2002.07.D.04 Cleansing From Hardening Of The Heart, Inner Vows, Etc Created by James3 on 8/13/2019 9:17:05 PM Cleansing From Hardening Of The Heart, Inner Vows, Etc
Another article that i have hoped to write but not got round to is on the subject of cleansing from hardening of the heart.
The subject of deliverance and the demonic has been covered in a number of articles over the years but hardening of the heart has not.
Hardening of the heart is essentially learned responses in our subconcious mind or soul that get programmed through life, particularly in our formative years.
These programmed subconcious responses in our soul act as filters that can twist what the Spirit of Yah or our own conciences or spirit's have to say.
Attached are three articles contain prayers and procedures for dealing with hardening of the heart, following this article i will send a series of scanned pages on "The Mind and Will" which gives further insight into this topic.
For anyone who is struggling to clearly hear the voice of Yah or who is battling to walk in the fruits of the Spirit these prayers and procedures are very useful.
Warm regards and blessings
Herewith documents as promised.
They are not as well structured as i would like, i could not locate the originals for documents 1 and 3 so i did a new document as 2
Basically it is advisable to do what is in documents 1 and 2 first and then do 3 as a second pass.
Once this has been done, over time pray the same prayers as relevant with regard to anything else which Father reveals.
Even if you do not recall anything for a particular year, pray over it anyway.
From own experience it can take at least half a day to document all years and half a day each for the two passes over all years. It is not vital, although desirable, to do it all in one hit, if necessary do a few years each day as time permits.
First prize is to do this during an eight day sanctification as set out yesterday - shave entire body except head in your case, pray over grape juice or wine to represent the Blood of Yahshua, anoint all over including inside orifices, same with olive oil, immerse three times (can do in bath), same on seventh day and again on eighth day - if you decide to do this let me know and i will produce a more detailed set of instructions with detailed prayers. During the seven days one would then go through the process in the attached documents so that at the end of the seven days the anointing and immersion serves the purpose of final cleansing.
Note that once you have worked through what is in these documents you could simply anoint with the Blood and with oil and immerse three times and keep the full 8 day new beginnings process for later
Once prayed these prayers are final, UNLESS there is a major issue that you are not aware of.
In this regard i have repeatedly encountered events which were so traumatic that the person has completely blocked it and has no recollection, even when the Holy Spirit has revealed it prophetically.
1) an authority figure (woman) telling a five year old girl that she was "stupid", "would never amount to anything" and that "no one will ever love you" - this one short event had massive consequences throughout her life until i was shown the event by the Father in about April this year - since then there has been a major battle to remove the sub-concious mental programming resulting from the "death wish" (sub-concious locked belief) that resulted.
2) man who at age five was beaten on the legs by a school teacher and ran away from school - under certain circumstances gave way to people in authority in a wrong way or avoided certain situations resulting in apparent underhand behaviour (this was shown to me in 1993 and i was set free of an enormous amount then which opened the way for me to be brought back to Yahweh and to be able to receive a lot of what i would otherwise not have been able to - i could never have stood against all the opposition and persecution if that had still been in place - Yahweh is SO good :) )
3) a man who could not cry or show affection - crying bitterly at age five over a toy he dearly loved, severly rebuked by his father - "men don't cry"
It appears that Satan goes out of his way to ensure at least one such event in virtually everyone's life - generally the pain is so intense that the mind blocks it out from the conscious memory but the sub-concious programming resulting from the event lives for the rest of the person's life on earth and shapes their relationships, etc unless revealed and dealt with.
I must stress that while the prayers in the attached documents will deal with such items, they will NOT deal with them anonymously - the event /s must be revealed and dealt with rigorously and specifically - preferably as a separate period of prayer.
I hope this helps, these prayers are vital to cleansing you and setting you totally free from the past :)
Any negative or bad experience during life, but particularly during childhood, can contribute to the spiritual state that Scripture refers to as "hardening of the heart". We have been shown hardening of the heart as being like annular rings in the cross section of a tree.
The heart is at the very centre, as with the "heart of the tree". Each year additional spiritual "tissue" is built up around the heart. In a bad year or when there is a bad emotional, psychological or spiritual experience, a hard layer is built up. In a good year, a soft layer is built up.
The hard layers cause interference in the flow of information between the heart (the spirit) of the person and the soul or mind. This hardening of the heart makes it difficult to hear the Holy Spirit when He speaks to us and it also makes it difficult for our spirit's to receive the Word of Yahweh, teachings, etc.
This is particularly so if a particular event in life has put in place a hard layer that prevents or resists specific truths from penetrating. For example, a person who was forcibly told at age five that they are "stupid" and that they were born stupid and will never amount to anything may well find that this hard layer filters out all Scriptures which state that they are "created in the likeness and image of God" (Genesis 1:26-27) or that they are "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:13-16) or that they "have the mind of Messiah (Christ)" (1 Corinthians 2:16). This same filter may tell them that they cannot learn new things and that they will never change.
We have encountered a situation where this message was so forcibly impressed on the mind of a five year old girl by a person in authority in her life in a single incident, that even in her forties she was unable to change things that she knew were wrong according to the Word of Yahweh. Eventually i was shown the incident in a vision and she was able to renounce the lie and replace it with the truth about herself according to scripture. In this case, the Spirit of Yahweh called the inner vow or soul force that was in place a "death wish". She kept doing things that she KNEW would result in her proving herself to be stupid, simply because this massive spiritual / psychological force inside her was determined to prove that she has been born stupid and would never amount to anything!
It seems that virtually every person on earth has at least one, and frequently several bad experiences of this nature which, while they may not give rise to something as intense as the "death wish" referred to above, will nevertheless seriously inhibit their ability to hear Yahweh clearly and to apply His Word in their lives. These same inner vows create filters which prevent certain aspects of the Word of Yahweh being transmitted to the spirit of the believer making it very difficult for them to grow in Messiah and hinder the Holy Spirit from speaking to the believer in this area.
In the same way that i have been shown these rings of hardening appearing like tree rings in section, i have also been shown them as sort of spiritual and emotional jackets, that appear like thick tree bark, that encase the spirit and must be slit, peeled off and destroyed in order to open the heart to the truths of the Word of Yahweh.
This can also be viewed as being one dimension of "circumcising" the heart. Consider Deuteronomy 10:16 " "Therefore circumcise the foreskin of your heart, and be stiff-necked no longer." (NKJ); Deuteronomy 30:6 ""And the LORD your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your descendants, to love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may live." (NKJ) and Jeremiah 4:4 "Circumcise yourselves to the LORD, and take away the foreskins of your hearts, you men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem, lest My fury come forth like fire, and burn so that no one can quench it, because of the evil of your doings."" (NKJ). Consider also Colossians 2:11 "In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ," (NKJ).
Clearly, there is a Scriptural basis to speak of circumcising the heart. The metaphorical imagery of circumcision relates to cutting off an enveloping layer of unnecessary flesh which hinders the effective function of the underlying organ. This imagery is vivid and seems to clearly apply to the stripping away of the hardening referred to above. There are other dimensions to softening or circumcising of the heart but it is clear to us from recent first hand experience that systematically identifying and spiritually stripping away these layers of hardness is a vital component of sanctifying oneself to come to a point where one can truly serve Yahweh our Elohiym (God) with all our hearts, all our minds, all our soul and all our strength.
The following process is one that we were given for a specific situation. It almost certainly will require adaptation for other situations but is offered as a starting point.
It is recommended that this take place within the context of a more broad based sanctification process including full cleansing, preferably by shaving of the entire body (men) and all but the hair of the head (women) and separation, anointing of the entire body with wine prayed over to represent the Blood of Yahshua and Olive Oil prayed over to represent the Oil of the Holy Spirit, cleansing by immersion, etc. We hope to document these aspects shortly, Yahweh willing.
3. The following outline process is offered at this time:
1. List all negative events that may have contributed to hardening of the heart or to passivity of the mind for intervals of one calendar year at a time. Start at the current date and work back listing each calendar year. It is helpful to list where employed / at school, major relationships and other significant events in order to assist with the process of remembering specific negative events. Such events can include broken relationships, betrayal, child birth, academic achievements, buying a home, starting a business, failure of a business, bankruptcy, etc, etc.
2. If there is anyone you need to forgive and release, do so.
3. If there is anyone you need to speak to in order to forgive and release or ask forgiveness from, make a list to tend to as soon as possible. There are particular Scriptural principles that can be applied to ensure that forgiveness is solid and from the heart, these will, Yahweh willing, be documented shortly.
4. If there is anything you need to repent of to Yahweh - repent and receive forgiveness. If someone else - see above.
5. For each year speak out loud to all hardening of heart, mind and soul and all mental passivity and other mental aberrations that resulted. Renounce them, command them to bow the knee to the Name of Yahshua and ask the Father in the Name of Yahshua to utterly destroy them and set you free.
6. For each year speak to all hardening and visualise it as a ring of timber in a standing tree trunk and with a pointed flat hand pointing at your chest symbolically split it vertically down the breastbone and then symbolically grasp the two edges of the split cylindrical ring of timber and pull it open. Peel it off as though removing a stiff jacket. Throw it down, trample it underfoot and cast it into the lake of fire and brimstone to be utterly consumed. Speak these actions out as you execute them.
7. Ask the Father in the Name of Yahshua to soften your heart for that year and to give you a heart of flesh.
8. Give thanks and receive anything the Father may give you - grief, joy, peace etc.
9. Do the same for the next year progressing back to the date of birth and then do the same for the period in the womb from the moment of conception to final delivery.
10. Give thanks for your deliverance and praise and worship Yahweh as you feel led.
11. Claim healing and receive healing as led.
The above is very much in draft but will hopefully be of some assistance.
This document follows on from the document “Removal Of Hardening Of The Heart” and sets out the prayers that should be prayed in more detail.
PRAYERS Pray the following over EVERY YEAR, working backwards from the present year (refer notes on “Cutting off inner vows” for more guidance on the specific process). This is based on the list you made previously -- work backward for each year as follows (ALL the prayers should be prayed out loud - YOU must hear and the spirit realm must hear):
“Father, in the Name of Yahshua, i bring the year ....... before you and particularly ................. (list specific events that come to mind) before you.”
FORGIVENESS “Father, by faith i choose to forgive ...... (name) for all that they did to me (be as specific as possible). I recognize that Yahshua died on the stake that my sins might be forgiven and that it is sin to retain the sins of others and that this holds me in bondage. I repent of doing this, in the Name of Yahshua Messiah and ask you to forgive me and cleanse me.”
Note: forgiveness is an act of faith - you do not forgive in your own strength, you ask the Father to make it possible for you to forgive.
In doing this, remember that Yahshua, who knew NO SIN, died the most terrible death for your sins AND took ALL your sins, past present and future on Himself on the stake. He also took the sins of the most terrible sinners that have ever lived and who have repented, on Himself. Accordingly, it is a gross insult to Yahshua and to Yahweh if you will not release others from their sin against you when Yahshua forgave you of everything AND forgave those who wrongfully tortured Him to death!
REPENTANCE “Father i confess that i have ....... [specify whatever you have to repent of - in serious cases you may need to pray this paragraph repeatedly over each specific incident], i confess that this is sin. Your word says that IF we confess our sin, you are faithful and just to forgive our sin. Accordingly, i ask you to forgive my sin and to cleanse me from my unrighteousness with the precious Blood of Yahshua. I ask this in the Name of Yahshua and thank you that you have granted my petition.”
Note that trite repentance that is not born out of conviction of sin and an intense desire to depart from that sin, never to return, is not repentance and is an even greater sin.
Note also that after repentance, repeated wilful repetition of the same sin will, in time, lead to loss of salvation (Hebrews 6 and 10). IF you are battling to keep from a certain sin, such as lying, lust, pride, etc it is likely that you have picked up demons in this area. This is a separate subject and we can assist with a manual that covers many of these areas.
Note that IF your sin has prejudiced someone else, you are required to go to them and repent and ask forgiveness. If you cannot go physically, telephone or write. If you do not know how to contact them, ask the Father to show you how to contact them OR, if He permits, to release you from that obligation and to release you without speaking to them. In such a case, only HE can decide if He will release you, it is presumption to assume that just because you don’t know where the person is that you do not have to contact them. Yahweh is ABLE to put you in contact IF you ask in faith WITHOUT DOUBTING.
Note that if your sin caused loss to that person, you are required to make restitution, that is to restore what was lost, whether financially, in kind or in other ways as Yahweh instructs you. Note that if you are bankrupt and you stole money or goods, then you are still required to repay UNLESS the other party releases you. In such a case, determine to repay and then pray in faith and ask Yahweh to make a way to help you repay. Then go to the other party, repent, ask for forgiveness and undertake to repay as circumstances permit.
HARDENING OF THE HEART “Father, in the Name of Yahshua, i speak to all hardening of heart, mind and soul and all mental passivity and other mental aberrations that resulted from the events of this year. I renounce this hardening of heart, mind and soul and all mental passivity and other mental aberrations and command them to bow the knee to the Name of Yahshua. I ask you Father in the Name of Yahshua to utterly destroy them and to set me free.”
“Father, in the Name of Yahshua, i now cut through all hardening of my heart for this year” [visualise it as a sheath of tree bark in a standing tree trunk and with a pointed flat hand pointing at your chest symbolically split it vertically down the breastbone], “i tear it off” [symbolically grasp the two edges of the split cylindrical ring of timber and pull it open. Peel it off as though removing a stiff jacket] “i cast it down, trample it underfoot and cast it into the lake of fire and brimstone to be utterly consumed” [symbolically throw it down, trample on it and then throw it]
“Father, in the Name of Yahshua, i ask you to soften my heart with regard to all hardening resulting from that year and to give me a heart of flesh.”
DELIVERANCE “I speak to all demons that gained a legal right to attach themselves to me as a consequence of the sins, hardening of heart and other issues that have just been prayed against. I bind you in the Name of Yahshua and i command you to loose me now and go to the Pit for a thousand years, in the Name of Yahshua. I ask you Father to send your mighty warring angels to bind those demons and deliver them to the Pit in the Name of Yahshua. I ask you Father, in the Name of Yahshua to cleanse me of all demonic residue and injuries and to heal me from the top of my head to the souls of my feet.”
HEALING “Father, i thank you that your word states that i am healed by the stripes of Yahshua, therefore, in the Name of Yahshua, i claim and receive healing for all spiritual, emotional, psychological and physical wounds resulting from those things that i have just brought before you.”
SEALING WITH THE BLOOD OF YAHSHUA This should be a routine prayer for all believers:
“Father, i ask you in the Name of Yahshua to cover me with the Blood of Yahshua from the top of my head to the souls of my feet. I ask that you seal every pore, every mucous membrane and every orifice with the Blood of Yahshua to prevent all demonic ingress.”
THANKS GIVING AND PRAISE Give thanks and receive anything the Father may give you - grief, joy, peace etc.
Do the same for the next year progressing back to the date of birth and then do the same for the period in the womb from the moment of conception to final delivery.
To conclude pray the same prayers over your entire life.
MAINTENANCE if thoughts of unforgiveness, lust, etc arise subsequently, YOU must resist them. Speak to them:
“i speak to that unclean thought of ....., i renounce you and, in the Name of Yahshua, i command you to bow the knee to the Name of Yahshua. I tear down every vain imagination that exalts itself above the knowledge of Yahweh and i command you mind to cease and desist from ever again thinking that thought. Father, i ask you in the Name of Yahshua to totally obliterate any sub-conscious thought pattern that is supporting this .....” (unforgiveness, etc).
Note that certain of the prayers for deliverance, healing, etc could be prayed again when you make a second pass through all years dealing with Inner Vows, etc.
The following prayers are to be prayed after the prayers for cutting off hardness of the heart and are part of the systematic progression of prayers for sanctifying the believer from all the soul force scars, inner vows and other mental, psychological and spiritual factors which contribute to "hardening of the heart" by building up layers of wrong belief, wrong thought, etc in the mind and soul which block the free communication between the heart, mind and soul of the Believer.
This set of prayers is to be prayed systematically on a year by year basis commencing with the current year and working back to the period in the womb in order to cancel out all the wrong thoughts, words and deeds before the believer came to an awareness of the importance of holiness and sanctification.
Ideally this entire process should be followed by any new convert as part of the cleansing and sanctification process in the week following their acceptance of Yahshua Messiah as Adonai (Jesus Christ as Lord).
The person praying these prayers should take the list of every year in their life, from the current year backwards, listing headlines, where they lived, worked, significant relationships, significant negative events, etc. The primary focus is to identify, renounce and ask the Father to cut off all negative consequences, beliefs, inner vows, etc of negative events in every year.
Insofar as items should be brought to the Tree (Cross) on which Messiah was executed one at a time, it is highly desirable to work through one year at a time and, where appropriate, to deal with any specific event in that year as a specific instance over and above praying these prayers for the year as a whole.
These prayers do not obviate the need to pray deeply into specific situations, such as divorce, betrayal, bereavement, etc as necessary to deal with the deep consequences of such events. Nor do these prayers obviate the need for thorough and comprehensive cleansing relating to major sin such as adultery, satanism, etc which must be worked through as a further process of repentance and cleansing, either before, during or after praying these prayers, as the Holy Spirit leads in any particular situation. In most instances we would recommend that, unless clearly led otherwise, the issues surrounding major spiritual events and major sin should be dealt with
BEFORE praying this set of general prayers for final cleansing of items which have not come to remembrance or which are of a less specific nature.
The objective is an in depth, prayerful and comprehensive evaluation of those aspects of the life to date which are potentially continuing to have adverse spiritual impact on the life of the believer today. In particular, wrong words carry on for ever if not renounced and cut off. Inner vows, mind talk and soul force actions against the soul or mind entrench deep seated psychological and auto response "instinctive" behaviour at a level below the conscious mind. These are behaviour patterns which are so deeply entrenched that the person is totally unaware of them and regards the consequences of these patterns in their thoughts, words and deeds as indivisible from who they are.
The auto response sub-conscious soulish forces / inner vows / mind talk, etc under consideration can bring about massive disobedience to the Word and Will of Yahweh or of a woman toward her husband. They can bring about rebellion that the person concerned does not recognize as being rebellion and they can cause people to lose their salvation by repeatedly committing sins that they have been warned about.
Like all things, these soulish forces / inner vows / mind talk, etc are subject to the Name of Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ), which is the Name above ALL Names and at which EVERY knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Yahshua Messiah is Adonai (Jesus Christ is Lord). Therefore, these unGodly soulish forces / inner vows / mind talk, etc must ALSO bow to the Name of Yahshua Messiah.
The following prayers were given with regard to a specific situation but are of general relevance.
They are best prayed in the context of a period of intense personal sanctification associated with full cleansing and sealing from the past, as set out, Yahweh willing, in another document to be written shortly.
The following should be prayed for EVERY YEAR of the persons life, one year at a time, prayerfully considering the events of that year. Depending on the age of the person and the experiences of their life, it will take several hours to a full day to work through a persons life, praying these prayers repeatedly over each year and over any particularly unpleasant events in that year.
Readers are at liberty to take short cuts and pray this set of prayers once over their entire life but our experience indicates that this is superficial, not pleasing to the Father and not particularly effective. Deep soul and heart searching self examination is necessary, particularly where a person accepted Yahshua Messiah as Adonai at an early age but has not been serving Him effectively for many years since that date. However, even a
new convert is encouraged to seize the opportunity to seek maximum cleansing in the days immediately following their acceptance of Yahshua Messiah as Adonai (Jesus Christ as Lord).
Father, I bring the year .........[name year] before you and all that happened ..........[list major, particularly negative events] before you.
OWN WRONG THOUGHTS, WORDS AND DEEDS Father in the Name of Yahshua i repent of and renounce all blasphemous; unscriptural; profane and other idle and ungodly thoughts, words and deeds that i thought, spoke or committed in that year including ungodly and unkept vows, oaths and promises.
Father i ask you please to cut off all further negative spiritual impact of these negative thoughts, words and deeds. I ask this in the Name of Yahshua Messiah.
Father i repent of and renounce all ungodly inner vows, mind talk and other embedded mental, psychological and spiritual residue resulting from those wrong thoughts, words and deeds of that year.
Father i ask you in the name of Yahshua Messiah to please cut off all these things, to cut off all further negative impact and to cleanse me fully from all these ungodly things of that year.
RECEIVING WRONG THOUGHTS, WORDS AND DEEDS Father in the Name of Yahshua i repent of listening to; reading and receiving or believing any blasphemous, unscriptural, profane, judgemental or other idle or ungodly words spoken or written to or against me and actions or examples given to me or executed against me in that year.
Father in the Name of Yahshua i renounce them and ask you please to cut off all ungodly inner vows, mind talk and other embedded mental, psychological and spiritual residue resulting from these wrong thoughts, words and deeds in that year.
Father in the Name of Yahshua, i repent of listening to; reading; receiving; believing -- blasphemous, unscriptural, profane, judgemental and other idle and ungodly and false teachings and lies and false instruction from any source. I renounce those false teachings and lies and unscriptural teachings acquired during that year.
Father in the Name of Yahshua i accept that i alone am responsible for discerning the truth in all things that i believe and that i will be judged for believing or acting on lies. I repent of all wrong that i believed in that year and ask You to forgive me.
Father in the Name of Yahshua i ask you please to reveal all lies which i still believe and especially those i am still acting upon from that year.
Father, i ask you to cleanse me of all lies and false teachings of that year and of the consequences of believing them and to cut off all further spiritual impact in the Name of Yahshua.
CONSEQUENTIAL HARDNESS, ETC Father i ask you in the Name of Yahshua to remove all hardness, unteachability and other embedded mental, psychological and spiritual residue resulting from the lies of that year.
ANY OTHER SPIRITUAL IMPACTS Father, i ask you in the Name of Yahshua to cut off any other remaining negative spiritual or other negative impacts from that year and to completely cleanse me that i may start my life with You today afresh.
I ask all this in the Name of Yahshua Messiah Adonai.
NEXT YEAR Pray the same prayer for the previous year working backwards until the womb.
Note that even while in the womb and in the first year of life the spirit is still capable of receiving impacts and the mind can likewise hear and receive impacts, emotions, rejection, etc.
The above prayers with minor modification should therefore be prayed over the first year of life and over the nine month term in the womb. If you are aware of specific bad experiences to your mother or family while you were in the womb, such as assault, loss of near family, unwanted pregnancy, etc address these impacts specifically.
AFTER PRAYING OVER ALL YEARS After praying all the way back to the womb, pray the complete set of prayers again over your entire life for final cleansing.
Pray and cut off all blood line and other curses, etc from previous generations - Yahweh willing we hope shortly to provide a separate document on this.
CLOSING PRAYER Father i ask now in the Name of Yahshua Messiah Adonai that you will take me by the hand and teach me your truth, that you will teach me to be led by your Spirit every microsecond of every millisecond of every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year of every decade for the rest of my life and that you will help me to come to the place where my service to you is truly pleasing to you and brings joy to you and the great cloud of witnesses in heaven.
Father i commit to seeking to serve you in chesed (love) for the rest of my days with ALL my heart, ALL my mind, ALL my soul and ALL my strength that one day i may be found a "good and faithful servant", a wise steward and an overcomer.
Father, i ask you in the Name of Yahshua to judge me severely and correct me harshly moment by moment that i may serve you more perfectly for the rest of my days.
I ask all this in the Name of Yahshua Messiah Adonai, King of kings and Lord of lords.
Any negative or bad experience during life, but particularly during childhood, can contribute to the spiritual state that Scripture refers to as "hardening of the heart". We have been shown hardening of the heart as being like annular rings in the cross section of a tree.
The heart is at the very centre, as with the "heart of the tree". Each year additional spiritual "tissue" is built up around the heart. In a bad year or when there is a bad emotional, psychological or spiritual experience, a hard layer is built up. In a good year, a soft layer is built up.
The hard layers cause interference in the flow of information between the heart (the spirit) of the person and the soul or mind. This hardening of the heart makes it difficult to hear the Holy Spirit when He speaks to us and it also makes it difficult for our spirit's to receive the Word of Yahweh, teachings, etc.
This is particularly so if a particular event in life has put in place a hard layer that prevents or resists specific truths from penetrating. For example, a person who was forcibly told at age five that they are "stupid" and that they were born stupid and will never amount to anything may well find that this hard layer filters out all Scriptures which state that they are "created in the likeness and image of God" (Genesis 1:26-27) or that they are "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:13-16) or that they "have the mind of Messiah (Christ)" (1 Corinthians 2:16). This same filter may tell them that they cannot learn new things and that they will never change.
We have encountered a situation where this message was so forcibly impressed on the mind of a five year old girl by a person in authority in her life in a single incident, that even in her forties she was unable to change things that she knew were wrong according to the Word of Yahweh. Eventually i was shown the incident in a vision and she was able to renounce the lie and replace it with the truth about herself according to scripture. In this case, the Spirit of Yahweh called the inner vow or soul force that was in place a "death wish". She kept doing things that she KNEW would result in her proving herself to be stupid, simply because this massive spiritual / psychological force inside her was determined to prove that she has been born stupid and would never amount to anything!
It seems that virtually every person on earth has at least one, and frequently several bad experiences of this nature which, while they may not give rise to something as intense as the "death wish" referred to above, will nevertheless seriously inhibit their ability to hear Yahweh clearly and to apply His Word in their lives. These same inner vows create filters which prevent certain aspects of the Word of Yahweh being transmitted to the spirit of the believer making it very difficult for them to grow in Messiah and hinder the Holy Spirit from speaking to the believer in this area.
In the same way that i have been shown these rings of hardening appearing like tree rings in section, i have also been shown them as sort of spiritual and emotional jackets, that appear like thick tree bark, that encase the spirit and must be slit, peeled off and destroyed in order to open the heart to the truths of the Word of Yahweh.
This can also be viewed as being one dimension of "circumcising" the heart. Consider Deuteronomy 10:16 " "Therefore circumcise the foreskin of your heart, and be stiff-necked no longer." (NKJ); Deuteronomy 30:6 ""And the LORD your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your descendants, to love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may live." (NKJ) and Jeremiah 4:4 "Circumcise yourselves to the LORD, and take away the foreskins of your hearts, you men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem, lest My fury come forth like fire, and burn so that no one can quench it, because of the evil of your doings."" (NKJ). Consider also Colossians 2:11 "In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ," (NKJ).
Clearly, there is a Scriptural basis to speak of circumcising the heart. The metaphorical imagery of circumcision relates to cutting off an enveloping layer of unnecessary flesh which hinders the effective function of the underlying organ. This imagery is vivid and seems to clearly apply to the stripping away of the hardening referred to above. There are other dimensions to softening or circumcising of the heart but it is clear to us from recent first hand experience that systematically identifying and spiritually stripping away these layers of hardness is a vital component of sanctifying oneself to come to a point where one can truly serve Yahweh our Elohiym (God) with all our hearts, all our minds, all our soul and all our strength.
The following process is one that we were given for a specific situation. It almost certainly will require adaptation for other situations but is offered as a starting point.
It is recommended that this take place within the context of a more broad based sanctification process including full cleansing, preferably by shaving of the entire body (men) and all but the hair of the head (women) and separation, anointing of the entire body with wine prayed over to represent the Blood of Yahshua and Olive Oil prayed over to represent the Oil of the Holy Spirit, cleansing by immersion, etc. We hope to document these aspects shortly, Yahweh willing.
The following outline process is offered at this time:
1. List all negative events that may have contributed to hardening of the heart or to passivity of the mind for intervals of one calendar year at a time. Start at the current date and work back listing each calendar year. It is helpful to list where employed / at school, major relationships and other significant events in order to assist with the process of remembering specific negative events. Such events can include broken relationships, betrayal, child birth, academic achievements, buying a home, starting a business, failure of a business, bankruptcy, etc, etc.
2. If there is anyone you need to forgive and release, do so.
3. If there is anyone you need to speak to in order to forgive and release or ask forgiveness from, make a list to tend to as soon as possible. There are particular Scriptural principles that can be applied to ensure that forgiveness is solid and from the heart, these will, Yahweh willing, be documented shortly.
4. If there is anything you need to repent of to Yahweh - repent and receive forgiveness. If someone else - see above.
5. For each year speak out loud to all hardening of heart, mind and soul and all mental passivity and other mental aberrations that resulted. Renounce them, command them to bow the knee to the Name of Yahshua and ask the Father in the Name of Yahshua to utterly destroy them and set you free.
6. For each year speak to all hardening and visualise it as a ring of timber in a standing tree trunk and with a pointed flat hand pointing at your chest symbolically split it vertically down the breastbone and then symbolically grasp the two edges of the split cylindrical ring of timber and pull it open. Peel it off as though removing a stiff jacket. Throw it down, trample it underfoot and cast it into the lake of fire and brimstone to be utterly consumed. Speak these actions out as you execute them.
7. Ask the Father in the Name of Yahshua to soften your heart for that year and to give you a heart of flesh.
8. Give thanks and receive anything the Father may give you - grief, joy, peace etc.
9. Do the same for the next year progressing back to the date of birth and then do the same for the period in the womb from the moment of conception to final delivery.
10. Give thanks for your deliverance and praise and worship Yahweh as you feel led.
11. Claim healing and receive healing as led.
The above is very much in draft but will hopefully be of some assistance.

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