2002.08.D.04_Prophecy - The Big Bear & The Little Horn Created by James3 on 8/13/2019 10:00:58 PM Prophecy - The Big Bear & The Little Horn
This article presents a radically different perspective on the interpretation of certain end time prophecies regarding Gog and Magog to any we have encountered before.
Without expressing any opinion on the validity or otherwise of this interpretation please take note of the divergence of interpretation. We encourage you to be VERY open minded about interpretations of this nature and not to get locked into particular schools of thought.
We remain firmly impressed that Scriptural Prophecy is NOT given for fortune telling but ONLY that we may recognize events AS they unfold or once they have unfolded. The full revelation of prophecy will generally ONLY come once the prophecy has been clearly shown to be fulfilled OR at a somewhat earlier stage to alert prophets of the need to intercede or take other Spiritual action to bring prophetic events to pass.
Apart from that we should find in the types of prophecy analysed below words of EXTREME CAUTION lest, like the Pharisees and Sadducees of Yahshua's time, who were awaiting the coming of the Messiah, we mistake the signs because of insistence on pre-interpretation of prophecy.
What is becoming increasingly clear to us is that there is INDEED GREAT TRIBULATION taking place amongst committed believers and that tribulation is primarily spiritual although it IS manifesting also through finances, health, etc. This is primarily evident amongst those who are confronting the full spectrum of false doctrines which violate the ten commandments which are the ESSENCE of Torah and collectively make up the "mark of the Beast". Those who are comfortable with these false doctrines may not be aware of the tribulation since they are already blinded to the true faith.
At the end of the day, whether some or all of the interpretation presented below is valid, the most CRITICAL issue is our relationship with Yah through the covenant sacrifice of Yahshua (Yah is salvation). It is therefore vital that we draw close to Yah, no matter what the cost -- and the cost IS HIGH in the present age -- and seek to love Yah our Mighty One with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and our neighbours as ourselves.
We cannot afford the luxury of holding on to any doctrine which violates the commandments of Yah and this includes the full spectrum of Western pagan belief that is packaged under the general label of "Christianity". These issues include worshipping our denominations and dividing the Body, avoiding the use of the true Names of Yah and Yahshua, worshipping Yahshua instead of Yah, failing to observe the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath, failure to honour our parents, failure to honour the requirements of scripture regarding murder, cursing and swearing, adultery and fornication in all it's many guises including the doctrines which fail to recognize the sanctity of virginity and the reality that the act of taking a woman's virginity is THE ACT of marriage, false witness, including false doctrines, false advertising claims and all other forms of falsehood and all forms of covetousness.
This is where the REAL battle is being fought in this age. It MAY be accompanied by full blown wars of the sort referred to in the article that follows but we continue to be uncertain of this.
The bottom line?
Judge not lest thou also art judged.
Keep an open mind about the interpretation of Scriptural prophecy and seek to draw closer to Yah than you ever thought was possible.
And ....
don't get fussed about people with different interpretations to yours, we are all operating under deep darkness and none of us has all truth at this time. We do well to recognize this and not to enter into dispute with our brethren in the faith.
Warm regards and blessings
The Big Bear & The Little Horn
Have Israel And Russia Come To A Common Cause?
CHRISTIAN MEDIA - August 12, 2002
Because the false prophets of pre-tribulationism have widely conditioned the deaf, dumb, blind, and scripturally illiterate “evangelical” Christians into believing that Russia is destined to be the great power from the North that invades Israel in the last days, few can accurately see the reality of the political arena that has emerged in recent times. For the last 30 years or so, ever since the epic best seller The Late Great Planet Earth popularized the misidentification of Russia as the Gog and Magog of Ezekiel 38 that meets their Waterloo on “the mountains of Israel,” believers have been propagandized to see everything from the reality ruptured perspective of the rapturists.
The truth of the last day’s alignment of political power is decidedly different. While few Bible students have difficulty recognizing Russia as the “bear” kingdom of Daniel 7, they inconsistently fail to recognize that same “bear” is a crucial part of the final one world order of Revelation 13. In that passage, we see the global government of the Antichrist described as follows:
“And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” – Revelation 13:2
The components of these kingdoms are clearly drawn from the great vision of Daniel where we learn that
“These great beasts, which are four, are four kings [or kingdoms], which shall arise out of the earth….the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.” – Daniel 7:17,23
In these same passages, we find the “little horn” that plucks up three kingdoms of a ten member political alignment that is also described in Revelation. We have previously identified at least one layer of the ten kings as an Islamic confederacy comprised primarily of the Arab oil producing sheikhdoms associated with the globalist cartel known as OPEC — the so-called “revived Roman Empire” of the 15 member EC being yet another fiction fabricated by the legions of `Left Behind’ oriented leaders.
The modern state of Israel is “the little horn” that finds itself in military conflict with a significant portion of this group. While the identification of Israel as the little horn does not exhaust the prophecy (on another level the “little horn” is the Antichrist himself), this perspective plainly predicts that we will see Israel destroy (“pluck up”) at least 3 of her current Islamic opponents in the near future.
Meanwhile, because the Ezekiel 38 prophecies clearly show that the mysterious Gog and Magog will be utterly destroyed “with pestilence and with blood….an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone” (Ezekiel 38:22), the identification of Russia as Gog is impossible since Russia is an integral part of the beast empire of the Antichrist well after the invasion of Israel.
We have also previously identified “Gog” with the former Soviet republic of Georgia (read GeOrGia) – a Caucasus state presently aligning itself with America. While a detailed look at this identification is beyond the present commentary, we may also briefly note that the Georgian capitol Tblisi is cognate with the Tubal of the same Ezekiellian passage – even as the provincial name of the military base historically associated with that city is Mtzkheta – the Meschech found in the same prophecy.
The Georgians, under the CIA installed Edward Shevardnadze, have a significant contingent of Islamic militia in their midst in a place called the Pankisi Gorge (read GOrGe to see that name again). In this wild and lawless region of Georgia, the Moslem militants of Chechnya are regrouping with other Islamic forces (Afghani, Pakistani, Palestinian, Arabian, etc) as they have sought sanctuary from pursuing Russian troops. Pankisi is also said to be the home of significant Al Quaida militiamen with at least one knowledgeable observer theorizing that Osama Bin Ladin himself is headquartered there.
Because most modern Christian’s versions of history have been carefully sculpted by the false profits of American mercantile Christianity, they are completely oblivious to the fact that Russia fought against Georgia and Persia (an ally of “Gog” in Ezekiel) in a Moslem Jihad a century or so ago. In a war that lasted for over 30 years in the same region, Russia could not subdue the Moslems led by a legendary cleric named Shamyl the Avar.
To put it another way, the Islamic zealots of Chechnya have awakened the ghosts of trans-Caucasian conflict, and Russia is in no mood for friendly relations with Georgia or anyone else that aids and abets their longtime religious opponent. At the same time, the Russian Orthodox “Christians” are being brought closer and closer to the papal pretender in Rome – the same Pope that has gone to great lengths to come to a consensus of trust with the Jews of Jerusalem – thus building a theological bridge between Russia and Israel.
Tensions between Russia and Georgia are extremely high as I write these words. Less than a week ago, a group of 14 pro-Russian Chechen officials were killed in a rebel attack. As the Islamic fighters fled over the border into Georgia apparently seeking to make their way to Pankisi and relative safety, the Georgians arrested the wounded fighters – but refused to extradite them to Russia.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has personally demanded the Chechen Islamic fighters be immediately handed over to Moscow for punishment. Instead, the Georgian government asked the Kremlin to provide them with evidence that the Chechens had been engaged in any “terrorist” action. The fact that the rebels had entered the nation of Georgia illegally, armed, wounded, and with Russian military units in hot pursuit evidently didn’t convince the Georgians they might have been involved in some unsavory activity.
In view of the fact that the Shevardnadze government of Georgia is clearly under the control of Washington headed by our latest leader named George (read GeOrGe for yet another clue), and the Georgians are actually protecting the Islamic militants from the Russians, one can begin to see certain similarities to other conflicts and an emerging pattern.
The scenario of a militant force committing a violent act and then running for cover across a border where they are protected by parties claiming neutrality is not without precedent. For example, some time back Israeli units were similarly rebuffed by American “peacekeepers” stationed in Lebanon after yet another Islamic foray into Israel.
In that episode, US Marines were stationed in Lebanon on Israel’s Northern border in a United Nations sanctioned “peacekeeping” mission. Islamic Palestinian fighters attacked Israeli targets, and then fled to nearby Lebanon with the Israelis in hot pursuit. According to a written statement from General Robert H Barrow, commandant of the US Marine Corps, the US had
“sent its troops into Lebanon not to support and strengthen Israel's position in Lebanon, but to support and sustain the government of Lebanon in its own effort to regain control over its entire territory. US Marines are not there to help Israeli forces run down escaping Palestinians but to protect Lebanon and Lebanese from violence from all outsiders.”
One is tempted to ask the General why Islamic Palestinian gunmen were permitted to cross the American patrolled border into Lebanon, while the pursuing Israelis were rebuffed. Palestinians are not Lebanese and would thus qualify as “outsiders” to use the General’s own parlance. Ironically, this situation is completely analogous to the previous Russian example.
The interesting thing is the Israelis would certainly sympathize with the Russian position vis a vis Georgia’s refusal to let the military conclude their conflict. The ironic thing here is that in both scenarios, the attackers are the Islamics – Chechen and Palestinian. In both scenarios, the “neutral” corner the terrorists sought refuge in were adjacent nations controlled directly or indirectly by America. And finally, in both scenarios the party that was attacked and attempting to respond to the attack was rebuffed by the so-called “neutral” third party.
Thus, Israel and Russia have a common enemy in militant Islam, and even a common impediment to their successful eradication of that enemy in the form of the murky agenda found in American political ambiguity. The old game of claiming one is neutral and `I’m just doing my job’ might have worked at Nuremberg for some guard stationed at Treblinka, but it seems woefully inadequate in the face of a murderous military conflict – yet here is America’s power being utilized to defend the offenders.
If we honestly survey the political landscape of our time, we see that the most deadly enemy Israel faces is a multi-national web of Islamic zealotry that is heavily concentrated among the Southern flank of the trans-Caucasian states and North Africa. This is precisely the region described in Ezekiel 38.
When we realize that the Islamic members of the oil producing member states of OPEC and the full membership of OAPEC (the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries) are both comprised of 10 kings, we find direct scriptural support for Israel as the Little Horn that comes up “among them” (Daniel 7:8). And when we see the final “Beast” empire of Revelation 13 includes Russia, we can’t help but wonder why so many prophecy teachers are so far off the mark.
Furthermore, when we accurately identify these modern states and their true role in Bible prophecy, we encounter a virtual wall of silence from practically every wealthy and powerful “Christian” media ministry in North America. All we hear from the politicos and the pulpit is about America’s commitment to the `war on terrorism.’
And the more we read the Bible, the more we see verses that describe how the Christian church in the last days will be spiritually blind and a part of the great “falling away” from the truth of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ (II Thessalonians 2). We see many verses that seem to describe a religious people that have lost their way and become so comfortable in the world that they have become “rich and increased with goods” (Revelation 3:17). And what is really frightening is how the Bible tells us that virtually the whole world in the end times – including professing Christians -- will be like the people of Noah’s time – completely unaware that the most devastating destruction in the history of the world is about to begin.
-- James Lloyd
Copyright ©2002 Christian Media Network
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