evil generation        evil of Christmas        evil words        evolution        Evolutionary Creation is the ONLY Practica Explanation for what exists today        exaggerated claims        examine yourself        Example Prayers        examples from the Bible        exceeding authority        excellence        Excellence in Service        excellence in service of Yah        Excessive Sex Drive        execution        execution NOT crucifixion        execution of Yahooshua        execution on the stake        execution site        Executive Briefings        exile        Exiles        Exiles to Babylon were Believers        exit        Exodus        Exorcism        Experience of Hell.        experience of the Creator        experience of the things of Yah        experiment        experiment gone wrong        Experiment Leads Scientist to God        exponential change        Exponential Decay        extrapolation should be avoided        Extreme New Moons        Facts on Israel        faerie tales        failure        faith        Faith        Faith for Finances        Faith in Yah        faithful and just        faling away        fall        fallen angel        fallen angels        Fallen House of David        fallen messenger        fallen messengers        falling away        falling away is NOW        Fallopian Tube        false        false beliefs        false belief's        false claims for the bible        false doctrine        false doctrine of monogamy        False Doctrines        false holy day        false judgment        false miracles?        false names        false peace        False Pen of the Scribe        False Sabbaths        false teachings        false teachings of religion        false teachings of the Church        false witness        falsehood        family        fantasies        fantasy        fast        fast and pray        fast on Christmas        Fast Regularly        fasting        fasting and prayer        fasting is critical        Father        Father forgive them        Father forgive them they do not know what they are doing        Father Yah        Father Yah desires a deep personal relationship        favour        fear        fear is faith in Satan        fear is faith in Satanic        fear is faith in the Satanic        Fear Judgment        Fear of Death        fear of truth        feast        Feast instead of Christmas        feast of Matsos        Feast of Sukkot        Feast of Tabernacles        Feast of Trumpets        feast of unleavened bread        Feast of Weeks        Feasting        feasts        Feet        fellatio        Female        Female Chromosomes        female with female sex        few people intend to become Demons        few people of consequence        few who find the way to Heaven        fight the battle        Fighting the Battle Today        Filled with Bitterness        filled with demons        filled with the Spirit        Filled with the Spirit of the Almighty        Filled with the Spirit of the Creator        filled with the Spirit of Yah        Final Quest        finance        finances        finances cursed        Finances of Committed Believers        financial blessing        financial contributions        financial damage        financial lack        Financial Stewardship of Believers        Findings that predate the Flood        finger prints        fire        Fire and Brimstone        first belief        first born from the dead        First Day of Sukkot        First Day of Tabernacles        first day of the Feast of Tabernacles        first eight days after belief        first resurrection        first spirit created        first year of belief        firstborn from the dead        Firstborn of Creation        Fish River Canyon        five major world religions        fivefold ministry        fivefold ministry is false        flat        flesh        flood        Flood 4500 years ago        Flood about 4500 years ago        Flood Itself        Flood of Noah        Flood recent        Flood Videos        Flood Videos Overview        Flood was a Judgment.        Flood Where did the Water Come from        Flood Where did the Water Go        focus        focus on documentaries        Focus on Truth        Foe        Fog of Deception        Follow Yahooshua’s example        followers of Yahooshua        followers of Yahooshua did NOT know Torah        following a man or woman        Food for Thought        Foolish Virgin        foolish virgins        foolishness        Foot Soldiers        footstool        For I Have Betrothed You To One Husband        Forbidden Sex        force of Darkness Reign        forces of darkness        forces of darkness rule on earth        forces of evil        forcing Yah to jump through hoops        forehead        foretelling        forgive        forgiveness        forgiveness for sin        Forgiveness from Sin        forgiveness of sin        Forgiveness Through Yahooshuas Covenant        Forgotten Yah's Name for Baal        formal Christian religion        Former Christian        fornication        Forty Day Fast        forwarding        Foundations of the Earth will Rock        Four Angels        Fourth Commandment        fragments        Fragments of History        fragments of manuscripts        fragments of parchment        Frailty        fraud        fraudulent contracts        Free Masonry        Free Masons        free of sin        Free of Sin NO Reason to Delay Death        Free of Sin Translation is Instantaneous        free will        Fresh Fire        Fresh Infilling of the Spirit of Yah        Friend        Friend is Concerned        Friend is Highest Rank        Friend is the Highest Rank in Heaven        Friend of Creator        friend of the Almighty        Friend of the Creator        friend of Yah        friendly        friends        Friends of Yah        Friendship with the Creator        fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil        Full Armour of Yah        Full Body Anointing        Full Body Anointing with Blood of the Covenant        Full Body Anointing with Oil of the Spirit        Full Body Anointing with the Blood of the Covenant        Full Body Anointing with the Oil of the Spirit        Full Body Immersion        Full Body Shaving        Full Body Triple Immersion        fundamental contractual relationship        Fundamental Issue is Relationship with Yah        Fundamentally About Relationship with the Creator        further writings regarding the Bible        futile        futile prayer        futile prayers        Gad        Galatians        Galatians 2 20        Galatians 2:20        Gawd        gay        General        generation        Genesis        Genesis 2-24        genetic aberrations        Genetic Change        geology        Gerry Easton        Get Here        Get on Your Knees        Getting to Know Jesus Better        Giants        gift of the Spirit of Yah        Gift of Tongues        gift of Yah        gifts        gifts are offerings to Satan        girls        Give me to Drink        Give NOT Get        giving        giving to Yah        GL Builder        Glass Darkly        Glittering Fog of Deception        Global Catastrophe Far Beyond Flood        Global Drying        Global Flood        Global Flood as judgment        Global Flood that changed the World        Global Hydraulic and Tectonic Event        global nuclear war        Global Revival required        Global Tsunami        Global Warming        glorify the Name of the Creator        Glorious Resurrected Body        Glorious Spiritual Body        glory        glory is blasphemous        Glory of Death as a Committed Believer        Glory of God        glove puppet        Glove Puppets        go further than I have        go to church        Goal        goal setting        Goal Should be a High Throne        God        God is a blasphemous name        god is a pagan name        God is blasphemous        God is pagan        God of this Earth        goddess Easter        goddess Ishtar        Godhead        Gods        Gods Army        Gods Generals        Gods or Judges        Gods Treasured Army        Gods Truth        Gold Mines        Gold Mines as Evidence of the Flood        Golden Age of the Church        Golgotha        good        good and evil        good and faithful servant        good and faithful servants        Good and Faithful Servants Receive Esteem        Good Human Being        good in the bible        good insufficient        Good is Evil        good is not enough        good lies        Good News        Good News regarding Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah        good that is evil        Good Unbelievers Face a HUGE Shock        good will NOT get you to Heaven        good works        good_is_insufficient        Google        Google.com        Gospel        Gospel of Jesus Christ        Gospels        grace        Grace which Restrained Satan has been Removed        grace withdrawn        gradation of good and evil        Grand Canyon        granite        granite dome        Granite Dome that proves Global Flood        Granite Domes        Grapevine in Tzfat        graphic description        graphic torment        Great And Terrible Day Of The Lord        Great and Terrible Day of Yahwehs Wrath        Great Britain        Great Commandment        Great Day        Great Day of Sukkot        Great day of the Feast of Tabernacles        Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles.        great falling away        great reward        great tribulation        greater works        greater works than Yahooshua        Greater works than Yahooshua did        greatest evil in the body of believers        greatest idol        Greatest Truths about Yahooshua        Greek        Greek Biblios        Greek is NOT original        grief        gross Apostasy        gross error        gross Satanic activity        Gross Sin to Make Yahooshua Equal to Yah        Grow in Relationship        growing close to Creator        growing close to the Creator        growing close to Yah        growing cold        growth        guardian        guardian angel        guardian messenger        Guardians        guidance        Guidelines        Guidelines for Interpreting Commandments        Habakkuk        Hagar        Hail Zeus        Halfway House Granite Dome        Halfwayhouse Granite Dome Proof of Global Flood        Hallelu Yah        HalleluYah        Halloween        Halloween covenant with death        Halo        Ham        Hamas        Hammite African Spiritual Dispensation        Hammites        Handmaiden of Yah        hard look at life        Hardening of the Heart        harlot        Harlot of Revelation        harlotry        harmless lies        harmony        Harsh        Harsh Judgment        Harsh Warnings        harshness        harvest        Hated        have compassion on Yah        hazards of Halloween        He Makes My Feet Like Hinds Feet        headship        headship. lack        healing        Healing Marriage        health        hear the Almighty        hearing        Hearing Creator        Hearing Father        hearing His voice        Hearing Impaired Beggar on a High Throne        Hearing the Almighty        Hearing the Creator        hearing Yah        heart        heaven        Heaven a Place of Great Splendour        Heaven is a place of great beauty        Heaven is a Place of Great Splendour        Heaven is a place of peace beauty and love        Heaven on Earth        Heaven on Earth in Marriage        heavenly account        heavenly bank account        Heavenly language        heavenly realm        heavenly reward        heaviness        Hebrew        Hebrew Letter Waw        Helel        Helel Rebelled        hell        Hell Before Heaven        Hell is for Believers        Hell is REAL        Hell is Real and for Believers        Hell.        Hellas Planitia        Hell-Shaking Prayer        helmet of salvation        Helping Israel        Heresies        heresy        Heresy of Enforced Monogamy        heresy of monogamy        heretic        heretical        Herod        hiding from the Almighty        hierarchy        high priest        High Profile Divorce in the South African Church        High Road in Heaven        High Sabbath        High Sabbaths        high speed drainage        high throne        High Throne for Eternity        High Throne in Heaven        highest thrones        highly anointed        highly anointed books        highly anointed falling away        highly anointed ones also make mistakes and sin        Highly Separated Life        Hillel        Hillel Rebelled        hinderance        Hindering Spirits        Hinds Feet        Hindu        his blood be upon us        His Consuming Fire        His Name        historic ministries        historical accounts        history        History and the Almighty        history book        history in the Bible        History of Christmas        History of Mankind        History of Mankind on Earth        history of monogamy        History of the World        history revisited        hold your peace        Holiday Wishes        holiness        Hollie Moody        Holy        holy days        Holy is blasphemous        Holy Quran        Holy Spirit        Holy Word of God        homosexual        homosexual marriage        Homosexuality        honesty        honor parents        honor the Ten Commandments        honour        honour father and mother        Honour Parents        honour the Ten Commandments        hope of salvation        Horeb        horror and evil of Christmas        horror of Christmas        Horrors of Death as a Nominal Believer        Horrors of Death as an Unbeliever        hour on your knees        house        house divided        house divided cannot stand        house divided WILL fall        House in Harmony WILL Prosper        House of Bread        hovah        how Britain voted        how did Yahooshua accomplish what he did        how do I recognize and anointed one        How do we Hear the Almighty        HOW do we Overcome?        How Judgment Works        how to come to belief        how to reach a deep personal relationship        How we receive Prophets        How Yahooshua Achieved        Huge Number of Unbelievers believe the Bible        Huge Rewards for Loyal Service        Human        Human Authority        human being        Human Beings        Human Beings Reign on Earth        human blood        Human Body        human error        human flesh        Human in Right Standing        human NOT Yah in the flesh        Human Race Messed Up        Human sacrifice        human skull        human spirits        human spirits live forever        human wisdom        Humankind Degenerated        humans        humans degenerated        humans have dominion on earth        humans reign on earth        humans rule on earth        Humbling        Humility        hurt        husband        hydraulic action        Hydraulic Event        hymen        hysteresis        i        I AM RIGHT YOU ARE WRONG Paradox        I AM that I AM        I Have a Dream        ice comet        Ice Comet Struck the Earth        Ice-Comet Impact        identity of Jesus        identity of Yahooshua        idle words        idol        Idol Worship        idolatry        idols        Ieosus        If Jesus is God then Why        IF Satan Wins        If the Jews did NOT Kill Jesus we have a Problem        If You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know        ignorance        ignorant        Ignore the Almighty in THIS Life and He will ignore you for Eternity        Illegitimate Children        illegitimate one-flesh bonds        illness        Illuminated        illuminated ones        illuminated one's        Illuminated Servants of Satan        Illuminated Unbelievers Have Esteem        Illuminati        illumination        imaginings        Immanuel        Immature Believers        immersion        Immersion in the Set-Apart Spirit        Immersion NOT Baptism        immigration        impact of cutting one-flesh bond        Impact of Wild Oats on the World Today        implications of the Global Flood        Importance of Prayer        Importance of Worship        Important Articles        Important Articles and Other Resources        Important Assumption        Important Caveat        important for Believers        Important Information        important prayer        important prayers        important truths        Important Videos        in Him we live and move        in Him we live and move and have our being        in Search of Excellence        in the world but NOT of the world        incised valley’s        Incised Valleys        incised valley's        Incised Valleys in Massive Granite Proof of Global Flood        incised valley's prove Global Flood        incorrect interpretation        Incorrect names        incorrect words        Incredulity        India        Indicators about pleasing the Almighty        indigenous Africans        ineptitude of Believers        Infallibility        infilling        Infilling of Spirit of Creator        infilling with Set-Apart Spirit        infilling with the Spirit        infilling with the Spirit of Yah        In-filling with the Spirit of Yah        Information Technology        Inherit Eternal Life        Inhibitors of Belief        Initiate Revival        injury        Inner Vows        innumerable Bible Translations and Versions        Inquisition        insight        Insights        Insights from Yah        inspiration        inspire        inspired        Inspired Actions        inspired by the Spirit of Yah        Inspired Principles        inspired song        Inspired Wisdom        inspired works        inspired writing        inspired writings        Instantaneous Creation        Instantaneous Translation        intellect        intelligent        intensely close to Yah        Intercession        Interesting Confirmation        Interesting Information        interference        Internet        Interpretation        Intimacy with the Set-Apart Holy Spirit        Introduction        Introduction to Proof of a Global Flood        intrusion        intuition        invent        invest        invest in work of Yah        investment        invoke covenant        invoke curses        irreconcilable differences        irrelevant        Irrelevant Believers        is Allah God        is Allah the same as Yah        Is Divorce Allowed        Is it REALLY Gods Army        is Jesus Christ God        Is Polygamy Scriptural        Is The Church A Chaste Virgin At This Passover Time        is Yahooshua Yah?        Isaac        Isaiah 4 1        Isaiah 4:1        Ishmael        Ishtar        Islam        Islam and the Holy Quran        Islam Christianity and Judaism        Islam means believer in Allah        Islam versus Christianity        Islams End Time Teaching        isolation        Israel        Israel-Hamas War        Israelites        Issues from Question        IT        it is about relationship with Yah        it is better to remain single        it is NOT about being Good        Ja        Jack O’Lanterns        Jacob        Jacobs Trouble        James A Robertson and Associates        James Robertson        Japheth        Japhethites        Jehovah        Jehovah's Witnesses        Jentezen Franklin        Jeremiah        Jeremiahs Revelation        Jerry Healan        Jerusalem        Jesus        Jesus a man        Jesus as a Trap        Jesus Christ        Jesus correct name is Yahooshua        Jesus in India Tibet Persia        Jesus in your heart        Jesus in your heart is a demon        Jesus is a false name        Jesus is a man        Jesus is blasphemous name        Jesus is God        Jesus Is Lord        Jesus is NOT coming soon        Jesus is NOT God        Jesus is NOT the Word of God        Jesus is Pagan        Jesus living in your heart        Jesus NOT coming soon        Jesus NOT divinely approved        Jesus NOT God        Jesus NOT Yah        Jesus was a Jew        Jew        Jew hatred        Jewish man        Jews        Jews are NOT Omnipotent        Jews are Yisraelites NOT Seed of Satan        Jews Killed Yahooshua        Jim Pinkoski        Joan of Arc        job        Johannesburg        John        John the baptist        jokes        Jonathan Gray        Jonathan Gray books on the Flood of Noah        Jonathan Gray eBooks        Joseph        Joseph in Egypt        Joshua        Journey to Eternity        journey with Yah        joy        Joy of Sex        Joy of Yah        Joyner        Joyner is a Prophet        Joyner's experience of Judgment        Jubilee        Judah        Judaism        Judas Iscariot        Judean        judge        judge me        judge me severely        judge me severely and correct me harshly        judge not        Judge of all Creation        judged        judgement        judgement in THIS life        Judgement Seat        Judgest        Judging        Judging Others        judgment        Judgment and the Church        Judgment at the end of the Age        judgment by Father Yah        Judgment for Adultery        Judgment in the Life        Judgment in this Life        Judgment in this life for Believers        Judgment of believers who die        Judgment of the Church        Judgment of unbelievers who die        judgment on body of believers        judgment on the church        judgment on the church of Jesus Christ        Judgment Seat of Yah        Julius Caesar        Julius Ceasar        Junior Satan Servants face Serfdom and Oppression        Junta        Jurisprudence        Just DO IT        kabad        Kari Jobe        Kathryn Kuhlman        Katrina -- Ministry Opportunities        keep Commandments        keep quiet        Keep Sabbaths        keep the High Sabbaths        Keep the Passover of Yahweh        keeping Yah's Sabbaths        Kenneth E Hagin        Kenneth Hagin        Key Facts        Key to Unity        keynote speaker        Khazars        Killing Prophets        Kindness of Yah        king        King James        King James Bible        King James Version        King James version of the Bible        King James version of the Bible is NOT definitive        King of Human Kings        king of kings        King Yahooshua        Kingdom of Yah        Kingdom of Yah        Kingdom of Yah on Earth        KJV        KJV NOT definitive        kneejerk divorce        Knees        Knocked Off Axis and Orbit        knocked off its axis        Know Him        knowledge and experience        knowledge of evil        knowledge of the things of Yah        Kuiper Belt        lack        lack of finances        lack of harmony        lack of submission        lack of submission of women        Lagos        laity        lake of fire        Lake of Fire and Brimstone        Land Forms Across the Planet        language        Language of the Almighty        Larz        lashing        Last Battle        last millenium        last rites        Latin America        Laurie Ditto        Lava Flows        law        Law of Love        Lay Down Your Life for Yah        laying down ones life        laziness        lead by Spirit every moment of every day        lead into further demonic control        leaders to pray for judgment        learn about Yah        learning        learning truth        Leaven        Led by Father Yah        Led by the Almighty Creator        led by the Spirit of the Almighty        Led by the Spirit of Yah        Led by the Spirt        led by Yah every second of every day        legacy beliefs        legal bond        legal divorce        Legal Rights        Legalism Versus Obedience        lesbianism        less than 2% of the bible        lessons from the Global Flood        Letter from Hell        letter of divorce        Letter to a Single Woman        level        level of anointing        level of prayer        Levites        Levites break the Sabbath        Levites work on the Sabbath        Leviticus        liars        lie        lie of Good        lie of monogamy        lie of the perfect life partner.        lies        life        life above sin        Life after death        life free of sin        Life Goal        life is a training ground for Heaven        Life of Yahooshua        life without sin        Lilith        limitations in the Name of Yahooshua        limited entrance to Heaven        limited first belief        limited sleep        lion        listen        Listening        Little Horn        Little Sister        live above sin        live by faith        live forever        live in body        Live Life the Way the Almighty Intends        live life without Sin        lived with Yah        Living Above Sin        Living Faith        Living Torah        Living Word        logo        lonely        long line of prophets        Long Term Compliance        Long Wait is it About to End        Loose Ends        Lord        Lord and Savior for All Who Confess        Lord of Lords        Los Lunas        Los Lunas stone        lose all hope of salvation        Losing the Contest        loss        losses of Yah        lost truth        lost truths        lot of unbelievers        love        Love Bond        Love Creator        love is a spiritual force        Love is the Completion of the Law        love like Yahooshua loves        Love like Yahshua        love making.        love of Yah        love results from making love        love shed abroad in our hearts        Love the Almighty Intensely        love Yah        love Yah the eternally self existing        love your neighbor as yourself        love-bond        Lovemaking        loving Yah        Lower Ranks        Lower Ranks Exist        Loyal Service        luck        luck counterfeits Yah's blessings        luck counterfeits Yah's favour        luck is demonic        luck is Satanic        Luke        Luke 1        lunar year        lust        lusting        Luther        lying        macabre        Mahdokt Walter        Mailchimp        mailing list        Mailing list        major religion        majority        majority is always wrong        majority wrong        Make a Difference        Make The Sharp Knives        makes sense        Makes You Think        Making Holiness More Attainable        making love        Making Love Creates Love        Making Love to Father        making love to the Almighty        making right        Malachi        Malak        Malaki        Male        male virgins        male with male sex        male-male sex        man        man and woman        Man and Woman in Harmony        man as a spirit        man is head        Man joined sexually to Man        Man joined to Woman        Man Made Lights that Never Go Out        man NOT focus on woman focus on Yah        Man of Suffering        Man raised from dead        Man Rob God in Tithes and Offerings        man woman covenant        Management Consultant        management consulting        Manger of the Anointing for the Seventh Millennium        mankind is degrading        Manna        Mantle        Mantle of Humility        manuscripts        man-woman relationships        many errors in modern thinking regarding dates        Many Marriages in the Genealogy of Yahooshua are Forbidden Yet they are Blessed        Many More Women than Men in the Body of True Believers        many theories are false        many voices        Many will say to Me in THAT Day        many years seeking        Mariana Trench        Mario Murillo        mark        mark of the Beast        Mark of the Beast is breaking any of the Ten Commandments        Mark of the Beast is NOT the Microchip        marriage        marriage confusion        marriage covenant        Marriage Healed        Marriage in Heaven        Marriage Intended to be Heaven on Earth        marriage matters for men        Marriage Partner        marriage strategy        Marriage Strategy Headlines        marriage teachings        Marriage Tie        Martin Luther        martyr        Mary        Masses of Evidence of Flood        massive drainage        Massive Erosion        Massive Granite        Massive Igneous Intrusions        Massive Surface Disruption proof of Flood        massive tectonic event        Mastermind        Mastermind Demons        Masterminds        Masterminds rule        masturbation        material on this website        Materials Science        Mathematics        matsos        matters of the Almighty        Matters of the Creator        Matthew        MattihYahoo        MattihYahoo to Revelation        mature believers        mature believers in gross error        meaning "Mighty One"        Meaning of Planets Aligning        meaningless names that cause confusion        Meat        Media        Medit        meditate on Yahooshua's death        Meet Me in the Stairwell        meetings        Melchizedek Priesthood        melted        Memory Card        men        Men and Women        Men and Women and Covenant        Men and Women and Family        Men and Women in Covenant        Men in bondage to pornography        Men with Men        mercy        Mercy Seat        merit        Meshach        message        Message for the Jews        message to ALL the Earth        Message to Christians        Message to Muslims        messages from Yah        messages from Yah about South Africa        messages from Yah generally        messages from Yah to believers generally        messages from Yah to the Church        messages from Yah to the world        messages through Yah's spokesmen        messenger        messengers        Messengers {Angels}        Messengers CANNOT father children        messengers for protection        messengers of Yah        messengers of Yah encamped to protect        Messiah        Messiah vs Christ        Metamorphosed Rock        metamorphosed rocks        Metamorphosed Sedimentary Rock        metamorphosed sedimentary rocks        Metaphor        Methodist        Michael Rood        microchip        microchip is NOT the Mark of the Beast        Middle East        Midnight Cry        Might Know Him        might warring angels        mightiest Created Being        mighty men who fall because of monogamy        Mighty One        mighty warring messengers        Mighty Works        Mikvah        Millenium        Millennium        Millions of Years is Invalid        millions of years is NOT valid        mind        Mind and Will        Miniscule Fragments of History        Ministering Spirits bring finances        Ministry        ministry of deliverance        miracle        Miracle of Death of Yahooshua        Miracle Working Power        miracles        Miraculous planning of the death of Yahooshua        Miriam        Miryam        mislead mankind        mislead people        misleading people        misrepresentation        misrepresentation in sales        missing the mark        mistaken belief        mistakes        mistletoe        mithra Santa anagram for Satan        Moderating Discussion        modern Age determinations are fundamentally flawed        modern books        modern doctrines        modern Scripture        Mohammed        Mohammed was a prophet of Yah        Molech        money        monogamy        Monogamy and Sexual Lovemaking        Monotheistic Religions        Monster Drink        Monster energy drink        month of Passover        Moody        Moon        more than one wife        more than one woman        Moreso on High Sabbaths        Mormon        Morning        Moses        Moshe        Moslem        Moslem means one who believes in Allah        Most Believers Face the Outer Darkness        most christians NOT anointed        Most Evil Day of the Year        most evil generation        most important message        Most Important Messages        most important things        most in serious error        most jokes are lies        most marriages are adulterous        most monogamy a sham        most powerful created being        most powerful prayer        most television programmes are undesirable        mother        Mother Nature        Mother Nature cannot save you        Motivation        Motives        Motives Frequently Corrupted        Mount Sinai        Mountain of Yah        Mountain of Relationship with Yah        Mountain of Yah        move of Yah        movement of the Holy Spirit        movement of the Spirit of Yah        much spiritual warfare is meaningless        much truth        Muhammed Prophet of Yah        Multiple Bible Versions        multiple wives        murder        music        Music Alone is Meaningless        Muslem        Muslim        Muslims        Muslims in the Kingdom of Yah        must know Yah's name        must listen        mutation of plants        my darling Mighty One        my Darling why have you forsaken me        my Experience        My Lord        My Sheep Hear My Voice Do You        My Son        Mystery of Stonehenge Solved        nails        Name        Name Above All Names        Name in Luke 1        name it claim it frame it        Name of Creator        Name of the Almighty        Name of the Creator        name of Yah        Name of Yah in Scripture        name of Yah in the Bible        Name of Yah Known in Every Place        Name of Yah NOT in vain        Name of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing NOT in Vain        name of Yah throughout the original manuscripts        name of Yahooshua        Name of Yahweh        names        names ARE important        Names DO matter        Names DO Matter.        names including Yah        names of Creator        Names of God        narrow gate        narrow Path        NASA        NASA and the Bible        Nature        Nazarenes        Nazrenes and the Name of Yahweh        Near Death Experience        near death experiences        Nearly ALL are Seed of Noah        Nearly ALL Mankind is breaking most of the Commandments        Need for a Turning Around        negative experience        Negative US Policy Toward Israel        negative words        neglected Creator        Nehemiah Gordon        neighbour        never submitted to a woman        NEVER use God in the context of the Almighty        NEVER use The LORD in the context of the Almighty        New Age has Begun        new Believer        New Covenant        new day        New Dispensation        New High Priest        New moon        New Moon of Aviv        New Moons        New Offering for Sin        New Offering of Atonement        New Priesthood        new testament        new testament no such thing        New Turning Around Started        New World Order        New Year        New Year Cursed        New Year Pagan        New Years Day        Nibiru        Nigeria        nightly prayers        No Abortion        No Abortive Contraceptives        NO adultery        No Anointing Results in Low Position        no authority        NO be NO        No Cove        NO coveting        No Direct Communication        NO distinction between Old Testament and New Testament        NO false teachings        NO false witness        NO further excuse        No Idols        NO lies        no longer I that live but the Spirit of Yah that lives in me        NO lusting        NO lying        NO Middle Ground        NO misrepresentation        NO more revivals        NO murder        no one is intentionally going to Hell        No other Mighty Ones        No Other Name Whereby Men May be Saved        no place in Heaven        NO Planet X to strike the earth        No Secrets        No Secular Entertainment        No Servile Work        NO stealing        no such thing as the canon of scripture        NO Trinity        Noah        Noah and his family survived the Flood        Noah Prayed for Judgment        Noah’s Ark        Noahs Ark        Noah's Ark        noise        Nominal Believer        Nominal Believer preparing for Death        Nominal Believers        North America        North American Indians        Northcliff        NOT "Saints"        NOT a glove puppet        NOT accountable to other humans        not achieved by many        NOT anointed        not as expected        not ask for money        NOT baptism        NOT Christ        NOT committee        NOT committees        NOT Corrected        NOT cross        NOT crucifiction        NOT crucifixion        NOT Easter        not enough men to go round        not error        NOT flesh and blood        not Glove Puppets        NOT God        Not I that live but the Spirit of Yah that lives in me        NOT intellect        NOT Jesus        NOT just Heaven or the Lake of Fire        NOT Khazars        not nearly enough believing men to go round        NOT New Testament        NOT Omnipotent        NOT Pagan Names        Not Planned Entirely Unexpected        NOT polygamy        Not Polygyny Which Must Be Defended It Is Monogamy        NOT pop idols        Not Reason to Suffer or Eke Out Last Years        NOT scripture        NOT speak of evil        NOT sports idols        NOT Sunday        NOT Surprised by Sin and Error        NOT Talk or Publish Error        NOT the Creator        NOT the Living Word        NOT the LORD        NOT the microchip        NOT the ONLY way        not the time        NOT The Way        NOT The Word        NOT the Word of God        not understood        not what it seems to be        NOT without error        NOT worship buildings        NOT worship cars        not worship idols        NOT worship intellect        NOT worship Jesus        NOT worship people        NOT worship statues        NOT worship things        NOT worship Yahooshua        Not Yah in Vain        notes        Noticing        November 2033        Now        Nuclear War before Abraham        Nuclear War Evidence        Nuh        numbering Israel        Numerous False Beliefs re Yahooshua        Nuweiba        oaths        Oats        Obama's ring        obedience        Obedience as a Basis of Judgment        obedience to Yah        Obelisk        Obey        Obey is Better than Sacrifice        Observe Sabbaths        observing Passover        observing Pesach        observing the New Moon        occult        offensive message        offering        offering for sin        Offerings        Official Judged by Yah        Oil        Oil of the Spirit        old age homes        Old Testament        Old Testament Emissary        Old Testament Prophet        Old Testament versus New Testament        older articles        older articles by James Robertson        Omnipotent        on your face on the floor        on your knees        one flesh        one flesh bond        one flesh bond.        one hundred and forty four thousand        one hundred and forty four thousand who have NOT defiled themselves with women        One Mighty One        One Night Stands        one thousand years        one thousand years        One Time I Decided to Become a Belly-Dancer        One Way to Salvation        one-flesh        one-flesh bond        one-flesh bond clarification        one-flesh bond.        Ongoing Conversation        ongoing learning        Ongoing Process        Online Bible        Only 30 Million Left        only 5000 men and women really serving Yah at a material level        only broken by prayer asking for mercy        Only One Human Zero Sin and Zero Error        Only the First and Eighth Days of Tabernacles are Sabbaths        only two exchanges        ONLY way        opposing teh forces of darkness        Oppression        oral law        oral sex        Orbit        orbit of earth disrupted        orgasm        origin        origin and purpose of man        origin of Christmas        Origin of Creator        origin of Jesus        Origin of Man        origins of Christmas        Orphans and Widows        Other Considerations re Evolution versus Creation        Other Issues with Certain Religious Views of Creation        other religions        other Sabbaths        other sheepfolds        Other Writings of Equal or Greater Importance        Our Father        Our God is an Awesome God        our position        Our World Today        out darkness        Out of Body Experience        out of body experiences        Outer Darkness        outpouring of the Spirit of Yah        Outright Servants of Satan        Outright Unbelievers        over a thousand discoveries        overcome        overcome to the end        Overcomer        overcomers        Overcomers on Thrones        Overcomes still get to sit on Thrones        overcoming        Overcoming Sin        Overcoming to the End        Overview of the Flood Videos        ovum        Own Strength        pagan        pagan concept        Pagan Feast        pagan feasts        Pagan Sabbath        pagan symbol        paganism        pagans        Painful Deductions        paintings        Pan        Parable of the Leaven        paradigms        Paradox        parchment        parchments        parents        partner in sin        pass children through fire        Passion        Passover        Passover 2003        pastors        pastors are prison warders        Pastors as a Trap        pastors as prison warders        Pastors in Scripture        Paul        peace        peace of Satan        Peace of Yah        peace that passes understanding        Pencil Drawings Beautiful        pentalpha        Pentecost        Pentecostal        people        People Force Yah into the Bible        people in bondage        perfection        Periodic Table        periodic table of the elements        periods of time of indeterminate duration        Permitted Sex        persecution        Persecution of Christians        Persecution of the Jews        Persia        Personal Demons        Personal Friendship with the Creator        personal prayers        personal prophecy        personal relationship        personal relationship with Creator        Perspective        perversion        perversions        Pesach        Pesach chag HaMatzoth        Pesach Feasting for Freedom        Pesach for the Perplexed        pestilence        petition        petition to the court of Heaven        Pharisees        Philippians        phone sex        Physical Environment        pictures of Hell.        piercing        Piercings        Pilate        Pit        place of correction        Place of Fire        plane        planet        Planet Earth        Planet X        Planet X. Nibiru        Planets Aligning        Planned (Engineered) Creative Evolution versus Unplanned (unengineered) Spontaneous Evolution        plants        Pleasing the Almighty        Pleasing Worship Songs        plural marriage        pointless prayers        Pokemon        polite        polygamy        polygyny        Pontius Pilate        poor beggar        Pope        Pope confesses errors of the Catholic Church        Pope. Confession of Error        pornographic symbol        pornography        positive aspects of the Bible        POSSIBLE to Overcome        poverty        poverty in Africa        poverty in the body of believers        Poverty in the Church        power        Power and Authority        power anointing        power from eating human flesh        power from murder        Power of Yah        power of agreement        power of one-flesh        power of prayer        power of Sumphoneo        power of woman        Power Of Words        Power of Yah        Powerful Anointing        powerful prayer        Powerful Prayers        Powerful Worship Songs        powers        practical        practical applicaiton of marriage teachings        Practical Application of Marriage Teachings        Practical Application of the Marriage Teachings        praise        Praise and Worship        pray        pray at ALL times in the Spirit without ceasing        pray Fathers will        Pray in the Spirit        Pray in the Spirit at ALL Times without Ceasing        Pray in Tongues        pray Yah’s will on Earth        prayer        prayer and fasting        Prayer and Study        Prayer are Petition        prayer for favour        prayer for opening and closing of doors        prayer for wisdom        prayer futile        prayer in agreement        prayer in Court        prayer in harmony        Prayer on coming to Belief        Prayer on Knees is Best        Prayer to be Anointed        prayer to be found a good and faithful servant        prayer to be judged        prayer to correct errors        prayer to overcome to the end        prayer to take wrong people out of life        prayer unanswered        prayers        prayers answered by demons        prayers answered by the Satanic        Prayers can take Time to Answer        Prayers for Guidance        prayers for young Believers        Prayers Hindered        prayers to pray        Prayers with Fasting        Praying for a Husband may be Futile        Praying in the Spirit        praying in the Spirit without ceasing        Preach        precision        Precision of DNA        precision strategic configuration        Predicts Christs Birth        pre-flood        Preparatory Points        Preparing for Death        preparing to die        Presence of Yah        present deception        Present Prosperity from Blessings of Yah        presentations        presented at many conferences        President Barack Obama        President of the USA        President Zuma        Pretenders        prevent implantation        Preventing Deep Relationship with Creator        Previous Generations        price        price high        Pride        priest        Priests        principalities        Prisons        prize        prize huge        Proactive Intercession        problem        Problems with Rick Joyner        proclaimed as king        proclamation        professional church leaders        professional church men        Progressive Development        Progressive Development versus Instantaneous Creation        Progressive Impact of Yah        prohibition of death penalty        promises        pronunciation        proof by contradiction        Proof of a Global Flood        Proof of a Global Flood End Notes        Proof of a Global Food        proof of age        Proof of Creation        proof of Creator        proof of Global Flood        Proof of Judgment        prophecies        Prophecy        Prophecy is Instructions        Prophecy Not fulfilled        Prophecy of Coming Judgment        Prophecy This Season        Prophesy        prophet        prophet from Nazareth        Prophet in Revelation 22        prophet of Yah        Prophet or Mouthpiece        prophet who believed a lie        prophetic        Prophetic Actions        prophetic assignment        Prophetic Context        prophetic experiences        Prophetic Messages        Prophetic Move in this Age        Prophetic Strategic SWOT Analysis of the Body of Believers Worldwide        prophetic teaching        Prophetic Utterance        prophets        Prosecutor        Prosper        prosperity        prosperity teaching        prostitution        protection        Protestant Christian        Protestant Church        proving ground        provision        Psalm 132        psalms        Pseudepigrapha        pseudo-male role        psychology        Public Stands Against Israel        Published 2000 and 2001        Published 2003 and 2004        Published in 2002        Pulse Measurement        pumpkin        pumpkin heads        pumpkins represent human skulls        punishment        Purim        purpose        purpose of life        Purpose of Man        Push        putting away        Putting Away versus Divorce        qodesh        Qodeshness        qualifying round        Quality Decision        Quality of Decision        Quaran worship        quarreling        Quest        Question        Question of Name        Question what others say        questions        Questions About Attitude        Questions about References to Yahooshua        Questions for Belief        quotes from Yah        Quran        Quran Inspired of Yah        Rabbi        race        Radiation        radical Islam        Radio        Radio Broadcast        Radioactive Core of the Earth        Radioactivity        raise the dead        raise your hands to Heaven        raised from the dead        Rank        rank in heaven        Ranks in Heaven        Ranks in the Kingdom        Ranks of Satan Servants        rapid process        rapture        Ratings        rational thinking        read anointed material        read as the Almighty leads you to read        Reading        reading matter        REAL Age of All This        REAL Battle        real conspiracy        real miracles?        real Mount Sinai        real service        Real Significance Of Virginity        Reality Check is the Bible REALLY the Inerrant Word of the Almighty        reality of Yahooshua        REALLY happening this age        reaping        reason we exist        rebellion        rebellion of women        rebellious wife        Rebelliousness of a Wife        Receive Counsel        Receive Ministry        recognizing a Friend        recognizing a Friend of Yah        Recognizing Yahwehs Servants        recommended prayers        Recommended Worship        Record keeping in Heaven        recording        records        recover lost truth        red and black horses        Red Sea        Red Sea Crossing        Red Sea Crossing site        reduce to the absurd        reductio ad absurdem        reference work        referendum        Reformation        Reformation NOT Revival        Refrain from Judging Others        Rege        Rehearse the Covenant        rehearsing the Covenant        Reign        reign with the Spirit of Yah        Reincarnation        reindeer        Rejected Believer        relationship        Relationship Between Yah        relationship versus religion        relationship with Creator        relationship with the Almighty        relationship with the Almighty Creator        relationship with the Creator        relationship with Yah        relationship Yah        relationship_with_Creator        relationships        release from covenant terms        relevant writings        Relgious Views of Creation        religion        Religion is Corrupt        Religion versus Relationship        Religious Broadcasts        religious democracy        religious democracy leads to deception        religious festival        Remarriage        Removal of Religious Broadcasts in the USA        Renaissance        renaissance masks degradation        repeated marriages        repent        repent of your sin        repentance        repentance for sin        Repentance from Jews and Christians        repented sin        Replication of Demons        represent the Creator        requires discipline and perseverance        research        Resist the Devil        Resisting Death        Resources        respect        Responding to Tribulation        response to rebuttal        Responsibility of Believing Men Towards Single Believing Women        responsibility of this ministry        Responsibility to Advance the Kingdom        Rest of Africa        restitution        Restoration of the Sacred Name        restore truth on earth        Restored Name Bible        Restoring the Fallen House of David        Restrains        Restructure Your Life        resurrected        Resurrected Body        resurrection        Resurrection of Yahooshua        retirement villages        return of Yahooshua        returning curses        Revelation        Revelation 14        Revelation of the Creator        revival        Revival is NOT Enough        revivals demonic        revivals today are demonic        reward        reward for obedience        reward in heaven        Rewards for Loyal Service        Rewards in Heaven        Rick Joyner        RIGHT        right confession        right hand        Right Hand of the Father        Right House        Right Questions        Right Standing        right standing with Yah        right to give what fear        righteousness        rigorous        Robert McCurry        Roberts Liardon        role of man        role of woman        Roman Catholic        Roman Catholic Church        Roman Church        Roman Governor        Romans        Rome        Ron wyatt        Ron Wyatts Last Description of What Happened in the Chamber        root cause of poverty in Africa        Rosh HaShanah        Rosh Hashannah Sameach        rotation of the core        rote repetition is futile        rottenness in the bones        Rubble Declares the Glory of Yahweh        ruin        rule on earth        Rulers of Darkness        Rulers of Darkness of this World        rules        Rules of Engagement        Rules of Engagment Forbid Direct Action        Rules the Earth        Ruling Masterminds on Ham        Run to Escape this?        Russ Clarke        sabbath        Sabbath is Saturday        Sabbath NOT Sunday        Sabbath Observance        Sabbath thoughts        Sabbath to Sunday        Sabbaths        Sabbath's        Sabbaths of the Creator        Sackcloth and Ashes        Sacraments        Sacred Name        sacrifice        sacrifice for sin        sacrifice of children        sacrifice of Yahooshua        sacrifices        Saint        sales        salt covenant        salvation        Samuel        Samuel Doctorian        Samuel Morris        Sanctification        Sanctify Your Dwelling        sanctity of virginity        Santa        Santa anagram for Satan        Sapphira        Sarai        Satan        Satan and Experiment Gone Horribly Wrong        Satan as Accuser        Satan as god of this Earth        Satan as Mighty One of the Earth        Satan as Prosecutor        Satan at some level in every book        Satan Beguiled Lilith        Satan Cast Into the Pit        Satan Does Not Play Fair        Satan Hard Taskmaster        Satan in the Abyss        Satan in the Pit        Satan in the Pit for 1000 Years        Satan is a Harsh Task Master        Satan is constrained to work through humans        Satan is prosecutor and jailer        Satan is Winning the Battle Hands Down What Are YOU Going to Do About It        Satan permitted the bible to prosper        Satan Rebelled        Satan release finances        Satan released        Satan Ruled on Earth        Satan sentenced        Satan sentenced to 1000 years in the Pit        Satan Servant        Satan Servants        Satan service        Satan the God of This World        Satan to Pit        Satan to Pit for 1000 years        Satan to the Pit        Satan to the Pit in 2003        Satan wins        Satan wins the Contest        Satan worship        Satan. Satan's devices        Satan’s Rebellion        Satan’s take off of the Great Day of Tabernacles        Satanic        Satanic and Demonic Realm        Satanic angels        Satanic chain of command        Satanic commands        Satanic Dominion        Satanic Feasts        satanic hierarchy        Satanic Inspiration        Satanic messenger        Satanic messengers        Satanic methods        Satanic power        Satanic Realm        Satanic rites        Satanic rituals        Satanic Sabbaths        Satanic use of one-flesh bond        Satanism        Satanist        Satanists        Satan's devices        Satans Great Day        Satans Lies        Satan's lies        Satan's methods        Satans most effective lies        Satan's most effective lies        Satans Presence at the World Trade Centre        Saturday        Saturday is seventh day of the week        Saturday is the 7th Day of the week        Saturday is true Sabbath        Saturday Sabbath        Saturday sunrise        Saturnalia        Saviors Name Coded        sayings by Yah        Schedule of Beliefs        Science        Scribal Device that Corrupts the Bible        Scribe        Scribes        Scriptural Definition of Marriage        Scriptural Definition of Marriage Adultery and Divorce        Scriptural Definition of Marriage Divorce and Adultery        Scriptural Divorce        Scriptural New Year        Scriptural Proof a Day Beings in the Morning        Scriptural Rosh Hashanna        scripture        Scriptures        Scriptures Relating to The People        Sea Level Rise        Seal        Seated at the Right Hand of the Father        second coming of Christ        second coming of Yahooshua        second death        secret societies        Secrits of Revival        sects        Sedimentary Rock        sedimentary rocks        Sedimentary Rocks Cover the Planet        sedimentary rocks proof Global Flood        see things differently        See through a Glass Darkly        Seed of Noah        Seed of Yisrael        Seek a Power Anointing        Seek ALL Truth no matter the cost        Seek Anointing        seek first the Kingdom of Yah        seek Him        seek relationship with Yah        seek to hear Father more clearly        seek truth        seek truth no matter what the cost        seek truth not error        seek Yah        seeking        Seeking a Deep Personal Relationship        Seeking Revelation        seeking to draw close        seeking truth        seeking Yah        selective breeding        self        self discipline        Self-Centredness        Self-Discipline        self-righteousness        semantic nonsense        semantics        Semantics of His Name        semen        Sensing        Sent One        separation        separation of man and woman        separation of Tectonic Plates        September 11th        sequential sexual relationships        Serfdom        Sergei        servant        servant of Yah        servants of Satan        servants of Yah        Servants of Yah to Defeat Satan        serve Satan        Serve You more Perfectly        service        service to Yah        Serving Creator        serving Satan        Serving Yah        Set        Set Apart Days        set-apart        set-apart days        Set-Apart Days of Yah        set-apart Sabbaths        set-apart Spirit        Set-Apart Spirit given        Set-Apart Spirit given to Believers        Set-Apart Spirit of Yah        Set-Apart Spirit of Yah        set-apartness        setting apart        Seven Components        Seven Components in Drawing Close        seven components in drawing close to the Creator        Seven Components of Drawing Close        Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty        Seven Day Fast        Seven Day Water Only Fast        seven days from belief        seven days of consummation        seven days of grace        Seven Key Points Regarding Belief        seven major fasts        seven steps in drawing close to the Creator        Seven Thousand Years of The Contest        seven three day fasts        Seven Three Day Fasts and Weekly Intervals        seven times as many anointed women as men        Seven Times as Many Believing Women and Men on Earth Today        Seven times as many women as men in the body of True Believers        Seven Times More Women than Men        seven times more women than men in the body of true believers        seven times more women than men in the body of true believers.        seven women to one man in the body of true believers        seven women will cling to one man        seventh day        Seventh Day Adventist        Seventh Day of the Week        Seventh Millenium        seventh millennium        seventy facets        seventy facets of Yah's jewelled words        Severe Warning        Severity of Yah        sex        sex and Believers        sex as high point        sex before marriage        sex drive        sex from Yah        Sex is a Covenant Act        Sex is good        sex is most spiritually intense force available on Earth        Sex Permitted and Prohibited        sex to be enjoyed        sex with animals        sexual attraction        sexual bond        Sexual Chemistry        sexual covenant        sexual covenant terms        sexual desire        sexual frustration        sexual intercourse        sexual intercourse even once requires major clean up        sexual life covenant        sexual life covenant between man and woman        sexual love making        sexual lovemaking        Sexual Need        Sexual Promiscuity        Sexual Reproduction        Sexual Reproduction proves Creation        Sexual Reproduction proves Creator        Sexual Reproduction Requires a Creator        Sexual Thoughts        sexual ties        sexual union        sexuality of teenage girls        Seymour        Shaliach        share        share what you have learned        sharing        sharing is NOT a blanket endorsement        Sharp Knives        Shaul        Shave        Shaving        Shavuot        Sheep        Shem        Shemites        Shemmites        shield of faith        Ship        Ship of Nuh        Shocking Facts        shocking message        shoes of the good news of peace        Shofar        short Prayers        shua        side effects        significant status        signs        signs of judgement        Signs of Judgment        silence        Silence is Golden        silence with regard to Virginity        Simple Food Preparation        sin        Sin Leads to Torturers after Death        Sinai        Sinai found        single anointed women        Single Woman        single women        sinless life        sinners        sins bringing judgment        sins of Christianity        Skeletons on Floor of the Sea        Skin Colour        Skull Hill        Skype sex        slaughter animal        sloppy covenant        Small Gate        small voice        Smith Wigglesworth        So You Think You Can Preach the Gospel        Sobering Statistic        social media        Soddom and Gomorrah        Sodom and Gomorrah        Soft Attributes of Human Beings        Solar System        sole reason for our existence        solutions that work        some inspired        some truth        Some Useful Prayers        Something Must Be Done        Something Very Different        Son        son of Adam        songs        Songs of Adoration        Songs of Praise        sons of Adam        sons of Noah define races today        Sons of Noah Three People Groups        Soul Mate in Heaven        soul tie        Soul Ties        sound the Shofar        South Africa        South African Gold Mines        South Africans        South America        sowing and reaping        space for set-apart Spirit of Yah        speak        special days        specific messages from Yah        spelling        Spelling Error Yahshua        spells        Spend Eternity        sperm        spirit        spirit adhesion        spirit being        spirit communicates with body via brain        Spirit Filled        Spirit is Moving on the Earth        Spirit Led        spirit led life        Spirit Led Praise and Worship        Spirit of Yah        Spirit of Yah        Spirit of Yah is Moving on the Earth        Spirit Power        spirit realm        spirit to spirit adhesion        spirits        spirits of dead men        Spirits prove Creation        spiritual        Spiritual Audit        Spiritual Audity        Spiritual Authority        Spiritual Categories        Spiritual Cleansing        spiritual considerations relative to the Global Flood        Spiritual Contamination        spiritual damage        spiritual destruction        Spiritual Dispensation        spiritual force        Spiritual House        spiritual interaction        spiritual law        spiritual mark        Spiritual Nature of Sex        Spiritual Power        Spiritual Principles        spiritual projection        Spiritual Realm        spiritual rites for cleansing        Spiritual Separation of Man and Woman        spiritual state        spiritual state change        Spiritual Tie        spiritual warfare        Spiritual Warfare Next Steps        Spiritual Wickedness        Spiritual Wickedness in High Places        split rock        Spokesman        spokesman of Yah        spokesmen        spokesmen of Yah        spokeswoman of Yah        Spontaneous Evolution        sprinkle blood        stake        stake not cross        stand        standing with the Almighty        start of Yah's calendar        statistices        statistics        Statistics from Google.com        stauros        stealing        Stewardship        Still Killing the Prophets        Still Small Voice        still small voice of Yah        Stone Tablets        Stonehenge        stouros        strait path        strategic analysis and design        Strategic Objectives        Strategic Objectives of the Kingdom of Yahweh        strategic planning        strategic project leadership        Strategic SnapShot Process        strategy        StratGap        StratNews        StratSnap        Street Church        stresses on the crust        strife        Striving for Nothing        Striving to be your best for nothing        strongholds        strongly Anointed        study        study of anointed ones        Stumble Like The Pharisees        Submarine        submission        submission of men        submission to leaders        submit        submit as unto Yah        submit as Yahooshua did to those who executed him        submit if he beats you        submit to employer        submit to government        Successful Marriage        Sudan        sudden drainage        Suffered Much Loss        Suffering        Suffering on Earth in Lieu of Hell        Suggested Worship Songs        Suicide Bombers        Sukkah        Sukkot        Sulphur Balls        Summing Up -- Proof of a Global Flood        summing up regarding the Bible        Summing Up Repentance        sumphoneo        sun god        sun gods birthday        sun god's birthday        sun worshiping        Sunday        Sunday is a pagan feast        Sunday is false Sabbath        Sunday NOT a Sabbath of Yah        Sunday NOT Sabbath        Sunday Pagan        Sunday Sabbath        sun-god        sunrise        supernatural        Supernatural Healing        Supernatural Power        supply of needs        supporting End Time Issue Ministries        supporting Ministry        Supports the Scriptures        surefooted shoes of the good news of peace        Surprise Witness        Surprising Discoveries        survival vessel        survived the flood        Surviving the Flood was Traumatic        sustainable        swear        Swedenborg        sword of the Spirit        Sword of the Spirit which are the Commandments of Yah        sword of truth        symbolic shaving        Symbolism        Synagogue Church of All Nations        synod of Nicea        Tabernacles        Tabernacles 2002        Tabernacles 2003        Table Mountain        Table of Contents        Tablets of Stone        take a burden        take care        take care is a curse        Take Prayer Seriously        Takes Time        taking Name of Yah in vain        tale bearing        talk        Talmudic Law        Tammuz        target demographics        Taskmaster        tattoo        Tattoos        taxonomy        taxonomy software        teach about Yah        Teach Me How To Love        Teacher        teaching        teachings        teachings of men        teachings on healing        Teams sex        tearing down Principalities        tearing down strongholds        Technology Advances        Tectonic Event        Tectonic Plates        teenage girls        telepathic bond        television        television is inert technology        television is neither good nor evil        Temple Mount        Temple of God        Ten Commandments        Ten Commandments on rock in the USA        Ten Laws        ten percent        Ten Words        Tent Making        tenth        Tenth of Income        Terrible Day        Terrible Day Of The Lord        Terrible Days        terror        terror and torment        Terrorism in Yisrael        testimony        Testimony Regarding a Little Sister in the Sudan        testing ground        tests        Text sex        Thank Yah that the Jews Killed Jesus        That I May Present You As A Chaste Virgin To Christ        that is ALL        that is Allah IS Yah        the Almighty        the anointed life        the Armour of Yah        the Battle        the battle between good and evil        the Beast        The Bible        the Bible is a useful reference work        the Bible is NOT the Word of God        the Bible is NOT what is claimed for it        the Bible is the Most Pervasive Idol        The biggest error crippling mature Believers        the blasphemous names of the Almighty        The Book        The Call        The Chosen        the Chosen is worth watching        the Church and Pastors and other people        the Church put Yahooshua to death        The Contest        the continuum between the truth of Yah and the error of Satan        the Covenant of Yahooshua        the Creator        the demonic realm        the ERP Doctor        The Final Quest        the Global Flood        the iron maiden        the joy of Yah is our strength        the LORD        The LORD is a blasphemous name        The Lord is a pagan name        The LORD is Pagan        The LORD Means Baal        The Lords Day        The LROD        the majority is always wrong        the Mantle of Humility        The Mark of the Beast        the mind of Yah        The Mountain        the mountain of Yah        the name of the Almighty is Yahooeh        The name of Yah        the origin and purpose of man        the origin of the Christian Bible        the Pit        the Quran        the race        the rack        The REAL Conspiracy        The REAL Contest        the REAL History of the World        the rest        The Rules of Engagement        the Satanic        The Semantics Of His Name (3)        the Sent One of Yahweh        The Shema        The Spirit is Moving on the Earth        the Torah's jewelled words        the trap        The TRAP to prevent you achieving the goal of deep personal relationship with the Creator -- Jesus        the true names of the Almighty        The Truth about the Sabbath        The ULTIMATE GOAL -- deep personal friendship with the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth        The ULTIMATE SIN -- unbelief -- believing the Almighty Creator does NOT exist -- by default allegiance to Satan        The Word        The WORD is semantic nonsence        The Word is semantic nonsense        the world today        theft        thefts        theory relating to the Flood        there have been judgments        there IS good in the Bible        there is NO such thing as "New Testament"        there is NO trinity        things going wrong        things that go wrong        Think        third commandment        third party content        Third Party Material        This Age        this life        this little book        this world        Thorns        those who followed Yahooshua did NOT know Torah        Thought Yahshua would send Satan to the Pit        thoughts        Thoughts on Financial Stewardship        Thoughts on Purim        Thoughts on Revival        thousand years        thousands of years ago        three day fast        three day total fast        Three Families        Three Monotheistic Religions Stem from Shem        thrive        throne        throne for eternity        Throne is a Judgment Seat        Throne of Grace        Throne of Judgement        Throne Room        Throne Room nearly empty        thrones        Thrones and Dominions        Tiberius Caesar        Tibet        Time        Time in Hell        time on your knees        time to flee        Time Warp        timeline in Genesis is reliable        Tithe        tithe is mandatory        Tithes        tithes and offerings        tithing        TL Osborn        today        Tongues        Tongues from Satan or from God        Torah        Torah of Chesed        Torah worship        Toray        Tormended in Christ's Presence        torment        torment and terror        tormentors        torture        tortured        torturers        totem pole        towards heaven on earth in marriage        towards heaven or earth in marriage        Towards Humility        Towers Have Fallen and we Missed the Message        tradition        Tradition of the Elders        Traditional churches        traditions of Christmas        training ground        transfer of demons        Transfer of Demons during Sexual Intercourse        transfer of spirits        transgress the commandments        translation        Translation of the Bible        trap        trap preventing relationship        Trash heap in Heaven        Trash Heap of Heaven        treachery        treachery is a spiritual force        Treachery of a Wife        treating Yah like a performing seal        trials        tribulation        Tribulation First        Tribulation that is Upon Us        Tricked Adam        trigger Reformation        trinity        Trinity false        Triple immersion        true belief        True Believer        True Believers        True Believers are Anointed        True History of Human Kind on Earth        true message        True Mount Sinai        true Name        true Name is Yah        True name of Creator        True Name of Creator is Yah        true name of Jesus        true name of the Almighty        True Name of the Almighty is Yah        true names        true Names of the Almighty        True Names of the Almighty Creator        True Religion        true religion is a synthesis of Judaism Christianity and Islam        True Sabbath        True Sabbath Observance        true sabbaths        true service to the Almighty        true virgin        true widow        True Worship        Trumpets        trust        trust and belief        trust no man        truth        Truth about Creation        Truth About Divorce        truth about Halloween        truth about Jews        truth about Religion        Truth about the Almighty        truth about the Inquisition        Truth About Torah        truth about Yahooshua        truth and error        truth in the middle of the triangle        Truth Meaning of Hallelu Yah        truth NOT error        truths        truths of Yah        Tsunami        Tsunami of evil        Turkey        turn to Yah NOT man        Turnaround Emissaries        Turnaround Prophets        turning around        turning history on its head        turning point        Turning Point Prophets        Turning Point Spokesmen        turning to Creator        TV        Twenty One Day Fast        Two Dispersions        two praying and one taken        Two Women Who Changed a Destiny        Tying up loose ends        types of fast        Tzfat        UK Blessing        Ultimate Goal        ultimate objective of life on earth        ultimate sin        unbelief        unbelief is sin        unbelief is the greatest sin        Unbelief the Ultimate Sin        Unbeliever        Unbeliever preparing for Death        unbelievers        unbelievers after death        Unbelievers become Demons        Unbelievers become Demons on Death.        unbelievers serving Satan        unbelieving believers        unbelieving spouse        unbreakable bond        Unclena Meats        unconfessed sin        understand Yah        understanding        understanding divorce        Understanding the Impact of the Flood        uneducated        uniform cutting action        uniform surface        uninhibited sexual intercourse        Union Jack        Union of Jacob        united house        Unity        Universe        Unknown Information        unknown language        unknown Tongue        Unleavened Bread        Unpleasant        unrepented sin        unrepented sin limits prayers        unrepented sin.        uplifting words        Upper Room        upsurge of Civilisation        USA        USB        use with care        useful prayers        Vaccine        Vaccine is Valid        Vaginal sex        Valentine's Day        Valentines heart        Valentine's heart        valley’s        valleys        Valleys are Proof of a Global Flood        variations        Various bits and pieces re Creation versus Evolution        various spiritual facts        Vernal Equinox        very elect deceived        viable        Victory over Demons        video        Videos        violence        Violet Brink        Virgin        Virgin Birth        virginity        virginity is sacred        virginity testing        virginity testing is an abomination        virgins        Virgins Covenant        virgin's covenant        Virtual Christianity        Virus        Virus is real        vision        Vision of Holiness        Vision of the Glory of God        visions        visions are constrained by the rules of engagement        visions are filtered through our knowledge and experience        visions contain error        Visions of Judgment        visit to Heaven        visit to Hell        visits to Hell        Vital Question        Voice of God        voice of Yah        voices        Volcanoes        Volume 1        Volume 10        Volume 2        Volume 3        Volume 4        Volume 5        Volume 6        Volume 7        Volume 8        Volume 9        Volumes        Voortrekker Monument        vows        Voyuerism        vulva        Wages of Sin        Waiting for Enemies to be made his Footstool        walk on water        Walking with Yah        war        war in the Heavenlies        War of Gog and Magog        ware between Christianity and Islam        warlocks        warning        Warnings        Wash Feet        Washtub Vision        watch selectively        watch the Chosen        Watchman Nee        water        Water Only Fasts        Waterlaid sedimentary rocks        Watershed        Waw        way out of broken covenant.        ways of Yah        Ways up the Mountain        We are NOT Glove Puppets        we have to rule on Earth        weakens the man        weakest and most feeble generation        wealth        Website        Website Headers        Websites        week        week REALLY        Weeping and Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth        Welsh Revival        went Wrong        What are YOU Going to Do About It        what day was Yahooshua born        What did Yahshua Really Do        What Happens between Passover 2003 and Tabernacles 2003        what I really believe about the Bible        What IF Satan Wins        what if you disagree with me        What Is A Son        what is happening in this age        What is in it for you        What is NOT About To Happen        What is really happening on earth today        what is really important        what is special about Yahooshua        what IS the anointing        What is the essence of Judgment        What is the Price of Overcoming?        what is the true history of this world        What is the Word of the Almighty        What is your Motivation        What James Robertson Believes        What next        what people think        what read        what really happened        what REALLY happened with the Flood        what really matters        what should YOU do        What should YOU do about the direction of your life today        what the Almighty might ask YOU on THAT day        What the Flood was REALLY Like        what to do if you do not agree        What to do with Jesus        what to do with prophecy        what to read if NOT the bible        what to read instead of the Bible        What will REALLY matter when you are on your Death Bed        What you do not know CAN hurt you        what you focus on is what you worship        WhatsApp sex        When He Who Now Restrains Is Taken Out Of The Way        when Yahooshua born        Where are we now        where are YOU going        Where are YOU headed for Eternity        Where DI the Water Come From        Where Did the Creator Come From        where did the water come from?        Where did the Water Go        Where Spend Eternity        Where will YOU spend eternity        Where will YOU Spend Eternity?        white lies        White Witches        whites        who EXACTLY is Yahooshua        Who I Am Makes a Difference        Who is Yahshua        Who is Jesus        who is Satan        who is Yah        who is Yahooshua        who listen to        who really rules on earth        Who Said He Was A Prophet in Revelation 22        Who Sits in Moses Seat        who to listen to        Who Was / Is Yahooshua        Who Yahooshua Actually Is        Who Yahooshua is NOT        whole armour of Yah        why anointing is important        why are we here        Why aren't we Hated?        why believe        why believe in the Creator        why believers in gross error        why committed believers suffer loss        Why Doesn't Yah Tell Me Straight        Why Friend        Why Grace was Removed        why here        Why Judgment Is Coming On The Church Today        why keep Yah's High Sabbaths        Why Millions of Years is Invalid        Why Pray in Tongues        Why We Do Things the Way We Do        why Yah hates the Bible        why Yahooshua had to die that way        Why YOU Should Become a Friend        Why YOU Should Believe in the Almighty Creator        wickedness        widow        wife        wife swapping        wiful sin        Wild Oats        wilderness        wilderness experience        Will We Be Able To See What God Does This Passover? Or Will We Be Like The Pharisees        William Branham        William Seymour        wine        Winning        Wins        wisdom        wisdom of Yah        Wise Steward        Wise Steward.        wise stewards        wish        wish is a demonic prayer        wishes        witch        witchcraft        witches        Witches Illuminated Ones        withholding        Witwatersrand        wives        wives submit to husbands        wizards        wizzards        woman        woman can make or break a man        woman desire her man        woman initiate lovemaking        Woman joined sexually to Man        Woman joined sexually to Woman        woman minister to man sexually        Woman on Woman Sex        woman submit in EVERYTHING        woman take initiative in lovemaking        women        Women Believers        women should NOT marry less anointed men        women should NOT marry men that are NOT closer to Yah than them        Women with Women        Word        word errors        word of God        Word of the Almighty        Word of Yah        words        words affect our lives        words are Spiritual        words control everything        words convey the spirit behind the writing of the words "        words drive physical realm        Words from the Almighty        words from Yah        words of blessing        words of healing        words of life        words of Yah        Words Spoken by the Creator        words that kill        words with Pagan impact        words with Satanic impact        work        Work to Support Service to Yah        work together        works        works that Yahooshua did        world        World after the Flood        World After the Flood of Genesis        World before the Flood        World Order        World Trade Center        World Trade Centre        Worldwide Body of Believers        Wormwood        worship        worship any human being is sin        worship belongs to Yah alone        worship Bible        Worship Daily        worship is critical        Worship is Making Love to Father        worship music        worship of intellect        worship of Jesus        worship of Satan        worship of the Almighty        worship of the bible        worship of Yahooshua        worship of Yahooshua is spiritual harlotry        worship only Yah        worship regularly        Worship songs        Worship Songs Non-Stop        worship Torah        Worship versus Partners        worship Yah        Worship Yah Constantly        worshiping Jesus        worshipping a man        Worth Thinking About        wounds        Wrath Of God For The Church        Wrath of Yah        wrath of Yah the eternally self existing        Wrath of Yahweh for the Church Today        wreaths        write        writing        Wrong        wrong dates        wrong names        wrong teaching        wrong teaching nullifies Yah's commandments        wrong thinking        wrong words        www.Yahoo.com breaks the third Commandment        X        Xmas        Y2K        Yaakov        Yah        Yah and man        Yah ANGRY about NAMES        Yah as Judge        Yah as provider        Yah breathed        Yah calls his servants not man        Yah Confident        Yah constrained        Yah Created Humans to be His Friends        Yah Created Sex and it was Good        Yah desires a DEEP personal relationship        Yah Desires Friends        Yah did NOT cease speaking 2        Yah does not care about gay marriage by unbelievers        Yah does NOT joke "        Yah does NOT know what we will do next        Yah expects you to divorce        Yah gave Commandments        Yah has given up planning        Yah has told you explicitly that you are His Friend        Yah has withdrawn Grace        Yah hates Christmas        Yah hates divorce        Yah hates divorce BUT        Yah hates false doctrine of monogamy        Yah HATES the Bible        Yah hates the name Jesus        Yah ignored        Yah in and on Yahooshua        Yah in disguise        Yah in the bible        Yah in the book        Yah in the flesh        Yah Involved EVERY Area of Life        Yah is Angry        Yah is at some level in every book        Yah is Chesed        Yah is constrained        Yah is Covenant Love        Yah is everywhere        Yah is gentle        Yah is indifferent        Yah is indifferent to unbelievers        Yah is judge        Yah is merciful        Yah is moving        Yah is one        Yah is powerless        Yah is salvation        Yah joy        Yah judge me severely        Yah lead        Yah losing The Contest        Yah NOT a performing Seal        Yah NOT able to perform great miracles        Yah NOT God        Yah NOT in Vain        Yah NOT Jesus        Yah NOT the LORD        Yah NOT YaHuWaH        Yah powerless        Yah says the bible is the greatest idol        Yah Seeking Friends        Yah seeks Friends        Yah speak through Yahooshua        Yah speak through YOU        Yah speaks        Yah speaks on Christmas        Yah speaks on Rick Joyner        Yah spoke audibly        Yah the eternally self existing        Yah the eternally self existing NOT The LORD        Yah the Eternally Self-aExisting        Yah the eternally self-existing        Yah the Eternally Self-Exsting        Yah Versus Yahweh        Yah WANTS to Lead You        Yah WANTS to Speak to YOU        Yah was lonely        Yah works        Yah works through His anointed ones        Yah works through Prophets        Yah works through Spokesmen        Yah wracked with grief        Yah’s Calendar        Yah’s plan for Healing Marriage        Yahoo        Yahoo breaks the third commandment        Yahoo is a blasphemous name        Yahoo.com        Yahoochanan        Yahoodaah        Yahoodah        Yahoodah of Kerioth        Yahoodite        Yahooeh        Yahoosha Return        Yahooshua        Yahooshua 100% Human        Yahooshua a human being        Yahooshua a man        Yahooshua and the Set-Apart Spirity        Yahooshua Anointed        Yahooshua as Advocate        Yahooshua as King        Yahooshua at Right Hand of Father        Yahooshua became King of Human Kings and Lord of Human Lords        Yahooshua born        Yahooshua born at Tabernacles        Yahooshua born First Day of Tabernacles        Yahooshua circumcised        Yahooshua Conceived Miraculously        Yahooshua Confirms He is the Shaliach        Yahooshua delegated his authority        Yahooshua did NOT change the Sabbath        Yahooshua enemies        Yahooshua enemies a footstool under his feet        Yahooshua Enemies Footstool        Yahooshua executed        Yahooshua filled with the Spirit of Yah        Yahooshua HAD to die THAT way        Yahooshua HAS Authority        Yahooshua hates the name Jesus        Yahooshua in 3003        Yahooshua is a man        Yahooshua is advocate        Yahooshua is correct name NOT Jesus        Yahooshua is human        Yahooshua is named relative to Yah        Yahooshua is NOT        Yahooshua is NOT the Almighty        Yahooshua is NOT the ONLY way        Yahooshua is NOT the Word of Yah        Yahooshua is NOT Yah        Yahooshua is the correct name for Jesus        Yahooshua is the Example        Yahooshua is the most powerful created being        Yahooshua just another prophet        Yahooshua Lived and Died Without Sin        Yahooshua lived without sin        Yahooshua Lived Without Sinning        Yahooshua massive authority        Yahooshua massive powers        Yahooshua means Yah is salvation        Yahooshua means Yah is Salvation.        Yahooshua most powerful being        Yahooshua most powerful created being        Yahooshua NOT Jesus        Yahooshua NOT the Creator        Yahooshua NOT Yah        Yahooshua offering for sin        Yahooshua on Stake        Yahooshua paid the price for confessed sin        Yahooshua return        Yahooshua return when true message preached to ALL the world        Yahooshua seated at the right hand of Yah        Yahooshua the anointed of Yah        Yahooshua waiting for enemies to be made his footstool        Yahooshua waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool        Yahooshua was a man        Yahooshua was an observant Jew        Yahooshua was powerful        Yahooshua will return        Yahooshua Yah Confident        Yahooshua.        Yahooshua_Birthday        Yahooshua’s Covenant        Yahooshua's birthday        Yahooshua's Deity        Yahooshua's Sacrifice        Yahovih        Yahs Anger        Yah's annual calendar        Yahs Calenar        Yah's calendar        Yah's call to YOU today        Yahs Commandments        Yahs commandments are best        Yah's commandments are best        Yah's commands        Yah's day        Yah's definition of Good        Yah's feasts and fasts        Yah's holy days        Yah's jewelled words        Yah's messengers        Yah's New Year        Yahs plan for healing marriage        Yah's plan for healing marriage        Yahs Plan for Healing Marriages        Yah's set apart days        Yah's set-apart days        Yahs target demographics for 3003        Yah's truths        Yah's will today        Yah's words        Yahshua        Yahshua Our Messiah Yahweh        Yahushua        Yahuwah        Yahweh        Yahweh's Anointed        Yahwehs Servants        Yahwehs Wrath        Yashua        Year 2000        year of Jubilee        Yes        YES be YES        Yeshua        YHWH        YirmeYahoo        Yisrael        Yisraelites        Yoga        Yogi        Yogi's        Yom Kippur        Yom Teruah        YOU        You Cannot Make the Sons of the Wedding Feast Fast So Long as The Bridegroom Is With Them        young age of the surface of the Earth        young believers        YOUR choices        Your Ministry        your situation        YouTube        yule        Zephaniah 1        Zeus        Zoom        Zoom sex        Zuma       

Dr James Robertson, emissary and spokesman of Yah, founder of End Time Issue Ministries

Dr James A Robertson is called as an emissary {Apostle} and spokesman {prophet} of Yah, the Almighty Creator and has been set-apart for a number of years writing and publishing what he believes that the Almighty has said to him.

Read more >

Contact James at James@End-Time-Issue-Ministries.org


An Engineering approach to the matters of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose true name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing

By "engineering approach" is meant rigorous, precise, verified, tested, proven, questioning, critical, investigative, scientific, analytical, evolving, improving practical, no nonsense, learn from mistakes, intolerant of sloppiness, realistic, REAL


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Note that words in curly brackets {} are words that although they are in common use are inaccurate in terms of the matters of the Almighty and should therefore be avoided
The Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, says: "It is time to choose -- will you be my friend, or my foe? -- there is NO middle ground!"
Yah says further:
"Ultimately THE AIM of this entire experiment is to find those who will make the sacrifices necessary to become My FRIENDS -- NOTHING is more important"
"A friend is one who is concerned about the well-being of the one they call friend and desires to treat that person as they would be treated -- HOW do you choose to treat Me?"
"True friendship is about what you can GIVE -- NOT what you can GET! -- what are YOU prepared to give Me (Yah)?"
"A true friend seeks to know ALL truth about the one whom they call friend AND to help others to know that truth -- Do YOU know the truth about me? Do YOU care?"
"In this age I (Yah) am MASSIVELY CONSTRAINED by the 'Rules of Engagement' in terms of what I can say and do EXCEPT through those true friends and true servants who will do the necessary work to KNOW my will AND proclaim it AND action it"
"There is NO greater love than that a man should lay down his life for his friend! -- Will YOU lay down your life for Me?"
"Technically a martyr is one who lays down their life for Me, NOT necessarily in physical death but also by sacrificing their comfort and well being in favour of doing MY will -- will you do ALL that it takes to serve Me and love Me as your friend, NO MATTER what it costs you? -- Will you be a martyr for Me by your way of living?"
"My true friends take time to spend quality time with Me daily and communicate with Me and consult Me constantly"
"Why Believe?
"Because if you do NOT you WILL find that when you die you are forced to serve and worship Satan for ever or at least until the day the winner of the 'The Contest' is adjudicated
"Realize that serving Satan after you die could be a really HORRIBLE experience, particularly IF you regard yourself as a GOOD person!"
"Imagine what it will be like as an ancestor spirit (demon) knowing the truth about the lies you believed and watching your loved ones making the same mistakes and believing the same lies that you believed and being unable to do anything about it!"
"Imagine what it will be like when you discover that you are irrevocably locked into the same dispensation that is behind the most barbaric and savage cultures on earth"
"IF you are a 'GOOD' person: when you die you may find yourself secretly hoping that Satan WILL lose 'The Contest' so that you can be cast into the Lake of Fire and utterly consumed in a moment of torment and terror, rather than being a participant in the progressive degradation of the human race into utter depravity, barbarism and perversion! -- and yet you will be POWERLESS to do anything about it!"
"The consequences of dying without a PROFOUND realization of my (Yah's) existence AND a DEEP life changing decision to serve Me is too ghastly to contemplate IF you take the trouble to REALLY understand the truth about the world you live in!"
"Imagine what it will be like to be a demon (ancestor spirit) riding on your favourite grandchild and watching them participate in the same empty rituals and mouthing the same meaningless platitudes that you practised during your life and being UNABLE to warn them of the terrible destiny that they are locking themselves into!"
"A person who reaches the end of their life as my TRUE FRIEND, one who has progressed from 'Wise Steward', to 'Good and Faithful Servant', to 'Overcomer' and ultimately to 'Friend' will receive rewards and authority of unimaginable splendour including a high throne, status and apparel that is far beyond anything that even the most powerful rulers on earth have ever dreamed of, let alone experienced -- contrast this with the other extreme -- an angry and depraved ancestor spirit (demon) desperately seeking favour in a kingdom where favour is a lesser level of torment and the right to exercise greater control and depravity over those less inclined to serve Satan and his Masterminds  wholeheartedly"
"Do YOU REALLY want to be part of a kingdom where the tortured murder of infants is regarded as one of the highest privileges of rank?"
"The evidence is ALL around you IF you have eyes to see -- the choice is CLEAR -- a Kingdom of beauty, love (chesed) and benign power or a kingdom of atrocities and perversion, a kingdom that regards torture and tormented and protracted death of human sacrifices followed by cannibalism, preferably while the victim still lives, as the HIGHEST form of worship?"
"It is TIME for those who still have some smattering of knowledge of me and my ways to STOP playing games with Satan and start taking back this earth while there is STILL TIME -- it is time for believers to STOP marrying unbelievers and allowing their children to marry unbelievers,, it is TIME to STOP marrying those from Satan worshipping cultures, and to STOP welcoming them into your homes, your cities and your lands -- it is time to STOP acceding to Satanic demands that you cast ME (The Almighty) out of your schools, your halls of Government and your workplaces -- it is TIME to publicly open the day with worship and prayer to me, whether in your places of education, your places of Government or your places of work -- it is TIME to cast out those who will NOT comply instead of being cast out and secretively serving me behind locked doors and, IF you CANNOT set apart that place of learning, or government or work then EXIT PUBLICLY and DECLARE your reasons and gather together with those who WILL agree with you in these matters for it is so that in the spirit one TRUE believer FREE OF SIN can put 1,000 to flight and two can put 10,000 to flight and the power of TRUE BELIEVERS who choose to deal with ALL their sin and live in ALL truth is such that massive transformation IS possible -- note the impact of Noah, Abraham, Moshe {Moses}, Yahooshua {Jesus}, Mohammed and Luther -- YOU TOO can bring about RADICAL reformation and renaissance IF you will lay down your life and seek DEEP and ENDURING FRIENDSHIP with Me!"
"IF you believe, it is TIME to assess exactly WHAT you believe about me and then ACT accordingly!"
"IF you do NOT believe, it is time to assess EXACTLY what you DO believe and then act accordingly!"
"There is NO place for fence sitters -- YOU are either FOR me or by default you are AGAINST ME!"
"Know this -- IF you choose to be a TRUE friend, which means you deal with ALL sin and ALL error and do ALL that is required to ensure that your house is FULLY united behind you the forces of darkness CANNOT TOUCH YOU -- BUT, IF you play games and continue to dabble in your favourite sins and errors in your divided house the forces of darkness will TEAR you limb from limb and UTTERLY destroy you -- there has NEVER been a time in all the history of man on earth where life above sin and total unity of your house has been more important!"
"IF you choose to serve ME (Yah), understand that you are choosing a VERY strait and VERY narrow path leading to a VERY small door -- gird your loins and FOLLOW the example of the mighty set-apart ones of previous generations!"
Footnote: ALL the above references to "friend" relate to people like you and me seeking to become true friends of Yah, the Almighty Creator

Video -- Why seek Relationship with the Almighty Creator -- The Most Important Item I have ever created

Father Yah has said that this is the most important artefact that I have ever created.

I encourage you to watch this video as soon as possible.



Alternative links if the embedded video is not available:

ETI YouTube: https://youtu.be/bvSLs-T0Q0U

Watch Video: Why Seek Relationship with the Almighty Creator


Please note also that my understanding with regard to what happens to unbelievers has evolved, it turns out that they DO have motive power, see the article “2024.10.03 The Walking Dead -- Clear Evidence of what happens to Unbelievers when they Die


James Robertson

If after watching this video you decide to draw close to the Almighty please read the articles "Critical Actions on Coming to Belief" and "Seven Components of Drawing Close" at https://www.eti-ministries.org/-video-why-seek-relationship-most-important-

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Random Selection of Articles Published on the End Time Issue Ministries Mailing List Since the Day of Atonement 2009

2023.03.02 About Tithes and Offerings and End Time Issue Ministries

A few days ago I was contacted by someone who asked me to comment on Genesis 14:18 to 20:


“18 Melchizedek king of Salem (ancient Jerusalem) brought out bread and wine; he was the priest of Yah {God} Most High. 19 And Melchizedek blessed Abram and said,

““Blessed (joyful, favored) be Abram by Yah {God} Most High,

“Creator and Possessor of heaven and earth;

“20 And blessed, praised, and glorified be Yah {God} Most High,

“Who has given your enemies into your hand.”


And Abram gave him a tenth (tithe) of all [the treasure he had taken in battle].” Amplified Bible amended.

2023.10.02.Revival Trilogy Part 3 -- Powerful Example of what is possible when deeply Spirit Led

I am going to share a series of items dealing with what is possible if one is highly anointed and deeply Spirit Led together with how to become deeply filled with the Spirit of the Creator.

We will look at a Powerful Example of what is possible when deeply Spirit Led and other related messages, then we will look at The Price of Yah’s Miracle Working Power and then look at Unlocking the Gifts of Yah’s Spirit.  Finally we will discuss How to become an Anointed One – One Filled with the Spirit of the Almighty.

Book Set of Nearly All ETI Writings and Published Articles

For a number of years now I have wanted to publish my writings in hard copy format in order to make the writings more accessible to people who do not necessarily have reliable Internet access or who prefer to work with paper copies.

Nearly all the writings since the start of my journey with the Almighty Creator have now been collated into 12 Volumes, 15 physical books, a total of around 7,500 pages, which were published in mid-June 2019.

Volume 1 in the set also has a CD with Recommended Worship and a USB Memory Card with the entire contents of the website, PLUS all the books, PLUS all the audio recordings and videos, PLUS a downloaded version of the Website that can be run standalone WITHOUT an Internet connection.  All of this material can be downloaded off the webpage https://www.eti-ministries.org/compilation-of-most-writings and child pages.

There is also a Booklet containing “Critical Elements of Belief”, a series of one-page Bullet Lists summarizing my understanding of all topics that I hold to be Critical in growing to a place of DEEP relationship with the Almighty Creator whose true Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”.

There are also two A4 size, tri-fold glossy flyers, one containing the essence of what I believe is necessary for a person who does NOT believe to come to belief and one containing the essence of what is necessary for a person who DOES believe to choose to seek to draw really close to Father Yah.

To obtain a copy of some or all of the physical books please email me on James.Books@ETI-Ministries.org I hope to have them available on Amazon shortly.

Business Interests -- James A Robertson and Associates -- The ERP Doctor

In addition to this ministry I operate a management consulting business specializing in the strategic application of computer based business information systems - a business in which Father has taught me many leading edge concepts, principles and methods

See  http://www.James-A-Robertson-and-Associates.com/

My logo is based on Professor Malcolm McDonald's strategy -- tactics matrix -- strategy, doing the right things horizontally and tactics, doing things right on the vertical axis -- if your organization does the right things well, it will thrive -- top right quadrant -- this is a fundamental principles when it comes to the matters of the Almighty as well

In my consulting work I seek to enable my clients to do the right things well

I regard Father as my partner, Chairman, counselor and I seek to conduct business in a way that is pleasing to Him, within the context of prayer that He will judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve Him more perfectly


I truly believe that Father has given me extremely high value knowledge and experience which will enable your organization, be it commercial, governmental or non-governmental to be more effective and efficient in its operations and, IF profit is your measuring stick, more profitable



I am based in London, United Kingdom and can be contacted for business purposes on James@James-A-Robertson-and-Associates.com

WHY Believe in the Almighty Creator and seek relationship with Him

IF YOU do NOT believe that the Almighty Creator exists and therefore do NOT have a personal relationship with Him you face a terrible fate when you COULD be blessed for eternity

The Creator has said regarding YOU "why would I want someone to spend eternity with me when they do NOT believe I exist?

Please go immediately to the WHY Believe page and give careful consideration to what is presented there

IF you have a DEEP inner conviction of the reality of the Creator, in other words you claim to be a "believer", but you do NOT have a deep personal relationship with Him such that He speaks to you clearly and regularly and you seek His guidance in every area of your life then He has said of you “why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted?”

Please go immediately to the Relationship with Yah page


Important prayers for ALL, for those who have not previously believed and for those who have believed but are now convicted of sin and error

IF you believe that the Almighty Creator exists then take note that He has said of YOU why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted?

IF you believe that the Almighty Creator DOES exist the following are amongst the most important prayers you can pray

Note that the true name of the Almighty Creator is "Yah the eternally self-existing" NOT "The LORD" or "God"

Father Yah, I ask you to help me to overcome to the end that I may be found to  be a "good and faithful servant" on the Day of Judgment

Father Yah I ask you to show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it

Father Yah I ask you to help me to draw MUCH closer to you and to know your will and to do it

Father Yah I ask you to fill me with your Spirit and lead me into ALL truth by your Spirit

Father Yah I give you my life to do with as YOU see fit

Father Yah I ask you to bring the people that YOU want into my life and to take the people that you do NOT want in my life out

Father Yah I ask you to open the doors in my life that YOU want open and to close the doors in my life that YOU want closed

Father Yah I ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly

There are many other prayers that you can pray but these are amongst the most important

See also the page on developing a close relationship with the Almighty at http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/RelationshipYah.aspx



I believe that the material on this website is valuable to all who are seeking relationship with the Almighty Creator.

I have high ambitions to have the main pages on the website translated into at least five major languages and also to rent millions of email addresses and send multiple campaigns to those addresses.

If you have been blessed by this site and feel able to make a donation as either Tithes or Offering it would be much appreciated.

Please click on the link to make a donation.

Thank you so much

James Robertson


<<< PREVIOUS SECTION: Important Insights from Yah 2014

NEXT SECTION: Tithing is Mandatory >>>

About names, words, etc

The majority of visitors to this site will encounter names and words they are NOT familiar with

It is a harsh reality that the true Name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose true Name is "Yah the eternally self-existing" has been concealed as have all the important names, laws, commandments, principles and concepts

What is taught by the "Christian" church is almost entirely incorrect as is the case with EVERY religion

This website seeks to present these truths for your prayerful consideration and adoption -- see the prayers elsewhere in this side bar for more information on what to pray

Key names and words that are used throughout this site and which are fundamentally important are:

The true Name of the Almighty Creator is "Yah the eternally self-existing", frequently translated as "Yahweh", more accurately "Yahooeh"

The name of the man commonly known as "Jesus" is "Yahooshua" meaning "Yah is salvation"

The commonly used names of "God", "The LORD", "Christ", "Jesus" are ALL of pagan, that is Satanic origin and the Almighty has only responded to these names as an act of Grace, this Grace has now been withdrawn


Third Party Articles and Articles you do NOT agree with

Most articles on this site are classified with a reference number comprising the year, the month and a sequence number within the month, thus 2013.12.03 is the third article published in December 2013

Most detailed webpages are organized with the most recent articles at the top and the Article List displays with the most recent articles at the top.  Searches on the articles list in the same way

Because I am constantly learning, newer articles will almost certainly be an elaboration or refinement of earlier articles and in some cases may significantly revise what I said in earlier articles, in most cases the later article is likely to be more accurate than earlier articles

In ALL cases Father Yah forbids me to go back and edit or correct articles, He wants YOU to have a close personal relationship with Him and therefore to turn to Him for clarification where things that I write contradict or appear to contradict one another

The articles from 2009 onwards are generally much more reliable than those earlier but there are important articles from the earlier days as well, in particular, the articles written in 2000 onwards were written during a period when my understanding was being radically changed on a very intense basis and when I was also getting closer to the Almighty at a very rapid rate

Accordingly the early articles should be given appropriate prayer, particularly if the later articles contradict or appear to contradict what is written in the early articles

That said Father Yah has said that there is much of value in the earlier articles and that they should, accordingly, remain on the site

Third Party Articles

This site includes some articles from third parties

In such cases Father Yah forbids me to censor, edit or correct such articles but requires me to present them in their entirety with little or no comment, as with the previous point He requires YOU to research and pray and reach your own conclusion regarding what is truth

Inclusion of third party articles does NOT indicate any form of endorsement of the person who wrote the article other than that it is my understanding that the article contains information of importance.  Such inclusion also does NOT imply any endorsement of this ministry by the person whose work is cited

It is up to each one of us to discern the truth for ourselves See the article on Seek Truth NOT Error for more information

Content you do NOT agree with

It is probable that you will find material on this site that you do NOT agree with, there is much that is highly controversial, click HERE for an article that proposes a way of responding to such differences

See also article -- Getting close to Yah -- Appropriate prayer and fasting are VITAL -- the answer to doctrinal differences


Articles on this site


The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU

Seven Components in Growing Close to Yah

Recommended Worship

Where will you Spend Eternity?

Essence of my Message to YOU

Google Site Search

Table of Contents

Article Keyword Cloud

The ETI Bible Version

Bereshith {Genesis} to Malaki {Malachi} {The Old Testament}

Introduction to the Books from Bereshith {Genesis} to Malaki {Malachi}

Creation, Moshe and Related

Bereshith {Genesis}

Shemoth {Exodus}

Wayyiqra {Leviticus}

Bemidbar {Numbers}

Debarim {Deuteronomy}

Judges, Kings and Related

Yahooshua {Joshua}

Shophetim {Judges}


The First Book of ShemuEl {Samuel}

The Second Book of ShemuEl {Samuel}

The First Book of Melakim {1 Kings}

The Second Book of Melakim {2 Kings}

The First Book of Dibre haYamim {1 Chronicles}

The Second Book of Dibre haYamim {2 Chronicles}

Spokesmen 1 {Prophets 1}


NehemYah {Nehemiah}

Ester {Esther}

Iyob {Job}

Tehillim {Psalms}, Mishle {Proverbs} and Related

Tehillim {Psalms}

Mishle {Proverbs}

Qoheleth {Ecclesiastes}

Shir haShirim {Song of Solomon or Song of Songs}

Spokesmen 2 {Prophets 2}

YeshaYahoo {Isaiah}

YirmeYahoo {Jeremiah}

Ekah {Lamentations}

YehezqEl {Ezekial}

DaniEl {Daniel}

Hoshea {Hosea}

YahooEl {Joel}


Spokesmen 3 {Prophets 3}

ObadYah {Obadiah}

Yonah {Jonah}

MiykaaYahoo {Micah}


Habaqquq {Habakkuk}

TsephanYah {Zephaniah}


ZekarYah {Zechariah}

Malaki {Malachi}


MattihYahoo to Revelation {New Testament}

Introduction to the books from MattihYahoo to Revelation

The Good News of Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ} as reported by MattihYahoo

The Good News of Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ} as reported by Mark

The Good News of Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ} as reported by Luke

The Good News of Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ} as reported by Yahoochanan {John}

The Acts of the Emissaries {Apostles}

The Letter of Shaul {Paul} to the Roman Believers

The First Letter of Shaul {Paul} to the Corinthian Believers

The Second Letter of Shaul {Paul} to the Corinthian Believers

The Letter of Shaul {Paul} to the Galatian Believers

The Letter of Shaul {Paul} to the Believers in Ephesos

The Letter of Shaul {Paul} to the Believers in Philippi

Article Search


Article List

Article View

Random Selection of Articles


Transcripts of Broadcasts

Books for Printing



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The only reason we exist is to have a deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator and be His Friend

You really don't want to die as an unbeliever and become an Ancestor Spirit (Demon)

Prayer on coming to Belief in the Almighty Creator Yah the Eternally Self-Existing

Prayer to be Anointed (filled) with the Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit of the Creator

Prayer on realizing you have neglected the Creator Yah the Eternally Self Existing

Emunah {Faith} is vital to walking closely with the Creator

YOU can sit on a High Throne for Eternity

Compliance with the Commandments of Yah is necessary to live without Sin

Prayers to Rehearse the Covenant Meal {Communion} for Forgiveness of Sin and Protection

The True Name of the Almighty Creator is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing

Satan the Contest and the Current Spiritual Dispensation

Prayers to cast out Demons and for protection from the Satanic and Demonic Realm

Divine Health is available to EVERY True Believer

Divine Provision is available to every true Believer – must work for it – wisdom to get wealth

Yahooshua {Jesus} is seated at the right hand of the Father waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool

Led by the Set-Apart Spirit of the Almighty in True Believers

Important to wear the full Armour of Yah

How to Become a Believer

Essence of what our Father wants from YOU

Revival Trilogy

Schedule of Beliefs

Seek TRUTH NOT_Error

About YOUR Heavenly Account

The Creator Desires Friends Elaborated

Yah's Calendar

Essential Elements of Relationship with the Creator

YOUR Journey to Eternity

Yah as Father --> Abba --> Daddy -- Yah is Gentle

If you don't ask the right questions Yah cannot correct you

Where will YOU Spend Eternity? With Commentary on The Final Quest

Where Will YOU Spend Eternity Elaborated

Good is Insufficient – Relationship with the Creator is what Counts -- Elaborated

Understanding the Set Apart {Holy} Spirit

Experiencing the Anointing -- HOW does it manifest?

Let Your Name Be Glorified -- Afrikaans with Powerful Anointing

Introducing Dr James A Robertson and End Time Issue Ministries

Recent Developments and a New focus

Tithing is Mandatory

Tithes and Offerings should be an INVESTMENT in the Kingdom of Yah that bears a return spiritually and financially

Satan’s Greatest Deception – re SMALL is the gate and NARROW is the path to everlasting life and there are FEW who find it

Critical Caveats regarding Third Party Content

The Almighty Creator, Yah, is INDIFFERENT to unbelievers

Video -- Concise Summary of the KEY Issues

My vision for 2033

WHY I Believe

Essence of my Message

Essence of Hearing Father

Drawing close to Father

Miracle of Yahooshua's Death

The Testimony of Pontius Pilate regarding the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua

Transcript of Acta Pilate Letter of Pontius Pilate to Tiberius Caesar about Yahooshua {Jesus} His Execution {Crucifixion} and Resurrection

The Chosen Amplified

Biggest error crippling Mature Anointed Believers

Essence of Message Engineering Approach to Creator


What Actually Happens when someone comes to believe

The First Eight Days after first believing in the Creator

Triple Immersion is a powerful means of cleansing

Important note re Fasting, regular water intake is critical

Worship is essential in drawing close to the Almighty

What to read once you have come to belief

The First Year after coming to belief

Those who come to limited belief initially

The truth about Satanic dominion

Essence of my Message Regarding the Almighty Creator

Creator's Name "Yah Eternally Self-Existing"


Objective, Technical Notes and Technical Caveat

Words Translated "God"

Names including Yah

Further words which refer to Yah

Names with Yah embedded

Additional words which relate to Yah

Instances of Jehovah and Jah = Yah in the Hebrew Lexicon of the Online Bible

Instances of Yah in the Hebrew Lexicon of the Online Bible

Closure regarding the Name of Yah

Name Yah the Creator Throughout Bible

WHY are we HERE?

Why are YOU Afraid of DYING?


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Preparing for Death – The Last Rites

Choosing to die at the end of your life

Emunah {Faith} for Supernatural Divine Healing

Emunah {Faith} for Finances

Emunah {Faith} for Finances -- 2

Essence of Message regarding Critical End-of-Life Scenarios

Essence of Becoming a Friend of Yah

Essence of my Message to Christians

HOAX Pope confesses that the Catholic Church changed the Sabbath day and other truths

True Birthday of Yahooshua is the First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles

Yahooshua was born on the First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles

Yahooshua and Feast of Tabernacles

The Spirit of Yah NOT Jesus Indwells Anointed Believers

The Five BIG Lies about Jesus

Nine Greatest Truths about Yahooshua {Jesus}

Can YOU prove that Jesus IS God?

Being Yahooshua {Jesus}

The Covenant of Yahooshua {Jesus} – Forgiveness and Much More

Overcoming Christmas – Observing Tabernacles

Essence of My Message for the Jews

Essence of My Message to Muslims

Essence of My Message to Other Religions

Essence of my Message to those who do NOT believe in the Creator

Essence of my Message regarding Yahooshua

Picture of Yahooshua

Solid evidence of the reality of Yahooshua {Jesus}

Yahooshua {Jesus} was a Judean {Jew} and spoke Aramaic and Hebrew

The Dry Blood of Yahooshua {Jesus} has Been Found IT IS ALIVE

About Pesach {Passover} and Yahooshua

Jesus means “Hail Zeus” and is a pagan, that is, Demonic name -- his name is Yahooshua


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Essence of my Message Regarding Prayer

Essence of my Message Regarding Bible

Can YOU prove that the Bible IS The Holy Word of God?

Ten Changes Made to the Bible

Proof of a Global Flood – Complete Video

Archaeology Answers – Material by Jonathan Gray

Important Biblical Archaeological Discoveries

Essence of my Message regarding Men and Women

Essence of my Message regarding Creation

The Mark of the Beast is breaking any of the Ten Commandments NOT the Microchip

Essence of my Message regarding Commandments

Essence of my Message concerning Judgment in THIS Life

Essence of my Message regarding End of Age

Will YOU Initiate a Revival with me?

Revival Revisited

Asbury Revival February 2023

What Actually Happens when someone comes to belief and first eight days

Triple Immersion for Cleansing and Infilling with the Set-Apart Spirit of Yah

Immersion {Baptism} in the Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit of Yah

Powerful Call to Repentance and Cleaning Up One’s Life

Typical Manifestations of the Set-Apart Spirit on an Anointed Believer

Praying in the Spirit (Tongues)

Powerful Example of what is possible when deeply Spirit Led

Price of Yah’s Miracle Working Power

Unlocking the Gifts of Yah’s Spirit

Help me to be increasingly aware of YOUR presence and power

Third Heaven Authority

The Authority of the Believer

Demons are REAL! and Deliverance (Exorcism)

Demonic Manifestation -- Act Immediately

One Torah {Law} …Nothing else Matters – Covenant Chesed


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Believers in Hell for Unrepented Sin


What IS Hell?

Why IS Hell?

Visits to Hell

Korean Artist

Bill Wiese

Angelica Zambrano

Choo Thomas

No one is intentionally going to hell

There are good decent people in hell

Essence of Coming to Belief

Critical Questions for Belief

Essence of my Message Regarding Emunah

Essence of my Message regarding History – Our World Today

Essence of my Message Regarding Poverty of Believers

Essence of my Message Regarding Overcoming Lack of Believers

I am a Believer, why do things keep going wrong in my life?

How to become an Anointed One

Essence of my Message Regarding Turnaround Emissaries

Essence of my Message Regarding Satanic and Demonic

What Satan REALLY wants – about Conspiracy

Essence of my Message Regarding Sabbath Observance

Sabbath Observance is Critical

Shavuot {Pentecost}

Yom Kippur – the Day of Atonement

Evil of Halloween

EVIL of Christmas

Please fast over Christmas

What is required to live ABOVE SIN?

Creator Desires Friends

The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU

Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator

Recommended Worship

Where will you Spend Eternity?

Creator Desires Deep Relationship – Elaborated

Good insufficient – relationship is what counts

Critical Elements of Becoming a Friend

Mountain of Relationship with Yah

Different Views of the Mountain of Relationship with Yah

Confident of Your Destination when you Die?

Important Videos to Watch

Near Death Experiences

Some Powerful Worship Songs

More Powerful Worship Songs

Challenge for YOU to seek a POWER Anointing and Ministry

Dramatic Testimony from Carlos in Columbia – Victory over Demons

Things that Destroy the Anointing

WHY Revivals Die Out

Essence of the Rules of Engagement and The Contest

Essence of the Bloodlines of Abraham and Israel


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Essence of Message regarding NOT a Glove Puppet

Myth of Led by Yah every second of every day

Essence of my message regarding Forgiveness

Essence of my Message regarding Submission

Important Archaeological Finds

Essence of my Message concerning Global Hydraulic and Tectonic Catastrophe

Essence of my Message regarding Names

Names including Yah

Essence of Message regarding Lies and Tale Bearing

Essence of my Message about the Virus and the Vaccines

Essence of my Message regarding Sex

Essence of my Message regarding separation of Man and Woman

Virginity Testing is an Abomination

Essence of Message regarding Virgins Covenant

Implications of Careless Sexual Activity

Unrighteous Divorce is Treachery

Essence of Covenant

Essence of Cleansing and Deliverance

Remote Sex is STILL Sex

When a Believing man takes the virginity of a Believing woman and abandons her there will literally be Hell to pay

Essence of Critical Actions on First Belief



About James Robertson

Headlines of the walk of James Robertson with the Almighty Creator

About End Time Issue Ministries

What to do if you disagree with me

About our Logo

This website contains ERRORS

What if you Disagree with Me?

Important Facts to Truly Serve the Almighty Creator

Further Essence of my Message Articles

The Essence of my Message re Believers in Lack

The Essence of my message concerning the Microchip and the Mark of the Beast

Relationship with the Almighty Creator

Key Principles with regard to relationship with Yah

Why are we here?

Stages in the Relationship with the Almighty Creator

The Anointing of the Spirit of the Almighty

Worship of the Almighty

Prayer and petition to the Almighty

Prayer in agreement

Fasting as a vital component of drawing close to the Almighty

Hearing Yah

Judge me Severely and correct me harshly

Yah's Emotions – He has feelings too

Daddy Yah is LONELY please talk to Him and use His true Name

Did YOU bring JOY to your Daddy Today?

Seeking to live a Life Without Sin

Overcoming and a High Throne

The Continuum between Yah and Satan

Drawing Closer to Yah

Drawing Close to Yah

Chesed = Covenant Love

Yah's Still Small Voice

Visions and Dreams

What IS Inspiration?

If Yah is moving Hold your Peace

The Authority of Believers

Obedience is a vital element of relationship

If you love Yah keep His commandments

You are NOT a glove puppet you ARE accountable

Sacrifice – The Death of the Stake

Death with Yahooshua

Further Principles Relationship with Yah

Who to Listen To

Even the highly anointed are falling away

Yah is everywhere

Relationship with Yah NOT worship of intellect

The Majority is ALWAYS Wrong

Yah Speaks

Yah speaks to James

Yah speaks to the Church

Yah speaks to Believers Generally

Yah speaks to South Africa

Yah speaks to the World

Yah calls His Servants NOT Man

Yah works through His anointed ones

What IS Inspiration?

The Seventy Facets of Yah's Jeweled Words

A Guide to Receiving Personal Prophecy


Yah 7,000 times in the Bible – why NOT used?

2 Samuel 24:1 and 1 Chronicles 21:1 contradict one another -- what gives?

Yahoo.com – Blasphemous Name Breaks Third Commandment

Essential Inhibitors of Belief in Yah

In the World BUT NOT OF the World

Important Third Party Videos

Critical Considerations wrt Third Party Material


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Seek Truth

Seek Truth NOT Error

Yah's Commandments are BEST

Important Truths

Satan's Most Effective Lies

Pastors and the Church


The Contest

Rules of Engagement

Yah HAS to work through sons of Adam

Satan HAS to work through sons of Adam

The Forces of Darkness Rule on Earth and Yah is Constrained EXCEPT through believers

The REAL battle is between the highly anointed versus the highly illuminated ones

Descent into ALL Error

Yahooshua led a Life without Sin

Satan to the Pit

Recovering Lost Truth

A Son of Adam on the Last Day

IF Satan Wins

IF Satan Loses

Who ARE "Demons"

The Masterminds

Illuminated versus Anointed

Satan's Devices

Combat in the Heavenly Realm

Yah could do MUCH more in earlier years

Humans Reign

Hell is REAL

            What is Hell

Demonic Masterminds Direct

Satan to Pit 2003


Recommended Worship


Important Prayers

The Most Important Prayers

Importance of Fasting


What is Covenant

The Blood of a Covenant Means Death to the Person who breaks the Covenant

Covenant between Man and Woman

Tattoos and Piercings


The Importance of Words

Words that Kill

Words that Bring Life

Right Confession

Words with Pagan/Satanic Impact

Words are Spiritual


"Take Care" is a Curse




Yah did NOT Cease Speaking 2,000 years ago!  There is NO “Canon of Scripture”!

The Bible

What to Read Instead

Old Testament versus New Testament

"The WORD" is Semantic Nonsense

The bible is the most pervasive idol

Diverse Articles relevant to the discussion about the Bible

The Essence of the issues relating to the Bible

Positive aspects of “The Bible”

Summing up re “The Bible”

About the Bible

The Arrogance of Christian Ignorance

Relationship with the Almighty NOT Worship of Intellect

Getting close to Yah Appropriate prayer and fasting are VITAL (the answer to doctrinal differences)

IF the Bible IS corrupt then WHAT do I do?

Satan’s Lies – Response to Rebuttal

“The bible is a corrupt book compiled by corrupt men”

The Majority is ALWAYS Wrong

Further Articles relevant to the discussion about the Bible -- Section 2

Bible study versus deep relationship

Demonically inspired bible versions -- rebuttal

Demonically inspired bible versions

Believers who abdicate their intellect

Your Heavenly Account

The contents of the bible are but a pin prick in the history of mankind

Clarification re THE WORD

New Testament? No No No

Further Articles relevant to the discussion about the Bible -- Section 3

Yah is at SOME measure in EVERY book (and so is Satan through his demons)

Clarification -- there IS good in the bible

The King James Version of the bible is NOT THE definitive English translation

Yah works through His anointed prophets NOT committees

The origin of the Christian bible

Those who followed Yahooshua did NOT know Torah

What IS inspiration?

The seventy facets of Yah's jeweled words

Further Articles relevant to the discussion about the Bible -- Section 4

The bible IS a useful reference work – period

Covenant – NOT New Testament

James: What do YOU believe about the bible? REALLY?

Pastors – the Prison Warders of Yah's people

Why Yah could do much greater works thousands of years ago (level of anointing and level of prayer)

Proof of a Global Flood -- Turning history on its head

Where will YOU spend eternity?

Are visions precise and free of error?

Understanding Satan's devices

Clergy versus laity

The Name of Yah in the book {bible}

The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the Bible -- Summary

What is the origin and the purpose of man? -- creation versus evolution

Older Articles -- Prior to 2009

Conclusion -- The Bible is NOT what is claimed for it

Yah (The Almighty) says that the bible is "the Greatest Idol" on earth today

Anointed Life

Anointed Life Part 1

What or Who IS an Anointed One?

Worship is Critical

Filled with the Spirit of Yah

Led by the Spirit of Yah

Guardian Messengers {Angels}


Death with Yahooshua

The Mind of Yah



Supply of Needs

Poverty in the Body of Believers

Anointed Life Part 2

Power Anointing

In the World NOT OF the World

Yah is everywhere

The Race

The Armour

Trust and Belief


Your Heavenly Account


Anointed Life Part 3

Good and Faithful Servant


Angelo beggar on a high throne

Authority of Believer

Works that Yahooshua did



Immersion NOT Baptism

Tearing Down Strongholds

The Battle

Spiritual Warfare

The 144,000

Single Anointed Women

Anointed Life Part 4









Let your Yes be Yes


Judge me Severely and correct me Harshly that I may serve You more perfectly

Seek Truth NOT Error

Anointed Life Part 5

Man and Woman in Harmony


Right Confession

Four phases of the Wilderness

Critical Success Factors for Life

Highly Anointed Ones Make Mistakes and Sin

Even the highly anointed are falling away



Body Mind and Spirit


Believe in Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty

Chesed {love} the Almighty with all your heart, mind, soul and strength

Yah is ONE

Who IS Yah?

Who IS Yahooshua?

Who IS Satan?

Demonic "gods"

No Trinity

NO Idols

Not Worship the Bible

Not Worship Jesus

Not Worship Cross

Not Worship People

Not Worship Things

Name Yah NOT in Vain


Yes in Afrikaans and German

True Names

Keep Sabbaths

Day Begins at Sunrise

True Sabbath Saturday Sunrise

New Moons

1st Aviv

Pesach -- Passover

Shavuot -- Pentecost

Yom Teruah -- Day of Trumpets

Yom Kippur -- Day of Atonement

Sukkot -- Tabernacles 1st Day

Sukkot -- Tabernacles Great Day

False Sabbaths

Levites BREAK the Sabbath

Chesed {love} your Neighbor as yourself

Honor Parents


Curse Mother or Father and Die

NOT Old Age Homes

NO Murder

NO Abortion

NO Abortive Contraception

Death Penalty for Murder

WHY Death Penalty?

NO False Teachings

Anal intercourse is valid birth control

NO Adultery

What IS Adultery?

Breaking Covenant / Treachery


Male with Male

Female with Female


Serial Polygamy



Chick Flicks are Pornography TOO


Phone / Skype Sex

Oral and Anal Sex

Church Marriage

False Monogamy

NO Stealing

Most Prosperity Teaching is Fraud

Fraudulent Contracts

Misrepresentation in Sales

Outright Theft


NO False Witness or Lying

False Teaching by Church

False Teaching in Other Religions

Misrepresentation in Sales

White Lies

ALL Liars will burn

Believe Lies and Die

NO Coveting or Lusting



Most Adverts

Valentines Heart

Lust is visible in the spirit realm

The MARK of the Beast

All of the 10 Commandments as well as the Principal Commandment have been almost universally broken and made of NO effect

The Satanic

The Satanic Part 1

Who is Satan

Fallen Messenger

Principalities, Powers, Thrones, Dominions, etc

We wrestle NOT against flesh and blood

Combat in the Heavenly Realm

The Forces of Darkness Reign and Yah is constrained to act through believers

Illuminated Ones



Ancestor Spirits {Demons}


If Jesus is living in your heart you have a problem

The Satanic Part 2


Take Care is a Curse

Secret Societies

Free Masonry

The Authority of the Believer


Satan's Most Effective Lies

Lilith Adam's first wife

The Satanic Part 3

Treachery is a Spiritual Force

The Peace of Satan

Fear is Faith in the Satanic

Tsunami of Evil Covers the Planet

Satans Devices

What is REALLY happening

Satan sentenced to one thousand years in the Pit on 3 May 2003

Power from drinking blood

Power from eating human flesh

Power from murder

Satanic Dominion

General Satanic

True Names




Mighty One


My Darling Mighty One


Anointing of Yah


Other True Names

The TRUE name of the prophet from Nazareth is "Yahooshua" NOT "Jesus"

Blasphemous Names

Grace withdrawn






Other Incorrect Names



NOT Christ

True Sabbaths

Day Begins at Sunrise

True Sabbath Saturday Sunrise

New Moons

1st Aviv

Pesach -- Passover

Shavuot -- Pentecost

Yom Teruah -- Day of Trumpets

Yom Kippur -- Day of Atonement

Sukkot -- Tabernacles 1st Day

Sukkot Great Day

Year of Jubilee

Saturday is the 7th day of the week and is Yah's true weekly Sabbath

Satanic Feasts



On what day was Yahooshua born?


New Year

Valentine's Day

Other Satanic Feasts

Sunday Sabbath

Sunday is the Pagan day of the Sun god and is NOT appropriate for worshipping Yah, the Almighty Creator

Christmas is a Pagan Feast and is an abomination in the sight of the Almighty Creator

Yahooshua died on a Stake NOT a Cross

It is NOT Baptism it is Immersion

The Coninuum between Good and Evil


True Religion

The Great Falling Away

Even the highly anointed are falling away

Seek Truth NOT Error

The End of the Age



Most Christians are NOT Anointed Ones

The Church put Yahooshua to Death

If Jesus is living in your heart you have a problem

Clergy versus Laity

Judgement on the church of Jesus Christ

Planet X Nibiru


Believers who Beg

History Revisited

This Evil Generation

Christian Denominations

Roman Catholic


Jehovah's Witnesses




Who IS Allah

Other Religions

The Inquisitions have had a major impact on believers today

The upsurge of civilization following the Reformation, that is the Renaissance, masks the long term degradation of human beings over time

The turnaround prophets of history are Noah, Moshe, Yahooshua, Mohammed and Luther -- we need to understand their role to understand the world today

The True Religion of the Almighty Creator, Yah, is a synthesis of, and bracketed by, Judaism, Christianity and Islam

Christianity has from the outset compromized with paganism and almost every doctrine of Christianity is fatally corrupt and does NOT define the Creator

Tithes are Invalid in this age

Judaism is one of the three main religions serving the Creator

Islam is the third of the main religions serving the Creator


Yahooshua Part 1

Who IS Yahooshua

Yahooshua IS the mightiest CREATED being in the entire creation

Yahooshua was an OLD Testament Prophet

How DID Yahooshua Accomplish what he did?

Thank Yah that the Jews Killed Jesus

Why Yahooshua HAD to die THAT way

Father forgive them they do not know what they are doing

My Darling why have You forsaken me?

The Covenant of Yahooshua

As oft as you eat it in remembrance of Yahooshua

Death with Yahooshua

Yahooshua Part 2

Yahooshua is WAITING for his enemies to be made his footstool

What IS special about Yahooshua?

Yahooshua will return once the true message has been preached to ALL the earth

The Church put Yahooshua to Death

Authority IN the Name of Yahooshua

LIMITATIONS in the Name of Yahooshua

The Blood of the Covenant

Who Yahooshua is NOT

Old Testament versus New Testament

On what day was Yahooshua born?

Those who followed Yahooshua did NOT know Torah

Greater Works than Yahooshua did

There is NO Trinity

Yahooshua is NOT the ONLY way

The man Yahooshua, commonly called Jesus was and is a human being and is NOT the Creator

Yahooshua, commonly called "Jesus" will only return around 3003 and is NOT "coming soon"

The Great Falling Away is right now


Judgment in THIS Life

Judgment of Believers Who Die

Judgment of Unbelievers Who Die

The Day of Judgment

High Throne with Yahooshua

The Outer Darkness in Heaven

The Foolish Virgins in Heaven

The Lake of Fire and Brimstone

Satan to the Pit for a Thousand Years

Judgement on the church of Jesus Christ

Judgment at the End of the Age

Yahooshua is WAITING UNTIL his enemies are made his FOOTSTOOL

Yahooshua will return when the true message has been preached to ALL the world

No one is intentionally going to Hell

Few people are intending to become demons

Obedience as a Basis of Judgement

Judgment THIS Life





Judge me Severely and Correct me Harshly that I may serve You more Perfectly

Believing Men in Lack

Highly anointed ones also make mistakes and sin


Burn for Eternity Yes? or No?

Where will YOU Spend Eternity?

Part 1 of the eBook -- Where will YOU Spend Eternity?

A Critical Question

An Important Caveat

Where will YOU Spend Eternity?

A Vital question: Do we know what sin is? - What is the essence of Judgment?

Cause for Concern - Nearly ALL of mankind is breaking most of the commandments

Part 2 of the eBook -- Where will YOU Spend Eternity?

Is there an alternative? -- can one aspire to a High Throne?

It is NOT just heaven or the lake of fire, there is a continuum

It IS POSSIBLE to overcome

What indicators are there about pleasing the Almighty?

How do we overcome? What is the Price?

Some challenging passages from The Final Quest

Joyner's experience of the Judgment


The Final Quest by Rick Joyner

Yah speaks on Rick Joyner

The Call by Rick Joyner

Critical Success Factors for Life

Creation versus Evolution -- What is the Origin and Purpose of Man?

Engineered Creation

Sexual reproduction proves there is a Creator

Part 1 of the book What is the origin and purpose of man


An important assumption and some painful deductions

Some important preparatory points

Use of statistics from Google.com

Argument from Incredulity

Progressive development versus Instantaneous Creation

Other religions and spirits

Some other issues with certain religious views of creation

What next?

Part 2 of the book What is the origin and purpose of man


Does this mean deadlock?

A Different approach?

Some issues that arise from the above questions

Science - Engineering - Religion


Suggested principles for further analysis

"Planned (Engineered) Creative Evolution" versus "Unplanned (Unengineered) Spontaneous Evolution"

Part 3 of the book What is the origin and purpose of man

Evidence in Immediate Physical Environment

Tying up loose ends

Various bits and pieces

Some other considerations regarding creation versus evolution

Soft attributes of human beings

 If all else fails, ask for a "sign"?



Mother Nature is a meaningless false pseudonym for Yah and CANNOT Save you!


The World Before the Flood

The Flood Itself

The World After the Flood

Understanding the Impact of the Flood

Why Millions of Years is Invalid

Flood Videos

Overview of the Flood Videos

Section 1 -- Proof of a Global Flood -- Introduction

Section 2: Gold Mines -- Evidence of Massive Hydraulic Flood Action

Section 3: Layered Sedimentary Rocks -- Evidence of a Global Flood

Section 4: The Halfwayhouse Granite Dome -- Massive Surface Disruption

Section 5: African Erosion Surface -- massive flood cutting action

Section 6: Incised Valley deep in massive Granite -- evidence of massive flood action

Section 7: The REAL Age of all this - a flood as recently as 4,500 years ago?

Section 8: Signs Of Judgment -- Real Mount Sinai and Ten Commandments

Section 9: Where DID the water came from? And where did it go? -- Proof of a Global Flood

Section 10: Summing Up -- Proof of a Global Flood

Section 11: End Notes -- Proof of Global Flood

There is global proof of a global catastrophe which is FAR beyond a "flood"

Evolutionary Creation is the ONLY practical explanation of what exists today


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The Spiritual Nature of Sex

Yah Created Sex and it was good

The Virgins Covenant

Sex is a Covenant Act

The One-Flesh Bond

Making Love

Transfer of Demons

Soul Ties


Role of Man

Role of Woman

Monogamy and sexual lovemaking

The Bed is Undefiled

The Joy of Sex

Sex -- Permitted and Prohibited

"Sex Before Marriage"

One Night Stands

Men with Men

Women with Women

Anal Sex

Oral Sex




Sexual Thoughts


Spiritual Separation of Man and Woman

Coping with Sexual Need

The Virgin's Covenant is CRITICAL to understand sex, marriage, adultery and divorce

Men & Women

Men and Women and covenant

The Virgins Covenant

Age to Marry



Cleave is NOT Adhere

Isaiah 4:1

Men and Women and Family


Separation of Man and Woman







Is Polygamy Scriptural?



The Book -- The Scriptural Definition of Marriage, Adultery and Divorce

Preamble and Table of Contents

1: Introduction & Concepts

2: How does scripture define the marriage covenant?

3: What does scripture say about adultery?

4: Scriptural Divorce

5: Is monogamy scriptural?

6: Some other scriptures on marriage issues

7: The Tradition of the Elders and Other heresies

8: Consequences of the Heresy of Monogamy and Related false Doctrines

9: Summary and Conclusion

Appendices A to G

Appendices H to P

Appendices Q to V

Appendices W to Index of Key words

Man and Woman in Harmony

Marriage Strategy

Marriage Teachings

Part 1: The Coming Tribulation

Part 1: The Coming Tribulation


Part 3: Scriptural definition of Marriage, Divorce & Adultery

Part 4: Towards Heaven on Earth in Marriage

Part 5: Practical Application of Marriage Teachings

Part 6: Deliverance

Part 7. Conclusion

The Almighty designed us from the beginning such that one man can covenant with more than one woman, this is evidenced by the seal of virginity

There are seven times as many believing women as men on earth today so most need to remain celibate and single

The Responsibility of Believing men towards single believing women

A Letter to a Single Woman

The need of Single Women for Companionship

The impact of Wild Oats (children from casual sex) on the world today

The truth about Divorce



Yahs Commandments

Contest or Compromise

The Mark of the Beast

This Life


ALL are Seed of Noah

Nearly ALL alive on earth today are Seed of Abraham

Most of those alive today are Seed of Yisrael





Yahoodah {Judah}










Middle East


Babylon / Iraq


United Kingdom

Rest of Europe

North America


Central America and Bahamas

South America




The Curse of Canaan

South Africa


Rest of Africa

The Majority is Always Wrong


Yahoodite = Jew

Thank Yah that the Jews Killed Jesus

The Jews are Yisraelites and NOT Khazars

The Jews are Yisraelites and NOT Seed of Satan

Jews are NOT Ominipotent

Blessed for Relative Faithfulness


The Colour of a Person Tells Nothing About Their Bloodline

The Hammite African Spiritual Dispensation

The Curse of Canaan on many Africans


World Trade Center Demolition

New World Order etc

Do NOT Concern yourself with Conspiracy

Y2K (The Year 2000 Computer Fear) -- What WAS it? -- an immature believes conspiracy theory

The REAL Conspiracy



Annual Volumes




Download the Entire Website


Articles Emailed

Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU

Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty

Where will YOU Spend Eternity?

6010 (2013/4)

6011 (2014/5)

Particularly Important Articles and other Resources

Insights that I have gained into various topics from day to day

Table of Contents of the body of the Website

Articles to 2009 (6005)


List of Articles from 2009

Article Keyword Cloud

Article Categories


About Tithes and Offerings and End Time Issue Ministries

Tithing is Mandatory

Please do NOT ask me for money or Bibles


The REAL Contest

What IF Satan WINS?

Satanic Dominion

Where are YOU headed for Eternity?

What should YOU do about the direction of your life today?

The ULTIMATE GOAL -- deep personal friendship with the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth

The ULTIMATE SIN -- unbelief -- believing the Almighty Creator does NOT exist -- by default allegiance to Satan

The TRAP to prevent you achieving the goal of deep personal relationship with the Creator -- Jesus, the Bible, the Church and Pastors and other people


Where will you Spend Eternity?


Our World Today – History


Demographics of Kingdom


Proof of a Global Flood


Heaven on Earth in Marriage

Introduction -- Towards Heaven on Earth in Marriage -- Yah’s Plan for Healing Marriage

Yah’s plan for Healing Marriage – Part 1 – The Coming Tribulation

Yah’s plan for Healing Marriage – Part 2 – Judgment in this Life

Yah’s plan for Healing Marriage – Part 3 – Scriptural Definition of Marriage, Divorce and Adultery

Yah’s plan for Healing Marriage – Part 4 – Towards Heaven on Earth in Marriage

Yah’s plan for Healing Marriage – Part 5 – Practical Application of the Marriage Teachings

Yah’s plan for Healing Marriage – Part 6 – A Study on the Ministry of Deliverance

Yah’s plan for Healing Marriage – Conclusion


Creator Desires Relationship


Seven Components of Drawing Close


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The Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah in December 2015


Compilation of Most Writings

Volume 0 -- Table of Contents of the Entire Book Set plus Most Recent Articles

Volume 1 – The Most Important Messages about the Matters of the Almighty Creator

Contents of the USB Memory Card and Audio CD in Support of the Book Set

Volume 2 – Relationship with Yah Series, Messages About the Matters of the Almighty Creator Written in 2015 through 2017 plus insights from Yah in 2014 and information about the writer

Volume 3 – Relationship with Yah Series Continued and Website Headers relating to the Matters of the Almighty Creator

Volume 4 – Articles Written between the Day of Atonement 2009 and the Day of Atonement 2014, Relationship with Yah, The Anointed Life, Commandments and Judgment, Yahooshua {Jesus}, The Bible

Volume 5 – Various Early eBooks written between 1998 and 2007

Volume 6 – Published from 2005 through to the Day of Atonement 2009

Volume 7 – Articles Published in 2003 and 2004

Volume 8 – Articles Published in 2002

Volume 9 – Articles Published in 2000 and 2001 -- This Volume Traces my Journey from Deeply Committed Charismatic Christian with Numerous Experiences of the Almighty to Deeply Committed Believer in the Almighty Creator

Volume 10 – Yah’s Plan for Healing Marriage – Heaven on Earth in Marriage

Volume 11 -- Detailed Strategic Analysis of Life and Marriage Analysis Undertaken in 2001


Radio -- Summing Up the Message

            Radio Broadcasts in 2018

Broadcast in October through December 2018


2018.10.05 Relationship with the Creator – Introduction

2018.10.12 Names of the Creator

2018.10.19 Creation and History

2018.10.26 Who Exactly IS Yahooshua?

2018.11.01 Is Yahooshua Yah -- REALLY?

2018.11.09 The Bible is NOT the Word of Yah

2018.11.16 Overcoming Sin

2018.11.30 Prayer

2018.12.07 Worship is Making Love to Father -- Part 1


Radio Broadcasts in 2019

Radio in 2019 January through March 2019


2019.01.11 Worship is Making Love to Father – Part 2

2019.01.18 Worship is Making Love to Father -- Part 3

2019.02.01 Judgment in THIS Life

2019.02.08 The Commandments

2019.02.15 The Commandments Elaborated

2019.02.22 Seek Truth and the Mark of the Beast

2019.03.01 The Almighty Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with You – Part 1

2019.03.08 The Almighty Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with You – Part 2

2019.03.15 Deep Relationship with The Creator and Seven Components of Drawing Close -- Part 3

2019.03.22 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator -- Part 1

2019.03.29 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator – Part 2 -- Prayer


Radio in 2019 April through June 2019


2019.04.03 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator – Part 3 – Prayer Continued

2019.04.12 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator -- Part 4 – Prayer Continued

2019.04.26 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator -- Part 5 -- Fasting and Cleansing

2019.05.03 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator -- Part 6 – Cleansing Continued

2019.05.10 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator -- Part 7 -- Cleansing Continued

2019.05.17 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator -- Part 8 -- Cleansing and Worship

2019.05.24 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator -- Part 9 -- Worship Continued

2019.05.31 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator -- Part 10 -- Worship Continued

2019.06.07 Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator -- Part 11 -- Discovery and Action

2019.06.14 Where will YOU Spend Eternity -- Part 2

2019.06.21 Where will YOU Spend Eternity -- Part 3


Radio in 2019 July through September 2019


2019.07.12 Where will YOU Spend Eternity -- Part 5

2019.07.19 Where will YOU Spend Eternity – Part 6

2019.08.16 Where will YOU Spend Eternity -- Part 9

2019.08.30 History -- the REAL FACTS -- Part 2

2019.09.13 History – the REAL FACTS – Part 3

2019.09.20 History – the REAL FACTS – Part 4


Radio in 2019 October through December 2019


2019.11.01 History – the REAL FACTS – Part 5

2019.11.08 Proof of a Global Flood Part 1

2019.11.15 Proof of a Global Flood Part 2

2019.11.22 Proof of a Global Flood Part 3

2019.11.29 Proof of a Global Flood Part 4

2019.12.13 Proof of a Global Flood Part 5

2019.12.27 Proof of a Global Flood Part 6


Radio Broadcasts in 2020

Radio in 2020 January to March


2020.01.03 Proof of a Global Flood Part 7

2020.01.10 Proof of a Global Flood Part 8

2020.01.17 Proof of a Global Flood Part 9

2020.01.24 True Name of the Creator is Yah Part 1

2020.01.31 True Name of the Creator is Yah Part 2

2020.02.07 True Name of the Creator is Yah Part 3

2020.02.14 The Virgins Covenant Part 1

2020.02.21 The Virgins Covenant Part 2

2020.02.28 Spiritual Interaction between Man and Woman in Sexual Union

2020.03.06 Separation of Man and Woman in Sexual Union Part 1

2020.03.13 Separation of Man and Woman in Sexual Union Part 2

2020.03.20 Separation of Man and Woman in Sexual Union Part 3

2020.03.27 Seven Times as Many Women as Men True Believers and the Lie of Monogamy


Radio in 2020 April to June


2020.04.03 The Horrors of Death as an Unbeliever

2020.04.10 The Horrors of Death as a Nominal Believer

2020.04.17 The Glory of Death as a Committed Believer

2020.04.24 The Glory of Death as a Committed Believer Part 2

2020.05.01 Hell is Real and for Believers

2020.05.08 Hell is Real and for Believers Part 2

2020.05.15 Hell is Real and for Believers Part 3

2020.05.21 Judgment in THIS Life Part 1

2020.05.28 Judgment in THIS Life Part 2

2020.06.04 Demographics of the Kingdom -- Part 1

2020.06.11 Demographics of the Kingdom -- Part 2

2020.06.18 Recognizing a Friend of Yah

2020.06.25 Recognizing a Friend of Yah Part 2


Radio in 2020 July to September


2020.07.02 Seek Truth NOT Error

2020.07.09 Important Insights from Yah

2020.07.23 Important Insights from Yah Part 2

2020.07.30 Important Insights from Yah Part 3

2020.08.06 Important Insights from Yah Part 4

2020.08.13 Important Insights from Yah Part 5

2020.08.20 Important Insights from Yah Part 6

2020.08.27 Video Track Why Seek Relationship Part 1

2020.09.03 Video Track Why Seek Relationship Part 2

2020.09.10 Critical Actions on First Belief

2020.09.17 Who IS Yahooshua Part 1

2020.09.24 Who IS Yahooshua Part 2


Radio in 2020 October to December


2020.10.01 Who IS Yahooshua Part 3

2020.10.08 The Miracle of Yahooshua's Death Part 1

2020.10.15 The Miracle of Yahooshua's Death Part 2

2020.10.22 The Essence of my message to Christians -- Part 1

2020.10.29 The Essence of my message to Christians -- Part 2

2020.11.05 The Essence of my message to Christians -- Part 3

2020.11.12 The Essence of my message to Christians -- Part 4

2020.11.19 Why Most Prayers are Futile and Unanswered

2020.11.26 The Bible is the Greatest Idol Part 1



Radio Broadcasts in 2021

Radio in 2021 July to September


2021.09.02 WHY are we HERE and Essence of my message to YOU

2021.09.09 Essence of my message

2021.09.17 Essence of my message re the Almighty Creator and Essential Inhibitors of Belief

2021.09.24 Good is Insufficient -- Yah did not stop speaking 2000 years ago


Radio in 2021 October through December 2021


2021.10.01 Essence of Message re Names

2021.10.08 Names including Yah in the Bible

2021.10.15 Essence re Creation Part 1

2021.10.22 Essence re Creation Part 2

2021.10.29 Essence of Message re Yahooshua

2021.11.05 Essence of Message re Lying and Tale Bearing

2021.11.12 In the World NOT OF the World and Fear of Dying

2021.11.19 Essence of Message regarding Poverty of Believers

2021.11.26 Why I Believe & Essence of Coming to Belief

2021.12.10 True Birthday of Yahooshua

2021.12.03 The Essence of Becoming a Friend of Yah

2021.12.24 Will you Initiate a Revival with me and seek a Power Anointing

2021.12.17 The Evil of Christmas

2021.12.31 Essence of Hearing Father and Submission


Radio Broadcasts in 2022

Radio in 2022 January through March 2022


2022.01.07 Cleansing and Deliverance

2022.01.14 Cleansing and Deliverance Part 2

2022.01.21 Cleansing and Deliverance Part 3

2022.01.28 Essence of my Message re Men and Women and also regarding Careless Sexual Activity

2022.02.04 Implications of careless sexual activity and Unrighteous Divorce

2022.02.11 The Essence of Covenant & Covenant Blood means Death

2022.02.18 Remote Sex is STILL Sex and Overcoming Lack

2022.02.25 Overcoming Lack & Different Views of the Mountain of Yah

2022.03.04 Essence of Message to YOU and My Vision for 2033

2022.03.11 Why I Believe and Essence of my Message

2022.03.18 Essence of Hearing Father and Why Seek Relationship

2022.03.25 Important Facts and Engineering Approach


Radio in 2022 April to June


2022.04.01 Miracle of Yahooshua's Death

2022.04.08 Why Believe in the Almighty Creator

2022.04.15 Essence of Message regarding the Almighty Creator and Creators Name is Yah

2022.04.22 Names DO Matter

2022.04.29 WHY are we HERE Why Afraid of Dying Essence of Becoming a Friend

2022.05.06 The Essence of my Message to Christians

2022.05.13 The Essence of my Message to Christians Part 2 -- some interference

2022.05.20 The Essence of my Message Concerning Yahooshua

2022.05.27 The Essence of my message regarding Prayer -- Part 1

2022.06.03 The Essence of my message regarding Prayer -- Part 2

2022.06.10 The Essence of my message regarding Prayer -- Part 3

2022.06.17 The Essence of my message regarding the Bible

2022.06.24 The Essence of my message regarding Men and Women and Sex


Radio in 2022 July to September


2022.07.01 The Essence of my message regarding Sex

2022.07.15 The Essence of my message regarding Creation

2022.07.22 The Essence of my message regarding Creation Part 2

2022.07.29 The Essence of my message regarding the Commandments

2022.08.05 Essence of my message concerning Judgment in THIS Life and regarding the Satanic and Demonic

2022.08.12 The Essence of my message regarding the End of the Age and will YOU Initiate a Revival with me

2022.08.19 The biggest error crippling mature Believers

2022.08.26 The biggest error crippling Believers Part 2 and Emunah

2022.09.02 The Essence of Coming to Belief

2022.09.09 History the REAL Facts

2022.09.16 History the REAL Facts Part 2 Satan and The Contest

2022.09.23 History the REAL Facts Part 3

2022.09.30 Essence of Poverty of Believers


Radio in 2022 October to December


2022.10.07 Yahooshua and Tabernacles

2022.10.14 Essence regarding Yahooshua

2022.10.21 Unscrambling the Identity of Yahooshua

2022.10.28 How did Yahooshua accomplish what he did

2022.11.04 Essence of Message regarding Prayer

2022.11.11 Essence of Message regarding Prayer-Part 2

2022.11.18 Essence of Message regarding Prayer-Part 3

2022.11.25 Essence of Message regarding Prayer-Part 4

2022.12.02 Essence of Message regarding the Bible

2022.12.09 Essence of Message regarding Men and Women

2022.12.16 Essence of Message regarding Virgins Covenant

2022.12.23 Essence of Message regarding Virgins Covenant-Part 2

2022.12.30 Essence of Message regarding Sex


Radio Broadcasts in 2023


Radio in 2023 January to March


2023.01.07 Essence of Message regarding Sex-Part 2

2023.01.13 Seek Truth NOT Error and Essence of Covenant

2023.01.20 The Name of Yah is Throughout the Bible

2023.01.27 Emunah {Faith} for Supernatural Divine Healing

2023.02.03 Critical End of Life Scenarios

2023.02.10 The TRUE Name of the Creator is Yah the Eternally Self Existing

2023.02.17 The Essence of my Message to Christians

2023.02.24 The Essence of my Message to Christians—Part 2

2023.03.03 The Essence of my Message to Christians—Part 3

2023.03.10 The Essence of my Message to Christians—Part 4

2023.03.17 The Essence of becoming a Friend of Yah

2023.03.24 About Yahooshua NOT his Spirit that Anoints

2023.03.31 The Five BIG Lies about Jesus and picture of Yahooshua


Radio in 2023 April to June


2023.04.07 The Nine Greatest Truths about Yahooshua

2023.04.14 Can YOU Prove that Jesus IS God

2023.04.21 Can YOU Prove that Jesus IS God—Part 2

2023.04.28 Can YOU Prove that Jesus IS God—Part 3

2023.05.05 The Covenant of Yahooshua–forgiveness and much more

2023.05.12 The Essence of my message for the Jews

2023.05.19 Essence of Message to Jews part 2

2023.05.26 The Essence of my message concerning Yahooshua

2023.06.02 Yahooshua is seated at the right hand of the Father waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool

2023.06.09 The Essence of my message regarding Prayer

2023.06.16 The Essence of my message regarding Prayer – Part 2

2023.06.23 The Essence of my message regarding Prayer – Part 3

2023.06.30 The Essence of my message regarding Prayer – Part 4


Radio in 2023 July to September


2023.07.07 The Essence of my message regarding the Bible

2023.07.14 Can YOU prove that the Bible IS The Holy Word of God

2023.07.21 Can YOU prove that the Bible IS The Holy Word of God – Part 2

2023.07.28 Essence of Message regarding Men and Women

2023.08.05 The Essence of My Message to Muslims

2023.08.11 The Essence of My Message to Muslims, Part 2

2023.08.18 The Essence of my Message regarding Creation, Part 1

2023.08.25 The Essence of my Message regarding Creation, Part 2

2023.09.01 The Essence of my Message regarding the Commandments

2023.09.08 The Essence of my Message regarding Judgment and the End of the Age

2023.09.15 Will YOU Initiate a Revival with Me

2023.09.22 Revival Revisited

2023.09.29 Powerful Example of what is possible when deeply Spirit Led


Radio in 2023 October to December


2023.10.06 Believers in Hell for Unrepented Sin

2023.10.13 Essence of Coming to Belief and Critical Questions for Belief

2023.10.20 Essence of Message Concerning Emunah {Faith}

2023.10.27 I'm a Believer—why do things keep going wrong in my life

2023.11.03 How to become an Anointed One

2023.11.10 Message regarding Turnaround Emissaries

2023.11.17 The Essence of my message regarding the Satanic and Demonic

2023.11.24 Essence of Message Regarding Sabbath Observance

2023.12.01 What is required to live ABOVE SIN and Judgment in this life

2023.12.08 The Creator Desires Friends

2023.12.15 The Creator Desires Friends Part 2

2023.12.22 Good is insufficient—relationship is what counts

2023.12.29 The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU


Radio Broadcasts in 2024


Radio in 2024 January to March


2024.01.05 The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU—Part 3

2024.01.12 The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU

2024.01.19 Where Will YOU Spend Eternity – Part 1

2024.01.26 Where Will YOU Spend Eternity, Part-2

2024.02.02 Where Will YOU Spend Eternity, Part-3

2024.02.09 Where Will YOU Spend Eternity, Part-4

2024.02.16 Experiencing the Anointing and Where Spend Eternity, Part-5

2024.02.23 Where Will YOU Spend Eternity, Part-6

2024.03.01 Yah's Calendar and Where Will YOU Spend Eternity, Part-7

2024.03.08 The Chosen Amplified and Where Will YOU Spend Eternity, Part-8

2024.03.15 Where will YOU Spend Eternity - Part 9

2023.03.22 Where Will YOU Spend Eternity, Part-10

2024.03.29 Where Will YOU Spend Eternity, Part-11


Radio in 2024 April to June


2024.04.05 Where Will YOU Spend Eternity, Part-12

2024.04.12 Where Will YOU Spend Eternity, Part-13

2024.04.19 Where Will YOU Spend Eternity, Part-14

2024.04.26 Testimony of Pontius Pilate regarding Yahooshua - Part 1

2024.05.02 Testimony of Pontius Pilate regarding Yahooshua, Part-2

2024.05.10 Critical Elements of Becoming a Friend of the Creator

2024.05.17 Different Views of the Mountain of Relationship and Confidence in Death

2024.05.24 What are YOU doing to earn a high throne for Eternity

2024.05.31 A Challenge for you to seek a Power Anointing


Radio in 2024 July to September


2024.07.05 Introduction to the writings from MattihYahoo to Revelation, Part-3

2024.07.12 The Good News According to MattihYahoo, Part-1

2024.07.19 The Good News According to MattihYahoo, Part-2

2024.07.26 The Good News According to MattihYahoo, Part-3

2024.08.02 The Good News According to MattihYahoo, Part 4

2024.08.09 The Good News According to MattihYahoo, Part 5

2024.08.16 The Good News According to MattihYahoo, Part 6

2024.08.23 The Good News According to MattihYahoo, Part 7

2024.08.30 The Good News According to MattihYahoo, Part 8




Recommended Worship Songs

Recommended Worship Updated 20 April 2024


Why YOU Should Believe


Why Become a Friend


Key Facts in True Belief


Critical Elements of Belief

Section 1: Where are YOU Going?

The Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, says: "It is time to choose -- will you be my Friend, or my foe? -- there is NO middle ground!"

Why YOU Should Believe in the Almighty Creator

Critical Actions on First Belief

Why YOU Should Seek to Become a Friend of the Almighty Creator

Critical Elements of Cleansing

Critical Considerations with Regard to the Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah on Earth Today

Core Teachings {Doctrine}

Critical Elements of What I Believe

Critical Considerations with Regard to Core Belief {Doctrine}

Critical Considerations with Regard to The Contest, the Rules of Engagement and Turning Around

Critical Considerations with Regard to Yahooshua {Jesus}

The Ten Commandments – Fundamental Guiding Principles for Life on Earth

Critical Considerations with Regard to The Bible


Critical Considerations with Regard to the History of Mankind on Earth Today

Critical Considerations with Regard to Creation

Critical Considerations with Regard to Proof of a Global Flood – Catastrophic Hydraulic and Tectonic Event

Critical Considerations with Regard to the Current Age

Spiritual Principles

Critical Considerations with Regard to Sabbath Observance

Critical Considerations with Regard to Prayer

Critical Considerations with Regard to Worship

Critical Considerations with Regard to This Life

Critical Considerations with Regard to Seek TRUTH NOT Error

Critical Considerations with Regard to Judgment in THIS Life

The Anointed Life

Critical Elements of the Anointed Life

Seven Critical Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator

Critical Considerations in Being Led by Father Yah the Almighty Creator

Critical Considerations in Hearing Father Yah the Almighty Creator


Critical Considerations with Regard to Marriage

Critical Considerations with Regard to Choosing a Marriage Partner

Preparing for Death

Critical Considerations with Regard to Death

Critical Considerations with Regard to Believers Resisting Death

Your Options on Facing Death

Your Options on Death if You are an Unbeliever (over 6.9 billion people today)

Why is this World such a Mess?

The Fate of Good Ancestor Spirits (Demons)

Preparing for Death



Prepare for Death


Glory of Death as Committed Believer


Horrors Death as Nominal Believer


Horrors Death as Unbeliever


*** Critical Actions on First Belief ***




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Consolidated Volumes of Articles

We are in the process of assembling the articles on this site into annual volumes based on the lunar based cycles prescribed by the Almighty, the following volumes are currently available in Adobe pdf format

The full list of articles is available on the Articles page and also on the listing in this side bar

The documents are formatted for double sided printing

Vol 10 year 6006 from Creation: 29 Mar 2009 to 18 Mar 2010
Vol11 year 6007 from Creation: 18 Mar 2010 to 6 Apr 2011
 The documents are also available in Microsoft Word docx format on the detailed article listing in the side bar
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From time to time we make a copy of the entire website in a format that you can download and run standalone on a local computer with NO Internet Connection, the file is about 6 GB in size and requires WinZip to open, click here to download