2002.06.D.03 Planets Aligning - What Means This Created by James3 on 8/10/2019 6:42:25 PM Planets Aligning - What Means This
This article provides some interesting astronomical confirmations that we are in the Great Tribulation and that the events of Revelation 20 verses 1 to 3 are close at hand.
Warm regards and blessings
----- Original Message -----
From: "ANZAC Prophetic List" prophetic@revival.gen.nz
To: "ANZAC Prophetic List"
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 11:02 AM
MODERATOR: A couple of extracts follow - giving insight into the amazing planetary alignment that is occurring right now. Remember, it is God who is the author of 'signs in the heavens'. The Bible shows that they can have real significance regarding spiritual events and seasons. God bless you all. -Andrew Strom.
From: "Jeff Politte" <jpolitte@poncacity.net
Date sent: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 21:52:56 -0500
Here is a copy of an interesting article from Harvard University regarding the rare planetary alignment that will be happening over the next few weeks:
Caution--Planetary Traffic Jam Ahead!
Comet Hale-Bopp dazzled us for weeks. The Perseid meteor shower thrilled us for one night. But the world hasn't seen anything like the planetary traffic jam that's going to occur the last week of April and the first two weeks in May!
Inching across the sky like bumper-to-bumper commuters on their way to work, a rare planetary alignment will allow sky observers to see every planet in our solar system in a single evening!.. This is truly a once-in-a- lifetime experience.
Even more amazing, two very special events will occur during this planetary line-up. On May 10, the planets Mars and Venus will appear to pass so close to one another that, to the naked eye, they will seem to become one bright heavenly object.
Earlier, on May 5, something even more spectacular will happen. The bright planets Mars, Saturn and Venus will group together to form a perfect equilateral triangle in the western sky. This dazzling configuration will be visible almost everywhere on Earth. In the Middle East, this pyramid-shaped specter will hang directly above Bethlehem.
Oddly enough, more than 2,000 years ago, this same grouping of planets may have caught the attention of the Biblical Magi. On April 1, 2 B.C., the planets Mars, Saturn and Venus came together to form a perfect equilateral triangle over the city of Bethlehem...
Forwarded by: "Rita and Paul" rpkg@erols.com
Please check out the article in the website below. It is extremely interesting about prophetic Biblical happenings in the heavens. Bob Wadsworth's website is where Dale Sides has learned these truths, and he gives his site at the end of the article.
"Massing of Planets and Celestial Prophecy of May 6, 2002"
-by Dale M. Sides.
We have done well to receive the office of a prophet and the gift of prophecy. However, neither of these carry a grain of sand in comparison to the prophetic knowledge given in the heavens. This is what God used to announce the first coming of His Son and He is doing it again. The devil has muddied the water with his perversion of astrology in trying to hide true Biblical astronomy. Reading the prophetic Word of God written in the heavens is the truly valid and reliable place of prophetic prediction with which no one can argue. God set these things in order even from when He created the heavens and earth. (Genesis 1:14,15).
For the past seven years the heavens have been ablaze with end-time prophetic information. To understand this announcement, it will help to have a little insight about how to read the text in the heavens. The constellations called the Mazzaroth (Job 38:32) in the Bible serve as the backdrop against which the sun, moon, planets and comets move. Each constellation has a meaning according to the Hebrew star names (Psalm 147:4) and therefore has a spiritual understanding and application when these wandering celestial bodies move in front of them. It really is a simple concept, but the beauty of this is that God pre-programmed everything to move in His course and timing before He started the heavenlies spinning.
For example, Jesus' birth was pre-planned and the announcement set to occur right on Gods' timing according to His foreknowledge. This is what makes this announcement coming up in early May so amazing. It is announcing what God has planned since He made the heavens and earth.
A massing of planets is when a number of planets show up in the same constellation at the same time. This is what is coming up on May 6.
Many of these massings and celestial announcements over the past seven years have taken place in the "heel" constellations.
The Heel Constellations are the ones that show Genesis 3:15, the Lord's heel being bruised by Satan's head. The massings of planets in these have been showing the fulfillment of the end-time promise of crushing Satan under His feet.
The present truth that is about to be shown and will crescendo in early May is a massing of planets in Taurus. Taurus, according to the star names in the constellation, is depicted as a bull, demonstrating the domination of the Lord in the Kingdom coming to the earth. What this shows us is fantastic. It is announcing the long awaited and prophesied retribution of God's wrath against the devil.
This massing of planets includes Mars, Venus and Saturn, and they will converge in their closest proximity in Taurus on May 6. Mercury will closely flank the phenomenon so, in reality, four planets are involved in this event. To interpret this we also need to know that each planet has a character it represents: Venus-Jesus, the Bright and Morning Star; Mars-Michael, the Warrior Prince; Saturn-Satan, the Rebel, and Mercury-Gabriel, the Messenger to God's People. The closest triangulation will occur on May 6, but on May 10 Mars and Venus will actually touch in appearance from earth. This shows the closest possible working between Jesus and Michael (the Prince who fights for Israel).
They will "tag-team" against Satan (Saturn) in Taurus, showing the end-time fulfillment and defeat of Satan in the coming age. Though it is doubtful that this is the exact timing of the fulfillment of Revelation 20:1-3, it is a close facsimile where Jesus will give the word to Michael and he will bind Satan for a 1,000-year period. This is a preview of "coming attractions."
This is the grand finale of what has been announced for the past seven years. Some Biblical astronomers believe that these celestial events, beginning with the massing of the planets under the heel of Ophiuchus in November of 1995 all the way through to May 2002's events, have been giving the previews of the Great Tribulation. If this is the case, it may show that the Great Tribulation is about to begin. With the uprisings going on in Israel and other contemporary events, it will be interesting to see what develops.
All of this is an amazing spectacle to behold, and yet it gets even greater. Out of nowhere a comet has come. It was not predicted because no-one knew where it was or when it would come. To top off the massing of planets in Taurus, the comet (named by astronomers as Utsunomiya) will be in the head of Taurus ON THE SAME DAY AT THE SAME TIME. Talk about prophetic, present truth. This is God exclamation point at the end of the sentence.
Even as amazing as the appearance of this comet is, another comet is in the heavens now too. Its name is Ikeya-Zhang. It will be positioned between the heel of Hercules and the head of Drago on May 7, just as all the events in Taurus are unfolding simultaneously. This sounds like the Day of the Lord coming as a thief in the night, unannounced and unnoticed, and in the mouth of two witnesses, the truth is established.
Incidentally, these two comets were both in the constellation of Andromeda during Passover of this year. Andromeda means "Israel afflicted" and this was the day the Palestinian homicide bomber attacked the Passover Seder in Israel. Utsunomiya was entering Andromeda as Ikeya-Zhang was leaving it during the Passover season.
These are all singularly impacting events, but putting all of them together is a major, major, major celestial announcement. Even though time and date cannot be specifically forecasted, since no man knows the time and hour, we should expect to see major events unfolding around Israel. It could mark the beginning of the Great Tribulation since this concludes celestial phenomena that have been occurring for almost seven years.
Unfortunately, just as it was when Jesus was born, basically the whole world, including Christianity, is asleep in the light of God's brilliant light show. He is again announcing future events that will change the world. He is revealing what is coming to pass-preplanned and pre-scheduled by His omniscience millennia ago-right on His scheduled timetable.
To view this massing of planets, you'll be able to see them getting closer and closer together as the day approaches. The closest triangulation of planets will happen in the head of Taurus at sundown on May 6, so begin watching for it even now. Mars and Venus will actually overlap in appearance on May 10. In addition, Venus and Mars will be in the horns of Taurus joined by a beautiful crescent moon on May 14. To find Taurus, face the setting sun (westward) and turn slightly to the right. At about 30 degrees off the horizon, you will see Taurus with the three planets in the head. The comet Utsunomiya will be just below the planets in direct alignment with Mercury, which represents Gabriel announcing the event. (You may need binoculars to see the comet well.)
In closing, I must give credit to my mentor and teacher of these things and direct you to his web site and ministry for more details. The man responsible for keeping so much of the Christian world up to speed on this subject is Bob Wadsworth. Bob is the real heart and head of these matters and is the interpreter of these details. His heart for the Messiah is as big as the sky. I would encourage you to log on to his web site, read more details about this celestial phenomenon, and subscribe to his newsletter that will keep you posted on what God is doing in the heavenlies. His web site is - www.atlbible.org/astronomy.htm.
Bob's latest update on this entire phenomenon is posted now at
www.atlbible.org/astronomy/02may.htm. There is much more information along with how to get a copy of his book if you want to know more about this. He also has listed the events that will occur 1,260 days (3½ years) from the date of the event.
Copyright 2002, Liberating Ministries for Christ International, Inc.
Andrew Strom

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